#ludo empire
onlineludoempire · 2 years
Play Ludo Online Game with Ludo Empire and Win ludo cash with easy withdrawal
Playing Ludo is the newest trend. Replacing the majestic experience of the traditional board game wasn't easy. But with the introduction of Ludo Empire, you can feel the same satisfaction of eliminating your opponents and helping your goti pass the finish line. Ludo Empire is now the leading, trendiest online game. With over 70 lakh users competing against each other, it allows you to play Ludo with real money and win Ludo Cash in India or anywhere else. The Ludo Empire download process is very straightforward too. All you need to do is get the Ludo Empire APK on your smartphone and install it. From there on, you can enjoy the many advantages of playing Ludo Empire online.
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brother-emperors · 7 months
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komik re draw since caligula has evolved to have his own look. in theory.
it's extremely easy to take a sledgehammer to a construct when the house of cards in question is built precariously on a corpse (the republic) that everyone's been keeping around in the house as it decays
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caligula, aloys winterling
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the emperor gaius caligula and his hellenistic aspirations, geoff w. adams
⭐ I have a tip jar (ko-fi)!
⭐ and other places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app
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saintsenara · 3 months
my kingdom for your thoughts on george weasley/hermione
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i know that there's a rumour that jkr once said that she intended to have fred and hermione get together - which i can find no actual evidence of, and i highly suspect fredmione nation might just have made up - but i personally think that, when it comes to pairing her with one of the twins, george is probably the better bet...
george is certainly the twin that i think it would be easier to be in a long-term relationship [romantic or platonic] with, because he's the one who seems to better at relating to other people.
fred is demonstrably the crueller of the two, in ways which often suggest that he doesn't possess a particularly great capacity for empathy - it's very striking that three of the more disturbing things we learn happened to ron as a child [his teddy bear being turned into a spider; his puffskein being killed when it was used for "bludger practice" - that is, when his pet was beaten to death with a bat; and him being tricked into almost making an unbreakable vow] are attributed to fred, with george implied to be involved, but not to be the ringleader of the scheme.
we see this elsewhere in canon - fred is the person who arranges their bet with ludo bagman, and then the person who takes the lead in their attempts to threaten him into paying them their winnings; fred is the person who takes the lead when they're negotiating prices for stolen goods with mundungus - and i think we can certainly say that, while both twins are clearly broadly equal in terms of certain personality traits [they're both funny, cheeky, irreverent, loyal, creative, clever-but-only-on-their-terms, and so on], george is less domineering and - potentially - more insecure than his brother.
which is to say... he's quite a lot like ron. in a way that fred - since ron lacks his crueller elements - isn't.
and - therefore - he's got the right personality to gel with hermione as she is in canon.
he's clearly going to be able to handle the fact that hermione expresses her affection by meddling and nagging - since this is exactly what his mother is like - and he's also - like ron [and unlike harry] - canonically at ease with the fact that she likes to work through her thoughts and feelings by debating [we see this in goblet of fire - george gets into a debate about house elf rights with hermione, and doesn't take her popping off about him being wrong as something to be offended by]. nor is either twin ever shown to react negatively to hermione's fondness for following rules and working hard at school - they think of her inflexibility as a benign-and-therefore-easy-to-accept, if faintly amusing, character quirk.
hermione, for her part, also sees the twins' rule-breaking and academic laziness as quirks she can accept.
[this point about acceptance is a key one, i think. i never vibe with the idea that hermione is intellectually compatible with characters like snape, voldemort and sirius, not because i think she has a lower level of intelligence than them - she doesn't - but because she has a different one (one which is based in the constant retention and repetition of empirical information, whereas snape and voldemort's intellectual expression is based in rejecting disciplinary boundaries and sirius' is based in rejecting the idea of repeating and revising knowledge) and because the men in question would, given what we see of them in canon, treat her way of expressing her intelligence with contempt. but ron and harry are intelligent in very different ways than hermione too, and this is something all three members of the trio understand as a good thing which only serves to strengthen their relationship, because ron and harry treat hermione's intellect with respect and she does the same. her relationship with the twins is similar.]
but with this said... i think there's the potential for some extremely thorny clashes between george and hermione, which take a bit of character wrangling to come through compellingly.
the first is fred's influence when he's alive - particularly since hermione's incredible capacity for loyalty [one of her best traits] comes with the negative that she's often far more willing than either harry or ron to put up with being ill-treated by people she likes or respects [i.e. how she just takes snape's cruelty towards her, because he's clearly a teacher she looks up to from an academic perspective]. i think we have to assume that fred would remain george's priority even if he was in a relationship, and to ask what impact this would have on his partner - especially if george made promises ["we'll hang out tonight"] which he then broke in order to do something nefarious with his brother.
