#yes this makes carrie gigi and it works
innytoes · 2 years
JATP Gilmore Girls AU
Because apparently sooner or later I create a Gilmore Girls au for every fandom I am in... All the blame goes to @hawkguyhasstarbucks who sent me ‘emily patterson 🤝 emily gilmore’ and I have not known peace since.
-When Luke has Rory, he decides to name her Lorelai after himself. That way, there will still be a Lorelai in the family after he transitions so everyone can suck it.
-Luke is constantly baffled by his daughter being like, the opposite of him in every way. Except really she isn’t. He is all about music, she is all about books. He loves and supports her even if he doesn’t really get it.
-Luke still runs away to work at the Independence Inn. But besides cleaning rooms, he also mans the piano or guitar during dinner. If you tip well enough, he will play requests. If he thinks your request sucks, he will keep your money and play something better. If you want him to play Piano Man, it’s 100 bucks.
-Bobby, Rory’s father, did not run away with them even though Luke asked him to. When Luke is cleaning rooms several years later, he hears a very familiar song on the radio.
-It’s said to be by Trevor Wilson, but Luke knows that voice.
-Let’s just say that for the sake of their kid, Luke doesn’t sue the pants off of Bobby. He’s been dealing with his shitty broken promises to Rory for years and trying to keep from badmouthing her other dad. But this is one bridge too far and it’s burnt.
-He lets Bobby know if he ever tries to steal another song of Luke’s, Luke will not only sue the pants off of him, he will tell Rory everything. Rory who at eight is already smarter than both of them put together and the most fair-minded child in the universe.
-Bobby takes this threat very seriously and indeed never steals another song of Luke’s. His first album is a hit, but all his next ones are kind of flops. He does pay Luke some money, so he can move and get a house for him and Rory.
-Luke moves to his own place in Stars Hollow with Rory and they are quickly adopted by the town. They have breakfast almost every morning at Reggie’s, the diner in town. It’s run by Reggie, who is just a ray of sunshine, and Alex, who complains about how much coffee he and Rory drink but also always pours it for them anyway.
-Luke and Rory move next door to the Molinas, who are pretty awesome and have a daughter about Rory’s age. Julie and Rory are best friends and Luke is so thankful to have some Adultier Adults nearby when he has parenting questions like ‘how young is too young for a child to read Russian literature’ and ‘how did I explode the microwave trying to make soup for my daughter, no it’s fine it’s not on fire... anymore’.
-Okay and also maybe Luke looked up to Ray a little about how to be a Proper Father because he was just winging it by going ‘how about I take everything my parents did and do Not That’.
-When Ray realises he makes sure to tell Luke that he’s doing everything right and Rory seems like a well-adjusted, happy kid. Luke manages to keep it together until he’s home and only then cries about it, because that’s all he’s ever wanted, was for Rory to be happy.
-Reggie inherited the hardware store from his dad and turned it into a diner. He immediately invited Alex to join him because 1) Alex knows coffee better than Reggie ever will and 2) they were best friends and Alex was on the verge of either being cut off from the family or forced into a marriage with a Girl, Any Girl.
-Yes the Mercers did cut him off because he started living with a man and they were both like: lol but we aren’t even dating.
-They lasted like, 2 or 3 years of ‘we’re totally not dating we’re best buds’ before finally confessing they were totally in love.
-The next morning while opening the diner, Miss Patty and Babette took one look at the two of them and exchanged money. (Babette thought it would take them at least another six months and was hoping for a Dramatic Christmas Confession instead of a ‘dramatic random March confession.’)
-Tía Victoria is 100% Miss Patty’s right hand woman. Together (when Taylor isn’t looking) they rule Stars Hollow. She had her money on New Years.
-Yes Reggie baked Rory a coffee cake for her birthday. Alex is the one that grumpily informed her she was sitting at the wrong table, before nodding to the table he and Reggie decorated with balloons.
-When Rose died Luke and Rory were devastated and they did their best to help. Even if that meant ‘we know better than to try and make you a casserole but we did buy one of everything you like at Reggie’s so here you go.’
-Luke has 100% covered for the Molinas with Victoria. No no that extra plate is totally for me Victoria I promise. You know I just freaking love Ray’s spaghetti so much.
-Rory gets into Chilton and they have a small party before Luke realises that they aren’t eligible for the scholarship money. Ray offers to loan him the money but he just can’t. Ray’s fighting to keep Julie in her own music school, he doesn’t need the extra stress.
-So he goes back to his parents.
-Can you imagine how fucking painfully awkward Friday Night Dinners are. Just sit with that a moment. On the one hand Luke has Unsaid Emily running through his mind, on the other, Emily is scolding him for not wearing sleeves and trying to talk Rory out of going to Harvard and go to Yale instead and all he wants to do is run away and hide at Reggie’s diner or possibly the Molina’s studio.
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yourtouchismidas · 2 years
Can you write a blurb about their first night out as parents? 💕
Their first night out is almost forced out of them. They're are round at Matty's Mum's house and she is holding Gigi and bouncing her and saying, "When do we get this little girl to ourselves then?"
"What do you mean?" Matty says, frowning.
"I mean babysitting, Matthew. Don't you guys want a night off?"
"You'd do that?" You ask.
"I would run away with this sweet cheeked baby if you let me," his Mum says, kissing her squishy face.
Neither of you had really thought about it until the second she said it. Matty pictures you in a slinky dress, hand on your back, leading you into a cab, kissing you under the stars, smoking in the streets like you used to. You picture plates and plates of food, warm restaurant lights, his hand warm on your leg, looking at you from under his curls.
"Whenever you want," Matty says quickly, winking at you.
When the night comes, you're dressed exactly like a figment of Matty's imagination, and he is freshly shaved and ironed and lacing up shoes. You take Gigi over to his Mum's, neither of you saying a word. Matty is holding her, tightly, putting his soft cheek on her fuzzy head. You hold her hand and squeeze it gently.
Outside her front door you both pause.
"I'm scared," you whisper.
"I'm glad you said it," Matty says, and then he pulls you into his chest.
"We've not left her before."
"No," he says.
"It's your Mum though, she's raised two kids."
"One of them was me though."
You laugh.
"Come on," you say, "We have to do this. We can't be those parents."
"But my baby," Matty whines, kissing her head a bunch of times dramatically.
"I know," you say, but then you go closer to him, whisper in his ear, breath tickling his neck, "But don't you wanna have me tonight like you used to?"
"Okay bye Gi, I love you," he says, quickly, laughing. "I'm going to make you a little sister tonight." You slap his chest playfully.
You go out to the Japanese place you went on your first proper night out together, that wasn't just sex. Matty points out the place you sat. What you were wearing. What he was wearing. You shake your head, smiling.
"How do you remember all this?"
He shrugs into his food, "I'm a writer I pay attention."
"You're a good writer," you say.
"Also, you know there is some things like, you don't even have to try to remember?" He says. "Like you don't sit there and think. I need to remember this."
"Yeah," you say. Moments flash through your mind. The two of you smoking out his window one morning, you wearing his T shirt. Seeing him live for the first time. Standing on his set. When he first played you song he wrote you. Seeing your daughter for the first time. When he held her. When he said I love you the first time, that wasn't on stage in front of thousands.
"It was like that," he says, breaking you out your thoughts. "I couldn't help it. You were mesmorising."
Then both your fantasies for the night unfold. Matty touches your leg in the warm restaurant and looks at you from under his curls. You drag on cigarettes so hard, desperately, because you never let yourself have them in front of your daughter, in a dark street. The stars are out and he kisses you under them.
"I love you so much, still," he says, "It's crazy."
You're sitting on the bridge, legs dangling, you feel like teenagers in a tv drama or something. Or a book. A romantic moment that the plot has been working towards.
"Like," he carries on, "I never realised it could feel like this. It made me realise how wrong everything else was. Having something this right."
You lean your head into his shoulder. "I feel the exact same," you say.
What's so amazing, so beautiful, you think, is that yes this is like a climax in a romantic movie, a big kiss, the start of a happily ever after. But in the movie that's where it always ends. You have to imagine the rest. But with this, with him, you get to get up from the bridge and walk home. You get to wake up face in his chest, and make coffee and go and get your daughter together and take her out and feed her and put her to bed together. You get to be his girl, when he is at home and when he is on tour, and talk to him and help him through his emotions. He gets to be yours. You get to fight, and struggle and even hate each other sometimes. But always end up remembering, the first date, in the Japanese restaurant and the warm lighting, and how much of it all you remember without even trying. Then remember why you're together in the first place. And why you want to stay.
That's what you don't get to see in the movie. The rest of it. The life. But with him, you will.
"What you thinking about?" he says, bopping his shoulder gently to move your head and get your attention.
"Nothing," you say, "I just want to stay here a little bit longer. With you."
"Okay," he says, looking at the moon, squeezing your hand.
You want to stay in the romantic moment. The movie moment. And you do. You stay in that moment, knowing the rest of it, the life, is all going to unfold.
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The Grandest Game
Chapter 3
Everybody was at the island, waiting for the contestants to arrive. Everything had already been set up, but there was still an anxious energy around just having to wait for them. Even I had to admit that the wait was killing me as well. Suddenly, I feel my phone ring in my pocket, and immediately feel a jolt just from the thought of it being that girl. Getting my phone out of my pocket, I answered quickly.
“Hello?” I ask, expecting to hear the girls addicting voice. But I don’t.
“Look who’s finally started to say hello.” Eve says. My jaw clenched just from the sound of her voice.
“What do you want?” I say, not even bothering to sugar coat it. She tuts.
“Well, you seem to be making everybody upset lately.” She says, mockingly. I swallow.
“What do you mean?” I say, my voice low. There’s a pause, almost as if she wants me to sit with my lack of information, before she speaks.
“You know, like your sister.” I freeze. Gigi was obviously upset with me about what happened to her father, but me and her are forgiven now. But Savannah…
“What did you do?” There’s silence on the other end, and I could picture her deathly smile even now.
“I told her the truth.” I go silent. The truth was, Sheffield Grayson kidnapped Avery, expecting Toby to show up. Then, Mellie shot him. That was the truth. But I wondered how easy it would be to twist that story into something much, much more different. My heart sank, but I didn’t allow any of that emotion to transfer into my voice.
“What did you tell her, exactly?”
“You’ll just have to wait to find out. Although, I doubt it will take long for your dear sister to confront you.” Then she hangs up. My teeth hurt from how hard I was clenching my jaw, and my hands were folded into fists as well. What did Eve tell Savannah? It didn’t take very long for my thoughts to get interrupted.
“Grayson?” Libby says, knocking before coming into my room. I turn to face her, making my expression neutral.
“Yes?” I ask, my voice curt.
“You have a visitor. She says she’s your sister?” She replies. This time, I couldn’t stop my eyes from widening. Eve had definitely told Savannah some tarnished version of the truth. And knowing Savannah, she was pissed.
I was still packing my bags to leave for The Game, when my little brother walks into my room.
“Do you really have to leave already?” He asks, whining. I smile at him.
“Do you want me to be late? Besides Gabriel, family’s are allowed to visit on weekends, and tomorrow’s Saturday. Why aren’t you getting ready for school?” I ask him. He sighs and goes to get ready, leaving me to continue packing. I honestly didn’t expect Eve’s plan to work out, but it did. I was a contestant in The Game, and if Eve’s cards play right, she’ll get the “Hawthorne Legacy”. The truth was, I wasn’t as invested in this as Eve was, I just wanted to get my closure, and money, and leave. But the only reason that I’m even packing for this is because of Eve, so I guess I should cut her some slack. Zipping my luggage up, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and carried my suitcase to the living room. My mom was in the kitchen, cooking, and Gabriel was building legos on the carpet. Seeing me walk out of my room, my mom races over to me.
“You’re all packed?” She says, grabbing me and hugging me.
“Yup. I got everything I need and more, as per your requests.” I reply. My mom stops hugging me to study my face.
“Remember Lyra, you belong there. Even if you feel out of place, just remember that they’re just rich people living their rich lives, and they’re really not that special.” She says. Her soft tone makes me snort.
“That’s brutal, Mama. I’m gonna tell them you said that.” I say, jokingly. I see her eyes go wide as she berates me in Spanish for saying something like that. Rolling my eyes with amusement, I walk over to the kitchen to get a quick snack before leaving. Grabbing a banana, I go over to hug my mom again.
“I need to go now if I’m gonna catch the train. Bye Mama, te amo.” I say, hugging her before giving her a kiss on the cheek. She hugs me back.
“Bye Lyra, I love you more.” She says, hugging me back. Gabriel, who sees me leaving, jumps up and runs over to give me a hug.
“Bye Lyra! Tomorrow, can I bring my project for the science fair so you can help me please?” He asks. I laugh.
“Sure, we can do that. Bye Gabriel, I love you!” I say, waving. He and my mom wave back, and I grab my things to go walk over to the train station, which was only really a five minute walk from here. Although I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread on the way there, as well as the feeling that Eve had gotten me into something way larger than I had imagined.
I walk over to the foyer, and see Savannah standing there. Her face looked perfectly pleasant, but she had a dark look in her eyes that Grayson couldn’t shake.
“Hello, Grayson. Do you mind if we could go someplace to talk?” She asks, her voice curt with a sharp edge. I nod.
“Of course. We could talk in my room?” I offer, turning around and walking there. I caught Jameson’s eye as I was walking, and saw the look on his face. Something was wrong, and even he knew it. Whatever Eve said, I’m sure most of it wasn’t true. But no matter what Eve said, it’s still my fault that I hurt Savannah by not telling her the truth. And now, it was going to have to come out. The walk there was excruciatingly silent, until I opened the door to my room and gestured for her to walk in. She didn’t. Instead, she turns to me, a flame glowing in her eyes.
“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care if you’re my brother, or my family, because after what you did to my father, you don’t deserve to carry even a drop of my blood.” She spat, her voice venomous. I resisted the urge to flinch, and noticed how Savannah referred to Sheffield as her father, not mine.
“What did Eve tell you?” My voice was completely neutral, and I tried to be as calm as possible.
“She told me what you already know. That one of your people shot Dad and then left him there to die. She told me that you did it all for Avery. Well, was it worth it, Grayson? I bet it wasn’t, because in the end, she didn’t even end up choosing you.” She shot back. I didn’t show it on my face, but still, the insult hurt more than she could ever imagine. Me and Avery were family now, that was something that I could admit, but back then it killed me that she chose Jameson. I sucked in a quick breath.
“Savannah, that isn’t the whole story. I’m sure Eve didn’t tell you about why Avery was there-“ She cuts me off before I can explain.
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear more of your lies. You knew what happened to my father, but still you said nothing. Me and Gigi were looking for him, looking for any trace of him, and yet here you were, knowing the entire time that he was-“ Dead, I finished for her in my head, my heart sinking. She breathes in through her nose, and out through her mouth.
“I just don’t get it. She trusted you Grayson,” She said, tears shining her eyes, but the only emotion on her face was anger. “I was starting to trust you too.” My chest heaved. I wished that I could fix this entire situation, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry Savannah, I thought, I’m so, so sorry.
“I’m not going to reason with you on this anymore. But I mean it Grayson, when I say that I don’t want you talking to me or my sister anymore. Just stay away from us. Do you understand?” She asks me, her voice dangerous. I wanted to say something, anything, but what was done was done, and I couldn’t fix it. Instead I just nod, and she quickly wipes her tears until any traces of her crying were gone, and walks away, her heels clicking as she does.
“Grayson?” Xander says, awkwardly walking out from around the corner once Savannah had passed. Something in his expression told me that he had definitely been eavesdropping.
“Yes?” I say, trying not to show any sign of sadness from the past conversation on my face.
“The first contestants have arrived.”
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s-creations · 7 months
Hues Chapter 4: Budding
Luigi makes good on that promise for a date.
He's nervous. Peasley's nervous. Mario, Wario, and Waluigi are worried good brothers. But they're no match for Peach.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms Rating: General Audience Relationship: Mario & Luigi (Nintendo), Wario & Waluigi (Nintendo), Wario, Waluigi, Mario, Luigi (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo), Luigi/Prince Peasley Additional Tags: IT'S HAPPENING EVERYONE CALM DOWN!, First date, everyone's nervous, Mario & Wario & Waluigi are good big brothers, but they're not match for Peach.
It really shouldn’t be this hard.
As a prince, Peasley had been trained for many items and issues that were laid at his feet. Diplomatic meetings to citizen confrontations, sword fighting and strategic defenses, being kind but fair in every decision decreed, how to carry himself to appear approachable but one of equal measure to his citizens, practically everything. 
He’s also been on a fair amount of dates. Primarily that on citizens' wishes, when he was younger and had more of a chance to explore. 
Bottom line is that Peasley should be well prepared for anything. 
So why was just picking out an outfit becoming such a hassle?
Letting out a few slow breaths, Peasley’s eyes darted across his bed. Where almost every inch was covered with every piece of clothing and fabric he’d brought with him. Wishfully thinking that if it all blurred together with how quickly his eyes moved it would seek out the perfect combination. In some way.
“How can I have so much to wear and yet have absolutely nothing?” Peasley weakly grumbled out. 
His brows furrowed deeper at the bedroom door being knocked on. Believing it to be either Merri or Gigi, he simply called out, “I’m a little busy at the moment.”
The subtle request was apparently ignored when the same door was opened. Peasley faltered when he turned, planning on a firmer request to be left alone, to find Peach approaching him. The princess offered a warm smile to the stunned prince. 
“P-Princess Peach,” Peasley said quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you- What can I help you with?”
“I wanted to check on you,” Peach gently replied, “Tonight's kind of a big night, are you excited?”
“Oh, that’s a word for it…”
Peach’s eyes looked over towards the bed at the number of garments laid out before them. “...Feeling a little nervous?”
“Why do I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing? How do you impress someone without appearing smug? Luigi deserves the best but I don’t want to make him feel, I don’t know, under dressed? How? How do I do this?”
Letting out a heavy groan, Peasley collapsed into a nearby chair. Rubbing the heel of his palms against his closed eyes. 
Peach, on her part, started to carefully pick and shift through the garments. Pulling a few to the top. “You really want this to work. …What’s going on in that head of yours? I feel that it’s more than just picking out something to wear.”
Peasley looked up at this, now defeatedly leaning against his hand. “I don’t want to be just a ‘prince’ for Luigi, I want to be Peasley…”
“Can’t you?”
“I don’t know.”
Peach offered a small smile as she carefully pulled out a pair of black dress pants. “It is strange to be a member of a royal family, isn’t it? We hold a lot of power that we can appear as terrifying beings to others. To some, we’re not even people, we’re just a title.”
Letting out a heavy sigh, Peasley nodded, “Yes…”
“Which is why the brothers are such a breath of fresh air for me. They don’t care about my title, that I’m royalty. Sure, they’re respectful towards me when they need to be. They know when to enter the role of entourage. But they also know that I’m more than just my heritage.”
“Mario is an absolute gentleman. When it’s just the two of us, he knows how to treat me well. I never have to be a ‘princess’, I can be just Peach. I’ve become more comfortable being myself when I’m around him. And I know Luigi will treat you the same. You can be nervous, you can be flustered, and I know he will never judge you for it. Luigi is just as excited about this evening as you are. You have nothing to worry about.”
Peasley jerked in surprise when a folded outfit was plopped down onto his lap. The same dress pants now paired with a button up cream colored shirt. A relatively straightforward outfit.
“This is just a time for you and Luigi to get to know each other. Keep it simple, it’ll be fine.” Peach finished off with a smile. 
Peasley, however, still didn’t seem very sure.
“Can I share something with you?”
“Of course.”
“...Back in the BeanBean Kingdom, it had been passed down that we would be needed. That our knowledge would pull us from our isolation as we’d need to help save our lands. I was selfishly hopeful that time would come when I was no longer here. As the fear of…such a burden would be great. Then we received the report we’d been waiting for and I was asked to act on behalf of my kingdom. There was already a panic in knowing what arriving here meant.”
Steadily growing worried by the words, Peach pulled another chair forward to sit next to the prince. “These worries are not unfounded. I was nervous when I received the letter from Queen Bean. However, we’ve clearly established that our kingdoms will have a strong bond.”
“...That is true.”
“But this is more than just our duties.” 
