jefkphotography · 5 months
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A metal cover with text on it, in The Netherlands.
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dipnotski · 1 year
Geert Lovink – İnternetimizi Geri Almanın Yolu (2023)
Sosyal medya diye bildiğimiz platformlar milyarlarca insanın gündelik rutininin büyük bir kısmını işgal ediyor. Bunu da adı üzerinde bir “ağ” gibi gündelik pek çok işlevi birbirine bağlayarak, denetleyerek, teşvik ederek ve hep daha fazlasını talep ederek yapıyor. Bu dijital ağ kültürünün hayatı kolaylaştırdığını ve hızlandırdığını iddia edenler kadar platformların arkasındaki iktisadi mantığa,…
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protoslacker · 2 years
We badly need a psychoanalytic understanding of the present, more than an economic one. The social production of loneliness, competitive behavior, and aggression are as real as economic exploitation.
Franco “Bifo” Berardi in interview with Geert Lovink at e-flux Notes. Mental Long Covid and the Techno-Social Unconscious: A Conversation with Franco “Bifo” Berardi
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leanstooneside · 10 days
Being too aggressive
- W
- M
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anikashw · 15 days
Reflecting on New Media Art
I draw inspiration from a variety of creative forms—anime, fanfiction, poetry, video editing, and music—all of which feed into my passion for creating. Anime’s emotional depth and stunning visuals captivate me, while fanfiction offers the chance to explore characters and stories in ways that feel personal and meaningful. Poetry is a space where I can express my emotions, putting into words what I often find hard to say.
One of my favorite artists, Waneela, creates pixel art that feels both scenic and soothing. The simplicity of the medium contrasts with the profound emotions it evokes, which I try to emulate in my own work. My love for video editing and motion graphics also ties into this—finding the right balance between music and visuals to move people deeply. Music itself is integral to my creative process, with Spotify always providing the soundtracks to my ideas.
In our fast-paced, dopamine-driven world of social media, I want my art to encourage people to slow down and truly feel. This connects with Natalie Diaz’s discussion of indigenous art, where creation becomes a radical act of autonomy and resistance. Like Diaz’s view of indigenous art challenging mainstream narratives, the media I love—like fanfiction and pixel art—exist outside the traditional art world but are no less impactful.
Similarly, Geert Lovink’s critique of how the term “art” can create boundaries resonates with me. The creative work I admire doesn’t always fit into predefined categories, but it challenges cultural norms and redefines what art can be. In my journey, I aim to contribute to this disruption, creating art that connects people on a deeper level, much like how Diaz views art as personal and political.
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didyouknow-wp · 2 months
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rtvideaal · 3 months
12.000 euro voor MFA Keijenborg
Keijenburgse Boys, TC Keislag en DIO kunnen terugkijken op een zeer geslaagde actie voor de Multifunctionele Accommodatie (MFA) tijdens de Keijenborgse Kermis. Op vrijdag 21 juli organiseerden de verenigingen, in samenwerking met Schutterij St. Jan, een speciaal optreden in de grote tent met artiesten Hendrik-Jan Lovink, Ferdi Jolij, Jelmer Overbeek en Cabrio. Daarnaast werden speciale…
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dmcreativestudio · 11 months
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Tactical Media
"what happens when the cheap 'do it yourself' media, made possible by the  revolution in consumer electronics and expanded forms of distribution (from  public access cable to the internet) are exploited by groups and  individuals who feel aggrieved by or excluded from the wider culture.  Tactical media do not just report events, as they are never impartial they  always participate and it is this that more than anything separates them  from mainstream media." (Lovink, Geert; Garcia, David)
"digital media archive of social movements appeared following the massive urban protests known as Gezi Park Resistance. By collectivizing knowledge and memory and operating as a space of empowerment bak.ma radicalizes the politics of the archive and indicates possibilities for creating a living memory of the social movements."
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raylastnamefarandi · 1 year
Week 4: 
Digital Community and Blogging: Tumblr Case Study
The public sphere is a theoretical construct that denotes the communal domain in which individuals convene to deliberate and recognize societal concerns and predicaments, and construct viewpoints regarding them (Kruse, Norris & Flinchum 2018, pp. 62-63). This is a forum for civic discourse and deliberation, wherein individuals are afforded the opportunity to articulate their perspectives and interact with fellow citizens in a democratic fashion (Browne 2018, pp. 16-17). The public sphere can manifest in diverse formats, including conventional media channels, virtual platforms, or communal assemblies (Browne 2018, pp. 13).
Blogging has become a major public sphere. Bloggers can impact public discourse by sharing their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives online (Lovink 2008, p. 1). Blogging lets people express themselves without media restrictions (Lovink 2008, p. 9). Moreover, it provides an opportunity for individuals to connect with others who share common interests. Lifestyle bloggers can share their experiences on various topics, while political bloggers can discuss current events (Lovink 2008, p. 185-187).
