#lp Jennette
sylver-drawer · 2 months
Talking to someone about LP Jennette and I am sick and tired!!!!
What do you mean LP Jennette “ignored Athy’s feelings and neglected her”???? “She stood by and never defended Athy from humiliation and harassment from other nobles”????? “Pushed work and expectations onto Athy inconsiderably”????
LP Jennette did none of those things. She was one of the only people who gave a damn about LP Athy, constantly visiting her and checking up on her, knew that Athy was capable and smart and respected her for it.
But you know who did do these things? SBAPOD ATHY TO SBAPOD JENNETTE! Athy remarks multiple times and acknowledges Jennette’s loneliness and longing for family, but she always internal monologues on never fulfilling those desires and keeping Jennette at arms length while IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH TELLING HER “I love you” AND “I missed you”. Like—that’s definitely leading Jennette on, right? Acknowledging multiple times someone’s love for you while also fully acknowledging you’ll never return that affection, and then giving said person false hope by verbally or physically AFFIRMING THAT AFFECTION HALFHEARTEDLY??? Like. That’s worse than ignoring Jennette’s feelings. That’s straight up acknowledging them and then trampling on them.
In addition, while LP Jen checked up on Athy out of concern when she retreated early from a ball right after she was being harassed by noblewomen (that she didn’t even witness), SBAPOD Athy repeatedly leaves Jennette to ‘fend for herself’ when Jennette is being targeted by noble ladies??? Never taking Jennette’s side when noble ladies straight up accuse Jennette of incest, and selfishly hogging Ijekiel’s attention and burdening him??? And again, while previously internal monologue about how Jennette shyly blushes in regard to her pure love with Ijekiel? Like. Who’s really ‘not defending’ someone from humiliation and harassment. And this also adds to the “pushes expectations onto [her] inconsiderably” claim, because Athy full on says in text that Jennette needs to ‘learn to defend herself’? From incest accusations and targeted remarks?
And that’s not even getting more into the point of “invalidating/being inconsiderate [her] feelings”. In LP when Ijekiel asks Jennette if it’s normal for Athy to unusually apologize for something, Jennette’s response is that it isn’t unusual because of her character that Jennette knows well at this point because of their closeness. She responds based on her own personal experience and connection to LP Athy’s personality and feelings that Ijekiel is not familiar with. Meanwhile in the novel’s main story, while romanticizing Jennette’s love for Ijekiel, she simultaneously compares Jennette’s long and accumulated feelings for him to the feeling of getting princess treatment from a servant?
Everything bad I’ve heard about Novel Jennette and her LP Counterpart, I’ve somehow found in Novel Athy’s character instead, and no one talks about this. This has to mean something, right? Or is this another case of raging misogyny literally changing how readers perceive a story and its characters.
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shxrry-blossom · 5 months
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Lp Jennette and wmmap Jennette clearly have different types of clothing since they were both in different positions in their respective eras but looking closely I think that in reality Jennette's style is still maintained a bit (? For example not even in lovely Princess Jennette wears jewelry, nowhere near as big as the ones Athy wears. I also feel that lp Jennette's dresses still have an old vibe (? I honestly don't know how to explain it but I feel like they are still very different from the ones Athy wears. Although in lp Jennette wears more embellishments and her dresses are more elaborate.
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that-onecrazy-fangirl · 9 months
Bro PLEASE tell me why was I strolling through tumblr and came across a post about wmmap, saying that “Jennette should’ve ended up with Luca instead of Athy” Like?? I don’t mind the ship ( at ALL ) but saying that it should be canon?? And then there were people in the comments saying that Jennette should’ve became Claude REAL daughter instead of Athy, like Huh??? Like what is the reason for that😭?? And then they was saying they was “ tired of Jennette being seen as a villain in manhwa and she should’ve had a good ending too” but she is being seen as an angel in the manhwa?? And she ALSO had a happy ending with her ACTUAL father😀?? I’m convinced that they dropped the manhwa and didn’t read the rest of it🙂🙂
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roseapov · 11 months
Jennette x GN!Reader
Tw: murder, obsession, stalking, power gap, power play, power abuse, degradation from position
Action is taking place during the Lovely Princess (the 1st life)
Povtober 2023, Day 29 [Masterlist]
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Jennette de Alger Obelia, the beloved crown princess of the Obelian Empire and the older sister of Athanasia de Alger Obelia, who is considered a forgotten princess.
