#lower the retirement age grandparents should not be working
beeben · 5 months
Crazy to me how ppl judge their decision making on whats illegal and what's not versus whats dangerous and whats not
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bbyblackcat · 2 years
my opinion on why birth rates are falling. And surprise woman getting abortions is not the reason.
for me to explain my point i need to take you back to 1963, when my grandparents had their first of 3 children. My grandfather worked as an electrician and would work regular hours and do side jobs to make a little extra $ on the side, my grandmother on the other hand never worked and was a stay at home wife and became a stay at home mom when they started having kids. They lived in a beautiful house in the city with a big back yard a big separate garage, they ate good meals, had nice clothes, had toys and other things for the kids no issue. they bought the house for $13,800 and today the same house is worth over 2 million. 
you see up until recently living with a 1 income family was 100% doable someone works and someone takes care of kids (i mean if that was what you wanted back then there were plenty of stay at home wives that had no kids for different reasons all valid) 
My parents had me in 1994 and it was impossible for them to have someone stay with me so i spent my childhood either in daycare or with my grandparents 
and today people my age who are the people who should be having kids arent and do you know why? because were having to work 40+ hours a week to just scrape by and dont want to have to pay strangers to raise our kids if we cant do it we might as well not do it at all. Alot of people i know also arent having kids because of how expensive it is. where i live diapers are all over $40 a box if you have kids you know how many boxes you might need so you know thats a huge bill over time. 
for the first time we cant move up in jobs because the elderly are keeping their jobs for longer than ever before because they either dont want to stop working because being at home is to boring or they cant afford to retire. so my generation is stuck. When i worked at a big grocery store chain in canada almost all the full time positions were taken by people over the age of 60 yeah we were allowed to work 40 hours for 16 weeks before getting our hours cut to prevent us from getting the full time status but that means we were working with a part time wage as the minimum wage is lower than what they pay the full time people and we get no benefits at all. 
Abortion is not the reason the birth rates are falling its because not as many people are wanting kids. I grew in a house where both my parents had to work for us to live and it was really hard getting to see the kids that had a better financial situation getting to spend all this time with their families on vacations and knowing that my parents wouldnt get home until after 5pm and then they would be to tired to do anything and thats not how they wanted my life to be but for us to have a house to live in and food thats what needed to be done
and i dont know if i want children if i cant be there to raise them, i dont want for my kids what i had where my parents were never around because they were always working i want to be there for them. but the reality is i dont think that can ever happen for me. 
so before you blame women running to get abortions you need to think about all the other reasons and look at how much the world has changed. were not in the same time thats just a fact. 
and these law makers think taking away safe abortion and birth control will correct the fact that there isnt enough people to fill all the job positions when were old. People cant even take time to heal and be with baby before having to go back to work because they cant afford to..... it has nothing to do with abortion and birth control 
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mooniefics · 4 years
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— the hands that beckon me
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pairing : zeke jaeger / reader
word count : 1.9k
tags : emotional hurt / comfort, relationship discussion, pillow talk, insecure zeke :(
summary : zeke is finally home, on a brief layover from the war, and you both finally get around to having that tough discussion you've been putting off for far too long.
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— originally posted 1 / 21 / 21 on ao3 —
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"what do you do while i'm gone?"
your skin was still hot from being pressed over his when he asked, thrumming with a warmth you hadn't felt yet craved so deeply for months. you turned to face him from your place on your back in bed, pressing into his side, peering curiously at his profile. you'd missed seeing him like this, out of his ironed, pristine uniform, hair messy from your fingers running through it, sharp features warmed with the flush of passion, unobscured by his glasses, eyes and voice sleepy and relaxed rather than alert and tight with self-awareness.
"what do you mean?" your reply was soft, almost playful to counter his matter-of-fact delivery, reaching out to draw your fingers across his firm, bare chest.
"i mean what keeps you busy? what do you do for fun?"
the war with the mid-east allied forces had been dragging on for just about two years now, and there seemed to be no end in sight, but after the marleyan army managed to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat on foreign soil, the news came to your internment zone that the soldiers would be returning on a brief layover as the countries' political leaders decided whether or not they'd be willing to smooth things over in a more peaceful manner.
this afternoon you had been there at the gates with his grandparents, barely able to stand still beside them as all three of you waited wordlessly with baited breath, balancing up on your tiptoes, straining to peek over the crowd to catch a glimpse of him. while others were stood by with looks of unmasked dread—men with clenched jaws and stiff shoulders, women with tears brimming their eyes, children tugging at sleeves and already crying with impatience—you felt an uncontainable joy. it was humbling to look around at all the panicked faces, to remember that not every family had the luxury of your confidence, the almost guaranteed certainty that the one you loved would return. but you couldn't help the blinding smile that broke out across your face as he ambled through the crowd, tired, well-kept, but looking warmly down at you and his family.
you had let him to greet them first, they were his blood relatives after all, but only after he'd finished giving his grandmother a tight hug and exchanging affectionate words did you allow yourself to throw your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder and breathing in his rich scent of gunpowder, pine, just a faint hint of cigarettes, melting easily into his strong embrace. you and zeke had wandered back alongside the older couple to their home, sharing a calm, easy dinner where zeke relayed what information he could to them about the status of the ongoing battle, but you were just itching to have some time to yourself with him.
you'd spent hours cleaning your quaint little home a few streets down, agonizing over every little detail despite how you knew he didn't mind whatever state it was in, just that you were there. and as soon as you'd both said your friendly goodbyes and made it through the door of your home, he was pulling you along to the bedroom, legs having memorized the path of weaving through the living room and kitchen and down the hall to the door on the left.
he was impatient, as he always was when he was tugging you out of your clothes, but sensual all in the same when he pressed his lips onto yours, murmured soft, longing words in your ear, hands squeezing and grabbing, reacquainting themselves with your soft figure. you both didn't last long—how could you when you were so eager—but felt satisfied all the time after everything was said and done, lowering back onto the mattress, flushed and panting, a faint sheen of sweat shimmering over your skin. his question just now had puzzled you. it was simple, but you knew it hid something deeper, he'd never asked something of that nature in all the time he'd been coming back and going away.
"well.. not much really. i go to work at the jewelry shop, have tea with your grandmother on thursdays, wander around the market if i feel up to it, help mary from down the street with her boys if she needs it."
you faltered at the mention of her, not remembering whether you'd seen her husband when you'd met with zeke at the entrance to the zone. you forced yourself not to frown. how selfish of you, you didn't even bother to check on her before you allowed yourself to be whisked away for the night.
he seemed to notice your sudden dismay, wrapping a comforting arm around you as he spoke, "you mean aksoy?" you nodded. "he made it back on the train alright. drunk off his ass, but alive."
you breathed a small sigh of relief, offering up a small smile at him. "good to hear."
and though his lips curled back in a similar expression, it didn't quite reach his eyes, and you only felt further perturbed by how his gaze briefly flickered elsewhere. "why do you ask?" you prompted, fingers trailing up his neck to rest at his jaw, gently turning him to face you again.
"just curious, is all.."
you could sense that he was lying, but about what you didn't quite know. "come on, zeke, we've known each other since we were kids. you don't think i know when you're hiding something?"
he hummed, the corners of his eyes creasing as an easy, genuine grin graced his features. "i apologize for underestimating your lie detecting skills."
you couldn't help but giggle softly at his words, thumb stroking over his warm cheek, body fitting perfectly against his. he was really here. finally, after all this waiting, he had come back to you, even if only for a few weeks that would surely fly past in an instant.
"i don't really know how to say this.." he seemed uncharacteristically sheepish, grey eyes traversing over your face, onto a far wall of the room, then up to the ceiling for a brief moment before it finally wandered back to you, "i guess you could say it started with me feeling a bit guilty, leaving you here all by yourself."
"i can bear the wait, you know that. as long as i know that i'll get to see you." for now, came the silent addendum.
he had three years left, barely a quarter remaining in his term, but you didn't broach the topic, and he seemed just as content putting off the discussion as you were. your relationship was easy, in a sense. there was never any squabbling over when the two of you would move in, or when he would retire from his position and settle down, milestones such as marriage and children were never issues. but there were days where you wished they were, though you'd never admit it.
just like how you'd never admit to the warm burn of envy that sparked to life when a man came into the shop you worked at searching for a ring for his partner, a spark that inevitably gave way to a cool emptiness settling deep into your chest, swallowing up your heart and balling an uncomfortable lump in your throat by the time you'd helped him choose out just the perfect jewel and sent him on his way.
"i know that, but," he swallowed, licking his lips, "sometimes i'm afraid that you're getting bored."
"bored?" the word felt strangely odd on your tongue, your own eyes blinking at him.
"bored." he reaffirmed, frowning slightly as he continued, "you see other people your age—our age—every day, don't you? when you go to the market, when you're at work, hell, even when you're spending time with your friends, you see people with lives, with structure." you knew the exact words that were coming next, but the impact of them hurt all the same. "people who don't have the thought of how time is running out hanging over their head."
it was you who turned away this time, feeling your lower lip tremble, eyes suddenly watering despite how you wished not to cry. all those complicated feelings you'd pushed down in favor of relishing in your feigned ignorance, of pretending that zeke was just a normal soldier with normal duties who was just lucky enough to come back each time. you'd always politely brushed your friends off when they'd pestered you of the absence of a ring on your finger, asking when you'd have children of your own rather than always being there to help them take care of theirs, you swept their concerns aside with a rehearsed smile because you didn't want to come to terms with the fact that you wanted those things for yourself.
the pill of zeke's looming mortality was hard enough to swallow on its own, all without mentioning how the love you shared was so rich yet so fleeting, fruitful yet futile all at once. you had no words to offer him, but your silence seemed to be enough of a reply, a forlorn, almost remorseful look settling over his handsome features.
"perhaps— perhaps you should search for someone else." you felt your stomach knot and twist, sorrow bubbling up like a geyser from below, biting at your cheek as to not let your shaky breaths spill from your mouth, "you're beautiful, it would really be no trouble at all for you to find someone—someone who can give you a good life. a fulfilling life."
"but.. there's still time left, isn't there?" your voice was quiet, thick with restrained tears, "there's still time for us."
"it isn't fair to you."
"it wouldn't be fair to you either if i left now." your brows knitting together, expression strained as you felt warmth trickle down your face, dripping down your chin onto his shoulder. "do you want me to leave?"
he looked away, hesitating just enough to make more droplets bead at your lashes before he shook his head, drawing a crooked finger across your cheek to catch a few stray tears. again, that disdain at your own selfishness came. he was worried for you, ruminating own his own impending death, trying to soften the blow of it for you at the expense of his own happiness, yet all you could do was cry at the thought of parting with him in any voluntary way.
"you're the one i want." you whispered, sniffling, "i knew what i was getting into at the start of all this, the things that i would miss, the things i would have to give up on, but they can wait. i can't be without you, not if i know that i can spend a single moment longer like this, loving you."
the sun had sank low in the sky, light abandoning the two of you in the dark of your room, alone with your shared, trembling breaths, his frown and distant eyes, your tears and imploring gaze. you felt weary in many ways as you allowed yourself to settle back onto his chest, closing your eyes at the feeling of his arm tightening its grasp around you, holding you close, a silent plea to stay just as you were.
he didn't speak, not another word of uncertainty exchanged, but you knew that he understood. he was here, and as long as that was the case you would always wait, keep turning down the hands that beckoned you, rescind your domestic desires for the sake of clinging to this one rare, importunate, lovely thing you had—clinging to him.
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dc41896 · 4 years
Family Affair
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Pairing: Ransom DrysdalexBlack Reader
⚠️: Harsh words from a very despicable family, fluff
“No, absolutely not.”
“Ransom come on-,”
“I said no and that’s my final answer,” he states attempting to return his attention to the newspaper in his hands until you pull it from his grasp. Standing in front of him with arms crossed, he sighs knowing you were far from letting the topic go.
“Ransom I’m not saying you have to give away the Beemer. I’m just saying we might want to look into getting a more family friendly car that a child can actually fit in comfortably.”
“What about your car? It’s fine.”
“You’re right it is. But poopie isn’t always going to be with me, which is why your car should also be safe for them.”
“You know, we’ve been going back and forth about this yet we haven’t even asked the person who’s gonna be riding in the car,” he replies scooting forward, gently grabbing your sides coming closer to your recently visible bump. “What do you say? You think daddy should retire the Beemer?”
Ear pressed against your stomach, you fail trying to hide your giggle as he pretends to listen to your unborn child.
“They said that they see nothing wrong with daddy’s car. Oh and they would rather you not call them poopie.”
“Fine Ransom, do whatever you want about the car,” you sigh giving back his crumpled paper before moving to step over his leg. You feel his grip tighten as you’re brought down to sit on his lap and his lips peck your neck.
“Alright alright, if it’ll make you like me again I’ll look into another car. I’m telling you now though, I’d walk everywhere before I buy a minivan.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” you laugh. “There is something else I want to talk to you about though.”
“...I think it’s time to tell your parents.”
His body tenses under you and jaw clenches as he now focuses on your stomach with thumb gliding back and forth over your belly button. Every time you brought up anything dealing with his family that tended to be his reaction, silence paired with an unspoken disdain as if you mentioned his worse enemy.
“Y/N you know how I feel about that.”
“I know but it’s their first grandchild-,”
“It could be their 10th grandchild and I still wouldn’t want them near us.”
“I just don’t want them feel like they missed out on anything and then get even more pissed.” Hands caressing his face, you kiss his lips before meeting his intense blue eyes.
“See how you’re thinking about their feelings? Actually being a decent human being who’s caring and beautiful inside and out? They’re nothing like that and exactly why I don’t want you, or our child, in the same room as them.”
“I get you’re looking out for us, but I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“I’m not saying you can’t but Y/N, I’m telling you my family is not the kind where you can warm their cold hearts like some kids movie. I just hope you fully get that.”
“I’m not expecting them to join hands and break out in song like they’re straight out the sound of music. I just want them to know Ransom,” you answer.
He still didn’t want to do it, but he could see your point. The least you both could do was let them know so they couldn’t turn things back on you saying you hid their grandchild from them. Releasing a long breath through his nostrils, he lowers your hands kissing the inside of your wrists.
“Okay, we’ll tell them. But that’s all they need to know.”
“Okay, and you try not to worry,” you smile resting your forehead against his. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”
“For both of your sakes, I hope you’re right,” he responds rubbing your belly.
The entire car ride to his grandfather’s estate, Ransom was quiet staring straight ahead at the road. He was irritable the whole morning as he trudged back and forth throughout the house getting himself ready. This followed in the car where he simply turned on the radio not uttering a word and leaving you watching the autumn trees pass outside. You know it was all due to his nerves for what was to come and wished there was something you could say to instantly reassure him. Instead though, you simply took his free hand in yours kissing his knuckles.
It was a small gesture, but you wanted to show him you were there.
“Thank you,” he speaks just above a whisper gently squeezing your hand back before placing it on your thigh. Soon after, an older yet well kept looking house became closer in sight causing you to awe in its vintage beauty.
Really calling it a house wouldn’t do it justice. It was like a mini mansion with all the windows that lined the second level and reminded you of a small section of the hogwarts dormitories from the pointed rooftops.
“It’s not as great as it looks,” he says parking the car. “It creaks so loud you can probably hear it outside, gets drafty at night, and some of the furniture has that stale smell you can’t seem to get rid of no matter what you do to it.”
Guiding his chin to look at you, you lean closer capturing his lips with yours as his hand finds the back of your neck holding you close until both of you need to breathe.
“Try to relax, okay?” He nods with a soft smile letting you go so you both can make your way towards the front door.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me. It was only supposed to be my parents and grandpa, not the whole family!” It wasn’t until now being halfway to the front steps that you both noticed the extra cars near the front of the house.
“You’d think they’d respect this one wish-,”
“Hey it’s okay. Yea we have more of an audience now, but we’ll be fine. Maybe somehow this’ll work out better for us?”
“Darling you really are too naive at times,” he sarcastically smiles.
“And you can be the biggest grouch I’ve ever met, but I still love you,” you reply mimicking his expression before kissing his cheek as he chuckles.
His arm barely extended enough to reach the knob before the door swung open revealing a middle aged man with white hair and a style similar to Ransom’s from the sweater under his open fleece jacket and jeans over deck shoes.
“Good thing you still look the same after a year or else we wouldn’t know you at all,” he states with arms crossed in front of him.
“Hello father, lovely to see you too.”
“Still as sarcastic as ever too. And who do we have here?”
“Oh I’m Y/N, nice to meet you Mr. Drysdale,” you sweetly smile holding out your hand which he shakes with an amused look painted on his face.
“So this is the special guest we’ve been waiting on,” he grins. “And please call me Richard.”
“Speaking of I thought we agreed it was only gonna be us. Why is the whole family here?”
