cantfightmoonlight · 1 year
Option A: The Jolly Roger
Chai had been leisurely resting across one of the lower masts of the ship. His arms were crossed behind his head, propping himself up enough so that he could stare out at the Faire festivities going on below. Only bothering to call down as a townsgoer made their way onto the deck of the ship. "You there," He said, pulling himself up to his feet as he hooked his sword over one of the many ship chords, propelling himself down onto the deck beside them. "What brings you aboard?"
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Option B: The Feast of Thieves
"How do you? Do you just-" She blinked over at the Turkey leg in hand, tilting her head to the side to attempt to take a bite, only to pull back again and look at the leg questionable over once more. "Oh what the hell?" Bri finally decided as she took the biggest bite she could muster. The now vampire had been a vegetarian most of her human life, but now that she had to survive off a diet of blood, she had decided what the hell? Might as well see what she had been missing out on all this time on the meat front. "Huh," She swallowed down the bite, motioning to the person beside her with the turkey leg. "You know not as good as I thought it would be?"
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Option C: The Knight's Joust
 "Doth thee liketh excitement? Doth thee want to be entertained? The next joust starts in 20 minutes and, if thee couldst doth me the honor? You'd join me in the right corner of the arena. It is the shady corner. Right under the big Oak Tree. You won't have to worry about drying up under the sun and, when thou art standing in the right corner, Sir Lancelot the Galavanting Lover and Arguable Traitor, but all around Decent Fellow's corner - tis I, by the way- thou might cheer on the right side for victory? Aye? For Sir Lancelot? Huzzah? 'Twill beest a valorous time," Caleb called out as he trotted around the arena on horseback, only to hop down from the horse to offer a passerby in the crowd a rose. "A rose for thee. May thee cometh to the joust? It's sure to be a great time?"
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@lunarcovestarters Open Starter Where: The Mermaid Tank
All things considered, Billie knew that things could have been much, much worse in terms of punishment for her crimes ("crimes" since she was supposed to apparently be convincing herself that she didn't do this). Even still, she felt awkward and terribly unhappy having to be in her siren form in front of so many people, even if she tried to smile and give waves and be happy when people wanted pictures. She felt exposed. Billie hated feeling like that, and she'd refused to take her shirt off even once she'd gotten in the tank, and she'd likely keep it on for the rest of her time in it. One little boy said she looked like a mermaid pirate and asked her to make a pirate noise, but Billie hadn't understood what that meant.
But, really, other than that, things genuinely could have been worse. She was on a break, the photographer wandering off to either take pictures somewhere else or play some odd game on her mobile, so Billie was left to her own devices. She had a bottle of water sitting in one of the tables beside the tank, but it was unfortunately out of reach. Try as she might, she just couldn't get to it. As someone walked by, she called out to them, mildly embarrassed. "Ah, hi. Could you hand me that water bottle. I can't... I can't reach it."
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riotavarez · 1 year
This was her third town event she had been a part of, all the in the name of embracing living in Lunar Cove, and despite how cynical she generally was, she was really enjoying this event. She didn't know if that was because she was acclimatising to living in this town, or if it was because she had been given carte blanche to run around the Ren Faire pick-pocketing from people. Regardless of what it was, she was going to enjoy it. Spotting her next target, she stalked towards them like a cat, bumping into them slightly, a hand nimbly making its way towards what she wanted as she threw a winning smile towards them and she apologised. After walking a few paces she turned dramatically and dangled their wallet between two fingers. "Missing something?" She asked, cocking her head as she did, the apology upon her lips having turned to a cheeky smirk.
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
Where: The Well -- Just out of it.
With: Open to all
"You've got to be kidding me." Safiye said as she rang out her wet hair and clothes. Thankfully she as okay and had gotten out of the well but not without the embarrassment of it first. Looking at the eyes on her and she turned slightly red. "Thanks for helping me." She told the person next to her with a smile. "Some asshole shoved me in when he walked past with his turkey leg." She snarled, looking around for the man but he as nowhere in her line of sight. "Do you think everyone heard about this?" She asked in a low whisper to them. "Or do you think it was contained to only us?"