And truthfully so, she is very much forgotten indeed. People of the Empire and their shared father cared only for their sunshine, future ruler.
Yet there was one person, one that Jenette desired most, and that wasn't Ijekiel. It was you. Whenever you were in her vicinity, the world around her didn't matter, no one else mattered, not even her father.
She was never able to catch your eye the way she wanted, all you saw in her was a friend at most, not even a close one, much to her dismay. Yet it never changed the fact that she loved to observe you.
Your whole attention was always directed to her sister, making her blood boil. Your visits were always for Athy and never for her. Do you really see her unworthy visiting? Unworthy of your companionship?
What did she ever done to you? You act so distant, it makes her heart clench in pain. One day she finally gathered the courage to ask you, what her younger sister had, that she hasn't.
She had much more of everything! What was the thing she was lacking? Yet the answer...
Your answer was nothing she could ever be prepared for, you loved her sister. You loved someone else. Her sister and not her. You didn't loved her.
She started to tremble from anger and frustration, fists clenched, eyes starting to water yet any tears never fell down her cheeks. She run away from you, before you could ask any questions, making you pale from the threat of death for making the precious princess cry.
Ever since then you were strictly forbidden from seeing your love, making both of you confused, yet inwardly you knew the reason very well, your inetraction with older princess never leaving your mind.
Athanasia never truly knew the reason for this, unlike Jennette, but that never stopped her from seeing you in secret, as she also held feelings for you.
Ever since then the older princess was always at your side, taking the place of her rival sister. The two of you grow closer with the flowing time, even after your doubt at the start. Much to her delight.
You even get so bold as to ask her for perimssion to have a sleepover with her in the castle, of course she wouldn't dare to refuse you.
She would've refused if she knew that you would sneak out at night just to meet with Athanasia.
Later on, the day of the coronation had finally came, and with that day henceforth the Obelian Empire welcomed its new ruler, Jennette de Alger Obelia.
And her first order was to make you her concubine...
No one honestly expected it, seeing you two as close friends, but the shock on your face told them all they needed to know. It was all one sided. You couldn't believe your ears, hoping that they have failed you, instead of believing what was happening.
No one would tried to do anything about it anyway, if their newly beloved queen says so, it shall be obeyed. You were left at her mercy.
The nobles that you were part of earlier, pitied you and your injust end. From being respectable and renowned noble to mere plaything of the empress, with no worth.
The only plus of this situation was the fact that you got your own palace to live it, meant for the new royal concubines, instead of living together with the emperor ones.
Speaking of the empress, she loved to spend all her free time with you. Visiting you every evening and calling you to herself on busier days.
It was great for her, the perfect harmony.. Until she caught you meeting with Athanasia. All hell broke loose.
The one person she was always trying to be better than, you were seeing her being her back, without her knowledge. That made her erupt with fury, and the next thing you know, a head rolled.
The head that once belonged to the Athanasia de Alger Obelia, the second princess of the empire, now laying on the dirt.
You couldn't say no, now your words hold no power, making you forever stuck at her side... Besides, after seeing what she had done to her kin, you don't want to risk anymore, do you?
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It was so hard to find good pics of jeweled eyes Jennette TwT
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doomed-prophetess · 8 months
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interesting detail! Athanasia is wearing a marguerite dress on the day her father humiliates her and during their next tea party together Jennette is wearing a marguerite dress adorned with yellow roses just like the ones Claude cut down when he tried to kill Athy.