“Walt came by to talk business with your grandfather so of course Donna and Jacob followed behind. Joni came when she found out everyone else was here because she didn’t want to be ‘left out’,” a lady not far behind Walt in age explains, heels clicking against the hardwood as she approaches the door in her mauve colored suit looking every bit as rich as you’d imagine someone to look. “Richard are you gonna let them in or keep them outside the entire time?”
“Oh sorry, come in,” he motions stepping aside letting the both of you enter.
Although a bit cluttered with the eccentric knickknacks collected by the family over time, it was still just as beautiful inside as it was out, if not more.
“So I’m guessing you’re here to tell me you’re playing house with my son?,” she asks taking a drink from her glass.
“Um well technically yes, but-,”
“Jesus let them sit down first Linda,” Richard shakes his head leading you to the couch as Ransom follows close behind. Of course being the stranger in the house all eyes were on you as you sat down. “So Y/N, what’s your poison?”
“I’ll actually just take water, thank you.”
“Joni, Walt, Donna, Jacob, this is Ransom’s guest Y/N, Y/N these are Ransom’s aunts, his uncle, and youngest cousin,” Linda points respectively before sitting in front of you with legs crossed.
“So what do we owe the pleasure of this little visit Ransom? Need more money from Harlan to do God knows what on some private island?,” Joni chuckles sipping from her wine glass.
“Actually my business here is with my parents which has nothing to do with neither of you leeches,” Ransom quips placing an arm around your shoulder.
“Oh very classy. Y/N I may not know you, but I’d really advise you to get out from under this one as soon as you can,” Walt replies sitting on the arm of his wife’s chair.
“No ‘may not’, you don’t know her, so what makes you think you’re in the position to give her advice of any kind?”
“Okay boys enough,” Linda interjects with a raised hand. “Ransom what’s going on?”
In perfect timing, Richard walks in setting your water down in front of you before sitting in the empty chair next to a waiting Linda who seemed like the type not liking to do so.
“Go ahead,” Ransom whispers in your ear giving a reassuring nod as you sit up a bit straighter with hands clasped in your lap.
“Well, Linda and Richard, we wanted to meet with you to let you know that you’re gonna be grandparents.”
Just staring at you unimpressed with your announcement, you feel your stomach sink disappointed in their lack of enthusiasm or any reaction really.
“Here we go again,” she lowly grins swallowing the last of her brown liquor. “Listen honey you seem like a nice girl, but do you know how many of that boy’s ex’s or random hookups have come here saying the same thing expecting a check from us?”
“Unlike all of those other girls, which it was only four, she’s serious,” Ransom adds.
“Four too many if you ask me,” Joni mumbles.
“Well no one did so why are you still here?!”
“Mrs. Drysdale-,”
“It’s Linda or Mrs. Thrombey-Drysdale dear,” she corrects refilling her glass.
“Linda I’m not here looking for some handout. I just wanted the both of you to know that Ransom and I are expecting so you’d be in their life.”
“How do you know it’s his?,” Richard asks causing both you and Ransom to turn your heads looking as if he’d cursed you using every word under the sun.
“Excuse me?”
“Like Linda said, you seem like a nice girl but we have to make sure we’re not just falling for the innocent farm girl routine here.”
“Plus with you kids now and your wild live free ways, it’s a valid question I’d say,” Donna states making your blood boil to levels you’d never experienced before.
“Yes Ransom is the father. Would you like me to tell you where and when we had sex too so you can add it up yourselves?”
“Hey no need to get an attitude with us,” Walt says trying to calm an apparently offended Donna. “As you know this is a prominent family with assets we’re just trying to protect. Plus think of our patriarch. Bringing all this drama to him in his old age and with his ailments might send the poor man to the hospital.”
“Look I understand, trust me I do. But Ransom is literally right here with me which should be proof enough everything I’m saying is true.”
“And it would be if we knew Ransom wasn’t money hungry and trying to make sure his inheritance was still intact,” Linda says peering over her cup.
“I started my own writing company with the money I had left getting NOTHING MORE from grandpa. I literally said screw my inheritance before I stormed out last year and never came back!,” Ransom yells becoming more frustrated as well.
“People’s minds can change,” Jacob quietly speaks making you scoff before standing up to walk out the room.
“Oh, and before I go,” you start, lifting your sweater just enough so everyone could see your bump. “It’s a real bump. No fake belly or anything if that was the next question.” You didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything more, not even Ransom to stop you from leaving, before you rushed out the room through the kitchen to wherever your feet would guide you.
“Couldn’t leave it alone could you?,” Ransom sighs.
“Well maybe we wouldn’t have to do all that if you would’ve kept it in your pants in the past!,” Linda shouts as Ransom just shakes his head.
“All that booze is really getting to your head,” he chuckles to himself standing to his feet. “Those other girls all came by themselves, wrote letters, or emails claiming those things. Not one did I sit there with them letting them spew lies because I KNEW THEY WERE LYING!”
“Well if this one’s so different, why has it taken a year for us to meet her?!”
“BECAUSE OF THIS!! This dysfunction I’ve had to deal with that I didn’t want to subject my wife or unborn child to!”
“Wife?,” everyone asks at the same time looking as if he’d just grown a second head.
“Yes, my wife. We got married six months ago.”
“Jesus, Ransom,” Richard groans running a hand over his face. “There was a prenup involved right?”
“She offered to sign one, but I said no. Because unlike your marriage, we can trust each other.” Pushing past his father, he follows your steps through the kitchen and eventually out to the enclosed veranda hearing your sniffles.
“I know. You’re here to tell me I told you so and how being a grouch isn’t a bad thing because it avoids your feelings getting hurt,” you softly speak looking down to your belly as your hands cradle the small protrusion.
“No,” he answers sitting beside you kissing your temple. “I just came to check on you.”
“I’ve calmed down, but I just want to go home and go to bed. Oh and you were right about this place being creaky.”
“I’ve told them these floors need to be replaced,” a deep voice announces startling the both of you. The elderly man slowly makes his way to the chair across from you sighing in content as he sits down. “So I hear a new member of the family will be joining us soon.”
“Yea, around May or June. Grandpa this Y/N, my wife. Y/N this is grandpa Harlan,” Ransom introduces as the two of you shake hands.
“Nice to meet you. I apologize for my children’s behavior, they can be-,”
“Rude and outright inconsiderate,” you interrupt quickly slapping your hand over your mouth realizing you just said that out loud. “I’m sorry, it slipped out.”
“It’s quite alright, and in fact true,” he chuckles. “Don’t worry about them though, if you both need anything at all just let me know.”
“That’s nice of you gramps, but this baby is our responsibility. We don’t need any assistance.”
“That’s very commendable of you two, but I don’t want that child going without anything he or she needs to save your ego. Just know I’ll personally be here to help any way I can.”
You could see why Ransom always wanted to be by his grandfathers side. He might’ve had his stern moments from the stories you heard, but overall he was caring and actually gave people chances rather than immediately dismissing them. It made you wonder what happened to the rest of the family for them to turn out so different.
“Thank you Harlan. We really appreciate everything, but especially you just being there for us,” you smile walking over to hug his shoulders making the old man chuckle being caught off guard by your affection.
“You’re very welcome. And you little one,” he directs toward your stomach, “yes you’re coming into a, well...complicated family, but you have the power to determine what reaction your name brings. Whenever you need to be reminded of that, your parents and I will be here.”
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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shadowgeist-stars · 3 years
Kitagawa First: So Heavy the Crown
It should've been like any other Monday. Toru and Iwaizumi should've gone about their day off from practice as they usually did. He'd brought his nephew home and the two had intended to get something to eat together.
They should not have seen Tobio, of all people, standing in the cemetery.
It was already unlike him to be away from practice with the other crows this early in the afternoon. Especially wearing an oversized jacket vaguely similar to what they wore back in middle school. The strange hoodie he wore was familiar, but somehow not quite right; it even looked a little big for him.
“What in the world is he doing out here?” Iwaizumi wondered.
“Let’s go check it out,” Toru suggested with a smile. This could be a perfect opportunity to learn something about their former junior.
He was talking, they realized as they drew close. To himself, most likely, but Toru decided to take the stealthy route to hear exactly what Tobio was saying.
“I didn’t make it to Shiratorizawa like you did… but I think I still found a good team… At least, I hope you’d like them. Shiratorizawa might be too different from when you were there anyway… I still think about what you told me, back then… how if I got really good at volleyball, someone even better would come find me. I thought I found that person in middle school where you used to coach… But I guess it didn’t work out how I hoped…”
A small pang in Toru’s stomach told him that was probably about him. He was able to look at the name on the gravestone Tobio stood in front of, though, as well as the birth-to-death dates.
Kazuyo Kageyama… 1936-2010… sounds like a grandparent. And a volleyball coach, as well? Hmm... Volleyball must simply run in the family.
“But now, I think I found someone who is like what you were saying,” Tobio continued to the gravestone. “He may not look like much. He’s short, super annoying, and kind of a dumbass… but he’s the fastest and highest-jumping spiker I’ve ever seen… And sometimes, he’s the best friend someone like me could ask for.”
His head eventually lowered, his body starting to curl in on itself like he was going to fall to his knees. The third years almost thought they were starting to hear him sniffle.
“I just wish you could meet him, and everyone else… I think you’d like meeting them all. Sugawara and Asahi and Daichi… All the second years like Noya and Tanaka… maybe even Tadashi and Tsukishima and our managers and our coach and Mr. Takeda…” He crumbled to the ground with a sob. “I just… I miss you, Grandpa. More than Miwa or our parents. I have ever since…”
That was when the name finally clicked. Kazuyo Kageyama was the old coach of the infamous local ladies volleyball team, the Kitagawa Birds, who was forced into retirement due to illness. If both Tobio and this Miwa were related to him and he taught both of them volleyball from a really young age, it would’ve made sense that Kageyama would be such a good player so early on. And since the date said he died during Tobio’s second year in middle school… that had to have hit him hard.
Possibly… hard enough to make him into what Kunimi and Kindaichi called “the King of the Court.”
Iwaizumi took a small step closer, flinching when he stepped on the grass in just the right way that would make noise. Enough noise for Tobio to flinch away from the source and twist backward to see them both standing there. And more importantly, for them to see the tears starting to dribble down his face.
“Uh-um… what are you two doing here?” he asked, trying to clean his face with his sleeve (most likely to be his grandfather’s jacket).
“We’d ask you the same thing, but we heard enough to answer for us,” Toru replied. “Please, don’t let us stop you.”
Iwa slapped him on the back of the head. “Ignore him. We were just wondering what you were doing away from your team in a place like this.” His eyes scanned the gravestone once more, guiding Tobio into a position where the three could sit together. “You never really told any of us about your grandfather back in middle school, did you Kageyama?”
The first year shook his head.
“Didn’t think so… Well, if you’re feeling up for it with your old upperclassmen… care to share?”
Tobio drummed his fingers on top of one another for about a minute, before nodding slowly.
“Alright, let’s start small. Was your Grandpa the, uh… reason, why you got into volleyball?”
Tobio looked to his grandfather’s grave. “Sort of. He and my sister, Miwa, would always tell me about how I managed to get my hands on her volleyball when I was… a baby… and how I didn’t wanna let go of it. That might’ve been where it all started, but since Grandpa is the only one I really remember raising us, we’d both usually be with him when he was coaching the Kitagawa Birds, playing with some of the ladies, helping them practice, or just passing a ball to each other in a corner of the gym or practicing ourselves with the wall.”
The small story piqued Toru’s interest. Frankly, he found the mental image adorable, seeing a baby Tobio holding onto a volleyball and somehow keeping a grip on it with hands no bigger than the end of his thumb. His memory might be a little faded, but something similar could’ve happened with his nephew Takeru. And Tobio Kageyama, not actually being an only child… He couldn’t help wondering if that sister of his looked all that similar.
Iwaizumi seemed to like how it was going so far. “Okay. We remember you wanted to go to Shiratorizawa even back in middle school. Did your Grandpa have something to do with that?”
Tobio nodded. “He used to be a middle blocker for their team. Showed me his old yearbook and everything. Probably before the current coach showed up, though.”
“So it really does run in the family,” Toru commented. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised though.”
The smaller boy shrugged. “Miwa wound up quitting volleyball after middle school. She was getting more into fashion and stuff anyways, and didn’t like how she was always being told to cut her hair. At least, I think that was the reason.”
Wow. That, Toru could get behind, no questions asked. Sure, he wouldn’t give up volleyball for the world, but he’d definitely take offense if he was always being told to do something like change his looks or cut his lovely hair. That said, it was good to hear Tobio’s sister found her own calling, even if it wasn’t sports-related.
“Kinda wish you were able to introduce your sister and grandfather to the team, Kageyama,” Iwaizumi remarked. “They sound like it’d be pretty interesting to meet them both. Wasn’t your grandfather still coaching in middle school?”
The dark heaviness returned to the young setter. “No… Grandpa was already in and out of the hospital for a long time by then; more one than the other, though. He was able to keep on a brave face for me… but in second year, after you left, he… he…” his voice started quivering, the tears starting to return with new fury. “He left us behind… left me behind… I couldn’t even cry at his damn funeral because it never really hit me! And then after he left… Miwa had to get ready to move away for university… Our parents were distant enough even before he died, and… and then my own team left me!” He wrapped himself tight in his grandfather’s jacket, hands even moving to tangle into his hair. “I was all alone… I didn’t even know what I did wrong… Why all of a sudden I didn’t have anyone anymore!… Why?... Why, why, why?!”
Iwaizumi was quick to hug Tobio from the side, glaring over at Toru until he mirrored the action. It had already been clear enough that Tobio had been holding this all in for a long time. How just losing one person -- closer to him than anyone else in the world -- made him go from a sweet and eager-to-please junior (who still reminded Toru of Ushijima in some ways) to the bad-tempered dictator whose team got so fed up with him that he was given the boot.
No wonder, Toru thought to himself, sadness and guilt pooling in his stomach again. No wonder Tobio became so self-reliant. No wonder he underwent such a change in temperament. What kind of void did middle school leave behind while no one else was able to see?
First, he lost the two of us.
Then he lost his grandfather.
Then he lost his sister.
…Then he lost his team.
He understood now, to some extent. Kazuyo Kageyama didn’t just introduce his grandson to volleyball; he was the reason why the boy loved it so much. But when he left, so did the better parts of Tobio. There was no family or friends to help him carry that weight; it was just him.
Him, and the weight that threatened to crush him, that so many were so willing to call a crown. A tarnished, broken, absurdly heavy crown that they were only beginning to realize here and now.
Until by some miracle, Karasuno and that little shrimp brought him back to some semblance of his old self. Before them, he was left with nothing and no one but himself to rely on. He carried all of that grief, guilt, and frustration on his head for the better part of two years, not knowing what to do with it or with himself.
So they let him cry. They let him drop those long years of forcing down his grief over who he loved most, in loud, chest-ripping wails. Iwaizumi ensured they both kept him wrapped up in their arms, maintaining that small reminder that he should’ve never had to endure that alone. The spite Toru felt for Tobio all that time seemed to melt as well, filling in all the blanks for why he was such a good player and so eager to please and so not deserving of such hatred. Every assumption he made was dissolved by the knowledge about a single person.
“Huh? Toby, what are you doing over there?” a new voice inquired after a time they didn’t give any thought to. “And who are your friends?”
Toru looked through blurred vision at an approaching woman. She was probably around their age, with black, meticulously-styled hair and -- once he blinked away the mist -- deep blue eyes very similar to the first year he and Iwaizumi were hugging.
“Mi -- Miwa…” Tobio managed to hiccup out. The woman held a hand out to him, something he looked at with an almost painful mix of confusion and disbelief before he took it and let her pull him up. And even then, he barely maintained his composure long enough to droop over her shoulder, gripping at her in a desperate hug.
“Shh… I know, Toby, I know…” she soothed, rubbing circles into his back. “I miss him, too… I’m so sorry, Toby…”
He stayed there a little longer before numbly stepping away, wiping his face with his sleeve again.
The Seijoh players were shattered by the look in his eyes. The way they looked so… dead, and tired.
How did no one realize he was becoming like this?
Tobio almost swayed another direction before Iwaizumi stepped in and grabbed him. “Easy there, kiddo. Just lean on me -- there we go.” He looked over to the woman with a dip of his head. “I’m Hajime Iwaizumi, and this jerk over here is Toru Oikawa. We knew Kageyama back in middle school.”
The woman seemed to scan the two of them, almost skeptical.
“We’d be happy to help you out with Tobio,” Toru offered, all too happy to take on the diplomatic duty he was so used to. “He was telling us about his grandfather, you see, and it’s clear how much has been on his shoulders since his passing. We were doing what we could as his old upperclassmen.”
“I see…” Miwa replied, turning on her heel. “Follow me. My car’s not far from here.”
Iwaizumi had decided to sit in the backseat with Tobio, keeping him steady as he all but dozed on his shoulder. Toru rode shotgun while the Karasuno player’s sister drove them to the Kageyama household.