“When I first learned of the brothers, it was after Luigi’s victory over King Boo. We have Boos in the BeanBean Kingdom. Up in the mountains where abandoned towns lay. We avoid them, obviously. The point being I knew the dangers Boos held and was absolutely shocked upon hearing of Luigi’s triumphs. I became curious about the being brave enough to face beings so feared. The more I heard, the more I learned about his, a-and Mario’s, adventures the more I found myself…”
“Fantasizing?” Peach giggled as Peasley’s face turned a deep blue, “You’re okay, you’re in a safe space.”
Peasley gave his own laugh in return, “I suppose that word is the most accurate for this situation. I kept thinking about Luigi, I’ll admit. What he looked like, his personality, just…what was he like? I’m…pretty sure I fell for him long before I even met him. I just sunk deeper in once we were face to face. Then we started to talk and I sunk further. Then he saved me and I know I’m completely gone. Luigi has my heart, even if he’s not aware of it.”
“Pardon me for this. But I’m still not understanding where your worries lie.” Peach said cautiously. 
The wistful look over Peasley’s face slipped away as his shoulders dropped. Nervously wrapping his arms around himself. The outfit pressed close to his chest. “Because…I believe he deserves better than myself.”
Biting her bottom lip, Peach gently reached over to pull the prince free from the self-imposed hug. “Don’t you believe you should leave that up to Luigi to decide?”
Peasley gave a nervous laugh, “Why do you think I’m panicking so much over the smallest detail?”
“Well, then it’s best that I’m here to help. Let’s get you set up! You’ll have that confidence back in no time.”
“You are not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Mario, please, I’m nervous enough as is.”
“I just want to make sure everything’s okay.”
“Which is just code for ‘trying to intimidate Peasley’.”
“No, of course not! …I mean, if it’s a perk I could call it that.”
The younger twin turned to glare at his brother. Who just gave a smug smile back.
“Mario…please… This is really important, I want to impress him. And having you here will make him uncomfortable. Can you please just…not be here?”
Luigi let out a groan, “Mario, please!”
“I’ll just be in my room! You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Mario, I love you, and I understand that you want to know everything will be okay. But you will make me more nervous than I already am and I want to make this the best night I can. Please, please, please, please just give me a few hours! Just the two of us. Please.”
Mario casually turned to the next page on his paper, “I told you, you won’t know I’m here.”
Giving up, Luigi flopped down into the nearest chair. Letting out an exhausted sigh. 
It had been a few days since Bowser’s attack and subsequent rescue. Peasley, Merri, and Gigi claimed that, even with the excitement, they needed to remain in the Mushroom Kingdom. Just to make sure that the twins did have proper control over their powers. Which in turn meant that the younger twin had time to take Peasley on the date he’d promised.
Attempting to ignore the nervous hurricane of butterflies in his stomach, Luigi had done his best to figure out what he wanted. Thrilled with the idea that the prince would be visiting the twin’s cozy household to actually be on a date with him! 
The only wrinkle was that Mario informed Luigi that he wasn’t going to be gone for the night.
“I didn’t follow you when you and Peach went on your date.” Luigi grumbled out.
“True, you got me there,” Mario replied calmly, “But I just want to make sure he doesn’t try anything.”
“I know I’ve had some…issues in the past-”
“Being left on the side of the road on the bad side of town is not just an ‘issue’.” 
“The point I’m trying to make is that I can handle this. I know you’re protective, but Peasley’s not like anyone else. He’s…different.”
Mario finally looked up from the paper hearing this. Finding Luigi staring off into the distance with a warm smile on his face. 
The older twin let out a small sigh. Knowing he was overthinking things. After all, Peasley had done nothing to make Mario even assume the prince would be planning anything or would attempt anything that would hurt Luigi. But Mario was still the older brother. Meaning he still had a role to play. Which was keeping Luigi safe and annoyed.
Just as Mario opened his mouth to make another remark, their front door was knocked on. Both looked confused as it was far too early for Peasley to arrive. 
Mario slid from his chair to answer it. More than a little surprised to find Peach beaming behind said door. Dressed in such casual clothing that it took Mario a few minutes for his mind to catch up.
“Hey Peach, what can we help you with?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to come to the castle tonight?” She asked calmly. 
“Oh, um, well…” Mario turned back into the house hearing Luigi join them.
“Good afternoon princess,” the younger twin said, “is there an issue?”
“Of course not. I was just hoping to steal Mario away for the evening?”
When Mario connected the dots, he attempted to put his foot down to say no. Only for Peach to grab his arm to pull him out before an argument could start. Luigi watching on in quiet confusion.
“Thanks Luigi! I’ll make sure to take good care of him and return him before the day’s over. Enjoy your evening with Peasley!”
Still in quiet shock, Luigi only moved forward to better watch as Mario was pulled away. The older brother was clearly torn between following Peach and going back to the house. Even though he didn’t put up much of a fight.
Letting out a small laugh, Luigi closed the door. Sighing in some relief as he leaned against said door.
“Thank you, Peach.”
Green Pipe traveled, Mario suspiciously glared up at Peach’s joyous face.
“So…what did you have planned?” He asked. 
“Oh, nothing major. A few snacks, a few movies, just some fun stuff. Things to keep you entertained and your mind will be off of…everything else.”
“Did Luigi put you up to this?”
Peach let out a snort. “Absolutely not! If anything, I’m fulfilling my obligations of being a sibling.”
Mario’s new point of argument frazzled out of his mind hearing the word ‘sibling’. “Wait, what did you mean by that?”
“Do you honestly think I wouldn’t want to be an older sister to Luigi? I want him just as happy as you do and I know Pealsey will be good for him. Plus, they’re so cute together. This also means that you need to relax and not be in the way.”
“I wouldn’t be-”
“Mario, don’t lie to me.”
Said hero huffed, “Maybe I was planning on peaking in from time to time.”
“See, I knew you would. Which is why I appeared, to help you both out.”
Mario did his best to not grumble as he was led further into the castle. 
Then, a light bulb went off in his head.
“Hey, do you mind if I make a call?” Mario asked.
“To whom?”
“Not Luigi, promise. Just…want to check on something…”
“It wouldn’t be to call Wario or Waluigi, would it?”
“You don’t need to worry about them because they’re already here!” Peach said gleefully as she pushed the double doors open. 
The large room they entered was full of entertainment items. Numerous games, movies, and comfortable chairs that were scattered everywhere. A large tv was mounted on the wall in the center of the room. Wario and Waluigi were already in large, plush chairs. Happily sucking down whatever food or drink that was in reach. The former looking up upon hearing the doors being opened.
“Hey, it’s Mini-Me! What brings you here?”
“Uh…Peach.” Was Mario’s weak reply.
“Huh, same.”
“Where’s Green Bean?” Waluigi asked.
“...At home.”
“Because his date’s tonight.”
That caused the other brothers to freeze up in realization.
“Who wants to watch a movie!” Peach gleefully called out. Already walking to the large wall of movies to look them over.
Wario quickly waved Mario over to frantically whisper, “Do you think one of us could sneak out?” 
“Me, what about you two? Luigi’s my brother, I should be the one that goes back.”
“But Peach is your girlfriend. You’ll have a better chance of distracting her.”
“Hey, two idiots, don’t you think Peach will spot right away when we’re down one.” 
“Stuff out Waluigi, you’re not part of this conversation.”
“Gentlemen!” All three flinched as Peach pointedly slammed down a stack of movies she had pulled. Smiling in a way that made all three of them freeze in terror. “In case you three even have the audacity to try to plan something, the nerve to think about ruining Luigi’s date, I will personally oversee your punishment. Which will be my decision. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” Was the fearful response from all three.
“Wonderful!” Peach beamed while picking the top most movie, “Now, how about we start our own evenings?”
“Your girlfriend is scary.” Waluigi mumbled out.
Mario couldn’t help but laugh, cheeks flushed softly, “Yeah, she is.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Luigi took a step back while nervously shaking his hands, “Everything looks ready. All’s set up, food’s done, now we just need…”
He couldn’t help but jump hearing the front door being knocked on once more. Rushing over, he took a few calming breaths before opening it. Luigi felt his heart race finding Peasley on the other side. Said human feeling a little over dressed with how simple the prince was dressing.
“Um, hello.” 
“Hello,” Peasley replied breathlessly, “You, um, you clean up really well.”
“T-Thank you. You look comfortable.”
“Oh, is it too casual?”
“N-No, no!” Luigi quickly attempted to correct his comment, hearing Peasley’s concern, “No, you’re cute. I-I mean, you’re dressed up cute! You’re cute as well! But we were talking about your outfit so I wanted to assure you that you looked great!”
Peasley bit his bottom lip as he watched Luigi stumble over himself. Smiling as his mind was flooded with, ‘Grambi Above, he’s absolutely adorable.’
“Luigi, you’re okay, I understand. Thank you for your kind words. I’m not too early, am I?”
“O-Oh, no, you’re right on time actually. Would you like to come in?”
“Of course, thank you,” Peasley looked around the home eagerly as he slowly entered, “You home is wonderful. Very cozy.”
“T-Thank you. We’ll be taking our food from the kitchen to the backyard.”
“Sounds wonderful! What will we be partaking in?”
“A family recipe. Spaghetti with homemade marinara sauce, a family recipe.”
Peasley perked up at that, “Is this an Earth meal?”
“Oh, I’m very eager then.”
Luigi couldn’t help but giggle as Peasley led the way to the adjoining room. The prince clearly excited as he stared over the food being offered. Happily following Luigi’s lead as they built their plate. 
“Here, I’ll carry these out if you’ll get the door for us.” 
“Such a gentleman.” Peasley laughed softly. 
The collective demeanor the prince had held for so long fell away when Peasley did open said door. Eyes seemed to immediately focus in on the garden. It wasn’t large, but it was clearly well loved. The foliage a beautiful green, flowers an array of vibrant colors, large vegetables peeking out between the numerous leaves. 
Peasley had left the small patio to happily dart between the greenery. Bubbly discussing with each individual plant about how wonderful they looked and how it was clear they were properly being cared for. 
He only stopped when he realized he’d basically abandoned his food to coddle plants.
Blushing a deep blue, Peasley stood back up. Facing Luigi with a sheepish smile. “Ah, sorry, got a little carried away there.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Luigi replied. Having placed both plates onto the small decorated table. A rather adorable set up that held a beautiful array of flowers held together in a small vase. Flowers that Peasley noted were from the garden he’d just been admiring. 
“I figured you’d want to see the garden and would get a little excited.” Luigi finished with a smile.
Peasley felt warmth bloom out from his chest. Cheeks carrying a darker blue now while he fiddled with his hair. “Still, it was not very regal of me. Composure is important for a prince.”
“Well, what’s important for Peasley?” Luigi asked softly. 
Peasley snapped his mouth closed. Clearly stunned by the simple question. “Ah, well…I’m not sure. I’m sorry, this is probably not how you thought this evening would start.”
Luigi hummed softly as he joined the prince in the gardens. “Isn’t that kind of the idea of a date? To get to know each other more? You don’t need to be a prince here.”
Peasley was surprised when his hands were collected in Luigi’s. The human squeezing them gently to offer some comfort.
The prince couldn’t help but laugh softly. “Suppose it is…”
There were no arguments as they walked back to the table. Luigi makes sure to take the time to push Peasley’s chair in before sitting in his own. 
“Alright, so, how do I eat this?” Peasley asked.
“There are a few ways.”
“What’s your way?”
“Fork and spoon in each hand.” Luigi stated as he picked up his own utensils in each hand. Waiting for Pealsey to follow the same.
“Now, grab some of the noodles and sauce. With your spoon under your fork, twirl it around until what you grabbed is wrapped around it and… Ta-dah! The perfect bite!” Luigi held up his food ladened fork with pride.
Peasley clumsily followed Luigi’s lead. Barely holding his fork up before said food slid off and plopped back down into the plate. “Ah, I suppose I’m not very skilled at this.”
“It takes a while to be, honestly. Here, another way is to just put a few pieces in your mouth and just slurp.”
“Yeah, like so.”
Peasley watched with quiet fascination as Luigi easily but rather loudly sucked a few noodles into his mouth. Placing a hand over to hide while he chewed, the human gestured for Peasley to follow suit. 
While apprehensive, Peasley attempted to follow the instructions once more. Again, he wasn’t as fully successful as Luigi had been. But he was clumsily able to put some of the food into his mouth. The flush of nervousness was quickly forgotten when the flavor finally hit him.
“Goodness, this is amazing!” Peasley called out happily.
“I’m glad you like it,” Luigi beamed, “and that you were able to eat some.”
“As am I. Although that was not certainly not the most dignified way to eat this.”
Luigi watched as the prince took another bite. “I told you, you don’t need to be a prince here.”
Finishing his latest bite, Peasley hummed softly. “I suppose you did… You said this was a family recipe?”
The human nodded, “It’s one that my mom used to make all the time for Mario and I. I was so excited to find substitutes in the Mushroom Kingdom for this.” 
“Used to make?”
“Ah, she and our dad…passed away.”
Peasley faltered, “O-Oh, I’m so sorry to hear.”
Luigi quickly shook his head. “To use your own words, you couldn’t have known. It’s fine, it was…years ago.” 
“But it still hurts.”
“Yes…” The hero cleared his throat, “Sorry, we should be enjoying ourselves!”
Peasley smiled softly, “Yes, we are… Let’s see if I can manage this once more.”
Attempting the twirl technique again, the beanish prince was provided another clumsy bite. Covering his mouth while he chewed, Peasley offered, “Was your mom the cook of the family?”
“She taught Mario and I everything,” Luigi replied with a smile, “But our dad is why we got into plumbing. He was an electrician and taught us the importance of hard, earnable labor.”
“Why did you two pick plumbing then?”
“Don’t really know. Something must have happened when we were babies that just stuck with us. Even with our differences in work, our dad was still able to get us an internship long before we were able to go to school for it. We weren’t the best off financially, but they did all they could to make sure Mario and I had a good life…”
Luigi swallowed weakly, “It was more than just emotionally challenging when they passed. Mario did his best to take over the role of being a parent. He was able to make an argument for us to stay together instead of going to an orphanage. We got into trade school as quickly as we could and jumped onto the first job offered to us. Probably not the best idea since our first job was kind of a trainwreck. It only took a few grueling years to get the contract to break and we struck out on our own… Actually, our first personal job was how we ended up here.”
Peasley, absolutely enthralled, swallowed his current bite before replying with, “What happened? I mean, what happened to bring you two here?”
“...Oh, I haven’t thought about that day in a while. Well, the job was more a call from the mayor to every available plumber. There was a rather large flooding issue in the sewers that were entering into the streets. No one had a clue as to where that much water could have been stored for so long.”
“Mario and I joined the search and we went way, way deeper than the other plumbers did. We even went past the crumbled area that had recently been excavated. That…was probably illegal, now that I think about it. But, anyway, we were only a few feet in before the ground gave way. I don’t know how far we fell, but I’m shocked we survived. We’d somehow ended up in a really large and old tunnel. In our attempt to find a way out, we came across a large green pipe. And, well…I got sucked in first. Mario jumped in after me. Here we are, I guess that’s all.”
“It sounds like a rather big twist of fate.” Peasley quietly commented.
“Suppose it is…” Luigi gently shook his head, offering a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take over the conversation.”
“No, no you’re fine! I wanted to hear about it, I did ask after all. Do you…think if you could go back to Earth, you would?”
“...I’m not sure.”
Peasley hummed softly at that, taking another bite before continuing on. “Earth is a rather strange topic. Everyone here knows of it, but no one’s been able to visit there as the Green Pipe is always closed. It appears we can only receive visitors.”
“That is strange. The Green Pipes are always blocked?”
“For as long as I can remember. You and your brother’s arrival is the first time the pipe has opened during my life.”
“Strange…” Luigi smiled, “I think I’ve held this conversation long enough. What’s the BeanBean Kingdom like?”
“Wonderfully green. Filled with so much in the way of wildlife and foliage. My kingdom is based around agriculture, very different from the Mushroom Kingdom.” 
“Really?” Luigi blinked, “There’s a lot more nature in the Mushroom Kingdom than Brooklyn. I figured this kingdom also dealt with agriculture. With the Mushrooms and other powers up and…whatnot.”
“Actually, the Mushroom Kingdom is known for their technological advancements. While all kingdoms are aware of and use the pipe system, only the Mushroom Kingdom can build and maintain them. They’ve had that knowledge and tools to do so for centuries, if not longer.” 
“Huh, I didn’t know that.”
Peasley laughed softly, “My kingdom may have been in self isolation, but we know a lot more than people expect us to.”
“What about your parents?”
“Well, you know a bit about my mother. She’s the current acting Queen and was born into royalty. My father came from a family of farmers, who mainly sourced vegetation. But, my father actually specialized in growing roses. It’s how my mother and him met. She had, uh, snuck out from the castle to see the market on her own. Which was not allowed when she was younger. That rule has since been changed.”
“You said you had a garden at the castle. Is it your fathers?”
“Oh no, it’s been maintained at the castle for years. He did, however, improve upon it when he was granted access to it. Which really didn’t take long to get. It helped that he knew how to improve the growth, along with his ability. Which was thankfully passed down to me, helped me maintain the garden to his original vision…” 
“Ability?” Luigi perked up.
“Have I not shown you? Ah, well, let’s correct this oversight.” 
Placing his napkin to the side, Peasley walked over to the warm soil. Cupping his hands together to create a dome over the selected area. On his part, Luigi leaned forward to watch. There was a flash of green and Peasley slowly moved his hands away. In their place grew two roses, one a deep red with the other a warm yellow. 
Luigi let out a gleeful gasp. Clapping as Peasley gently plucked both up. Pulling out a small knife to shave off the thorns and cutting the stems shorter. After both were thorn free, Peasley tucked both behind Luigi’s ear. The human’s face turned a deep red. 
Peasley let out a soft hum as he gently cupped Luigi’s cheek. “I must say, yellow is a very good color for you.”
“T-Thanks.” Luigi was still happily flustered as Peasley sat back down. “Can you grow anything?”
“Unfortunately no. But those that I can’t grow on my own I can at least help become stronger, healthier. I can also communicate with the land. It’s actually how I was able to find you in the hedge maze.” 
“Wow…that’s amazing Peasley.”
The prince flushed once more, “Thank you.”
He looked down as his fork clinked against the plate. Finding it completely empty. “Oh, goodness, suppose I’m finished.”
“Did you want some more?”
“No, but thank you. I was just enjoying myself so much, I suppose I kept eating without realizing.”
“I hope you at least left room for dessert.”
“Of course I did.”
The relatively quiet calm of movie watching was broken upon hearing the door being knocked on. Peach paused the movie before calling out, “Come in!”
A Toad guard peeks in, “Sorry to interrupt, Your Highness. But we wanted to inform you that Prince Peasley and Luigi have arrived-”
Said Toad jumped away as Mario came barreling out of the room. With Wario and Waluigi close behind after their shoving match determined who was going out of the room first. Nervously leaning back into the room, Toad said, “Should I not have said anything?”
Peach laughed, “No, you’re fine.”
Trying to be as quiet as they could be, the trio of brothers slowed their steps as they neared the ‘visitor hallway’. Newly appointed area. All crowding at the turn, harshly whispering to each other about keeping quiet as to not be found out. They peeked around to find Luigi and Peasley standing by the bedroom the prince had been staying at for the visit. Each holding the other’s hands. 
“They are kind of cute together.” Wario whispered in admission. 
Mario, who was smiling at the scene, replied with a quiet, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“I still know a good area to hide anything, and I do mean anything.” Waluigi grumbled back. 
“Noted,” Mario and Wario replied back.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
“I can’t hear.”
“Well, I’m trying to listen but you two keep talking.”
“I’m surprised you’re having issues given how large your ears are.”
“Stiff talk bro, given your length.”
“Would you two please hush. Can anyone read lips?”
“Do you think they know we can hear them?” Peasley whispered while doing his best to hold back his laughter. 
Luigi knew he should feel upset with now being overseen by three people instead of just the normal one. But it was an overall funny situation. So he couldn’t help but smile back. “Probably not.”
“At least you know they care about you.”
“Sure, we can go with that. Sorry about this, it’s not how I thought the night would end.”
Peasley released a few giggles, cutting himself off with a small cough. “It’s fine. I assure you it would have been far worse if we’d been in the BeanBean Kingdom. …Not to make you worry or anything.”
“No, that’s…understandable. Either way, thank you for giving me a chance.”
“Thank you for offering it. I don’t suppose claiming to be in a…relationship would be too far out of a request.”
Both felt their cheeks heat up.
Luigi gave a small smile before answering with, “I would say that would be more than okay with me.”
