turbofanatic · 1 year
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Time for my silly annual fanart obsession that will inevitably be used as grist for other projects! Do not expect this to go anywhere!
I've been thinking about a Legend of Zelda series game where the tri-force and goddess/hero/Demise incarnations are kind of switched around. (I mean, I don't think it's been confirmed that Demise always has to take the power tri-force, just that the trio will always return, I could be wrong though). So we have the Hero with the power tri-force, the Goddess with courage, and Demise with wisdom. This Hyrule also seems very different, laying at the bottom of a giant crater, and if you max out your stamina you can get to the edge and see... nothing but more empty craters.
Hyrule is slowly becoming colder and darker and the light-fish (which functions as the sun as it slowly winds its way around the crater) is dying. Things are making making their way in and infecting people. This tri-force exists as a triumvirate of Power, Security, and Control and Control/Wisdom is corrupted, Security is occupied, and Power is dutifully sending energy somewhere, but not where it should go. The gerudo desert is particularly badly hit (gerudo sires/princes aren't quite as rare in other games, but they're only about 1/15 of the gerudo population and tend to be overly protected as a resource, it kinda sucks!). Our hero (called "Lunk" here) gets infected, is mercy killed by his bodyguard with the cool "sword of the raging god" they found and left for dead. Except the dying part doesn't take, and the sword has stuff it needs to get done. He's partly infected, but it's kept at bay by the sword and eventually he comes across a Rito called Zelda who was working as a demolitionist for the group that was looking for artifacts like the sword, and then they're off trying to figure out who killed the light-fish.
Since, thematically, Wisdom is the corrupted one, our heroes are kind of... dumb. Lunk looks like a villain ought to look and bird Zelda is wanted for blowing up religious artifacts. People don't trust them! Also, wisdom/Demise is manipulating one really really scary hylian twink oh goddess he's so fast.
They're trying to figure out what killed the light fish, and hopefully restore it. Lunk has six daughters and even though he's maybe kind of sort of dead he'd like them to live.
And did I mention that there's a prophecy that Lunk will grind hyrule beneath his feet for ten thousand years? That seems bad. Is the power tri-force the dangerous part and not just Demise?
Gameplay would, like TOTK, revolve around physics, though it's mostly based on the fact that Lunk can change local physics around him, making things lighter or heavier, changing inertia, etc. Bird Zelda is basically a military drone that drops small grenades.
Aesthetically, this is heavily Twilight Princess influenced though. What a pretty game.
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cypher-droid · 3 months
Vulk and lunk sharing an ice cream
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decided to make a comic out of it
also, lick lick lick
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thejollyorangeartist · 7 months
MF Day #16: Lunk
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Out of all the mixels Lunk feels like someone who likes to take their time with everything. And it’s not just because of his slow speed, but also his mannerisms and how gentle he is. It makes him come off as someone who has a disability, which is something you don’t normally see represented in the show and makes me wish we got to see more him. Not to mention the friendship he has with some of the Flexer members is rather sweet.
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rottiecollie · 8 months
More ship doodles from twitter and hear me out- Flunk. (Flain x Lunk)
Don’t ask why most of them are anthros it’s easier to draw them than a gijinka 😭
Edit: just noticed that the quality downgraded sm I promise it’s way better if you view them on my twitter here: CollieRottie
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lovelyteng · 2 months
Mxls: Irritating Gags
[Starts to white void, there’s a rope. Music stops and cricket chirps until Roammer runs to a rope while panting.]
Roammer: Oh my goodness! I’m so late! We don’t have time for an intro! (Pulls a rope and drops Rainbow Cubits from above as it’s on him.) Here’s Cubits! (Screaming.) Let’s do this episode!
[Light flashing over screen, then fade to title card revealed is Irritating Gags.]
[Cut to Klinker Distract, Dribbal walks on the sidewalk side to side while he is going on a train of thought. Kamzo walks to him]
Kamzo: Dribbal, what are you doing here?
Dribbal: I'm in a train of thought about Series 6 going planning for the 81 Main Mixels Anniversary.
Kamzo: Train of thought? (Got an idea.) Hey! Hey, Dribbal! How do trains "hear"? Through their engin-ears! (Laughs while Dribbal smiles.) Get it? Ears! Oh my go--
[Suddenly, a train with carts coming in somewhere as it passes on Dribbal yelps and gets hit while Kamzo gets surprised.]
