#lvdh full form
fatoulein · 5 years
better options for skamnl s3 than lvdh:
olivia comes back from whatever void she disappeared into and achieves her full lesbian form
isa season again except now she’s dating liv a girl and it’s a happy healthy relationship
imaan magically rejoins the show and finds her muslim icon gf
kes x jayden friends to lovers
engel or janna season i guess
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minimac-mspl · 5 months
Standards of turbine oil
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A) BSI (British Standards) – BSI BS 489:1999: Specification For Turbine Lubricants.
B) DIN (German Institute for Standardization DIN 51515-1, 51515-2: This document specifies minimum requirements for oils for high thermal stress (high-temperature service) in turbines.
C) ABB (ABB Group) ABB G12106: Ultra-clean turbine oil, Long-life, Rust & Oxidation-inhibited circulating oil.
D) ASTM International – ASTM D4304: Define the properties of the mineral and synthetic oil-based turbine lubricating oils that are functionally interchangeable with existing oils of this type, are compatible with most existing machinery components, and with appropriate field maintenance, will maintain their functionality.
E) GE (General Electric) GE: GEK-32568: Lubricating Oil Recommendations for Gas Turbines With Bearing Ambients above 500°F (260°C)
Also Read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mandatory-properties-steam-gas-turbine-oil-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver. Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 9 months
Temporary power connection do's and don'ts
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Do’s :
Ensure taking a work permit from the site in charge and conduct a Tool Box Talk.
All electrical jobs to be conducted by a certified electrician.
Ensure all the equipment is flameproof.
Equipment that operates in three-phase power should have double neutral earthing.
The use of an Earth-leakage circuit breaker is a must for all the equipment.
The current rating for all equipment should not be greater than 30Amps.
Ensure use of proper rating Direct On Line Motor Starter in individual machines.
Ensure use of proper armored cables for the main power connection.
If there are cable lying on the road crossings or pathways should be covered and concealed to protect them from physical damage.
Cables without any joints should be used at all times.
Cables should be laid above the ground to the maximum possible extend.
Electrical connections should be kept clean, dry, and tight at all times.
Ensure all power supplies are switched off from the feeder pillar immediately if the equipment is not in use on a daily basis.
Maintenance person should be informed after completing the job if there is no requirement for the temporary power.
Don’ts :
Don’t use power supply above 24 V inside confined spaces.
Do not lay the unarmored cable on the ground
Do not twist and carry connections between two cables.
Do not keep a temporary feeder pillar near water.
Do not sublet any temporary connection to another contractor.
Do not increase the load without informing the electrical maintenance department for a temporary power supply.
Do not allow an unauthorized electrical person on the job location.
Also Read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/myths-facts-what-do-you-believe-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver. Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 9 months
Importance of inventory management
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Product labeling can be used to identify the following:
Purchase & Delivery Date: Label should mention the date of the purchase & delivery date of lubricants.
Product Name: It should also mention product name, brand, manufacturer
Quantity: It should also mention the quantity.
Storage Location: It should also mention the storage location of the lubricants. The products should be used in the same sequence as they are brought into inventory.
(1) FIFO: First in first out- lubricants should be taken into usage according to the date they are brought into the storage house.
We can enhance the life of plant and machinery through proper maintenance, storage, marking of lubricants.
Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/storage-management-oil-products-its-importance-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver. Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 10 months
Myths vs Facts
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A. Lubricating industrial equipment is easy.
This a complete myth whereas the actual fact is lubricating is highly detailed and complex. Some of the important decisions that one needs to take are:
1. Selection of proper oil & Grease for a machine.
2. Right place, right frequency and right volume of lubricant to be applied.
3. Proper flushing of lubricant tanks to ensure contamination-free lubricating lines.
4. Also applying grease is also an art; too much or too little of it can damage or blow seals.
B. Minimal consequences and benefits are associated with routinely lubricating industrial equipment.
This is also another myth whereas it has been seen that most events of downtime occur due to inadequate lubrication or due to the use of the wrong lubricant. Though lubricants cost about 1-3% of our total maintenance budget improper or wrong lubrication can lead to machine downtime costing millions of dollars.
C. Lubrication is an unnecessary cost to the organization.
This is completely untrue as correct lubrication practices can actually bring down the cost of maintenance and can give ample opportunity to employ those funds for further development of the company. Also read - http://bit.ly/2Pq76hT
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best customized solution.We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver.
Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 10 months
Understanding the Pareto principle in terms of maintenance
In our previous segments, we have discussed several aspects of Lubricant contamination and ways to prevent or treat that contamination. But, as we all know that for every company the maintenance budget is limited so focusing on all the factors is not possible.