[that is, would hermione remain as chill with the twins' rule-breaking as she is if their rule-breaking happened because her boyfriend treated her with disdain?]
the second is fred's influence after his death. another of hermione's really impressive traits is that she's phenomenally resilient [she's a fifteen-year-old girl who doesn't give a fuck that she's being slandered in a national paper, it's legitimately iconic], but this is accompanied by the negative that she has a canonically low tolerance for moping [hence her belief in order of the phoenix that sirius could get over his depression if he just tried hard enough] and a tendency to want to respond to negative emotions by fixing them [which we see in her determination to get harry to talk about sirius at the start of half-blood prince], rather than just letting them run their course.
this isn't a fault, per se - many people approach grief in this way; it's a coping mechanism - but i think it wouldn't align in the slightest with the way george's grief over fred would manifest itself. and i think this could - without either one of them ever being demonstrably in the wrong - cause some real, real mess in a relationship which might turn it into something properly toxic.
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omegamoo · 4 months
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 5 months
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Peace is a lie, there is only passion...
Through passion, I gain strength...
Through strength, I gain power...
Through power, I gain victory...
Through victory, my chains are broken...
The Force Shall Free Me
(characters under the cut)
Ajunta Pall, Darth Andeddu, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Freedon Naad, Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Emperor Vitiate, Darth Malgus, The Empire's Wrath, Darth Nox, Lord Odion, Lord Daiman, Skere Kaan, Darth Bane, Darth Zannah, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious, Darth Tyrannus, Darth Vader, Darth Krayt, Darth Wyyrlok, Darth Talon, Darth Nihl, Darth Maladi, Darth Stryfe, Darth Wredd.
credit for my pixels here
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onwesterlywinds · 19 days
PROMPT #2: Horizon
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When the Crystal Tower had first emerged along Mor Dhona's shattered skyline, Ashelia Riot's initial reaction had been one of dismay - as well as no small amount of indignation that the wreckage of the Praetorium had already been overshadowed. But the ubiquity of NOAH's operations in the region helped to restore some normalcy to life at the Sandsea: in keeping with Sylvan Rain's prediction, the realm's next crop of would-be heroes turned to new horizons scarcely three weeks after the Riskbreakers' grand victory, and no small number of them were set on plumbing the Labyrinth of the Ancients.
A'zaela Linh was among them.
The Riskbreakers lacked two significant resources following Operation Archon: leads, and coin. The Eorzean Alliance had seen fit to reinstate the utmost confidentiality to any further missions against the Garlean Empire, and Ashe found the mere thought of begging Raubahn Aldynn for her inclusion galling in the extreme. The mad rush of visitors to the Sandsea's bar, inspired by the company's fifteen minutes of fame, had since slowed to a trickle; the resulting profits had prevented them from bankruptcy but did not leave them with enough overhead to make the kinds of investments that would ultimately provide security in near- or long-term future.
That made A'zaela's partnership with NOAH something of a godssend, as it would empower them to keep an ear to the ground for intelligence of a realm-threatening nature. Even so, their best dragoon would need outfitting for such a dangerous mission.
"Really, Ashe, it's fine," A'zaela said for the umpteenth time as Ashe pulled her axe from the belly of a particularly large leech. "I-I can find other work to get the equipment I need. You should think of yourself."
It was a polite way for her to say that Ashe was still wearing the same cast-off warrior furs that had barely deflected Gaius van Baelsar's bullets. All the same, Ashe shook her head. "Nonsense. You're out in the field far more often than I am."
A'zaela wrinkled her nose but offered no protest to that logic.
Ashe stared down at the dead leech without the faintest idea of how best to claim her proof of victory from its slimy hide. "If you're looking to repay me," she said, "consider a detailed report on the Crystal Tower's interior more than sufficient compensation." She settled on skinning the turgid lump of flesh as if it were a sandworm, then regretted the course of action immediately as a foul-smelling ooze emerged from beneath her axe's heel.