[Cut to Electroid Distract, Zaptor looks at his own phone while sitting in his chair. Pans right to Shuff holds Hamlogna Sandwich to give Zaptor.]
Shuff: Hey, Zaptor! Here’s Hamlogna Sandwich!
Zaptor: (takes Hamlogna Sandwich) Oh, thank you! That’s zzzzo nice!
Shuff: Oh, wait! Before you eat it, you’re not gonna like it. When you had an incident yesterday.
Zaptor: Huh?
[Footsteps sound appears until Boldurr runs and pops out to punch Zaptor with a big arm as Zaptor whimpers while flying away until he crashes offscreen. Shuff looks at Zaptor worried.]
[Cut to Gurggle walking on sidewalk until the feathers slowly fall on him which make him confused, he looks up as pans up to reveal was Slusho holds a bucket with legs and feels nervous.]
Slusho: Sorry, Gurggle! I’m just holding a million feathers to give to Know-It-All Duo for an experiment.
[Cut back to Gurggle while the feathers are still falling on him.]
Gurggle: Feathers? I mean, I guess, that shouldn’t be too bad, right? Because they’re-a pretty soft there. (The feathers are getting more and faster, uneasy.) A-okay, wow! That’s-a lot of feathers! (The feathers are getting more increase in amount and speed than before, agitated.) Oh, geez! Holy Mixel! That’s so many feathers! (Yelping in agitation.)
[Cut to black void, then spotlight turns on as Screeno appears on spotlight.]
Roammer: (offscreen) Hey, Screeno. How’s your stories?
Screeno: Hey, I’m…
[Turn on all lights to reveal from black void is the yellow background with Series 9 Patterns. Trashoz, Nindjas, Myke, and Camsta are behind Screeno, then they join him. Starts singing the song as they’re dancing while Roammer watches them.]
Screeno: (rapping) …Making the stories while the time keeps ticking
Sticking with a plan, hey, we’re straight up kicking
I think that you should listen to the news
Or you’re been hurt in your feelings
[Series 9 walks around Roammer as a form of circle as they continue dancing while Roammer is at center and feeling barely uneasy.]
Screeno: (continues rapping) That’s right, we’re a serious truth Mixels
Kick the bucket on you with our warnings
There’s no safety, my friend
Series 9: (rapping) Listen to the news or it’s the end!
[Series 9 doing pose when finish the song while Roammer been surprised and applause.]
[Cut to Snoof walking on the sidewalk until sits on a bench and sighs in relief. Jinky runs to Snoof, he’s wearing a lab coat and glasses while Snoof gets surprised.]
Snoof: (surprised) Jinky?! What are you doing here? And what are you wearing?
Jinky: No time to explain! You’re not sitting there, mate!
Snoof: What? What is it?
Jinky: Surprise airbag!
Snoof: Huh?
[Snoof flies away and crashes offscreen by a surprise airbag from a bench while Jinky looks at Snoof nervous and hisses in nervously.]
[Cut to Gurggle covers the feathers and holds a bucket of feathers while feeling distress and Slusho looks at Gurggle in guilt. They’re toward Know-It-All Duo’s Laboratory Base as they walk to the front doors.]
Gurggle: We’re here.
Slusho: You’re better not to be impatient to enter it, you’ll get hurt. We’re waiting for the Know-It-All Duo coming.
Gurggle: I know. (Humming, then starts impatient while groaning.) I can't take it anymore! 
Slusho: Gurggle, no! If you entered their laboratory without them, you’re getting hurt!
Gurggle: I don’t care! (Kicks to break the doors, then runs into Know-It-All Duo’s Laboratory Base. Screams in pain.)
Slusho: Gurggle? (Flies into Know-It-All Duo’s Laboratory Base to see Gurggle in robot claws holding his arms and feet.) See, Gurggle? I tried to warn you about that!
[Robotic claws pulls Gurggle’s arms like tugs of war, Gurggle screaming in pain while Slusho watching him worried.]
Gurggle: What the? (Screams, uneasy.) Hey! Oh no! Ah! Stop pulling! Oh, please! No more pain! Ahh! It really hurt! (Whimpers in pain.) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh no!
[Cut to Snoof walking on sidewalk while feeling distress as Jinky walks with him, Snoof got hurt marks and was covered with the paints.]