“I can’t believe he’s held onto Grandpa’s old track hoodie this long,” Miwa commented. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Because he and his grandfather were that close?” Toru inquired.
The woman nodded. “Even closer than I was with either of ‘em. Grandpa was really all he had, ever since… well, there was always that one thing our parents didn’t like for some reason.”
...Secretly, Toru had a feeling he knew what exactly “that one thing” was. He had his suspicions of the way Tobio behaved, almost entirely fixated on volleyball. The way he subconsciously reminded him of Ushijima. Who knows? Perhaps even the famous Ushiwaka was introduced to volleyball that early on as well, and had the same sort of mind.
“I suppose that’s simply an unfortunate truth with some people,” he replied offhandedly. “I’ll admit, I and some of our current teammates weren’t exactly fond of him in middle school. But then again, none of us had a clue about his personal life, and I’d wager Tobio didn’t even give himself time to grieve.”
“I guess I can’t blame you there. Toby never consciously dwelled on things that he didn’t think he had to, for better or worse. He wanted to be just like Grandpa, but after graduating from middle school not being able to get into Shiratorizawa, he figured volleyball was the only thing he had left.”
“And even then, he was all on his own,” Iwaizumi finished from the backseat when they stopped at the house. He even helped carry Kageyama inside. “We all knew how Oikawa gave the poor kid a hard time when he was still an eager-to-please prodigy in his first year, and even heard how his sudden change in attitude in his second year left him ostracized by the team. Though we never saw the other side of the story until now.”
He didn't even need to say it was because they refused to hear it.
After the Aoba Johsai players put the younger boy to bed, they both went to the bathroom to wash their faces of tears. On the way back down, they discovered the pictures that littered the house. A happy family that comprised of parents, a grandfather, and a little girl. But when a baby boy appeared, there was only one of all five before the parents all but disappeared. The only ones after were the two children and their grandfather.
In all of them, the grandfather in question sported a wide, proud smile. Whether it be with a far younger Miwa trying to brush his hair, tossing a volleyball with the even younger Tobio, or all three of them together, he still had that smile. A sort of light that went missing when he passed away, leaving both of his grandchildren behind.
“Your grandfather must’ve been quite a splendid role model for the both of you,” Toru said softly. “A light that even Tobio didn’t deserve to lose.”
Miwa hummed thoughtfully, leaving some tea to steep in a pot. “I don’t think Toby even realized how badly he was hurting. Honestly, I kinda wish I didn’t have to leave him so soon. If I knew how badly he was affected by Grandpa’s death, I would’ve held off on school just to make sure he’d have at least someone to be there… Maybe I just put too much trust into his teammates supporting him.”
Because Kindaichi and Kunimi thought he was nothing but a dictator at the sport. They didn’t think for a second that he might’ve just been lonely or in pain.
…Then again, neither did we.
“I don’t think you have to worry much about him now, though,” Iwaizumi pointed out. “We know we failed the poor kid, as his former teammates and as his upperclassmen, and we’re far from the only ones who did so. But I plan to make sure we fix that.”
Toru smiled at the ace’s declaration, looking towards Tobio’s room. Even if the now-sleeping boy may never really trust Toru again, at least his beloved might be able to get through to the younger setter. If they find the chance, they might even get Kindaichi and Kunimi to understand as well, and enlist their help in making amends.
“Besides, ever since joining Karasuno, we can tell he’s doing a lot better,” Toru added. “He’s… finally found a place where he fits in. And I for one doubt those crows will leave him the way we did, especially not his new little go-to spiker. Whether he finds it in him to tell them about this or not, I can at least be confident that they’ll stand with him.”
Miwa smiled at them both, finally pouring the tea for all three of them. “I’m glad for that, you two. Toby needs a lot of friends to make up for not having anyone before. Whether they know about Grandpa or not, I just want him to find a family of his own, if only to make sure it’s not just the two of us looking out for each other.”
The two young men could only stick around for about another hour, conversing with Miwa and looking after their former underclassman. They told her about each of the crows to the best of their ability, the woman occasionally throwing in her two cents about whoever Tobio actually told her about. When the sun said they had to head home, they gave Tobio one last check before they left with a final goodbye and thank-you to Miwa.
As they left, though, Toru couldn't help but take a final look at the almost foreboding Kageyama household, holding onto his boyfriend's arm. "Iwa… do you think Tobio will tell his other teammates about his grandfather? Should he?"
Iwaizumi sighed. "It would probably be a good idea, but I doubt it. He'll probably tell the little sunspot and Karasuno's other setter, if no one else, but only time will tell."
…I guess that's true, Toru thought to himself dully. Only time will tell, and trust as well…
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Better Together
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Words: 2042 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader   Request: “Hello, favorite blog writer! :) I may also request a Bucky Imagine where maybe he's your Ex (breaking up cause of he doesnt want to get you in danger cause of the avengers) but he is lost without you and totally changed in the bad way, but you feel the same.. then one night he wants to leave the Avengers behind but Steves get you there and you convince him to stay while hes already on his bike.. then you talk, decide to give your love another chance annnd end up in bed :) hehe. THAAANK YOU DOLL” - Anon Summary: Steve Rogers comes knocking on Reader’s door in the middle of the night. He shows her a note from her Ex Bucky who plans on leaving the Avengers and starting a new life. Steve thinks Reader is the only one who can convince Bucky he’s already where he belongs.
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You woke up in the middle of the night. You’d been tossing and turning most of it but that was nothing new. You’d been having trouble sleeping ever since he broke up with you. He said he was doing it to protects you. A part of you knew that his concerns were genuine. He always said he loved you and you could tell when you looked into his eyes that he meant it. Being the significant other of an Avenger had its risks. That was why Clint had kept his entire family secret, even from the rest of the team. There was plenty of news footage to act as proof of the dangers Tony had put Pepper in.
The only difference between you and Laura Barton or Pepper Potts, was that you knew what you’d signed up for. You didn’t know Bucky before the Winter Soldier. You’d only been a part of his journey after he tried to separate himself from that persona. It wasn’t as if you’d lived a normal life together for some time and then he happened to get invited to join at team that put the world at danger just as often as it saved it. But, just like the first time he’d told you he loved you, once Bucky decided to leave, there was no changing his mind.
It had been roughly three months since he’d left. He’d asked the others to stay away to help keep you safe, so when Bucky left most of your friends did too. They all had loved ones of their own and they knew they’d do anything to protect them. The team didn’t agree with Bucky’s decision, but they at least tried to respect it. You wished they had respected you enough to ask for your opinion instead of treating you like a child too fragile to handle yourself.
Your throat felt scratchy and dry. You decided to get up and get a drink of water. It wasn’t like you were going to be going back to sleep any time soon. You ambled into the kitchen letting loose a loud yawn. You rubbed your eyes and made your way over to the sink. You’d just been about to fill a glass with tap water when you heard a knock on your apartment door. Your eyes glanced over at the microwave. It was four in the morning.
“Who in the world…?” You abandoned your task at hand to peek through the peephole. Steve Rogers was standing in the hall. He and Sam were the only ones who didn’t abide by Bucky’s no contact rule. They both told you many times and on separate occasions that they were sure Bucky would come to his sense soon. You opened the door and motioned for Steve to step inside.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be awake.” He confessed as you closed the door behind him.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You shrugged. You folded your arms over your chest. “Shouldn’t you be at the compound pretending I don’t exist?”
“Probably.” Steve shrugged. “You know he’s just doing what he thinks is best.”
“Yeah, but you know that just because he thinks it’s best that doesn’t make it the only option, right?” You sighed.
“Believe me, I do. That’s why I’m here actually.” Steve confessed. “He’s leaving, [Y/N]. He packed all his things at the compound. He left me a note.” Steve handed over a piece of paper that looked like it had in fact been scratch across in Bucky’s impatient font. You looked down at the note and began to scan it quickly.
“Rogers, By the time you’re reading this, I’ll already be gone. Don’t bother trying to follow me. I appreciate everything you’ve tried to do for me over the years, but I need a fresh start, a real fresh start. You’ve been the best friend I could have ever asked for but this is the end of the line Pal. -Buck.”
“You have any idea where he may be going?” Steve questioned. You looked up at Captain America. His brows were knit together with worry. His lips were turned down into a frown that didn’t seem appropriate on the face on the Star-Spangled Man.
“Actually, yeah. Are you sure we should go after him, Steve? He seems pretty sure that this is what he wants.” You hesitated.
“Well, he seemed pretty sure that calling things off with you was what he wanted too.” Steve told you. “He’s been a mess without you, [Y/N]. He’s been second guessing every decision he’s made. He’s been short tempered. He doesn’t sleep well. He won’t talk with anyone unless it’s about work. I Think you’re the only one who can convince him to stay.”
“I couldn’t even convince him to stay with me, Steve.” You disagreed. “But maybe together we can prove to him that he’s better off with the team than he would be alone. I’ll get my coat.”
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Steve programed the address you gave him into his car’s GPS. The directions led to a log cabin in Virginia that Bucky had purchased a few years ago. Steve parked his car in the driveway. It didn’t look like Bucky had arrived yet.
“I didn’t even know he had this place.” Steve gaped. “You’re sure this is where he’ll come?”
“This would be my best guess. It was supposed to be a secret. He got the idea from Clint.” You told him. “He wanted a place to hide in case he ever lost control again.”
“Why did he tell you about it?” Steve asked. He was clearly a little hurt that his lifelong best friend had trusted you with such a big secret.
“At the time, he told me that if he ever lost control again, I’d be the only one who would be able to pull him out of it. You think you can handle this?” You questioned.
“He’d do the same for me.” Steve said before getting out of the car. You followed after him, the two of you began to walk the perimeter of the house, looking for any indication that Bucky may have already been there and left. After only a few minutes you heard the familiar purr of a motorcycle. You turned a corner as Bucky cut the engine. Because it was still dark out, he didn’t see you or Steve at first. However, he certainly recognized his best friend’s vehicle.
“How the hell did you find me, Rogers?” Bucky mumble to himself.
“A little bird told me.” Steve confessed, He stepped closer to Bucky, which activated a motion sensor light above Bucky’s garage.
“That makes sense.” Bucky sighed when he saw you standing next to Steve.
“Can we talk?” You wondered, stepping closer to him.
“We have talked, [Y/N].” He answered. “I don’t have anything else to say. To you or him.” He nodded at Steve. He tried to walk past both of you towards his front door. You reached out for his wrist to stop him but you fingers only brushed against cool vibranium. He continued walking.
“Well, I do.” You called after him. That seemed to catch his attention briefly. He looked back at you over his shoulder.
“Do you remember what you said, when you took me here?” You called out to him.
“That was years ago. It was a different time, [Y/N].” He shook his head.
“It wasn’t so long ago, Buck.” You insisted, stepping closer. “You said you always wanted a place like this, away from the city. A quiet place to raise a family. You said you liked this house because it had potential, it gave you hope. Hope that we could have a brighter future together than your dark past.” You took another step closer to him and pointed to a large oak tree in the backyard. “You said that tree would be perfect for a tree house, handmade like your grandparents had at their house. The kind with a tire swing hung from a lower branch.”
“That was a pipe dream, [Y/N].” Bucky argued.
“It was more than that.” You insisted. “It was a future we can still have, together. We can be together, James. We can make this work. We can have the two point five kids with a tree house, a dog and a white picket fence, and in another thirty years we can have three rocking chairs out on the back deck enjoying the life we build. It won’t be easy, we’ll have to fight like hell, but you’ve given up too much to not get a happy ending.”
“Three chairs?” Bucky repeated.
“Yeah, when I picture us way older, Steve’s always there. I just want to be prepared in case he never marries and ends up living with us when he’s retired.” You explained. “You know I’ll age faster than you two, so I like to think that instead of remarrying the two of you grow old together. It sounds weird when I say it out loud.” You rolled your eyes. You could just make out the slightest hint of a smirk on Bucky’s face in the moonlight.
“So, in your fantasy reality where we end up together and you are presumably my wife, you envision my best friend living with us?” He chuckled.
“He’s family.” You shrugged. “What else would we do? Put him in a nursing home? Family takes care of each other, especially when they don’t know how to take care of themselves.”
“Alright, alright. Point taken.” You watched Bucky’s shoulders slump and he heaved a great sigh. “I’ll admit, I may have been acting a bit…irrational, the past few months. The truth is, none of this is how I pictured my life turning out.  Sometimes I get into my own head and, it’s hard to love myself, so I can’t understand how anyone else would. I truly don’t deserve the two of you.”
“Nonsense,” Steve came to stand beside you. “There’s no one else on earth stubborn enough to track you down.”
“You know something, Rogers, I think you might be right.” Bucky smiled.
“[Y/N]’s right too, Buck. We’re family. We stand by each other. We fight together. Especially if that fight is against our own instincts.” Steve said.
“It’s pretty cold out here.” Bucky observed. “You guys want to come inside?”
“I think maybe the two of you need time to talk. Can you make sure she get’s home alright?” Steve questioned.
“She already is home. We’ve got it from here, Rogers.” Bucky assured him. “Thank you.”
“Till the end of the line.” Steve told him before walking back to his car.
“You have time to talk?” He asked you. Bucky started walking towards his front door.
“Yeah,” you nodded, following after him. “But truthfully Buck, I’m exhausted. I haven’t been sleeping great and Steve got me all full of adrenaline on the way over. Now that I know you’re okay, my body is finally starting to register that it’s five in the morning and I should be sleeping. Could I maybe crash on your couch and we can talk in the morning?”
You looked around realizing the house had hardly any furniture. The front door opened to an empty entry way. Bucky kicked his shoes off and left them in the middle of the floor. To your left was a living room with just an old big box TV & a couch. To the right, was a dining room, which was filled with bins and boxes, probably everything he’d moved from the Compound.
“I have a bed you know.” He offered as you took off your boots. “For you.” He added, I can sleep on the couch.
“Steve said you haven’t been sleeping well, you should take the bed. You need the rest.” You insisted.
“You said yourself that you’re having trouble sleeping.” Bucky reminded you.
“Yeah, didn’t realize how much I hated sleeping alone until you left.” You confessed.
“I know the feeling.” He chuckled. “Nearly called you that first night and begged you to take me back. Plenty of room for the two of us. We could both get a decent night’s sleep for the first time in months and we can figure out everything else in the morning.”
“Count me in.” You yawned.
42 notes · View notes
ketsuekki · 4 years
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NAME: Keumi, Minami // 毛海美波. ALIASES: The Bloody Wraith (alt: The Bloody Onryō, The Bloody Goryō), Leech Bitch. AGE: 25 (as of chapter 296) D.O.B: 22nd of May. BLOOD TYPE: AB negative. GENDER: Cis female. SEXUALITY: Closeted bisexual, heavy preference for women. NOTABLE CONDITIONS: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Sexual Sadism Disorder, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anemia (occasional, result of quirk overuse), dyslexia. APPEARANCE: Pallid skin tone. Thick, wavy and short green hair that reaches just past her shoulders. Green eyes with prominent dark circles beneath them. Abnormally sharp canines and two pairs of fangs; one pair beside her canines and one pair below them. Large (large!) breasts with a thin and lithe build. Little muscle. Arms and legs covered in self-harm scars. Has a thin, raised scar across her throat. 187cm tall and weighs 65kg. ETHNICITY: ½ Russian, ½ Japanese. NATIONALITY: Russian (formerly), Japanese. OCCUPATION: freelance photographer, yakuza head, terrorist. AFFILIATIONS: All For One, The League of Villains, Ketsueki-kai.
Minami’s quirk is “Blood Pump”!! It is an Emitter-type power that has run in the Inoue clan’s ruling branch for over two hundred years, and allows the user to produce and control their own blood. Things such as volume, power and shape can all be changed to the user’s will --- but although the blood can be manipulated into various forms, movements or even pressurised streams, it should be noted they are unable to actually solidify it beyond the consistency of an average clot. 
This quirk uses the holder’s vitality as “fuel” to make and exert control over their blood and is extremely draining; its use must be efficient and tactical to prevent extreme exhaustion or, in some cases, death. Minami can use Blood Pump at her maximum output for roughly twelve minutes before falling into unconsciousness. The blood can not be controlled from more than ten metres away if it isn’t in contact with the user’s body. 
Unless it is being actively suppressed with a nullification quirk or the bearer has run out of stamina, this quirk can be used for the survival of otherwise fatal injuries by compensating for blood loss and, if there’s the skill for it, even ‘manually’ running one’s own circulatory system until proper treatment arrives.
Minami’s unique iteration of this quirk is the result of her parents’ powers combining, allowing others to receive a temporary powerup via consumption; since her blood is saturated with her life force, others can become energized and have their own quirk factors boosted from consuming it. The other quality she inherited from her father’s ability --- Ambrosia --- makes her blood adjust itself to be registered as delicious no matter the person tasting (or smelling) it. It has the potential to be addictive.
