#lunter shippers barely have any space at all
homunculusalphonse · 2 years
i wish lunter shippers had control over the h/unter noceda tag instead of the entire obnoxious siblingfying fandom, but alas.
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monkeymindscream · 1 year
6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 23. SALT FOR SALT, UNLEASH THE BEAST.
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Overall, I pray every night that I will never again be placed within the vicinity of more shippers who are anything like Starco shippers. Skin me with a cheese grater over that.
But that's not especially topical for me at the moment (and anyway, I've barely touched the Star vs. fandom since its finale, so for all I know they've calmed down since then). So in terms of a group I've encountered more recently that's gotten my nerves:
Lunter shippers.
I've been dipping my toe into the "toh critical" tag lately, for my own mental health. It's been a very cathartic experience for the most part, save for the slew of anti-Huntlow sentiments. Most of the people I've noticed decrying Huntlow are Lunter shippers. Which, I'm sorry, puts a massively different spin on any arguments they may try to dredge up against it.
Which listen. I fully acknowledge that Lunter is, thematically speaking, 100% the superior ship. And I don't just mean that when compared to Huntlow, it eclipses Lumity by a green mile. Like - yes Lumity is a massively important milestone, culturally speaking, yes it's very cute, no I'm not trying to lobby that the show would have been better without it or whatever, but I'm sorry these are the facts. Luz and Hunter had better chemistry as enemies than Luz and Amity did, and once they were on the same side they confided in each other more than Luz and Amity did. The payoff of them getting together at the end of the series would have been better than the Lumity payoff we got. ("They're siblings-!" fanon likes to interpret them as siblings; they don't share blood so this argument holds no water.)
All of this is course coming from a purely objective standpoint, you understand, because I'm very firmly Team Huntlow. Which, getting back to the point at hand, Lunter shippers apparently are aggressively against. I'm not saying they don't have valid points to their arguments (because lord knows this show turned into an incomprehensible mess by the end), but I resent that they frame those arguments as objective when they're obviously grasping at whatever they can to justify why their ship is superior. (On this note, I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the anti-Lumity sentiments I saw in the critical tag were also primarily from Lunter shippers.)
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(Hollow Knight!)
The amount of people I see out here acting like it's even feasible that the Pale King went through all his offspring, one by one, and then chucked them into the Abyss when he deemed them "failures" is staggering. It is honestly the stupidest fucking take I've ever seen. That pit is filled with husks. There's thousands if not hundreds of thousands of them. How much time do you think this motherfucker had?
Also, he's a gotdamned bug. Who was married to someone who had to chain herself up to prevent her urge to breed. How has no one come to the conclusion that he placed their eggs in the Abyss to imbue them with Void, and then Hollow was chosen to be the vessel for the Radiance because they're the only one (seemingly) who managed to fight their way back out? That getting out was the first test they had to pass to prove their worth?
(This shit-opinion is so prevalent that it was stolen for another piece of media, and it makes just as much if not less sense there.)
10. Worst part of fanon
Donnie is fucking everywhere and is used for moments that would better suit/make more sense for his brothers.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Considering the prevailing attitude in most of the fandom spaces I've fallen into in the last five years seems to be "if they've done something bad then they're horrible characters and don't deserve any time in fanworks unless they're getting dunked on/being a complete piece of shit!" I'd say most if not all of my faves fit for this? Soo lightning round!
Emperor skekSo: Is he one of the worst of the skeks, if not THE worst? Yes (which is a con for you people, for some reason). Does he also have some of the most humanizing motivations out of all of them, is actually very effective at redirecting the group as a whole towards a mutual goal, and unarguably has the best design? Also yes.
Pale King: First of all, what the fuck would any of you have done in his position when faced with an entity that wanted her subjects to be eternally, blindly obedient, and who then wanted revenge when you took that away from her? Even though he made untold amounts of mistakes and less than stellar decisions in his efforts to protect his kingdom, his intentions were good. Tragic, morally-grey, haunting-the-narrative characters are wonderful, actually.
Krangs 1, 2, and 3: They get absolutely no love in fanworks, but they should. They're collectively badass, their personalities and entire dynamic with each other is really entertaining and interesting, if you give it even the barest amount of effort, and the implications of what we can infer of Krang culture from them is wildly fascinating.
Philip Wittebane: Honestly at this point I think everyone should like him just because the irony of the fandom-puritans constantly shitting on him (an actual Puritan) for essentially fulfilling his role as an antagonist has long worn thin, and I'd like to make them uncomfortable.
KIKIMORA: KIKI IS FANTASTIC ALRIGHT?? She's a funny little guy, she's ruthless, she's got an abusive family (or at least mother based on the snippet we got), she'd sell you to Satan for one cornchip, she has one of the best designs in the whole show-
(Also she's proof that people are shallow as all fuck, because if she was conventionally attractive/more human-looking, she'd be a fan-favorite and have people writing essays to defend her. That's how Lilith got away with everything.)
16. You can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
(Cult of the Lamb!)
Having Narinder need to apologize to the other characters. He's the only character I see people taking the stance with. Which is especially egregious when it involves the other Bishops. It's usually something to the tune of him needing to make up for the injuries he cased them.
I'm sorry, how did the entire fandom manage to leapfrog over the fact that he only injured them because they were actively trying to imprison him?? I'd be cat-scratching at people too, no pun intended. If people are apologizing I don't think the cat should be the one made to head the line.
Also, in regards to the Bishops, I never see art/fic of the Lamb being salty towards them when they join their cult, but I see loads of art/fic of Lamb being a sadistic fucking bully to Nar over their whole debacle. And it's presented as either just a silly joke or totally justified and what Nar deserves. Fuck y'all.
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
I didn't plan on falling head-over-heels for Leuno. I even resisted a little once I first felt it pulling me down. Didn't last. Look how that turned out.
Also John/Rhi, but only by virtue on not wanting to like John at first
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