cgvijesti · 2 years
Putnici povrijeđeni tokom propadanja aviona
Foto: ilustracija Avion njemačke “Lufthanze” koji je upao u “znatnu turbulenciju” iznad SAD, prekinuo je putovanje i sletio na Međunarodni aerodrom Dales u Vašingtonu da bi se u bolnici pružila pomoć za sedmoro povrijeđenih putnika, rekli su zvaničnici. Let iz Ostina u Teksasu, za Frankfurt u Njemačkoj, prekinut je neplaniranim sletanjem u srijedu uveče na aerodrom Dales, rekao je portparol…
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No, sir. You do not have a choice.
No, sir. This is not a drill.
Yes, sir. I understand you have VIPs onboard. I'll see your VIPs and raise you an international emergency. Land your plane now.
Copy that, Gander Tower.
This is Air France.
Aer Lingus.
British Airways.
This is American four niner. What am I supposed to tell my passengers?
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achmadsfblog · 3 years
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 Perusahaan apapun jenis dan modelnya, sudah pasti satu hal yang mesti menjadi perhatiannya adalah melayani customer/ pelanggannya dengan baik. Karena customer adalah aset, jika asetnya saja tidak di perlakukan dengan baik,  bagaimana mungkin   “sang aset “ akan bisa menjadi media efektif untuk meningkatkan revenue dan performance terbaik bagi bisnis anda.
 Jika saya sebutkan dua nama perusahaan international pasti anda sudah  tahu mereka. Sebuah perusahaan yang tahu bagaimana melakukan strategi bisnisnya dengan mengoptimalkan service dan layanan  kepada para customer/ pelanggannya.  Itulah yang menjadi dasar kepada kedua perusahaan ini semakin survive dalam bisnisnya.
baca juga artikel berikut : https://www.barantum.com/blog/3-potensi-bisnis-e-commerce-bagi-pelaku-bisnis-di-tahun-2021-di-indonesia-sebuah-potensi-yang-bagus-untuk-di-kembangkan/
 STARBUCK  INDONESIA : Pada semester I-2020, perusahaan membukukan pendapatan bersih Rp 6,79 triliun.  Sekalipun di banding tahun sebelumnya, akibat pandemi angkanya turun dari  Rp 10 triliun. Namun tetap memberikan kontribusi yang bagus.
LUFTHANZA JERMAN : Maskapai terbesar di Eropa dalam hal jumlah penumpang. Berkantor pusat di Kota Cologne Jerman, maskapai ini mengoperasikan lebih dari 700 pesawat. Pada 2018/2019, menghasilkan laba bersih USD2,5 miliar. Capaian ini menegaskan kualitasnya sebagai salah satu maskapai penerbangan paling menguntungkan di dunia
 Yang jadi pertanyaan apa  strategi yang mereka jalankan dalam menangani service kepada customer/pelanggannya :  ( STARBUCK ) : 1. Starbucks focuses on customer relationship management by integrating communication with customers.  2. Starbucks has used aggressive strategies to sustain its position ase vation in CRM eans of enabling e r for business growth when st brands.  Sedangkan ( LUFTHANZA ) : Lufthansa Customer Service Plan Preamble  : 1. The Lufthansa Customer Service Plan is another step to reach this goal. It has been developed in accordance with Department of Transportation (the “DOT”) regulations for the departure or arrival of international flights at covered U.S. airports. 2. Lufthansa’s Customer Service Plan reflects our commitment to treat our customers in a fair, courteous and prompt manner and to provide them with clear information about what they can expect us to do, particularly during occasional, irregular operations. In addition this plan will allow us to act promptly when we fail to meet our customer’s expectations.
 Sebenarnya bicara soal   CRM, kita memang  tidak bisa lepas dari peran dan fungsi CRM secara bisnis. Karena CRM ini adalah sebuah tools yang menjadi alat bantu  bagi perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnisnya.  Terkait dengan peran dan fungsinya itulah, maka secara bisnis kita bisa mendeskripsikan CRM sebagai : sebuah tools yang akan bisa memberikan data lengkap kepada perusahaan menyangkut beberapa hal seperti : (1) CRM bisa sebagai alat bantu untuk mengetahui segala informasi tentang customer atau data customer (2) CRM bisa menjadi media untuk mengcreate segala  program yang berhubungan dengan customer  baru ataupun lama  (3) CRM bisa menjadi dasar bagi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan loyalitas customer. Sehingga customer bisa berubah dari customer biasa menjadi loyal customers.