“That is wonderful to hear. I don’t believe the remaining time here will allow us another outing. But I will send word to you once I arrive back to my kingdom.”
“That sounds perfect. And maybe I’ll be able to visit you soon.”
“That would be amazing, but we’ll just have to see what the future holds. I will wait with bated breath for your arrival.”
Peasley gently pulls his hands away to rest one on the bedroom door. “Thank you again for a wonderful evening.”
Luigi smiled, “Thank you for joining me.”
The handle had barely been turned when Peasley paused. Luigi didn’t have time to ask if everything was alright when the prince quickly faced him again. Said royalty pressing his lips gently against the human’s cheek. Remaining connected for a few seconds. 
Pulling away, Peasley weakly remarked with ‘Good night,’ before entering his room. Able to now hide his deep blue flush behind the bedroom door. 
Luigi remained frozen for a few moments in stunned silence. Wide eyes now staring at the closed door. Hand gently placed against the same cheek. At some point, he regained feeling in his legs and he slowly moved away. Still in stunned silence. 
Mario, Wario, and Waluigi weren’t around the corner when Luigi reached it. No doubt all rushing away when the younger brother started to move. Even without asking for directions, Luigi seemed to know where to go. Giving the entertainment room door a few soft knocks with his free hand before entering.
If he’d been paying attention, Luigi would have picked up on the fact that the other brother’s were flushed. Breathing heavily as they tried to look relaxed as they peered back to Luigi. Peach biting her bottom lip as she held back a wide smile as she watched. 
“Hey,” said Mario, “you’re back! How did it go?”
Luigi didn’t say anything. The older brother slid off the seat to approach his brother. Only to pause when Luigi broke out into the biggest smile. Hands eagerly flapping before he closed the gap and pulled Mario into a tight hug. On his part, Mario laughed and wrapped his arms in return. 
“I’m going to say it was good?”
Luigi nodded back, face burying into the crook of his brother’s shoulder. Overwhelmed with happiness.
“Are we going to stay like this for a while?”
Another nod. 
“Okay then.”
Peach smiled softly at the exchange, turning away to start the movie back up to allow the twins a few minutes alone. She made no complaint as the other brothers sat with her. Claiming either side of the princess.
“A pretty happy ending for today, wouldn’t you say?” Peach said.
“I’m just happy we didn’t have to do any heavy lifting.” Wario replied. 
Letting out a low hum, Waluigi said, “Should we be worried that both brothers are dating royalty now?”
“Says the person who’s dated royalty before.”
“Please don’t remind me of that.”
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
You're my only reason
Gaming: Gigi! Come on munchkin!
Gilda: *Runs over giggling, and starts hopping up the stairs*
Gaming: *Walks up beside her* I'm gonna win!
Gilda: No you won't, I am!!
Gilda: *Hops up the last step* I WIN!!!
Gaming: Hahaha! Nice job, let's get you to school!
Gilda: *Runs off, Gaming running after her* RACE YOU!!
Gaming: *Laughs, chasing after her*
You're my only truth
Raiden: *Floats, meditating*
Chelsa: *Drops her toy* Oh...
Raiden: *Opens one eye* What'd you break now?
Chelsa: My doll, it's not broken though..
Raiden: *Picks Chelsa up, setting her in her lap* Meditate with me.
Chelsa: *Pouts, then closes her eyes*
Raiden: *Closes her eyes, meditating with Chelsa*
I need you like water
Dottie: *Walks from school, carrying his bag*
Alhaitham: *Comes up beside him* How was school?
Dottie: Classes weren't as fun today but it was good..
Alhaitham: *Nods, patting his head* Let's stop and grab a snack, shall we?
Dottie: *Nods, smiling at him*
Like breath, like rain
Leena: *Laughs, sitting on a swing*
Lyney: *Chuckles, giving her gentle pushes*
Leena: Higher Lyney!
Lyney: Alright! Hang on tight, we're going to the skys
Leena: *Squeals laughing as he gave her a push sending her higher*
Lyney: *Laughs, smiling*
I need you like mercy
Yelan: *Hugs Drax close* What do you think you're doing!?
Bandit: He's the dragon from the-
Yelan: If you ever think about touching my little brother again, I'll have your hands!
Drax: *Clings to Yelan*
Yelan: *Quickly leads Drax away* Come on, Drax...
Drax: *Grips her hand, jogging to keep up with her*
From Heaven's gate
Avios: *Sits at his desk then perks up when milk and a plate of cookies were set down* Hm?
Venti: Eating keeps up your strength!
Venti: I also earned some money today!
Avios: You going to drink, old man
Venti: *Chuckles* Not today! *Smiles slightly, adding the money to his secret stash for Avios school funds*
Avios: You've gotten weird.
Venti: *Laughs* Respect your father, young man!
Avios: I'm good...
There's a freedom in your arms
Shinobu: *Smiles, laying on her side beside Leif, gently patting his stomach*
Leif: *Sleeos soundly, his chest steadily rising and falling*
Shinobu: *Chuckles and picks him up* Let's get you back...
Leif: *Yawns, his arms draped over her shoulders, fast asleep*
Shinobu: *Pats his back, walking down the path*
That carries me through
Carmilla: *Runs back to the shop, her eyes wide* CHIORI!!
Chiori: *Tosses scissors at a man chasing Carmilla* Just who do you think you are?
Carmilla: *Hides behind Chiori*
Jose: SHE-
Chiori: *Shoves him out* Leave my little sister alone.
Carmilla: *Quickly goes to get supplies for the dress*
Chiori: *Stands by the dress, her eyes darting to the window as she worked making sure the man was gone*
I need you
Clorinde: Cherub!
Cherub: *Runs over, smiling wide* Mom!
Clorinde: *Picks her up, holding her with one arm* Ready to go?
Cherub: Yes! Let's go!
Clorinde: *Nods and walks away, fixing Cherub's hat that matched hers* Alright then
@queen-of-twisted @zexal-club @yukii0nna @teddymochi @soulfungai @albedomestic-airline
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raphael-angele · 1 year
Teen Justice Love Languages based on How They Treat Raven
Teen Justice! This is after he comes back (cuz of course he will)
Jess. I personally like to think that Jess is a gift giver. And as much as Raven doesn't like receiving gifts, Jess will get him gifts. Often times, Jess will leave the gift outside his door, knock, and speed themself out of there before Raven can open the door. Thye usually get him sweets or pastries that are designed to be cute.
Jacqui. Words of Affirmation. Jacqui respects that Raven doesn't really like being touched that much, or isn't that into physical touch. Instead, she uses words of affirmation when they train and when they have small accomplishments. Raven found it a little odd and unsettling at first but eventually grew to like it.
Talia. She had an interesting way to make Raven feel at home the first time he came. Surprisingly (or not), she was actually yhe first person who made progress with him. The day Raven came to start living with them, needless to say, he wasn't that settled. The team tried to help him feel welcomed by treating him but it was no use. That's when Talia came knocking at his door, asking if he wanted to play a game of chess. And Raven wasn't one to back down from such a challenge, especially in strategy games. They were at it for hours, getting food and snacks from the other members. After many rounds of losses, Raven admits defeat and suggests they play another game. Poker.
Klarienne. Though they have a bumpy relationship, she tries her best to get along with him for Troy's sake and happiness, which is one thing they can bond over. After a very detailed and lengthy shovel talk, they talk about how much they care and love him and the little things no one else seems to notice. They also bond over their love for peace and quiet, magic, and other stuff, before realizing that their mentors used to be in a relationship.
Laurel. Laurel is usually a touchy person. And she finds it hard to give Raven affection when the boy doesn't really like physical touch. But as I've headcanoned before, Troy sometimes goes away for Themyscira to continue his training as an Amazon and Raven gets really ansty when he's not around. So Laurel is there as his substitute since both of them are literal sunshines and can be a recharge. This works just by him being near her and her giving him a cup of cocoa. Other than this, Laurel most likely does acts of service like help him carry the groceries, run a few errands for him, and the like.
Gigi. Surprisingly, Gigi is the second member he's most comfortable with. She's the one he turns to for advice and when he just needs the comfort. Gigi is more than happy to do so. She'd take walks with him around the city, go to a cafe, or just stay at HQ and talk things out.
Troy. Where do I begin? Let's list them all down
Physically Affectionate Touch. As I've said many times before in this post, Raven's not a touchy person, but Troy is an exception. There are times when Troy mindlessly fixes a stray hair, carresses his cheek with his thumb, gives him small and short kisses he gives him, and the nights when Raven just needs Troy to hold him tight in his arms till he falls asleep.
Acts of Service. I have no doubt in my mind that this boy will literally fly to the other end of the Earth just to get his boyfriend the best tasting ice cream, Raven just needs to ask.
Gift Giving. Jess is a gift giver, yes, but when it comes to Raven, Troy will get him the rarest gems and items, and he just needs to ask.
Pet names. This is more of a PDA thing, which is something Raven isn't very fond of either, even with his previous relationships. But Troy likes to call him many things including, Angel, Helen, My Love, Darling, Philtatos, and more.
Love/Admiration stares...yeah.
Possessive touches. I'd like to think that Troy is the possessive type. Sometimes when they're out in public, Troy would have his arm around his waist or shoulders, hands touching his thighs and knees, and he's willing to go as far as to give him (love) bite marks.
EDIT: Reassurance. Raven has a lot of insecurities. Point out one thing about him, he can tell you what he hates about it. Troy always cuddles him and tells him how much he loves him just the way he is, and how perfect he is, as if he was made by the god of love himself.
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rae-arts777 · 2 years
Omg I wanna know your thoughts on s2, particularly the ron-brett drama (if you haven't seen it then I hope it's not too spoilery, if you have then yk what I mean)
I loved it a LOT! and no worries I binged it in one day (sorry took so long to reply finals been crazy)
I really loved season 2 and the way they went, even giving us more backstory on characters, the start of Cognito, and I also loved how much Brett's character developed this past season.
I found it so funny when Brett did not like Ron, and look, maybe it is his favorite song, but...Why is Brett's fav song Accidentally in Love, and why does he listen to it everyday lmao.
I did love Ron and Reagan's love story though, it was good for Reagan, and it really was one of those things that, even though they were good, it was never going to work out cause they both want different things in the long run. Like YES, they both want to be together, but Ron wants a fresh life and to move away from everything, and Reagan does not want that, yes she was willing to give it all up for him but knows deep down, she couldn't make that sacrifice. Yes, relationships are about sacrifices, and it's okay if you're not willing to make it in order for you guys to move forward, it's okay for it not to work out no matter how much you love the person.
Also the last ep, Brett is becoming more comfortable speaking up for himself, people are surprised about him swearing in the last ep, cause they notice it more now cause he is so emotional. Like when he goes "So this place doesn't have to be a FUCKING NIGHTMARE." carries more impact and catches off guard verus when he says "Oh fuck!" if that makes any sense?
I also loved Gigi and Reagan's friendship and their becoming closer, and honestly in the end I understand why Gigi was like "look..it's my dream okay..? I have to try." Idk, I just get it, she had to take a chance to see.
Also, it broke my heart when Reagan pushed Brett away, again a relatable moment for me, and I was so happy when he came back for her. I just love them so much (The little pickup hug and spin omg)
I really loved this season and the ending was also amazing preparing us for S3
also Rand, man they really wrote his character really well, even though I still lowkey hate him, I appreciate his character too and can get where he is coming from.
Anyways, loved season 2, ready for season 3 already lmao.
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nicklukenelson · 4 years
My favorite tag to ever exist
Tumblr media
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
Goshhh, I'd love to see something of the inside job gang getitng together with a reader who like, already has a small kid. Like, a baby. We all know there's def some in the gang who are gonna be better at handling that but asdfghgfd
SNIFFLE <333333333 I already did one of these w/ the gang interacting with Reader's kid (like,, idk 9-14), but I can't find it-
SFW!!! just cute shit, no explicitly X Reader but can be interpreted that way
SHE LOVES BABES <3333 they're so cute they're so squishy,, she has such a soft spot for kiddos. I personally hc her having a kid and she MISSES those baby years!!!
Please let her babysit she knows,, all the tricks. She'll gladly take the little one off your hands for a few hrs while you rest!!
She's also one of those types of ppl who,, don't get annoyed by babies yelling or crying?? Maybe it's all those years of ignoring interns but she is so completely unfazed when your bab starts being fussy
aa <33 she puts on music and carries the baby and dances around a bit, just like her mum used to do with her <3333333 it's super cute, please join her
on a similar note, so many lullabies <33 that kid is gonna end up humming those as they grow up.
yeah no
MSNDSMND she just. they're so small and loud and icky and. please no
not the type for babysitting - it's a small kid, so it won't be crawling around causing trouble when she's over, looking over blueprints with you
She brings earplugs just in case it starts screaming!! It's a good balance so that she can still come over to work on stuff and hang out with you but,, not have to hear it MSNDSMD
She might have a peak or two at it, if she's curious - sure, she doesn't like kids, but she also doesn't wanna be rude either. Besides, if the little brat is part of your family, she'll have to get used to it's presence eventually
and its..... cute.
"aww, are you manipulating me using evolved traits to make me want to protect you? Yes you are." Just,, little bits of teasing while she wiggles her fingers at it.
The second it starts screaming she is OUT THO SMDNSMDN
overall?? Not horrific but definitely not great.
At least until they're a little older - he's pretty bad with babies, he can only really tolerate kids.
It's irritable and can't do his paperwork he might as well be talking to a fucking goose
He WILL however spoil the hell outta it, mostly for your sake <3
He wants to make sure you have everything you need! if you need a day to rest, or even just some better quality stuff for it.
He went through this rodeo once, when Rand and Tamiko had Reagan, so he isn't completely hopeless. He knows the basics and can offer a few tips (maybe not,, the best tips, considering he learned most of them either On The Fly or From Rand)
He'll definitely get closer to the kid once they're older!! It's easier to bond with something when it can hold a conversation SMNDSMNSMD
They're horrible in a good way. Like utterly incompetent but also the kid isn't dead by the end of the day so..... win?
"Support the fuckin' head." Myc knows,, slightly more about childcare, only because he's been alive for 4000 years and it's kinda impossible to not interact with kids a little when you've been around that long.
Andre puts on Mozart!! He has no idea if it's actually gonna do smth, but his mum did it for him and he didn't turn out... that bad?
"If we put on all his concertos at once-" "Please no" you're gonna have to,, adjust their techniques a little.
Andre's way more caring towards kids than Myc overall? He doesn't really like getting attached to humans, and especially doesn't like following humans through their whole lives.
AAA <333333 he's such a natural with babies it's unreal. You wouldn't expect it, but it's pretty effortless for him.
Your little one can rest in the palm of his hand.
He has two kids, he knows the drill by now. Expect plenty of Southern Yeehaw child rearing tips that seem absolutely insane but,, actually work? Questionable but functional.
SNIFFLES <33 he love tickling them to hear em giggle. Baby laugsh cure his soul, he's never looked so at peace
ALSO THE KID LEARNS HOW TO SAY 'Cadet' BC THATS,, ALL GLENN CALLS THEM SMDNS THATS HIS NICKNAME FOR THEM. It's one of their first words, Glenn is extremely proud.
He makes that Nervous Hissing Inhale noise while he holds them.
HE COOS SO MUCH <33 AT THE BABIE <333 He's got his little 3: face on, gently stroking their cheek, giving little nose nuzzles. He's gonna get such insane baby fever. as if he didn't already sdnsmdMSNDS
He doesn't actually know that much about practical babycare, so he'll probably stand back and watch!! Please teach him some stuff, he'll be so happy <333
OH he may not know a lot about babycare but he DOES know a lot about personcare!!!
yes he's bringing you food and treats and,, clothes and blankets and literally anything you could possibly need!! He remembers how stressed his aunt was after she gave birth, so he wants to help however he can!!
If they ever say his name he WILL burst into tears. "Bept :o" he is fucking sobbing MSNDSMN <3333
He's the type of guy to be like 'oh no I HATE kids they're horrible and annoying and awful hate hate hate' but. the second he actually sees one irl. it's a complete 180 he would protect it with his life MSNDMSND
he THINKS he hates kids bc he hates humans (and even,, that is questionable) but,,, it clocks him that kids actually Don't Suck As Much As He Initially Thought
They're just so. small and innocent and helpless. They don't have any ill wills, they aren't greedy and horrible like adults, they just want love!!!
So yea he makes a solid effort to hate it but the second it starts staring at him with those Big Blinky Eyes...... no he's done for lmao MSNDMSND
"are you fucking insane-" as you gently hand the baby off to him.
He's so scared of accidentally hurting it. he doesn't have,, a great track record with people and,, babies are so fragile.
THE BABY LOVES HIM THO <333 his body hums at this,, low vibration so it puts them right to sleep <3333 please exploit this.
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kuma829 · 2 years
Kohaku's Idol Story- A Fragrance that Deepens Friendship
Cast: Kohaku, Madara, Adonis
Author: Umeda Chitose
Season: Autumn
...Ya really are a kid snatcher, aintcha? Were ya brought up without being taught that it’s wrong ta bother people?
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Location: ES Hallway
Kohaku: (Hrmm... Now that I’ve got the time, why don’t I go out and give Niki-han’s new Cinnamon menu item a try…)
???: ...Over… Here! Heeeey! 
Kohaku: …!
(I’ve gotta bad feelin’ about this. The voice’s comin’ from that direction, so I need ta get out the opposite way…)
Madara: —Nope, not happening! ☆
Kohaku: Gaaaah!? The hell’re ya doin’, idiot! Lemme go now!
Madara: Loudly run over, and once it’s time to close distance, erase all presence of yourself! While it may seem like it can only work on you once, I managed it anyway♪ 
Kohaku: It ain’t normal ta carry other people, so quit it. It’s a real shitty thing ta do.
Whatcha even want me for. Don’t tell me it’s fer Double Face activities?
Madara: You’ll bite your tongue if you talk too much. I’m gooonna be heading down the emergency stairs now~.
Kohaku: ...Ya really are a kid snatcher, aintcha? Were ya brought up without being taught that it’s wrong ta bother people?
Madara: Hahaha, I’ve got an actual reason behind this, y’know! Now, let’s fly! ☆
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Location: Dojo
Madara: Today is the Kaori circle’s activity day! I just brought you over to the circle to meet.
Kohaku: …Oh, ya gotta be kiddin’ me here.
Adonis: ...Hm. Is that Oukawa you’re carrying, Mikejima-senpai?
Kohaku: Otogari-han. Sorry ya hafta talk ta me like this, but hello.
Adonis: Yes, hello. I’m glad you came over. Kanzaki and Suou are absent for today, you see.
Those two are most familiar with holding tea ceremonies, so without them around, I wasn’t sure how we would proceed with our club activities...
Madara: Aaand that’s when I considered having Kohaku-san as our teacher, since he likely has a lot of experience with holding tea ceremonies. So I asked him to come join us!
Kohaku: Asked me to? Ya snatched me without tellin’ me what it was even for. And how long are ya plannin’ on carryin’ me for?
Adonis: That’s right, Mikejima-senpai. It’s not good to deprive such a small body of its freedom. I will protect small beings.
Kohaku: ...Who the hell are ya callin’ a lil’ animal, huh?
Madara: He didn’t say th—
Woah!? Did you reach your hand out to strangle me just now!?
Kohaku: It’s yer own fault for not lettin’ go of me.
Kohaku: I’m willin’ ta help ya out if it’s somethin’ I can do, and I’ll even guide ya through it. But now I’m in a crappy mood.
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...First, both of ya get yer asses in seiza position*.
Madara * Adonis: … (Obediently sit in seiza)
Kohaku: Ta tell ya the truth, though, the tradition of seiza-sittin' for tea ceremonies doesn't go that far back. Nothin’ ta do with why I’m makin’ ya do it, mind ya — just needed ta share that lil’ fact.
Adonis: ...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause offense earlier, but I seem to have said something that upset you.
Kohaku: Yeah. Of all things ta say, didya have ta call me small...
But as long as ya understand now, everything’s swell. Pardon me, I flew off the handle ‘cause of Madara-han’s antics.
Adonis: No, it’s alright. I’m not bothered.
Fufu. I’ve seen Sakuma-senpai make Oogami and Hakaze-senpai sit in seiza before, but it's a first for me to receive such an order. How interesting.
Kohaku: ...Yer so strange, Otogari-han.
Madara: Oho, I get it!
You’re upset I carried you up in the air while you were walking, aren’t you? Sooo sorry, I couldn’t help it!
