#lucy dulap
*Shopping in Tartaros*
Gamigin: Bimet, can you give me 2 dollars?
Bimet: Go beg to someone else, I'm not giving my precious gold to a lizard.
Lucy from the other side of the room: What was your credit card pin again?
Bimet: 777, darling. Don't worry about how much you buy, just have fun~
Gamigin: ... are you flirting with my girlfriend?
Bimet: I'm just doing my duty as a business partner.
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lucy-dulap · 29 days
Lucy's opinion on all the kings and vice versa
(Going back to my roots with this one)
Lucy: Satan is a very... interesting character. He is quick to anger so I don't like him that much. The crunch of his teeth is a trigger at this point. I could do with a little less Satan in my life.
Satan: I have no idea how Solomon made such a whimp. They're adorable, I wish they would stop flinching everytime I look at them.
Lucy: Mammon is my sugar daddy. I give him praise and kiss his ass and he gives me money, it is a very fair trade. Hm? Of course he knows that's our relationship dynamic, how could he not?
Mammon: And this is the plan I have for their wedding suit or dress, this will be our cake and this is the ring design I came up with. They can still date Gamigin, but I'm clearly their future husband.
Lucy: Leviathan... no comment. I value my throat more than my desire to call him what he is.
Leviathan: They're an ungrateful brat with absolutely no decency! All they ever do is whinge and cry, they are just the worst! And don't get me started on that Gamigin guy. How dare he kiss my child! He doesn't deserve them and I'll make sure he pays for touching someone else's property.
Lucy: I hate Beelzebub. Whenever he's around he smokes and I hate ciggeret smoke. He's also so sexual and he keeps groping me. At least Mammon pays me money to touch my ass, Beelzebub looks like he's after my V card and nothing else.
Beelzebub: Who? Oh yeah the kid. They're cool, I guess. Nothing against them. They're a bit boring though.
Lucy: mmmmmm Asmodeus... man is making me question my asexuality
Asmodeus: I'm holding my opinion until that heritage test comes back. For the record, I would not fuck my children. Anyone else though? Especially my ex's mistake? Absolutely. I have some unfinished business with Solomon anyways.
Lucy: I'm not sure Belphegor is alive. He snored once when I was close to him and I swear I almost had a heart attack on the spot.
*Belphegor could not be found to respond to this interview question*
Lucy: Lucifer is perfect, I love him with all my life, since I was 11 I started worshiping Lucifer and it seems like it has payed off. Even now I pray to him, I wish he would sit on me, use me as a chair, or a footrest, anything, Lucifer if you're watching this let me ri-
Lucifer: They're a good kid. I'm glad Gamigin is making friends outside of Paradise Lost.
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cryptid--bunny · 4 months
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The weirdest fucking polycule known to man
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lucy-dulap · 27 days
The first time Lucy met Lucifer
Gamigin: His majesty Lucifer is quite quiet and he tends to intimidate people, but he's such a sweetheart deep inside. I doupt he'll have any bad things to say about you, so there's no need to be afraid of him.
Lucy looking around exitedly: Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Where is he?
Lucifer: Child of Adam. Pardon, I suppose a more fitting title would be Child of Solomon.
Lucy just stays with their mouth wide opened in awe as they stare at Lucifer.
Lucifer snapping his fingers in front of their face: ...Child of Solomon? Are you alright?
Gamigin: Lucy? Lucy!
Lucy falls to their knees and hug Lucifer's legs begining to cry of happiness.
Lucy: I can't believe you're real... and right here... in front of me... you're my savior, I love you
Lucifer softly kicks Lucy off him but they crawl back
Lucifer: I think they've got brain damage. What treatment did you give them?
Gamigin: The usual. Though... I think this is just how they are. They must really like you.
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lucy-dulap · 28 days
Happy 18th birthday
Index _ Next>
It was the middle of summer, the tempersture so much higher than anyone was used to for the end of July. Minhyeok had been awake for sometime now, scolling on his phone as Lucy spooned him. It has always been like that, since the day they got adopted, Lucy would refuse to sleep anywhere but Minhyeok's bed. Even with how warm it was, they were still pressed to his back, with an iron grip on him. The last time he tried to leave before Lucy woke up they had such an overwhelming breakdown that they cryed their way into a fever.
Minhyeok was trapped by Lucy in more ways than one. He watched all his friends go on vacations and at music festivals he always dreamed of attenting, yet he was stuck here, stuck with... them. He checked the calander and realised that it was his burden's birthday.
8 years... for 8 years he had been stuck with them. How much could have he done in those 8 years were it not for them... at this point he was questioning if his love for them was even real or just out of professional obligation.
As Minhyeok was lost in thought as a random tiktok played on his for you page, Lucy nuzzled into his back, signelling they're awake. To try and prevent a sigh, Minhyeok takes a deep breath in and turns to Lucy, petting their hair.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy bir-"
"Stop. I don't want to hear that." Lucy shoved a pillow in Minhyeok's mouth before streching and getting up. It was their 18th birthday, and like any traumatic event, they were just ignoring it.
