innytoes · 2 years
Sleepy prompt 4 for Luke/Alex/Reggie!!
For all Reggie had a very distinctive, very uniform style, he was a dirty little clothes thief when it came to bedtime.
It started with Luke's cutoffs. Luke was shirtless as often as he could, so obviously he went to bed shirtless. Hell, in the summer he slept naked, which was a very pleasant surprise for both Alex and Reggie.
Reggie, however, didn't like to sleep shirtless. Sometimes Alex thought that he'd prefer to sleep in one of those flannel pyjama sets you saw in cartoons. Preferably a plaid one. Usually though, because this was LA, it was a pair of thin, threadbare pyjama pants and t-shirts.
And since Luke wasn't wearing his shirts to bed anyway, that meant they were free game, right? And well, Alex couldn't complain, something about Reggie in Luke's shirts was really, very sexy. Luke seemed to agree, and more often than not, the shirt came right back off.
But then they went on tour. And it started to get out of hand.
First, his favourite fuzzy socks disappeared. Then Luke's boxers. Then...
"Dude, is that my hoodie?"
"The bus is cold!" Reggie whined. "Why couldn't we have done the winter part of the tour in like, Hawaii or something?"
"Dude, we're playing some of the best venues in New York and you're complaining about a little cold?" Luke asked. He was still shirtless, which even to Alex was a little bit over the top. The bus was kind of cold, okay?
"Yeah well maybe you can bask in the warm glow of applause and music, but some of us have human bodies that get cold," Reggie said testily. He still snuggled into Luke's arms demonstratively, hoodie and all. Fair, Luke was like a human furnace.
"You do look really cute in my hoodie," Alex said. He nudged them both over, crawling into the bed as well. It was a bit of a squeeze, but they'd insisted on the largest bed available in a tour bus. The label had finally allowed it, if only because Reggie had made sad eyes at them and said he couldn't sleep otherwise.
"Yeah?" Reggie said, grinning over his shoulder.
"Hmm-hmm..." Alex said, hand sliding up under the fabric.
"OKAY SO WE'RE GETTING REGGIE A PAIR OF EXTRA WARM PYJAMAS NEXT TIME WE STOP," Julie said much too loudly from the other side of the bus. "And you better not be trying to warm up any other way."
Whoops. Okay, so maybe they'd have to wait until the next time they got a hotel for that.
"Yes Julie."
"Sorry boss."
They settled down in a very wholesome, very not-sexual cuddle.
"He does look really cute, though," Alex said into the darkness, just to hear Julie groan and the guys snicker.
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innytoes · 2 years
JATP Gilmore Girls AU
Because apparently sooner or later I create a Gilmore Girls au for every fandom I am in... All the blame goes to @hawkguyhasstarbucks who sent me ‘emily patterson 🤝 emily gilmore’ and I have not known peace since.
-When Luke has Rory, he decides to name her Lorelai after himself. That way, there will still be a Lorelai in the family after he transitions so everyone can suck it.
-Luke is constantly baffled by his daughter being like, the opposite of him in every way. Except really she isn’t. He is all about music, she is all about books. He loves and supports her even if he doesn’t really get it.
-Luke still runs away to work at the Independence Inn. But besides cleaning rooms, he also mans the piano or guitar during dinner. If you tip well enough, he will play requests. If he thinks your request sucks, he will keep your money and play something better. If you want him to play Piano Man, it’s 100 bucks.
-Bobby, Rory’s father, did not run away with them even though Luke asked him to. When Luke is cleaning rooms several years later, he hears a very familiar song on the radio.
-It’s said to be by Trevor Wilson, but Luke knows that voice.
-Let’s just say that for the sake of their kid, Luke doesn’t sue the pants off of Bobby. He’s been dealing with his shitty broken promises to Rory for years and trying to keep from badmouthing her other dad. But this is one bridge too far and it’s burnt.
-He lets Bobby know if he ever tries to steal another song of Luke’s, Luke will not only sue the pants off of him, he will tell Rory everything. Rory who at eight is already smarter than both of them put together and the most fair-minded child in the universe.
-Bobby takes this threat very seriously and indeed never steals another song of Luke’s. His first album is a hit, but all his next ones are kind of flops. He does pay Luke some money, so he can move and get a house for him and Rory.
-Luke moves to his own place in Stars Hollow with Rory and they are quickly adopted by the town. They have breakfast almost every morning at Reggie’s, the diner in town. It’s run by Reggie, who is just a ray of sunshine, and Alex, who complains about how much coffee he and Rory drink but also always pours it for them anyway.
-Luke and Rory move next door to the Molinas, who are pretty awesome and have a daughter about Rory’s age. Julie and Rory are best friends and Luke is so thankful to have some Adultier Adults nearby when he has parenting questions like ‘how young is too young for a child to read Russian literature’ and ‘how did I explode the microwave trying to make soup for my daughter, no it’s fine it’s not on fire... anymore’.
-Okay and also maybe Luke looked up to Ray a little about how to be a Proper Father because he was just winging it by going ‘how about I take everything my parents did and do Not That’.
-When Ray realises he makes sure to tell Luke that he’s doing everything right and Rory seems like a well-adjusted, happy kid. Luke manages to keep it together until he’s home and only then cries about it, because that’s all he’s ever wanted, was for Rory to be happy.
-Reggie inherited the hardware store from his dad and turned it into a diner. He immediately invited Alex to join him because 1) Alex knows coffee better than Reggie ever will and 2) they were best friends and Alex was on the verge of either being cut off from the family or forced into a marriage with a Girl, Any Girl.
-Yes the Mercers did cut him off because he started living with a man and they were both like: lol but we aren’t even dating.