Kohaku: Hey, Madara-han. Wanna find out if those swords hangin’ on the wall’re the real deal?
Madara: Hahaha! Sooo scary. You may be smiling, but your eyes sure aren’t!
Adonis: ...I see. Now I remember, you two are in the same unit. I was wondering why you seemed so close.
Our circle hasn’t had many chances to spend time together, so I was wondering how you two became so friendly with each other.
Kohaku: Uh, I don’t mean ta be “friendly” with this guy, though...
Anyways, whatcha plannin’ ta do today? I don’t mind if ya just want a lesson from me.
Madara: I also haven’t been able to come by much, so I’d love to know what you guys typically do here. Do you usually have tea with Souma-san and Tsukasa-san?
Adonis: ...Hm. Once, Kanzaki brewed us matcha tea that he bought while he was working outside the city.
I’ve also heard that Kanzaki and Suou talk about the circle together when they’re brewing tea in their dorm room.
Kohaku: Ermm... So in other words, there’s not really any record of club activities? It’s just a gatherin’ of tea drinkin’ fellas?
I did hear that we’re a more casual circle, so I don’t think there’s anythin’ wrong with just drinkin’ tea however ya like ta. No need for alla that proper etiquette stuff, don’tcha think?
After all, this place’s all open, unlike those cramped four-tile tatami rooms.**
So if it’s all peaches and cream ta drink tea as we like, then I’m in the mood ta do just that— ‘Cause we won’t hafta be caged by anythin’♪
Adonis: Fufu, I see. Then let’s do that today. We can learn about tea ceremonies another time.
Kohaku: Eh? Ya sure it’s alright?
Adonis: That’s what you’d preferto do, right? I’d like to respect your wishes.
Madara: Theeen let me serve you all these sweets I was hiding~! I was trying to figure out the perfect time to reveal them.
Adonis: ...Mikejima-senpai, please don’t pat my shoulder so suddenly. I’m getting pins and needles in my legs.
Kanzaki taught me how to sit on my knees without making my legs go numb, but it seems I couldn't manage to properly follow his advice.
Kohaku: Then let’s spend the day as freely as we want ta. Lemme brew us some tea.
If you’d have gotten in touch with me earlier, I’d have brought my favourite tea leaves…
Oh, I know. If we’re gonna be havin’ a tea gatherin’, why not put on a kimono? It’s been a long while since I last wore one, but it’d be perfect fer a get-together like this one.
Madara: Ooh, a kimono, huh? Adonis-san, wouldn’t it be fun to have an activity where we all wear kimonos?
Adonis: Yes, I think it’s a good idea as well. Let's schedule an opportunity where all five of us can do it together.
Kohaku: (Huh, I noticed earlier too, but...they’re real willing ta hear ya out, huh? Should I also think up somethin’ we can do together as a circle?)
(I’ll come up with somethin’ before the next meetup. I hope I can help make our circle more fun.)
(Kokoko. I’m excited for when we can all meet together♪)
Seiza* = Translates to “correct” sitting position in Japanese. People sitting in seiza will have their legs bent while resting on their knees with their heels on their backside. Hands are rested, folded, and on the lap.
Four Tile Tatami Rooms** = Traditional Japanese tea rooms are made up of 4 tatami matts, so they tend to be small, especially compared to the dojo area the circle uses.
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taibobo · 3 years
working w/ the gang headcanons 💼 (p. 1)
just finished a big internship application, so i thought it would be fun to write headcanons of what it’d be like working under the various members of the gang as an intern/assistance (and maybe you kiss a little) this is part one, including reagan, brett, & andre!
everything below is sfw! cw for mention of drugs though, because... well... andre LMAO
reagan 🤖
though she really tries to look like she appreciates the new help, you can tell she’s not too excited at the idea of having to familiarize herself with a new person
however, once you prove your usefulness (helping her with inventions, reminding her to take breaks, bringing her lunch/coffee when she’s a little too stubborn to take aforementioned breaks), she warms up to you quickly
she’s a little awkward with small talk, and her conversations tend to drift back to work fast, but you can tell she’s really excited about the projects she does and listen with intent
the fact she knows you at least have some semblance of knowing what she’s talking about and you care about what she’s saying makes her really happy, even if she doesn’t want to admit it
after an (admittedly extended) internship, she asks you to stay a bit later than usual with her
sitting in front of you in her office chair, she pushes her hands uncomfortably into her knees, avoiding eye contact
“i don’t really know if you would be interested, but, um-- if you want to, i could ask J.R to open up a spot for you as my technical assistant. obviously, you don’t have to say yes, but it has been really nice having someone around in the field, and--”
you cut her off by picking up one of her clammy hands and squeezing it softly in yours, smiling at her and saying that of course you would, are you kidding? this was basically your dream job!
at that, she can’t help but grin, face flushed at the feeling of your hand in hers. hopefully H.R wouldn’t catch wind of the little crush she felt growing... 
(so far, they haven’t, but myc is awfully close) 
brett 🎉
as the unofficial head of cognito morale, brett spends most of his time making sure everyone is feeling alright and being a general hype-slash-yes man
with that, your internship is much of what you had expected: lots of coffee runs, small talk, and little errands
despite that, with brett, its a ton of fun! he’s always pulling you into excited side hugs, calling you his “new little buddy” to the rest of the gang and inviting you to lunch or karaoke
he takes to you quick, especially since he’s not used to being in such an authoritative position over a coworker before. he treats you just like a good friend he’s showing the ropes of the job
any time he’s carrying heavy boxes or stacks of papers for gigi or glenn, you tend to gawk at his strength, and it definitely flatters him
“oh, i mean, i used to do football... and swimming, and wrestling, and lacrosse, so it kinda comes with the territory, y’know?”
(that being said, he secretly likes the way you flush and look down when he rolls his sleeves up to lift up something particularly large)
you two are having coffee and bagels together when he puts an arm around your shoulder and asks how you would like to be the official good times coordinator for cognito inc
you laugh and ask him if that’s even a real title and how you qualify, and he pulls back to give you a big beaming smile
“well, i always have a good time when i’m around you, so you’re the most qualified person i can think of!”
needless to say, you are not only extremely red, but extremely on board
andre 🧪
when you enter andre’s office, you’re immediately tip-toeing over spilled manila folders and empty pill blister packs
he looks from the joint he’s just lit and yelps, almost dropping it on himself 
“i didn’t think you were coming this early-- wow, uh, talk about a bad first impression!” he laughs, but doesn’t actually seem too bothered as he hops out of his stool and walks over the piles of various papers and plastic baggies. he takes a deep pull, smoke gently rising from his nose and mouth as he uses his other hand to shake yours. 
“i’m andre lee. feel free to just call me andre, none of that doctor crap, kay? we’re partners in crime from now on!”
when you signed up to be an intern for an extremely high profile chemist and pharmaceutical expert, this... hadn’t been what you were expecting
not to say he wasn’t talented-- he was, and extremely so. he easily recalls chemical processes and formulas like they’re fast food orders and can scribble perfect mathematic computations on the back of receipts to hand to you. 
needless to say, it can be tough for you to keep up, but you enjoy the challenge. it seems like he enjoys having someone to teach, too
you catch him in his lab during a late night (you admittedly had tucked into a break room for way too long to try and reverse engineer something he’d given you), and he seems a little worse for wear
you peek in, asking if he needs anything, and he looks legitimately surprised you’re still on site
“oh, i-- it’s not anything important to your internship, don’t feel obligated to help me out just because--” 
before he can finish, you’re already tucking into the stool next to him, giving a kind smile as you nudge him to look at you.
“andre, this doesn’t have anything to do with my internship. you said it yourself, we’re partners in crime, aren’t we? i wanna be here to help.”
realizing that maybe it wouldn’t be so boring having you around a little longer, he laughs dryly, elbows on the table. 
“yeah, guess we are.”
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noahzanehethey · 2 years
Fic prompt/Headcanon time
TW: There are mentions of panic attacks, self-harm, and insecurities Also, 'the others/crew' are Gigi, Glenn, Andre, and Myc in case that wasn't clear -These bisexual disasters often simp over people in shows together. -Reagan had to wear a dress to a work event but it showed a few parts of her that she wasn't too fond of and Brett got a copy of the dress and wore it with her to the event -After a really stressful day, Reagan comes home to the sight of Brett crying while being curled up in a ball in their bed under a blanket. Reagan just holds him until he's ready to talk. -Brett has a stuffed animal collection so one day when Reagan notices he's having a really bad day, she goes out and buys him a stuffed animal. -Reagan often zones out mid-conversation, and when Brett notices this, he just pauses and waits for her to come back, then picks up where he left off. -One day Brett is looking at his thighs, tracing the white lines, and Reagan catches him and isn't sure how to respond at first, but after a minute or 2, she sits next to him, letting Brett cry into her chest, not caring if her shirt gets ruined or not. -One time at work, Brett hears Reagan make a self-deprecating joke about her weight and how she thinks she's ugly, Brett kisses her, soft and sweet, not caring that the others are in said room. -Reagan often forgets to bring and do basic things, so Brett carries tampons, pads, a hairbrush, toothpaste + toothbrush, and floss on him 24/7. (Yes, he has a fanny-pack for it) -Brett makes and leaves simple pre-cooked meals in the fridge when he's not home and he leaves sticky notes on this to remind Reagan of things she has to do(eat, work assignments, etc.) so she doesn't forget. -Brett often needs reassurance, but he's scared to ask for it constantly in fear that Reagan will leave him, so they came up with a non-verbal signal, that they both use. -One time Reagan mentioned that she doesn't like her thighs, and now Brett constantly lays between them, Reagan finds this both comforting and silly since Brett's face is often smushed in a goofy way. -Brett is a human heater and during winter, Reagan *loves* cuddling with him. (Especially when the heater breaks) -Reagan often lets Brett sit in her lap at work(when she's not working on an invention/experiment), he finds it comforting to be close to her, and the others quickly learned not to question it. (Reagan gives a pretty scary death stare) -One time someone made a rude comment about Brett's bisexual pride pin and Reagan spent that night comforting her boyfriend. -Brett loves frogs, so whenever he's feeling down Reagan gives him a frog sticker. -They own a black cat, its name is Kazoo, Brett named it. -Brett often has panic attacks at work, Reagan quickly picked up on the signs of when they're coming on so she usually creates a distraction for Brett to be able to leave the room without being questioned, and Reagan quickly follows after to comfort him.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
—the lovey-dovey things they do with you while you're both stuck at home during quarantine
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ೃ chars: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima and shinsou hitoshi x gn! reader
ೃ  tags: headcanons, fluff
ೃ  warnings: none!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  
ೃ  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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katsuki bakugo: cooking and baking with him! it all started on a cozy afternoon in April, you’re mindlessly scrolling through tiktok whilst cuddling with katsuki (your sparky bf practically asleep in your arms) when you stumbled upon some cute and interesting cooking videos appearing on your fyp. katsuki peers through your phone and groggily asks if you want to try out and attempt to make some of them and you immediately say yes!
the two of you start with something simple and basic, dalgona coffee! (even playfully arguing whether or not you should adding more whipped cream to your drinks or not), after that, you then take your culinary journey a bit further by making some baked sushi, cloud bread, and mini donut cereals among many other scrumptious delights! after a while, you decided to buy some matching “kiss the cook” aprons online and even started a tiktok account detailing all of the special twists katsuki made to the recipes (although he absolutely refused to make an account at first, with some probing and dozens of pouty faces and puppy eyes coming from his adorable significant other, he finally gives in) dancing and kisses in the kitchen, spreading flour on each other’s faces, leaving sneaky love notes by the fridge, and making each other coffee in the morning were just some of the little add-ons the two of you would do with each other.
izuku midoriya: online escape rooms and virtual museum tours! the national museum of japan were offering some free virtual tours around the museum and the two of you could not just pass up the opportunity to see all the intricate pieces being displayed in the museum. however, izuku wanted to experience something else that's similar to that and so, after seeing an ad on twitter for an virtual escape room experience, izuku excitedly told you about it. jumping and hopping around like a little bunny and you couldn’t help but agree as seeing him so happy and so excited for something will never fail to make your heart flutter. the two of you immediately book a reservation and even bring out your virtual reality gears for the full immersive experience. you’re clinging to his arm the whole time as you virtually traverse a horror escape game and your freckled boyfriend tries his best to be brave just for you.
with both of your intelligent and inquisitive minds combined together, with the occasional soft couple bickering, and having to listen to izuku murmur to himself for several minutes,  the two of you solved 7 escape rooms (for a week straight) in a span of three hours each. the two of you take turns in doing the tasks of the game, and whoever fails to do so, has to do the other person’s bidding for the entire day. although the two of you could never force the other to do any mean-spirited dares to each other, most of the bidding you told each other to do were peppering each other kisses on the cheek, long and warm hugs, choosing the movie for the night, cuddling in the bed and holding hands among many other things.
todoroki shoto: binging movies and tv shows on netflix with him! this was the perfect opportunity to help your icy-hot boyfriend finally indulge in everything pop culture. and what better way to do so than on netflix and other streaming sites? the two of you end up watching every romantic movie dear to your heart. mixed with bed or couch cuddles, blankets wrapped around the two of you, a lot of cheesy and loving whispers said, and paired with some comfort food you ordered online. your watching area varied. sometimes the two of you would watch in the bedroom, living room, and sometimes you would even make a pillow fort with dangling fairy lights attached to it filling the tent with fluffy stuff toys to lie on just so that the two of you can watch on the floor.
shoto cried when the two of you finished watching the notebook and the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. and all you did the entire night was give him all the hugs and kithes you could provide him. ever since then, the two of you opt for more light-hearted movies. rom-coms, disney movies and sitcoms where he endlessly referenced iconic lines from friends, the office, how i met your mother, and brooklyn 99. the days in quarantine go by with the two of you just mindlessly singing and dancing along to disney songs, rewatching rom-coms for the umpteenth time, reenacting some scenes from iconic movies with dry yet hilarious acting, and just discussing movie theories whenever he cutely and innocently asks you about some small details he missed every time you finish watching a movie for the day
eijiro kirishima: training and exercise routines with him! your shark-toothed boyfriend is a fitness buff through and through. to the point that a room in your house dedicated to just gym and fitness equipment exists. but when quarantine struck the world and your lovely home, you slightly lost your motivation to work out. eijiro continues to encourage you to do so ofc! with the two of you occasionally going outside to jog but aside from that, nothing much else. when he catches you watching a chloe ting video on youtube, he scoops you up from the couch, and you giggle trying to tell him to put you down yet he refuses to do so, as he carries you all the way to your little gym room. you notice that there are yoga mats sprawled about and since then, the two of you would do a lot of yoga as it has been proven to decrease anxiety. sometimes the two of you would get distracted and start dancing to the exercise music, accompanied endless laughter and giggles when kirisihima would do his daily planking exercise with you sitting on top of him as he does so.
there were also times when the two of you were so tired and sore. so you would give each other loving massages, there were also times when the two of you would just sleep it out or just lounge in the bed. excercise couldn’t stop your cravings and so, and there were also times when the two of you would do some food mukbangs you’ve been craving for recently.
shinsou hitoshi: playing video games with him and taking care of your little pet kitten! right before quarantine started, shinsou surprised you with a pet little kitten that the two of you decided to name gigi, named after the cat from kiki’s delivery service. the two of you always running around the house as if you were parents to a newly-born baby, watching your cute little kitten frolicking around, touching and interacting with everything he could find. after watching some “cat parents” videos on youtube and learning some tips, you attempt to give it a bath, resulting into a very wet failure. with the only time you can feel peace and quiet was when gigi was asleep or whenever he would be drinking his vet-approved milk. your quarantine life was hectic and chaotic but taking care of a cute little bundle of joy with your equally loving and handsome boyfriend... well, life couldn’t get any better than this.
when you were finally able to get the hang of the cat parents life, you and shinsou finally found the time to rest and relax by playing video games. may it be a horror, action, adventure, rhythm, or fantasy game, you were always playing with him. maybe as a player 2 or just as the supportive significant other who helped him solve puzzles, make story game choices that could change the game, and even help him with the buttons if he was trying to fight some hard boss. whenever there are jumps cares in the game, he would hold your hand and give you reassuring pats. whenever the two of you would play against each other on the other hand, he has his arms wrapped around you, with you still being extremely focused at the game at hand, he would give you pecks on the cheek to try and make you distracted so that he can win. your little pet kitten, gigi, sleeping on the couch as the two of you play to your heart’s content.
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ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​  @lovelytarou​ @ramunegoddess​, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​​
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Jax meeting Steve please..
Posie is almost scared for her Pappy and Gigi to meet Jax after what happened with James. James' Ransom Drysdale is showing! He just wants the best for Posie and doubts that Jax is what's best. Pappy and Gigi...
That’s My Job
Summary:  Posie takes Jax to meet her other grandparents
Pairings:  Posie X Jax, Steve X Marta
Rating:  cute
Warnings: none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Posie Rogers Masterlist
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Marta continues to carry out a few plates, waiting for that low rumble that informs her of her granddaughter’s arrival.  Nervous about meeting the boyfriend.  She hadn’t done this before.  She’d done the sons and daughter thing, never the granddaughter thing.  Steve walks up behind her, quickly pressing a kiss to her cheek.  “Calm down, it’s just Posie.”
“You remember what your mom said.  It’s not just Posie, this is her...”
“My mom is a crazy ole bitty.  She has said a lot of things.”
“And when has she been wrong?” Steve reluctantly agrees with his wife, laying out the last few plates before pulling her into his lap.  “I want to like him.  James doesn’t like him, but I want to.”
“What do you mean, James doesn’t like him?  Is he pulling a Ransom Drysdale?” Steve cackles when Marta nods her head.  “Let’s hope,” he stops when that rumble of his motorcycle with his pretty little granddaughter on the back arrives.  “That was a nice sounding bike.”
“Don’t fall in love with him yet, Papi.  You haven’t even met him.”
Steve’s face falls when he sees the tattoos on his arms.  That long blonde hair being pushed behind his ears, and Posie’s hand under his shirt, but then his eyes trail up to her face as she beams up at him.  For the sake of Posie, he promises to give him a fair shot.  Taking Jax’s hand in his own, he makes note of the strong handshake, and then those thick rings.
“So, glad that you two could join us,” he comments, wrapping an arm around Marta.
“You invited us Pappy.  Oh, Gigi this looks delicious.  But I want you guys to meet Jax, the boyfriend.  Jax this is Steve and Marta,” with a cute little smile Marta pulls Posie with her to get the drinks, and Steve watches Jax’s eyes follow her.
“Not the most appropriate attire for a bike ride.”
“I can’t seem to get her to wear anything but the sundresses.  She wears shorts underneath.”
“Posie likes the sun.  Revels in it.  Likes the way it feels on her skin.  She would feel claustrophobic in pants.  Heaven forbid she has to put on real clothes in the summer.  I think that’s why she wants to teach.  So you work with James?” Jax nods saying a yes sir.  “Beau says you do good work.  Have you always wanted to be in construction?”
“No, I always thought I would stay with the MC,” he gives a big smile to Posie as she walks out.  “Things change though, but I’m not mad about it.”
The four eat the dinner, and Steve mostly observes Posie and Jax’s interactions.  He doesn’t like Posie being with someone at such a young age, but he isn’t mad at the boy.  He’s attentive to her needs.  Watches her with the utmost adoration, adds a lot to the conversation.  He isn’t a fan of them touching constantly, but he assumed as much when James said she was basically living with him.  
Marta lets out a laugh before leaning over on Steve’s shoulder, wistfully gazing at the couple before they bid them adieu.  “Posie, you mind coming by and feeding the frogs tomorrow?”
“Sure Pappy.”
Marta watches them leave and turns to look at her husband, “What do you need to talk to her about?”
“Feeding the frogs means you want to talk to her.  He was nice.  She adores him, don’t you...”
“I know, mi amore.  She had called earlier, and said she wanted to talk.  She wants to know what I think since her dad is being an ass.  Don’t worry, I don’t dislike the kid.  I want him to get her, her own helmet.  At least she was wearing boots, but I’d love to see her with something that covers.”
“Aye yi yi, I’m gonna have to talk to my boy.  She picked her a good one, and if what your mother said is true,” Steve snaps his head up, “Stevie, your mom is very smart and intuitive.  She was right about us, about Bucky, about our children.  James better listen to his Nana.  He won’t have much time.”
