thelusitanianfox · 11 months
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Stand aside you Ghouls and mortals as the prince of darkness passes by, his look as deadly as his handguns, his sass and mystique are as awe inspiring as his suit and coat, to look into his tainted eyes through his glasses is like seeing hell itself in his soul, i Give you Blitz as Alucard from Hellsing.
Happy Halloween to you all out there.
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thelusitanianfox · 1 year
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"Chilling Pets" Oc Pets Chilling in the afternoon, Brisa, Barcelos and Anipe, hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to like and reblog.
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thelusitanianfox · 1 year
Social Media
Just wanted to let you guys know that im on other Social media, im not leaving Tumblr but do please visit me on other places and give me a watch, link below and have a nice day guys X3
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thelusitanianfox · 2 years
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these used to belong to friends of mine but they turn out to be horrible people, if you know who these belong, block and ignore them
Infinite belongs to sonic Team
Tempest belongs to the Sonic Legacy Team
Clove belongs to Archie
the mobian soldier belongs to me
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thelusitanianfox · 1 year
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New Artist Banner, pretty dope right, what do you guys think?
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thelusitanianfox · 1 year
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I give you Blitz and Whisper's only son, Sharp, his call in life is music, he's the cutest thing when you interact with him, he also specializes in guns as hidden hobby from is previous position as a tactical sniper before deciding to run his own music shop since both require a steady hand in the craft, hope you like him X3 for more check out my other social media, link below: TheLusitanianFox
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thelusitanianfox · 2 years
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I give you Guys Brisa, Sevilha's pet and sidekick, Brisa is a Cyan Wisp, Sevilha rescued her after finding her injured, the two became friends and are always together, hope you enjoy her design ^v^
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thelusitanianfox · 2 years
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As you all can see i have changed my PFP and i would like to present my new Logo, Watermark and Monogram, a shoutout to my friend
Dash The Cheetah for his help and idea for the Monogram, that was a stroke of genius man, hope you all like it, this is not for public use, check out his work on twitter, link below.
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thelusitanianfox · 2 years
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A gift for a friend of mine, please do check her art out, link below, she is an amazing artist, here is my Oc Blitz and Sans wishing my bud a happy birthday, this one is a bit old but i forgot to post it here, enjoy
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thelusitanianfox · 2 years
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i give you guys Nika, i adopter her back in 2019 from her previous owner, this is her original design with a few tweeks, will be working on new outfits for her, this one is a bit old, hope you like her X3
i have announced her some time ago, for more about how i got her, check here https://thelusitanianfox.tumblr.com/post/681256273538416640/i-would-like-to-announce-that-i-have-aquired-a
Nika Info
Name: Nika Kitsu the Fox
Age: 22
Height: 120 cm – Maw -140 cm
Husband - Maw the thylacine
Daughter - Fang the Thylacine
Son - Reinhard the fox
Daughter – Mia the hybrid thylacine fox
Son – Spark the thylacine
Powers and Features:
Has powers of Fire and Ice, Wrist blue laser Blades and a Pistol.
Created by Eggman as a chaos weapon, uses the emeralds powers to enhance her powers, has anIntegrated Ear piece on the left Ear for communications, Nika's eyes have a conection to a device which Maw can use to see through her cybernatic eyes and her Jewels change color based on her mood or stance
Personality, relatives and friends:
Nika is actually really hard to impress. she claims to be the strongest chaos being in the world after all, she's a prankster and takes other’s clothes, innocent and playful, gamer and play with vídeo games with Cassia.
Married to Maw, works and lives with him, Nika is a sub egg boss in the Empire Best Friends with Sevilha, Storm, Clove and Cassia
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thelusitanianfox · 3 years
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Hello Fellow Watchers, i bring you Blitz's Weaponry, what he carries and uses Everyday Tokarev TT-33: The Tokarev is a Soviet World War 2 Handgun issued to Soviet Troops and the one Blitz carries belonged to his Father who was with the germans from the Blue division and got captured near Leningrad and later in interrogation they found that he is a spanish communist, a few months later he was drafted into the Red army and given this Handgun as part of his gear that he used all the way till the end of the war and later brought it back to Spain. Walther P38: The Walther is also a German World War 2 handgun to Replace the older Luger but this one is Built under License in Portugal and used right into XXI century, this one was issued to Blitz in 1965 when he was drafted into the Portuguese Military to fight the African Colonial Wars in the 60s and 70s and was with him throughout his Military Career and Life. Luger P08: The Luger is also a German World War 1 handgun that served right into late 20 Century, mostly used by officers by late years it was falling out of use despite using the same caliber as its new comer, the P38, this one belonged to one of the Officers of the Blue divison who was Blitz's father's commanding officer and despised him for have fought in the international brigades of the Spanish civil War and threathened to rat him out and have Louis Senior's sweetheart arrested back in spain and Louis tried as traitor, so one night in brawl Louis snatched his Luger and shot his commanding officer dead and faked it as enemy fire and he kept the gun through the war and brought it back with the Tokarev. Colt M1911: The M1911 is an American Handgun from World War 1, a true classic American, this gun was later offered to Blitz by the US commitee in NATO for his efforts and duties in world politics in his later years. Saber Sword: This is an XVIII Century Officer Saber Sword that have been issued to Officers in the Portuguese Military up to modern days, once used as an Officer's Weapon along with its firearm, now only a symbolical Weapon to an officer, due to problems with the family and the portuguese Estate, Blitz despite his combat experience in the war in africa and skills was denied promotion for years until after the Fascist Estate was toppled that Blitz was able to be promoted and later wnet to Officer School where he got his Saber Sword and only later with the Eggman Empire did he used it in combat to lead and command the Troops in battle and even had its silver like Scabbard customised. Eggman Empire Oath Dagger: This Dagger was issued to blitz after the Earth-Mobian War or World war 3 on earth, after winning it, Eggman made him Egg boss of Earth and had this made for Blitz as he swore oath to Eggman but with different intentions in the empire, to make it something better then evil and sometimes the Dagger has been used in Desperate situations when blitz couldn't reach for his Combat Knife even though he doesn't like the design much. Bush Combat knife: The Combat Knife was actually bought by Blitz with money from his Mother, a noble spanish woman, the Combat Knife is not an issued piece of gear but an extra that is bought by a soldier like other pieces not issued by the Military, Blitz knew he would be fighting in the bushes and Savana and would need one of these cus is Bayonet was no good for any other task other then Killing, this more known as a Bush Combat Knife for hand-to-hand and multi purpose in the wilderness, Blitz always carried this almost everyday of his life since he got and he values it most as blessing from his mother that saved his life many times, Truly a mother's embrace and protection comes in many forms. Hope you love the Ref and its Stories and please leave a comment.