In Victorian times yellow roses symbolized jealousy and greed. After Claude's birthday Athy wonders if she was being greedy for wanting father's love. There are yellow roses growing over the rose arch where Claude appears to kill Athy and bushes of yellow roses separating Athy from Claude. Even if Jennette is physically not there she's still symbolically present as an ill omen of Athy's doom.
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Jennette is often associated with the marguerite flower and the ribbon around Athy's throat is held together with a single marguerite. Athy almost would have died the same night wearing that flower around her throat and how did LP Athy die in The Lovely Princess? Strangled by a noose tied around her neck. In both cases her father was the one who wanted her dead but it was Jennette who indirectly caused it. If Jennette is a marguerite she also becomes synonymous with the noose that was slowly tightening around Athy's throat.
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It's atypical how Athy doesn't avoid places, people or objects that reminded her of her trauma. Spoon could have shown something simple like Athy hating the pattern of the cup in which lp Jennette's poison might have been served in and refusing to drink from it. She doesn't avoid certain knights that may have played a part in her arrest or shows a reluctance to work with the courtiers who turned on her when she was suspected of having poisoned the lovely princess. The attempt to remove these people from a position of power and give it to those who were neutral or in doubt about lp Athy's guilt was never made while Athy stood high in Claude's favor. It never occured to her to ask Claude for anything but material goods even though it's allies she is in desperate need of. Athy is keeping those who actually love her at arm lenghts and surrounds herself with people who's affection and loyalities are unreliable. She's getting along with several noble girls who must have bullied Jennette or talked behind lp Athy's back in her past life. Athy never really questioned their sincerity or suspected ulterior motives even though she has every reason to do so. It's as if with the change of the heroine the wmmap universe was equipped with a new set of extras to make everything easier for her.
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dyinggirldied · 7 months
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The AU where poor LP!Athy gets beheaded and Jen decides to wear the bals de victimes in her honor (inspired by @jeweled-blue-eyes
Athy's costume was inspired by Anne Boleyn (portrayed by Natalie Dormer, my goddess, in the tv series The Tudors).
Imagine Athy being forced to give a speech thanking her father's kindness and mercy in front of the public in this AU almost broke me-
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
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I don't think Jennette is Athy's foil. Their interests are somewhat opposed to each other, but Jennette is not dramatically different from Athy, nor does her character serve to highlight Athy's character.
A foil is a character that, from a narrative point of view, contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist), to highlight their qualities. The foil usually exhibits opposite or conflicting traits, and they serve to better reflect the other character's traits and motivations.
Claude, Lucas and in the manhwa Anastasius have ideas and values that are very different from Athy's, especially regarding family. However, Anastasius is clearly Claude's foil, and Claude is more of a deuteragonist than anything. I could kind of see him contrasting with Athy (because of reasons similar to Lucas', those being, how they chose to deal with their grief), but I think his role is to be Anastasius' opposite.
Lucas fits a little more. He has an extremely similar backstory to Athy's (rejected and neglected by his biological family, kept away from the main house, then abandoned by his teacher, he chooses to "go to sleep" instead of facing his depression). Because of his traumatic experiences, Lucas chooses to freeze his heart instead of risking getting hurt again, which is the opposite of what Athy ultimately decides to do: Accept that she loves Claude and considers him her father, get hurt over and over, but nevertheless try to build a healthy relationship with him based on honesty and trust. This is what changes Lucas, (metaphorically and kind of literally) melts his heart, and makes him fall in love with Athy. However, Lucas is never truly put in a position where he is opposed to Athy. On the contrary, he is the character that stays by her side unconditionally, helps her reach her goals and protects her. That's why his role is the love interest.
I have thought about this topic before, and I always concluded that Athy simply does not have a foil. However, while answering this ask, I realized that there's a much better candidate for that position: LP!Jennette is wmmap!Athy's foil.