Minami was born in the slums of Moscow alongside her identical twin Kiseki; their parents were Keumi Rui and Keumi Hanako (nee Inoue). Her childhood was a grim one; her ‘normal’ being outright neglect, left to fend herself and her older sister with zero care from their parents for as long as she could remember --- and, to be honest, she preferred to be her own carer when the alternative was her parent’s abusive teachings. The slightest mistake was punished with the most severe beating in their dingy little excuse of a home, a routine that would leave Minami distorted beyond salvaging for the rest of her life.
The girls had been instructed to hide their quirk the moment it awakened (three years old for Minami, seven for Kiseki). Their mother had run away from her family to elope with her husband, and their quirk was one that would give them away faster than hanging up a banner across their apartment building declaring their identities. The twins complied; Minami simply didn’t dare to disobey her parents, no matter how irrational their orders were, while Kiseki found a twisted satisfaction in the attention that came with being an outlier in a superpower dominated society. But, for all their filial piety, they were still human, and humans make mistakes.
While Minami was as violent as a child could come, she could only get so far with her body --- weak, frail and sickly --- before she began to desire to unleash her quirk to give way to even more absolute victories. Her blood practically boiled beneath her skin in every fight, and the innate desire to bleed grew and grew until she just couldn’t resist slicing herself open any longer. From age seven, she began training her quirk for combat in secret, practicing in alleyways and on drunks and vagabonds. Kiseki declined her offers to spar together, deeming it ‘not worth making her clothes dirty’. In the classroom, she was an absolute terror to both her teachers and her classmates, slowly but surely becoming a queen of bullies as she tormented anyone who slighted (which was any easy thing to achieve, considering a budding sociopath’s definition of ‘insult’ would bend over backwards to somehow place the blame on you) her and Kiseki. 
At age fifteen, Minami used her quirk on another student in her sister’s defence. Word spread of her quirk amongst the community, and she was forced to announce it officially on the quirk register… A register that was quickly brought to the attention of people who had been searching for any listing of a blood-based ability for years. They were rather rare, even now, after all. 
It didn’t take long for the Inoue, a yakuza clan in borderline retirement, to collect their lost daughters. It came as a shock to the twins, who had never once been informed of any family outside their little group of four. Minami and Kiseki were told their parents were forgiven for eloping, that they themselves were to return to Japan and take their proper place as members of the ruling branch. Their parents would remain in Russia as a reward, since they had gone to such lengths to escape there. Predictably, that was a lie: Hanako and Rui were killed before the twins’ plane left the ground.
Kiseki was soon bought by a rising Pro Hero for a quirk marriage. For the family, it was a perfect match; the pro wanted to build a lineage that would aid his prestige, and the Inoue wished to go legitimate, something having connections to a powerful, popular hero would aid... It didn’t go as planned. Refusing to succumb to the fate her own mother escaped, Kiseki rebelled against the arrangement as much as possible, acting out and threatening to tell the media all about the lucky hero’s teenage-purchasing, eugenicist schemes, displeasing her fiancée and her now face saving grandparents. Unchanged from their foregone glory days, the Inoue honour killed the elder twin for ‘disgracing the clan’. Minami was not told of this occurrence, seeing her touch trigger emotional stability but, after becoming suspicious of the sudden radio silence from her beloved sibling, she tortured her cousin into revealing the truth about both her sister and her parents. 
Predictably, Minami murdered the other members of the ruling family in a fit of rage, leaving herself the sole heir to the Inoue at only sixteen. She came to regret being blinded by red almost immediately --- seeing as she failed to get the name of the hero who had helped kill Kiseki before they all kicked the big one. For as much as she now hated them, Minami had to admit they were good, too good, at what they did. She didn’t have the faintest idea on how to track down Kiseki’s fiancée, and the lower branches of the Inoue, her adorable extended family, couldn’t make a dent in her grandparent’s cover ups either. So: Minami did the only logical thing she could think of --- she bribed the erasure of all records of her family’s quirks, anticipating future police investigations, and then proceeded to curb stomp her way through every single hero she could get her hands on, revealing her face to them just before they died to judge their reactions. If they were Kiseki’s fiancée, even the most twisted pro would flinch or… Or something, upon seeing the face of someone they killed, right..?
Her strategy was no better than trying to find a needle in a haystack, and she knew it… But she couldn’t just leave Kiseki’s vengeance unfulfilled. That was simply the kind of person she was; someone who wished to make the people she loved happy, no matter the cost. For the people who were kind to someone as burdensome, as terrible as her… She would show her love by dedicating her everything to them. Even if they were dead, even if it wouldn’t change what happened, Minami would make all those who hurt them pay for it.
At age eighteen, she was approached by a man called All For One (‘what kind of fucking weirdo has three words as a name?’). He claimed to have heard of her troubles through her cousins, and wished to help. Without asking for anything in exchange, he dug up the identity of Kiseki’s fiancée and watched as Minami finally fulfilled her life’s purpose --- and then swiftly swooped in to give her to give her a new role to play as soon as the euphoria faded and the realisation she was once again worthless began to settle in. Grateful and desperate to be used, All For One replaced Kiseki as the holder of her heart. Minami became his servant, first and foremost.
After graduation from high school, she began work as a freelance photographer for the fun of it (and to maintain a civilian persona, she would cry to her amused cousins), grew the Ketsueki-kai’s criminal activities for no reason other than to spite the ghosts of the former ruling family, and brought about whatever bloodshed All For One wished for. Of course, Minami never quite lost her taste for hero killing, and continued to destroy any hero, celebrity, politician or even villain that happened to irritate her. Some bastards needed a good humbling every now and then, right? Wouldn’t want those egos of theirs to kill them before she did! Anyone who posed an obstacle to the Ketsueki-kai met the same fate.
Minami is known to murder a target’s entire household before the target themselves. She won’t refrain from killing witnesses, either --- unless All For One orders her not to. By the present day, she’s built up quite a reputation as an S-rated villain, garnering rather fanatic fans who adore the nightmarish gore she leaves in her wake. Her personal villainy has no true goal --- she simply wishes to chase her desires, Cause Problems On Purpose and earn All For One’s praise. 
If she were to be arrested, Minami would be sent to Tartarus.
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daniwritessometimes · 5 years
A Between Friends Christmas
I meant to have this written ages ago, but the holidays are intense. So I hope you all enjoy this little bit of Christmas cheer from the world of Between Friends. This is set about three years after the events I have already published.
    “Just relax with Zoe for a while,” Anthony said to Susan, “I will be back soon. But not too soon.”
    Susan wrapped her arms around Anthony’s neck and leaned close. “Are you certain your parents don’t mind having the children with them? Max has never been away from us.”
    “If it will make you feel better, I will get them when I return from my errand.”
    “I would appreciate that.” She tipped her head forward so his lips could press against her forehead. She raised her head. “I would also appreciate if you would tell me where you are going.”
    He tapped a finger on her nose. “Tomorrow is Christmas, my dear. You will find out soon enough.”
    “Kiss?” Susan requested.
    Anthony brushed his lips over hers and then stepped back. “Don’t get too loud.” He winked and walked out the door.
    Susan hurried into the library where Zoe was relaxing with a book. Susan closed the door and flipped the lock.
    Zoe looked up and grinned. “What are you doing?”
    Susan went around and closed the shades. “Anthony left to run an errand. Something about my Christmas gift.”
    Zoe went back to her book. “Oh?”
    “Do you know something about it?” Susan dropped to her knees in front of Zoe.
    “I might. But I won’t be telling you.” Zoe looked over her book. “What are you doing?”
    Susan slipped a hand underneath Zoe’s skirt. “We have a whole afternoon to ourselves.”
    Zoe moved forward on the sofa but continued to look at her book. Susan lifted her skirts up and tugged Zoe closer.
    “You’re not wearing your knickers.” Susan marveled.
    Zoe kept the book up over her face, feigning reading. “Well, I was told I would be left alone with the woman I love. Why would I need my knickers?” She turned a page. “I suspect you’re going to do something about it.”
    “I most certainly am.” Susan kissed a slow line up Zoe’s thigh.
    Zoe sighed and reached down to caress Susan’s face, letting the book fall to the cushion beside her.
    Anthony stuck his hand in his pocket for the tenth time on his short journey to the jeweler’s shop. The ring was still there. He was impressed that Susan hadn’t yet noticed it missing. It had been her mother’s. The ring had been damaged before their wedding, so Susan hadn’t been able to wear it.
    Snow started to fall just before he stepped into the little shop. The bell announced his entrance. An older man stood behind the counter finishing a transaction for a young man. He looked up at the bell and made a signal that he would only be a moment.
    Anthony turned to look at a display case near the door. Perhaps he should pick up something for Livvie. She would be head over heels.
    The young man left and the jeweler came over to Anthony. “See something you like?”
    Anthony turned, “I might look a little more in a moment.” He pulled out the ring. “Can you repair this? It belonged to my wife’s mother. I want her to be able to wear it.”
    The jeweler put his glasses on his nose and took the ring for a closer look. “Should be no trouble.”
    “Could you do it today? I know you’re a busy man, but I would love to get it to her for Christmas.”
    The older man looked it over a moment and then nodded. “It will take me about an hour to remove the old band and attach a new one. Is the band the right size to fit your wife’s finger?”
    “I believe so, yes. But I can bring her back after I present it to her for an adjustment if not.”
    The jeweler nodded. “Come to the counter so I can get some information from you and then I can get to work.”
    “Thank you.” Anthony followed and gave him all the necessary information.
    “I work just over here, so you are welcome to watch the process or look around the shop for anything else. Or come back later is also fine.” He wandered off to work.
    Anthony watched him a few minutes as he worked before he went back to look in the front case.
    Susan and Zoe lay in a tangle of limbs on the floor of the library. Susan smoothed her hand over Zoe’s hair and kissed every bit of her face. She murmured how much she loved her. Zoe smiled.
    “Anthony could return any time with the children, you know.” Zoe said softly after a while.
    “Yes, with the children.”
    “Will you ever have another?”
    Susan sat up and stretched. “I don’t know. Four is more than enough, I think. Might end up with twins next and I do not want to even think of how that would turn out.” She tapped Zoe’s nose. “I already know how one half of a set behaves.”
    Zoe stood and pulled Susan up to her feet. They met in a quick kiss. “Well, I’m here to help either way. Always will be.”
    Susan placed a hand on her cheek. “You don’t have to stay if you start to feel like I’ve been enough.”
    “You’ll never be enough.” Zoe kissed her hard and let out a soft moan. “Thank God it’s my night. All you’ve done this afternoon is make me want you more.”
    Susan smiled. “Go and clean your face. It’s almost time for tea.”
    Zoe bit her lip. “But I only want you on my lips.”
    Susan shook her head. “What is it with you Osbornes and your silly phrases?”
    “Anthony doesn’t like you on his lips.”
    “This is true. But he always tells me, ‘I hate the way you taste, but I love the way you sound.’”
    Zoe nodded. “You do make the mostly lovely sounds.” She kissed Susan once more. She unlocked the library door and paused. “Oh, it’s snowing. I hope Anthony and the children make it back safely.”
    Susan walked to the window with her cup of tea. She had thought Anthony and the children would be home by now. Perhaps they were playing in the snow at Osborne House.
    She walked over to her favorite chair beside the fire. Zoe had her nose in a book again. Susan watched Zoe over her tea cup. She was still a little flushed from their afternoon romp. She was gorgeous.
    There was a clatter and some giggling outside. A snowball hit the window and Teddy’s face appeared.
    “Come play with us, Mama!” Teddy called.
    Max’s face appeared just a little lower. “Mama? Outside?”
    Susan smiled. “Come on, Zo, let’s go play in the snow.”
    The women hurried into their coats and ran out to join the snowball fight. Anthony smashed a handful of snow in Susan’s face. She wrestled him into a snowdrift and returned the gesture.
    The children laughed and all four of them piled on top of their parents.
    Zoe laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh, I wish I hand a camera to capture this moment.”
    Susan and Anthony had been saving and searching for an entire year to get Zoe a camera. It had been something she’d mentioned wanting on several occasions. She would be giving it to her the next day.
    They all made their way inside, soaked through to the bone. They all retired to their rooms to change after a request for fresh tea in the drawing room.
    The ring fit perfectly in Anthony’s pocket. He wanted so desperately to give it to Susan, but he also wanted to wait until Christmas Day.
    The children gathered around the tree. They’d made decorations for it that afternoon with their grandparents. There had been plenty that they put some on the Osborne House tree before they gathered the ones for their modest tree at home. The gifts, far more than the children needed, were wrapped in brown paper underneath.
    “Are you going to read it, Papa?” Teddy asked.
    Anthony sat beside the fire. He knew Teddy meant the Christmas story, but he decided to play with the boy a little. “Read what, son?”
    “The story, Daddy!” Livvie said with a giggle.
    Max picked up the large family Bible for the table and struggled with it across the room. “Read, Daddy.”
    Anthony opened the book and found the proper place. Max climbed up on his lap as he read, leaning his head on Anthony’s shoulder. Max was snoring before Anthony finished. He looked over to see Teddy was dozing against Zoe’s shoulder. Liv and Bartholomew flanked Susan.
    “Suzie?” He said softly.
    “Ant?” She responded. He could see she was tired.
    “Thank you.”
    “What for?”
    Anthony just smiled and leaned his cheek against Max’s head.
    “Merry Christmas.” Susan gave the children beside her a squeeze. “I love you all so very much. Now, off to bed with you lot.” She moved to the edge of the cushion. “It’s late. And we have many things to do tomorrow, the least of which is opening your gifts.”
    Bartholomew and Livvie groaned, but still headed up the stairs.
    “Need me to take him?” Susan asked Zoe.
    “No, I have him.” Zoe managed to lift Teddy into her arms and up the stairs.
    Anthony pointed to the Bible on his lap. “Will you put this in its proper place, please?”
    Susan took the book from his lap and sat it on the space that was created for it on the table beside the window.
    Anthony walked over with Max cradled against his chest. “Before you get settled, will you come see me a moment? I want to give you your gift.”
    Susan smiled. “Of course.” She pushed up on her toes and pressed a kiss to Anthony’s cheek. “I’ll be right behind you to help get the children settled.”
    Teddy and Max were still out. Livvie was very close, but Bartholomew was far from it. The good thing about Bartholomew was that he tended to read for a while.
    “I want Mama to sit with me.” Livvie said sleepily.
    “All right.” Anthony pressed a kiss to her forehead and waited for Susan to walk over before he and Zoe left the room. “What did you get her?” He asked as they made their way down the hall.
    “I made her something. What did you get her?”
    Anthony pulled out the ring and held it out.
    Zoe smiled and took it. “Her mother’s ring. Oh, Ant, she’ll love it.”
    “You think so? I didn’t really get anything. I just had it fixed. Is it much of a gift?”
    “It’s the gesture, Anthony.” She gave the ring back. “She will love it. And she will probably change her mind about whose bed she stays in tonight.”
    “She won’t. Your turn.”
    The door to the nursery opened.
    “Good night, Anthony.” Zoe turned to her room and shut the door.
    Susan slipped her hand into Anthony’s as she passed and pulled him into her room. “I have my gift for you in here.”
    “Not hiding amongst the books this year?” Anthony teased. He grabbed her around the waist from behind as soon as the door was closed and pressed his eyes into her neck. “Thank you for the children. For letting me into your life. I don’t know where I’d be if you hadn’t convinced me to marry you.”
    Susan chuckled and patted his hands. “With some man living in sin, I’m sure.”
    He sighed against her skin. “I wish it were true.” He kissed her neck and left one arm around her to present the ring. “Merry Christmas, my love.”
    She gasped and took hold of his hand. “You had my mother’s ring fixed! Oh, Anthony, that’s the kindest thing!” She turned her head and caught his lips. “Thank you. My gift is going to seem so lackluster in comparison.” She took the ring and slipped it on her right hand as she stepped away. She reached into the drawer beside her table and removed a small wooden box. “For you, my darling.”
    Anthony grinned as he took the box. Inside was a chain for his watch. “I needed this.” He took the watch from his pocket and detached the worn leather strap to replace it.
    “It’s not a repaired family heirloom, but—”
    He shook his head. “You know very well that I would have let the leather fall to pieces and then put off buying a replacement.” He finished attaching the chain to his waistcoat. “Thank you, love.” He pulled her close and kissed her forehead, nose, lips. “You better tell me to leave.”
    She laughed and kissed him. “Go on.” She kissed him again. “Leave.” Another kiss. “Out of my sight.”
    Anthony laughed and kissed her forehead again. “Good night, Suzie.” He started to move away, but she grabbed his hand.
    “One more kiss.”
    He obliged and then reached over and pulled the bell rope. “See you in the morning.”
    “In the morning.” She followed him to the door. “I could change my mind, you know?”