The culture of blogging pertains to collective concepts, convictions, conduct, and traditions of the community and it concept places great emphasis on the act of self-expression, honesty, and the sense of community (Kuo, Belland & Kuo 1017, p. 37-39). Engaging in activities such as commenting, sharing, and collaborating can facilitate the expansion of readership for bloggers. Individuals participate in virtual competitions and provide encouragement to each other's endeavors (Lovink 2008, p. 185) . The culture of blogging fosters communal engagement and public discourse.
Tumblr has played the major history of blogging. The microblogging and social networking platform enables its users to disseminate multimedia and brief blog entries (Chang, Tang, Inagaki & Liu 2014, p. 21). Tumblr offers a user-friendly interface, opportunities for customization, and a supportive community that caters to specific interests (Chang, Tang, Inagaki & Liu 2014, p. 21-22). Political and social justice movements have used Tumblr. Tumblr users shared Black Lives Matter materials, personal tales, and calls to action (McCracken, et. al 2020, pp. 302-306).
The platform of Tumblr serves as an illustration of the vernacular utilized within the platform and the participation of individuals within the public sphere. The reblogging and tagging features on Tumblr have given rise to a distinct language and style of communication within the platform (McCracken, et. al 2020, pp. 182-184). The utilization of gifs, memes, and other forms of visual media as a means of communication is subject to distinct cultural norms and practices (McCracken, et al. 2020, pp. 63-68). Discussions pertaining to politics and pop culture have been a subject of debate amongst users on Tumblr and  researchers have conducted studies on the influence of Tumblr on political participation and mobilization (McCracken, et. al 2020, pp. 175-179).
Browne, H 2018, Public sphere, in O’Donovan, O, Dukelow, F & Meade, R (eds), Cork University Press, Ireland.
Chang, Y, Tang, L, Inagaki, Y, Liu, Y 2014, ‘What is Tumblr: a statistical overview and comparison’, SIGKDD explorations, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 21-29.
Kuo, Y C, Belland, B. R, Kuo Y. T 2017, ‘Learning through Blogging: Students’ Perspectives in Collaborative Blog-Enhanced Learning Communities’, Educational technology & society, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 37-50.
Kruse, L. M, Norris, D. R, Flinchum, J. R 2018, ‘Social Media as a Public Sphere? Politics on Social Media’, Sociological Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 62-84.
Lovink, G 2008, Zero comments : blogging and critical Internet culture, Routledge, New York.
McCracken, A 2020, A Tumblr book : platform and cultures, in Cho, A, Stein, L. E, Hoch, I. N (eds), University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
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reneleijen · 2 years
Bestaat internet nog?
Niet volgens Geert Lovink, lector netwerkcultuur aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Volgens hem sterft internet uit. Was het ooit, midden jaren negentig, de bedoeling dat alle vijf miljard mensen op de wereld (meer dan ooit daarvoor) met elkaar konden communiceren, is internet anno 2023 alleen nog maar ‘een stroom van beelden’. Mensen maken geen kennis meer met elkaar, aldus Lovink. En gebruikers…
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ivduarter · 2 years
Profesor predice que Internet se acabará en todo el mundo: "Punto de no retorno"
'Extinction Internet' es un ensayo del profesor de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Ámsterdam (Auas) y de la Universidad de Ámsterdam Geert Lovink, que generó polémica al afirmar que el juicio final de Internet está más cerca de lo que podríamos pensar.  
La publicación explica que el precio que los usuarios suelen pagar por usar Internet es cada vez más alto, lo que se hará impagable y volverá la red un medio inviable. El costo, según él, es psicológico.
"Incluso los usuarios ‘normales’ tienen que pagar cada vez más un precio por nuestra gran dependencia de Internet y nuestra adicción a las redes sociales y las aplicaciones",
precisa en su escrito.
¿Y un precio psicológico en qué sentido? Dice que este va desde la dismorfia corporal -preocupación obsesiva por un defecto físico autopercibido- y los trastornos de ansiedad que sufren muchos jóvenes en la actualidad hasta la pérdida o disminución generalizadas de algunas funciones cognitivas a raíz de la tecnología. "Ciertas funciones críticas de nuestro cerebro se están externalizando. Nuestra memoria a corto plazo está empeorando, y nuestra atención está cada vez más fragmentada y dirigida de forma muy específica", se puede leer en la investigación.
Puede llegar un momento en que eso ya no sea posible, después de lo cual las consecuencias adversas ya no podrán controlarse
Por esta razón, opina que la red está en dirección "hacia un punto de no retorno y probablemente las grandes tecnológicas también sean ya conscientes de ello". Como ejemplo toma a Mark Zuckerberg, quien está alejándose cada vez más de las redes sociales para adentrarse en el metaverso.  Todo este análisis tiene como premisa preguntarse si es posible arreglar Internet o si es una causa perdida. Para Lovink, es claro que la respuesta más sensata es la segunda: "La gente empezará a rehuir la tecnología".