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The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule ) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In terms of maintenance, it can be reflected upon as 20% of Machines cause 80% of the Downtime.
Few key causes that constitute this 20% are:
1. Particle Contamination
2. Moisture Contamination
3. Wrong/Degraded Lubricant
4. Misalignment
5. Imbalance
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We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the highest quality & service quality solutions. Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 10 months
Understanding the root cause of the symptoms that are observed on your machinery?
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It is observed across the spectrum that whenever we see issues/symptoms like:
1. Oxidized oil
2. Destructive pitting
3. Excessive vibration
4. Abrasive wear
5. Cavitation
6. Machinery abnormal noise
7. Wear debris generation
8. High running temperature
We usually believe in either Repairing, Replacing, Rebuilding and Removing the affected component. However, it only subsides the symptoms temporarily. This approach is called the 4-R approach and it weeds out the issue from the surface and not at the root level and hence the problem reoccurs. Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
However, we should aim at studying these symptoms and work on the root causes. Some of the very frequent root causes that cause the above-mentioned symptoms are:
1. Misalignment
2. Wrong oil usage
3. Moisture
4. Machinery part imbalance
5. Particle contamination
6. Air contamination
Hence, we should aim at 5I approach i.e. It’s clean, It’s Cool, It’s dry, It’s aligned and balanced, It’s well oiled. This approach keeps the machine healthy and eliminates the problem.
In case you are unable to understand the root cause of the symptoms that are observed on your machinery contact Minimac Systems Pvt. Ltd.
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minimac-mspl · 11 months
Are you experiencing sub-optimal results even after changing filters?
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I hope you have read these 2 articles:
Whenever you are experiencing sub-optimal results even after changing filters, below are some possibilities which should be checked for:
1. Collapsed center tube
2. Inconsistent media quality
3. Damaged or burst filter media – fatigue
4. Bypass at filter media seam
5. Bypass due to adhesive failure
6. Damaged gasket or O-ring seal
7. Bypass valve jammed in open/closed position
8. Installation error, installing a filter in the opposite flow direction
9. Bypass valve leakage
10. Misaligned filter and seal
If none of the above factors contribute to the sub-optimal functioning of your filters we suggest you contact the Minimac Consulting team for required filter calculations and further investigations.
Get your filter check today, Call +91 7030901266
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. provide services of Total Lubrication Management and Lubrication Consulting that helps you optimize your Lubrication needs. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 11 months
Understanding of the BETA factor
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What is the Beta Ratio?
The beta ratio refers to the efficiency in which a given filter element removes the particle of a given size. The Beta Ratio is calculated using the ISO multi-pass test standard 16889:1999.
How is it measured?
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Get your filter check today,
So, to purchase a filter with a beta ratio of 2-10 is considered poor, it is advised to use filters with at least a Beta factor of 75 and 98.7% effectiveness. High quality, efficient filter assemblies can achieve 200 to 2000 Beta Ratio for given particle size and should be ideal to achieve a low level of contamination.
Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-buying-right-oil-filter-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. provide services of Total Lubrication Management and Lubrication Consulting that helps you optimize your Lubrication needs.  Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 11 months
Are you buying the right oil filter?
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Let’s try to understand the real reason for the price difference. There are two types of filter ratings:
1. Absolute: Filter Rating meaning 99.9% of the particles larger than a specified micron rating will be trapped on or within the filter.
2. Nominal: Filter Rating indicating the approximate size particle, the majority of which will not pass through the filter. It is generally interpreted as meaning that 85% of the particles of the size equal to the nominal filter rating will be retained by the filter.
So, a vendor quoting for an Absolute 10-micron filter will have higher prices than the one quoting for a 10-micron nominal filter. So, the key is to always look for the datasheets of these filters and compare them basis the Beta Factor.
Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-all-contaminants-seen-naked-eyes-anshuman-agrawal/
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. provide services of Total Lubrication Management and Lubrication Consulting that help you optimize your Lubrication needs. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 11 months
Do you know?
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In this article, we will understand different types of maintenance techniques their pros and cons along with a brief guideline on how they impact a company’s cost structure with some interesting facts. Contact Minimac to schedule maintenance: +91 7030901266
There are four types of maintenance strategies:
1. Reactive Maintenance: Maintenance is scheduled in response to operational failure.
 This type of maintenance is very useful for lowering initial cost, reducing manpower cost as you need fewer staff members and doesn’t require any planning. On the contrary, this strategy compels you to keep more inventory to brace for unexpected failure. This not only leads to a higher cost but also makes the project budgets unpredictable.
2. Preventive Maintenance: Maintenance is scheduled according to historic trends, experience or reliability data considerable guesswork is required.