Minhyeok was disappointed, but not surprised. Lucy was just like that... violent, angry, blunt. Selfish. Prideful. Annoying. He stopped himself before he could continue that trail of thought. Today was the day he will ask Lucy to move out. He had started working part time since he was 14 and with some help from his parents and the inheritance Lucy will finally be able to touch, he bought them a one room apartment. It was close by, so if anything happened he will be close, but at least for the 9 hours of sleep he got, he would be left alone.
He needed to be nice today so Lucy will recieve the gift nicely without another outburst. They were an adult now, they needed to act like one.
"What do you want for breakfast? Should I make you something special? What about... pancakes?" Minhyeok was trying very hard, but Lucy was anything but warry of malcontempt.
"I'm not hungry." That answer. That damn answer. It was always I'm not hungry, or I don't know. If only they knew how many times he was called to their school to be told that Lucy is malnurished and lacks every vitamine under the sun. How many times had he found his cooking hidden under the sofa or behind the oven, how many school lunches they must have thrown away instead of eating them? He was despretly trying to keep this kid alive and every time they just refused all his help.
"Pancakes take a while to make, even if you're not hungry now, I should probably start so they'll be ready when you do get hungry. Also, please change in a different room."
"No. What if someone's watching me strip?"
"I am, and I don't want to. Go strip in another room."
"I don't want to. You've seen me naked since I was 5, what's the difference now?"
Minhyeok knew that there was no getting through to them so he just turned and closed his eyes until he felt Lucy wrapped around him. The following "I love you." that escaped their lips was more desprate to quell out any annoyance in Minhyeok than to sugest their care for him. Until now, this had been a constant of their relationship; Lucy and Minhyeok would disagree on something, Minhyeok will try to take some time off to think things through and Lucy would force themselves in his privacy and apologise for being rude.
He pets Lucy's hair, trying to calm himself down more than anything else. He gets up and takes the set of keys to Lucy's new apartment. He had to do it.
"I know you don't want to acknowledge it, but you're an adult now, Lucy." Minhyeok's voice was shaky, bottled up feelings for 8 years threatening to come out against his will. "So I... I got you something that will help you get started on your journey." He turns to them and presents the set of keys. Lucy's face was pale their whole being frozen, paralysed in overstimulation.
"Do you know what these keys are for, Lucy?" Minhyeok was speaking in a melancholy sweet tone, like a parent to a child they're angry at. Lucy's bottom lip was quivering as the realisation started to set in. No. No, this isn't happening. They look at Minhyeok and they can practicly see his resentment. They've been feeling it for a while now, the quiet anger, the disregard and annoyance. They were a burden and they've always known it.
"Please don't." Lucy whimpered patheticly as they took a step back. Closer to their room, to his room... the room they've just assumed they were welcome in without knocking first. It was a desprate plead, a plead for Minhyeok to not speak out the conclusion everyone has taken at this point.
"They're keys to a new apartment. The keys to your new apartment." Minhyeok places the keys in Lucy's trembling hands. They were white, all the colour dried up from them when he spoke. But he was feeling great. This was his revange for it all. He will finally part from his parasite and be able to live the life he couldn't before.
Lucy drops the keys, just staring at Minhyeok's sweet smile as they whisper through tears. "Why?" It was their only question. It wasn't even directed to Minhyeok, it was just an inquiry Lucy needed answers to. They get back the keys while Minhyeok tried to explain himself and they just rushed to the attic. The only place they knew peace.
The attic was almost always dark and not made for living conditions. During winters it was colder than the outside and during summers it was like an overheated sauna. Today it was the latter.
In one of the tight corners of the attic stood a shrine covered with pretty rocks, shells, feathers and jewlery. Around it where drawings of a fallan angel and his sigil. Lucy knealed before them and started whipping. If they could trust anyone to see them cry, it was their god, it was Lucifer. Stuffing their wrist into their mouth to silence the broken whailes and sobs Lucy was letting out.
Minhyeok could do nothing as he saw them going upstairs. Lucy was the only one that had the key to the attic and they were as protective of it as they were of him. He sighed in relief and started preparing breakfast. He was numb to hearing Lucy cry at the top of the house since that's what they often did. He was more concerned with them fainting due to a heat stroke up there, but he knew better than to intrude into one of their sessions.
But this wasn't like any other session, Lucy was hurt, wounded in a way that words could not convey. In the hot attic, they shivered with sadness. This is it. He said it. They're an adult now, so they're up for grabs. No longer protected from the vultures outside, a lost rotent through the dessert, waiting to be swallowed whole.
They cryed for an hour. At points so loud that they were rolling on the floor to try and screap their skin for stimulation and at point just whispering pittyful remarks about how lost they are. Lucy looked at the icon of Lucifer where he's whispering in a peasant's ear. They just stared at it for a long while as they gasped for air. It was so hot... and their head was throbbing... their eyes slowly closing in exhaustion. They just wanted to rest in front of him. Minhyeok resented them since they could remember... but Lucifer never did that. If they believed in him enough, he will show himself to them, at least in death.
