#lsy: cal
lovesick-yanderes · 1 year
Lovesick: Part Three
Part 1 / Part 2
Cal Character Bio
TWs: typical yandere behavior
“Hey, Cal.” You’re standing outside of his apartment’s entrance with your arms crossed, looking around at the other doors and buildings throughout the complex as you greet him. You aren’t focused on him; instead, it seems like you’re searching for a lost item. Cal smiles, masking his pleasure at John’s absence as excitement to see you.
“Hey, _______,” he calmly says, leaning against the doorframe to chat with you. “What’s up? Here to see Buttercup?” As if on cue, the cat slowly strides towards the door, rubbing herself on Cal’s legs and then on yours. She sits down next to you and stares up, leaning her head against your calf as she waits for you to pet her. You don’t.
“Not today. I’m actually here to… Well… John didn’t come home yesterday… I was wondering if you’d maybe seen him?” You ask, your voice faltering a few different times. You’re anxiously fidgeting with your hands and your gaze has shifted to the ground. He notices you shaking as you stand before him.
Cal feigns shock, his eyes widening. “What do you mean he didn’t come home?”
Whatever resolve you’d been holding in suddenly breaks. Tears cascade down your face and you start to sob, bringing your hands to your face to cover them. “I’m sorry,” you wail, sniffling and trying to stop. “It’s just- he’s gone. I haven’t seen him since we went to bed on Friday night, and now it’s Sunday, and-”
“Hey,” he says calmly, walking out of his doorway and wrapping an arm around you. He brings you in for a gentle, reassuring hug. You lean into his embrace, relaxing into his body as he rubs your arm to comfort you. Cal savors the moment, permanently etching how you feel in his arm into his brain before he pats your shoulder. “Let’s go inside. We can talk more once you’ve calmed down, okay?”
You sniffle and wipe your tears, pulling away from him and nodding. With a quiet “okay,” you head into his apartment with Buttercup close behind. Once you’re inside, you climb onto Cal’s couch, and Buttercup instantly crawls into your lap. While you pet her to get your mind off of John, Cal quietly makes you one of your regular drinks from the Cardinal Cafe. When he delivers it to you, you can’t help but let out a strained laugh when you recognize the beverage as one of your favorites. “Thanks, Cal.”
After you finish most of your drink and Buttercup helps calm you down, Cal joins you on the couch. “If you’re not ready, we can take some more time,” he tells you, reassuring you through your emotions. “But I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”
You nod your head, take a deep sigh, and then finish off the last of your drink. “Yeah. I think I’m good now. Thanks, Cal, I really appreciate it…” You set your cup on a side table and return both of your hands to Buttercup, who lays contently in your lap, purring as you gently pet and massage her. 
You narrate your version of events to Cal, who sits quietly, giving you space to speak and clear your mind. “I don’t usually see him until around 4:00 on Saturdays, but I thought it was weird that he hadn’t even texted me… He always says good morning and makes sure I eat lunch. At 6:30, I assumed he was working late or went out with some coworkers… When I went to bed, I figured I’d wake up next to him sometime in the night, but I never actually fell asleep because I was just waiting for him to get home.” You pause and tears start to well up in your eyes. “I was in bed until I came over here. I don’t know where he is, and I’m freaking out, Cal.” You stop petting Buttercup to run your fingers through your hair, inhaling deeply to help calm yourself back down. 
Your sadness nearly breaks Cal’s heart. It’s necessary, he tells himself. They have to be like this now so I can show them how much I love them. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you into a firm side hug. “I’m here for you, ______,” he tells you, resting his head onto yours. You erupt into a waterfall of tears, leaning into him as you wail. “We’re friends. I’m gonna help you through this.”
In the coming days and weeks, you make the call to the police and John’s family to report him missing. Police come and take your statement. An official investigation is launched. A formal search party assembles and combs through the trails John was known to run on. His body never turns up. Months go by. His case becomes cold. 
