#lumera is the last fully adult divine dragon in elyos
iturbide · 1 year
No doubt Lumera kids greatly appreciate the food- Mila probably ends up as the first aunt they warm up to, just for that. I can also see her be the one to hand Lumera food after an exhausting day. (I have the headcanon that food prepared by a dragon has a certain kick to it that takes humans a long time to get right.) Lumera is having a lovely time, her kids are having a lovely time, Sombrom’s not. All is right with the world.
…A part of me is imagining Lumera being nervous when she’s told she’s going to meet The Fell Dragon… and then mistaking the Grimas for one of Sombron’s children (because as far as she’s aware, there’s only really Sombron and his children, and maybe this one is from the future? They did mention that time travel was a thing in Askr…) and immediately deciding that Yes, This Is Also My Child. I Will Protect Them (but also give space).
She’s very excited to welcome them into the family when it’s announced she’ll be getting custody of Sombron’s children.
I have a feeling that Lumera would be present for quite a lot of the case, since Sombron is there and she may have been tapped as a potential witness (what with her history and all, she has unique insight into the Elyos side of things) -- so I suspect that she would probably figure out pretty quickly that Grima is in no way related to Sombron, but is in fact a The Fell Dragon in question for this case.
(Not that it wouldn't be surprising, of course, since her whole context of Fell Dragons previously was their relation to Sombron; seeing one from another world who isn't his child probably would be pretty shocking.)
Also Lumera making a fast friend in Mila is just. So nice. They deserve to be besties I want them to be besties let them be besties.
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