    “I would advise against it.” He pulled the door shut between their rooms very reluctantly.
    Zoe paced her room, far too anxious. Susan could change her mind; that was part of the agreement the three of them made. Susan was in the middle of them and had chosen how the sharing would work. She had changed her mind only a few times in the last three years. Once when she decided she wanted to be left alone. And one time she had been feeling particularly in need of Zoe. The same for Anthony another time.
    Then there was one night—everyone in the house had fallen ill within days of each other—and Anthony had gotten it worse than anyone else. He had been running around trying to care for everyone that he was run ragged on top of being ill. Susan had chosen to be with him for several nights in a row, even when she was scheduled to stay with Zoe.
    The door opened and Susan stepped into the room. She wore her hair loose around her shoulders. In the soft lamplight, she looked like an angel. Her hands were behind her back as she advanced.
    “Would you marry me?” Susan asked softly.
    “We can’t marry.” Zoe said, moving to meet her.
    “But would you if we could?”
    “You know I would. In a heartbeat.” Zoe’s hands came up and cupped Susan’s cheeks. They shared a deep kiss.
    Susan pulled her hand from behind her back and revealed a necklace with a pearl pendant attached. “It’s not much, but I would give it to you for a wedding gift. A whole set to match. And I plan on it every Christmas until it’s complete.”
    “It’s beautiful.” Zoe turned around and moved her hair out of the way as Susan fastened it around her neck. “I’ll never take it off.”
    Susan’s lips pressed against Zoe’s skin where the clasp fell. “Good. I’ve been imagining what you would look like wearing just this.”
    Zoe laughed. “I’d also love to see you wearing only my gift and a smile.” She skipped across the room. “Of course, it’s not something one typically wears.” She held out a small gift wrapped in thin paper.
    Susan took it and sat down on the bed to open it. She smiled when she lifted the handkerchief out to get a better look at it.
    “If you look very closely, you can see I hid our initials in the leaves.” Zoe had worked for weeks to get the embroidery just right.
    The thread for their initials was just one shade lighter than the rest of the threads. She’d made sure it was close enough that no one would be able to see unless they were looking very closely. And no one would be able to see it as she’d stitched the names of all of their children into the fabric very boldly along with Susan and Anthony’s initials right in the center.
    “You are so very talented and patient to do this, sweetheart.” Susan brought the fabric to her cheek. “I love it.”
    Zoe let out a relieved breath. “You do?”
    “I do.” She pulled Zoe in for a soft kiss. “I’m cold. Do you mind letting me hold you for a while tonight?”
    “I don’t.”
    They got into the bed together and Susan pulled Zoe close. It was quiet for a while. Zoe liked these quiet moments. It was always loud when all four children were together. And the three adults. All seven of them talking over each other.
    “Would you ever want to carry a baby?” Susan asked after a while.
    “It would be very improper for me to do so.” Zoe moved to her back and took Susan’s hand to rest on her stomach. “Why do you ask?”
    “Well, I mostly want you to know that if you want to sleep with a man and it happens…”
    “I did once already and I didn’t like it.”
    Susan gave her a confused look. “When? Who?”
    “Don’t be angry, Sue.” Zoe reached up and cupped her cheek. “It was once and I didn’t like it and I don’t care to ever do it again.”
    “I’m not angry, I’m just shocked that you haven’t told me until now. When was this?”
    Zoe moved over Susan. “Last summer when I went to stay with Charlie and Athena. A man was there, too. An old friend of Charlie’s. He flirted. I responded. And the last night before he left, he asked if he could come to my room and I said yes. But it was over far too quickly. And it was messy. And he didn’t care that I didn’t come.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Susan’s lips. “It was forgettable. You aren’t.”
    Susan rolled Zoe over beneath her. “Some men are far more attentive than others. Though I only have the experience with the one man. If you want to try it again, ever, we can find someone that will know better how to treat a woman in bed.”
   “I just need you to treat me well in bed.” Zoe grabbed Susan’s bottom and caught her lips in a deep kiss.
    The children were all very excited about their gifts they got. Zoe tried to work her new camera to get some pictures. She spent a large portion of the early morning reading over the instruction manual.
    Susan sat down on the floor to play with the children and their new toys. Anthony sat back with his morning tea and watched everyone contentedly.
    Zoe sat her camera and the book aside and sat in the adjacent seat. “Having a good morning?”
    “Very good.” Anthony spotted Zoe’s necklace and smiled. “It’s perfect for you.”
    “Thank you.”
    “She was worried.”
    Zoe looked across the room where Susan sat with Max on her lap chewing on his new stuffed rabbit. “She worries too much.”
    “We’ll continue to help her with that.” He took out his watch to check the time. “Did you see my new chain?”
    “Chains for both of us? Do you think she’s trying to say something?”
    Anthony snorted. “No, of course not.” He registered the time. “We need to leave in fifteen minutes.”
    Susan looked up and nodded. “We will begin the cleaning.” She kissed Max’s temple and then sat him on his feet. “Who can put their things away the fastest?”
    The children all scrambled to start putting their toys back in their boxes or off to the side.
    Anthony leaned his head on his hand. “I think this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
    “It’s not over yet.”
    “You know Christmas at Osborne House is all about the grandchildren now.”
    Zoe grinned. “And the unmarried children. I get better gifts than you.”
    Anthony stuck his tongue out. “Just because you’re not legally married.” He stood and went to help the children with their tidying.
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Visions, and a Miracle
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Hikari hadn’t dreamt of him, ever since she arrived in Johto just short of a month ago. April went by as quickly as it had arrived – and with it, the constant downfall was replaced with something that better resembled the springs she knew like the back of her hand. The early break of summer was evident, as her bedding had been changed to better fit the rising temperatures.
Though it would seem – as she moved her legs beneath the light covers draped over her small frame – that another changing would be in need…
How embarrassing.
--Hikari hadn’t dreamt of him, ever since she arrived in Johto just short of a month ago. But on this night, after a meal she hadn’t felt she needed (though, when was she ever truly hungry? It felt like years, even though much less than that had come to pass) – his hold of her throat had crept up upon her as though he was a nightmare abstractly created into a physical form. And that she had been anywhere but his void – within the bedroom her father grew up in – had perhaps been what frightened her the worst.
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Because, truly; Giratina should not be anywhere but within his own personal hellscape.
(Yet he had awoken her with a start – or at least, from the slumber within her dream of which she had fashioned herself to take. Towering over her body, hands that looked nothing like that of Pokémon; but of man, forcing her down against her mattress by the shape of her shoulders. --And as though he was nothing but a fickle manifestation within her own mind – no features could be seen.
Nothing but a dark, blurry void of which would swallow her whole should she not escape him.
But that, too, was impossible. Even if she very well tried to move her limbs, even though she wanted to struggle – she couldn’t. For osmium coursed through her veins and weighed her down, and the taste of metal sat prominent against the swell of her tongue.
Upon his own, tar spilled with each accusation he made.
‘You left me’, he said – as though she had ever tried to do anything but. ‘You’re not here, you’re gone.’
And as the blurred shape of his hand raised from her shoulder to settle against her throat – to test its limits, as air ceased to fill her lungs and the silence that rang clear within her ear became almost deafening; he lowered himself to mist his hazy breath against its shell. --Tar, staining her skin past recognition.
‘Where are you, my lamb?’
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‘I should kill you, for your faults. I should violate your body and leave you broken for the world to see.’
A breath, a hitch – and it’s as though tendrils spew from his fingertips and pierce through her skin. Breaking flesh as they wrap around her vocal cords, her airways, in a much more hands-on manner than previously displayed. And Hikari finds it in her to shake, to move, and wrap her own around the void that is his wrist – and finds that there’s nothing for her to grasp at.
She’s helpless.
‘… Come back to me, lamb. Your home is with me.’)
A knock upon her door, before it slid open to invite daybreaks light inside. Beyond it, Masae watched her with kind, charcoal eyes. --Before the older woman got the chance to speak, however, Hikari voiced her humiliation.
Her shame.
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“I wet the bed.”
The days surprising summer gale was something not adored by the young new resident, yet Hikari found herself taking refugee outside still. Laid on her side upon the porch lining the perimeter of the aged farmhouse, her feet rubbed together through thin knee-high stockings – a motion that, subconsciously, was rather soothing and comforting. --Something she felt the need for, however little, after the mornings events.
And if there ever had been an inkling of a doubt of the reality within her actions – how real her dream had truly felt, then she need just turn her head to the fields below to catch sight of the laundry line stretching between the toolshed and a single wooden beam.
Basking in the sunshine, her thin mattress as well as bedding joined the rest of the laundry for the day.
But Hikari dared not look to it, rather taking care in finding interest within every chip of wood that she could uproot with her fingernails. (That they were in need trimming was a matter to focus on at a later date.) Something she perhaps shouldn’t do, but wasn’t that just the sort of thing befitting someone like herself?
To do wrong, when there truly was no need for fault.
(‘I should kill you, for your faults…’)
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--The pads of her fingers find their way against her cheeks. And they press, as hard as they can, to leave dents of crescent moons within her skin.
(‘… I should violate your body and leave you broken for the world to see.’)
The soft thud of bare feet across wooden boards’ reach her ears, and the world as it is builds up before her once more. Losing the ringing, the tightness within her chest, until she sees the hem of her grandmothers’ skirt just a few short steps before her. --Her gaze turned upward, but Masae doesn’t meet it.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she would comment – and Hikari need her not to explain what she means. Her knees tuck against her chest, as though she’s a child who’s getting scolded for bad behavior. Yet Masae continues down a different road, “… Koh wet his bed up until he turned fifteen, so it’s no wonder a daughter of his would have the same issues. Though, you are a little past those years now.”
Mentally, Hikari corrects her – that she truly was but fifteen. --And perhaps, just maybe, there was a swell within her chest about the fact that she carried similarities with her father. However meaningless, or circumstantial, those may be.
She had to pry, as much as she was allowed. Wasn’t it just the right of a daughter, to learn about her father? “… How come? Nightmares?”
Worn hands kneaded together, and Masae seemed to truly consider her next words. Dark eyes saw beyond their small space – past the rice papers that served as walls, holes gnawed away by wild Spinaraks’ letting rays of sunlight seep through its wake, to where her husband worked tirelessly within a field he rightfully should’ve retired from tending long ago.
The chirping of birds, echoing across the valley.
“I find it unlikely, though I only have my own guesses to go off of…”
A moment of silence, before the older woman bent at her waist to lay a hand to rest against Hikari’s shoulder.
(She tried her best not to wince.)
“Why don’t you come help me inside, and I’ll tell you a story.”
That she had wandered the beaten path of a trainer in her younger years was a matter that her paternal grandparents didn’t exactly see in a positive light. Which is why, should Hikari desire to stretch her ‘pets’ limbs – then they would rather she does it away from their home. --Why, had never been fully explained. And so when Masae revealed that her son once had owned a Pokémon of his own, it was hard for doubt not to ring clear within Hikari’s tone.
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“… A Jolteon?” She questioned, the motion of rinsing rice momentarily pausing. Masae clicked her tongue in agreement, as though she herself could not believe such a thing.
“Grandpa is an old friend of Mr. Saito up in Ecruteak.” She explained. When no further sounds came from her granddaughter, she elaborated – voice cast over her shoulder. “He is the breeder that supplies the Dance Theater with its cast. So, we figured it would be a fairly safe creature to keep around the farm.”
A beat of silence.
“… That thing almost killed him.”
Johto, outskirts of Ecruteak City – 19xx
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Koh had always been a boy who lacked interest in all things social. When housing guests, events, for the other independent households of their small agricultural community – the Otsu’s young boy had stayed more interested in digging dents within the soil than to act as the dapper young man his parents thought him to be.
“It’s a phase,” the guests would chuckle as Masae’s frown became more prominent. “Our own boys were just like him. He will grow out of it.”
--He had earned himself but one friend to call his own within his admittedly short life. A neighboring boy coming from a different family tree. Hannes, as was evident by his name and appearance, was a child born from foreigners. Birthed within the aged region, yes, yet stood out all the same.
(Never once had he been heard speaking his parents’ mother tongue.)
Because of his orange locks and freckled frame, Hannes distanced himself from the other children of the area. Enough, to where Koh had felt confident in sharing in those faults. Because of a speech impediment that haunted every word he spoke since the day he first learned to call his mother by name, the two stuck together like glue. Koh didn’t judge Hannes for his appearance, while Hannes returned the favor. Being patient, as the other struggled to say the most simple of things.
The boys would eventually be known to hide away together within the forests around the Otsu property, playing by the nearby creek and dirtying themselves beyond recognition by the time it was the hour for dinner. ‘Boys will be boys’ was a mantra Masae came to chant each time, and the boys quickly picked up on it to mock her.
Koh slurred his words and could never say it in one go, but Hannes seemed to always find it more amusing than anything else because of the fact.
However, eventually the day would come where the boys would grow more distant towards each other. Though it wasn’t by choice. Hannes’s family had taken the opportunity to sell their modest plot of land to the developing Ecruteak to expand within, and quickly the life upon the farm got changed to that of the city. Since Masae fell pregnant with her only child but twelve years ago, many things had changed around them.
(Yet they stuck to their ways, despite the offers of money for their property coming their way on a regular basis.)
Still, Hannes came over once or twice in the coming months until the day the big move was due. Though the boys no longer disappeared behind the thicket of the forests – rather lingered around the grounds to dig up soil or tinker with things they should not touch within Hiroji’s shed – they still carried on as though their days were not counted. As though they would stay friends, even when Hannes no longer was around.
On the fated day, Koh didn’t come out of his room. Not even when his only friend came to bid his farewells, could he be beckoned from is space. (Hiroji was the force that allowed it to be so, as he understood it was hard for his son to let his sorrow be displayed. Many times, he stopped his wife from fetching the boy against his will.) --However by dinnertime, Masae lost her patience and went to check on her son. A light knock on the frame, before his door was pushed to the side.
Young Koh was seated upon his windowsill, feat dangling over the edge as though they stretched to touch the tiled roofing just below. That there was a hitch within the mothers throat as the sight (ever so worried about her child damaging himself in any way) was only natural, and as she treaded the distance to be by his side, her arm came to lock around his middle to keep him close against her chest.
“Are you sad?” She would ask, her cheek pressed against his own. Koh shook his head. “… Upset?” Still a no. A moment of pause, and Koh himself came to voice his thoughts.
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(The solution, as it were, should come as no surprise.)
Ever since the kit got brought into their home, their son had left it more and more. Running outside by daybreak, doing his chores given by his father – until lunch could be had and he would be free of his duties. Then, the familiar act of venturing into the woods began anew. --As though Hannes never had left.
Of course, Masae always worried about her son. For his safety with the kit. They had experienced the harm of Pokémon onto their crops more times than they could count, coupled with news reports over the radio of kept such being going against their owners. Rare occurrences, certainly – yet no less real. The thought of them, as her hands sat lathered in soaps within the kitchen sink, haunted her enough for her husband to take notice.
Hiroji rattled the paper settled within his grasp to get her attention. “The boy is safe,” he said, his voice giving no room for refutes. But his wife had never cared to listen to such things.
“You don’t know that,” she would counter – glance cast over her shoulder. Lines of worry marred her skin enough to age her beyond her years. “Those creatures are anything but domesticated.”
“The kit is harmless,” he would amend, shifting in his seat. “If it had wanted to hurt him, then it would’ve done it by now.”
‘It would have good reason to,’ he didn’t add, finding it more counterproductive to do so than anything else. Koh wasn’t the most gentle of children, and it displayed in his handling of the creature. Though he never outright harmed it, he carried it as though it was a rag rather than a being – wasn’t shy in letting his frustrations be known whenever the creature wouldn’t listen, and had more than once carried on a game called ‘Target’ in which he threw pebbles at the poor thing. --To build evasion, he supposed, but it only seemed to confuse the kit more than anything else.
Better a Pokémon than another child, he supposed.
Masae felt she had done enough of housework for the time, and dried her hands within the apron wrapped around her middle. Still, she gnawed at her lips as though they were sweets rather than a part of herself. When she passed her husband by, he reached for her skirt.
She turned to look down upon him, to which he raised a meaning brow. A tilt of his head – a request.
Her kiss was given, just as the lights of their home gave out. A flash of thunder flickering outside, fast enough to where should you have blinked – you would miss it. Yet it was as clear as summer rain to the only inhabitants of the modest farm home. --Masae’s fingers stilled at her husband’s cheek, quickly losing their warmth as ice spilled down her spine.
Hiroji read her mood like handwritten poetry, and reached for her wrist.
“… The kit is harmless,” he dared repeat – yet the mother had already made up her mind.
Masae hurried outside to find her boy.