The task did not require two people, and yet A'zaela surged into action at the creature's tail. "I can start by telling you what I've seen so far."
"Please do."
"The good news is that the Labyrinth's dangers seem to be… self-contained, if that makes sense? They were created to guard the Crystal Tower. Even now that they've woken up, they're not in any danger of leaving."
Ashe breathed a sigh of relief, even as she tore the leech's pelt free.
"But there's a lot we still don't know." It was reassuring to Ashe that her friend used the word "we" to describe NOAH and its work. "Like how so many of the Tower's defenses are intact after so long, let alone how they operate at all. G'raha - he's a researcher from Sharlayan - he expects that Syrcus Tower will be even more dangerous, since it was the center of the Allagan Empire."
"Well," Ashe said. For a moment, she might have left her remarks there; then she stood and straightened her back, and the Crystal Tower shone out at her through Mor Dhona's roiling, aether-drenched sky. "…Fucking Allagans."
"I'll not claim to be especially well-versed in history," she said, perhaps as a concession, "but it is always striking to me that none of our present troubles would exist without the Allagan Empire and its legacy: Dalamud, Garlemald-" Ludo. The thought, the memory of him might have stopped her nascent rant on any other day, with any other friend in her company. "I cannot look on that bright blue eyesore without imagining the endless conquest once required to sustain it - all the Ala Mhigos and Domas of ages past. Power begetting power; misery begetting misery."
When she turned back to A'zaela, it was to find her with her ears lowered, her tail curled almost between her legs.
"I'm sorry, A'zaela," she said at once, surprised to realize that she meant it. "I didn't mean to imply- That is, I know you despise the Empire as I do."
"I understand," A'zaela replied, though her voice had fallen even quieter than usual.
Ashe busied herself with scraping away as much of the leech's subcutaneous fat as she could, then folding the pelt into her satchel. "Do you think there's a way for Allag's legacy to be redeemed?" she asked at length. "That all its technology could be… I don't know, repurposed? That it could come to stand for something greater than oppression?"
But A'zaela simply shook her head. "I don't know, Ashe." She, too, stared up at the glowing crystal spire, though her face conveyed a more mundane sadness than Ashe might have expected. "I suppose… I suppose we'll find out. When the expedition's over."
Ashe spent much longer in the Seventh Heaven's bathrooms than she'd intended, but the leech's stink had lingered all up and down her arms in a manner that no amount of scrubbing had seemed able to remedy and she was loath to greet Ilberd in such a state. When at last she emerged devoid of her armor, Astodan stood next in line for the toilets, this time wearing a porter's coat and a low turban to hide the linkpearl in his ear.
"Your comrade should know," he murmured, "that her activities have attracted the notice of a particularly high-ranking imperial defector."
She knew better than to draw attention to the warning by acknowledging it in public - and yet the mere possibility of a threat to A'zaela of all people sent a chill through her blood. "What do I need to do?"
Astodan scowled at her. "I'll inform you should I learn more."
The bastard would make her work for the information, much as he always did, but it did not bear thinking of with A'zaela unreachable in the Labyrinth. She pushed past Astodan without another word to him and made her way over to her old contact flashing Resistance hand signals from the bar: hostile territory, ready to engage.
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tagged by @wonderofasunrise to spell my URL using song titles - thank you M!
...going to just throw on a read-more real quick so this is not a monstrously long post ahaha -
Empire Now - Hozier
Volunteer - Bitter Ruin
Eleanor Rigby - Cinematic Pop
Red River - AlicebanD
You're the one to blame - wilt
Break the Sky - The Hush Sound
Oh. Hi. - Now, Now
Detroit Stab - Anchor & Braille
Yes, And - Molly Ofgeography
Kissaphobic - Make Out Monday
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
Oh No, I Tried - Right Away, Great Captain!