They both wanted to be loved by their family, but while Athy wins Claude's heart (at first by acting but shhh) by the sincere feelings of love and the relationship they slowly develop over time, Jennette never truly wins Claude over, unbeknown to her. The thing that makes Claude "love" her is the manipulation of her black magic. Moreover, while both LP!Jennette and wmmap!Athy know that their own good situations hurt the other (LP!Athy, wmmap!Jennette), wmmap!Athy goes very far in trying to befriend Jennette and help her, which can't be said for LP!Jennette (to be clear, she was never actively cruel to LP!Athy, but she also never tried to help her). What reflects their contrast the best is that, both know or learn the truth of their parentage, but Athy ends up telling Jennette the truth. LP!Jennette stays quiet and acts as if she is ignorant (which, as she herself admits, further hurts LP!Athy), because she feels Claude owes her the family and good standing she has, as he killed her real father.
I think the fact that wmmap!Jennette explicitly tells Athy that, if she were in Athy's place, she wouldn't have done what Athy did (comfort her, reach out, and talk to her first), is the novel's acknowledgement of how differently LP!Jennette and wmmap!Athy acted. While both had innocent and understandable desires, and you could say both were selfish in their own ways, LP!Jennette always prioritized her interests over anyone's (this is another conversation, but she also knew Ijekiel didn't love her and was unhappy, but she still kept him as her fiancé because that was her desire), which is the opposite of that wmmap!Athy did. More extremely put: wmmap!Athy saves Jennette from being executed or punished in any way because of the black magic storm she caused at her 18th birthday party. LP!Jennette does not do that for LP!Athy when she is framed. LP!Athy is executed, the day of her 18th birthday.
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yvonneloveposting · 10 months
AU where LP!Athy haunts WMMAP!Jennette
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jeweled-green-eyes · 2 years
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maid athy and lady jennette
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sylver-drawer · 2 months
So tired of people claiming LP Jennette was some evil and cruel mastermind.
The only person she was ‘hurting’ was Claude, because he was the object of her ‘revenge’ for her parents who, at that point, had found out/received the knowledge of being killed by him. Was it true? No, but she didn’t know that. In her point of view, her uncle after killing her parents became emperor through usurping the throne and even claimed he vanquished evil, that being her parents. How insulting is that? How dare he? In LP Jennette’s perspective, this act of pretending to be his daughter is her revenge. Other than that, she was a normal girl. She was noted as the only other person other than Lily who cared about LP Athy, by SBAPOD Athy’s own words. She’s also repetitively supported Athy in LP even though we only saw a small sliver of their life.
When Claude falls ill, and the officials beg her to oversee his matters, she obviously presents Athy as a better candidate. People kept saying it’s because she’s selfish and immature, but have they even read or dissected the scene correctly? She is Claude’s favored daughter which is why the officials ask of her. If her response was purely emotional and irritated, I would’ve understood the ‘selfish and immature’ sentiment. But she isn’t. Instead, she offers Athy instead by listing out Athy’s skills and knowledge that exceeds her own. Even though Jennette is officially the crown princess and successor, Athy has lived in the palace for eighteen years while Jennette arrived merely four years prior. Even if they received the same official education, Athy most definitely knows internal matters more than she does. It was also known by SBAPOD Athy herself that LP Athy studied tremendously to gain Claude’s favor before Jennette arrived on her own accord. Of course there’s no official record of it, why would there be an official statement of the abandoned princess’ tutelage? But Jennette knew this. Jennette knew Athy’s experience and intelligence, and presents this knowledge of Athy. It isn’t her being spoiled and a brat if she’s presenting true facts! There was some talk about her being cruel because she wished Claude would stay sick and unconscious, but isn’t this??? Exactly what SBAPOD Athy thinks when she sees a sleeping Claude during her runaway arc????? That if Claude is just going to kill her when he wakes up, that she wished he’d stay asleep then??? Like these are direct parallels to each other and it makes me insane that one is called cruel while the other is praised as a saint.