When the crying seized but Lucy didn't show themselves, Minhyeok started to get worried. He can't have a corpse in his attic, that would look really incriminating. Plus, Lucy was a burden, but he didn't want them dead. Just far away on the other side of the planet with no way of contacting him directly. He goes up to the attic and peeks through the door. Lucy was lying on the ground drooling as they stared up at Lucifer.
"You're going to be the death of me." Minhyeok whispers and grabs Lucy in his arms, bringing them down to the kitchen and shoving an ice-cube in their mouth. This snaps Lucy awake and they begin to lewdly suck on the icecube.
The atmosphere was dreadfully quiet and ackward, not what either would have expected an 18th birthday to be like. Minhyeok was having a lot of conflicted feelings. On one hand, he didn't want to traumatise Lucy more, they were already too broken to fix, but, on the other hand, they ruined his 18th birthday as well.
"Eat." Minhyeok places the pancakes on the table with the brine cheese. He stopped questioning their culinary choices a while ago, he was just happy they were putting food in their body.
Lucy knew better than to annoy Minhyeok more and they just forced some food down their throat. Silence once more.
"I'm going to the store to buy some stuff." Minhyeok whispered and got up ubruptly. He knew this was the only way to get some alone time without Lucy begging to come with him. They hated crowds more than they loved him.
"Ok... can you get me chicken nuggets?" Lucy crunched on the remaining ice cube and regretted it instantly.
"No. You're an adult now. Buy your own chicken nuggets. You clearly know how to shop online cause I keep getting updates on your Bad Dragon orders." Minhyeok had to leave, he was feeling himself give into his anger. Lucy was already in a defensive possition, their dirty hair making them look even more like a scared mutt. "And go take a bath, your hair is filthy."
"I'm an adult now, I don't take orders from you"
"...touché. Do you want the dino kind?"
"Yes please!"
With that Minhyeok left, not even hearing Lucy's faint "I love you". When Minhyeok wasn't at home, Lucy masturbated to try and ignore the fear. Lucy always felt watched, judged and repremended. Grabbing the new dildo they ordered on Minhyeok's behalf, Lucy prepared themselves by clicking on a video that seemed weirdly accurate. "Step bro punishes little slut sister for misbeheving" taking back their trauma was what they were doing, clearly.
In the middle of a great masturbation session a strange figure pops their head from the computer.
"Did I say, I've been waiting for this day since you were born, spawn of Solomon."
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lucy-dulap · 29 days
Gabriel: For all these years, I've waited for you to finally turn of age so I could end you myself. I don't kill kids, but you? You're no longer a kid.
Lucy: How much did you recite that so it would come out that smoothly?
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lucy-dulap · 24 days
The downed human
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"Good morning, child of Solomon." The blue haired doctor(?) greated Gamigin with a soft voice that hid excitment. He looked overjoyed to see Lucy waking up, but he still made sure that they wouldn't get hurt.
"Hey, hey, don't get up! You're in Paradise Lost, the country ruled by my big brother, his majesty Lucifer. Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Gamigin." He spoke swiftly like he was trying to get Lucy caught up on the basics so he could get to the good part.
The excitment on display repeled Lucy. Who was this? Why were they still alive? They were supposed to be dead from 3 causes at this point. This Gamigin fella was too loud and the intensity of his voice was making them uncomfortable. Gamigin didn't seem to notice this and just stared at Lucy with a grin.
"What's a child of Solomon? No judging or anything. Nobody in Paradise Lost is trully a devil. I'm a dragon, his majesty Lucifer was an angel, Morax is... actually, I'm not sure what he is. The point still stands. I don't know what what that is and I'm so curious."
Lucy just stared back at him puzzled. "I'm... a human." Was all they could say before Gamigin gasped and squeeled so loudly that the sound of the bells of his staff were overided by them. Gamigin was jumping around the room before he tackled hug Lucy. "A HUMAN?! IN THE FLESH?! HERE?! I MUST TELL THE OTHERS!" But before he could rush out the door, Lucy grabbed him by the shirt to try and stop him. The last thing they needed was more Gamigins screaming in their ear.
"W-wait! I want to... um... tell the others myself." It was a dump argument, Lucy wanted to die not to have to introduce themselves to these peoples. Especially if their reactions ranged from sexual assault to yelling.
"I'll just bring them here and you can tell them you're a human." Gamigin might have been oblivious to Lucy's distress, but he wasn't as dump as they expected.
"No! Please just... don't. I don't want to." Lucy was too tired to try and argue or lie like they used to in the human world. Whenever people older than them would drag them to places they didn't want to be in or demanded they do or say something. Maybe if they just asked, they could make the devil understand.
"Ok. If you're not comfortable with it I won't make you. You look tired anyways, I must have exhausted you... sorry. You should try to go back to sleep. When I got you here you were dehydrated, malnurished, you had a fever of 39 and of course, you were unconcious." Gamigin puts a hand over their forhead. "Your temperature seems to have evened out, I'll go bring your evening meal. Be right back!"
What was this guy? Lucy had to pintch themselves to make sure that they weren't dreaming. Was he just... overexcited? A little quirky even during the day? He was just so... strange. Lucy couldn't help but be intrigued. Even their previous thoughts of death seemed to have died down, eclipsed by the sheer fascination for this strange dragon.