Whipped Cream - Ludo
Straight Up - Paula Abdul
Eros - Ludovico Einaudi
Victoria - Georgia Train
Exoskeletons for Children - Squalloscope
Raise Hell - Brandi Carlile
You Could Be Happy - Snow Patrol
Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood & The Destroyers
Omniphobia - Sianvar
Dissolve - Valleyheart
You Don't Get Me High Anymore - Phantogram
Depraved - Anberlin
I Killed Love - Autoheart
Empty Sighs and Wine - Isles & Glaciers
Swan - Monica Heldal
WHEW. if you also want to try, consider yourself tagged! :D
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priyadharshinigamer · 7 months
9 Must-Play Family Board Games: From Ludo to Monopoly and Beyond!
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Ludo stands as a timeless classic that transcends generations, offering simple yet engaging gameplay for the whole family. Its blend of strategy and chance makes every game session exciting and unpredictable. Beyond entertainment, Ludo teaches valuable life lessons about patience, fairness, and strategic planning. Experience the modern twist of Ludo by downloading the Zupee app, where you can compete against players worldwide and even win real cash prizes.
Snakes and Ladders: The Game of Ups and Downs
Snakes and Ladders is another beloved classic that has delighted families for decades. The game's simplicity and element of chance make it accessible to players of all ages, fostering humility and grace in both victory and defeat. It's a timeless reminder that life, like the game board, is filled with ups and downs.
2. Monopoly: The Ultimate Strategy Game
Monopoly reigns as one of the most iconic strategy games, offering players the opportunity to build financial empires through shrewd investments and negotiations. Beyond its entertainment value, Monopoly imparts valuable lessons about money management and resource allocation, making it ideal for teenagers and adults alike.
3. Scrabble: Wordplay Fun for Everyone
Scrabble is a favorite among word enthusiasts, challenging players to create words using letter tiles and strategically place them on the board for maximum points. Apart from being highly entertaining, Scrabble enhances vocabulary, spelling, and strategic thinking skills, making it an educational yet enjoyable choice for family game nights.
4. The Game of Life: Navigate Your Path
The Game of Life takes players on an exhilarating journey through various life stages, from college to retirement, where they make critical decisions about careers, relationships, and finances. It's a fantastic way to introduce children to the complexities of adulthood while enjoying a fun, role-playing experience with the whole family.
5. Catan: Explore, Trade, Build
Catan offers players a rich multiplayer experience where they collect resources, build settlements, and expand their territories to emerge victorious. Its dynamic gameplay and emphasis on strategic planning and negotiation make it a top choice for families seeking a challenging yet rewarding gaming experience.
6. Ticket to Ride: A Railway Adventure
Ticket to Ride invites players on a thrilling cross-country train adventure where they compete to claim railway routes connecting cities across North America. With its simple yet strategic gameplay and geographical knowledge, Ticket to Ride is perfect for players of all ages looking for an exciting family board game.
7. Clue: Solve the Mystery
Clue immerses players in a captivating murder mystery where they must use deduction and critical thinking to uncover the culprit, weapon, and crime scene. It's a thrilling detective game that encourages teamwork and problem-solving skills, making it a hit among aspiring sleuths and mystery lovers.
8. Blokus: The Strategy Game for the Whole Family
Blokus challenges players to strategically place their pieces on the board while blocking their opponents' moves. Its colorful and intuitive gameplay promotes spatial awareness and critical thinking, making it an ideal choice for families looking for a fun and engaging strategy game.
9. Carrom: A Popular Board Game in India
Carrom is a beloved Indian board game that combines skill and pecision as players aim to pocket their carrom pieces using a striker. Its simple yet addictive gameplay appeals to players of all ages, making it a cherished pastime for families across generations.
Download Zupee Ludo Game
For a modern take on the classic game of Ludo, consider downloading the Zupee app, which offers exciting variations like Ludo Supreme, Ludo Turbo, and Ludo Ninja. Join players from around the world in thrilling Ludo matches and even compete for cash prizes. Visit Zupee today to download the Ludo app and start your family's digital board gaming adventure!
In Conclusion
Family board games offer an unparalleled opportunity for bonding, laughter, and shared experiences. Whether it's the timeless charm of Ludo or the strategic depth of Monopoly, these games promise endless fun and cherished memories for families to treasure for years to come.
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asteria7fics · 8 months
The Brainrot ™ has become too much to bear, so I fear it’s time for Grandma Asteria to go on a rant.
Today’s topic: Songs that give ✨STYLE✨
These are from my personal collection of brainrot tracks. Maybe give ‘em a listen? Or whatevah.