Además, cuestiona que la libertad de expresión exista, basado en el control cada vez más estricto de lo que se puede o no decir en el ámbito de Internet y teniendo en cuenta el acceso de las tecnológicas a los datos más personales de los usuarios: “Nuestra supuesta libertad de expresión ya no existe en realidad. Ya empezamos a ver indicios de que la gente publica cada vez menos sus opiniones”.
Así las cosas, la conclusión a la que llega el experto es que es posible que la humanidad se aburra de la red, o que la deje de lado por su propio bien; un escenario optimista si se tienen en cuenta las desventajas que él presenta al respecto de este medio: "Podrían surgir programas informáticos diferentes u otras construcciones que nos hicieran menos dependientes”.
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mferlin · 2 years
• Den sista gåvan, Abdulrazak Gurnah • De döda, Christian Kracht • Konkurrens till döds, Michel Houellebecq • Tiden och den fria viljan, Henri Bergson • Hitom himlen, Stina Aronsson • Gilgamesheposet • Fortellinger fra Odessa, Isaac Babel • Kannibalernas maskerad, Alf Hornborg • Nature´s economy: a history of ecological ideas, Donald Worster • Stuck on the Platform: Reclaiming the Internet, Geert Lovink • Beat! Poesi och prosa från beatgenerationen, Gunnar Harding • Skogen og elva. Om Anselm Kiefer og kunsten hans, Karl-Ove Knausgård • Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life, George Monbiot • The rape of man and nature, Philip Sherrard • Alone of all her sex, Marina Warner • Story of the eye, Georges Bataille • En kvinnas frigörelse, Édouard Louis • Det tredje riket, Karl-Ove Knausgård • Jag faller som en sten genom tiden genom livet, Åke Smedberg • Norrtullsligan, Elin Wägner • Djuriska, Johan Espersson • Kugghjul, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa • Vem dödade min far? Édouard Louis • Hunter i Huskvarna, Sara Stridsberg • The philosophy of food, David M. Kaplan
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leanstooneside · 1 year
Mule kick
• William Poundstone’s
• Dan Waber
• W. Morrow
• S
• Maya
• Ben Fry: http://benfry.com/tendril/ 12 Solt
• W
• Muller
• Geoffrey Hlibchuk
• Laurel
• Theo Aartsma
• Lorenzo Oggiano
• Smith
• Jenny Holzer’s
• Donald Knuth’s Punk
• Abbot Miller's
• Noah WardripFruin
• Typography
• Mitchell
• MS Word
• Douglass
• Updated ed
• C
• Lorenzo Oggiano’s Quasi
• James
• ed
• Gen Series.Eduardo
• Ben Fry's
• Thompson
• Morris
• Miller
• Nocera
• Peter Cho
• Camille Utterback’s
• W. J
• Sydney
• M
• Lorenzo Oggiano’s
• Steve McCaffery
• Mark Batty
• G
• Clarke
• Matthew Kirschenbaum’s Lucid
• U
• Karsten Schmidt
• H
• Jon M. Tolman
• Gil
• Jerry Fodor
• Schmidt
• Eduardo Kac
• Francisco J. Ricardo Literary
• Jenny Holzer
• markmaking
• J
• Berger
• Camille Utterback’s Written
• Jeffrey Shaw’s The
• Kreit
• Sampson
• Lovink
• Yang
• Mary Ellen
• Kurt Schwitters
• On Jack Spicer
• Francisco Ricardo
• David
• Reichard
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• E
• Robert Bowen TextScapes
• Manovich
• K
• Jay David
• Pierre et Ilse Garnier
• Lori Emerson
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• Zhou
• Bryce
• Platoni
• Ben Fry’s Tendril
• Peter Campbell
• André Vallias
• Christopher Funkhouser
• Donald Knuth
• H. Liveright
• Matthew G. Kirschenbaum
• Marino
• Kelly
• Theo Aartsma14
• B. n.d
• P. Eds
• Williams
• Willis
• clayfinger
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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didyouknow-wp · 2 months
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rtvideaal · 3 months
Hendrik Jan Lovink en Ferdi Jolij samen op Kermis Keijenborg voor MFA
Op vrijdag 21 juni, de vrijdagavond van de Keijenborgse Kermis, slaan MFA Bronckhorst Midden en Kermis Keijenborg de handen ineen. Achterhoekse topartiesten Hendrik Jan Lovink en Ferdi Jolij treden samen met de band Cabrio en ‘local hero’ Jelmer Overbeek op in de Grote tent op de Keijenborgse Kermis. De uiteindelijke opbrengsten gaan naar de nieuwe Multi Functionele Accommodatie. Op de…
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