“Why would you say that?” Marta shrugs, and starts clean up from dinner.  “Regardless, I’m going to see what Posie girl wants to talk about.  Don’t get your panties twisted.  That’s my job.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 4 June ‘21
“Look out my window and Louis Tomlinson outside”, said the (second) luckiest man in London (first is Harry ofc), and posted a pic of himself with Louis, who is looking cute in a jersey and cap over that long long hair (looks like the guy took a couple blurry pictures out his window then ran out to accost Louis, lol.) He said, “pleasure to meet you on my road this evening” and that Louis was “a real gentleman” (and also a “gemtleman” SO TRUE whether he typed it that way on purpose or not) and “a proper amazing chap.” Also on this guy’s road? A recording studio, specifically the one Louis was pictured working at last week. Looks like Louis was with Charlie Lightening (and at least one other person, unidentifiable). Grown ass men recognizing Louis and running outside to talk to him?? This is the future louies want!
Liam woke up early and hopped straight on his discord to respond to some very sweet messages-- I hope he’s getting some enjoyment out of reading them all. I think a lot about his sister saying that he always read all the stuff fans are saying and is really affected by it and so it always makes me happy when people flood him with positive stuff. He also polled people about NFTs (yes, no, idk what that is) and said he’s going to be in Brazil at the end of the year. OoOh? Then he posted a video telling us about what he dreamed-- “now without sounding like a complete fanboy I had the weirdest One Direction related dream,” he said and that he dreamed he was arguing with Zayn over ownership of a leather jacket, and that he had a boxing match “with Tommo” and “I couldn’t hit him.” “Well at least you know I’m thinking about you, boys!” he concludes.
And, yes, the big drama and discourse of the day (™)... Zayn and Gigi had a full day of getting papped yesterday, with her- according to paps- at a vaccine shot appointment and he showing off his very stylish white tracksuit and yellow hat; and, unfortunately, ending up showing a less press-ready side as well. A short video shows Zayn shirtless and yelling at some guy who is yelling at him and pushing into his space and getting in his face (mostly a lot of “who the fuck are you” from Zayn) while PA Taryn tries to hold onto Zayn and keep them apart. The guy calls Z a f***** and Zayn repeats “I’m a f*****?!”, laughing incredulously, and now half of twitter is canceling him for using slurs, so that’s a fun day for everyone. Then ZaynWeLove you trended worldwide as fans worked to bury the video, but tabloids got wind of it anyway so that was that. According to TMZ “Zayn was smoking a cig outside Amsterdam Billiards Club in the East Village after 2 AM when a group of guys came out of Little Sister Lounge next door and an altercation ensued.” Also “sources say he was wearing [a shirt] at the billiards joint, but it's unclear exactly when or why he took it off”, haha- the attempts from everyone at a definitive shirt removal timeline are for sure the only fun part of this. ANNNNYWAY, how about that Look, he looks like a cyber cow, love that, and also: before all this, Zayn got papped, which generally means Zayn is about to release something or other, so that’s exciting.
More Holivia pics from the pub they were at last night were posted-- in these pics you can see that in fact Harry is wearing a DIFFERENT pair of stripey blue and pink shorts with the cutest cardigan with colored cuffs, also pink and blue, aww. Our lil walking trans flag/ Fine Line cover! We’re told he drank tequila and was (of course) very nice to fans and that PA Luis was sat between him and Olivia (lol). A crowd gathered outside the busy pub trying to get in to Harry, and photographed his and Olivia’s departure; they are shown cuddling a bit on the street, with Luis suddenly nowhere in sight. Very private moments not meant to be captured for the public eye, I’m sure, despite the many fans right there.
The person responsible for Other People Fund, an organization that helps people pay for therapy, told us about Harry Lambert getting some of her merch (shirts and tote bags that say ‘I think we should see other people and by other people I mean therapists”) for Harry Styles! Harry carried the tote for his walks in the park with Olivia last month, HAAAAA AMAZING. I wonder if he was sad no one managed to read the message then? The story is that the girl who makes them had made a post offering to provide Harry with a shirt after his (shirtless) grammys appearance and ended up sending it to Harry L who was like YES WE MUST HAVE THIS and bought two shirts and the tote. Maybe she should make a post for Zayn too, how appropos her messaging would be for this shirtless media moment huh? Anne Marie said the Our Song MV bts won’t be long now and “are you ready???” “No I’m not!” said Niall. A Luca Shreiner Our Song remix is out. Showtime added Louis to their pride month queer playlist and Jason Sudeikis’ show Ted Lasso wrapped its London filming- will this also mean HoliviaUK is a wrap? We can only hope.
#Louis tomlinson#zayn#liam payne#harry styles#holivia#thank you so much for the Z news heads up it can be hard to know a thing is happening when people are actively working#to keep people from finding out that a thing happened...though I suppose once TMZ got on it that was out the window#I starred out f** to be considerate but tbh- it feels weird to me. Like people calling queer a slur when it’s a full on identity and common#word#I know loads of people who self identify as fags and who use that word a lot in casual chat you know?#I’m currently reading a book that uses the word casually every couple pages right now (written by someone who self identifies as a f*****)#which really adds to the dissonance (for me) of the reaction to it on twitter#anyway which isn’t to say dudes throwing the word around as an insult in macho pissing contests is okay#tho for the record I don’t think Zayn’s use of it here is him doing that it sounds to me more like ‘omg you did not really just say that wtf#I’m more bothered by the macho pissing contest part really#if you want the book rec it’s The Freezer Door by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore#who as a side note#has been dressing in brightly colored corduroy flares with lacy collars and pearls and hats with flowers on them since like… the 90s#which is no shade @ Harry just a reminder that he's drawing on and paying tribute to a long tradition of queer culture#not inventing it#I also just read 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell which ALSO uses that word like every other page and is also very good#Sometimes you just gotta catch up on your queer lit I guess anyway there’s a lot of queer culture out there besides twitter and tiktok cult#er tiktok culture I meant but uh#you know what.... lol#4 jun 21
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softlyjiminie · 5 years
nine months from now | m.y.g
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⇢ pairing(s): boss!min yoongi x reader, mentions of vmin + namjin.
⇢ word count: 16.5K.
⇢ rating: 18+, mature.
⇢ genre: smut, angst, fluff, un-expecting parents!au, parents!au.
⇢ summary: his was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. a sudden, unexpected turn of events leads you into a world of baby bottles and baby grows, it just so happens that the cause of this mess is your boss...min yoongi.
⇢ warning(s): please read! mentions of infidelity, insecurity, unexpected pregnancy, light!description of birth ( pain, water breaking ), soft smut, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, unprotected sex ( please wear protection ),  mentions of one night stands, mentions of drunk sex,  phone sex, oral sex ( female receiving ), masturbation ( male + female ) , light!praise kink, pregnancy kink, daddy kink, dirty talk and swearing.
⇢ author’s note(s): hey everyone! this is a kinda late birthday fic for our wonderful boy min yoongi! i love parent aus and i just got to thinking about how yoongi would be the most amazing dad and boom dis bad boy popped out. I hope you enjoy reading and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!! also thank you to my wonderful gigi ( @fantasybangtan​ ) for this beautiful banner, love you so much :(
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one month. two blue lines.
this was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. you were supposed to work your ass off, show off your skills, get promoted and live a comfortable life. there was no time in your plan for this.
no time in your plan for a baby.
you feel as if the whole world has been drained away as you sit on the edge of your bath tub, your chest rising and falling with panic —you hadn’t even noticed, not until it was too late. your period had always been irregular, is it was easy for you to miss the signs. it couldn’t be happening. it can’t be happening. “how can this be happening?” you whisper to yourself, the lump in your throat makes your voice sound hoarse and weak.  
“well, when two very special people love each other..” your roommate, yura, begun as she rests her head on your shoulder and grabs your trembling hand. she had always been a joker, much to the chargen of your half brother, seokjin.
“she knows how it works, yura! it’s the sex that got her there!” your sibling yells, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at you with a scolding disappointment. you’d never seen him so angry before, face red and the vein in his neck on the verge of bursting. you could tell he was trying to reign in his temper and you knew it was more than just rage he was feeling. seokjin had never known his farther, your mother was too ashamed to ever tell him and so he spent most of his life living with a hole in his heart. “do you even know who the father is?” 
you flinch at his sharp tone, knowing it was only his self inflicted conflict that was so venomous. yura’s head snaps up to glare at seokjin, lips parted in shock at he continues his rant. “how irresponsible could you be, YN? getting pregnant at this time in your career, how could you be so stupid?” 
“seokjin, enough!” yura snaps furiously, standing up with her hands resting comfortingly on your shoulders. she stares him down, rendering him silent and huffs. “YN is a grown woman...twenty-four years of age, meaning, you can’t scold her like a child anymore. it’s her body, her life and she’ll do as she damn well pleases. “
the sounds of their voices fade to nothing but static as they bicker back and forth about you. it’s almost as if you’re not even there, mind a million miles away. the mere thought of a life growing inside you has you spiralling and it’s not until seokjin puts a hand on your shoulder, that you look up.
“do...you know who the father is?” yura asks you quietly and avoids your gaze at his flits between hers and seokjin’s face.
“i do,” you twiddle your thumbs nervously, thinking back to the only occasion you can remember. you rub your eyes as they slowly begin to water, your brother and best friend nuzzling into you to help calm your nerves. “i know exactly who it is.”
seokjin and yura share a look, worried for the name about to pass your lips.
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three months.
the walk to the top office is a brisk and daunting one. thousands of scenarios occupy your mind but you remember your brother’s advice and try to keep a steady head. you relax your stance as the elevator doors close in front of you, letting out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. a hand comes to rest on your lower stomach, reaching for the bump that was barely visible. 
you’d been to various different appointments over the last few weeks, blood tests, ultra-sounds and a paternity test. groaning, you remember the face of the assistant, her pointed nose tilted up in disgust when you begged her for any disgarded coffee cups the executive had lying around. all you needed was the tiniest trace of saliva to confirm your suspicions.
reaching your desired floor, you step out of the lift, and the sudden feeling of exposure crawls up your spine. patent heels click and clack against the smooth marble floor as you head to the front office. the light shines through the glass panes but it doesn’t lift your somber mood.
“i have an appointment with the executive?” you smile politely to the receptionist behind the desk and hand over your ID badge. she’s surprised, to say the least, when she checks it over and you can tell she’s unsure of how someone of your position would get an appointment on such short notice.
she lets you through regardless, mentioning to the executive that you’ll be up soon and too expect you. your once calm and collected walk is now weak and wobbly at  your ankles, you shake as you knock on the door and quiver when a deep voice beckons you in.
the room is bright, illuminated by natural light that shines through the glass panes directly onto the office. it’s sleek, black accents run through out the room with shades of whites and yellows and greys for contrast. a long desk, also black in colour, sits in the middle of the room, in front of the largest window that looks out onto the busy streets of seoul. you wonder if people ever look up and try to imagine what would happen in a room like this. the though of what’s about to happen sends chills down your spine. 
your patent heels sink into the carpeted floor, the softness and uneven ground do nothing to help your quaking knees. 
the letters are engraved into the golden placement with thick, bold letters and reading it makes your heart race. the man himself is oblivious to your entrance, once deep red and burgundy hair having faded into his natural jet black roots. he wears a navy suit, tailored perfectly to fit his shoulders and his tie sits promptly around his neck, not a hair is out of place.
he hadn’t always been this perfect, you of all people would’ve known that. min yoongi was notorious in your company for his simple two step manoeuvre; flirting and fucking. whilst you had yet to fall victim to his charms, you knew to steer clear of him at company parties. yoongi had been a simple project manager at the daegu branch of your company, The Red Label, an up and coming fashion brand in south korea— before being unexpectedly promoted to executive to the seoul branch. you heard the last one had quit from heart break caused by the man himself. 
you, yourself were a new fashion designer, fresh out of college when you joined. you were happy to say that your designs had been worn by many idols since you started your job, including the infamous jeon jungkook.
you remember meeting yoongi at the annual anniversary party, drunk memories of the night suddenly becoming more and more clear. 
“yes?” he asks, looking up from his papers with a thin-lipped smile. he’s trying to be polite, you can tell, but you hate the way his black eyes watch you with discontent. you doubt he recognises you, remembers what went down a few months back. 
“hi...” you breathe, the anxiety from your thoughts rushing in. yoongi simply stares you down, his dark eyes watching as you shuffle under his gaze. he leans back in his desk chair, boredom etched into his features.
“look ms. kim,  i’m a busy man and have plenty of meetings to attend to today... so id prefer it if you didn’t go wasting my time.”
heat flushes through your veins and tingles at your fingertips, the words you had chanted to yourself in the mirror as practice have suddenly gone astray. you look to yoongi, his impatient stare boring holes into your very soul and you can tell he’s growing irritable. 
yoongi opens his mouth again to start a simple attack. “as i have stated already, ms. kim, i am a busy man with many duties to attend to today, so if you don’t mind-“ 
you hate this, you hate him. you hate how he thinks he can talk to you like you’re beneath him. especially after what he did to you. 
“i’m pregnant.” you blurt out, your rigid frame becoming lax as you realise what you’ve done. you watch as yoongi’s face contorts with confusion, what does this have to do with him? he must me thinking.
“it’s your child,” you snap back, suddenly gaining the roaring confidence seokjin had instilled in you many years ago. you march your way over to his desk, slapping down a file of all the tests you’d gotten, this paternity test with his DNA and his name in thick bold letters standing out on the white pages. “the documents are all here, if you don’t believe me.” 
the colour drains from yoongi’s face as he realises the severity behind his once careless actions, he never thought this would happen, he always thought he’d been, “safe? didn’t we use a condom?” he mumbles quietly, embarrassed and ashamed. 
“you insisted that we didn’t need one, you were too intent on getting your congratulations for your recent promotion.” you explain curtly, wrapping an arm protectively around your stomach. 
it was only then that yoongi noticed, the small curve of your stomach that was carrying a life that he had helped to make.  whether he wanted it or not, yoongi was going to be a father and he could tell by the fire in your eyes that you were going to do everything in your power to provide for this child. 
he sits back in his chair and runs a hand over his face, letting it cup his chin as he thinks. “okay....okay, fuck. what do we do now?” 
“well, i...” you hesitate, opening your mouth in a silent gasp. you step back from the desk and start to twiddle with your thumbs as you huff, nervous. “i don’t want this baby, my baby to grow up without a father. i’ve seen first hand how painful that can be. i also understand that, considering our circumstances, it might not be the best idea but i still believe you should take responsibility of a father and help look after them as well.” 
your answer is thoughtful, none of your words are fuelled by malicious intent. you want the best for the baby, your baby, his baby. yoongi’s heart clenches in his chest, his baby. 
“when’s your next appointment?” he asks in a whisper, a million and one thoughts rushing through his head at once. you look surprised, expecting yoongi to try and pay you off and keep quiet.
“next monday.” 
“good, i’ll be there.” 
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three months, one week.
“is there any particular reason in which you’re not letting me attend today?” your brother hums, your only thought from then is to only roll your eyes as you pack your bag. phone, keys, purse. seokjin watches as you flutter about, fluffing your hair and straightening the sweater you wear, so it sits over your small bump just fine. 
shaking your head, you attempt to hide the nerves that crawl up your throat in fear of spewing them all out onto the floor. you’d blame it on early morning sickness. your older brother eyes you suspiciously, dark brow arched perfectly as a finger rests on his top lip. he knows you like the back of his hand, everything there is to know about you. he knew you were excitable when it came to things like new music or watching re-runs of americas next top model. he knew you were shy with physical contact and intimacy. he knew that sometimes you got so anxious and scared, especially with deadlines that your words became jumbled up and you’d forget your name. 
he knew why you were being so quiet today. 
you ignored him nonetheless, looking ever so slightly flustered once you’d finished getting yourself ready. you hadn’t felt this way since you’d submitted your first design to the Red Label. 
“are you sure? i know you hate all the machines and the gel the put on your tummy-“ the elder rambled and watched you collapse onto the couch beside him, you clasp your hands over his knee and sigh at him. clearly exhasperated.
“yoongi is coming,” you grumble eventually, curling in on yourself with a large pout. seokjin narrows his eyes, ever since finding out and confirming that yoongi was the father, he had been far from happy. seokjin remembered referring to the man as a pompous piece of poop, except more foul language was used. “i know you don’t like him, but we decided to try this co-parent thing? i’m just nervous that he’ll want to drop out as soon as he sees the baby-“ 
frowning, your brother shuffles over to you and presses a light kiss to your forehead as an attempt to comfort you.  “and if he does, we’ll figure it out together. promise.” 
you nod in affirmation, leaning into seokjin’s touch. he gets up to check the door a while later, calling out for you confusedly. “YN, there’s someone here to see you?” 
following his voice, you find yourself side by side with your brother, facing a man about your age if not younger. he’s dressed formally, in a black suit and white shirt, a bow tie around his neck. he offers you a boxy grin and you frown. 
“who are you?” 
“ah, you must be YN.” 
“yes, she is, but who are you?” seokjin cuts in before you can open your mouth, moving stand protectively in front of yourself and the baby. confused, you’re eyes widen and you shuffle back in the doorway to protect yourself further.
the man’s enthusiastic grin drops slightly as he readjusts his tie, coughing and holding his hand out to your older sibling. “taehyung, kim taehyung...” he introduces himself and falters when seokjin doesn’t take his hand. “i’m mr min’s driver, he sent me to collect ms. kim for her appointment today.” 
“driver? collect my sister? why i oughta-“ 
you set a palm on your brother’s chest and push him back lightly, smiling at taehyung as you do so. “jinnie,” you warm him and ignore his angry stare before addressing the driver. “i’ll be ready in a moment, taehyung.” 
quickly, you run back into the apartment to grab your bag and coat, returning fully dressed and ready to go. taehyung is already waiting with the door open by the car outside. you turn to your brother and hum. “i’m mad at him too, for sending a driver, but at least let me rip him a new one myself.” you say, breathlessly.
“with pleasure.” 
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“a driver, really, min yoongi?” 
you storm past the man himself, anger flaring up within you at just the sight of his stupid designer suit and stupid pointed leather shoes that were probably imported from italy. he‘s a stupid man. who even wears a suit to a hospital appointment? 
yoongi stands flabbergasted, hands up in defence whilst taehyung only shrugs his shoulders and mentions he’ll be parked in the private area. the executive quickly follows you, surprised that you can even walk that fast with growing life inside of you and bends over with palms on his knees when you stop at the receptionist desk.
“i didn’t think it was smart of me to delay the appointment by meeting you at your own home, ms. kim.” 
rolling your eyes, you lean up to the receptionist, ignoring the way your name rolls so greasily off of yoongi’s tongue. “appointment for YN kim? 2:30.” you beam down at the man behind the desk, who’s eyes light up when they notice you.
“YN! lovely to see you again, you’re right on time!” he hums and checks you in on the computer as you spare a quick glare to the man behind you. the receptionist follows your gaze and leans in to whisper. “is this the baby father?” 
a light chuckle wafts past your lips and you nod as you tie the appointment slip from him. “why yes hoseok, he is.” 
“how unfortunate that his personality doesn’t match his looks.” 
you giggle and bid hoseok goodbye, walking down the hall to your doctors office for your ultrasound. yoongi mostly follows and stays quiet, sensing the anger and resentment you have for him, building. he sighs in the waiting room, knowing that he has to find some way to get a long with you and change your impression of him for the sake of his child. 
“miss kim for her ultrasound? oh and is that dad?” your doctor asks as she leads you into the room, helping you onto the bed and allowing you to push up your jumper for the jelly. yoongi feels a pang of guilt resonating in his chest, knowing that he should be the one helping you, but stands awkwardly to the side nonetheless. 
shuffling up on the seat, you look to yoongi expectantly to introduce himself and he jumps up, fixing his suit as he leans forward to take the doctor’s hand. “min yoongi...uh... dad.” 
“dr park, or you can call me dr jihyo,” she smiles, getting ready to apply the jelly to your stomach. “you know the drill YN, it might be a little cold,” yoongi watches quietly as you nod in confirmation, flinching when the cool substance comes into contact with your tiny bump. “alright! good job mum! let’s get you all set up.” 
it takes a few minutes for dr park to set up the monitor, using a device that yoongi doesn’t recognise to scan for what he assumes is the baby. yourself and the doctor chat idly, and yoongi realises how scary it must’ve been to do these things on your own for the first time. his train of thought is cut off by the sound of a steady, tiny heartbeat filling the room. 
that’s his baby, your baby. 