Snoof: Why are you putting any surprise airbags everywhere?
Jinky: It wasn’t me. It’s Chilbo, he’s putting it anywhere.
Snoof: Why?
Jinky: I think he just wants fun on Dribbal. Also, he thinks it’s time for a surprise airbag!
Snoof: Wow! Also… Oohh! Not again! (Whimpers while small jumping.) Please! I hate surprise--
[Snoof flies away and crashes offscreen by a surprise airbag again from a tile of sidewalk while Jinky looks at Snoof nervous and shakes in nervousness to Snoof’s pain.]
[Cut to Globert looking at Phosphee on a whoopee cushion at the table. Niksput and Burnard walk to Globert.]
Niksput: Yo, Globert. What are you doing?
Globert: It’s Phosphee. I don’t know what he's doing when he’s on a whoopee cushion.
Phosphee: (jumping in glee) Oh, cool! I’m on a whoopee cushion! Oh, guys! You’re so funny! (Notice a whoopee cushion where nothing happens while jumping, then he stops.) Wait… Nothing’s happening.
Burnard: That’s because you don’t weigh enough to make it work. (Laughs.)
Phosphee: Aw, man. I did not need this.
[Cut to Dribbal walking on sidewalks while feeling distress as Kamzo walks with him, Dribbal got hurt marks, bandages on left arm, right side of his glasses is a little crack while Kamzo feels sad and worried.]
Dribbal: (painful) Thanks for this... (Sneezes and shoots a slime on Kamzo.)
Kamzo: Hey! What do you call a train that can't stop sneezing? Achoo-choo! (Laughs as Dribbal slightly smiles nervously.) Get it? Achoo-choo?
[A train with carts coming in somewhere again as it passes on Dribbal yelps and gets hit again while Kamzo gets surprised and shakes in nervousness to Dribbal’s pain.]
[Cut to Snoof speeding up with ice booters on sidewalk while feeling panic as Jinky runs to him, Snoof got hurt marks and was covered with the paints and party streamers until they made it to Mixopolis Park.]
Jinky: Hey, Snoof! It’s another surprise airbag in here!
Snoof: (whimpering) Where’s it gonna come from this time? (Little jumping while feeling nervous.) Oh, I don't like surprise airbags! (Nothing’s happening which made him stop jumping and speak out.) Okay! Well, nothing’s happening. So I think I should be--
[Snoof flies away and crashes offscreen by a surprise airbag third time from a tile of path while Jinky looks at Snoof worried.]
Jinky: (hisses) Ouch. (Holds up his phone to call.) Hello, Krog. You're NOT gonna like it for what happened to Snoof.
[Cut to the interior of Know-It-All Duo's Laboratory Base, Gurggle rubs his arms and hisses in pain.]
Gurggle: (weakly) Slusho? Did you find-a first-aid kit?
Slusho: No, it’s empty. (Gurggle sighs.) But I found a remote for an emergency!
[Slusho flies Gurggle as holds a remote with his mouth.]
Gurggle: Good!
Slusho: Can I press a button for an emergency of Cubit?
Gurggle: All right. Well, I’ll give you problems for creativity.
[Slusho presses a rainbow button with his tongue, then the ceiling open and Rainbow Cubits falling on Gurggle which making yelling in pain.]
Gurggle: Oh! These are more than I thought they wouldn’t!
[Gurggle continue yelling in pain while Slusho feeling worried as shakes his head and clicks his tongue nervously.]
[Cut to Jinky’s Laboratory, Snoof curling up into a ball and shaking in fear as he got more hurt marks and covered with the paints, party streamers, and wet toilet papers while Jinky looks at Snoof as he finally removes his lab coat and glasses.]
Jinky: Look, Dribbal and I know Chilbo was actually extroverted and socially. Because you and your brothers have different personalities inside and outside.
Snoof: (realized) Oh. I see that.
Jinky: You finally realized that. Also, you're not gonna like that.
Snoof: There’s a surprise airbag?
Jinky: No, even worse.
Snoof: (nervously) What is it?
Jinky: 100 surprise airbags!
Snoof: (shocked) Wait, what?! (Stands up and runs to the door.) Not 100-- 
[Snoof almost reaches the door, but a surprise airbag pops out from the tile of the floor to make Snoof launch into another one, then he is bouncing on surprise airbags around Jinky’s Laboratory while he whimpering. Jinky watches Snoof in horror, then Krog opens the door and looks at Jinky.]