You stay with Cal, too heartbroken and anxious to step foot in the apartment you shared with John. “I don’t need office space,” he tells you when he insists you officially move into his extra room and off of his couch. He worked at a coffee shop, after all. He could use his laptop anywhere in the apartment. “It’s just until you’re feeling like yourself again,” he assures you, knowing that you’ll never really leave his side again. Once you’re convinced to sublet your apartment for the rest of your lease, he pays for a company to move all of your belongings in. John’s family comes to retrieve his things. Anything left behind is donated. Another couple takes over your lease. And just like that, every part of John is removed from your life. It’s almost like he was never there at all. Almost.
Six months after you move in with Cal, he starts to see progress on your mood. The combined efforts of therapy, quitting your job, and the emotional support of Buttercup helps you rebloom into the person he remembers from the Cardinal Cafe. Of course he’d love you no matter what, but it was nice to see you smiling again. Especially when it was for him.
“Hey, Cal,” you call out to him as he enters the apartment once he’s out of work. He smiles as he walks through the apartment, heading towards your room. He leans against the door frame and smiles at you as you beam back at him. You set your book to the side of your bed as Buttercup jumps up from your lap, rushing to greet him with a loud, wailing cry of a meow. Feed me, now, she begs. “We missed you.”
He sighs in bliss at your statement. 
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something,” you tell him. He watches with admiration as you fidget with your hands, avoiding looking at him while you mumble and launch into a long story. He watches your lips curl into quick, nervous smiles as you talk to him. He’s enamored with you. He’s barely started actually paying attention when your words make his head spin.
“I have feelings for you.”
His ears start to ring. Everything slows, and he can feel each second as it passes. His heart practically leaps out of his chest. You confessed first. He thought he’d be waiting much longer to share his true feelings with you. He was trying to be slow, to respect your mourning period while still showing you how good for you he is… But here you were, already baring your heart. He moves towards you without thinking, crossing the room in a smooth, fluid fashion. He joins you on the bed and takes your hand into his. 
“I’ve known that I liked you for a while now,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You didn’t need to know exactly how long he’d been pining for you. He leans down to rest his forehead against your hand, leaning heavily into your touch. The embarrassment, shock, and excitement of your confession give him a head rush. He feels short of breath and so, so woozy as he lays against you. His cheeks turn red and he feels as if his body is radiating heat. He slowly looks up to you, meeting your gaze with a lovestruck look in his eyes.
“I didn’t want to tell you too soon,” he says. “Didn’t want it to be-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” you tell him, using your free hand to move his bangs and caress his face. “I’m just so glad you feel the same.” You start to lean down to him and he quickly fills the gap, capturing you in a firm, impatient kiss. It is the first of many. He did it.
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
if you write nsfw, can i request nsfw hcs for calvin and warren for g/n love interest?_(:3」z)_
Cal Character Bio / Warren Character Bio | 277 words
TWs: NSFW (obviously)
Medium level libido
Doesn't masturbate frequently but when he does, it's at least a two hour endeavor. He just keeps going and going until he's completely drained
He's a dom, through and through. He needs to be in control always
He's possessive outside of sexual scenes, but within them, he doesn't hold back. He constantly reminds you who you belong to and leaves plenty of bites and bruises to mark you as his
He's really into crying and overstimulation. Wants you to be in so much pleasure you can't even think straight
He really likes fucking you after feeding from you, if you allow it
He's a proud user of toys, loves bossing you around, and is a master of dirty talk
High libido
Masturbates at least every other day, sometimes more frequently
He's a switch, but he mostly takes the role of service top
He worships you in and out of the bedroom, so him wanting to prioritize your pleasure (and getting his own pleasure from it) isn't that surprising
He will do almost anything you want him to
His biggest fantasy is you using him like a toy, but he hasn't figured out how to broach the subject yet
As talked about in the previous ask, he has the ability to knot. He has some semblance of control over it and because it embarrasses him, he always begs asks before knotting you.