“your baby sounds nice and healthy,” dr park hums happily, tilting the device to get more of a view of your little peanut. she points her finger on the screen and turns back to smile at you. “here they are, hiding from us.”
you giggle happily and for a split second, beam over at yoongi as you witness the life you’ve created together. “is that our baby-?” yoongi half whimpers, taking a step forward to take your hand in his. you jump at the feeling, his change in attitude but appreciate the support nonetheless, on the edge of tears yourself.
these last view weeks had been daunting, life changing, but seokjin and yura had been there for you every step of the way. holding your hand and coming with you to check ups. 
“yes sir! i’m going to print out some pictures of the scans for you both, while we’re here, would you like to know the gender of your baby?” she asks politely and taps away on her computer.
“no, thank you.” 
“yes, please.” 
you send a glare yoongi’s way, fired up inside as he matches the look. 
the tension thickens in the room, so much so that a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through. dr. park stands from her chair, arms up to ease you both and coughs for your attention. “how about i print those pictures and you two can decide when i come back?” she suggests as you rip your hand from yoongi’s, who feels the walls build up around you again.
“that’d be great, thank you doctor.” he hums, watching as the doctor leaves the room before turning to you with a deepest scowl. “what was all that about, ms. kim? you were acting like a petulant child.” 
you growl deeply, sitting up and wiping yourself clean of the cold jelly. you pull down your sweater and turn to look at the man with a dark frown. “me? a child?” you tsk, looking him up and down. “i didn’t see you taking any initiative when it came to the baby until wanting to know its sex! as far as i’m concerned, mr. min, you’ve acted as nothing more than a sperm donor i actually have to see,” you spit, ignoring the pang of guilt you feel when yoongi visibly flinches at your words. “and for the love of god, it’s YN.” 
“well, YN,” he starts to argue, brushing off the hurt. “this is a first for me too, and if we’re going to make it work we have to compromise. i get it, i haven’t been much  help or support but i am trying to get better, for you and the baby.” 
you falter, you know that you have been tough on him but he is also making an effort by even showing up at all. sighing, you look to yoongi thoughtfully. “you’re right and I am sorry for lashing out, but this is one thing i won’t change my mind on. we have many decisions to make together, but this one i need for myself.” you say, rubbing your arm sheepishly.
“that’s fine, we can make that work.” yoongi smiles softly, to which you can’t help but return.
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five months.
some would be shocked at the progress yourself and yoongi had made, having a baby really changed people. yoongi was much sweeter now, having dropped most of the formalities in favour of your ‘beautiful’ name, or so he called it. the executive brought you lunch almost everyday, left snacks and sweet notes to aid your cravings and ease your hormones. 
yoongi even offered to send you money for groceries, claiming he wanted the baby to have a healthy lifestyle from early on. of course you refused it, whilst you loved the support you were getting from him, it sent chills down your spine at how fast he’d changed.
“but what’s so wrong about that?” yura asks you one night. the pair of you are both cuddled up under heaps of blankets, your feet on her lap as she munches on the kale chips yoongi had given you that day. she inspects the green crisp for a moment, blinking before popping it on her tongue and crunching happily. “free food? comfier clothes? a driver? sounds like the life to me, YN.” 
you snatch the bag of chips away from your roommate, knowing it’ll spoil her appetite before your brother brings over dinner. peeking into the bag yourself, you swipe a few of the healthy snack for yourself, grimacing at the taste. what kind of sane person combines kale and chips? who? and it didn’t help that your cravings had kicked in. 
“there’s nothing wrong with it, i just don’t want money spent on me.” you whine and pout, shoving the chips away from yourself. 
yura only rolls her eyes and flicks your forehead. “but the moneys not for you it’s for miss yura junior over here!” she coos, raising her voice by a few octaves to talk to your bump. you watch with furrowed brows and a slight grimace as your roommate continues to make sounds horrifyingly similar to breeding cats.
“please, stop.” 
“nono, she loves it.” 
just at that moment, seokjin makes his entrance with bustling bags carried by his poor boyfriend- namjoon. you push yura away from your bump in order to make an effort in reaching namjoon but he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“you mean, he,” your brother comments and settles himself in the kitchen to prep you a meal. “i can already tell, that little critter in there is a boy and none of you can convince me otherwise.” he insists loudly, causing namjoon to roll his eyes.
“maybe YN’s results will...” yura turns to you with a mischievous glint, itching her fingers up your side knowing full well how ticklish you were. you’d probably sock her in the face with how much you wriggled. 
“and there’s not a chance that either of you will find out, i’m under strict instructions to keep the results from you. all of you.” namjoon interjects pointedly, sagging into the seats and rubbing his arms from all the shopping your brother made him carry. yura sticks her tongue out at him. “now what’s this about baby daddy money?” 
pulling the blankets up to your chin, you sigh, pouting over at namjoon. namjoon was like a second elder brother to you, quiet and helpful much unlike seokjin. you suppose that’s why the pair made such good partners, they balanced each other out well. “yoongi has been sending things over to help take care of myself and the baby but, it’s too much!” you huff and throw yourself back into the couch, sinking in and away from the world. “he even moved my desk at work, closer to his!” 
joon tilts his head, looking at you with a knowing smirk and taps his nose. “sounds like this yoongi guy has a thing for you.” 
“nuh uh, never, nada...nope!” you counter, shaking your head. there’s no way in hell yoongi could possibly feel that way about you. your hook up was a one time thing and you didn’t quite match up to the other girls he hooked up with at the office. “never in a million years. not possible.”
“you never know, YN,” he hums back, shrugging nonchalantly.  “yoongi could be everything you least expect.”
you lose yourself in namjoon’s the words, thinking deeply as seokjin starts to being out the dinner trays.
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“can you believe, min yoongi put a baby in her?” 
“i want to know how his dick even got up just by looking at her.”
your skin crawls with discomfort as you enter the break room, your co-workers instantly silencing. this was common, for them to make you the subject of their idol chit chat. of course with your sudden pregnancy and yoongi’s newfound favouritism for you during meetings and overall, it only made sense for everyone to put two and two together. 
jealous female coworkers didn’t like the idea that min yoongi didn’t want to hook up anymore, he wanted to focus on the one thing more important than his job. 
he wanted to focus on you. 
so now you were YN KIM, the red label’s pregnant whore. katie’s words, not your own. she was a new international relations employee from overseas, working with your departments new collection to debut in the US market. 
you loathed her. 
“good morning, YN,” she beamed, flicking her bleach blonde locks over her shoulder and pursed her lips the tacky barbie pink lipstick on. her insect eyes shift up and down your frame, making you curl in on yourself uncomfortably. “you’re looking a little bloated today.” 
you bite your lip in an effort to stop it from quivering, holding your bump protectively as you wait for the kettle to boil for some tea. “i’m pregnant.” you mumble quietly as a line of defence, wincing as katie and her minions let out high pitched, squeaking laughs. 
“are you sure? it seems like you’ve put on a few.”
gasping, you drop the mug you were using for tea and bite your lip, desperate for the tears not to fall. as quickly as you can, you shuffle out of the dreaded break room and ignore the ugly chuckles of your coworkers, making a break for the bathrooms. 
bursting into the room, you brush past whoever’s about to leave and dash to the taps to splash cold water over your hot, tear stained cheeks. you hope to god that no one is here to see your snotty faced, crying session but your biggest nightmare only comes true when a warm hand settles on your shoulder. 
“hate to break it to you sweetheart, but i don’t think this is the little ladies room,” you pout through your tears as you turn to face the voice, absolutely mortified when you notice them to be jimin. the blonde offers you a small smile that drops when he notes your sniffling, immediately replacing his expression with a look of concern. “ah! YN? are you alright?” 
clearly not, you think but allow jimin to grab you some tissues and dab at your tears. jimin was a sweet boy, a fresh face around the company since he was hired to replace yoongi’s assistant (she had quit for undisclosed reasons.). the boy was smartly dressed, always in a blazer and woven sweater. he wore circular specs that always slid down his nose, but his golden weaved hair was always pushed back in away that had the ladies drooling.
“what happened?” jimin asks quietly, helping you fix your makeup to a presentable state. his touch is gentle as he dabs under your eyes, looking at you earnestly.
“promise you won’t tell yoongi?” 
you sigh heavily when the man steps back, offering him tired smile with puffy eyes. “the inernational relations girl has turned every one of my coworkers against me, ever since she found out that yoongi was too committed for hookups...” you mumble sadly, gesturing to your bump as jimin follows your gaze. 
the blonde steps forward, grabbing your hands and holding them tight as he shakes his head. “they’re just jealous!” he exclaims, making you jump slightly. “i would be too if i was one of them, you’re a beautiful girl YN, with a beautiful baby coming along. if they’re going to be mean about it, they can fuck themselves because yoongi sure ain’t.” he finishes with a triumphant smile, looking down at you.
jimin is a sweetheart, and having only seen him around the office you know that you have someone trustworthy on your side for now. “thank you jimin, so much for your kind words.” 
the blond only tilts his head, offering you a crescent moon eyed smile. “anytime, YN! now let’s get you back on that office floor.” he beams and takes your hand, leading you back to your desk, much to the dismay of all the other girls.
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“repeat that again.” 
“i fired her.” 
yoongi punctuates every word, teeth grit as he spits them out. it’s almost as if thinking about the incident makes him angry, which of course it does, grown women bullying the mother of his child. 
you sit straight faced in yoongi’s office chair, the doors are locked and the curtains open widely. the pale light of the clouded seoul sky brightens up the dark scowl on his face, as it caresses the curve of his pink lips and slope of his nose. shaking your head, you watch as yoongi fixes his suit and makes his way over to you. his steely, copper eyes are locked on your smaller frame as he flattens his palms out on the desk before you. 
he really is mad and you can’t blame jimin for telling yoongi the truth. 
“why?” you gasp with parted lips, looking up at yoongi with innocent eyes in hopes of ridding him from his scowl. 
the man himself leans down close to you, his face within an inch of yours and his lips deathly close to your own. his breath is warm against your top lip, and you force your gaze upwards into his dark, liquorish eyes. “you know why, YN. there’s no way i’m going to have the women in this office harass you for my actions, for carrying my baby.” he seethes, tone contrasting with the forefinger and thumb he uses to gently tilt your chin up so you face him. 
“if that’s the case, then you should have fired the whole floor.” you say meekly and gulp, this was the most yoongi had ever touched you since that night you spent tangled in each other’s arms, while he passionately ground his hips into- YN! you’re getting sidetracked! of course, aside from the occasional hand at the waist or on your bump to guide you. 
“i would, for you.” 
the line sends shivers down your spine and you bite your lip, lowering your gaze.
yoongi smirks down at you, letting you go gently and you’re left wondering how much power he really has in this company. the executive pulls up a chair beside you, grabbing your hand after a beat of silence. “YN, I’ve been doing some thinking, and i believe it would be best for you and the baby to move in with me in my penthouse down town,” yoongi explains simply, as your brows furrow in confusion.
“of course we’ll get a bigger place when he or she arrives, but i’ll take care of that and in the meantime i think it would also be in our best interest for you to quit your job here.”
“excuse me?” 
yoongi hums absentmindedly. “i asked you to-“ 
“no i heard what you said, it’s absolutely ridiculous yoongi!” you cry and tear your hand from his, the deep set frown on your face growing into an ugly glare. the man simply sits back in his chair, confused. “you think just because i have your child inside of me, i’m going to do everything you say? quit my job? i worked hard to be here, i sacrificed days and hours for this position and i’m not going to leave my hard earned job because you have money and because you can get want you want.” 
he stands, pushing a hand through his dark hair and stepping towards you. you weren’t going to let this man intimidate you. “YN, i’m simply making a few suggestions that will make this pregnancy easier.” yoongi growls lowly, feeling the anger boil up inside of him. why couldn’t you see that he just wanted to help?
“christ, yoongi! why can’t you see that i have a mind of my own as well?” you mutter, the hot rage coursing through your veins becoming a muted frustration. anger isn’t good for the baby and you know yoongi only means well. defeated, you pick up your bag and nod over to the man before you. “i appreciate all the help you’ve given these last few months, but i’m not a doll like your other girls, yoongi, i’m human too.”
you mumble the last part, adding that you’ll take a few days off if it pleases him. as you leave the office, yoongi is left with the lingering feeling that he’s disappointed you yet again,  wanting more than anything to fix this. 
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“YN, sweetheart! YN...please wait!” 
your frown deepens and shoulders hunch over the kart at the sound of yoongi’s voice. if only you weren’t pregnant— maybe then could you run a little faster. the executive calls your name again, following after you as you turn the corner into the baby isle. all you wanted to do was shop, for your baby— undisturbed. 
rolling your shoulders, you push the kart at a faster pace and try to focus your attention on the adorable little baby grows with a range of soft pastels. “YN...” you cease at yoongi’s whining tone, biting your lip as you start to count to ten. “YN, please.” one, two, three—
“what? what yoongi?” 
yoongi throws his hands up into the air in defence, blinking shortly. you sigh in defeat and stop the kart in front of the teething toys and give the executive a lazy once over— his fit is different to what you would typically see him in, aside from his gucci and dior fabric suits. today he dons a tight fitting black t-shirt and casual black jeans that hug his thighs deliciously. breathing in deeply through your nose, your eyes flicker back up to meet yoongi’s sheepish honey ones, you nod to him to continue. 
“i’m sorry,” he breathes hesitantly, debating whether or not he should reach out and touch you. “i’m sorry for making you feel like i was taking your career away from you. i know how much this job means to you and also how hard you worked for it...” the executive bites his lip and watches earnestly as you quirk you’re brow, cocking your hip as if to say ‘oh really, min yoongi?’. the man himself knows that you mean business and chooses his next words carefully. “what i’m trying to say, is that i was out of line. just because we’re having a baby together, doesn’t mean i have a right to dictate your life.” 
the brunette looks down, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. you hum happily and take a baby grow off of the shelf, smiling at the words embroidered into the soft white fabric. ‘daddy’s number one fan.’
“you can make it up to me by pushing around this kart,” you wink and dump the tiny clothing into the object itself. “it’s heavy.” 
yoongi smiles gratefully, lifting his head and gripping the kart. “anything for you, darling.” 
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seven months.
“so what kind of gender reveal are we doing? cake, balloons—ooooh! confetti!” 
eyes rolling, you  set the small box of collectible doohickeys on the smooth glass tables of yoongi’s fancy, four bedroom apartment. it was a place uptown with views of cotton candy sunrises, baby blues and pinks that swirled with light oranges just above vast greenery. yoongi had bought a year or two again with no use but now it was being made into a space for you, himself and the baby— right after you agreed to move in with him. 
yura is perched in the plush leather couch, fur blankets draped over the backs that you eye suspiciously— you’re sure that when the baby comes, they’re something that you’ll have to replace, in fear they’ll be stained with baby fluids. “YN...” she sings with her pen between her teeth, she’d been planning your baby shower since you’d been too wrapped up with OB appointments and settling in with yoongi.
as you blink, you pick up a small snow globe from one of your family vacations with seokjin— tilting your head with a sly smile. “you know there isn’t going to be a gender reveal,” you put the globe down. would go nice with the kitchen? you’d have to put it out of the little one’s reach, though. “not until the baby is born, yura.” 
“what’s happening to yura when the baby’s born?” 
“you guys are so lame.” the girl in question scoffs, kicking her feet in defeat as she gives you an exaggerated sigh. yura pokes an unsuspecting yoongi in the chest as he enters the room with one of the final boxes before; she skips out to help your brother and his boyfriend with the rest. soaring a glance, you notice that ‘kitchenware’ is scrawled across the brown cardboard in the executive’s messy chicken scratch— something about the man that you’ve come to adore over the last few months. yoongi had done many things for you and the baby, so you knew moving in with him would give him some sense of security— and it made you feel much better.
yoongi looks up at you, confused as you start to giggle— moving to help him unpack the pretty marbled dishes you’d picked out with him. “why are we the lame ones?” he says with a pout, whiny tone like music to your ears. 
“she’s still not over our decision to keep the baby’s gender a secret,” you raise your brows in a knowing look, reaching over and grabbing the executive’s hand sweetly. “she wanted to do a gender reveal.” 
“we still could,” yoongi teases you playfully, as he uses your intertwined hands to twirl you into his chest so that he could hug you from behind. you shake your head with a bubble of laughter at the dark haired man’s antics— only quieting down when his hands slip down to your bump. a comfortable silence sweeps over you both, nothing but the sounds of your anticipating breathing filling the little space between you. another beat of silence passes before you feel the light tremor of feet and hands from the bump. “there they are.” 
the pair of you spend the next few moments wrapped up in each other’s arms, waiting for your little treasure to kick and push at your tummy— but to your dismay, yoongi makes a quick departure after receiving a call from the board. for you, work had been slow and difficult as your pregnancy progressed whilst yoongi’s grew busier and busier as the season deadlines approached. you’d decided to take your leave, finding it harder to keep on your feet while your ankles begin to swell and your joints became sore— yoongi of course, was relieved. 
“you two are getting affectionate.” namjoon comments, sliding into the room after your boss has left. you roll your eyes and make a move to sit on the plush couch, your little one becoming too excited. 
the elder male quickly rushes over, taking your hand as he helps you to sit— you smile gratefully as thanks. “we’re just friends.” 
“friends who‘re having a baby together.” 
biting your lip, you pause your actions as an uneasy feeling spikes up within your chest. yoongi couldn’t possibly see you both as more than friends— he was in this for the baby and so were you. it didn’t matter that he sometimes kissed closer to your lips than normal or that he had a habit of making you blush. it didn’t matter that he called you sweet names, held your hand tight and was protective over you because mon yoongi wasn’t falling for you. was he?
or could it be, that you were falling for him?
namjoon’s brow creases with worry when your silence boarders on the edge of uncomfortable— making him take your hand in his, once more. “YN, are you okay? did i say something wrong-?” 
“n-no i’m just...i’m just scared, joon,” you whisper, throat drying at your sudden realisation. the whole world feels as if it’s about the slip away from under your feet, the words you’re about to say— foreign on your tongue. namjoon looks up at you, the fear in his whiskey eyes reflecting your own. “i’m scared.”
“of what, YN?” the latter mumbles, concerned. 
“of falling,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. “of falling for min yoongi.” 
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min yoongi had come to realise that parties were never really his thing. 
they were easier to enjoy when people were drunk off their minds and didn’t know what was up or what was down. but observing the gathering from the edge of the room— completely sober and nursing a glass of baby champ had shown min yoongi that he’d never really liked parties. 
there were too many loud noises— the squealing from your friend and chatter from excited guests— and too many people, bodies closely packed in a tight space. at least when he was drunk, he was too out of his mind to care, but he was going to be a father now and taking care of his little humans meant taking care of himself. 
after all, drinking is what brought him is little gift in the first place. 
the only thing that makes the night more tolerable is the bright smile that you have plastered on your face. the executive grins when his gaze finds yours, you give him the sweetest of beams before turning back to conversing with one of your childhood friends. yoongi loves the way you look tonight; you’d settled on blush pink dress— one from a collection you’d designed yourself. he remembers how hard you’d worked to finish the designs before taking your leave, so he was adamant that you would wear the dress, the first of its kind.  your hair frames your face perfectly, each curl falling perfectly into place— caressing your soft cheeks that are lightly dusted with a warm blush to compliment the shadows that paint your eyelids. 
“you’re drooling, hyung...” 
the dark haired male jumps at the smooth voice from behind him, a scowl replacing the loving smile that once tickled at his lips. yoongi spins on his heel, adjusting his tailored jacket as his driver, taehyung slips an arm around his shoulders. the two had known each other for longer than it might have seemed, the younger being one of the few people yoongi actually trusted. they’d met back in college, before yoongi had become a big hot shot, before he fell into the world of sex, alcohol and money.
they’d lost touch when yoongi moved from deagu to work in seoul, seeing taehyung working there as a driver had been a pleasant surprise. the royal blue haired boy hasn’t changed a bit, the only thing being that he’d started dating the printer boy, jimin— who the executive ended up promoting because he loved the two so much. they were a trio, a little circle of trust and yoongi’s home away from home. 
but that didn’t stop the executive from cursing out his long time friend. “what the fuck taehyung?” yoongi hisses, pushing the driver lightly. he gives a brilliant laugh in response, as bright and as colourful as his head full of  “do i look like some kind of fucking dog to you?” 
jimin appears on yoongi’s left, wrapping his own arm around the older’s shoulder and linking his hand with his lover. oh god, the terrible two. who knew what mischievous they would get up to when together. “you do look like a puppy in love,” the blonde comments, tapping yoongi’s nose with his small pinky. he’s only a little bit tipsy, probably because of the whisky yoongi had caught them sneaking in. “woof woof.” 
