#so does mila
iturbide · 11 months
No doubt Lumera kids greatly appreciate the food- Mila probably ends up as the first aunt they warm up to, just for that. I can also see her be the one to hand Lumera food after an exhausting day. (I have the headcanon that food prepared by a dragon has a certain kick to it that takes humans a long time to get right.) Lumera is having a lovely time, her kids are having a lovely time, Sombrom’s not. All is right with the world.
…A part of me is imagining Lumera being nervous when she’s told she’s going to meet The Fell Dragon… and then mistaking the Grimas for one of Sombron’s children (because as far as she’s aware, there’s only really Sombron and his children, and maybe this one is from the future? They did mention that time travel was a thing in Askr…) and immediately deciding that Yes, This Is Also My Child. I Will Protect Them (but also give space).
She’s very excited to welcome them into the family when it’s announced she’ll be getting custody of Sombron’s children.
I have a feeling that Lumera would be present for quite a lot of the case, since Sombron is there and she may have been tapped as a potential witness (what with her history and all, she has unique insight into the Elyos side of things) -- so I suspect that she would probably figure out pretty quickly that Grima is in no way related to Sombron, but is in fact a The Fell Dragon in question for this case.
(Not that it wouldn't be surprising, of course, since her whole context of Fell Dragons previously was their relation to Sombron; seeing one from another world who isn't his child probably would be pretty shocking.)
Also Lumera making a fast friend in Mila is just. So nice. They deserve to be besties I want them to be besties let them be besties.
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tamlindair · 4 months
Rhysand taught her how to read uwu gets me so mad because Tamlin tried to teach her too. More than once he offered to help but she refused and wouldn’t try harder at the time. And honestly, Rhysand had nothing to do with her learning to read. She had PTSD and needed a hyperfixation. Rhysand just happened to offer the idea at the right time.
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sapphosewrites · 5 months
garashir bad ending
(This was inspired by asking myself what I thought Julian would not forgive)
"I fail to see what you find so upsetting."
"Do you really?"
"You knew who I was when you married me."
"You're right. I agreed to marry a paranoid ex-spy with no respect for his husband's privacy or boundaries. My patients didn't."
"I didn't harm your patients."
"You cannot possibly believe that I would excuse your extremely illegal and highly unethical accessing of hospital files, tracking down my patients, and interrogating them because you have this ridiculous idea that I've been hiding an affair from you."
"It was hardly an interrogation. When I was in the Obsidian Order-"
"I want a divorce, Garak. Oh, so that's what shuts you up, is it? I mean it. You've absolutely crossed the line. You've destroyed my professional integrity and quite possibly the hospital's reputation. People need to be able to trust us in order to receive care, and you've jeopardized that. You've compromised the healing of people who know exactly what kind of interrogating you did in the Obsidian Order, and are terrified to be on the receiving end of it again. If you've convinced yourself I'm fucking someone else and lying to you about it, fine, I figured out that you were never going to trust I love you. But you don't do this. You go and- and- I don't know, call Ezri on subspace and ask for a counseling session or get drunk and read terrible poetry or blow up your damn shop again. You can self-sabotage as much as you like, and you've shown very well that I'm powerless to stop you. But you do not get to sabotage my patients."
"If I apologized..."
"Was that unfinished sentence your idea of an apology?"
"My dear, I'm sorry."
"I'm sure you are! I'm sure you'll go and wallow in self-loathing and enjoy it very much, but that can't be how this works, Garak. I shouldn't have to ask for a divorce in order for you to admit you did something wrong. If this is what our marriage is going to be now, then I... I can't, Garak. I don't know what it is that would help you, but whatever it is, I can't provide it."
