#lusty argonian maid'd
joe-england · 9 months
Commission: Lusty Argonian Maid'd
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Welcome, hey, welcome!  I'm so glad you made it to the other side.  And here i am too, with my first post of 2024!  Let's do this.
This is for our good pal Val Salia!  Lusty Argonian Maid'd is...
I'm really not sure where to begin with this one.  Do you know Skyrim?  That nigh-legendary video game from some years back?  Well, if you didn't know, there's a text in the fantasy setting called "The Lusty Argonian Maid", about....  Oh, there are lizard people in this setting, and they're called Argonians.  Right?  And the book in question is sort of a gag, a raunchy tale about a lusty Argonian maid.  And also in this setting (that is, in the Elder Scrolls franchise, not in the raunchy book), there's a mischievous god who likes causing mayhem and chaos because that's his thing.  He's like Q, but without the moralizing.  So!  Val Salia's writing and drawing an ongoing fan comic in which the trickster god targets the Dragonborn (the protagonist of Skyrim) and transforms him into a real-world (as in, in the context of the game) lusty Argonian maid!  And the Dragonborn is compelled to act the part, which is bad enough since he's supposed to be saving the world from dragons, but it turns out the curse is contagious, and it spreads to Orgnar (a bartender working for an innkeeper who is actually an undercover secret agent), who turns into a sexy Khajiit (there are cat people as well as lizard people), and then it keeps going, and soon all of Skyrim is threatened by this plague turning its victims into pantomime bimbo stereotypes, and all the while the dragons that you're supposed to stop in the game are still ending the world and Pussywillow (Orgnar) low-key hates Lifts-Her-Tail (the Dragonborn) for doing this to them, and it keeps getting worse and more fun to watch.  And that's not the half of it!
It's one of my favorite comics in the world right now.  Funny, ribald, cleverly written, and 51 pages long as of this writing.  As a connoisseur of comics about people getting changed into monster girls, I give it my highest recommendation.  I couldn't fit all that I wanted to draw on a single page!  Check it out if any of that appeals to you, and if not, I encourage you to look into Out-of-Placers, Val Salia's other, more serious-minded webcomic about someone becoming a girl freak!  They're both great reads with their own appeal, and they get my Monster-Girl-Maker Gold Seal of Approval.
There are worse ways to start a new year.
Doctors Without Borders
Save the Children
Alliance for Middle East Peace
- Joe
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Saw that the forcefem art of Alduin from Skyrim I saw earlier when I was really sleepy wasn't a hallucination and, though this may surprise you based on my track record against slinging gender invalidating fetishes at people IRL, oh boy am I glad.
Lusty Argonian Maid'd is truly the great American novel. I've been following it for...years, now? I didn't dig it all that much until it introduced a (presumably cis) girl who gets forcefemmed into being like...man I don't even know how to describe the archetype in a succinct way, but the point is that it went from basic to based when it started really exploring the conceptual space of Sheogorath fucking with people through involuntary transformation.
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