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xbigxbadxmatsuix · 1 year
Where: "Bullshit" Baseball Throwing Game
When: Ren Faire Event
Status: Open!
Today Kotaro was stationed at the fair's baseball throwing station and he took it surprisingly seriously. Dressed for the part, Kotaro wore peasants garb and a woven straw hat that shieled his face from the sun. Technically all he had to do was stand there, take cash and dispense appropriate prizes. However-
"Pst...Psst. Hey." Kotaro whispered to get the current contender's attention before subtly gesturing them to come closer with the hook of a finger. Once he did get their attention, he greeted them with a smile and leaned in close as if the two were close friends. Or, more accurately, a familiar back-alleyway customer. "Let's just be honest; this shit's rigged. Those bottom milk bottles are weighted. I've played my share of junior league. There's no way to knock those down and win the real nice prizes unless you pulled one hell of a curve ball. You could do that. Or we could cut a deal~"
Ko initially meant money but he'd take a favor or even a cheap candy apple at this point. He wasn't picky.
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Ben's original outfit for the ren faire was simple, understated, and showing off just a hint of skin as he was told he needed to for whatever performance it was that he was supposed to be doing. He'd even refrained from shaving, adding a bit of scruff to give off a rapscallion appearance. However, being put in the royal court meant that he needed to add at least a little something. The bracers were handcrafted for the faire, well designed and costing a pretty penny. Perhaps not princely, but they, along with a touch of costume jewelry, added a touch of roguish charm(ing) to this prince.
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
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Theo has been working with the Catalyst all this time. Below is their conversation, in case you would like to read what Theo has been up to all this time...
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you sense that I'm here. You've suffered greatly due to the negligence of those you love, but I can make it up to you. I can feel what you've been feeling. Your need for revenge that has been dwindling. No. Not dwindling. Shifting into something more and I can help. You want your life back. You want the position that was rightfully yours. I can gift it to you and more. You'd like to be mayor, wouldn't you? You've pictured yourself in the role instead of her. It's yours. I simply need you to do a few little tasks for me first. The first being to tamper with the Wishing Tree. Your task is to submit an ill-intent for each of the fae at Lunar Cove. When filling out the survey, please specify which ill-intent will be gifted to which fae in particular and be sure to make them as eerie and foreboding as possible. (Note: You will continue to receive tasks like this leading up until the next event at the end of June. We ask that you please not post any of these tasks on the dash as of yet, but please don't delete them from your inbox either. During the June event we will reach out and ask you to post all of the tasks that Theo has been sent by the Catalyst so that the rest of the members can see what Theo has been up to this whole time). And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
TASK #2 - MAY (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I see you have successfully completed task #1. You are one step closer to gaining what you desire most and the positions that are rightful yours. But, first, I have another little favor to ask of you. As the original and true Clan Leader, this should be a walk in the park for you. All I ask is that you speak to the following vampires- that spiteful wife of yours, Meena Raja-Moore, the hunter who would be better off dead, Kadir Aksoy, your wife's little underling, Kenji Matsui and the two newest members of the clan, Carmen Delgado and Julian Chandler. Find out what is most precious to them in the world and relay it back to me. I'm looking for the one thing they would be devastated to loose. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Theo is conflicted about second task. The Catalyst_
I see you haven't yet decided whether you want to go through with this second task or not. You're not sure as to whether you can trust me or what I am planning, so allow me to extend an olive branch. I have no plans to nor will I take what is most precious away from your vampires. I am simply looking for leverage. I'm looking for what may be a good way to distract them in the future so that you can help give me what it is I truly desire and I, you, in return. But, if you'd prefer not to rat out your own kind, future leader, just say the word. I can turn my attention onto the witches instead. Your vampires will be safe for now and, if you continue to complete the rest of the tasks I ask of you, I may go easy on them when my own plans come to fruition. Though I am curious as to whether you truly want me to go easy on all of the clan. You're honestly telling me you wouldn't want to see the hunter who tried to kill you and is currently bedding your wife suffer? Not even a smidge? How about that wife of yours who declared you dead so that she could claim what was yours? Remember, Theodore, I am here to fulfill your deepest desires. But, if becoming Clan Leader and Mayor of this town and getting revenge on those who wronged you isn't what you truly seek then maybe I was wrong about you. Maybe its the current Mayor I should have set my sights on all along...