Krog: Jinky, what’s wrong? (Jinky points at Snoof speechless which he turns around Jinky’s points at, then surprised.) Oh my goodness! That’s why you’re speechless about what happened while you’re calling me because this?
Jinky: (nods in concern) Yes, it is.
[Cut to the interior of Know-It-All Duo's Laboratory Base, Gurggle covered bandages on his arms and got hurt marks while he and Slusho put Rainbow Cubits on boxes.]
Slusho: I’m so sorry I hit you. 
Gurggle: It’s okay, fratello. Know-It-All Duo has serious stuff for experiment. Especially our fratello, Dribbal.
Slusho: Yes, he is. (Steps on and accidentally press a red button on the remote.) Uh-oh!
[Robotic claws pop out from the ceiling, it grabs Gurggle, then turns him around upside-down, then it hits him in his head on the floor. Slusho looks at Gurggle nervously.]
Gurggle: (yelling in pain) What the heck?! (Continue yelling.) Oh, this is crazy! (Sobs.) Slusho, please! Stop hitting from robotic claws, Slusho! Please!
Slusho: Hang on! I am looking for a button to stop robotic claws!
Gurggle: (irritated) Just press that-a button already!
[Slusho becomes annoyed and presses a red button with his foot to stop the robotic claws from hitting Gurggle, then drops him and leaves. Gurggle dizziness and rubs his head.]
Gurggle: Thank you, Slusho. I know you can do it.
Slusho: (dryly) Yeah. Do something to make me laugh.
Gurggle: What? Slusho, what are you talking about? Are you okay? You're not very well.
Slusho: (shouting) DRIBBAL’S TRUMPET!
[Slusho presses a yellow-orange button and shows Dribbal's trumpet from the floor to blow away Gurggle as throw into the door to break. Gurggle stand up and covering Murped Mixel-Like Bugs which make him worried of it.]
Gurggle: No! Not the Murped Bugs with hallucinating sprays!
[One of Murped Bugs sprays on Gurggle’s face. Gurggle falls and lies on the floor, his eyes turn into glowing violet eyes while the background fades black.]
Glomp: (in hallucinate voice) Gurggle, you’re not the best member!
Glurt: (in hallucinate voice) Yeah!
Torts: (in hallucinate voice) You’re making us worse!
[Gurggle stands up and sees a hallucination version of Glomp, Glurt, Torts, Dribbal, and Slusho look at Gurggle ruthless and smiling evilly.]
Gurggle: (sobbing) What?! You guys? Why would you do this?! (Hallucination Glomp, Glurt, Torts, Dribbal, and Slusho laughing, he screaming.) No!
[Cut to interior of Mixopolis General Hospital as 415 Patient Room where Snoof feeling traumatized in hospital bed along Flurr, Slumbo, Lunk, and Krog look at Snoof comfort. Slusho files to 5 Main Frosticons.]
Slusho: Hi! (Look at Snoof.) Oh! What’s happened to him?
Flurr: Snoof got traumatized by a surprise airbag, it was put everywhere by Chilbo.
Slumbo: Jinky told us about that.
Lunk: Yeah.
Krog: Also, why are you here anyway?
Slusho: (points at left with his tail) That.
[5 Frosticons look at Slusho’s point at left. Pans left to Gurggle in a big glass box and wearing a straitjacket while laughing maniacally and still got glowing violet eyes. Background Medix Mixels watching Gurggle nervously.]
[Cut back to 5 Frosticons and Slusho. 5 Main Frosticons surprised while Slusho felt annoyed, then Main Medix walked to them while looking at Gurggle and then them.]
Tuth: He’s so crazy when thinking his family doesn't like him in hallucinations.
Skrubz: He’s got sprayed by a Murped Bug.
Surgeo: But don’t worry, he’ll wear off in 12 hours.
Slusho: (dryly) He’s so impatient as broke out of the Know-It-All Duo’s laboratory which made him worse.
Snoof: Woah… I think he deserves that.
Slusho: Yes, he is.
[Jinky runs and bursts out of 415 Patient Room which makes 8 Main Mixels surprised.]
Jinky: Guys! I have good news and bad news!
Krog: What is it, Jinky?
Jinky: Good news is I put out surprise airbags around Mixopolis.