 Dengan penjelasan tersebut pada akhirnya kita bisa menjelaskan   bahwa CRM bisa membantu bisnis untuk lebih mengenal lebih jauh karakter customer sehingga bisa terwujud komunikasi  bisnis yang lebih baik. Semakin baik Anda memahami pelanggan Anda, semakin responsif Anda terhadap kebutuhan mereka dan tentu saja ini akan menaikkan tingkat kepuasan mereka terhadap perusahaan dan produk Anda. Hal itu bisa  terjadi, karena CRM itu pada dasarnya bukan hanya sekedar tools atau alat yang di jalankan berdasarkan teknologi. Tetapi lebih dari itu,  CRM adalah sebuah strategi untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang kebutuhan dan perilaku pelanggan agar dapat mengembangkan hubungan yang lebih kuat dengan mereka.
 Apalagi saat ini, ketika CRM sudah di integrasikan dengan Whatsapp Business API. Semakin memperkuat posisinya sebagai salah satu media paling  menarik untuk bisa mengelola, memaksimalkan potensi yang ada di sisi customer/ pelanggan agar bisa memberikan kontribusi bagi peningkatan bisnis perusahaan.
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 Mungkin bagi yang belum banyak tahu, WA Business API yang saat ini di integrasikan dengan CRM. Adalah aplikasi yang banyak di pakai kalangan pebisnis dari kelas UMKM,  menengah hingga besar.  WA Business API, bisa diterapkan dalam beberapa cara seperti pada server dan sistem API yang dapat menyediakan program menerima dan mengirim pesan secara otomatis. API sendiri kepanjangannya adalah Application Programming Interface, sebuah sistem atau program antar muka. Dengan sistem ini maka dimungkinkan  sistem bisa berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan sistem  yang lain sesuai apa yang di gunakan perusahaan. Kemampuan inilah yang di gunakan oleh pebisnis yang sebelumnya telah menggunakan  CRM agar bisa di integrsikan degan WA  Business API dalam mengelola customer/ pelanggannya agar bisa lebih optimal.
 Dari semua hal yang telah di  jelaskan diatas, kita bisa mencoba melihat seperti apa perkembangan CRM dengan melihat kondisi  yang terjadi pada saat ini : (1) Barantum sebagai perusahaan yang concern dalam pengembangan CRM selalu mencoba meningkatkan kemampuan produk CRM nya agar bisa sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini. Dimana cara  yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengupdate fitur dan fungsi dari  CRMnya. (2) Karena saat ini adalah zamannya  Era Industri 4.0. Maka peran  internat dan media sosial menjadi salah satu aspek yang menjadi perhatian pelaku bisnis.
Maka Barantum mengembangkan CRM Omni Channel, fungsi dari CRM Omni Channel ini adalah, user atau pengguna akan mendapatkan kemudahan dalam melakukan komunikasi dengan customer. Karena di dalam dashboard tersebut sudah tersimpan sejumlah media sosial  yang biasa di gunakan oleh customer. (3) Barantum telah memindahkan cloud sistemnya dari luar negeri ke Indonesia. Dengan kondisi ini maka sudah pasti masalah keamanan data yang selalu menjadi concern utama dalam bidang teknologi bisa di jaga dengan baik.
 Yang pasti apapun kondisinya, ketika saat   ini pelaku bisnis sedang “bingung” dalam merumuskan dan mencari strategi baru dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, maka  implementasi CRM adalah salah satu alternatif solusi terbaik yang bisa di jalankan. Terlebih saat ini ketika kondisi ekonomi sedang menurun, cara terbaik yang bisa di jalankan adalah mempertahakan dengan baik dan maksimal customer yang sudah ada. Dan salah satu cara terbaik mempertahankan customer adalah dengan penggunaan CRM secara maksimal.
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Poland Summer 2017 #1: Arrival
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There’s this thing that happens when you travel long distances. There’s a sort of stopping of time. Or maybe prolonging it. You lose track of time. Your phone switches between time zones more naturally than you. One day drags into the next and you don’t even realize that it’s gone. You’re in the sky flying away from the sun when it happens. Or maybe you’re flying towards it. You forget what day it is. You forget that you’ve only slept 4 hours. You forget that only 25 hours ago you were walking out your front door. 