What the vampires would hate to lose:
Kadir: Meena currently since Kadir already lost James and his family
Meena: The Clan and father’s ring or the house
Ken: He doesn’t have an object as such, at least nothing to the point where he’d be devastated since he doesn’t have many things of value anyway, but the book that Leyla gave him would rank pretty high on the scale of things he’d hate to lose. Sentiments, of course, have never been his thing but now knowing that his brother is alive and in town, the fear of having something happen to Ko is re-lit which is the same in regards to Leyla as watching her almost die set about many many feelings in him.
Carmen: The Clan
Julian: Possibly Nesrim or Ralph since he has a connection to them? Was thinking Jas, and that might be true too, bc he did just die for her lol (I have a thread going but haven’t progressed enough to ask about it which had been the plan.)
TASK #3 - MAY (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... while you're still completing Task #2, I have a 3rd task for you. This time I ask you to interact with the witches. I need you to speak to the following being the free spirit among the coven, Mason Mahir and the entire Reed Clan. That means Poppy Reed, Arlow Reed, Jasmine St Claire and the ressurrected among them, Devrim Yener. Find out what their biggest regret is. What is the one mistake that they'd hate to have to relive. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Mason: He’s a simple kid who purposefully goes through life without many regrets, the aim is to live life to the absolute fullest so regrets are hard to come by. Even when Fever Dream broke up, they knew it wasn’t their doing, so while that day is one Mason would hate to relive he knew it had to happen. But if pressed he’d take you to the and whisper regretfully that on more than one occasion he spent rent money on games.  
Poppy: Leaving her siblings and messing up on the relationship she had with Meena
Linden: Probably regrets his entire relation with Elodie seeing as how she used him for magic 
Jasmine: Having the dark magic kill her mom
Devrim: Not telling Poppy about things.
TASK #4 - JUNE (SPYING) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... while you're still completing Task #2 & 3, I have a 4th task for you. This time I ask you to interact with the werewolves and we're going to step things up a notch. I want you to spy on all of the wolves. This means Caleb, Frankie, JC, Kitty, Mateo, Nico and Safiye. Find out who they'd want to protect most in this world. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Caleb & Mateo: The boys would protect each other
Frankie: She’d absolutely protect her family first
JC: Most probably the entire pack. Nico being the main if it has to be one person
Kitty: Since her family is in town, it could be them? Or whoever she considers to be a close friend since she already lost one
Nico: Jasmine first, then the pack since he’s Alpha and all
Safiye: Her sisters
TASK #5 - JUNE (BREAK-IN AT FAE HQ) The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you're still spying for me. But, I have a more pressing task to give you. As you may have noticed, break ins have been popping up around town and now every Council Headquarters, except for the Fae Court, is guarded. This won't do. I need the Council to lower their guard just enough so that they don't cancel the town-wide event that is coming up. This is very important. The event must go on as planned. That is where you come in. I want you to stage your own break in at the Coalition Headquarters. It will be a tricky task given that the Pack will be stationed outside, but given your super speed, I have no doubt you will be able to get in and out unseen. Though, be a doll and make sure to wear a disguise in case someone spots you. Once inside the Coalition HQ, I don't want you to take anything. Instead, I want you to vandalize the property. I want you to stage the break in to seem like nothing more than the works of some angry fae whose harboring resentment against the Council. Make it seem childish. Spray-paint profanity if you'd like. How you choose to vandalize the property is up to you, but it should present the break ins as nothing more than the acts of frustrated civilians and, on your way out, I want you to leave clear evidence behind, pinning the vandalism on Anna Donnelly. Once the authorities believe that the break in is nothing more than petty vandalism, the case will be declared closed and remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Theo stages a break in at the Coalition HQ. Theo will enter the building wearing a disguise, vandalize the inside of the Coalition HQ and zip out of sight before anyone can see him, making sure to vandalize the property between precisely 11p to midnight. What mask will you have disguise will you have Theo wear? It can not be a black ski mask, so please pick any Halloween mask you would like to use though we'd advise staying away from masks of any political figures, celebrities etc. Examples of masks could be Bugs Bunny, Betty Boop etc. It should be distinct and seem like something Anna would pick out / be used to help frame Anna. How would you like Theo to vandalize the Clan HQ? And how would you like Theo to frame Anna? What evidence/object will Theo leave behind in order to frame them? The evidence/object Theo leaves behind in order to frame Anna will need to pin Anna to the crime without a reasonable doubt, so feel free to make this evidence specific/detailed to the fae in question.