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The pace of which the mother kept as she hurried through the thicket could be described as anything but graceful, yet grace was not needed. Her breath, fleeting within her chest as she forgot to take them in her anxious hurry. Branches that were messily shoved out of her way as she hurried along narrow, treaded paths left tiny cuts upon her bared skin – marring her knuckles and arms for later viewing once her heart no longer nestled within her throat.
What had transpired at the scene was anyone’s guess – but not every guess could be the correct one. Once Masae broke through the covert to the creek making its way through the woods, more questions filled her, rather than answers. --More concerns, rather than calm.
Within the barren creek – never having filled enough past that of children’s ankles, a sight no mother should ever have to endure made itself known. Koh’s small frame laid unmoving and alone, the plain shirt he wore stained with soil and water. And though the lighting was poor as the sun struggled to filter through the crowns of bark-clad giants, Masae still could make out clear blemishes upon his skin. Thin silvery lines creeping up his arms, disappearing past the sleeves of his shirt to who knows where.
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Yet it was not the most pressing issue at hand.
Masae stumbles to his side, falling to her knees beside her only child – not a care for the stains it would leave upon her wear. Quickly she gathered him in her arms, lifting his head from where it had rested almost fully submerged within the murky water to be cradles against the crook of her arm – against her chest, as her fingers held on to him so tightly she would leave further bruises.
“Koh,” she sobbed, her voice breaking apart. Tears felt thick within her throat, yet she had not shed any. “Koh, please baby please… Answer mommy.”
She shook him, gently at first – before more force was given out of impatient desperation. Something clicked within her mind, and the seasoned mother quickly turned him within her hold to angle his face downwards. --The palm of her hand, coming to lay flat against his shoulder blades.
Three times, she pounded on his back hard enough for an ache to build within the bones of her palm. By the third one, he coughed – mucus lodged in water heaving past his gaping mouth until he cast out more and more of what had come to block his airways. Koh struggled to catch his breath, his body twitching against his will. But his mother held him tightly against her, kept him stable. Until nothing more would be let out, and the sounds of the world once more returned to him.
Dull, broken and scattered into that of music.
“Koh!” Her voice echoed – and eyes the color of coal came to search kindred ones. Mother and son locked eyes but not for long, as Masae quickly hugged him tightly against her chest in her relief over his safety. That he was with her – that he wasn’t dead.
Finally, the tears would come. A rush of emotion too strong to properly contain any longer.
“Oh my sweet, sweet baby…” Masae cooed and fussed, rocking them both in her attempt of soothing. Koh’s hands came to search something to hold on to, something to grasp – and found fine pearls around his mother’s neck.
“It was that beast, was it not? It hurt you- I knew it would hurt you.”
Koh pulled and the neckless broke at its joints and spilling like that of first snow. That, if not his next words, caused his mother to go mute.
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“Mom… I need to do that again.”
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Hikari gingerly fingered at the burn marks caused by youthful stupidity of which marred her fingers and knuckles – the harm a Pokémon can do, all too familiar. (That there were other such marks upon her petite frame, was something she rather not think of.)
During her talk, Masae had moved from surface to surface within her modest kitchen – doing work Hikari perhaps could’ve (and perhaps even should’ve) helped with, yet hadn’t. But her grandmother had never shown signs of displeasure at the fact, nor had she commented on Hikari’s pause of rinsing the rice entirely in favor of listening to the recounting of her father’s childhood. --Perhaps because she only had one granddaughter – just like she only had one son.
“I didn’t understand what he meant, when he said that,” Masae eventually amended, hands drying by the help of a kitchen towel. The bowl before Hikari was taken without much protest. “… And it didn’t fully register to me in that moment that he had spoken without much trouble at all.”
“… H-his stutter was gone?”
That her own made itself known, could be rather humorous under any other circumstance. In the company of anyone else but the two women.
“That boy never stuttered once in his life after that, much to my dismay. Puberty made his mouth foul and I more than once prayed for it to come back just so that I could have some peace of mind.” Masae shook her head, taking over the rinsing so that dinner could be served at an acceptable timeframe. Hikari took to setting the table, feeling as though she should be of use in some way.
It only felt right.
Yet she stilled, plates in hand – and poked her grandmother with her elbow.
Her cheeks sat rosy. “What did this have to do with bedwetting?”
“Oh!” The older woman gasped, before her attention returned to the task at hand. Hikari followed suit, however no less attentive to her grans words. “I’m not certain, but I imagine the shock from that beast messed him up more than it did him good. He never had struggled with keeping his bladder under control until that incident.”
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“I… suppose that could be the reason.”
It made her no less ashamed of her own mishap, however. It was an embarrassment she would have to carry for as long as she remembered it. --And these things, as they are, have a tendency to linger.
Retreating to her bedroom was a habit she had formed in a short amount of time – one neither Masae nor Hiroji seemed to particularly mind. If she stayed within the stairwell leading up to the second story, as dishes were placed within the sink for later washing; then the quiet chatter or her grandparents could be distinguished within the quiet home.
Most often, they spoke of nothing other than farm work and friends. About crosswords, about tomorrows tasks. --But sometimes, they spoke of her. And part of her always waited with bated breath for something… bad. Something cruel.
That they would mock her, without there really being a reason to.
At most, Hiroji had confessed to his granddaughter being quiet. Hikari figured it was meant as a compliment, as the man himself wasn’t exactly a chatterbox.
Johto, well and truly, had brought with it more good than bad. And as she looked to her bedding – freshly made with sheets that lacked stains – even the most dangerous parts didn’t seem all that daunting.
Dreams can’t hurt her, no matter if they are clouded in darkness.
Still, the young girl dug into her packing and brought out the one thing that would cause her grandparents concern. The shell keeping one of her teammates captive. It was cold despite the lingering summer heat, and as Hikari sat down within her bed; she pressed it against her lips for but a moment.
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Grace appeared within the blink of an eye, eyes wide and innocent.
“Y’know,” she whispered to him – reaching to gather him into her arms. The kit gave no protest, nestling within her embrace as though it was the very air he needed to breathe. “Dad had one of your kind.”
A mewl.
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“... Isn’t that funny?”
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cenquitranin1973 · 4 years
how to add parents to health insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurequotes.xyz
how to add parents to health insurance
how to add parents to health insurance through their employers. I was one of the customers I talked to about my own issues with the parents of the insured. That wasn t helpful, so I called the customer service and spoke with them via text. I have my insurance plan through my job. What happened to me through the phone conversation was my parents were really angry at me and told me they couldn t care about my issues. My plan has been canceled. How much is it going to cost you? Are parents or grandparents who are on the health insurance. I think they both do not understand the medical underwriting process. My parents just told me to pay for my parents (myself) to buy a plan and they still don t cover my costs. As the name states, the price of insurance for health plan premiums will vary from person to person. For every person that the insurance company provides policies, it will pay roughly the same prices. For example, if you or your spouse is on a family health insurance plan but you are. how to add parents to health insurance,  because health insurance plans include the most affordable cost-sharing.  To learn more, check out the for tips with . For many parents, health insurance is the new kid on the block, but finding health insurance in Georgia can be a struggle. If you’re looking for a way to keep costs low and avoid a medical emergency, look no further than HealthCare.gov. You could save hundreds. Georgia is an at-fault state with laws and an of the largest insurers in the state. If you’re under 30 years old, you can’t be added to a parent’s health insurance plan until age 26 or 3. In general, plans with the lowest rates will cover you for about for individuals between the ages of 20 and 25. But in Georgia, insurers may have their own . For these plans, are the most common. For the least expensive health insurance plans, the Georgia exchange is considered a .. how to add parents to health insurance? Let’s talk… The answer may surprise you… Not at least because there are many organizations that provide you with access to health insurance. If you don’t, you could lose much of the insurance rights you have gained by your parents employers. In many cases, your parents are at least financially responsible to protect you. But the coverage you get through an employer is not necessarily the best option. Here are a few examples. You might not be working at all, but there are still other jobs for your parents. Your parents might be able to get health insurance or prescription drug coverage. But they won’t be on the family policy. You might not also be working at work and, as such, the parent can have your benefit purchased. In the situation above, you could have several options. In some cases, your parents could switch jobs to help get their own group health insurance. That option is often available in your parent s job and it is the best route.
#1. The premium of a family floater health insurance plan is subject to the age of the eldest member of your family.
#1. The premium of a family floater health insurance plan is subject to the age of the eldest member of your family. This plan covers the premium for any family members on your income. In the eyes of the United States of America, children under the age of sixteen, up to 65 years old, don’t want to see payouts of that money on their own. These children should be allowed to get any money they deserve. This is a no-fault insurance plan that is for adults only who are the most likely to need it, those who have a high income and dependents. There are three general categories of health insurance coverage: medical, hospital, and Medicare. Medical insurance is most helpful in cases of physical and rehabilitation services that are necessary for a significant medical emergency. As such, it’s important to understand about the health insurance market to decide on the best way to protect your family. It also applies to people who own a house in an unexpected way and need to keep up with the payments. The health insurance market also affects a family.
Benefits of a group health insurance for your parents
Benefits of a group health insurance for your parents; the group health insurance for parents who do not have coverage under their private plan (such as a spouse or dependents plan) should be reviewed. A good group health insurance plan that is based on a sustainable retirement framework, allows the plan to cover the health needs of the clients, and pays a high percentage of the expenses incurred in claims. Some employees may be eligible for health benefits at a lower cost if they have been to medical school or college. This is an optional health insurance plan, though, and most employers will provide this policy. Employees should assess all options for purchasing health insurance in advance. These include comparing premium payments in order to compare benefits, purchasing coverage, and offering a discount on any out-of-pocket expenses during a short assessment. One of the best ways to find a group health insurance plan is to compare quotes from as many companies as you can before you select one, and to compare rates from as many companies as possible. If an employer is an employee of an employer.
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Don’t Include Your Parents in Your Family Health Insurance Policy! Why?
Don’t Include Your Parents in Your Family Health Insurance Policy! Why? The insurance industry has had lots of disputes over where a person can and can’t be put in a position of need for their family members once a couple is in the hospital. This argument goes back to the original question of “does my parents get coverage? when most Americans would not be able to afford the costs associated with a small child’s household. It is a great point to make that many people have a policy with the parents who are in their home or are working in the home of their parents. However, there may be one major drawback: the amount of coverage can change from household use to the full duration of their household, and it can take several years for the company to evaluate what it is they need. Many families, not just spouses, have health insurance policies that provide coverage that can last two years in the event of a major emergency. An adult child or adult child’s spouse should be an important factor in making sure the individual is covered for all.
Characteristics of a Good Health Insurance for your Parents
Characteristics of a Good Health Insurance for your Parents. To determine health care standards for your parents, please check with the to make sure they understand their coverage. Good health is one of the most influential indicators of health insurance. However, as you grow older and have other health issues, your parents may see it as too good to be true. If you’ll need help identifying costs for the insurance plan for your parents, it may be helpful to consult with an like . To ensure their health is taken care in a timely manner, we offer the option to purchase a policy directly from them. As a parent, it’s natural to wonder if you will ever need health insurance again, and how much you may be paying in premiums. For those times when you’re paying for services you may not otherwise be paying or when you may not even be getting your own money, we can help guide you to a policy that fits your budget well. Whether it be buying a new car or getting married to your parents, it.
What is Actually an Employer’s Group Health Insurance?
What is Actually an Employer’s Group Health Insurance? Employers often purchase Group Health Insurance for their employees, but in the workplace, the insured may not be paid for coverage under a group policy. The coverage is offered to you in the form of a group policy, so this is not an individual. That being said, a group policy may be purchased to benefit your employees. If your group policy is a common group policy purchased by the company, you may have to give the company a written report from the claims adjuster for approval of coverage. As such, you may be able to see your insurance company through the claims process if you are not present. That is really the other side of Group Health Policies. This is why they are usually covered by an employer’s group health insurance. In other policies, if I was in an uninsured or underinsured motorist crash and injured a second person, or a third person in the crash that injured a third person in the automobile, my insurance company would be covered by me for these injuries. That.
Limitations of an Employers’ group health insurance
Limitations of an Employers’ group health insurance plan are certain. It’s important to understand that health insurance plans have many perks and can cost considerably more than your employer options. There are benefits of using an employer’s plan for your group health insurance that some insurers do not. Here are a few tips you can use to increase the number and quality of coverage your plan provides: The Health Insurance Marketplace for Small Employers covers a variety of health insurance plans. This includes the plans offered by private companies and non-government organizations, and managed care plans for health care needs outside the workplace. Plans offered by traditional insurance companies include: The Healthcare Connectibility Program, or CHP, is an option for qualifying individuals and families. Medicaid, available as a public option in most states, is offered by the federal government. Health insurance plans and tax credits are available for those with incomes up to 400% of the federal poverty level ($20,540 for an individual, $36,300 for a family of four in 2019, and $.
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newslivepageing · 4 years
Sending Your Kids To College - Educating Your Children
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What are we guardians to do in this monetary environment to the extent that teaching our dear kids? As usual, the appropriate response is just right in front of us. We need just to look, tune in, and look for information that is justifiable and functional. Welcome to my show and the MWIB arrangement with respect to monetary examinations. If it's not too much trouble, peruse and learn and make certain to pose bunches of inquiries.
For those of you who haven't heard, the "youngster" charge is reached out to the age of 18 beginning in 2006. This implies that if a kid has more than $1,600 of unmerited pay (premium, profits, and so on), the person will pay charge at the parent's top negligible expense rate. Preceding 2006, the age was kids under 14. The methodology was to have a go at passing pay down to the kids to exploit the lower charge rates to assist with financing instruction. The youngster charge keeps this from occurring.
To come clean with you, I never had a favorable opinion of this system at any rate. I generally watch out for the higher perspective driving my customers proactively through the mish-mosh of monetary techniques. I feel exactly the same about the 529 arrangement. In the legitimate situation, the 529 arrangement works pleasantly. In the event that one turns out to be very well off, I think the 529 arrangement gives extra resource assurance and abundance protection while considering home arranging issues. In view of one being richer, I think it is less upsetting to me to copy systems in a given portfolio. In the event that one has a retirement plan alongside a 529 arrangement, the venture procedures will be indistinguishable. This is nonsensical in my view, as center pay families can not stand to copy venture systems. All things being equal, the center pay family is in an ideal situation putting something aside for instruction by adding to its portfolio outside of the retirement plan. This ought to be through a mix of expense excluded and high development vehicles that will limit charge results. By keeping brilliant records and seeing such themes as the wash deal rules and capital addition and misfortune netting, one can additionally lessen openness to annual duty in any case (see my article and instructional CD with respect to capital increase and misfortune issues). I likewise think the 529 arrangement works for contributing grandparents.
Enough about my contemplations with respect to the 529 arrangement. We should discuss some different methodologies for teaching our kids. Consider the possibility that the family possesses a business. I love putting kids on the finance I super do. The catch is, the youngster ought to play out some assistance for sensible remuneration. Assume your youngster is paid $5,150 in 2006. This simply ends up rising to the standard allowance. The parent's business will acquire an allowance and sonny kid won't need to pay annual assessments on the grounds that the standard derivation will diminish available pay to nothing. This cash would then be able to be utilized to fabricate junior a portfolio for school. Furthermore, if the parent's business is unincorporated thus long as the kid is a minor, there will be no federal retirement aide duty to pay. Man, do I at any point love this stuff. In any event, when the child arrives at the period of lion's share, I like this methodology. In numerous occurrences, the changed gross pay of the guardians will be too high to even consider exploiting the expectation and lifetime learning credits. In this occasion, paying our adored posterity will give us a duty allowance at the business substance level and will turn out revenue for the understudy. Recollect that wages paid should be sensible for administrations delivered. The understudy will at that point record their own assessment form taking utilization of the standard allowance and one of the instructive credits. Notice that I didn't make reference to exception stipend. This is on the grounds that the exception is permitted distinctly to the parent as they are offering help for the youngster. The parent will be surrendering the exception to give the utilization of the instructive credit to the kid. Recall that the parent has effectively acquired a derivation by paying wages to the youngster through the business.
Imagine a scenario in which there isn't a business. For this situation, my thinking is for the guardians to fabricate their own portfolio utilizing inside and outside retirement plan speculations. Understanding capital addition and misfortune rules can help decrease charge openness outside of the retirement design and can consider abundance constructing and having reserves accessible for aiding our kids. The guardians might have the option to take the instructive credits however can in any case give it to the kid if charge arranging directs. The understudy may work while in school (an idea that presently can't seem to murder any youthful understudy) and the instructive credit could be of some advantage to the person in question if the parent's changed gross pay is excessively high.
Try not to be worried about the augmentation of the youngster charge. Also, don't be excessively enthused by the 529 arrangement. Take cues from me and incite further idea into how to mange instructing your kids with different parts of portfolio building. Utilize the entirety of your qualities to their greatest potential. Presently truly, wouldn't you say this article is very much built and deliberately invented? I revealed to you my way is better.
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talabib · 4 years
Rein In Your Financial Life Before It’s Too Late.