My trip had a slow start. It took me 4.5 hours to get from my house in Edmonton to Calgary by plane (what is a 3.5-hour drive on a good day). Some blessings come in disguise though because my 7-hour layover there gave me a chance to see two of my sisters one last time before I left. My little sister was the last person to give me a hug. I don’t think she saw me starting to cry when I hugged her.
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There was a shift as I went from a Canadian airline flying to a Canadian city to a German airline flying to a German city. All of a sudden you were just as likely to have someone speak to you in German as English. Thankfully “danke schön” was sufficient German since all the flight attendants spoke perfectly in both languages. My seatmate was Canadian and also didn’t speak German. We enjoyed the safety video together. It made Air Canada’s seem very bland. Ours starred Marilyn Monroe with a mini me and an astronaut.
The part of my travels I was most nervous for was the layover in Frankfurt. I didn’t have a lot to be afraid of. I had 3.5 hours. The Frankfurt airport and I unfortunately have a rough past. Last time I came to Poland, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong in Frankfurt and we missed our flight. Thankfully, this time when all the non-EU citizens were milling about customs trying to figure out which desk to go to, I knew exactly where to go and got through before the throng of people. When I had to check my bag again, I knew where the Lufthanza counters were because that’s where we had to beg them to get us on the next flight last time. By the time I got to my gate, I had well over 2 hours before boarding.
I felt so comfortable in that airport this time around it was kind of a shock to remember how overwhelmed I felt when I got there last time. The Frankfurt airport was the first place in Europe I ever went to and the first place I was ever immersed in an unknown language without a guide. There was German everywhere and I didn’t understand any of it. But, there was always English written in smaller print below. People would speak to me in German first. But, on seeing my blank look would switch to English. It is times like these that I empathize with people who move to Canada without speaking very much English and I remember how privileged I am that when I’m in the same situation here, I get a safety net because people will usually be able to communicate with me still.
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I got to Frankfurt with 3 euros and 12.41 złoty in my pocket. Leftovers from my last trip. My plan was to exchange money when I got to Poland. I forgot that the Frankfurt airport has no concept of a water fountain. Water was 3.15 euros. At least I had dark chocolate from the Calgary airport to get me through.
As more and more people arrived at the gate, there was another shift. This time it was a German airline flying to a Polish city. I heard a smattering of Polish, German, and English as people milled about.
There was a family that was sitting at the table next to me as we were waiting for the plane. The little boy, Ryan, was maybe 5 years old. He reminded me a lot of a little Polish boy I met when I used to run day camps in Calgary. His dad sounded American or Canadian, but his mom was definitely Polish. He would speak to Ryan in English and she would speak to him in Polish. Ryan would always respond in English. She would speak in English to her husband. I liked listening to her talk to Ryan because she was using simple vocabulary so I could understand some of it.
There was another family that I was standing next to on the bus out to the plane. The two parents and the two kids would switch mid-sentence between English, French, and Polish. I couldn’t tell what the native language of either parent was. I liked listening to them too. Maybe even more so because I could understand all of the French and English, though I struggled a bit when they switched to Polish. The kids were older and the little boy talked really fast.
Ryan had a theory on the bus ride to the plane. The bird on the plane’s wing must mean it is an Italian plane. He was very confident about his theory. His mom told him that the bird meant it was a German plane. He moved on quickly when we saw a plane starting to take off right beside us.
On the plane, people were still speaking Polish and German mostly, but the flight attendants didn’t speak Polish. The young Polish girls in front of me spoke English to them. The older man beside me spoke German to them. I knew he was Polish because he asked me in Polish before we left what row we were in to make sure he was in the right spot. He saw me thinking so he spoke again in a different language (German, probably) and then English. He was surprised when I responded in Polish.
By the time I got to Katowice, it was very similar to the last time I landed in Poland. The airports were very alike and there was even the same advertisement on the buses that took us to the arrivals wing. It took 40 minutes to get to the centre of Katowice from the airport. I was glad I had ridden in a car in Poland prior to this. There is no concept of “waiting for the dotted line to pass a car especially when there is a car fast approaching in the opposite lane”.
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My Airbnb reminds me of the first house I stayed in in Poland. It is an Instagram paradise. Poland also has a very distinctive smell that I really love. Last time, after I washed my clothes in Poland, they all had that distinctive smell, even for months after I got home.