“if hyung was a dog, what breed would he be?” 
“probably a chihuahua, small but...deadly.”
yoongi sighs, gaze switching between the two lovers as they squabbled over dog breeds excitedly. one, two, three, four— “do you need something?” he asks the pair, praying to heavens that they don’t and that they’ll leave him alone. 
jimin giggles, the sound bubbling from between his lush lips. “we’re here to give you a pep talk.” 
“you should tell her how you feel,” taehyung mumbles, clinging onto yoongi. affectionate and drunk. “you love her, everyone can see it.” 
“no they can’t—“ yoongi protests, but it’s far too late. the intoxicated pair of lovers are already pushing him in your direction and he can feel his heart beating violently in his chest as he nears you. since when were you able to make him nervous? perhaps his long time friends were right, the executive had felt himself grow fond of you— almost like his world revolves around you. he was with you not just for his child but for something much greater than himself. yoongi rolls his shoulders, his fingers barely touching at your own as he does his best to grab your attention, but then you turn around— glittering eyes shining even brighter at you look to him, the wisps of a greeting painted on your pink lips. “YN... i—“
his thoughts race a million miles a minute, just staring down at you makes yoongi’s heart stop. you barely have time to greet each other, before a loud nasally voice cuts through the buzzing electricity between you. “ahhh, mr min! the man of the hour, i’ve been dying to meet you.” 
“mum,” you whine with a shy smile, linking your arms with yoongi in an affectionate manner. “play nice.” 
“am i ever anything but?” 
taking the time to look between the two women, he notices the endearing similarities between you and your mother. like the crinkles under your eyes when you grin and the little tilt of your head when you listen intently. he can’t help but wonder what little habits your child will pick up when they’re a little older, will they be more like him? or like you? yoongi hopes to the heavens that your baby turns out like you. 
the man is so lost in thought that he almost forgets to introduce himself. “yoongi is just fine ma’am.” he smiles brightly, holding out a hand for mrs kim to shake— kissing it sweetly when she does so. he can’t help but blush under the intent gaze of your mother, squeezing your arm with nerves as he brushes through the terrains of his dark locks sheepishly. 
truth be told, meeting your mother was the most daunting part of the evening for yoongi. you had painted a picture of regal woman, to yoongi, mrs kim with deepest eyes that were warm and soft— seemingly   yes, he had faced celebrities and big bad CEOs but this was the grandmother of his unborn child. the woman who had raised and brought you into the world— he needed to prove himself worthy, especially since he’d impregnated you outside of marriage. yoongi wanted to show your mother that he could take care of you. 
“what a charming young man, YN, darling,” mrs kim chuckles, batting her lashes up at the executive. yoongi only chuckles shyly, feeling his heart rate increase at the compliment. he was never good at taking those. “you never told me he was this attractive, you’ll make handsome children.” 
“ah but mrs kim, i’m sure that if our child does turn out as handsome as you say— it’ll all be due to YN and you of course.” yoongi grins cheekily, ducking his head when you swat his shoulder playfully. the rose tint on your cheeks tells yoongi that his words have done their job in making you flustered and of course impressing your mother too. 
the woman in question gives the executive a quick wink. “ever the flatterer too, hm?” 
“yes ma’am.” 
the conversation lasts for a minute or so longer before you’re rushing off to stop a slightly intoxicated jimin from stripping on the snack table as yura and taehyung cheer him on from below. affectionately, you lean up and kiss yoongi on the cheek before hurrying off with the help of your brother— leaving him alone with the intimidating presence of mrs kim herself.
moments pass without a word and yoongi wishes that he had stolen the liquor from tae so it’d at least soothe the adrenaline coursing through his veins. “i believe you’ll make a great father, min yoongi,” your mother announces, eyes trained on the daughter that she raised. “the way this baby has come about may be unconventional...but seokjin tells me you’ve stepped up to the plate, that you’ve come a long way.” she pauses, taking a breath as if she’s evaluating her words. “i know that you’ll take care of them, my daughter and her baby but i fear you’re not being one hundred percent honest.”
“i’m not?” the executive questions, lips forming a pout of confusion. whilst he was glad that seokjin had spoken highly of him and that despite the circumstances, your mother supported you both— he feared that if he’d lost your mother’s approval, you would take his child and not look back. 
mrs. kim shakes her head fondly, a light chuckle filling the air between them. “oh don’t look so afraid child, i mean, you’re not being honest with yourself.” she chides, rubbing yoongi’s forearm as his brows furrow further. still confused, a question forms on his lips but the executive is silenced by another tsk from your mother. “you’re in love with my daughter, it’s clear as day and i‘m afraid that if you don’t tell her now or ever— she’ll grow fearsome herself, fail to commit and...” the woman takes a deep breath, casting a gaze over to you that yoongi can’t help but follow. “she needs someone like you to take care of her when she doesn’t want any help. i trust you to do that for me, min yoongi.” 
the dark haired male takes a deep breath through his nose, watching as the elder woman takes her leave in favour of helping you calm your friends. he knows in his heart that she’s right, he loves you. he loves everything about you. 
and there was no better time to tell you, than now. 
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the drive home is comfortable, quiet. yoongi steers with his eyes on the road and his hand intertwined with you over the console. he’s not watching you, but he knows that you’re counting the raindrops that slide down the tinted windows and merge with one another, you’ve told him that it was a habit you picked up as a child. 
the baby shower wrapped up just after eleven p.m, when you’d started to complain of sore feet and the baby begun kicking to their heart’s content. like the loving brother he was, seokjin offered to help clear up whilst joon packed a drunk, snogging jimin and taehyung into his own car to drop them home. you’d thanked them endlessly, only playing nice because yoongi had promised you a foot massage when you’d returned home. 
pulling into the driveway, yoongi turns off the ignition and lets the car fall into rest, the drifting hum of the car helping to steadying his nervous breathing. “we’re home,” he mumbles, more so to himself than you— biting at the skin of his lower lip. you’ve stopped counting the raindrops now, turning to face the man with a brow raised in confusion. 
“yoongi, is everything alright?” you ask, squeezing his hand tighter now, it feels weighty in your own— reassuring to hold like an enveloping warmth that touches your heart. even though the car is dark, you can still make out the lines of worry that crease in his forehead, he’s never usually this quiet, uncomfortably quiet. “please... you’re scaring me...”
“i’m in love with you.” he says after what seems like years of deafening silence, finally meeting your eyes with a steeling gaze. you gasp, jumping back in shock but yoongi doesn’t dare let your hand slip from his. you feared this, the day that he told you such a sweet little lie. because how could he ever love you? you were just a girl from an office party with nothing special about you. min yoongi didn’t care for you, is what your thoughts forced you to believe but your heart knew better. “and i...i know that you’re scared, i am too. but YN, i can promise you now, that i’ve never been so sure of this, of loving you than i have about anyone...”
yoongi takes both of your hands this time, dark, stormy eyes fluttering across your face earnestly. you know in your heart that you love him too, you’ve felt it for a while but he continues, giving you all the more reason to trust in his words. “you’re beautiful and kind, and these last few months i’ve realised that you’re more than i ever deserve,” he pauses, looking away shyly as he opens up to you. “and i love you, so much i-“
“just shut up and kiss me, min yoongi.” you whisper in response, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. your lips meld together perfectly as your hands move into the oblivion sea of his hair, gripping the locks tightly while your tongue finds his— engaging in a battle of passion. memories flash behind your eyes of the night you spent with yoongi, the one that gave you your gift. his hands sneak down to your waist as you kiss him eagerly, pouring a million and one emotions into it. 
you don’t remember making it inside of the apartment, yoongi mumbling something about ‘not here’ in terms of taking you inside of the car. there’s a clash of tongue and teeth as you stumble up to your shared bedroom, pushing off clothes and letting out whimpers of one another’s names but when you reach the bed, rushed kisses become slow and steady, tender touches to your face and hips. “i want you,” yoongi says lowly, fingers tangling in your hair. “i want to take my time with you.” 
you nod slowly as he pecks your lips once before kissing a sweet trail down your body and to your ankles. yoongi silently pulls of each of your shoes, massaging your swollen ankles as he smooths over your skin. you let yoongi take off your jewellery and smooch at your wrists, let down your hair and finally— unzip your dress. instinctively, your arms wrap around yourself like a protective barrier, shielding your body from yoongi’s moonlit gaze. of course, you weren’t ashamed to be carrying life inside of you but your body was in no way what it was before. you had stretch marks from your growing bump and swollen breasts that started to lactate here and there— you weren’t ashamed just shy. 
“yoongi...i-“ you cant seem to find the words, gasping as the executive leans over you and pushes you down onto the bed. his slender fingers capture your wrists, gently pinning them above your head as his lips hover teasingly over your own. 
yoongi tilts his head, allowing the moonlight seeping through the curtains to illuminate his features— the slope of his nose and the dip of his cupid’s bow. the darkness in his whiskey eyes and the black flecks that paint them. he’s beautiful. “you’re beautiful,” he whispers, staring deep into your eyes. “you’re glowing, pregnant or not i still find you stunning. please don’t hide your beauty from me.” 
a small smile tugs at the curve of your lips as you nod silently, the man above you taking it as a sign to continue further. yoongi skilfully unclips your bra as his own lips find your neck, sucking on it diligently while your quiet whimpers fill the air like music to his ears. he litters your blank skin with shades of midnight blue and night sky purple as you arch your back into his chest but it’s not enough— you want to feel his skin against yours, the warmth of his body tangling with your own. 
“off,” you mumble, pushing at his shirt while his calloused hands rub circles into your bare hips. “take it off.” yoongi obliges, pulling away from you for just a brief second to strip off his button up— his suit jacket and tie having been thrown off as you stumbled into the house. his skin is milky and pale, only dotted with light patches of freckles and scars fading with adult hood. “you’re beautiful too.” you add, looking yoongi deep in the eye.
he shakes his head fondly, kissing you again but only briefly. “i love you,” he utters into the quiet night before moving down to peck your bump. “i love you too.” you wait a moment as your baby delivers a small kick, seemingly tired out for now and share a gummy smile with yoongi. from there, your lover makes quick work of your panties, pulling them off in one swift movement as he takes to spreading your legs. 
his touches are feather light, kisses like wise as the drift across your inner thighs and avoid where you need him most.  “please, please yoongi.” you chant his name like a mantra, his warm breath making you even more sensitive than before.
“what is it that you need sweetheart? tell me.” 
you chest heaves as yoongi smooths over your thighs, enjoying your responsiveness to him. “you, need you to touch me! god, please yoongi.” you whine, legs beginning to tremble with need. the executive only chuckles at the mention of his name, using his large hands to spread you open again, a single digit traces the outline of your heat, causing your hips to twitch up and follow the source of your pleasure. 
 “you’re so wet for me sweetheart and i haven’t even touched you yet,” yoongi coos, collecting your nectar with two fingers. he moans at the taste, leaning into your dripping heat with his tongue and swiping at the rest, making you whine and writhe in satisfaction. you had no idea why you were so sensitive and needy for his touch— blame it on the pregnancy hormones— it was almost as if yoongi had set alight a fire under your skin, scorching you with a hot desire as he spread your lower lips and tongue slipping past your wet hole.
fingers grip at his hair while you open up for him like a flower, hips rutting into his mouth as his plush lips sloppily kissed at your pulsing clit. “god, yoongi!” you cried, eyes rolling back as he slipped a digit past your entrance, curling it along side his tongue causing more of your hot slick to gush down your thighs, urging yoongi on while he moaned into your mess. the vibrations sent chills up your spine, making you arch your back and scream into the night, arousal spreading through your body and coursing through your veins. “please.” 
“please, what?” the man in question asked, pressing your hips down as he looked up at you, evidence of your arousal painting his cheeks and chin. “tell daddy so he can help his baby.” yoongi cooed, replacing his tongue with two fingers, the stretch becoming a satisfying burn as he prepared you for his cock. 
you writhed as the title slipped carelessly from between his lips, squeezing your tightness around his fingers as you struggled to keep your thighs apart. you were his baby and he was going to spoil you rotten. “wanna...wanna,” you fumble over your words as yoongi curls his fingers, pressing them into that spot that has you wriggling in the sheets—desperate for release. “wanna cum,” 
“oh baby, you can only cum when daddy’s filling you up, yeah?” he speaks softly, all the love in the world intertwined with his quiet syllables. yoongi lazily draws circles on your clit, pressing his forehead to yours as she whispers sweet praises against your lips— they don’t stop when he pulls his fingers from your swollen heat nor do the kisses that come as he sheds the remainder of his clothes and aligns his hardened cock at your entrance. 
you bite your lip harshly, eyes rolling with pleasure as yoongi’s hands find your own— his length pushing between your folds teasingly. you squeeze at your intertwined fingers, a sign that you’re ready to take him, that you don’t want to wait anymore. yoongi looks to you lovingly, lips hovering over your own, barely touching but saying every word and then some— you feel it, you see it that in this moment he loves you and for those to come, he loves you. 
with a silent nod and another squeeze of your hands, yoongi pushes past your entrance, nestling his cock within the heat of your soaked walls. together, your share a gasp— finally being united as one. this time feels like your first together, no drunken hook ups, just you and yoongi and all the love in the world, between you both. his warm breath fans over your face like an ocean breeze as he sets a rhythm with his hips, slow at first with easy rolls of his body against  yours— only speeding up with every octave that your moans rise in. 
“yoongi...feels so good,” you mumble breathlessly, freeing one hand from his and burying them deep in his oblivion hair. yoongi only smiles down at you in response, bucking his hips a little feverishly as he drags the tip of his cock against your velvet lined walls. you jolt with pleasure, beginning to grind your hips back, in wanton— finding your hand slipping down to cup the man’s cheeks, letting him peck your finger tips that rest near the corners of his mouth. “so...so good...” 
yoongi leans down, being mindful of the bump as he presses his chest to yours, your intertwined hands finding purchase in the silk of your sheets while he bottoms out inside of you. the room becomes filled with a vivid heat, the scent of passion twisting with the air leaving a lingering touch on your skin.  “yeah? you like that sweetheart?” his voice is a light whisper, sending shivers down your spine as you arch your back into him. “love seeing you like this, angel,” he praises too, nosing your cheek as you fall into another pitfall of pleasure— a symphony of your sweet moans playing on repeat. “so swollen and full, carrying my sweet baby. love how big you’ve gotten for me.” 
the silver words that slip from yoongi’s silver tongue have you throwing your head back, light perspiration licking at your skin as he takes the opportunity to ravish your neck once more. “got me so worked up, thinking bout those beautiful tits,“ his words start to slur as his free hand grips your breast squeezing them hard, so hard that you’re fearful they might start to leak. “can’t wait to taste that sweet milk, that you make for my baby. mine.” 
yoongi ends his sentence in a grunt, cock thrusting mercilessly into your weeping hole, as he takes you over and over. words barely form on your lips, drowned out by the sound of skin slapping on skin and the moans that urge each other on.  he drops his head to the junction between your neck and shoulder, hot breath tickling at your skin while you tug at his hair, his thick length pumping in and out of you, dragging you closer to the edge.
“yours, im all yours,” you whimper and clutch him closely as the tip of his cock brushes over that spot. tears spring in your eyes, yoongi’s hips rocking back and forth inside of you— the knot in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter. “i’m so close, please yoongi—daddy.” 
he draws himself from your neck, pressing his forehead to yours once more as he mimics your pants, chest heaving with yours as you both draw to a close. 
“cum with me sweetheart, i’ve got you...d-daddy’s got you—“ his breathing stutters, the feeling of you clenching around him becoming too much for him to bare as his thrusts become sloppy. “let me pump you full of my seed, give you another baby—“ 
“ohgod, yoongi!” 
he pants out the last part, desperate to bring you to release. you know that his words are impossible, but the steer you on nonetheless, a blinding light flashing behind your eyes as a wave of goosebumps rise across the planes of your skin. you stumble into your orgasm, releasing onto his cock and fall into yoongi’s arms, spasming as he whispers cotton candy words into your ears while he chases after his own high.
“fuck baby, you’re so good for me, my beautiful girl.” he stammers out, tripping over his words as he fills you up with the seed of his orgasm. with trembling arms, yoongi collapses to your side, lips bright red and swollen, glass milk skin bruised and bitten. he looks beautiful like this, hair slightly frazzled from your exploring fingers as his chest rises and falls. he’s extraordinary. the executive shuffles, pulling you into his chest and kissing into your hairline with a small smile to his face. “you’re staring.” 
“i love you-“ you blurt, mind cleaning from the post orgasmic haze. you know that the words have been said already, before you tumbled into the sheets with the man beside you— but this time it feels different, feels more real. you love min yoongi with all that you have, from this nose scrunch when he laughs, to the creases between his brows when he concentrates, everything about him is something that you love. 
“i know,” he whispers, bumping your nose with his in an eskimo kiss. 
you blink back, lacing your fingers. “no yoongi, i’m in love with you—“
“i know,” yoongi chuckles, taking your hand in his before brushing his lips against your knuckles sweetly. “and i hope to god that the heavens know how much i’m in love with you.” 
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nine months.
he utters the command, simple— yoongi bends your will to suit him best. he loves having control over you, making you follow his every wish. you’re his little pet, and he’ll do with you as he pleases. shuffling, you pull off the his shirt that you wear— revealing that you’d gone bra less in favour for comfort. the executive let’s put a deep groan that has your nipples hardening just by the sound,  helpless whimper escaping your lips. 
“look at you baby, all swollen and leaking for me... daddy wishes he was there to punish you himself.” 
you pout heavily at his words, like you had when yoongi left two weeks into your third trimester for a three day business trip in the states. it was important, you knew that, he was finally closing the deal to debut The Red Label over there— he has big plans for the label and making you realise then, that your lover cared for the company more than you initially thought.  
“miss you, daddy,” you gasp, writhing under his gaze through the facetime camera— adjusting it so he could see your rising bump. “both of us do.” 
your third trimester was easier than expected, despite the aching feet and the constant desire to pee at the most inappropriate of times— the last few weeks of your pregnancy were on track to going well. your newfound boyfriend, yoongi, made sure to take care of you too, with sweet massages and passionate kisses, possessive touches to the waist and keeping your pregnancy hormones in check. 
ever since that night you couldn’t help but jump yoongi’s bones at any chance you got— not that he minded, he always said that being with you was like being together for the first time again. even if it was late nights before bed or five minutes before yoongi was due for a meeting, he still was tender with you, loving with you. he still loved you. 
your friends and family had instantly detected the shift in your relationship too, seokjin and namjoon giving your boyfriend the ‘you hurt my little sister and i’ll-“ talk. you know that they meant well, after all, who could imagine how far yoongi had come since the start of this all. he had begun your pregnancy as a disinterested asshole, who only cared for money or himself. he had no intent of bringing a child into the word but he really had stepped up since then, proven himself a worthy father to not just the baby, but yourself. 
“you look gorgeous, so round and full...” he whispers, tired eyes watching you through the screen. his milky skin reflects a warm orange hue from the hum of the hotel lights, his hair ruffled from the stresses of the day. you close your eyes, biting your lip as your boyfriend lets out an amused chuckle— shaking his head. “wanna fuck you good, keep you pregnant. love how you look carrying my baby.” 
“yes, sweetheart?” 
your boyfriend tilts his head, running his tongue over the roof of his mouth before leaning back in his chair as if he’s deciding what to do with you next—you know that you’re at his mercy, even if you’re a thousand miles apart. “touch yourself for me...but don’t you dare cum until i say so.” the man before you tuts, grinning evilly. “start with your nipples, sweetheart, i know they’re sensitive.” 
you follow his words, keeping your eyes on his as you guide your fingers to your hardened buds— swirling them in circles with a quiet whimper, eliciting a similar sound from your lover abroad. “more...want more...” you gasp, feeling on edge from the stimulation. 
“go ahead angel, touch yourself like daddy would.”
following his voice, your finger tips drift across your skin with a feather light touch, nothing like yoongi’s— but it will do for now. slowly, you move your laptop onto the sheets, giving your lover a clear view of the flower you hide between your legs, watching him shiver at the sight of your glistening hole. with shaky breaths, you start to rub shy circles into your clit— drawing patterns and figures of eight just like yoongi would.  pleasure tingles at every tip and joint in your body, trickling through your veins as your wetness drips down your thighs, just from the thoughts of yoongi watching you. 