In 2013, a University of Chicago professor named Harold Pollack interviewed the financial journalist Helaine Olen. Somewhere along the conversation, he told her that personal finance was so simple that everything you needed to know about it could be written on an index card.
In fact, he was so convinced of this point that he proved it by grabbing an index card, writing down a set of rules, and posting a picture of it online. It wasn’t long before the picture went viral and the pair understood there was a book behind this idea.
In the fleshed out version of this viral financial advice card, this post explains in precise detail how you can gain control over your finances and why you should. The good news is that it really is simple. By adopting a few straightforward tips, you can begin saving for the future today. The trick is to make smart financial decisions, seek advice from the right people and start immediately!
Saving money today is hard, but a few tips can help.
We’ve all been there; you cash your paycheck only to see it disappear as you pay rent, cover utilities and buy groceries. And let’s not forget the ever-present threat of an unexpected car repair.
So, how can you pull yourself out of this financial debacle and gain control over your money? Naturally, it starts with saving, but that’s easier said than done. After all, the median annual household income in America dropped by $3,000 between 1998 and 2013 as wages decreased or stagnated. At the same time, the cost of living has gone up.
This perfect storm of plummeting wages and rising costs has resulted in some frightening statistics: a whopping 27 percent of US households have a net worth of just $5,000 or less, and 47 percent of Americans say they couldn’t come up with $400 in an emergency without borrowing money or selling something.
Since so many people are struggling to get their financial houses in order, if you don’t have any savings, you shouldn’t feel bad. But you should take action. If you fail to come up with a savings plan soon, you’ll never be able to invest for the future or even pay off your debt.
Think of it this way: if you save just 10 percent of your income every month, by the end of your first year you’ll already have a whole month’s salary put away!
Here are a few tips to get you started:
First, use cash instead of plastic. This may sound silly, but lots of studies have shown that people spend over 20 percent more when paying with a credit card or online than they do when they pay with physical money. Spending bills and coins is less abstract, so it’s harder for people to part with them.
You can also set up an automatic savings account. These automatically deduct and save a portion of your paycheck every month, which means you don’t have to endure the temptation of spending it. Lots of employers can even reroute some of your salary toward a savings account for you.
Take financial control by repaying your credit card debt in full.
When your grandparents stumbled upon a must-have purchase that they didn’t have the cash to cover, they paid for it in weekly installments, eventually paying off the item in full. But today, no such delayed gratification is necessary. Credit cards have removed this barrier, and the average credit-card owning American has 3.7 cards to her name.
However, this doesn’t spell financial freedom. In fact, it’s a recipe for financial doom. That’s because this rapid transition toward easily accessible, high-interest credit means that the average American household bears a shocking $7,000 in credit card debt.
Here’s why:
In the 1970s, the credit card companies realized how much money they could make from people racking up massive debts and never paying them back in full. The profits these companies now reap are a result of massive interest rates that are paid monthly by consumers who never manage to pay off the principle on their debts.
That’s why you should always pay your full credit card bill, not just the interest. Unfortunately, only about one-third of credit card holders take this route.
How come?
Well, psychologists think it’s because of a concept known as anchoring. People see the minimum required payment prominently displayed on the statement and “anchor” their thoughts about how much to pay based on that minimum.
If you fall into this category, or if you simply can’t pay off all your bills right away, just adopt this simple strategy. First, work out the Annual Percentage Rate or APR of each debt. This number refers to the interest that’s charged on a debt over the course of a year. It’s important because the fastest way to get out of debt is to pay off the debts with the highest interest rates first.
So, make a list, ranking all your debts by APR, highest to lowest. From there, prioritize those with the highest interest while making minimum payments on the others. Once you pay off your first debt, just move down the list until they’re all gone.
Shop around for your mortgage to save thousands.
The budget people set when shopping for a house is generally based on the amount they can borrow. But invariably, people fall in love with a dream home; before long, they begin to wonder if they can stretch their mortgage just a little bit.
Unfortunately, this is a huge mistake. Rather than reaching past your price bracket, you should assess what you can afford. To do so, there’s a simple rule of thumb: only buy a house if you can put down 20 percent of the purchase price.
In other words, if you have $20,000 for a deposit, you can afford a $100,000 house. This is important because the bigger your initial deposit, the lower your monthly mortgage payments will be. You’ll have borrowed less money and therefore have less to pay off. In this way, a higher deposit can save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your loan.
It may even result in a lower interest rate as well. That’s because smaller loans are less risky for lenders and they aren’t compelled to charge as much interest.
Beyond that, the bigger your deposit gets, the less likely your house’s market value is to drop below what you owe on your mortgage. This is a real threat if the housing market crashes, and you need to sell your property urgently. After all, in such a case you likely wouldn’t have time for the housing market to recuperate.
So, a 20 percent deposit is key. Once you’ve got one, you’re ready to start shopping for your mortgage.
That being said, research has found that just about 50 percent of people do shop around for a home loan. Why should you?
Well, consider the difference between settling for a $200,000 loan at 4.5 percent compared to shopping around for one at 4 percent. The first loan will run you an additional $700 a year. Over a 30 year period, that’s an extra $21,000 just because you didn’t take the time to look at your options.
Start saving for retirement today and make the most of all your options.
Imagine you’ve just started a new job and are signing your contract and other forms. You come across one that asks what percentage of your salary you’d like to contribute toward your retirement plan. You’re young and healthy, so you toss it in the trash. Just like that, you may have thrown away your future. This mistake can easily be avoided.
That’s because the common failure to save for retirement often stems from faulty logic. People tend to think they’ll never retire while the majority of retirees report being forced to stop working sooner than they had planned. In fact, just 20 percent of people work past age 65. You never know when health difficulties, age discrimination, or a crisis in the family might take matters out of your control.
Another common belief is that people have decades to save for retirement and there’s no rush. But compound interest complicates this assessment. For instance, if you save just $104 a month, starting at age 25, and put it in a pension fund that yields a 6 percent annual return, by 65 you’ll have saved $200,000. However, if you wait until age 45 to start investing in the same fund, you’ll need to deposit $430 a month to save the same amount by retirement age.
So, how much do you really need to save? Experts estimate that you should put away 15 percent of your monthly gross pay to ensure a comfortable retirement. That sounds like a lot, but your employer could be your key to success.
That’s because lots of employers offer an “employer match” for retirement savings. In such plans, an employer will match your pension contributions, – usually up to 6 percent of your annual earnings. So, make the maximum contribution you can to reap all of the benefits.
If you don’t, you’ll be among the 25 percent of people who, according to studies, fail to take full advantage of their employer matching options. Just think of it this way: it’s the closest you’ll ever come to making money for doing nothing!
Protect your family and finances by planning for the worst.
It’s no secret that shopping for insurance can be a depressing and demoralizing experience; preparing for the future brings you face-to-face with all the horrible things that could happen to you and your family. Who wants to do that?
But it’s even scarier to think about what would happen if something went wrong and you weren’t properly insured. What would your loved ones do if something happened to you? Would they suffer financially? If so, you need life insurance.
A life insurance policy pays out when the insured individual passes away. But not all life insurance is equal. The best protection you can get at the lowest cost comes in the form of term insurance. This is a type of life insurance policy that’s limited to a set amount of time
During that time, the policyholder makes an annual payment to keep herself covered, and the policy can be canceled on a yearly basis. If you don’t want it anymore, you just stop making your payments and your coverage goes away. But most importantly, when shopping for term life insurance, get a policy that has stable annual payments throughout its life.
So, life insurance is key for covering the worst possible outcome, but things go wrong every day, and to keep yourself covered you’ll also want home insurance. A good home insurance policy is really insurance on your net worth since your home is likely to be your family’s most valuable asset.
That’s why it’s crucial to know what any given policy does or doesn’t cover. So, when you shop around, think in worst-case scenarios like gale force winds destroying your home, a forest fire overtaking your town or severe flooding. Pose these scenarios to the insurance salesman and ask if the policy would cover you. But his word isn’t enough; you also need it in writing. Getting it down on paper will prevent vital claims from being denied due to technicalities.
Choose your financial advisor carefully and be prepared to pay her.
If you’re in the market for a financial advisor, you might come across people with titles as confusing as “chartered college planning specialist” or “retirement management analyst.” After all, financial advisors depend on convincing clients of their reputation. As a result, there are over 50 different job titles to describe people who specialize in financial planning for senior citizens alone!
So, who should you trust for your financial advice?
Well, there’s some good news on this front: there’s just one job title to look out for. It’s fiduciary, and you should always choose a financial advisor who follows the fiduciary standard. This is key since a fiduciary has a legal obligation to put your interests above her own. That means you can trust her to give you objective financial advice, to steer you clear of overpriced investments and to keep your interests at the forefront.
Remember, while anyone can call herself a financial advisor if she isn’t a fiduciary, she’s just a salesperson trying to make a living off of financial products while posing as an unbiased advisor. These so-called advisors have zero legal obligation to put your interests above their bottom line.
Sound financial advice isn’t free. Make sure that your financial advisor is being paid by you and you alone. This is important because lots of non-fiduciary financial advisors offer services for free, only to push you toward particular investments on which they collect a commission.
By contrast, while the fees that fiduciaries charge can take multiple forms, they’re all valid. You might be charged an hourly rate that ranges from $50 an hour for advice on how to get out of debt, to $500 an hour for specialized investment advice. Certain fiduciaries may even charge a flat rate for an agreed upon group of services, like a budget review or comprehensive financial plan.
Whatever tier you choose, find yourself an advisor that will give you sound advice and get your finances in order today!
Personal financial planning is the difference between a sound future and a deferred retirement. But the good news is that a few simples can distress your relationship to money and get your financial in order. By planning early and often , you can get out of debt and ensure yourself a comfortable retirement.
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2020/12/08/state-pension-increase-eight-ways-to-boost-your-state-pension/
State Pension increase: Eight ways to boost your State Pension
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State Pension payments worth billions of pounds are being sacrificed simply because people don’t know they’re entitled to claim them. For every year you work and pay National Insurance, workers build up an entitlement towards their State Pension, worth an estimated £260 a year. If there are any gaps in the National Insurance record, pension claimants can rectify them by paying voluntary contributions for any of the past six years.
But there are also eight ways in which you can earn State Pension while you’re not working – most of which are often overlooked.
Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb says there should be very few cases when people of working age are not earning credits toward their State Pension.
Mr Webb said: “You can go online and see your National Insurance record.
“Where there are gaps, you should ask why. Virtually everyone should be covered by one of the entitlements.”
READ MORE: State pension payments to increase for married women – full details
Eight ways to boost your State Pension
The first way to boost your pension pot is if you took time out of work to look after a child under 12-years-old, as you are entitled to pension credits.
But you won’t necessarily receive the credits automatically, and thousands of parents miss out every year due to a failure to apply.
The second way to boost your State Pension applies to people who drop a grandchild off at school or provide childcare over the phone or online due to Covid restrictions.
To be eligible, grandparents must not be working, be under State Pension age and looking after a child under the age of 12. 
The credits should be automatic, but if your earnings are below the limit for paying National Insurance contributions, you’ll need to apply to HMRC.
Another way to boost your retirement money is if you’re in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay, through which your credits should accrue automatically.
However, if the amount you get is below the lower earnings limit for National Insurance, you’ll need to apply to HMRC for credits.
If you’re out of work but looking for employment, you should receive pension credits.
Again, if you don’t qualify for Jobseekers’ Allowance (JSA), employment support allowance or Universal Credit, you may have to apply.
The seventh way claimants can bump up their retirement money is if they have had a spouse who works or has worked in the Armed Services and has been or is posted overseas.
You can claim for any period dating back as far as April 6, 1975.
And finally, if you attend court for jury services and couldn’t go to work as a result, you can claim pension credits for that period of time.
You can also claim if you were imprisoned but were acquitted or your offence was later quashed.
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mercykrp · 4 years
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ACCESSING FILE #00017896 … KIM SEOJUN is a 24 year old REGISTERED mutant with WATER MANIPULATION. Last known employment: PART TIME BABYSITTER & STRIPPER. He looks suspiciously like JUNG HOSEOK , no?
Name/Alias: noah
Age: 24
Pronouns: they/them or she/her
Timezone: gmt-3
Triggers: –
Reserve Password: symphony
Faceclaim: jung hoseok (jhope), bts
Name: kim seojun
D.O.B/Age: september 3rd 1996 (24)
Gender/Pronouns: cismale / he/him
Occupation: part time babysitter / stripper
Status: registered
Ability: water manipulation
seojun doesn’t remember much of your parents, vague memories about dinners and moments spent together, dad left as soon as he realized he had a mutant as a son and mom has passed away before he could make much of them with her anyway. but he remembers being raised by his grandparents, the kindest people he has ever met who took in a child — a mutant child — even if they were just normal humans and never had to deal with someone with superpowers before, the sweetest people who always reassured seojun that he never should worry about things like that, that grandma and grandpa will take care of everything for him even after seojun learned that their retirement expenses were good enough for them if not for seojun, that grandpa had to start working again to support them.
because seojun was raised by such kind people, he turns out to be kind too, attentive and responsible. he starts learning things just so his grandparents won’t have to spend money on him, learns how to cook so he won’t have to buy anything at school, learns how to sew so they won’t have to buy new clothes him, he learns how to be and independent person even if he’s just a kid. he also starts training with his powers, just enough, just because his grandparents have this awed look on his face whenever he managed to do a nice trick with powers, making the water take form and even just moving it around. once managed to make a rainbow above grandma’s little garden that had her smiling the whole day. but they were always careful to remind him that he should never use his powers outside of the house, with anyone no matter what.
and seojun is nothing but a good kid so he obeys.
his love for dancing emerges when he’s 10 and watching a busk performance on his way home after school. it is love at first sight and he takes his time to congratulate the performers, to smother them with praise and they give him a small card of their dance studio if seojun ever wanted to stop by and check it out. his grandparents are more than thrilled with it, supportive as they always were about whatever made seojun that excited. however, his dream was easily crashed when he saw the monthly fees of the studio, there was no one that his grandparents could pay for it and it was clear about how their smiles became dim when they saw the fees too, even if they tried to reassure seojun that they’ll figure it out.
the solution comes in the shape of one of the performers that offered seojun in the first place — an instructor he later finds out — offering some sort of discount as long as seojun proved to be good enough and that’s exactly what seojun did, so they managed to lower the fee to something much more affordable.
seojun was never downright bullied for being a mutant, he could feel the discrimination in small things however like mutants always ending up in pairs with mutants, no matter if the instructor was the one picking up the teams or not, how there is this unspoken rule that the mutants are always the one who stay back to clean up the practice rooms, how it’s always the nonmutants who get the center positions. he could feel it at school too, even if it was never something physically violent, it was subtly there. but it was mostly things that seojun could deal with it, could ignore and move on. until he’s fifteen and he’s accused of having made one of the main dancers of his performance break their ankle because of a slippery floor and he’s kicked out of the studio even when the only thing that made sense about him being the culprit was that water was involved.
he gets out of there with tears stinging his eyes and with shame crawling under his skin, not knowing how he’d tell his grandparents about it, when they’re both working to pay for his dancing classes. that’s when one instructor that no one really likes comes to him, offers comfort and a card, a proposal that would allow seojun to keep dancing and it’d be even better because he’d get his own money out of it too. and seojun believes him because he’s young and naïve, desperate to get out of what he thought was the end of the road.
which was not true, seojun would find out later, the end of the road was a little further down yet.
seojun is taken to the red district, put into tight and revealing clothes to dance to guys who are at least twice his age, but it does get him good money. even if it makes him feel dirty, even if half of it goes to the instructor who brought him there, and that’s what keeps him there, that and the sweet words of the man who “scouted” him, that soon enough — even if that never comes — he’ll have enough money to not need to dance anymore, to remember how his grandparents are much stable now, grandpa doesn’t need to work anymore with the money that seojun brings in, saying it comes from his performances of the studio, to remember him that he can’t quit now, unless he wants to see his poor grandparents working long hours again so seojun stays. even if he’s just sixteen at this point he stays.
he stays even after he’s introduced to private dances, even after some old man tries to make a move on, corners him against a walls and tries to slip his hands under his already few and short clothes and seojun panics so hard he ends up making that man blind when he literally dries his eyes out, even after he comes back home crying that night, charges not being pressed for some miracle, even when his grandparents don’t understand what is exactly going on (they do, to some extend but not the whole picture) and let seojun cry on their shoulders, angry marks still on his torso and legs, hickeys on neck — he never tells them what happened, why he came home like that and his grandparents never pried, thinking seojun would come to them when he’s ready.
he doesn’t do private dances after that incident, no one wants him anyway, not when he’s known as the mutant dancer who almost killed someone, but he stays. until someone else offers him something better, it’s the same job but not so bad conditions, where seojun will be payed a little better, treated a little nicer, so he goes and he hopes this time he made the right choice.
water manipulation: the ability to freely shape and manipulate bodies of water and water itself.