Will initially refuse to fuck you in his werewolf form because he doesn't feel like he has enough control over himself, but as your relationship continues and he becomes more comfortable with shifting outside of the full moon, it might become an option
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
Lovesick: Part One
Cal Character Bio | Word Count: 1724 words
TWs: Stalking (via social media)
  This is probably the worst job Cal has ever had. Cardinal Cafe, a small, locally owned coffee shop and bakery placed right on the edge of the city’s center, was his own personal Hell. The smell within the building was overpowering; between all the different roasts of coffee beans, the constantly baking edible goods, and the people who stood outside to smoke a cigarette as they waited for their coffee, he was constantly overwhelmed and agitated. His coworkers sucked, too; they were all college students, always griping about exams, their class loads, interpersonal drama… shit that simply did not matter. His boss sucked. To top it all off, he made $11.45 an hour.
  Although he’d been working different jobs for over a decade by this point and had saved almost every penny, meaning he didn’t really need a well paying job to get by for quite a while, he still resented the low wage compared to the effort he was forced to make on shift each day. He frequently dreamed about telling his boss and coworkers off and just walking out one day, middle finger raised. He’d find a new job, which would be exciting at first, but would inevitably suffer the same fate as not only the Cardinal Cafe, but also Dane’s Diner, Peachtree Preschool, August’s Auto, and loads of other establishments he’d worked at throughout his time as a vampire.
  There was one reason he was hesitant to leave Cardinal Cafe; you. His favorite regular customer. You came in every single day and ordered a rotation of three drinks. You always chatted with him as he made your drink, smiled and laughed at everything he said, and complemented his barista skills after every first sip. If it was slow, you’d stick around by the counter to sip on your drink and carry a lengthy conversation with him; if it was busy, you’d give him a genuine thanks and be on your way. He looked forward to you coming by the cafe every shift; it was one of the only things that got him through work.
  Cal looks at the clock: 9:30 am. You should have been here by now.
  He shrugs to himself and continues prepping, making three different pots of hot coffee before switching to making the cafe’s cold brew. At 10:30, he starts getting anxious. A steady stream of customers pour in and he meticulously crafts their drinks, pouring cups of coffee and serving pastries or croissants to their buyers. Time flies incredibly fast. At 12:30, it’s time for him to clock out. He takes his time getting ready to leave, hoping you’ll run through the door so he can see you; you never arrive.
  Where were you? He punches out of his shift and heads back home, and occupies himself through the rest of the day, and then through the night, with thoughts of your whereabouts. He walks into the Cardinal Cafe the next morning at 5 AM, ties his apron tight, and gets to work prepping the bar, confident he’ll see you today- but he doesn’t. In fact, two weeks go by before he, frustrated, decides to do some digging. First, he asks his coworkers if they’ve seen you.
  “No, not for a few weeks now,” one of them says, idly twisting her hair as she leans against the counter. “It sucks. They were so nice.”
  “The last time I saw them…” Another trails off in thought, crossing her arms to help her focus. “Probably at the end of last month.”
   “(Y/N)? No, I haven’t seen them,” the third says as he questions her. “It’s been quite a while since they’ve stopped by. Sucks. They tipped really well.”
   With his coworkers offering no help, he turns to social media to find you. He searches your name on every platform, and while he does find you (rather easily, in fact), he’s frustrated to see that all of your accounts are private and locked down pretty tightly. There was no way for him to check up on you. He throws his phone down and claps his hands over his eyes, groaning out of anger and frustration. What was he supposed to do now? The only good part of his day was gone.
  Well, maybe this is for the best, he thinks, uncovering his eyes and reaching to grab his phone again. A small crack now sat near the top of his screen. He rolls his eyes and goes back online, scrolling aimlessly to try to distract himself. With you gone, he has no other reason to stay at the Cardinal Cafe. This is what he’s been waiting for; a reason to leave… but why does it feel so wrong? The prospect of never seeing you again makes his heart ache in a way he’s never experienced, certainly not as a vampire, but not as a human, either. He continues to scroll mindlessly when something familiar catches his eye. It’s your sweater- well, the same sweater that you have- in the background of an ad. He expands the post to read more.