-They lasted like, 2 or 3 years of ‘we’re totally not dating we’re best buds’ before finally confessing they were totally in love.
-The next morning while opening the diner, Miss Patty and Babette took one look at the two of them and exchanged money. (Babette thought it would take them at least another six months and was hoping for a Dramatic Christmas Confession instead of a ‘dramatic random March confession.’)
-Tía Victoria is 100% Miss Patty’s right hand woman. Together (when Taylor isn’t looking) they rule Stars Hollow. She had her money on New Years.
-Yes Reggie baked Rory a coffee cake for her birthday. Alex is the one that grumpily informed her she was sitting at the wrong table, before nodding to the table he and Reggie decorated with balloons.
-When Rose died Luke and Rory were devastated and they did their best to help. Even if that meant ‘we know better than to try and make you a casserole but we did buy one of everything you like at Reggie’s so here you go.’
-Luke has 100% covered for the Molinas with Victoria. No no that extra plate is totally for me Victoria I promise. You know I just freaking love Ray’s spaghetti so much.
-Rory gets into Chilton and they have a small party before Luke realises that they aren’t eligible for the scholarship money. Ray offers to loan him the money but he just can’t. Ray’s fighting to keep Julie in her own music school, he doesn’t need the extra stress.
-So he goes back to his parents.
-Can you imagine how fucking painfully awkward Friday Night Dinners are. Just sit with that a moment. On the one hand Luke has Unsaid Emily running through his mind, on the other, Emily is scolding him for not wearing sleeves and trying to talk Rory out of going to Harvard and go to Yale instead and all he wants to do is run away and hide at Reggie’s diner or possibly the Molina’s studio.
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innytoes · 2 years
Since you asked: JATP Gilmore Girls AU! Or or or JATP oceans eleven AU.
More of the JATP GG AU, which I nearly forgot I made.
-Okay but you know the debutante ball? Luke got out before he was forced to do his, thank god, and he tells Rory she does not have to go through with his sham of gender performative nonsense just to appease her grandmother. But Rory is all 'eh what's the worst that could happen'.
-Emily has a minor meltdown when she realises Luke never gave Rory a middle name because HOW ARE THEY GOING TO ANNOUNCE HER FULL NAME WITHOUT A MIDDLE NAME LUKE?
-They go to Reggie's to brainstorm names. Reggie keeps swinging between Star Wars names and old people names, since 'Reginald is a classic, what's wrong with Ethel?'
-Alex is like: Luke stop trying to convince Rory to take Danger as her middle name.
-Eventually Rory goes over to the Molina house and asks Julie and Ray if it would be okay for her to use Rose as her middle name, because she's the best mother figure she's had.
-Yes there are many ugly tears.
-Luke also did not give himself a middle name and his mother pesters him for weeks and shoots down 'Danger' and 'Skywalker' as his middle name. He also can't ask Ray for his because like, then it would start to get creepy.
-So in a fit of frustration after the sixteenth phone call he steals Reggie's middle name, since Alex' is literally 'Christian' and nope. Emily is like: are you SURE? Yes, mom, he's sure.
-"Lorelai Rose Gilmore, daughter of Luke Eugene Gilmore and Robert Trevor Shaw" walks down the stairs with her dad to become a proper lady of society.
-Yes Luke wears a tux with tails and does not rip the sleeves off but only because Rory hid his seam ripper. Rude.
-Yes they go to Reggie's diner after and eat burgers while still wearing their gloves.
-Yes there are slightly less ugly tears when Reggie hears Luke borrowed his middle name.
-Yes Miss Patty and Babette quietly made jokes about how soon, they'd all be sharing last names instead.
-Alex has taken every dance class ever given by Miss Patty.
-For the longest time Emily and Mitch think Reggie and Alex are one single person. "The diner owner with the coffee and the plaid and the baseball cap."
-You just know the first time they meet Reggie and Alex they go home like: okay but which one does Luke have a crush on???
-Sometimes, Alex goes on one of his rants, and Reggie just leans on the counter with his chin on his hands and watches him with heart-eyes.
-Luke sometimes specifically eggs Alex on because he likes to see love-struck Reggie.
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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innytoes · 2 years
Hey Inny. I've had a stressful week so for your AU 5+ ask please hit me with some JATP Gilmore Girls. Also does Rory = Carrie yes/yes??
I'm sorry you had a stressful week have many wholesome headcanons.
-Okay so if Bobby is Christopher, that means Carrie is GiGi and can you imagine that whole freakout like: HE STOLE THE FREAKING NAME. COME ON. ROR-RY. CAR-RIE. It's not the first thing he's stolen, Rory!!!!1! Also why are the stupid balloons green yes I know gender is a construct Rory your dad is literally trans in case you forgot but the baby can't reveal their gender until they at least learn to talk so the whole point of a gender reveal is stupid and...
-Jess' antics frustrate the shit out of Alex, but Reggie finds most of them very amusing. He does steal back the gnome Jess stole and returns it with like, an envelope full of photographs of the gnome having a wander around town and grabbing a bite to eat at the diner and stuff.
But the fake dead body? He loves it. He asks Taylor all wide-eyed if the town is safe or not. Taylor it happened right in front of your store. Taylor are you secretly a serial killer????
-So nobody is more surprised than Reggie when Jess finally needles him so much that he pushes the kid into a lake. Listen, he shouldn't have said those things about Alex but also Reggie is an adult.
-He goes straight to the Molinas and barges in like: RAY HELP I'M A TERRIBLE FATHER FIGURE.
-Luke and the town troubadour are frenemies.
-Imagine Rory's college friends being so confused about her three dads. Rory is like: No? I have... two dads?
Oh okay so who is your dad dating, Reggie or Alex?
Rory: ... I mean neither of them yet but also my other dad is named Trevor.
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