I still had only 12.41 złoty so I went to a Bankomat to get some cash (all the exchange places were closed) and went to Żabka (the convenience store on every street in Poland) to get mint apple juice (the real priority) and some fruit. I had walked to a park and there were two girls at an ice cream stand. They asked me in Polish if I wanted ice cream across the walkway and I decided to forget I was lactose intolerant for 5 minutes because it was a good chance to practice Polish with vocabulary I know (just kidding, it was all about the ice cream).
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I should rewind and say that Katowice feels a lot smaller than Kraków. And it is. But when I was in Kraków and trying to speak Polish, everyone would switch to English immediately. Not so in Katowice. The ice cream stand girls could tell pretty quickly that I didn’t speak Polish fluently because I had to ask them to repeat themselves several times. They asked if I spoke English (in Polish) and knew a few English words to explain what they were trying to say when it took us a few tries to get on the same page, but my Polish was better than their English so we stuck with that. After they told me all the flavours (thank goodness for the food unit in Polish class) and I made my choice, we chatted a bit more. They asked where I was from and I said I was from Canada. They asked if I was a student here and I was able to communicate that I was going to be a student in Cieszyn, but only for a month. They told me that I had “really pretty” Polish. That made me feel really good about all the time I spent working on my pronunciation when I was first learning Polish.
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I’m looking forwards to having more conversations like this one where I have to improvise more than I do in Polish class. One trick I have is if I don’t know the declension of the word I am trying to say, I just say it in nominative case and trail off so they finish my sentence with the correct case for me. The ice cream stand girls helped me finish this sentence: “Będę uczyć się polskiego w Cieszynie.”
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ily-goodthing-blog · 6 years
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mndptv · 5 years
TURISTI koji idu u EGIPAT zabrinuti, mogući napadi?
Avio-kompanije "Britiš ervejz" i "Lufthanza" suspendovale su letove za Kairo dok, kako kažu, ne završe procenu bezbednosti. Postoji povećan rizik od terorističkog napad, upozorava Forin ofis. Foto: MONDO/Jelena Stokić   Mere predostrožnosti su neophodne, tvrde u britanskom Forin ofisu, jer u ovom trenutku postoji povećan rizik od terorističkog napada. Srpski turisti koji su ove godine ponovo u većem broju za odmor izabrali Egipat, nisu ugroženi, rekli su u Juti za RTS i dodali da ne očekuju ni zabranu letova iz Srbije. Bez detalja, Forin ofis je turiste upozorio da izbegavaju Severni Sinaj zbog, kako navode, kontinuiranih kriminalnih aktivnosti i terorističkih napada na snage bezbednosti. Turiste je, ipak, više zabrinula obustava letova "Britiš ervejza" i "Lufthanze". "Nismo dobili nikakvu korisnu informaciju, niti savet kako na alternativni način možemo da stignemo tamo", rekao je jedan od turista. Informacija od "Britiš ervejza" je da neće leteti ka Egiptu narednih sedam dana, a "Lufthanza" bar 24 sata. Za srpske turiste koji planiraju da putuju na ovu destinaciju, na snazi je i dalje zeleno svetlo, kažu u Juti. "Prema informacijama koje mi imamo sa lica mesta, nema nikakvog razloga da na bilo koji način budu uzbuđeni naši putnici koji se nalaze u Egiptu, pa i oni koji planiraju da idu u Egipat ovog leta s obzirom na to da se ne razmatra nikakva odluka o uskraćivanju čarter letova", rekao je Aleksandar Seničić iz Jute. Prvi signal da destinaciju treba izbegavati daje Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova. U Ministarstvu turizma to za sada ne očekuju i pojašnjavaju – ni u tom slučaju putovanja nisu zabranjena. "Preporuka nije obavezujuća, te odluka da li će putovati jeste na turistima", ističe Vera Božić Trafalt, pomoćnica ministra trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija. U slučaju da turista posluša preporuku ministarstva i reši da ne putuje, agencija nije u obavezi da mu vrati novac. Veto na letovanje uz povraćaj novca, praktično može da stavi samo zemlja u koju se putuje. "Ukoliko neka država donese zabranu ulaska, u tom slučaju, ako ino-partner obešteti i vrati povraćaj aranžmana, agencije su onda dužne da obeštete naše putnike", objašnjava Vera Božić Trafalt. U Egiptu, prema podacima Jute, trenutno letuje oko 6.000 srpskih državljana. Oko 55.000 bi letovališta na Crvenom moru moglo da poseti do kraja sezone. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mndstz · 6 years
Da li ste sujeverni? (ANKETA)