The first time when the thoughts in his head had a different voice to his own, Theodore had considered for a moment if he had well and truly had lost his mind. He ignored them, cast them aside with heavy shakes of head but as they grew louder, overpowering his own regular ideas with offers on temptations and rewards, it did not take long to get behind the notion the Catalyst was projecting. Though the overall goal was not something he had been made privy to, a promise of what was rightfully his was not one Theo would let slip by him. There had been challenges here and there, questions into why he was doing this, for what purpose but information was precious so when the time came to hand over for his own hesitancy should not have been a surprise. Debate lasted only a short while, questions met with silence had Theo wondering if this was all a farce and nothing he was being offered would come to fruition but it took highlighting incidences that Theo was willfully ignoring to bite the bullet and surrender – anger after all was a powerful motivator and the Catalyst seemed to be pushing all the right buttons. 
He shook hands with everyone, a smile here, a polite laugh there – it was going rather well if he were to say so himself, despite not having an official title to flaunt about maintaining that air of importance was not something that needed to be faked, charm afterall came naturally but he was not entirely oblivious to the side glances and stiff smiles he received in return, Theo hardly cared and if anything it seemed more reason to side with the Catalyst and get what he had wanted from the beginning. 
When the latest task buzzed through, Theo, accustomed to the routine now, hardly even blinked but a private little smile did grace his lips at the name that was mentioned this time. Anna had been a pain in the neck since forever, mouthing him off at every chance she got be it to his face or to others, it was irritating beyond belief and now was his chance for payback, his retaliation  for her audacious yet downright foolish act of stabbing him. This would be easy. And to an extent it was. The specifics on what to do and where didn’t bother him in the slightest, with the break-ins already happening around town, like mentioned, this would just be another in the mix, another the current council failed to prevent, his issue really was in the how to do the things mentioned had him silently pause in though – childish vandalism was interesting but given the timeframe and the preciseness needed for execution, questions took the back burner and soon forgotten in the flurry on things needed to be done. What was vandalism if not destruction? 
Smile grew wider as he sped to the location, getting to the headquarters was a breeze, quite really, it was a nice soothing spring wind that aided his travel. Careful to move into the shadows, Theo donned a masquerade mask – not being entirely sure on Anna’s fashion tastes in such things, or at all really, he had figured she was the one for theatrics this was fitting enough and he had seen these sort of tacky things at On Pitch when he had to brave a visit to the establishment earlier in the day to swipe her lanyard and a poster that was lying about the place figuring why not add more to the mix. Comfortably slipping into Town Hall and into CONS HQ – the rule only Humans being able to enter had always been just a suggestion to him. Despite not having to take anything, Theo took a moment to flit about the place shuffling papers here and there making a show of finding something and in turn stumbled upon a list of questions, one he figured they planned to ask Wilhelmina, Theo promptly ripped that up – “sirens” had to stick together right? 
With a quiet chuckle that was further muffled but the fourth chime of the clock tower, Theo set to work. He didn’t plan for much, spray paint like suggested was ruled out in favour of a knife that he put to use to cut up upholstery and others in the place. It was cathartic in a way, however brief, the act of destruction was calming and there was high chances he could’ve kept going if he had not planned to be in and out before the clock struck twelve. Discarded the knife, a pretty thing - gold hilt and shiny metal, it might not be the one Anna carried on person when she stabbed him, but daggers and knife were her M.O and that wasn’t a secret. But he was often surrounded by idiots in this town, so to the knife he added in the lanyard that was in fact carefully placed to look like it had been accidentally dropped, and to the mix of ripped papers of the questionnaires he tore the edge on the flyer – little piece but enough to make out musical notes and the some of the letters On Pitch. There was a part of him that thought if Anna was careless with her crimes, she definitely made it obvious that it was her at times and maybe this would be the case to because not wanting to let the siponed powers go to waste, Theo scrawled, in her handwriting, a note that the had scrunched up and again “accidentally dropped” which read: ‘Bea won’t but I will’  
He greeted the tenth strike with a satisfied sigh.
