#luke asking Obi-Wan is he gets to be a twink forever when he dies too
(Force ghost Obi-Wan visits Anakin at the moment of his death)
Vader is slipping away, fading into the ether. Obi-Wan can feel the end of it in the Force. And yet even as he watches, Obi-Wan rages against it. He cannot let him.
Obi-Wan had come to terms with Vader and his past a long time ago. He had accepted his part in it and let go. He was a Jedi, and he had forged ahead and put his faith in the boy. In Luke. But he had never expected this. Vader–Anakin–to come back. Not after so long. It was less that he'd lost faith in Anakin, and more that it was necessary for him to be able to move on. How cruel the Force was then, to give Anakin back only to take him away again.
Obi-Wan cannot let him.
As his last words leave his mouth, taking with it his last breath, Obi-Wan rushes to his side. It would take a miracle. He, Yoda, and Qui-Gon, had all had to receive extensive training to maintain their consciousness after death. He had but mere minutes. But Anakin was the Force's son was he not? He was the Chosen One. And oh he'd believed it was Luke. And it was in a way. But also Anakin. Always Anakin. So if anyone could do the impossible, it was him.
"Obi-Wan?" Anakin's eyes widen. He has no mouth to speak anymore, caught in death's grip. Yet still his voice rings true. "Master I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I–"
"Hush now and listen carefully. We don't have much time."
Indeed, even now he could feel the way Anakin was merging back into the Force. Gone forever. Just like when he'd fallen to the Dark. Except now it was worse. Because now Obi-Wan would truly never see him again. He has no heart nor any body yet it aches. No please, he begs silently. One last time. One last miracle.
"You're in the netherworld of the Force. But I can teach you how to revisit corporeal space and retain your consciousness. A path to immortality."
Confusion and remorse burst through. Luke hugs his dead father's body to his chest.
"Never mind that! Do you wish this path, Anakin?" He cannot keep the desperation from his voice.
Anakin looks up at him. "Yes."
Obi-Wan has no breath but he feels his chest heave anyway. "Right, let us begin quickly…"
Yoda and Qui-Gon had manifested beside them as Anakin grew stronger and more grounded in the Force. Their voices helped steer him away from the wave which would have swept him away.
After all is said and done Anakin stands before him. Anakin, as he was. As he used to be. Obi-Wan almost cannot believe it even with the proof in front of him.
"Masters." Anakin looks around him, overwhelmed and teary eyed.
"Anakin." Qui-Gon smiles proudly. He moves to hug him. "I was watching you always. You did it. I knew you could."
Ankain squeezes back.
Yoda nods at him, a smile on his old face. Obi-Wan yearns to hold him too, but he hesitates. Unsure how to anymore or if it is even welcome. It's been so long. And there is so much to say. He's sorry he gave up on him. He's sorry he didn't try harder. He's sorry for causing him so much pain.
There is no shielding in the cosmic force. It is all open and bare. Anakin feels all of it. He is frozen in place. In turn Obi-Wan can feel Anakin’s own remorse. His guilt burns alongside everything else. But above all his soul aches for Obi-Wan's just as well.
Oh. Oh Obi-Wan wishes he could hide himself away like before. Put up a wall and meditate this away. This is too raw. Too open. He is gutted and speared and on display.
But so is Anakin.
They fall into each other. Their souls intertwining finally. There is love. Love. He is made of it. He radiates it. He'll never let this go again. Not ever.
The party lasts far into the night. Luke gives them a smile and turns away to rejoin his friends. Anakin smiles proudly at him. Yoda has already returned to the Force. Only he and Anakin remain to watch the festivities a little longer.
Obi-Wan turns to observe him. Anakin is as radiant as he'd been at 23. Curly hair, his Jedi robes in place. He looks exactly as he had been. Obi-Wan feels so old standing next to him. His eternal boy. It didn't seem fair, but Obi-Wan wouldn't have it any other way.
Anakin shifts to peer down at him as if taking him in for the first time. His eyes wander his face and wrinkles.
Anakin reaches up to drag a hand through his white hair. Obi-Wan bristles at the touch, leaning in without meaning to. His soul has always reached back for Anakin.
"Nothing. Just looking at you I guess."
His ephemeral form makes a valiant effort at blushing. Then Anakin opens his mouth and completely obliterates any chance he had at saving face.
"Can ghosts have sex?"
They were both of and in the Force. Anakin was him and he was Anakin. It was the closest they'd ever been and ever would be. But instead of saying any of that Obi-Wan touches his beard and strokes the memory of bristles.
"Can't say I've ever tried."
Anakin grins.
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