Gamigin breaks into the cafeteria and rushes to grab a platter. Even when he was running into people or stepping on their feet he would apologise and continue running around. The young dragon was known for being ditzy, but this rushing was strange for him. His brothers looked at him with worry, anxious that he might have substituted his tea with coffee again.
The three of them blocked his way and started questioning him. "What did you drink this morning?" "Why are you in such a hurry?" "How many patience do you have right now?" Gamigin who was practicly up and down unable to tell his brothers about his excitment. He just giggles and beats around the bush until he's able to move past them and hurry back upstairs.
"Brought you food! I don't know what humans eat so I got you a little bit of everything. I got you some smashed potatos, salad, tiny tomatoes, I think this is some sort of jelly. I'm not sure it's edible though... I don't get a lot of patients since I tend to get very attached to them and Lucifer doesn't want my reviving powers to get leaked to the other nations." As Gamigin was speaking he got a spoonfull of smashed potato and tasted it before extanding it to Lucy's mouth.
"My smashed potato racipe is much better, but I guess this one can work for now as well. I promise you that from tomorrow onward I'll feed you the way I feed all my patients! I'll probably ask Furfur to watch over you at night, though I won't tell him your secret! I'll go home and prepare some amazing food for tomorrow."
Lucy didn't even like smashed potatos that much, the food was cold and tasteless, but Gamigin had a way of making them lower their defences almost instantly. It was like watching a really good video while eating. He kept going on and on about this and that and they just listened with interest.
After they ate Gamigin left and told them they had to relax and he'd come over again for a night check-up. As he was about to leave the hospital to rush home, he got stopped by an intimidating figure.
"Gamigin, we have to talk." His voice was silky, beautiful but tired, like a man that's seen the world burn and now he was just going through the motions. Gamigin followed his friend happilly in his office.
"Brother Lucifer, you won't believe it, but the child of Solomon is a human! Can you believe that?! A human! In hell!" The dragon squeeled and the bells of his staff made his laughter more melodic than it already was.
"I know... that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Lucifer walked closer to Gamigin and protectively put his hands on Gamigin's sholders. "Be careful. Humans are... a distinct bunch. We cannot know what they're like until we get to know them better. Protect them, take care of them, but do not trust them blindly."
"Yes, sir!" Gamigin laughed and hugged Lucifer. "I will be the best healer ever."
"You already are." Lucifer whispered and stroked Gamigin's hair. With an affectionate kiss on the forhead, Gamigin was left to go outside and retrieve everything needed for the best dinner ever.
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lucy-dulap · 27 days
To be damned
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"Did I say, I've been waiting for this day since you were born, spawn of Solomon."
The vulture in front of Lucy spoke with a gorgeous voice laced with pure haterad. Lucy backed off, the wet dildo falling to the ground as they desprately tried to put their pants back up.
"Humans have never been my favorite creatures, but you? You must be one of the worst ones out there. Did I say, I have nothing against you personally." The figure fully emerged from the screen, staring Lucy's frightened for with a perverted lust for bloodshed.
"But my lord was clear in his command. You must die by my hand." With a swift movement, too fast for Lucy to comprehend even in their paniced state, the stranger attacked, his sythe ripping the flesh of its target with ease.
Minhyeok had just gotten back from the short shopping trip. He even got Lucy a Dratini plushie since he wanted to make them happy for some reason. He could never figure out his feelings for this kid thrusted opon him, and it frustrated him to no end. He walked directly to his room, knowing Lucy would be there watching on of their videos. What he didn't expect to see was a glowing figure about to attack Lucy. Instinctively, Minhyeok jumped in front of them, his last thoughts being a bizarre blur of feelings that instantly became foreign to his corpse.
Lucy stared at the body on the floor, blood dripping from underneath it. Deep down they must have realised what had just occured, but they refused to believe it. There was no struggle, no fear, no anger, no sadness when seeing the body of their brother on the floor. A familiar static filled Lucy's brain as they just stared.
"Did I say, you humans should stop trying to be heroic. That was an act of suicide, nothing brave about that. Such a sinful creature, disregarding their God given gift of life..." The vulture glanced at the corpse with an almost familial contempt before raising his scythe once more. "Did I say, I never miss twice."
This time Lucy didn't try to flee the judgement of the weapon, instead, another figure moved them out of the way.
"Really, Gabriel? This is how low you've fallen? Attacking a child. I thought your father thought you better."
"Satan... I would scold you for using the lord's name in vain, but that would be a waste of breath."
The two were arguing, or more like teasing and taunting eachother, but Lucy heard non of it. They layed next to Minhyeok corpse, his lifeless eyes staring into theirs, both clouded by decay. Lucy did what they always had done when they were sad and confused, they cuddled close to Minhyeok. The blood covering their white shirt, still warm and sticky, but Lucy found it soothing.
Lucy felt a deep cut forming on their back, the sort that would leave a scar, the type of pain that would leave someone breathless and puking. But to Lucy it was a distant nibble, too lost in their head to feel anything on their body.
Who knows what the horned figure did to scare off the vulture. Lucy didn't and they couldn't care less. The horned figure shook Lucy roughly and they slapped his hand, who just responded with a giggle.