By the time the clock chimed eleven Theo was already out of the building. 
Midnight set on Lunar Cove, blanketing everything in inky blackness, and Theo, creature of the night blended into the shadows pleased with a job done. 
Mask: Masquerade mask
Vandalism: Cut up upholstery and other things 
Frame Anna: a knife, her lanyard (hoping she uses one??), a poster/flyer for On Pitch
Note for the wolf: That reads ‘Bea won’t but I will’ – in reference to Bea not doing anything, I’m assuming the general public are aware that Bea and Anna don’t get along.
What Theo didn't know when Theo vandalized the Coalition HQ was that the Catalyst had sent someone to simultaneously vandalize the Clan HQ at the same time Theo was vandalizing the Human's headquarters. Now is your chance to have Theo react. You have the opportunity to write a message from Theo to the Catalyst. If Theo would be fine with the Clan HQ's vandalism, then you can feel free to ignore this task. But, if Theo is upset over the fact that the Catalyst intentionally left out how the Clan would also be vandalized, now is your chance to communicate that to the Catalyst via the Main's submit. You can draft whatever note you'd like being Theo's response via his thoughts to the Catalyst and submit it to the main. We will not post Theo's response until the event when all of the tasks are leaked. But, if you would like to have Theo give the Catalyst a piece of Theo's mind, we can have the Catalyst react in the next task they will give him.
Interesting that you had another in on our scheme. Though I must say breaking in the Clan HQ was not something I expected, that came as a surprise and though I don’t feel any have caught onto my dealings with you, it was somewhat good in a way to see the vandalism. A nice wake up call for Meena to realise things ought to be handed back into my care. But, this other person has now piqued my interest as I know them to be behind the other break-ins, which I tie to you now. I’m sure you must’ve also offered them something in return, I'm hoping it’s for my cause and not some other lofty wish ordinary folk may have. You made a promise to me, remember, I do hope you keep it.
The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... Have a little faith. A promise is a promise after all. I see you've been running the Game of Wits. You've done alright pulling the wool over your neighbors eyes thus far. Can you keep it up? I promised you power and revenge and I plan on upholding my end of the bargain. But, before I do, I have a few more favors to ask of you. I know you like to ask questions and I will give you your answers in due time. But, for now, I need you to poison the fae. This time it will only be you who will be receiving a task. You're my right hand now and if you do a good job, maybe then, I'll reveal to you who my second is. You can choose how you'd like to weaken them all. Maybe you'd like to put grounded up iron dust in their drinks? Or maybe you make sure that bits of iron are woven into their hair at the hair braiding station or into their costumes or crowns? etc. But, either way, I need their magic to be weakened for what I have planned to come. Once the fae have been poisoned, your task will be complete and, remember, you must get in and out unseen for- the Catalyst has plans for you.
How would you like to poison the fae? You can pick the same way for all the fae or tailor different methods to specific fae, but Theo would have been informed by the Catalyst that all of the tasks so far, pinning the blame of the break ins on the fae and the misfortunes from the wishing tree, have all been to have the fae on edge and off their game. The fae are the one species that would be able to undo the chaos the Catalyst has planned for the Ren Faire and, with them weakened, there will be nothing standing in their way or in Theo's way on in acting his revenge.
anna & rangi - since they are picking up rubbish throughout the event, assuming they'd be wearing gloves of some sort, when they went off on a break, iron wire was looped into the base of gloves, hidden enough so they wouldn't see when they put it on but after they do it'd form like a cuff. // if that doesn't work then - a thin layer of powder can coat the inside so when they go to wear it would burn them slightly but also if they took them off the damage would already be done.
bea - not sure if the fae queen would wear a crown for the faire, if yes, then theo would tamper with it to have some sort of embellishment or part of the base be made or coated with of iron just to tie it back to the bad wish of 'unworthy is the head that wears the crown' // but if not then second option would be to spike her pastries/food with iron powder and hope she ate what she made.