Preventive maintenance helps plan operations better and provides a better grip on the project budget as you don’t have to keep a lot of inventory on the shelf. However, sometimes we end up sending parts that do not require maintenance which leads to unnecessary expenditure and work.
3. Predictive Maintenance: Progression of failure is monitored. Machine repair is scheduled prior to a catastrophic breakdown.
Reduction in maintenance costs, reduction in repair and Overhaul time and reduction in spare part inventory are some of the advantages of this technique, however high implementation cost, expense on manpower training and increased manpower are some of the downsides.
4. Proactive Maintenance: Ahead of the first initiation of failure, not in response to failure. Focused on the root cause.
This is one of the superior types as the elimination of the cause of failure saves a lot of costs and contributes to the project’s profitability. However, this can be only applied if the manpower has greater diligence and are consistent with observing and recording their feedback. Also, read https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/functions-hydraulic-oil-reasons-its-contamination-anshuman-agrawal/
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. not only design a maintenance schedule for the lubrication oil but also provide a range of OIL PURIFICATION SYSTEMS & FLUSHING SYSTEMS. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 1 year
Types of Water Contamination in Oil
In our last #knowyouroil segment, we had discussed about Particle Contamination and its effect on the life of rotating parts. Companies spend a lot of money on installing filtration units to counter particle contamination but never take preventive measures towards water contamination. Water is a worse and silent killer for the life of machinery as it slowly degrades the oil properties and one only gets to know about it when the machine fails pre-maturely.
In this article, we will try to understand the basics of Water Contamination. We will also try to answer the following questions.
1. What water does to oil properties?
2. Can we see water contamination as soon as it starts?
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There are three phases in which water can exist in oil i.e. dissolved water, emulsified water, and free water.
Dissolved Water: It is characterized by individual water molecules dispersed throughout the oil. Water can remain in a dissolved state and hence difficult to understand the contamination at this stage.
Emulsified Water: When the oil gets saturated with water it starts to exist as a suspension in oil like microscopic droplets giving oil a milky appearance and is called emulsion.
 Free Water: When the level of oil in water increases further it leads to separation of oil and water called Free water.
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For a lubricant, the most important property is its viscosity. As the water starts to mix with lubricant it starts to alter the viscosity and hence impacts the film strength which is essential in maintaining equipment reliability by keeping moving parts away from each other. Water contamination also impacts the chemical properties of the base oil by acting as catalyst oxidation and aeration. This also leads to the appearance of sludge and varnish which leads to premature failure.
Water contamination also leads to Hydraulic Pump Cavitation in machines:
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If you see the signs of water contamination in your oil, what should you do?
1. Not to change oil as changing oil is not the only option. This is because once the oil is drained the impurities still remain in the system until they are flushed. If new oil is introduced without cleaning the system it leads to contamination of the new oil leading to no change in the premature breakdown situation.
2. Flushing of the system
3. Check the internals of the system to check for any damage
4. Filter the new oil to ensure no moisture is available in the oil
5. Skip all four steps and call Minimac (+91 7030901266)
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. not only design a maintenance schedule for the lubrication oil but also provide OIL TESTING and FILTRATION services as per the ISO standard of Super Clean Oil. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 1 year
Success Story: A small change can bring a Big Difference
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Do you agree that the little things, if done consistently, add to the big things? The same applies to every field of life, whether it is personal or professional. The very recent example recites it very true. The whole story begins with an opportunity to supply and commission 8 numbers of Oil Quality Testing Equipment for a sector that is crucial regarding the nation's safety. It was a great experience to work with the best brains and brave hearts.
We started our journey from Pune to a remote location in Odisha, Koraput. When we landed at the nearest airport, we knew it was more than a 5-hour journey by road, crossing many hills, valleys, forests, and ghats. During our travel, we encountered many wild animals and, surprisingly, snakes like pythons crossing the road. Probably, high wind and rain were making it more scary and adventurous. We arrived at our stay very late at night. After such a long day, we were excited to hit the bull’s eye the next day.
We couldn’t resist the enthusiasm and reached the plant before the time the next morning. We were very happy to see the grand welcome following intense security protocols. The industry can be classified as Defense & Space. A division regularly conducted workshops for the customers to better understand and utilize the products.