"Child of Solomon, get up, we have places to go."
Lucy moved away from Minhyeok and moved his head so it would face the other way. The blood had soaked their clothes, painting their skin with it. At this point, the intruder was the last of their worries. Now Lucy had nothing to worry about anymore. The horned figure snaked his fingers in front of Lucy's lifeless eyes starting to irritate him more and more.
"Human! Wake up!" The figure grapped Lucy's chin and moved it so they'll meet eyes. "...I can bring your brother back." This seemed to bring Lucy back to reality for a bit.
"W-what? Who are you?" They have been disociating for a long time now, this day crushing their spirit in ways they've never seen coming. Lucy was disorientated, unaware of what had been happening.
"I'm Satan. The king of Gehenna, the ruler of wrath. The angel that tried to kill you right now was Gabriel. He acts all high and mighty, but he oversells himself. But I'll explain all that on our way." Satan, as he introduced himself, picked Lucy up and forced them on their feet.
"I'll bring Minhyeok back if you help hell out. Are you up for it, kid?" Satan stared into Lucy's eyes with fiery passion, not accepting ignorance. Lucy couldn't speak or make any noise, everything cut in their throat. They just nodded. That was all Satan needed.
Minhyeok woke up with the worst headache he ever had. He looked around to try and find Lucy, but there was no sign of them. A realisation started to dawn on Minhyeok and he checked the closet, which only verrified his worst fear. The suit was gone. Lucy ran from home... and they were planning to kill themselves.
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lucy-dulap · 30 days
Relationship questions for Lucy and Gamigin
(What if their ship name is Gummy? Idk I'll see)
1. Who makes the other blush and who finds it adorable
Gamigin blushes when he laughs too much and since he's constantly giggling when Lucy's around, he blushes the most. Lucy's too dense to notice, though.
2. Who sings in the shower
Gamigin. And he puts his whole pussy into it. He's voice isn't even that great, but the passion on display is adorable. While he was preforming in the bath once he hit Lucy's face and he's still apologising about it to this day.
3. What would their song to eachother be
From Gamigin to Lucy it would be "Romantic Flight" from the HTTYD ost
From Lucy to Gamigin it would be DSaF Dave theme remake. That's their two shared braincells doing a mating dance
4. Who emberasses the other in public with kisses and pet names
Gamigin mostly. He's very touchy-feely and he constantly kisses and hugs Lucy in public. But what really flusters Lucy are the pet names. Being called something painfully sweet makes them emberassed. They start to get used to it at some point and they call him pet names back.
5. Who curses and who repremends the other for doing it
Lucy curses a lot but Gamigin got used to it. If Gamigin even says a small wear word like "damn", Lucy would turn to him and scream "Cum iți permiți, măi, coaie?! Firiai dracu de nenorocit, fututi mortii mati, cine te-a crescut, ma?"
Lucy teaches Gamigin how to say swear words in Romanian though.
6. What small quirks do they love about each other
When Lucy messes up a word they spit and then do it properly and Gamigin finds that adorable.
Gamigin kitten sneezes and Lucy can't hold back the head pats after he does that.
7. Who makes the other laugh more
Whenever they're close to eachother they giggle. All. The. Time. Even during meals they crack jokes. That's why they always are forced to eat seperately, so they don't choke.
I think Lucy makes Gamigin laugh more, but only slightly. The way they say coaie always makes him smile.
8. Who gets jealous easier
Lucy, all the way. You don't get adopted by Leviathan by being a normal member of society. Lucy's very scared that Gamigin will find someone better than them and abandon them just like their parents did. They kind of have to learn to have faith in Gamigin's monogomy.
9. How did they know they were right for the other
Gamigin was hooked the second he saw them hurt and was informed they are human. A human? In hell? In need? He is going to take such good care of them and learn everything he can about humans.
Lucy was first scared of Gamigin's excitability, but they started to loosen up when Gamigin showed genuine interest in them. When they heard he's a dragon he rushed Ppyong to the human world to get the DVD collection. They needed to impress him. And impress him they did.
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first
Lucifer. When Lucifer realised that the two teens in his care get along so well, and since Lucy can ovulate, alerm bells went off in his head. He's not the biggest fan of drugs, but he'll make sure both you and Gamigin take your birth-control regularly. The last thing he needs is an unplanned pregnancy from the least prepared people in Hell.
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy and who gets grumpy and irritable
When Gamigin is sleepy he can barely hold his eyes opened. He's the cutest little meow meow. He sits himself on Lucy's lap, presses his head to their collarbone and falls asleep.
When Lucy's sleepy they get very fussy. Usually it ends with them crying in frustration and falling asleep from exhaustion.
12. Who's more protective
Both are very protective of the other. Gamigin would call Leviathan 5 different slurs for trying to kill Lucy and Lucy will fist fight Bimet if he complains about 'a lizard' following them in their journey.
13. How do they express their feelings (words, visual arts, a song, etc.)
Infodumping is a love language, I swear. Also, pokémon battling. Lucy loves playing any type of format and they'll introduce Gamigin to pokemon showdown. They probably even have a soulink nuzlock. Gamigin will know how Lucy is feeling depending on what team they use and Lucy can tell how Gamigin is feeling by the jiggles of his staff.