Krog: Wow! That’s good to hear!
Slusho: And bad news?
Jinky: Bad news is… I can’t find one more surprise airbag. Chilbo told me one of them is difficult to place and difficult to find.
Snoof: Oh, that’s not good.
Krog: Hey, Snoof. (Holds up a white cushion to give Snoof.) Enjoy a comfy white cushion.
Snoof: Aw, thank you! (Take a white cushion.) That’s so sweet! Oh, it’s so soft! (Puts a white cushion behind him.) Oh, I’m gonna lie on this all day! I’m gonna call it “Kenny Fluff and Stuff”! Oh, I love you, Kenny!
Jinky: (begin moment to start realizing) Oh, wait! I think it's a surprise airbag!
[Snoof flies away and crashes the ceiling by a surprise airbag from behind him while 8 Main Mixels look at Snoof worried.]
Jinky: Okay, that’s the last one. I’ll go to Kamzo to hang out with Dribbal who got hit by a train while making a train joke. (Walks off.)
[Cut to Dribbal completely covering himself with bandages and his glasses little crack as slowly walks along Kamzo who feels cautious.]
Kamzo: You're not gonna get by a train again, are you? (Dribbal nods and hums.) Okay, here we go. Anybody who steals definitely has a locomotive! (Laughs as Dribbal laughs muffled.) Get it? Loco--
[Kamzo yells that Dribbal got hit again by train, but only by locomotive. He looks at parts with slime in horror.]
Dribbal: (offscreen, muffled) Kamzo? Are you okay?
Kamzo: Huh? (Turns around behind him to the real Dribbal who still covered bandages, but his legs, surprised.) What the?! How did you do?
Dribbal: I used an alike dummy to avoid me by a train. Anyways, thanks for helping you with humor and healing.
Kamzo: Okay...? You're welcome, Glorp Corp Know-It-All. (Walks away.)
[Dribbal walks and sighs relieved until he gets a hit when walks to the locomotive covered with slime.]
Dribbal: What the?! (Chilbo pops out the locomotive in smiles and wearing goggles.) Chilbo?! You're the one who is hitting me by a train?!
Chilbo: Yes, I am! This is gonna be fun!
Dribbal: Uh-oh!
[Dribbal running and screaming as Chilbo drives the locomotive while laughing.]
[Cut to Jinky and Kamzo watching Know-It-All Duo shocked.]
Jinky: See? I told you Chilbo was extroverted and enthusiastic after all!
Kamzo: Wow. You've got some voice of reason. (Laughs while Jinky is annoying.) Get it? Because your voice is the same as Dribbal, also Gurggle and Camillot.
Jinky: I know that. Also, there's one Background Mixel as far as I know. The ones with the same voice as me, Dribbal, Gurggle, and Camillot.
Kamzo: Who?
Jinky: Ranger Jinx.
Kamzo: Huh?
Jinky: He's the zookeeper of Mixopolis Zoo. Me, Dribbal, Gurggle and Camillot getting annoyed by him who is really enthusiastic for no reason.
Ranger Jinx: (offscreen) Did someone mention me?
[Jinky and Kamzo look at Ranger Jinx.]
Jinky: (surprised) Jinx?! What the heck are you doing here?!
Ranger Jinx: I watched Dribbal while he's in a train of thought, then I watched you, Jinky.
Jinky and Kamzo: WHAT?!
Ranger Jinx: (grabs Jinky's shoulders) Come to me, Jinky.
[Ranger Jinx pulls in to hug Jinky which makes Jinky whimper in pain while Kamzo chuckles.]
Kamzo: Jinky, looks like you're got jinxed! (Laughs while Jinky continues to whimper.) Get it? Ranger Jinx's on you.
Jinky: Dribbal is right. Some puns and jokes are sometimes safe and sometimes dangerous. (Ranger Jinx gets a little tighter while Jinky screams.) Ouch! That was enough, Jinx!
[Iris out on Jinky. THE END text appears on them as Roammer pop out to scrambles to HET DNE, then winks at audience.]
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depressocafe · 9 months
To My Anonymous Asker:
I got an ask from you wondering what my Voltron ships are. I honestly don't know what happened but the ask was gone when I checked again and I can't figure out what to do to get it back so if you come across my page again these are the answers to your ask. I'm sorry it took so long, thank you for having an interest in my blog and me.
