loyalimmortal · 9 months
"I am not a beast, but I am bound to one," he corrects Silas, leatherbound hands slowly slipping glistening sliver blades out from their sheathes. His long knives are covered and ominous runes -- runes which bind him to the creature who uses his soul as an agent of its desires. The entity within the blades craves blood and death so it forces him to kill. He's tried everything he can think of to free himself of the blades -- burying them, throwing them in the bottom of the ocean, attempting to melt them, attempting to replace the runes with random slashes... He's even casted a spell or two over them, attempting to break the magically chains that turn him into a puppet for the Eclipse Blades. Nothing has worked. He hasn't given up but... He's also running out of options.
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There's a moment of audible pause before he adds, "then again, I suppose working for a beast, even if involuntary, makes me one as well." Another pause, then, "thank you for the food. It's best this beast moves on."
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As those accursed blades are drawn, Silas keeps a firm eye on the young man. He isn't a distrustful by nature, but one can never be too careful. The slightest hint of true hostility and, well-
He needn't worry about it.
"Hush now, lad. No need to wander off."
An old, gnarled hand extends in a gesture of civility, and patience. Silas draws it back towards himself after a moment, and extends extends one bony finger directed towards himself.
"We all have our demons, don't we? Some stronger than others." That finger stills for a moment, but then it finds a place at his jaw, beneath his lip. He offers a slight tug and, even in the dim light of a dying fire, his intention and direction is clear to see. Fangs. Sharp as the rapier upon his hip, glistening with saliva.
"Some of them hungrier than others. Your impulses, things beyond your control, do not make you a beast. How you handle them determines your humanity."
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bhaalborn · 1 month
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@luneheir said: " there’s something tragic about you. "
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ulysses doesn't quite bark out a laugh, but it's a very close thing. instead, the enamel of their too-sharp teeth pierces the tender inside of their cheek, to withhold whatever KNEE JERK reaction the observation unwittingly prompts. the smile that spreads across their face is a touch unnerving, meant to assuage any assumptions that might be about ulysses being another other than perfectly fine.
" is that the type of AURA i exude? " they say jestingly, but there's something tight in their inflection, " we ALL carry our share of trauma, surely. mine isn't any more unique than anyone else's. "
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emeraldruid · 9 months
@luneheir said: ❝ Just once, I wish we would enter a cave and see normal sized spiders… ❞
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A chuckle slipped as he let fingers dance up along the other's spine before escaping a safe distance away. "What do the big ones make your skin crawl and a shiver go down your spine," he said with a spooky air to his voice. Always a risk when you enter a cave in less known areas. Spiders tended to go where they weren't likely to be bothered, he wasn't all that creeped out by them large or small. How others responded to them was a source of amusement most of the time. "It's the mandibles, isn't it? Everyone hates those."
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divinelght · 9 months
❝ i’m not asking what they would have wanted. i want to know what you want. ❞ ― @luneheir , ( howl's moving castle : accepting )
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His remark stops her in her tracks, as if she's not anticipating it ― as if the crunch of her boots over gravel and her desire to press on prohibits her from answering. She realizes, almost in an instant, that she's been so obsessed with helping everyone else (the tieflings, the Harpers and the Fists, her companions, Faerûn itself) that she doesn't have an answer for him. "I don't know," her words are no louder than a sigh. She's exhausted. "What does anyone really want these days? Survival? Freedom?" Her dual-colored gaze sweeps over the Shadow Cursed Lands, the haze of the curse beginning to dissipate in wake of Ketheric Thorm's demise, before finally landing on Zenith. She can hear her brother's words on her tongue. "Perhaps we can start with what it is you want now that your pact is broken?"
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forbiddenacademia · 9 months
For @luneheir, continued from X
"Truly." The half-elf hums, leaning forward with eyes narrowed keen for interest in the other. Purely arcane, that is, though her darkened demeanor lends to a menacing glower.
"I imagine you must be passing through this land?" She queries for interest, a desire to continue conversation with the stranger. Talking is what keeps one sane in land like this. "Not many are foolish as myself to choose to spend their time here."
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barovkin · 9 months
" technically, i'm a dusk elf. but i suppose i look like a drow. we might have originally been drow. i don't know. " / @luneheir gets a small starter
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virginvow · 9 months
@luneheir : ❝ I've missed your touch. ❞
tucked away in a secluded corner of the woods, under a veil of darkness, she cannot keep herself from that touch zenith refers to. fingers ghosting over his arms, there is an abject sense of wrongness that rebels against how right this feels all the same. she shouldn't be here, with him, like this. before, when she'd kissed him, it had been a lapse of judgement, but his... this was a choice. this was purposeful. this was... really nice.
❝ me too, ❞ she admits in a whisper, looking up at him through her lashes. ❝ I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. ❞ her gaze lands on his lips, lingering there. ❝ do you... do you want to kiss me again? ❞
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darephi · 9 months
@luneheir : liked for a starter.
❝ how does it feel? ❞ she asks after food has been passed around. the fight with ketheric –– intense and emotional as it had been ––  has left them all feeling giddy in a way, as though unable to quite believe they'd survived. at least, that is how rachel feels: a strange mix of relief, exhaustion, and satisfaction. one down, two to go. ❝ to be freed of your pact now that ketheric has been slain, I mean? ❞ a warlock herself, she cannot imagine breaking her pact with lord apollo –– at least, not any time soon.
rachel rips a flavorful piece of roast chicken from its bone, a contented sigh escaping at the taste of the spiced, tender meat. were she not among respected company, she'd suck the marrow from the bone twice over. gods, how wonderful it is to eat something other than dried rations for once!