14. Where would they go on a 3AM adventure
Lucifer's private study at first. Lucy is obsessed with Lucifer and they need to see his study. So, while Lucifer is sleeping, they would sneak into the room and mess around.
Lucifer knows this is happening, but he wants to let the two youngsters have fun thinking that he can't hear their crazed giggles. Kind of like a lion pretending to be hurt by its cubs
15. Who has a hobby that only the other knows about
Lucy wants to make a pokemon fangame and they have a lot of ideas around it, but they're too shy to share it with anyone but Gamigin. They both plan it out and both would beg Buer to use his Tartaros knowledge to code it into existence. Little do they know that Buer failed his CopSci and Coding classes.
16. How do they hype eachother up
Both yell like they're at a football match. You know this meme? It's them. They are here to support eachother until the very end as loudly as possible.
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17. Who picks flowers for the other
Gamigin brings Lucy berries since he knows its their favorite food. Especially blueberries and raspberries. Neither bring flowers because they don't want to kill the flowers by picking them.
18. Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt
Both of them at the same time while laughing about it. The only way they allow to be insulted is if its recicrocle. They'd kiss with this shirt on to make sure everyone knows that they don't mean it as an insult.
19. Who's the better dancer
As I've said here, Gamigin will be the happiest dragon in all of Hell for getting to dance with Lucy, but he won't be good at it.
Lucy isn't a great dancer but they can do a brasoveanca or something very simple like that. Anything harder than macarena and they just stand stiffly in the corner until its over.
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes
Haha, autism. Both. They both infodump and the other one just stand there like "I can't believe this is my boyfriend. They're so cool." The 'me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic' meme but both of them are autistic bad bitches.
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lucy-dulap · 22 days
Unrequinted Love
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The past two weeks have been a nightmare for Minhyeok. Even with the whole police force looking for them, Lucy was nowhere to be found. He was starting to lose hope that they'll ever been found. All he wanted was for Lucy to be independent, not dead!
He was staring at a map of the whole county, places where he's already searched marked with an angry scrible. Almost all the map was red, which saddned Minhyeok to no end. He knew that by this point he wasn't looking for Lucy, he was searching for their body. Even if they didn't comit suicide, Lucy had no survivel instict. In some sense he hoped Lucy was dead, because the alternatives seemed cruller.
"Aye, are you Mr. Minhyeok?" A high pitched voice startled Minhyeok, who jumped out of his chair and looked around franticly. "Who's there?"
When a small red figure flied in front of Minhyeok, he just stared at it perplexed. "My name is Ppyong of the great red lump family! I'm here to deliver a letter to you, Mr. Minhyeok."
The only thought in Minhyeok's mind was worry for his sanity. It's true that he hadn't had any quality sleep for the past weeks, and he did hear that lack of sleep led to hallucinations. He got up and tried to ignore the annoying voice calling out to him, a skill he had 8 years to hone and perfect.
Only when Ppyong took out the letter and Minhyeok recognised Lucy's rotund hand-writting did he actually stop and consider the validity of what was happening. Minhyeok pulled the paper out of the devil's hand and read it franticly.
'Dear Minhyeok,
I am in hell (long story) with this very pretty guy and he's so autistic code I just can't. This is a 78 emergency, bring forth the nerd shit. I want the "How to train your dragon" trilogy on a CD because CD's are the best form of storing media. I love you, take care.
I'm still alive bitch,
Lucy Dulap UwU'
That was definitly Lucy. Nobody could ever replicate their broken sense of humor. Minhyeok layed in his bed, relieved that he won't have to deal with a burriel. He turned to the small demon and whispered.
"Are they safe in hell?" Minhyeok's exhaustion caught up to him thanks to his new found relaxition. He should have asked more questions, but his mind couldn't form words properly anymore.
"They sure are! Every demon in hell loves Lucy and they'll do anything to make sure they don't get murdered by angels." Minhyeok could barely register half of what was being said, but he got the gist of it. Lucy was safe.
"The CDs are on the shelf right... there. Sorry, I can't get up. I think I'll just sleep. Tell Lucy I love them too." Ppyong grabbed the disks and before he could say goodbye, Minhyeok was already sorring. He small devil laughed at the ubsudaty of the situation and returned to hell.
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lucy-dulap · 23 days
Lucy: Smash or Pass?
Gamigin: Hm... smash.
Morax: What are you kids doing?
Lucy: We're playing smash or pass with some characters from the human world.
Morax: May I see who our brother Gamigin desires to smash?
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Lucy: Gamigin is so real for this one
Gamigin: I just think he looks friendly! Look at his goofy little smile. He looks like a jolly fella
Morax: ...glad to see you two are bonding. I never thought myself as old, but being aroung you starts to make me rethink my age.
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lucy-dulap · 26 days
Welcome back
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Lucy looked perfect, just as they intended. They haven't braided their hair like their mother used to in a while. The clothes they had on were a tight fit, made for someone much younger than them. A black shirt, a black vest, a black set of pants, Lucy looked like an overdressed emo. But these were their best clothes, the clothes they've holding off for their funeral.