Čak i ako niste naročito sujeverni, verovatno kažete "nazdravlje" svaki put kada neko kine. Postoji više teorija koje objašnjavaju zašto to kažemo: prema jednoj, stari Grci i Rimljani su kijanje videli kao odraz dobrog zdravlja i izražavali ljudima koji kinu želju da dugo žive, koristeći frazu "živeo" ili "živeo dugo". U Americi se, na primer, kada neko kine kaže "bless you", pa tako ljudi "blagoslove" onoga ko kine jer se ranije verovalo da time brane zlim duhovima da im ukrade dušu prilikom kijanja. Sujeverje je i razlog zašto mnoge zgrade nemaju sprat obeležen brojem 13, već 14, 14A, 12B ili nešto slično. Zanimljivo, 13 odsto ljudi je u jednom istraživanju reklo da im ne bi bilo svejedno da odsednu na 13. spratu hotela, a devet odsto njih bi tražilo premeštaj u sobu na nekom drugom spratu. Povrh svega, neke aviokompanije poput "Er Fransa" ili "Lufthanze" nemaju 13. red sedišta. "Lufthanza" takođe nema ni 17. red jer se taj broj u nekim zemljama poput Italije i Brazila, smatra nesrećnim. Iako ne postoji jedna utvrđena definicija sujeverja, to podrazumeva verovanje u neke natprirodne sile, želju da se utiče na nepredvidive faktore i potrebu da se rešimo neizvesnosti. Lična uverenja osobe i prethodna iskustva objašnjavaju zašto je osoba iracionalna i zašto veruje u stvari koje nisu naučno objašnjive. Psiholozi koji su istraživali ulogu sujeverja otkrili su da potiče od pretpostavke da postoji veza između događaja između kojih zapravo nema veze. Tako, na primer, verujemo i da nam određena majica donosi sreću jer je povezujemo sa nečim lepim što nam se dogodilo kada smo je jednom nosili. Mnogim ljudima ponašanje u skladu sa sujeverjem pomaže da imaju osećaj kontrole i da budu manje anksiozni, što je i razlog zašto se sujeverje povećava kada smo pod stresom ili zabrinuti, uplašeni. Naučnici kažu i da je sujeverje još jače u doba ekonomske krize i socijalne nesigurnost, u vreme ratova i konflikata. Foto: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović Sujeverje promoviše pozitivna ponašanja, iako može da dovede do donošenja iracionalnih odluka, poput verovanja u sreću ili sudbinu, umesto u samostalno odlučivanje i njihove posledice. Nošenje određene odeće ili određenih boja, posećivanje mesta koja se povezuju sa dobrom srećom, sve su to elementi koji se povezuju sa sujeverjem. Iako ova ponašanja mogu da deluju trivijalno, mogu da utiču na odluke koje neki ljudi donose u realnom svetu. Sujeverje takođe može da doprinese mišljenju da su neki objekti ili mesta ukleti, a sa time se često povezuju i brojevi, na primer, 666. Sujeverje je dosta prisutno u sportu - četvoro od petoro profesionalnih sportisa ima barem jednu radnju koju ponavlja verujući da mu to donosi sreću. Uostalom, setite se samo svih rituala Rafaela Nadala... Naime, sujeverje sportistima pomaže da ublaže tenziju i daje im osećaj kontrole nad nepredvidivim faktorima. Takođe, Majkl Džordan je smatrao da mu šorts Severne Karoline ispod dresa Čikago Bulsa donosi sreću. Sve ovo pokazuje da sujeverje nekim ljudima ublažava anksioznost. Sa druge strane, istraživanja pokazuju da rituali koji sprovode u skladu sa sujeverjem mogu da postanu navika i ukoliko taj ritual nekad izostane, to može da rezultira anksioznošću. Imajte na umu da se ne kaže džabe "što više treniraš (vežbaš, radiš), to imaš više sreće" - jer uglavnom sve zavisi od nas i našeg rada, truda. I sledeći put kada razbijete ogledalo, vidite crnu mačku ili se susretnete sa brojem 13, ne brinite zbog "loše sreće" jer je sve to način na koji se um poigrava nama. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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lillhoneyy-blog · 7 years
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#lufthanza #airplane #airport #zagreb #croatia #travel #photo
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Lufthanza zapošljava 20.000 novih radnika
Lufthanza zapošljava 20.000 novih radnika
Foto: Pixabay Njemački vazduhoplovni prevoznik Lufthanza nakon oporavka tržišta od pandemije korona virusa planira zapošljavanje 20.000 radnika, objavila je kompanija u ponedjeljak. “Planiramo otvoriti novih 20.000 radnih mjesta u Evropi. Djelimično se radi o potpuno novim radnim mjestima, a djelimično o radnim mjestima koja su ostala upražnjena tokom pandemije korona virusa”, saopšteno je iz…
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wordwabbit · 8 years
Emirates Airlines
I really liked Emirites Airlines. First of all, I got here alive. That merits an automatic “B+” in my book. But Emirites has more than earned an “A.” Second, they are classy. The stewards and stewardesses look amazing, and they are exceptionally helpful and friendly. My top favorite airline is still Lufthanza, but I would definitely fly Emitates again. The food was pretty darn good, the best I’ve…
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osamuhiramatsu · 9 years
#inflight #lufthanza #flight #plane ## 飛行機内長いなぁ(^^) ドイツに向かってます
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la-madamina · 9 years
If you are in any way involved with the opera community/world or just alive in general, you have undoubtedly heard of the Germanwings crash.