  It’s a targeted ad for a new apartment complex on the other side of the city.
  “Immediate move-ins available! Our luxury apartments are spacious, pet friendly, and come with plenty of amenities. Call our leasing office today!” Below continues with more information, such as base rent prices, pet restrictions, and details about the amenities. Cal chooses to ignore them and scrolls back to the picture, clicking it to look it over again.
  Something inside of him surges when he sees the sweater again. Not because of the article of clothing, but because of the person wearing it. The person in the picture was definitely you- your body shape and hair made this unmistakable. Cal put his phone down again, this time in shock; moments ago, he felt like he’d lost purpose because you were gone, and now, thanks to a random targeted ad, you were back, and he could see you again. It felt unreal- too good to be true. He snatched his phone back up and called the leasing office, his mind already made up. He was going to see you again.
   Less than a week later, Cal’s old apartment is packed up in boxes and loaded into a moving truck. His time at the Cardinal Cafe is also over- he simply stopped showing up. He drives separately over to the new apartment complex: Steel Square Estates, a total of 5 blue buildings spread throughout a sprawling parking lot. He goes through the process of getting his key and walks up to his unit, opening up the windows to look at his view and get a feel for the layout of the complex’s property. There’s a pool, a small playground, and what seemed to be a paved walking trail that led into a nearby wooded area. It was, simply put, beautiful. 
   He spends the rest of the afternoon unloading the moving truck with the hired movers. He’s constantly looking over his shoulder and around the building for you as he travels up and down the stairs, stopping abruptly to stare any time he sees someone with your hair color. He  has no luck, though. He pays the movers and is walking back upstairs to his unit when he stops again after seeing your hair color. Except this time, it isn’t a stranger.
   There you were, in all your glory, walking down the stairs to head toward the parking lot when you met his gaze. He watches your confused expression turn into one of recognition, then shock, then joy. He can’t help himself as he cracks a smile at your emotional progression and watches as you jog down the stairs towards him.
   “Oh my God!” You exclaim, stopping in front of him. “It’s you! From Cardinal Cafe!”
   He feigns ignorance for a moment before mimicking your progression of recognition. “(Y/N)?” He asks, hoping he sounds just as elated but curious as you do.
   “Yes! I can’t believe it!” The two of you share excitement for a moment. “Did you just move here?” You ask, tilting your head to the side a little.
   “Yes. Just got my keys today,” Cal explains. He can barely contain his excitement. He sets the box he was holding down on the sidewalk, giving you his full attention.
   “What a coincidence! I just moved here a few weeks ago too- I can’t believe we didn’t know we were moving into the same complex, let alone the same building!”
   “What a coincidence indeed,” he affirms, smiling. If only you knew the struggle he went through to find you again.
   You’re about to start talking again when a door slams from up the stairs. Down walks a tall man with black hair, staring at you and raising a brow at Cal’s presence. You look back, much to Cal’s dismay, and make a sound of joy.
   “Oh, John!” You exclaim, waving the man over. Cal’s body tenses as the man comes closer to you, and he feels something dangerous shift in his brain when the man wraps an arm around your shoulders. “This is Cal. He works at Cardinal Cafe, that coffee shop I went to on the other side of town.”
   John nods his head at Cal, and Cal returns the gesture, his fury like a wildfire, spreading through his body with such speed he can barely hold himself together. He just met the guy, but Cal wants John to die. Painfully. Now. 
   “I’m John, as you already heard. It’s nice to meet you,” John says. 
   “You as well,” Cal returns.
   The three of you stand there awkwardly for a moment before you break the silence. “Well, we won’t keep you from moving in. I’m so glad we got to chat again! I’ll see you around, Cal!” You and John head off in the opposite direction, but Cal stands his ground for a moment, trying desperately to calm himself down. He watches you leave to the parking lot over his shoulder before he continues walking back up the stairs to his unit, his mind already racing to figure out a way to get rid of John. Something dark inside of him takes over, something possessive. You’re not walking away from him again- and John will not be sticking around for long.
