#luanna hawke
lipstickhawke · 5 years
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“I missed you, my love.”
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andmyvape · 7 years
When I was about 9 I lived in a townhome complex. There were a lot of kids to play with and two different "woods" to hang out in. The first one was behind the little park and not as fun as the second, which had a pond-- the one my brother nearly drowned in a they-killed-Kenny coat-- and a whole lot of streams. Because there were two entrances to this "woods" we split it into two sections by two entrances; the Bridge to Terabithia(none of us had seen the movie we just thought the name was cool) and Fisherman's Rock. Well, I guess that first name was fucking cursed, and here's why.
For a while we'd been feeling weird going over the bridge into that side of the woods, which was unfortunate because that's where I'd built a den thing out of bent branches. Honestly the deer did most of the work. Well Luanna and I were in the area one day and one of us decided to go across anyway.
Right off the back something felt bad, like we weren't alone and we weren't allowed. But I was 9 and fearless and Luanna was 9 and completely nuts so we kept going. Got to the meadow at the edge and.
There was something about the meadow that day. At high noon on a hot, windless day, somehow it seemed dangerous. Why, I had no idea, but it felt like if we took a step past the safety of the treeline something would come out of the sky, like a hawk on a mouse searching for grain. Years later when I read about Mike's bird in It I knew exactly what the fuck that kid was thinking.
Then Luanna yelped, like she saw something. "What is it?" I asked, staring out.
"The barn!" she said, pointing. "That's a demon!"
Luanna's mom was a witch. I didn't know that until I was older, I thought she just had cool stories. So I believed her. I followed where she was pointing.
Up in the loft of the barn was the silhouette of a man. Only it was too bright and the sun was angle to hit that side of the barn, so it shouldn't have been a silhouette. That's when I met it's eyes. They were red like hellfire and something told me we needed to go. NOW.
It was months before that area was safe to go into again, and you didn't feel like someThing was stalking you.
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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lipstickhawke · 5 years
if your oc's could find a way to speak with their younger selves, what would they say?
Thanks so much for this ask! I’m sorry this is so late djskjflfjaka
Uli Aeducan: “Your anger is justified, but that doesn’t mean you have a right to project it in the way that you do. Listen to others, and don’t take advice as a personal attack on your character. There are more important things than your pride.” 
Luanna Hawke: “There are people out there who truly do care for you, you aren’t a waste of space. You enrich people’s lives, not burden them. Learn to forgive yourself and not take the blame for things you can’t control” 
Vashti Lavellan: “Be humble and embrace change. Allow yourself to feel the pain and joy you will face in these trying times. You don’t have to be brave on your own, listen to the people you trust and confide in them. Live in the present and stop dwelling on what the past could have been.” 
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lipstickhawke · 5 years
TELL ME BOUT YOUR HAWK AND OCS! then I'll ramble about mine :)
Hello! Thank you so much for the question! I have three Hawkes but since one of them is highly underdeveloped I’ll just talk about my other two! 
Luanna Hawke
The first Hawke I ever made is Luanna Hawke. She has a primarily a purple/blue personality. Her backstory is pretty much the same as the standard Hawke backstory, always on the move, dead dad and stuff. 
1. She worked for Meeran! Luanna gets a whole lot stronger and develops a thicker skin when working with him since she is a very emotional person. Her emotions don’t go away, but she learns how to better mask her emotions with humor to cope. 
2) Luanna was extremely close with Bethany, much more so than Carver. Since both her and Bethany were mages, they often trained together, and Luanna was prone to leaving Carver out of her life. She still loved him dearly but it wasn’t until Bethany died and Luanna realized that Carver’s anger towards her felt justified. This was devastating to her and she tried everything she could to get the two of them to be closer, including taking him to the Deep Roads. Carver became a Grey Warden and Luanna felt like another sibling had been ripped away from her. It wasn’t until the end of the game she felt like she could prove that she loved him and is a good sister. It’s a complicated/bittersweet relationship. She blames herself for both Bethany and Leandra’s deaths. It’s something that continues to haunt her and leaves her with depression and PTSD at the end. 