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thelusitanianfox · 4 years
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Blitz led his men helping the Avalon Garrison defend the kingdom from Attacks from the Resistance and in the process he got seriously hurt, falling injured at the gates carrying the Empire's colors or Flag to keep his men from losing faith and fleeing and then Lord Hood took over the command along with his own and blitz's soldiers, driving the rest out and away, Blitz survived the battle to fight another day, yep just another day on the Job for this fox and his fellow comrades and Egg bosses of the Empire. Hope you like it, i got inspiration from this song "Johnny Reb" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZxMDZ3TdZM
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thelusitanianfox · 5 years
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finally did the recolor of my Oc Blitz's redesign, hope you guys like it please leave a comment
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thelusitanianfox · 6 years
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The Mobian Freedom fighters sent one of their members to steal 2 chaos emeralds under the control of Dr.Eggman, she managed to steal and flee with them but she couldn't fool Commander Blitz and the Red Army Commander Stryker, both soon caught her but at cost of 76 out 150 egg pawn soldiers but now this misterious freedom fighter was soon face to face with one of Dr.Eggman's best warriors, a true soldier.
Hope you like it.
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thelusitanianfox · 6 years
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these are the egg pawns of Dr.Eggman with military uniforms and firearms from several wars the collection is composed of marines or sailors, infrantry and officers. I thought they would look cool with these uniforms and firearms and so I decided to give it a try to see how the look. Hope you like it.
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thelusitanianfox · 3 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, i give you Blitz’s Pet, Barcelos, based on an old Portuguese folk legend that will be listed below in the discription  Barcelos is a robotic rooster made by Eggman as sign of trust and even pretection to blitz for his early services to the Empire, a companion for him as both get along well. Barcelos is Fireproof and Fire Breather rooster also having a lighter feature in his beak, he loves to eat corn so much that he will peak for it or steal it from anyone but won't harm, its also his weak point, he's mostly Passive and friendly, behaving like a regular Rooster, clucking, pecking on the ground and only speaks Portuguese, the rest he answers clucking he will be aggressive towards anyone who threathens him or his master and friend, your kids would be safer with him as he won't attack kids, he's armed with throwing knifes as extensions of his wing feathers, his coat wears out over time requiring him to be rapainted to which he asks others to do it since he's unable to reach some parts of him.
----------------------- Legend has it that in the Middle Ages, in Barcelos, a robbery took place, and the inhabitants were restless because the culprit could not be found. One night, a Galician pilgrim on his way to Santiago de Compostela decided to stay overnight in a local hostel and was reported as a criminal to the judge by one of the inhabitants. The authorities decided to arrest him and, despite his oaths of innocence, nobody believed that the Galician was on his way to Santiago de Compostela to fulfill a promise and that he was a fervent devotee of Santiago, Saint Paul and Our Lady of Fatima. The pilgrim was arrested and later sentenced to hang. On the day of his hanging, the pilgrim asked, as his last wish, to go and speak to the judge. Brought before the judge, who was having a banquet with some friends at the time, the condemned man knelt down and insisted on his innocence, begging not to be hanged.
Since no one believed him, the pilgrim pointed to the roasted rooster on the table and said:
“It is as certain I am innocent as that rooster crows when they hang me!”
Everyone around the table laughed at the statement. Later, to everyone’s amazement, legend has it that, the rooster stood up and crowed. What seemed impossible, however, became reality!
The judge ran to the gallows to prevent the hanging, and when he saw that the rope knot prevented the strangulation, he immediately had the rooster released, letting the pilgrim leave in peace, in the direction of Santiago de Compostela.
A few years later, the pilgrim returned to Barcelos and erected a monument in honor of Santiago and the Virgin Mary, since he assumed that Santiago had protected him from the gallows.
This legend is said to have passed from generation to generation, until today, and over time the figure of the Barcelos rooster has undergone modifications, until it became the colored image, and is today, one of the symbols of Portugal. hope you guys enjoy it and please leave a comment, any foul ones will be removed and stay safe out there
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