The tradition was simple; the dead must be buried wearing their prettiest clothing, two coins in their hand to pay their dept up in Heaven. Everything should be given in pairs for the dead, two flowers, two coins, four candles... Lucy had two small braids at the front of their face, two rings on their fingers and their two favorite keychains hooked on their belt hoops. Lucy had no intention of returning to the human world as nothing more than a corpse.
Satan was talking to them but Lucy could not hear his distant voice. What trully woke them up was a sudden kiss on the lips from a different demon. Never having kissed anyone on the lips before, Lucy was startled by it so they hit the person with all their might.
The blue haired devil had a deep blush on his face, hearts in his eyes and his knees were weak. "Solomon... your slaps are as strong as I remembered."
"This isn't Solomon, Sitri! They're his grand grand grand grand grand grand kid, or something along those lines."
"...I can't believe you returned to us, Solomon. 100 years, 10 months, 21 days... I've been waiting for you for every second of all these days. I knew that you wouldn't leave hell behind." Sitri's desprate voice and crazed look didn't sell Lucy on the idea of Hell.
"Have you heard of Solomon? The great king of Jerusalim. The cutting the baby in two Solomon." Satan grabbed Lucy by their waist and brought them closer to him. The human was too lightheaded to think, but the name of Solomon did ring a bell.
"The white guy from Obey Me, I know him." Lucy nodded and rubbed their tamples to try and lessen their headache. A small devil flies up to them and sit himself in their sholder. "Solomon was a great sorcerer, aye. Everyone in hell loved him." The high pitched voice did nothing to lessen their pain and Lucy swatted the red lump off their sholder.
The three devils where talking about something, but Lucy didn't care enough to ask anything. Their job was very easy, die. Maybe it was selfish, but when nobody cares about you everything is selfish.
Satan was particularly close to them, teasing them, pitching them, doing anything to get a reaction out of the borderline catatonic child in his care. He lightly slaps Lucy's back, signaling their departure from the church they were in.
Lucy took one step ahead and promptly fainted, to the horror of the devils in the room. Sitri checked their heartbeat which was slow and steady, confirming that they were alive. Satan told Sitri to feed his demon energy to the child of Solomon. With Sitri gone to a seperate room, Satan called Lucifer himself. He didn't want one of his lobotomised healers, he needed the fallen angel himself. Lucifer almost never picked up, but fate must have it that he responded now.
"The child of Solomon fainted and they won't wake up and I need you to heal them! Come to the Gehenna church right now!"
"The child of...! I will send my greatest healer to bring them to Paradise Lost."
"Whatever you do, do it quickly!"
Before Satan could finish his demand, the door opened and blinding light flooded the room. A boyish figure rushed to Satan, and took Lucy in his arms.
"Oh, hi, your Majesty! Long time no see! This is the child of Solomon? That's a strange species name. Anyways, room 287 second floor, knock before you come in, bye!"
He rushed his words out before running off with Lucy bridal style. Satan crunched, he specifically asked for them to be treated in Gehenna, but Lucifer never comes out of his comfy nest. And it's not like Satan could argue with him like he did with the other kings. He saw first hand what an angry Lucifer could do, and his people are more important than his petty hate... but that didn't stop him from getting angry.
Sitri came in with a bottle of his devil energy only to find out that Lucy was in Paradise Lost. His envy was evident, disapproving of Solomon spending time with a different blue haired devil, from Paradise Lost of all places.
Lucy, on the other hand, was happy. They finally did something early other than waking up. Or, at least that's what they thought they were thinking. When their eyes fluttered open, they saw a blurry white figure move away and a grinning teen on top of them. The blurry figure disappeared, leaving them alone with the blue haired devil.
"Good morning, child of Solomon!"
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lucy-dulap · 28 days
Whb story rewrite
1. Happy 18th birthday
2. To be damned
3. Welcome back
4. The downed human
5. Requinted Friendship
5.1 Unrequinted Love
6. Rain Dance
Funky little side stories that might be canon idk
1. "I NEED cock, Gamigin" - Dantalian
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lucy-dulap · 11 days
Lucy: I have all the pokemon games... in the collectors edition versions.
Bimet tacking his jaket off: Oh yeah... what else?
Lucy starting to rub his arm: And all the collectable pins.
Bimet: Ah~ and what else?
Lucy: A good little bitch who will bottom for me
Bimet with a dazed expression: Absolutely~
And then they kissed
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lucy-dulap · 22 days
Requinted Friendship
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It had been 3 days since Lucy got dropped in Paradise Lost and they already got attached to Gamigin. Even though Lucy was perfectly healthy, neither them nor Gamigin wanted to part ways.
At 6 in the morning, Gamigin sneaks into Lucy's room, making sure that none of his brothers see him. He walks to Lucy's bed with a silly smile trying to surpress his giggles. He wanted to wake up his patient with a spook, play a prank on them if you will. He inhaled and decendent his arms on Lucy who suddently turned and tackled him.