. seojun can not create water, can only manipulate it from the environment around him, even fluids of the human body as long as they have any percentage of water on them (however, the latter only happened once when he was under an absurd amount of stress, has never tried it ever since and it’s something extremely difficult to do in the first place).
. he can in a very minor degree change the state of the water, usually either making steam/gas turn into liquid and liquid turn into solid, as long as it’s a very small amount of water and he has be fully concentrated on it.
. otherwise can freely shape and manipulate bodies of water, the smaller they are, the easier it is.
. using his power over an extended amount of time is exhausting and can cause seojun to have headaches and/or nausea, besides possibly leaving him dehydrated because it starts messing with the water of his own body.
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brewerlinda1995 · 4 years
lying about car accident to insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :carinsurancequoteshq.xyz
lying about car accident to insurance
lying about car accident to insurance companies. Also, you also have a right to dispute the charges you were involved in a car accident. The insurance company is not always good company; it’s the only way you can try to fight the charges brought by accident, without being forced to pay. You will want to avoid any claims. The accident is covered only under your policy. If you cause accident with the driver, the insurance company will pay all claims you have, though of course in most cases the person injured is not in a car accident. You will also need to inform your insurance company. That should be the point of which the claim is settled. In this case, you will need to bring your accident report, any witnesses, any injuries you sustained, any doctors, etc. If damage is not paid, it will be considered part of your personal injury protection. If the injuries you sustained are not covered under your car insurance policy, you will want to get the full amount of the damages paid out by your insurance. lying about car accident to insurance companies. And I m sure that the same is true if you re an active or retired driver. You either had the opportunity. A few companies will ask about your driving, if ever you need or feel comfortable when you re driving. It s kind of like what Uber and Lyft and DriveMeRide ask about their driving. It s definitely worth taking a look. You may be covered under your parents policy, but you d be surprised by your results—which can also be covered by another vehicle s insurance coverage. In that case, you would find your insurance coverage either purchased by your parents—but only if it s under them. Car insurance for teenagers, on the other hand, is usually very basic, with a lot of protection under an adult policy. And then again, they can t go far beyond what their parents and grandparents can. If you re covered under your parent’s policies, it s actually pretty cheap. If, for instance, you re involved in serious accident. lying about car accident to insurance agencies. I am working to get a car this Sunday. I was a passenger in some traffic accident at the stoplight and a female rear-ended me. I filed a police report on Saturday and I know that there will need to be more information being sent to a family. A very helpful car accident lawyer. She is very good, smart, confident in her profession. She is very helpful and available to get me the most for my business and for my families. I was involved in an electrocution of my own and was hurt, while other of my friends were injured from the rear-end. Then, I was involved in another small accident, and it became obvious that I was not the front man in a major collision for a foot in my rear end. After we got our license back, I was on another car then in the blink of an eye, hit my motorcycle rear end in front of my motor truck without a collision. This involved me at several points, while at fault.
Lying about your address on your car insurance
Lying about your address on your car insurance policy is bad. However, there are a few ways to minimize your car insurance costs, including: Car insurance companies look at a wide range of factors, including your age, gender, type of vehicle, driving record and a wide range of credit scores. Although you may not be able to buy car insurance on your own, there are steps you can take to lower your car insurance costs. The first step is to use a car insurance comparison site like Insurify to compare quotes for car insurance that fits your needs. Insurify provides the standard information for the types of car insurance policies you can choose from, as well as quotes. Other types of insurance include: Insurify’s rate analysis and comparison feature allows consumers to obtain car insurance rates from multiple big insurance companies in one place. You can enter your ZIP code to start, and view estimated rates for car insurance throughout the United States. Yes. You can cancel your car insurance policy at any time, as long as you.
Lying on an insurance application about winter tires
Lying on an insurance application about winter tires makes us think about how we don’t have something here if we can’t get it there, but we’re willing to go the extra mile for you to buy new tires. Your insurance policy can tell you what to expect of something. We’ll get you an insurance card or a letter from you. You’ll probably have one. You only use your own policy for a certain number of days before you let the insurance company know that you have a new tire or tire that’s damaged. You don’t make that decision lightly, either. In fact, there’s a whole lot of insurance for tires that’s new in the market. One problem we hear a lot about is tire compatibility. In addition to the standard ones, manufacturers sometimes have to issue tire replacements when the tire has been replaced with a different tire. The same tire can’t just be replaced with another. That’s because you�.
Lying to your insurance company about driving for Uber or Lyft
Lying to your insurance company about driving for Uber or Lyft may result in fines and higher insurance rates. You may also need to get insurance on your own. In addition, some insurance companies will cover your new car as a backup car or personal car when the situation presents itself in your favor. In this case, you may want to add it to your existing policy. If you’re a member of any of the popular drivers’ association, you can get insurance on a new car up front. A number of factors impact your car insurance costs. Many of these factors are independent of your driving profile. The insurance companies take into account your credit history and your driving record. If the company thinks you won’t drive for Uber or Lyft to save money, you’ll need to consider other options. If you’re a good driver, the chances of qualifying for car insurance are low. The says that drivers who switch to Uber and Lyft typically save 30% on car insurance. Even though it might seem like a dumb move.
Honesty is the best (insurance) policy
Honesty is the best (insurance) policy on the market for you! This agent is very helpful and honest. He will find the best policies on next to nothing! This agency is the best! They provide great prices for our policy. My husband passed recently, and the agent who works for the agent works as a representative to take care of our final expense. We know what our families should be with, and they are extremely competitive. I had a good experience with Joe and I have always been working with their customer service. My agent helped me to purchase a home. It cost less than what the agent would have me to carry. I highly recommend this agency to everyone. You didn t deserve this opportunity - THANK GOD! To have a son in pain and to have him grow up at a time when his health was a little easier to grasp. - Margo, Texas In addition to a few of the policy discounts available with many national insurers.
Making an exaggerated claim on your home insurance
Making an exaggerated claim on your home insurance policy, the policy may take several years but could increase in price over time. If you’re in search for a better deal on your homeowners insurance, consider a home-based policy. With a home base of somewhere between 6,000 and 9,000 square feet, you can likely enjoy a superior homeowners insurance coverage. With this type of policy, you’ll get some of the best available prices in an easily accessible way. This type of policy only takes a few minutes to complete. One of the reasons for purchasing home insurance is to protect the savings you’re already earning. You won’t get a premium you can’t afford to pay twice in one claim; and once you pay, the premium you’re willing to pay will be replaced with what you saved in the previous policy. The cost to replace or restore both your home and your valuable belongings is small, but you can save a considerable sum; which is the main reason why buying.
Putting your car insurance under your parents’ name
Putting your car insurance under your parents’ name is not the smartest move. It will be the best decision for your good self-policies. Here are a few tips to help you make the best possible decision on whether to ask your parents for car insurance: When your parents are away and you are the owner of your car, you’re the one having to pay for damages that are not being properly covered under your parent’s policy. If your parent’s car insurance limits have already been exceeded by the amount of insurance they held in their own policy, you likely already have enough money to pay for any damages. By paying for car insurance your parents will be required to carry their policies in full. This means they will have to fully protect themselves in case of an accident. Your child who is uninsured may be required to pay for damages under your policy and also pay for legal fees, damages and court fees if they are found guilty of driving without insurance, or even a violation of no insurance. If this happens,.
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salyardskatalyna · 4 years
decreasing term life insurance definition
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurequotes.xyz
decreasing term life insurance definition
decreasing term life insurance definition to include in term length: $30,000 and less per term / term length with the highest life insurance benefit of 10-20 years. The lower percentage is in line with the other premium figures displayed, but is also related to the length of the term.  I have already read a couple of things in the comment, but thought I should point out that term life insurance, not whole life, has a long and expensive death benefit — for example, $3,000 and then would be deducted. If an individual dies in an accident and only pays a dollar amount for the death, their dependents could be without life insurance. It’s important to note the meaning of lifetime insurance for term lengths. If you buy term life and invest the rest, you can learn much from this process, as the amount of life insurance protection that you need per year is not necessarily the same per month. Some people have trouble paying the premiums due to that. The purpose of term life insurance. decreasing term life insurance definition on the whole life policies to see what the rates are like for term life, and then to learn how to save as part of a good student plan at a good age. Also, let’s also see how age doesn’t necessarily determine health in terms of life insurance premiums. With just a few minutes, you could save over $1000 an even cheaper term life insurance! Life insurance can have many different uses depending on how old a person is, their lifestyle, the amount of coverage they want, and other factors. If you’re only looking to save money, or if you want to use life insurance as part of an investment that could be profitable for you or your family, then a good life insurance policy could be the way to go! One of the most popular and affordable life insurance policies of all time, Term life is ideal for someone with family responsibilities and financial needs. Term life insurance is typically used for financial obligations and have retirement savings to cover when they die.. decreasing term life insurance definition? The following is a brief explanation of the policy definition of this coverage. 1. What coverage is required?  As you would normally insure your child to the age of 18. Also, there are a few exceptions to the rule for children to be covered for non-consent. 2. Does the policy have a cash benefit (for example, a gift or gift of a policy)? A. Yes, if the policy is a policy held liable for a child’s death as defined in , the cash benefit of liability insurance is generally paid out upon the death of the child if the insured person was not negligent and made a reasonable misstatement. For instance, let us say that, in presenting a photograph of the child, she was obviously not negligent. The child would later realize that her grandmother had been negligent and made a tragic error, claiming her granddaughter had become pregnant by mistake and was involved in an accident to prevent her from speaking out for a medical exam. If the policy.
What is level term life insurance?
What is level term life insurance? How does a plan work? Read this review and learn more about what are the pitfalls we face when searching for a long term life insurance quote. You cannot get whole life until you have health problems so don’t expect to see any payments soon. One of the big pitfalls we face is not being able to purchase long term insurance. While getting a long term policy allows us to access our cash flow for many different activities, we can’t do so while dying. We can’t guarantee that our children are financially independent and have life insurance because we know that they are going to die. With an auto policy and long term care, your might get a break. You could use the cash you earn to help with your funeral costs while your children are growing up. You can be taken care of in the event that your kids are no longer around. Or you could consider buying a less expensive long term care policy. For example, if you want a life insurance policy to help.
What is the ladder strategy for buying life insurance?
What is the ladder strategy for buying life insurance?  I would recommend looking into the ladder strategy for . The life insurance ladder is an overview of the categories of life insurance coverage you are buying and which options you are willing to accept. It is not a ranking tool. The ladder is meant to be a list of what life insurance companies are most interested in and to let you know how long you will be willing to pay, expected payment time, and other factors. When you see what you are paying for life insurance, then you will see “Gold” grades (A and Excellent). As a high grade life insurance life insurance life insurance premium can make you very competitive. Some companies only offer premium payments of $800 per month for the first 10 years and then $400 per month for the 10 years. The premium will also be lower for your total coverage over time. Life insurance is offered by IMG and is available in various states and is administered by one of the leading insurance companies in.
Factors to keep in mind when comparing decreasing term life insurance
Factors to keep in mind when comparing decreasing term life insurance rates are overall credit score, as well as driving record. In addition to all of that, other than age, gender is also used when a person is considered a lower risk overall for life insurance. This can be attributed to a number of criteria, including age, gender, income, occupation, and hobbies. One of the biggest factor that can affect your life insurance rates is age. There are a number of factors that might have an impact on younger, better, and younger adults. For example, a senior citizen’s medical condition can be one of the most well-known, and the lower-risk lifestyle is often tied to lower life insurance premiums. One of the things that can affect your life insurance in regards to using your life insurance will depend upon your overall health and what is best for you. At the end of the day, no two insurance plans are the same. It goes without saying that if you have a pre-existing condition, then it’s important to know.
How should I decide which type of life insurance I need?
How should I decide which type of life insurance I need? The first and most important step to determining whether car insurance is right for you is to use the information you have provided. However, there are different factors that affect car insurance. Whether you want to get car insurance for your family, get a quote on your own or plan on getting licensed, there are several car insurance facts that may not come as much of surprise. Here are a few more things you may not have known as you get car insurance. If you have your parents or grandparents on your family and you are involved in an accident, you will be in a position where you require your car insurance company to cover your costs. If you want to change the law regarding who is at fault for your car accident, you will need your parents’ consent. In the US, there are state laws that require car insurance companies to notify the victims of the crash and the insurance company should also act on that information. Car insurance companies are required to notify you in writing if there is anything you do not.
Decreasing term life insurance vs. level term insurance
Decreasing term life insurance vs. level term insurance: Life insurance is a product that you purchase on its own, and the premiums you pay will be lower (provided the coverage is level); if you purchase a level term policy, then you may get a reduced cost and may be eligible to get the maximum benefit (if you are under age 21). If you are an older or less healthy person, you may be able to get a more favorable rate. When buying life insurance, the premiums you pay in case of death are most likely going to be lower than what the death benefit would give you. The key is to compare the premium cost of vs. a level term policy when purchasing a term policy compared to different level term insurance. Life insurance can be a lucrative investment. You will now be able to choose the that best suits your needs. With that said, it will also cost you more in the long run. As you compare the benefits of a level term life insurance policy, there will be some unique details to consider. These are.
What is decreasing term life insurance?
What is decreasing term life insurance? Is it better than reducing them whole life insurance? Are they better than other ? I am a young guy and I never have a family, but when I do I know I can afford it. They have great rates on life insurance so what if there were no life insurance options, I would be left wanting I did have to pay $150,000 for final expenses after having a heart attack. And with just one life insurance company, how good is my policy? I need to look at all the other options to choose the one that would provide a good level of coverage for me, how good could be the death benefit? And how much coverage should I buy? I can t make the insurance decision myself, I m 27 and I m very young and there is no need to buy a lower policy. What you are about to do here in this video. The video is from the Insurance Broker. You can see the process and learn about it now. Hi. I have.
Term laddering: an alternative to decreasing term insurance
Term laddering: an alternative to decreasing term insurance and, in some cases, a lower premium (not listed above) or an increase to the premium without an initial payment. is just to be used while we are still alive to decrease term insurance premiums. You may choose to reduce term insurance premiums as an alternative, instead of increasing term insurance premiums. There are many different options for term insurance, including life insurance rates, , , , and life insurance policies. Most of the time, you will see term life insurance quotes online and can talk with an insurance agent. But many customers like to get term life insurance quotes online. In the middle of the term, you may be able to get a term life insurance quote. In the short term, , such as and , that is a great option. In exchange for term premiums and coverage limits, you can and apply for an online term life insurance quote. The best term life insurance companies offer various payment plans, including a term length range, with long-term financial security guarantees that.
Do you want an inexpensive form of life insurance?
Do you want an inexpensive form of life insurance? Consider a new kind of life insurance: term life insurance, which allows you to pay off a debt while you are alive. If you have children, life insurance can help supplement their income, pay off medical expenses, and maintain an even financial balance. But if your children are adults, then you can’t really afford term life insurance. And if you think you’re overpaying or need insurance to cover the costs of caring for a new child, term life insurance may not be the right fit for you. That’s because life insurance doesn’t come in a certain amount of money – it comes in a lump sum. In essence, you pay the whole amount. When you get older, you can stop paying your life insurance, and the rest is done. Term life insurance is usually more affordable – it costs less than whole life insurance because the death benefit is guaranteed for life. The term life insurance benefits are usually guaranteed to expire at the age of 40. The.
Should I get decreasing term insurance?
Should I get decreasing term insurance? My husband bought us life insurance for the first time. He always claimed it was the cheapest for me and had insurance for our first mortgage and home and the rates were not the most affordable. The company I have called, did some testing, they said if he could not get more term life I would get it back and give it back it was for $100,000 and the price was $17000 per year. How did the insurance company find out that I am not eligible for lower policy? It should probably be with some insurance I don’t have a death benefit that high can you have a $4,000 to go towards car, your boyfriend could get life insurance but would a $10,000 death benefit as I am a young lady? Do you think my husband should be allowed insurance? There is a life insurance company, will give a quote in 7 to 10 days. I don’t know. Any advice? Please let me know or here if you.
Does decreasing term insurance have any drawbacks?
Does decreasing term insurance have any drawbacks? How about permanent or universal insurance? While you have questions about which insurance is worth more than having permanent insurance coverage? You probably know that for sure. If you are an ex-spouse, co-worker, or husband and dad, there is a reason why you need permanent insurance coverage: you depend on your father and his life insurance policy to be there when he is no longer around. In addition, your insurance agent, who often is experienced with the company, needs to know that if you go through the right steps, you may get some very good insurance coverage to protect your dad during his life with life insurance coverage. You pay for life insurance.  If you depend on him for security of financially, you can depend on him. The only way to build a solid financial support for your father and for himself and other children is to get guaranteed issue life insurance. The two main benefits of the term and the guaranteed issue life insurance are that he.
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