#1: Navy Blue by Nightly
I can’t really explain this one, so I definitely shouldn’t be starting with it, but here we are! This song is truly pure vibes, and honestly it feels like the kind of song Stan would write when he’s mad pining but doesn’t want it to seem obvious. The irony? I hear it more from Kyle’s perspective (because duh, blue is Stan’s representative color so of course???) Idk man there’s just something about it that feels simple and sweet, but somehow a little sad, too? Yah feel me?
Yeah I can’t really justify this one with words. The girls that get it, get it.
#2: Anything For You by Ludo
Don’t talk to me about Ludo. I fucking LOVE LUDO. So slept on. This song in particular feels so Stan coded. Just listing all the things he’d do for his SBF. So fucking sweet and dorky, and feels so true to the lengths that Stan has gone to for Kyle. And the final lines of the chorus; ‘But the best story that I could tell is the one where I’m growing old with you’ UM HELLO??? SOULMATES??? UGH. Honestly the whole song is a masterpiece and deserves to be heard by more people.
#3: Bang The Doldrums by Fall Out Boy
I’d be remiss not to include FOB on this list, considering they were all I listened to while writing TSOB. This song in particular really fucks with the chorus, but y’all already knew that. I’m not the first person to associate this song with Style and I hope to God I won’t be the last. So so so good. I could literally talk for hours about how FOB just GETS IT. It is a love song, in their own way.
Seriously though guys listen to Fall Out Boy they’re really good and they aren’t just for recovering millennial emos I swear HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING-
#4: 0X1=LOVESONG (I know I love you) by TXT ft. Seori
I know, it’s Korean. I’M SORRY but Tomorrow by Together absolutely FUCKS with this one I fear. The way Taehyun hits us with his ‘I KNOW IT’S REAL I CAN FEEL IT’ sends me into the stratosphere, and though I loved this song before getting into SP/Style (it’s co-written by my favorite member of BTS so of course I love it), it really shines in the context of Style angst. The gut wrenching ‘I know I love you’???? ‘Use me like a drug’?????? TXT fucking gets it, and they deserve so much love for giving me this banger to cry to while writing some depressing ass shit.
#5: Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel
Another massively under appreciated band, Saint Motel always hits. This song? Upbeat bop. Sunshine shot directly into my veins. The chorus feels like a warm hug, and I can just see those fucking DORKS serenading one another in the kitchen with it, living their sweet domestic life and just loving each other like God intended. Maybe the most perfect love song in history, so of course I’m gonna associate it with the most perfect Super Butt Fuckers. Obsessed.
#6: Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
I cannot be the only person that knows this song is MEANT FOR THEM. The quintessential best friend song, growing up together in a small town and knowing every inch of the other’s life. Shit gets complicated as they get older, but of course they always come back together because they’re SOUL!!!!MATES!!!! ‘This could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go somewhere only we know?’ Don’t speak to me. The fact that this song is NEVER utilized for Style angst on TikTok is my Roman Empire. I need old man yaoi set to this song IMMEDIATELY. Or some real angsty apocalyptic shit. I’m actually begging you guys, seriously.
PHEW! That’s all for now. I’ve compiled these songs into a playlist that you can listen to here, but every song is individually linked, too. I’ll eventually add more songs, so suggestions are welcome!
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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pooklet · 2 years
what type of music do you like?
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These days I mostly listen to instrumental music from video games, esp the Darkest Dungeon OST. I don't prefer instrumental music or anything it's just easier for me to hold a conversation while listening to music if it doesn't have any vocals, and @skulldilocks and I are p. much always chattin'.
When I do listen to music with vocals, according to the top 25 artists on my music player it's:
Empires, Nirvana, Hozier, Fall Out Boy, Santigold, Meg Myers, Gorillaz, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Queen, Scissor Sisters, Ludo, Krusha, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Janelle Monáe, Flo Rida, FKA twigs, Voxtrot, Etta James, Nina Simone, Styx, Matthew Good Band, Backstreet Boys, and Jaymes Young.
(This doesn't include individual mashups that I downloaded from Hype Machine in the 2010s and have listened to thousands of times. Mashup Georg is an outlier and should not be counted.)