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she glances up at zenith through her curls, unembarrassed by her appetite, fingers slick with dripping fat –– surely he feels the hunger too. ❝ what will you do now? ❞
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tiefslinger · 9 months
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a twirl of flashing steel, the flash of a light, a loud crack like a whip, and the foul smelling gunsmoke in the rising pre-dawn light from the pepperbox. black painted lips purse and casually blow away the trail of smoke.
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behind the other tiefling, a monster falls to the ground with a soft thud. "a fair meeting, friend!" a cheerful swish of a tail follows behind her, sharp teeth glinting in her smile. "please pardon my rude introduction, won't you?"
@luneheir 💗'd
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kins0ul · 9 months
@luneheir said:   you  should  leave  this  place.  you  are  not  safe  here.  ’
there is nothing hard or sharp in zya's smile. it's as slow and soft as the fall of moonlight through clouds, clear for what it is only in the very last moment. ketheric thorme is dead and the nightsong freed, and yet it does not feel like the victory she thought it would. (she can think only of a father's desperate grief, how much she had longed for him - - even in those very last moments - - to repent. to turn back to their once-shared silver lady, let her grace flow through and save him. instead he is dead, and while there is a hollow ring to that, it comes with a simple, lovely certainty: it has freed both aylin and this tiefling from the binds that held them.
"i am not safe anywhere," she says. "nor are any of us. not while the absolute and its cult survive." moonrise towers drips with remnants of horror, but at least it is only remnants, now. her limbs ache, her eyes heavy with want of rest, but there is that satisfaction, at least.
"i'm not leaving you behind," she says. "you need not join us if you do not wish it - - you are not bound to us. but you are welcome to. it will not be an easy road, but - - at least - - you will not be alone." something in her smile softens, some little bit of weariness lifting from it. "and i know a wizard who will be very interested in learning more about you. he can help you, i think, if you'll let him."
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starlixir · 26 days
{Continuing from (x) for: @luneheir }
A smile blossomed itself onto Nova's lips, immediately chasing away the pout she once was wearing. The eagerly waiting hands shot out to the plate, already claiming the prize. Sure, it's not the full meal, but she'll take whatever is left. Food is food. As long as it satisfies her angry stomach, she will gladly take it.
❝What about a bear? Would that be more satisfyin' or would that be more challenging? Or do you prefer boars? I'm not sure the preference for everyone.....❞
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bloodtwin · 1 month
@luneheir sent:
since we'll be here for a while… might as well make the best out of it.
source: forced proximity trope.
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❝ we are in JAIL. ❞
some jail it is, too. he thinks it might have been built for mice.
the same cell. the same tiny, tiny cell shared between the two of them. it feels like they're breathing down each other's necks. puck doesn't mind getting up close & personal, but he'd much prefer to at least have some leg room.
puck knocks his head back against the wall with a groan. ❝ respectfully, i don't know if i will ever go along with one of your plans again. if it's all the same to you. ❞
probably not true. puck has always been easily persuaded. he won't admit to this for the time being, however.
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crimesoughtarchive · 9 months
you're nothing like i imagined.
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"truly? I promise the stories about me are exhaderated. I am no hero, I am just as handsome as the stories say..... if they say that." He thought about, had he heard many stories about him? well only the ones that Alfira told he was she painted him as a hero.
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refabled · 9 months
. . . love as a threshold .
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your love does not ask for much. your love does not take. your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for whoever needs it. when you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. it is tender. if your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. if your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. when you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. you love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. you love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. being loved by you is to always feel at home. your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
tagged by : no one because I made this quiz! tagging : @shentacles @dark3st @emeraldruid @fromxgrace @honortodth @peacereflected (cameron) @oathwilled @luneheir @pactclawed @wizofwaterdeep @sunderdust @slashaer (ezekiah) @shemurder @unwarrior @callidusdryadalis and anyone else! literally please tag me I wanna see what you get!
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celestialheal · 9 months
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love as a threshold
your love does not ask for much. your love does not take. your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. when you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. it is quiet, and it is effortless. it is tender. if your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. if your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. when you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. you love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. you love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. being loved by you is to always feel at home. your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
tagged by : @aeyln & @heirashari tagging : @ada1r, @bhaalswn, @cambius, @championsofthegate, @divinelght, @eritvita, @f4llenknight, @hellsforged, @luneheir, @nerimoi, @ofweave, @pactclawed, @ravingard, @recitedemise, @sunderdust, @scarbound, @tadbitfooled, @tadventurers, @untales, @vlaakithswill, @wolfsbarbaren & you!
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hopedflight · 4 months
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ind. sel. baldur's gate 3 original character.
FELY'ENE ALEANDER. drow. cleric/warlock.
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a study in: alice allusion, seeing through rose colored glass that's only red from your own bloody hands that grip it so tightly, loneliness in a crowded room, dissociation as a coping mechanism, breaking cycles, and what it takes to become a butterfly.
currently adventuring with. @stilettobite ; @fleshcarverfugitive ; @fortunefeather ; @bloodtwin ; @h3llslinger / @asangel / @luneheir / @slaycults
also found at. @saintsrepose (multifandom mutimuse, sideblog)
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as recorded by bee / harper (26, cst) since may 2024. header by @stillettobite.
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