My OTPS: Zaggar/Zonerva, Kaxca, Allurance
LGBTQIA+: Lunk, Adam/Curtis/Shiro, Zethred/Ezor, Allura/Romelle, Veronacxa, Klance (but only a little bit)
Rare Pairs: Romelle/James, Haggar/Raht, Tavo/Merla
Other: Lotor/Ven'tar, Lotor/Allura, Allura/Kolivan
Over all I'm relatively comfortable with most of the ships in the series but these are just the ones I think of the most.
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peeks in here- hihello sorry to bother you! I just wanted to say how awesome it is to see another Ribbit King fan in the wild! ;7; I saw you ask Courtney for Tippi art and it made my entire night!! ♥
Someone out there besides me knows this game??? Lolololol
Who's your favorite character??? 🥰
Gotta knowwwwww
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grim-lief · 2 years
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Lunk will help all living things!
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suckaysuamigos200 · 1 year
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para el día 24 de Auguspace el día de hoy le toca a telescopio
y para este día decidí dibujar a luffair junto con furrall viendo por un telescopio las estrellas y el espacio pero furrall se quedó dormido primero 🌌🔭.
♡🥛🍪° •ᝨ𝚎ȴê𝒔c٥ρê•°🍪🥛♡♡🥛🍪° •ᝨ𝚎ȴê𝒔c٥ρê•°🍪🥛♡♡🥛🍪° •ᝨ𝚎ȴê𝒔c٥ρê•°🍪🥛♡
for the 24th day of Auguspace today it is the turn of the telescope
and for this day I decided to draw luffair together with furrall looking at the stars and space through a telescope but furrall fell asleep first 🌌🔭..
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Round 1, Match 7: Lunk (Mixels) vs. Little Charrmer (Yo-Kai Watch)
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turbofanatic · 1 year
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More silly tri-force switcheroo concepts. See more background here.
Top is Lunk near the end of the saga. He's sorta ganon-y so obviously he has to end the final fight by turning into a monster because he can't win any other way. He's actually trying to do the right thing this time though. Poor guy! Hope it's worth it dude!
Middle is the light fish, which acts as the sun throughout the story, dynamically lighting hyrule with "daylight" that warms the surface and keeps monsters at bay. It's dying however and over the course of the game the circle of light gets smaller and smaller, and the darker it gets the worse monsters spawn, serving to ramp up the difficulty as time goes on. It flies a little faster than you can walk so you can try following it though dangerous areas, but watch out! It might leave you behind! At one point you get to ride it.
Bottom pictures are Lunk's sister, a friend, and then Lunk again. Gerudo have a flawed genome that means that a single X chromosome is lethal, the only gerudo that can sire children have Klinefelter's (XXY). Which is why they were so rare and left the gerudo dependent on their weird tree loving cousins, the hylians for so long. Anyways in the distant past the gerudo and hylians have been further separated and either the gerudo mutated or the goddesses blessed them or something, because klinefelters became a lot more common and about 1/8 gerudo have it, though about half are infertile so really only 1/16 gerudo can sire children. This leads to their weird gender system, where you're a prince once you impregnate someone and everyone else is a "vai." Sadly with the death of the light fish people are getting scared and conservative, and it's really just making things worse and not helping at all. Anyways the important thing is that lots of gerudo have obvious blaschko's lines! Some are stripey!
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cypher-droid · 3 months
lunk with a klaus heissler costume from american dad
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Planning for: PSMH cowboy AU
Roles: Sly (thieve/outlaw), Ratchet (Lawmen, undecided).
Potential roles: Jak (Mercenary?).
Plot: (copies from writing book since my phone was unavailable, slightly edited) An outlaw, a lombax of the law and an uncrowned prince, could never be allies, let alone friends. At least, that's what they thought. Jak, Ratchet and Sly, have been on opposing sides for years, thinking each other enemies. But when they learn the mayor has taken part in a sinister plot, they start to wonder 'Who truly is their for?" The trio must now work together to save everyone and everything they hold dear and cherish
Facts: Gleeber and Lunk will be repurposed in this au as minor antagonists (may or may not change). Gleeber and Lunk will wield a mini gun (Never gonna change).
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exxcitement1995 · 6 months
I pulled the lunk alarm at planet fitness now the lunks are trying to stuff me in a locker
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