billie - he would've have seen people bring her food and water and the easiest thing for him to do is to poison the food so the next she was brought a snack/drink it'd have a special ingredient of iron!
dilan - her outfits have flower crowns, so theo probably took a crown from the booth to thread iron wire into it and switch out the one dilan has.
kui - he mostly likely knew kui would be close to their booth helping people with costumes so theo might have just sprinkled iron powder on their work bench so they'd touch it at some point
leyla - iron based arrows so if she touched them it would hurt (but her show is friday which isn't the last day...) // would she have her face painted? if yes, then there's iron mixed into it, if not, then the old classical of iron in food!
again assuming this is for the last day - if the play is the same day as the costume contest (both are under saturday on the post) can i say that theo could have compelled (or even just told) some poor shmuck to throw around "pixie dust" over everyone but iron dust is mixed in it so it still shimmers like glitter but the fae that participated or are around the stage would have some fall on their skin which would weaken them/hurt them? but if any of the above are not plausible, and if the iron has to be ingested then go with their food/drink being spiked with iron powder - all of them had to have eaten something is my safest assumption.
The Catalyst_
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I know you're likely wondering why I asked you to poison the fae. You don't like to not be in the loop, I see. But, patience is a virtue, my dear, and now it's time for your patience to pay off. Though, first I need you to finish the job that was initially started. Your task is to break into the Coven Headquarters while everyone else is distracted by the joust. Hidden within Poppy's office in the back of the Poison Room, you will find the Supreme's grimoire. Fetch it for me. Once you've received it, bring it to and hide it within the old oak tree located at the border of town beside the welcome sign. After the grimoire has been safely delivered to me, your task will be complete and, remember, you must get in and out unseen. But, just in case someone manages to spot you, I've sent up a failsafe. After the intermission of Midsummer Night's Dream, the entire town will fall asleep. If you are spotted, you'll simply need to stall until then and we'll be home free. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you. At the start of the performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Theo will break into the Coven Headquarters. He will sneak in through the door to HQ in the back of the Poison Room and steal Poppy's grimoire. Only on his way out he will be spotted by Kadir. With his identity revealed, he will be left no choice but to speed away. He will zip through the Pendulum playhouse, using the play as cover, escaping through the back door and making it to the forest where he can dump the grimoire, before finding a safe place for himself to await further instructions from the Catalyst. Where will Theo hide?
Theo is hiding at the Moore Mansion, when everyone enters the dreamscape he'll be in his quarters and probably in bed.
Theodore Moore... Theodore Moore... I knew I could count on you. Thanks for the grimoire. You helped me obtain what I desired and now I will help you obtain what you do, starting with your revenge. The entire town outside of those pesky little fae are about to enter a deep slumber where they will be forced to live out their worst nightmares. Thanks for the tips by the way. Your notes on what the Lunar Covians fear came in handy. But, I could hardly leave you out of the fun. So, now it will be your turn to enter the Dreamscape. Only rather than live out a nightmare, how about you help orchestrate that annoying hunter of yours, Kadir's? Now that you are physically safe from harm's way, I will send your mind into his nightmare. It seems the Clan Advisor is torn between his two loves- a fae named James and your wife, Meena. So, why not make the choice easy for him? Inside his dream, you will present him with a choice- he can choose to be mortal again with the fae or stay a vampire with Meena. But, after he makes his choice, he'll have to watch his other love die. Think of torturing him as your first of many rewards. And remember- the Catalyst has plans for you.
Safe in his hiding spot, Theo will enter the dreamscape. He will play the role of the 'game show host' as he presents Kadir with the choice- to chose which one Kadir's loves he should save and which should die. Kadir's nightmare is only a dream. He will not actually receive mortality from it, but for Kadir it will feel real. Though depending on what Kadir picks, Theo may also have to watch Meena die. Will Theo be willing to put Meena through that as a way to torture Kadir or will Theo be conflicted? Feel free to write out the thread with Alex and Becca and play out Theo's actions in whichever way you decide. As the plot drop also explains, because Theo has entered Kadir and Meena's nightmare, the nightmare is blocked from any fae from being able to enter to help them out. Feel free to have Theo take advantage of this fact.