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
Cal Facts
Cal Character Bio
Considers himself to be a jack of all trades, master of none. He’s a very methodical, hardworking man who takes joy in learning new skills and doing things the way they’re supposed to be done, but finds himself frequently bored when things get repetitive and he doesn’t have a chance to try new things or develop his skills. This is why he seems to job hop so often.
He is bisexual
He went to college for a few years but had to drop out when he turned 20 due to finances. It was always his goal to go back and finish his degree, but he never had the financial stability to do so. Now that he’s a vampire, he doesn’t feel the same sense of urgency to complete a degree and, while he’s still interested in higher education, he doesn’t plan on going back for a while. 
Although he generally wears his hair up so it’s out of his face, he prefers to have long hair and will likely never cut it short. 
He eats once a week and sources his victims from bars. When he feeds, he only takes enough blood to keep his energy up, preferring not to kill strangers each week. Usually, he’ll pick victims who are already blackout drunk or otherwise incapacitated, drink from them, and then make sure they’re in a “safe” place (somewhere they’ll be found) before leaving them behind.
He killed the vampire that turned him.
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
Lovesick: Part Two
Cal Character Bio | word count: 1331
TWs: stalking, murder, violence
Link to Part One
Cal spends the next three months weaseling his way into your life and learning your schedule. Groceries every other Wednesday, a 35 hour workweek, nightly dinner with John, and a three hour phone call with your best friend on Sunday afternoons. You’re predictable and easy to follow. John is, too; his 60 hour workweeks keep him out of the apartment most days, as does his obsession with running around the various trails surrounding the apartment complex. 
Cal uses his enhanced hearing and proximity to your apartment to eavesdrop on you and John through most of your dinners, trying to learn more about how to cement himself into your heart. One day, he overhears you asking John if you could adopt a cat together; he also hears John’s immediate denial, based on “allergies,” and that’s enough for the topic to be dropped. Of course, the next afternoon, Cal bumps into you while holding a tiny black cat with large, green eyes, that he just so happened to have adopted from a local cat rescue. 
“You’re free to visit her whenever you want, ______,” he happily informs you, and you obviously take him up on the offer. The cat, which the rescue had named Buttercup, serves her purpose well. For the small price of her adoption fees, a large cat tower, and 2 cans of wet food each day, she keeps you coming to Cal’s apartment every single day. With your daily visits now restored and the boundary of the customer-employee relationship removed, your friendship blooms and blossoms. You finally start to open up to him, and he finds himself telling you things he didn’t even talk to his friends about when he was a human.
The connections you’re making together drive him wild; once you leave each day, he feeds Buttercup and then spends the rest of the evening obsessively writing out anything and everything new you’ve told him, desperate to keep track of all of the information there is to know about you. This is it. You are the person he’s been waiting for; you alone make his curse of immortality and agelessness worth it. You’re the one who will accompany him to the end of time. All he needs to do is get rid of John- and now is as good a time as any to strike.
Right on schedule, John leaves your apartment the next morning at 5:45. Cal hears the door shut and lock from his position in bed, and then watches John descend the stairs and jog into the woods while looking out his window. After he disappears into the trees, Cal slips out of his own apartment and makes his way into the woods, taking care to avoid the gaze of the apartment complex’s few security cameras. As he enters the woods, his heart rate spikes and he feels the adrenaline of the hunt coursing through his veins.
John is easy enough to track; aside from a singular, clear set of footprints leading Cal directly to his prey, John is making every sound imaginable. It’s like he isn’t even trying to hide from me, Cal muses, knowing that there was no real way for John to know he was out there with him. He quickly spots John up the trail after a few minutes of jogging himself. Rain (and maybe some sweat, too) drips from his black hair onto the trail below; John is wheezing and panting, resting with his hands on his knees, looking at the ground. Cal quirks a brow. How is he this winded already if he runs every morning? He watches John take a hit from a red inhaler and start slowly walking down the trail, still wheezing as he moves along. Cal slowly follows behind him, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. 