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This is too cute. We need more big brother, and Uncle Lando insights his whole family is so cute (and seemingly well adjusted, lol)
STOP THAT'S SOOOOOO CUTE Adam Norris Pure Electric is literally gonna make Mila the first female F1 driver I believe in him
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laufire · 2 years
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[Caption: large gifs from the aforementioned film. Jupiter states that, even if she doesn’t seal the electronic document Balem handed her while threatening her and her family’s lives, he can’t touch the Earth even if he kills her. He claims the Earth belongs to him, that it is his right; Jupiter removes her arm, refusing to use her seal, looks him in the eye and says “Not anymore.” Balem says she has no idea of what she’s doing, threatening, and Jupiter replies, “I’m making sure that whatever you do to me and my family, you’re not able to do to anyone else’s.”]
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Rosaria Champagne, “Law of the (Nameless) Father: Mary Shelley’s Mathilda and the Incest Taboo” // Star Trek: Deep Space 9, 2x22 “The Wire”
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mila-beedoodling · 2 years
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Take me in your tender arms, roll me in the dirt, // cover me in roses, cover me in pearls // And then when the sun sets low, roll me in the dirt // cover me in roses, cover me in pearls...
Cover Me In Roses by Holden Laurence
This is fanart for @wackus-bonkus-maximus ' fic one does not love breathing
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sergle · 1 year
nail goddess I am humbly at your feet begging you to please please tell us which top and base coats you use for your gorgeous and intimidating claws
Ooh!! I like to use the long lasting base from HT most of the time, and I exclusively use the ella+mila quick dry topcoat, it is The only top coat I've tried that I actually like
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cursed-bite · 1 year
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"who are those three kids always running around windenburg??? where are their parents???” that’s the league of adventurers and they’ve got 1.5 good parents between the four of them. hope this helps!
[ my max & lucas are heavily inspired by @gunthermunch’s version of them! ]
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sevicia · 10 days
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grimmjowjaegerjaquez · 11 months
remembering ggio and that i do like him even if we only had him for a short time
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iturbide · 11 months
Okay, I am VERY late to the party, BUT-
I just have the mental image of the court changing Sombron’s title from ‘THE Fell Dragon’ to ‘A Fell Dragon.’ I can only imagine the disaster that comes from it-
(And Lumeria probably gets main custody of the kids, considering everything. With the promise that others from the crèche will check in on things, of course. Can’t let anything bad happen to them. The kids get several doting uncles and aunts.)
but you know Grima would maybe not be happy with the court's ruling there, but Robin would at least talk them into agreeing to it, because it means that Grima remains The Fell Dragon while Sombron is just. Some random loser titleless dragon whose species happens to be Fell Dragon, like how Tiki and Fae are both considered Divine Dragons by species (and hey, even Naga's not The Divine Dragon, she's their Ruler, a fact which would go a long way toward mollifying Grima).
Sombron is Less than Pleased with this, I'm sure.
(Also Grima 100% ensures that primary custody goes to Lumera because she's from the same world as the Fell Children and it just makes things easier on them, which is Important. The rest of the creche, guardians and kids alike, will be making visits. There will be presents. There is no escape.)
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tamlindair · 4 months
Friends to lovers or second chance recs please anybody.
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hongjoongpresent · 2 years
Rereading Fire is wild. I forgor 💀 that Archer was a pedophile
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pancakehouse · 2 years
FWB sorry roommates 👀👀👀
hiii friend, thank you for sending this!! sorry for taking ages to respond xo
okay OKAY! so the thing about the friends w benefits fic is that i was really all over the place w it for awhile. it is one of my all-time absolute favorite tropes (as it should be!!!!) which means ive read/watched/consumed anything and everything under the sun relating to it. which also means everything i attempted was coming out a ripped-off jumble of other people's works ://
BUT. im thinking something inspired by friday i'm in love / the cure!!! so maybe it'll span a month or two, emphasis on specific days of the week, and events will correspond w lyrics in the song. or my very loose interpretations of them anyway! (particularly excited for ‘thursday i don’t care about you’ bc i love making them liars! they care! literally so much!!!!)
post-hogwarts, r/s living together, longer one-shot, jealousy, angst, pining, love confession, the whole deal!
it is a story as old as time! and i hope it is not too overdone!
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
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