Theodore Moore.. Theodore Moore... Those pesky fae might have managed to free the Lunar Covians from our dreamscape, but, the real nightmare is just beginning. My final task for you is as follows- I want you to head back over to the Pendulum Playhouse. They'll still be waking up and in a daze which will give you the perfect time to strike. Kyle will enter the Pendulum first with the instructions of causing utter chaos. His task is to be the distraction, while I am giving you the chance to have all that you desire. You seek power. You seek to reclaim your position as Clan Leader and you seek the position of Mayor. I was hoping you'd be able to achieve all of that and more in a more subtle capacity, but that annoying hunter of yours, Kadir, had other plans. So, how about we take it by force, shall we? Your task is to kill the Madam Mayor, your ex-wife, and the one who claimed the Clan from you. She is the one who is standing in your way. Kill Meena Raja and your deepest desires will be yours. Only this task just so happens to come with a fun little twist, for me anyhow. You enjoyed being the host of the Game Show, didn't you? Well, now you're in my Game Show. You've made a habit a questioning my tasks over the past few weeks and I don't particularly enjoy being questioned. So, now is your chance to prove your loyalty to me once and for all. Kill your wife and I'll uphold my end of the bargain. You'll live on as the revered and feared leader you always wanted to be. But, fail to accomplish the final task I have for you and you die. You're either with the Catalyst or you're against the Catalyst. It's her life or yours, dear Theodore. Will you live or will you die? The choice is up to you.
Our Discord Event will begin tomorrow. The event will start with the townspeople waking up from their dreams. A few minutes into the discord event, we will post instructions on the group detailing Kyle and Theo's grand entrances. Kyle will enter first with the doors of the Pendulum flinging open. Then we will post the instructions for Theo's entrance. Have fun coming up with exactly how you'd like to have Theo make his dramatic reveal. While Kyle is causing chaos/fighting the Lunar Covians, that will be Theo's cue to attack Meena. Only Theo won't be able to go through with killing Meena in the end and Meena will be the one to kill him instead. Once Theo enters, you will be able to plot out Theo's death with the others in the GC, deciding who Theo will fight and attack before Meena kills him. Similarly, you and Becca can plot out if/how Meena will get hurt in the process before Theo meets his end. If you have any questions, you can also always reach out in the discord tickets during the discord event itself.
You just couldn't do it, could you? And why? You could have been the one still alive right now, only you choose her and for what? To die at her hands? To become a walking stereotype? The a-hole of a husband no one wanted around, killed off by his 'widow'? I wish I could say I expected more from you, but the truth is I didn't. I knew you'd betray me in the end. It's always the power hungry ones who can't seem to realize when they're the pawn on the board. Not the king. I guess we can say that it was fitting fate for you in the end. Farewell, my traitor. It's been swell and before you go, mind passing along a little message for me? Tell what is left of the Council, the Catalyst is coming and, if you're not afraid yet, you will be.
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jonahxrivas · 1 year
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Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams, whatever they be Dream a little dream of me ...
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masonxmahir · 1 year
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Ren Faire - Mason Mahir
Too caught up in perfecting their jokes and jester shenanigans, Mason, or Squiggles, had not thought ahead into other days of the Faire. A idea was had to wear the costume till the end, seeing everyone talk on outfits and wear pretty clothes, Mason ran to their closet and donned a kurta - which from afar could very much pass off as a old-timey tunic of sorts! And ever the one for flare and not boxing themself into one thing, another outfit was chosen if only for the twirl-ability, sure, it might not be Renaissance England but the vibes are there! You just gotta squint!
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nyraxodeyer · 1 year
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Ren Faire - Theodore Moore
Theodore may not have been born in the times of Renaissance, but he certainly looked the part for Lunar Cove's Ren Faire. Staying leagues away from peasantry garb, Theo looked to his own wardrobe for inspiration. Coats, capes, and doublets he had plenty of and to fashion those pieces into something that fit the theme was relatively easy and he blended into the Faire crowd without much issue.