At this point, it has taken me days to try to wrap my head around this heart-breaking and absolutely gut-wrenching tragedy, and I still cannot come to terms with it.  I sincerely doubt anybody has.
There really are no words I can use to express how truly sorry I am for family, friends, acquaintances, and coworkers of all who perished in the crash.  This obviously includes Oleg Bryjak, Maria Radner, her partner, and their child, and the countless others that were on that flight including the class of school children and their teacher, and the three generations of one family who were also on the flight.  It is a chilling and horrible loss of life.  
I thought that I would find something on YouTube to dedicate to those who were killed, but after spending two hours on there trying to find something that could share our love for those who were lost, I just could not find anything that would do them or this situation any semblance of justice.  Besides, after going through several renditions of Ave Maria, Panis Angelicus, and Pie Jesu, I was not only just too distraught to continue, but I could not find anything to properly convey what I have been feeling.
There was one beautiful thing that I did learn from this horrible incident, and that is what a beautiful community we have in the opera world.  In the face of horrible things, we are willing to stand together because of the love and adoration we have for our art and those we share it with.  Ours may be a world filled with drama and often controversy, but it has been really inspiring to see that we can still come together in the face of such a trivial time.  
I would like to ask you all that if there is something in specific you would care to share about Maria, Oleg or anything else to do with this tragedy, be that a song dedication, a memory, or anything else, please submit it and share it with us.  
And please, on a final note, just don't forget to tell those you love that you love them.  If this incident has taught us anything, it's that life is fleeting, and you will never know what will happen.
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mndptv · 6 years
"Lufthanza" otkazuje više od 800 letova
Posle "Er Fransa" i "Lufthanza" u štrajku.Foto: MONDO/Mihaela Šljukić Bandović   Nemačka aviokompanija "Lufthanza" saopštila je da će otkazati više od 800 letova u utorak 10. aprila, odnosno svaki drugi let, zbog najavljenih štrajkova zaposlenih u javnim službama koji će pogoditi četiri nemačka aerodroma. Štrajk će pogoditi oko 90.000 putnika, navela je "Lufthanza". Na štrajkove je pozvao nemački sindikat Verdi (ver.di) na aerodromu u Frankfurtu, najvećem aerodromu u Nemačkoj, kao i u Minhenu, Kelnu i Bremenu. Sindikat Verdi traži povećanje plata od šest odsto, ili najmanje 200 evra, za oko 2,3 miliona zaposlenih u javnom sektoru.Š trajkovi na aerodromima deo su šireg spora oko plata u nemačkom javnom sektoru koji uključuje i komunalne kompanije, obdaništa i gradske uprave. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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lillhoneyy-blog · 7 years
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#15082017 #travel #lufthanza #airport #airplane #japanese #food #german #beer
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Lufthanza otkazala više od 1.000 letova
Lufthanza otkazala više od 1.000 letova
Foto: ilustracija Prva evropska vazduhoplovna grupa Lufthanza otkazala je za sutra gotovo sve letove u Njemačkoj zbog štrajka svog zemaljskog osoblja u toj zemlji, saopštila je kompanija, piše portal RTCG. “Pogođeno je više od 130.000 putnika na gotovo hiljadu dolaznih i odlaznih letova na dva glavna aerodroma, u Frankfurtu i Minhenu”, navela je njemačka kompanija dan posle poziva sindikata…
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