Gamigin screamed at the sudden jumpscare as Lucy started maddly laughing. Losing balance, Gamigin fell to the ground, Lucy on top of him. For a moment they just stared at eachother, trying to gauge the other's reaction, but that was soon replaced by the lively laughter of the two teens in the heart of the hospital.
"Did you drink the dew on the way here?" Lucy took one of the tears of laughter in their eyes and handed it to Gamigin who dutifully licked it.
"That's the reason I wake up so early every day." The dragon licked his lips and started stroking Lucy's face pinching their cheeks and cooing. "Humans are so soft... and so pretty and so smart and so interesting and... you're perfect." Gamigin's rosy blush spread all over his face as he looked up at Lucy, whose head was illuminated by the strong LED lights in the room, making it look like a devine halo was adorned on their head.
Lucy had no words and just ackwardly got up and set back down on the hospital bed. "Eh, not all humans are good. Some are awful. And the worst part is that humans sometimes do things that hurt you... for no reason."
Gamigin kneeled in front of Lucy, his head between their thighs and using one of them as a cusion. Lucy was playing with Gamigin's blue locks, twirling them, pulling them, messaging them, to Gamigin all of Lucy's touches had the same calming affect on him.
"Do you think humans are inherently evil?" Gamigin was genuinely curious. Since he's never met a human before and he rarely heard anything about their land, he was more than happy to hear any tid bit of information about this foreign species.
Lucy looked at the wall for a while. They had previously pondered this question, especially when they were younger, but they could never come up with a satisfary answer. "Maybe some of them are. I don't know, there's over 8 billion people on Earth and I've barely talked with 2000. I doupt we could ever find an answer."
Silence set in the room, but, unlike the one at home, this one felt comforting. Even when nothing was spoken, the message was clear. Lucy looked down at Gamigin and they felt puzzled. This... creature could make them feel so vulnarable. Were they opening up too fast again? The last time that happened was with... Lucy would rather forget his name, just like he probably forgot their's already.
For some reason, they just felt like trusting Gamigin. He was so genuine, so honest, so passionate about everything that it was hard not to open up to him. Gamigin was what Lucy wished to be. He was perfect.
A loud knock disturbs the duo, and before Gamigin could question the identity of the visitor, he made himself known by barging in. Ppyong and a very grumpy untied Marbas entered the room.
Marbas groaned and lazily gestured towards the two youngsters which were in a very compromising position.
"Thank you so much, sir Marbas! And sorry for waking you up like that, aye!" Ppyong waved at Marbas who dragged himself out the door, closing it with all his might.
"Shunks, we just fixed that door last week." Gamigin whisper, as he got up to great Ppyong. "I'm sorry, sir, but this room does not accept visitors." Gamigin spoke firmly, putting on his professional doctor façade on. That always made Lucy blush.
"I was sent by his Majesty Satan which talked with his Majesty Lucifer and they both agreed to let me visit the child of Solomon." Gamigin was still not that persueded but an order from Lucifer is to be respected and abided by.
Ppyong flew to Lucy's bed and the two started chatting as Gamigin looked from a distance. He sat next to Lucy eventually, finding comfort in the proximity between the two.
"His Majesty Satan really wanted to see how you were doing since he dropped you off here,but those damn angels attacked again. They caused such a ruckus that all the nobles in Gehenna and some from Tartaros have joined forces to try and stop them."
To be perfectly honest, Lucy didn't really care. They went to hell to die, them getting this far was already stepping into unplanned teritory. The only thought in their mind was hanging out with Gamigin. Finally, something Ppyong said made sense to them.
"His Majesty Satan made it possible for me to go to the human world and get you something if you need it. He realised that maybe you need medicine we don't have in Hell or something."
Gamigin felt personally offended by that statement. "We don't need medicine in Paradise Lost. We use real power to heal our patients. Lucy doesn't need drugs to cure them." Even though Gamigin was a laid-back guy most of the time, there were certain subjects that would make him instantly turn serious.
But Lucy's mind was sharper and they immidietly got up and started writing on a small paper. It was a letter towards Minhyeok, nothing fancy, just a request for some old CDs.
"Does Paradise Lost have a CD player?" Lucy asked from the other side of the room.
"I think Lucifer might have one in his office. He likes collecting antiques."
Lucy turned to him with a triggered expression "H-hey, they're not... that old. I mean, I grew up watching CDs daily."
"Human technology is based on hell's tech so all of it seems old to us." Ppyong tried to clarify but Lucy pushed the paper in his face. "Tell Minhyeok that I sent this to him out of familial platonic love and that it's a 78 emergency! Now go!"
Ppyong grapped the paper and rushed to the human world. Lucy turned to Gamigin and pointed at him.
"You! Go make popcorn. I am going to indoctrinate you."
Gamigin laughed and did a mock military salute before trying to open the door... which fell off as soon as he touched it.
"Aaaaand this is why Marbas isn't allowed in the hospital untied."
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lucy-dulap · 23 days
For my non-Romanian fans, it has been brought to my attention that the fact that Lucy's family name means cupboard/drawer/shelf/closet has not been properly communicated.
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I can't put a recording with the pronounciation but you can look it up. This name was chosen because some people call me Dulap irl.
And dulap is a gender neutral noun, just like Lucy
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