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bluekidvoid · 1 month
  Online 3 Patti Real Money App Get into the action with Empiregames' online 3 Patti real money app. Play the popular card game with friends or other players and win real cash. Our app provides a seamless experience, making it easy to enjoy the thrill of 3 Patti while earning money. Download Empiregames and join the fun!
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fabzen123 · 4 months
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Ludo Empire brings the beloved board game of Ludo into the digital age, offering players a fun and engaging online multiplayer experience. With its traditional gameplay, added features, and accessibility across multiple platforms, Ludo Empire continues to entertain players of all ages worldwide. Please visit site : https://empiregames.in/ludo-empire
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sharmasunita-blog · 6 months
Ludo empire
"Ludo Empire" is a mobile application that offers a digital version of the popular board game Ludo. It allows players to enjoy multiplayer gameplay, enabling them to compete against friends or random opponents online. Ludo Empire typically includes various modes such as Classic, Quick, and Masters, each with its own unique set of rules and challenges. Players can earn coins and rewards by winning matches, which can be used to unlock new features, customize game boards, or purchase virtual items within the app. Additionally, the app often incorporates social features like chat functionality, leaderboards, and the ability to connect with friends via social media platforms. Ludo Empire aims to provide an entertaining and engaging gaming experience for Ludo enthusiasts on mobile devices.
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blacklinks01 · 6 months
Beyond mere luck, Ludo real money games reward strategic prowess. Develop a keen sense of observation, analyze your opponents' moves, and formulate tactical maneuvers to outmaneuver them on the board.
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List of best ludo earning apps Online
if you're looking for best ludo earning apps where you can earn rewards or participate in cash tournaments, here are a few options that have garnered popularity:
Ludo King: While it primarily focuses on casual gameplay, Ludo King occasionally offers cash tournaments or contests where players can win rewards or prizes.
Ludo Supreme: This app allows users to play Ludo and participate in real-money tournaments. It offers various game modes and tournaments with different entry fees and prize pools.
Ludo Empire: Similar to Ludo Supreme, Ludo Empire lets users play Ludo for real money. It offers multiplayer modes and tournaments with cash prizes.
Ludo Skill: This app offers competitive Ludo gameplay with the opportunity to win real cash prizes. It features different game modes and tournaments for players of all skill levels.
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wqbytop100 · 11 months
Top100 for the week ending October 29, 2023
Summertime Friends---The Chainsmokers -1/ 6weeks
Hangin' On---A R I Z O N A -2/9weeks ''peak1'' *4weeks @#1*
See You Again ---Vicetone, Anna Clendening -3/5weeks
Strangers---Kenya Grace -12/2weeks
Living In A Haze---Milky Chance -4/17weeks ''peak2''
Sorry Now---A R I Z O N A -8/3weeks
Stress You---Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -11/3weeks
Other Boys----Marshmello, Dove Cameron -5/ 6weeks
I'll Be There---Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -29/2weeks
One Last Dance---Imanbek, Ali Gatie -10/5weeks
Spend the Night---BJ The Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -7/;6weeks
Boyfriend---Usher -31/9weeks
Jungle----Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -6/6weeks
Wanna Dance---Alie Farber, James Carter, VBBARGEN -15/4weeks
At Your Worst---Calum Scott -14/9weeks ''peak5''
Tied to You---Elderbrook -13/6weeks
Good Morning---Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -23/3weeks
More Baby---Chris Lake, Aluna -9/6weeks