“eyes open for me sweetheart,” he reminds you, guiding you gently to push two fingers past your entrance. you thrash in the sheets, desperate for more, to touch what only yoongi could reach— your hips buck up involuntarily at the thought of his large hands spreading you apart, fingers curling as the walls of your cervix pulse hotly around him. “that’s a good girl, doing so well for me, hm?” yoongi praises you, leaning into the screen. 
“mhm, your good girl...” you respond breathlessly, pumping your fingers in and out of your pussy as you spasm and twitch with arousal. a beautiful mess is what yoongi would call it, your slick paints your thighs with a glossy essence— illuminating your skin as you curl your digits in search for that special spot. “god please please please!” you chant as yyour thighs shake with delight, the feeling only heightened by yoongi’s constant praise, your hips move desperately to catch up with your fingers that run at their own pace.
“slow down angel, don’t you wanna be good for daddy?”
you want to roll your eyes at your boyfriend, but knowing him— he’d only extended your punishment. “no,” you mumble, almost sternly, picking up the speed and curling your fingers, dragging them across your walls as you let out a high pitched squeal. “wanna cum.” 
yoongi pauses and that’s when you know that you have him wrapped around your finger. a few pleases here and there have him nodding in permission for you to cum. your whole body shakes with delectation while yoongi coaxed you through your orgasm— stars twinkling behind your eyes as your released splashed out and coats your fingers. 
“fuck baby, you did such a good job for me— put on such a pretty show for me...” the executive curses, shifting in discomfort. you can tell by the look on his face, parted lips and a crease between his brow, that he’s struggling to hold down his arousal. while left shaking and heavily pregnant, you some how manage to shift into a comfortable position— giving yoongi the puppy dog eyes. 
“did daddy cum too?” 
“no baby,” 
a beat of silence and a grin from you. “please daddy, wanna see you cum too...”
a broken moan escapees from the confines of yoongi’s cherry lips, making you hum in satisfaction from across the globe. within an instant, the position of your boyfriend’s camera has changed— tilted down so you can get a good view of his cock springing free from his tight grey joggers. yoongi fists his length, hissing at the sensitivity, he’s bond turned on at this point. his cock stands at full attention, bright red tip burning in desperation as clear precum oozes heavily from its centre. throwing his head back, he begins to pump his girth, thick and wide, which makes your mouth water at the thought of it filling you up and stretching you open again.
“cum for me, yoonie,” you whisper, he’s barely three or four strokes in— too pent up to wait any longer, you have no idea how long he’s been holding it for. yoongi cums then and there, chest heaving with his dark hair matted to his forehead. thick ropes of his hot seed coats his knuckles, a shade much paler than his own skin. 
you smile brightly when your lover comes to, busying yourself by pulling his shirt back over your head and inhaling its scent— firewood and pine, reminding you of him. yoongi smirks lazily as he uses a tissue to wipe up his mess before tilting the web cam up to his face for a better view, he chuckles deeply and shakes his head like before. “god, YN, the things you do to me,” he muses, rolling his eyes at your antics. 
you mirror his smile, pressing a kiss to the screen as if he was really there. “you love me.”
“i do, so much.” 
“and i love you, even more.”
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although yoongi was meant to be returning today, you hadn’t been expecting any guests. 
the jingle of keys in the lock captures you’re attention, the re-run of ‘real house wives’ not doing anything to interest you. you weren’t expecting your lover for another few hours but perhaps this was his way of apologising for leaving so suddenly. yoongi had seemed stressed this morning when you called after your OB appointment, showing more pictures from your scans with dr. jihyo park— he’d shown little excitement towards the life you’d created together, which was highly unusual for him.
nonetheless, you adjust yoongi’s sweater around you and wrap your arms around your baby bump protectively, moving from your comfortable position in the depths of your couch in search of your lover. 
what you don’t expect, is the click of high heels against your marble floor.
what you least expect is the woman paired with them.
anyone with a pair of working eyes, or even less would know how beautiful of a woman she was. her skin was golden, dipped in honey and kissed by the gods of the above— unblemished and untouched. she had sharp features, cat like eyes, the colour of molasses paired with thick lashes and eyeliner that could cut diamonds. obsidian black and curled locks tumbled carelessly down her shoulders, framing her face perfectly whilst her ruby red dress hugged the dips and curves of her body— matching the blood red painted onto her lips. 
she was stunning. 
the stranger, however, seems too comfortable in your home. she knows exactly where to hang her keys and to put her jacket— she opens a letter that you know must be addressed to yoongi and simply tosses it aside as she struts through your home like she owns the place. it’s not until you’re standing out in the open for her to see, that she stops her actions, tilting her head into the air as if it’ll answer the questions in her puzzled mind.  
“i wasn’t aware that minmin had hired new staff, i’m joohee.” she introduces herself, clear voice echoing across the hall. 
you frown, rubbing your arm at her words. “who’s minmin?” 
“your boss? min yoongi.” joohee answers confusedly as she approaches you, handing you her luggage expectantly. a pitiful smile crosses her plump, devil lips as she eyes your bump— making your skin crawl and coddle it protectively. “you’re pregnant? how far along are you? such a shame that minmin didn’t give you any time off. his values can be pretty off-“ 
you drop joohee’s bag as you listen to her blabber, her voice becoming patronising and sickly to your ears. she looks as if she’s about to have her way with you, tear into you like a lost little lamb but you won’t dare be disrespected in your own home. “listen lady,” you seethe, hating that you look like the pregnant angry lady. “i don’t know who you are, or what business you have with my boyfriend but i am not the help. now if you don’t mind, i’d like you to leave my home before i cal” security.” 
the women before you lets her lips part with shock, quickly adjusting herself as if she’d been a doll in repair. her midnight eyes look you up and down while a cruel smirk as she takes her sunglasses from her air and toys with them between her perfectly white teeth. 
“ah, i see, yoongi’s been out to play while i’ve been away. you’d think he’d be loyal to his wife— wouldn’t you?” 
“w-wife?” you stammer, heart plummeting in your chest. you hadn’t noticed the diamond ring nestled comfortably on her ring finger— as if it had been there the whole time. 
joohee smiles again, one that could be on the front cover of vogue. “three years and counting, darling, who could have guessed.” her words are like bullets to the chest, taking you down one by one. your heart burns with an unfamiliar sensation— heartache? betrayal? you can’t tell. everything seems foggy, all lies with smoke and mirrors. you had to have known at some point that it was too good to be true. “some water, darling?” 
you shake your head at joohee, not realising the hand that claws at your throat. panic and pain crawl through your chest and hide in the ridges of your throat as you struggle to find the words to face the devil dressed in red satin. “no... i just, i just need a moment—“ you whisper, fiery tears burning in your eyes and threatening to scorch at the apples of your cheeks.
“take all the time you need, dearest.” 
you move swiftly from there, running to the nursery and grabbing the hospital bag you’ll need for the baby’s delivery before heading to yourself and yoongi’s shared bedroom. you stare at the room with disgust and hatred, you’d shared too many loving moments with this man for it to be true. he lied to you, lied to her most probably. 
you realise now that you were just another pawn in the game of chess called min yoongi.
through broken sobs, you manage to pack enough of your clothes to last you until you have time to come back. and so with trembling hands— you dial the phone and listen to it ring once before it picks up. 
“yes, YN— what’s wrong? are you... are you crying?” 
“please...come pick me up...” 
there are no more words as the line goes dead, a little piece inside of you— dying as well. 
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yoongi had known something was off that night when he came home. a seventy-two hour stay in the states was more than exhausting— dealing with press and foreign interviewers who only wanted to hear about ‘american inspirations’ the debut collection. the executive had wanted to tell them proudly, that it had been you leading the design team, his YN but he stuck with his simple answers of gucci and dior to appease the crowd. all he wanted now, was to curl up with his darling girlfriend and their unborn child. 
except... something was off. 
the house had been dark when he came in, a new set of keys by the door and an unfamiliar suitcase. yoongi knew, if there was anything to go by, that you would have the hum of real house wives on and the smell of those salted kale chips he made you eat— wafting through the air. but instead, the sultry tones of old, familiar jazz oozed from his living room accompanied by the soft sounds of glass on glass and wine pouring. 
“where is she? you bitch.” yoongi never swore at a woman, his mother raised him better than that but he heated the way joohee leisured on his couch— the couch where he lay with you for countless nights— sipping at a bottle of red wine. “answer me!” 
joohee barely flinched at the raise in the dark haired male’s voice, simply choosing to pour another glass of the fruity liquid for the man himself. “she left minmin, who wouldn’t after finding out their little boy toy is married.” she teased, each word she spat like poison from were sweet lips. 
“divorced, joohee, fucking divorced.” he heaved. “what the fuck did you tell her?” 
“correction, divorcing and only what she needed to hear.” 
yoongi remembers how fast he’d moved across the room, slamming his fist down on the coffee table so hard that it had almost shattered the glasses. that time, joohee had jumped, never had she ever seen yoongi so mad, so angry. “get the fuck out, walk out of the door and out of my life. it’s what you’re fucking good at.” 
joohee left not a minute later, leaving yoongi alone in the dark of his home. your home. the home you were supposed to share with one another, build a life in. he hadn’t wanted that with joohee, not after she ruined him and broke what soul he had. you were the one to have brought min yoongi back to life, but now, he had lost you.
min yoongi hadn’t cried in a long time, but tonight would be the first since then. 
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“YN...he’s calling again.” 
you look up briefly from folding freshly washed baby blankets and grows, to stare down at the phone that sits between yourself and yura before going back to the task at hand. 
“ignore it.” 
yura sighs, hitting decline before resuming her own activities— munching on the snacks yoongi had packed in your baby bag. ever since that night, seokjin had made sure you were guarded by at least one of your friends or family members. since you’d moved back in with him, either he or joon would watch you throughout the night, holding you while you cried your heart out. seokjin swore that the stress wasn’t good for the baby and that he’d  kill min yoongi if he ever saw the ‘fucker again’ but you couldn’t help it, the man that you loved so deeply, the one who’s child you carry lied to you and tore your heart in two. 
how could anyone lie about something like that?
moments pass before the phone rings again and you quickly reach over to hang up once more. “you really should talk to him YN. not for your sake but for the baby’s..” yura mumbles after a while, sucking the salt from her fingers as if she’s worried you’ll burst out mad at her. “maybe it’s not what you think—“ 
“how can it not be? he had a wife yura, he’s married! there’s no explanation for that!” you almost yell, clutching one of the grows to your chest tightly as if it’ll protect your heart. 
“but maybe—“ 
“stop trying to defend him!” 
“i’m not!” 
“then shut up, shut up because you don’t know anything.” you add sternly as your bottom lip starts to wobble, you breathe heavily trying to calm yourself down. the slight twinge in your lower belly doesn’t distract you from the pain in your heart. “you don’t know what it’s like to fall for someone like this, to think you have it all and then—“
yura looks at you patiently, one of her greatest traits. she didn’t lose her temper with you or fall into screaming matches when your hormones got the best of you. she may have been slightly ticked at you, but she knew better than to show it. “the what?” she comments, brow raising in interest. 
“nothing... i just, im sorry, i shouldn’t have yelled.” you bite your lip, putting down the small item of clothing and running a hand over your face. your roommate only shakes her head fondly, rubbing your shoulders, she knows this entire thing has been hard for you. you’d never planned to have a baby this early on in your life, you wanted big things and had major plans. 
and you gave it all up for yoongi. 
your friend smiles sadly, letting you go before heading to the doorway. “it’s okay, YN... i’ll give you some alone time.” 
she does just that, giving you room to breathe as a million thoughts and what ifs cross your mind. what if you’d never met yoongi? would you be the same person you are now, back then? would you want this? would you— a burning sensation spikes in your lower back, making you double over in pain, this hadn’t been like any pain you’d experienced before, nothing like the braxton hicks you’d been warned about. and then, there’s a light gush between your thighs— panic soaring in your chest. 
“y-yura-!” you gasp, steadying yourself on the nearest surface as the pain subsided unlike the fear and nerves that cloud your mind. “a-are you still there?” 
the girl scoffs playfully from the hallway, making herself known. “of course i am, i’m your babysitter remember? i wouldn’t actually leave you.” she mumbles, tone quietening as you whine with the next oncoming contraction. “YN...are you alright?” 
you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the dresser so hard your knuckles turn white with the force. “yura... i think— i think my water just broke...”
“oh shit.” 
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this, this was pain. 
yura whispers praise into your hairline while nurses flurry in and out of your room— she’d called your brother not long ago who was on his way from his last shift at work. you didn’t want to be alone. “why, why did i go through with this?” you whine, hair plastered against your forehead with sweat. people are surrounding you, telling you to push and then not to, everything is too overwhelming and all you want is the baby out of you. 
everything that could possibly go wrong, was going wrong. an ambulance had been unable to pick you up from your brother’s home, the delivery plan having been registered to yoongi’s house— meaning that your roomate had to drive you all the way to hospital herself, getting lost on the way. now you were being wheeled through the hell hole, on the way for your delivery.
“because you wanted this baby and you wanted it him?” yura suggests, squeezing your hand tightly— only wincing when you squeeze it back with the start of a contraction. “would now be a bad time tell you that i called yoongi?” 
“you what?” you screech, barely having time to be mad as another wave of pain hits burns at your waist. god, did you even think this part through? you barely register the door opening, another presence instantly by your side. your body responds naturally , calming in response to the man that’s now beside you. 
yoongi grips hand, and if you weren’t in so much pain you would have torn away— your heartbeat ceasing in your but you know that you need him here. the time to talk will be later. “im sorry,” he mumbles quietly as they prepare you for the delivery room. “im sorry i did this to you, that i hurt you and i know that you don’t want me here right now, but im not going anywhere. not when you need me.” 
curling in on yourself at the student wave on pain, you take a chance and stare up into his eyes— searching for the truth, for an answer. “okay,” you breathe, unsure of what you’ve uncovered behind yoongi’s dark eyes. “okay, lets do this.” 
the executive nods at the nurses to make a move for the private delivery rooms he’d booked earlier on in your pregnancy. he squeezes your hand with a promise to yura that he’d take care of you, while you brought new life into the world. 
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“she’s waiting for you, y’know.” 
yoongi doesn’t dare to look up, choosing to focus on the scuff on his shoes as a distraction from the conversation that is to come. it’s been hours, three or four, since the delivery— the birth of his child smooth sailing from the moment he took your hand but through all the screaming and cursing at him, yoongi couldn’t help but think of what he had lost. a family, a life with you. 
but now, your room was packed with the family you had built before him, namjoon cradling you’re infant in his arms as yura cooed away— playing with tiny fingers. the executive didn’t feel like he belonged, like he didn’t deserve to be in there with you. 
seokjin clears his throat with a roll of his shoulders before taking a seat next to the latter. as much as your brother despised yoongi, he knew in his heart that you were meant to be together. he’d seen you both grow from cold, isolated human beings into the warmth that a child needed to be in the world. seokjin would do this for you. for you and the baby. 
“look,” the elder starts, elbows on his knees to support himself as he rubs his hands together, ordering over his next choice of words. “i never liked you, i knew that you’d break her somehow—“ yoongi scoffs, cutting the other kim sibling off, as the words nick his heart. “— but i also know that she gave a lot up for you because she loves you. that mother in there, YN, is going to need all the help she can get and christ be damned that i’m going to give it to her but that baby... that baby is going to need a father. so either you step up and prove to her that you’re still in this or you take your leave now.” seokjin warns, this time— sparing a dark glare to a now intimidated min yoongi. “because the last thing they now need, is another let down.” 
the executive blinks, taking a moment to ponder your brother’s words. “i understand, thank you.” 
seokjin nods, moving into your room to round up your family— giving yoongi the space he needs to explain himself to you. when he enters, you have the baby swaddled in your arms with a look that says it all. that your entire world is right here with you. a look that makes yoongi fall in love with you all over again. 
“he’s beautiful,” you whisper, having heard the male come in— sparing him a short glance before looking back down at your baby, afraid that if you look away for too long, he’ll disappear. “don’t you think?”
the dark haired man can’t help but nod, approaching you slowly to admire his son— a small little thing with beautiful eyes to match your own and a head full of curls, just as dark as yoongi’s. “we made a beautiful little thing.” he comments, leaning down to brush his thumb over little min’s cheek. yoongi looks up, not realising how you watch him with tenderness, this was how it was supposed to be. “YN...i-“
“yoongi.” you breathe, turning back to focus on your baby. 
“i’m sorry, i should have told you— about joohee— about my marriage with her, which is over by the way...” yoongi hates how you flinch at the mention of his ex, reaching out to grab your hand. he breathes a sigh of relief when you don’t pull away like he expected you too. “we’re getting a divorce.” 
you gasp, all of your emotions flying at you at once. joohee had failed to mention that fact to you, something you might have heard if you’d heard yoongi out. “but she said—“ 
“i was with her a long time ago, back when i was working in daegu and she changed. the industry changed and she did too. joohee became manipulative and rude and—“ the executive closes his eyes, taking a moment to reflect. he’d never opened up about this before, but he needed you to understand...maybe forgive him. he needed to be in his child’s life. “and we weren’t working anymore, giving each other what we needed. i wanted white pickett fences, a dog, a family but she wanted all the money in the world and i couldn’t give her that.” he breathes, and you squeeze his hand. “but i met you at that party where i felt so free,”
his words come out as jumbled, becoming a ramble causing you to shake your head and grip the man’s wrist tighter. “yoongi.” 
“and then this happened and  i knew that i wanted all of that with you and our son and i’m so sorry that i put you through all of that pain, for not telling you—“
“min yoongi—“
“and i just miss you so much that it hurts, i want to be with you...”
“god min yoongi just shut up and kiss me!” you repeat your words from early on, using the hand that held his to pull him closer, pressing his lips against yours in a forgiving kiss. you pour all of your words and emotions into the movement of your lips against his, your love, your pain, your passion. you love him, you do— with all your heart and soul, the pair of you being mindful of the baby between you as you hold each other near and dear. “i-i love you,” you stammer, pressing your forehead against his. yoongi smiles, lips hovering over your own, he’s about to lean in for another kiss when your little boy gurgles between you. “and i love you too baby.” 
“does he have a name yet?” 
“i was waiting for you...”
yoongi smiles, letting your baby boy wrap his tiny fingers around his own. your body lights up with joy, if someone had told you— nine months ago, that you would end up with the worlds most beautiful baby boy, a man that you loved and a family that supported you... you would have laughed but now you’ve seen, that sometimes life has unexpected twists, good and bad. 
but luckily for you, you’d had a good one. “joonwoo,” your lover hums, kissing the top of your babies head before giving you the very same kiss. “that should be his name.” 
“joonwoo, meaning protection,” you mumble in a wordless agreement, observing your family. joonwoo had been a name you picked out with yoongi one night during the early stages of your pregnancy—you were surprised that he’d even remembered.  “it’s perfect.” yoongi would have your white pickett fences, your dog and your family home but for now, you would enjoy the moment— enjoy the time with your boys and wait for what the future would hold. 
you couldn’t wait to see where you’d be in another nine months from now. 
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“ahaha! look, they’re kissing! what did i tell you guys? thats twenty bucks… each!” taehyung exclaims happily, removing his face from the glass as he watches the happy family through it. jimin only rolls his eyes from behind his lover, arms aching slightly from the abundance of gifts he holds in them. 
yura rolls her shoulders, having half a mind to shove the blue haired male over but she knows you’d give her an earful if she did. “fuck you,” she groans as she passes over the cash.
“i do that already!” jimin chirps from behind. 
that’s when seokjin sweeps in, taking the money from taehyung with a happy smile. much to the disdain of the latter. “but i called it! he’s a boy.” the elder smirks, counting the bills. taehyung pouts in response, clinging to his boyfriend who only rolls his eyes at the group’s antics. 
“but y’all are forgetting, the most important thing...” namjoon adds, taking the money from seokjin and smirking smugly at the shocked faces he receives. “i won the bet cus they’re getting married.”  the brunette reveals in a sing song tone, pulling the ring box that yoongi entrusted him with. namjoon only chuckles as the group descends into chaos.
this baby was in for one hell of a family.
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⇢ author’s note(s): thank you all so much for reading!! please let me know what you think and have a wonderful day or night <3
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