He’s making a calculated, detailed plan of what he’ll do with John’s body when he trips on a root hidden on the ground. He hits the ground with a loud thud and curses in his head when he hears John call out to him;  “Hey, shit, are you okay?”
A minute later, the man he had been tracking is before him, helping him stand and checking his body for injuries. When he is satisfied with Cal’s lack of scrapes and bruises, the man helps him stand and strikes up a conversation with him. “Glad to know you weren’t hurt. I imagine it’d be pretty hard to get an ambulance into the woods.”
“Yeah, probably,” Cal agrees, trying to move himself away from the conversation. “Thanks for checking on me. I guess I’ll get back to my walk now-”
“Wait, you’re ______’s friend, right?” Cal’s heart nearly leaps out of his chest as he slowly nods his head yes. “Why don’t you join me?” John’s question catches him completely off guard. “I’ve been meaning to get to know you better, seeing as you’re so close with ______. All of these trails are connected, so we’d run into each other again anyway.”
Relief floods through Cal’s chest, his heart beat returning to a calm pace almost instantly. “Sure. Let’s walk.”
John leads him on the path he’d been previously following, chatting up a storm. A little too chipper for a human who’s up at 6 AM, Cal notes, trying his best to keep quiet but also not to come off as malicious or standoffish to your boyfriend. He tries keeping up with John’s poor excuse for small talk, but ultimately, the other man is more concerned with bragging and boasting than learning anything about him. On one hand, he thinks that the less he has to talk to this man, the better; on the other, though, he hates that he’s being an audience for John to just talk about himself and his so-called accomplishments.
The pair enter a new part of the trail. The trees begin to appear slanted as they grow and move downward with the erosion. Signs are clearly posted, warning of the danger of falling in multiple languages. Beside the trail is almost open air. John walks to the side and points down, showing Cal a slow moving stream that cuts through the bottom of the ravine. Tons of rocks, tree roots, decaying leaves and stumps decorate the ground leading down the decline. “Not sure how into hiking you are, but if you’re ever up for a challenge, getting down there took me hours-”
Cal’s mind is made up. It has to happen here.
“Hey, John?” Cal cuts him off, staring at the back of the man’s head. As John turns to acknowledge him, he continues to speak. “I’m doing this for _______, okay?”
Cal watches the look on John’s face jump from confusion to shock, and then straight to horror as he shoves his palms into his shoulder blades, sending the black haired man tumbling head first down the ravine. He hears John’s body fall and make a few sickening cracks as it tumbles to the bottom, landing face-first in a small stream. At first, the body makes a dam for the water, blocking its passage; soon, though, the water breaks through, coming to the other side of the body and moving John’s blood with it.
Cal stares at the mangled body below him. He had killed people before; many times, in fact. Vampires have to eat. This was different, though; he wasn’t hungry for blood when he killed this man. All that was on his mind was you. I killed this man for you, he imagines announcing to you. I killed him so that we could be together. With John out of the picture, there wasn’t much standing in the way of Cal being with you. He covers his tracks as he exits the woods, returning to his apartment in a state of bliss. He spends the rest of the day inside, lounging with Buttercup, waiting for John’s body to be discovered, and dreaming of the domestic bliss he’d soon be living with you in.
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
Snowed in...
Warren Character Bio / Cal Character Bio  | 472 words
With Warren:
Being snowed in with Warren is probably the most comfortable you’ll be in this scenario. The man is a natural radiator, so if the heat goes out or you just need an extra layer of warmth during the snowstorm, he’s your guy. He’s happy to spend all day with you wrapped in his arms, sharing his body heat and just laying in bed or on the couch together. He especially loves holding you when you’re the one who requests it; thinking about you asking for him, for his body…the thought alone keeps him warm all day.