4) She romanced Fenris! She was drawn to him because Luanna’s self-confidence and will to better herself was extremely low when they met. She found his drive and passion to do things extremely admirable and found herself trying to mimic his strength. Hearing his past made her realize that she could heal from her trauma. Luanna’s compassion and willingness and patience are what drove Fenris to her. They are very soft for each other and I loooove them. 
5) She fought the Arishock for Isabela. Isabela is her best friend next to Varric and there was no way she’d let her be taken away. She faced death in that fight when she was stabbed through the stomach. Anders was able to save her but she was permanently scarred. 
6) She supported the mages! But did not support Ander’s decision to blow up the Chantry. Despite being a mage, Luanna is Andrastian and was very good friends with Sebastian. However, due to the fact that she and Anders were good friends throughout the game, she couldn’t find it in her heart to kill him. 
7) She survives the fade and goes on to have two kiddos. 
Ezekiel “Ez” Hawke
Ez is my rouge red Hawke and was a character I made to see how evil I could be in a game since I personally find it really hard to be mean to anyone lol. Ez was a very sickly child and was often bedridden. Throughout his life, his family never knew what exactly was causing him so much pain so the illness remained. When Malcolm died, Ez wasn’t very torn up about it, he had spent most of his time training with Bethany and Carver while he had been left to lie in agony. Being the oldest boy in the family, he was pleased to be the head of it and would work tirelessly to improve his strength so that he could walk without fainting. When Ez turned eighteen, he decided to do something about the sickness. He confronted a blood mage and forced him to cure him. The blood mage warned him that a price would need to be paid but Ez didn’t care and would do whatever it took to heal himself. The reverse spell cured Ez, but left him incredibly scarred. At the beginning of DA2, Ez realizes that the spell in itself was a curse, and took away the effects of his invisible illness that would eventually kill him, and instead replaced it with a painless grotesque life. His skin starts rotting off. To cover up the damage done to himself, he covers his face in heavy makeup and powder. 
Ez is extremely vain and particular about how he looks and will not allow anyone to touch him out of fear of seeing under his painted mask. His resentment of mages causes him to lash out at Bethany. Carver’s death was even less meaningful to him than his father’s. For a majority of their relationship, Ez pressures Bethany to find a cure for his deformities. Bethany dies in the deep roads and Leandra’s death was almost therapeutic. A desire to erase his family and start over overcame him. The name “Hawke” belonged to him and only him. 
1) Power became very interesting to Ez, as he was powerless his entire life and he was willing to appeal to anyone who might give it to him. He worked as a smuggler for the first year in Kirkwall. 
2) Ez was never interested in romance or even friendship, just political alliances. The closest thing to romance was his relationship with Isabela, being that she challenged him and made him rethink his ideas on power. Isabela in a way is there to represent the last thread of Ez’s humanity. He throws that away when he gives her to the Arishock. 
3) Ez supported the Templars and ruled as Viscount. He had Anders executed. In my own canon, Ez gets corrupted with red lyrium in the final fight against the mages and is a brutal and ruthless ruler, so much that a rebellion happens against him and he is driven out of Kirkwall. He immediately starts looking for the next source of power to appeal to. He eventually works for Corypheus and spies for him in Inquisition. My Inquisitor in that universe finds out he’s a traitor and leaves him in the fade. He may be chillin in the fade now who knows (;
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Little Champion
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Inquisition mommy and daddy
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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The Heroes of Thedas
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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He’s there for her when she’s sad
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Hawke showing up at skyhold like
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Brush your hair baby and someone will kiss it better sooner or later. 
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Meeting you was the most important thing that ever happened to me Hawke. Promise me you won’t die. I can’t bear the thought of living without you. 
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Quick sketch of my Hawke during Act II
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lipstickhawke · 6 years
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Miss Hawke
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