We have no idea what LP was about other than this sliver into their lives, but if it was anything like how the novel of SBAPOD was, it was full of people jealous of her sudden status and noble support. And this was even with Claude’s support, meaning she had to handle this predominantly on her own. If you think about it, despite how favored Jennette was, this is nothing like how SBAPOD Athy was treated. Athy was favored, just like LP Jen was. Enough to have tea party dates, happily spending time with each other day by day. But Athy isn’t surprised when Jennette gets targeted by other noble girls’ gossip and underhanded words in the main story. Rather, she treats it as something Jennette has to handle on her own. If Jennette was supposed to be a lovable character with a carefree journey, does that nonchalant behavior make sense? This can only mean that Athy knew Jen would face these kinds of situations from reading LP. And if we read between the lines, this means that LP Jennette’s experience is completely different from SBAPOD Athy’s experience. Athy had her own troubles, but when it came to socializing with other nobles, she was popular and loved. But even while favored by Claude, LP Jennette had to combat the nobles and their underhanded praises and snide remarks.
Seeing that this is the case, I just can’t see at all how LP Jennette is spoiled and immature, or some evil mastermind. LP Jennette still struggled despite being favored, and she knew the differences in her skills vs Athy’s skills appropriately. She has some darker emotions, but like her main story counterpart, she never showed it nor lashed out upon it in regard to others. I don’t see it at all, how she can be any more ‘evil’ than SBAPOD Athy, when LP Jen had way too many parallels to her as well.
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shxrry-blossom · 5 months
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Jennette and Penelope wearing the same kind of dress >>>>
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lesbianjennette · 1 year
also ppl who act like lp!jennette is evil/the cause for all the issues in lpverse and for lp!athanasia... hello do u have any reading comprehension
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lithi · 4 months
I genuinely wonder what would have happened if Athy and Ijekiel had never met lol
Because he pretty much spent his life one-sidedly yearning for her, but if she doesn’t fall from the sky into his arms and never meets her, what does it change for him?
we know that in the TLP timeline, Ijekiel was focused on Jennette on the debutante ball bc she was meant to be the protagonist of the day, to the point he didn’t even look at LP!Athanasia, but in the regular timeline Jennette is pretty much left to the side, so would he notice Athy then? Or when she sneaks into their house to meet with Jennette? Mmhhh
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
Lucas's dislike for Jennette would be interesting to explore if the reason wasn't because she was the second female lead but because she was a child that was created non consensually with mana stolen from him when he was asleep by the man he rejected (as in metaphorical rape). His hatred for her would be rooted in self hatred. Jennette is something powerful and terrifying, something that should be feared and rejected by society (just like him), both were conceived unnaturally from magic (manhwa lucas is implied to have been sired by the world tree), Jennette was raised by a white haired man who refused to become her family and never made her feel like she belonged (just like him and Gisil), they formed an attachment to a father figure (Caelum, Claude), possibly felt jealousy towards the true child of the father figure (Aeternitas, Athy) and ruined their parent/child relationship.
The difference is that Jennette still clings stubbornly onto her dream of a family, never embraced her "true" nature or put herself above those that were less powerful than her. And this must be incomprehensible to Lucas. Lucas was rejected by the people he loved because of his magic. He looks down on those with less mana than him because he might've begun to tell himself the opinion of those weaker than him didn't matter. They were ants in comparision to him who was basically a demi-god. It would be a nice parallel if Jennette and Lucas both tried to find comfort in a narrative they have constructed for themselves. They are forced into the roles of the lovely princess and wizard hermit respectively through external factors. The difference is that Jennette broke out of her role first in this life.
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I'm enamoured by the headcanon of LP Ijekiel having a weird superiority/inferiority complex towards the Obelia sisters. Ijekiel has been taught that he is lesser than Jennette and has to be subservient to her and at the same time Ijekiel has been taught that he is so much better than LP Athy and his talents + everything he worked for and has sacrificed would be wasted if he chose her.
"you were born for Jennette / your are nothing without Jennette"
He's confident as long as he's with Jennette because it means everything is going according to plan and his father will be proud of him, but he becomes deeply insecure and anxious when Jennette is not there because his existence is defined by her, so much that he cannot imagining existing without her. Almost as if he could disappear any moment if he were to let go of her hand and take Athy's.
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