Once the storm subsides and it’s a little clearer outside, he’ll head out to shovel the driveway and dig the truck out… and also to play in the drifts after phasing into his werewolf form. You watch him through the window, running and playing just like a puppy, covering himself in snow before shaking it all off and creating a new pile to jump into. Most of the driveway doesn’t get shoveled, and he only clears off part of his truck before coming back inside. He’ll be human again, but his hair and body is still covered in snow and he’s panting from the cold, a smile plastered to his face. You’ll offer him a cup of hot cocoa, which he’ll gladly accept, and you’ll each return to your spots on the couch, warming back up in front of the TV and under a large blanket.
With Cal:
Being snowed in with Cal is a different story. He’s naturally very cold, so while he’d be great to be with during a heat wave, you’re each bundled up in sweaters and sweatpants to keep warm while the storm rages outside. He’ll try to help you stay warm by carefully crafting your favorite hot drinks, but with the limited supplies he has access to outside of a cafe setting, there’s only so much he can do. After a few hours of the wind shaking the apartment you share together, Cal will grow bored with whatever the two of you have been occupying yourselves with (reading, watching movies, maybe playing cards) and suggest something silly… building a fort. 
“If the power goes out, we’ll have a smaller space that’s easier to keep warm,” he’ll say, trying to rationalize it. “I don’t want you to freeze to death.” You don’t need convincing, though; once he said the word fort, you were already pulling cushions off of chairs and the couch and gathering blankets from across the apartment. After two hours of laughing and being amateur architects, your fort will be complete. You’ll climb inside and find there’s barely room for the two of you, but you’ll be proud of your accomplishment anyway. You’ll spend the rest of the day inside the fort, keeping yourselves warm and the snow off of your minds.
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
How would Calvin react to reader bringing a date to the coffee shop where he works?
Cal Character Bio | 147 words
TWs: stalking (via social media & irl), murder (not graphic)
Not well!
Yeah, he’ll hold his tongue at work to be his usual kind and attentive self to you, but he is absolutely not giving the same treatment to your date, and it’s a little obvious. If you pay for your date’s coffee, he’ll pull away from the occurrence a little and think about how courteous you are to others and he’ll mostly just be jealous of your date.
However, if your date pays for your coffee, he’ll read the name on the credit card they use to pay and will stalk them on social media. He’ll then spend about a week tracking them in real life before mercilessly draining them for his next meal. Then his problem is solved! You’re back in the coffee shop a few days after, sad that your date seemingly ghosted you... but don’t worry, Cal will always be there to listen!
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
Vampire Yandere
Tumblr media
Cal (Calvin) | 25 | he/him
possessive yandere
5’9 - deceptively strong - light brown hair, red eyes
He works at a coffee shop and you’re his favorite regular. Why’d you stop showing up?
Picrew Credit: kirikizumai
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lovesick-yanderes · 2 years
How could reader go about wooing Calvin? What are his likes and dislikes?
Cal Character Bio | 300 words
The best way to woo him would to be a nice, fun to interact with customer at the cafe he works at. Throughout your conversations, slowly start to flirt with him; he'll immediately pick up on it and do the same to you! If you act fast enough, you might be able to ask him on a date before he gets the chance to ask you- but be warned, he likes being in control, so even if you manage to ask him out, he'll likely plan everything and make it into a show of courtship to you.
As for his likes and dislikes, I assume you mean what he seeks out in a romantic partner vs what he avoids.
First and foremost, he'd fall for someone kind and genuine. He likes easygoing people who are optimistic and always have a bright, positive disposition on life and its obstacles. He also appreciates selflessness and would find himself falling hard for a darling who tries to put others before themself, especially if he is ever on the receiving end of it.
He'd avoid rowdy, confrontational people when looking for a partner. He wouldn't enjoy anyone who would make his life miserable while working at the coffee shop; if you're a model customer, there's a good chance he's already got his eyes on you.
Overall, he'll likely fall for someone who would submit to him and his whims. He doesn't want to have to fight for your love, affection, your obedience... he just wants to slip into your life (by whatever means necessary), woo you, and keep you like a living doll. There will always be exceptions, of course, but he wants this process to be as easy as it possibly can, and he doesn't want to have to hurt or scare you.
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