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pitymisskitty · 1 year
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If Kitty was going to waste any of her hard earned money on something, it was going to be chainmail. Getting voted as squire just ensured that she'd get to look the part of knight-in-training. Padded cloth, furs, leather, and chainmail all come together to make Kitty's perfect ren faire outfit. The sword competes the look, just be careful: Kitty's pretty eager to test it out and slay some dragons.
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cantfightmoonlight · 1 year
Option A: Robin Hood’s Band of Merrymen Stage Show
Leyla knew she probably shouldn't have been having as much fun as she was skipping around the faire grounds openly 'robbing' people under the guise of one of 'Robin Hood's Merry Men'. Especially, not with what had just gone down recently with the break ins involving her fellow members of the Fae Court, but given how people seemed to be eating the act up, a bright and mischievous grin couldn't help, but break across her lips. "Your time device, dear sir," Leyla sang out, tapping a man in the crowd on the shoulder as she handed him back the watch she had just nabbed on his wrist. "You really ought to be more careful. Now, you," She turned towards another in the crowd, motioning them over to the red 'X' tapped out on the ground on the stage beside them. "If you could please stand here, and this is really important, whatever you do, do not move, cause I'm about to pop this apple on top of your head. And you see, I'm then going to take ye olde crossbow over here and give it my best shot, though I do have to warn you, I don't exactly know what I'm doing, so we're just going to cross our fingers and wish for the best?"
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Option B: The Rusty Knife
Meena's eyes widened as she watched someone drunkenly throw one of the axes backwards into the crowd rather than forwards towards the target, quickly speeding forwards at the speed of light to catch the hilt of the blade out of thin air before it could hurt an unexpected faire goer. "So that was a close call? I think you're cut off. Anyone else want to try to kill someone today or can I go on break?"
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Option C: Pub Crawl
"Huzzah for the tippers," A grin broke across Jas's lips as she took the twenty that had just been handed to her, fanning herself with the bill before she moved to tuck it away in the top of her corset. Grabbing two tankards of beer from the counter of one of the many stops on the Pub Crawl, she moved her way threw the crowd towards a familiar face. "Okay, I'm pretty sure I just made double of what I make on a typical tour off of tips alone. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I think I may actually be having fun?"
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firefighterxefe · 1 year
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Efe Umukoro - Renaissance Faire - Lunar Cove Sir Vival of the Fittest is fortunate to have younger siblings. A sister made it her personal task to properly deck him out for representing humanity in the jousts. Efe, however, finds armor rather impractical for ease of movement. He's not sure he'll be able to provide first-aid in gauntlets if and when the time comes (and he feels as though it will). Either way, his shield bears the insignia of his fire engine, a suitable coat of arms. @lunarcoveinspo
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linden-reed · 1 year
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— R E N F A I R E; p u c k | outfit
I am that merry wanderer of the night.
description: shirtless with lace up leather pants. fern wings on his back. gold bleeding from his hair. fully golden eyes. vines crossing his skin. flecks of gold across his chest.
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
Where: The Arena
With: @cantfightmoonlight
Dilan was finally out of the hellish Queen Elizabeth costume and back in her welly thought out and picked clothing. Grabbing the box from her dressing room that was a thank you present for Caleb since he’d put on this event without any help. Inside the box was a tassel that had a C on it, a ghost, I heart bad girls, a paw print, a pink ball, and a stack of pancakes keychain hanging off of it. Holding the box with two hands as she walked towards the area and spotted Caleb on his horse, she instinctively rolled her eyes. “Are you just going to ride around on this thing all weekend?” She asked once she got to him and was annoyed she had to look up to talk to him. “If you can be pried away from your horse for a moment or two and come back to earth, I might have a present for you.” She informed him as she gestured to the box. “Up to you tho, because I guess I could give it away to someone else but it wouldn’t make much sense to them.” She replied as she took a step back slowly to give him time. “Plus I might have made it epically for you.” She added quietly under her breath with a huff. “You know since you did such a good job with the event.”
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riotavarez · 1 year
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— R E N F A I R E; r o b i n h o o d | outfit
Robin Hood strung his bow and took his place with never a word, albeit his heartstrings quivered with anger and loathing.
description; green and gold corset. lace up leather pants. flowing black cloak. thigh high lace up riding boots. hair down and flowing. bow strung across back. quiver of arrows at hip.
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