Go Off----Mike Candys -18/5weeks
Fever----Lewis Thompson, PUNCTUAL, Hight -22/3weeks
Following the Sun---SUPER Hi, NEEKA -19/13weeks
One With the Wolves---Robin Schulz -16/9weeks ''peak7''
About the Weekend---Goldfish, Sakhile Moleshe -26/4weeks
Lost & Found---Gorgon City, DRAMA -20/14WEEKS ''peak8''
Drums---James Hype, Kom Petras -72/3weeks
Dark Skies----A R I Z O N A -38/3weeks
AEIOU---PNAU, Empire of the Sun -117/2weeks
Blur---KREAM, Marlo Rex -27/3weeks
From this Day On--Andrew Rayel, JES -25/18weeks ''peak1x2''
Light On---Markus Schutz, Sarah de Warren -21/14weeks ''peak10x2''
Diamond Therapy---Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -30/4weeks
Guaranteed---Black Eyed Peas, J. Rey Soul -17/4weeks
Strangely Sentimental---Anabel Englund -24/20weeks
One More Memory---Andrew Rayel -34/3weeks
Die For A Night---A R I Z O N A -28/23weeks ''peak1''
De Selby---Hozier -32/13weeks
A Lot Like Heaven --Gorgon City, Julia Church -37/3weeks
What We Know---Lucas & Steve, Conor Byren -44/3weeks
Forever Gold-----Siskin -50/3weeks
Subterranean---Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -45/3weeks
Location---Cheat Codes, A7S -48/3weeks
Your So High (10 Years On)---Eli & Fur -63/3weeks
The Feeling---Lost Frequencies -43/3weeks
The Little Mushroom that Got Away---Sultan + Shepard, Lane8 -59/3weeks
eMtunzini---Muzi -33/11weeks
Elevator Eyes---Tove Lo -36/9weeks
If Summer Was A Sound---Goldfish, Malou -49/3weeks
Both----Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -52/3weeks
If Only I --- Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -42/13weeks
Don't Go Insane---DPR IAN -92/3weeks
Motive---Armin Van Buuren -35/15weeks
Me and my Guitar---Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -54/7weeks
A Lesson In Chemistry---Anabel Englund -55/3weeks
Dressed for a Funeral---Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -40/23weeks
Moonlight---Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -41/11weeks
Body Count---Jason Derulo -47/9weeks
Strangers On a Train---SUPER Hi -53/9weeks
Sing With Me----Goldfish, Keanan Eksteen -58/3weeks
You're Hired----NEIKED f/Ayra Starr -69/3weeks
California Child---Goldfish, The Palms, Hi-Def -56/3week
Moon---Locklead -64/8weeks
The Beautiful Letdown---Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -96/8weeks
We Could Be Love---Hayden James, AR/CO -94/8weeks
In My Zone----S.O. GIDI -101/7weeks
Feel It (Club Edit)-----Jazzy -68/3weeks
Chamallow---Polo & Pan -77/3weeks
We Should Get Married---Dan & Shay -65/8weeks
On My Love---Zara Larsson, David Guetta -39/5weeks
That's Alright---Goldfish, Julia Church -51/3weeks
All Night---Charlie Houston -60/5weeks
Kriss Kross---W&W, Da Tweekaz -61/3weeks
Over Now---7 Lions, Above & Beyond, Opposite the Other -67/3weeks
Alive---Roosevelt -62/5weeks
She's On My Mind---Romy -66/5weeks
Let Me Go---Jigitz -70/5weeks
On My Way----SIDEPIECE, Faquzia -71/3weeks
19---Stephen Dawes -73/16weeks
Waiting For U---Laidback Luke, Palphi, *(Jake Silva remix) -74/8weeks
Down Like That---Bryson tiller -75/7weeks
React----Switch disco, Ella Henderson, Robert Miles -76/9weeks
Desire---Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -79/3weeks
When We Touch--Ludo Lacoste, Santelli, Twinflame, Rozegarden -80/3weeks
Everything Is Changing---Goldfish, Julia Church -81/2weeks
Bigger than the Song---Brittney Spencer -82/4weeks
Fight My Demons---Yung Bae, Barney Bones Leven Kali -83/3weeks
Where You Are---John Summit, Hayla -57/
Nevada---Vicetone, Cozi Zuchisdorf -84/3weeks
Dancing at the Disco---J. Worra, Cherry Tooth -85/3weeks
Die Young---Venbee, Rudimental -86/16weeks
All In A Dream--LP Giobbi, DJ Tennis, Joseph Ashworth -87/3weeks
Black Dress - - O70 Shake -88/4weeks
Save My Love---Destiny Rogers -89/3weeks
Dress Code----Mau P -90/3weeks
I Love Hollywood---Slayyter -91/3weeks
Deep Inside Of Me---Bob Sinclar, A-Trak, Mele -95/2weeks
Smiley Water---Mike. 97/7weeks
Quarter Life Crisis---Baby Queen -100/7weeks
Looking For Love---Disclosure -78/3weeks
Bitter---Freya Riding -93/8weeks
Take Me Back---Chri$tian Gate$ -98/12weeks
0 notes