We showed our advanced Oil Testing Equipment, LPA3, but a few officers were not confident enough about the deliverables. The technology they used then was outdated and failed to meet the latest standard. We had to install, commission, and demonstrate 8 particle counters at different locations and in different machines. We did it within 10 working hours, which was an achievement in every sense. Along with the demonstration, we made them understand the minimum human intervention and the impossibility of tampering with our oil quality testing equipment results. As they were following traditional practices, this technological advancement was much needed in their plant, and it was about to bring a big difference. We did our best in the least time. The company officials were really happy & fulfilled and so were we. It was a great experience, and a perfect example of a small change can bring a big difference. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and be a part of our Journey - Click Here
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minimac-mspl · 1 year
3 ways to know your oil
Whenever we experience contamination in our oil our instant reaction or resort is to change the lubricant and replace it with a new one. But the question is, is our new oil free from contaminants? Contact Minimac for oil check: +91 7030901266
Lubricants are supplied in two forms i.e. in bulk through tankers and in the packaged form such as steel drums, plastic drums/cans. Both of these options are prone to the risk of lubricant degradation in storage. Let’s understand how to maintain fresh and clean inventory.
1. Product labelling: This is key to avoid any cross-contamination or old stocking of lubricants. A label should reflect the following:
a. The date container has been opened
b. Purchase & delivery date of the drum
c. Product name
d. Inventory code
e. Storage location
f. Min & max inventory levels
2. Inventory management: Minimum and maximum level of the lubricants should be set in order to manage the ordering of the oils to avoid degradation.  
3. Product usage: We suggest that lubricants should be used in the same sequence as they are bought i.e. FIFO (First In, First Out).
But even after doing all the above steps it has been observed that sometimes there is water contamination in sealed oil drums due to frequent temperature changes/rain waterlogging on the top of the drums, sometimes there is rust particle contamination due to usage of a recycled drum by the seller. To avoid this even the new oil should be filtered to achieve cleanliness code 14/13/11 as per ISO 4406 to ensure the health of the machines. If you are starting this practice now, we advise you to get your system flushed too to get rid of any varnish/contaminant residue left in the system.
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. not only design a maintenance schedule for the lubrication oil but also provide a range of OIL PURIFICATION SYSTEMS & FLUSHING SYSTEMS. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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minimac-mspl · 2 years
13 test parameters to test turbine oil, as per standards
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*Test Parameters:
1. Viscosity
2. Viscosity Index
3. Flash Point
4. Pour Point
5. Demulsification
6. Copper Corrosion
7. Acid Number
8. Foam Characteristics
9. Oxidation Characteristics
10. Water Separation
11. Rust Prevention
12. Cleanliness
13. Water Content
*Oxidation Stability Test : Turbine Oil Oxidation Stability Test (TOST) is a valuable tool in order to indicate oil life for lubricants that are continuously exposed to gross water contaminations, high temperatures, and air entrainment in field service.
ASTM D943 commonly referred to as Turbine Oil. Oxidation Stability Test (TOST), is widely used in the lubrication industry to evaluate the oxidation stability.
*Best Practices for Steam Turbine Lubrication:
1. Keep Oil Clean, Cool and Dry
2. Install High Capture Efficiency Breathers to your Oil Respective Oil Tanks
3. Monitor returning bearing oil temperature regularly
4. Maintain proper alignment
5. Inspect for signs of foaming and/or Air Entrainment
6. Install primary (return line) and secondary sampling points
7. Perform regular oil analysis
8. Routinely inspect sight glasses for level, foam, and water
9. Keep tank headspace dry using blowers, condensers or instrument air
10. Drain accumulated water regularly
11. Use offline fluid conditioning for precision contamination control
12. Regularly inspect for varnish, especially in gas turbines
13. Protect against water and or detergent ingress during wash-down
14. Inspect bulk delivery of new oil before acceptance
Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/standards-related-turbine-oil-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver.
Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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minimac-mspl · 2 years
Case study 2
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Place of Operation: RHIP, Salalah, Oman
Date of Execution: December-2018 to April-2019 Criticality: High
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Background: Prior to Minimac being involved in the project, in August 2018, as a part of the pre-commissioning activity, flushing of 14 compressors and heat exchangers (ACHE, Picture 2) was performed and completed by a service provider. But soon after in the month of October, during the commissioning of the compressor, large debris deposits were found getting generated and collected in the in-line lube oil filter. The debris consisted of silica, metal shaving, and a lot of chunky particles. The commissioning activity was immediately stalled, leading to a threat to the project timeline and subsequent financial loss for the EPC company and the Operating company - PDO.
Problem Statement: Large particle contamination detection in the inline filters of all heat exchangers and compressors during the commissioning stage, even though flushing was completed as a part of the pre-commissioning activity.
Underlying Issue: During the root cause analysis there were two reasons anticipated for this issue:
1. The Heat Exchangers were not stored properly leading to heavy particle ingress and accumulation.
2. Poor Flushing of Heat Exchangers. Most flushing service providers only consider the inlet and outlet pipe diameter of the heat exchanger (ACHE) to calculate the flushing flow rate. Mostly it is inefficient as each heat exchanger consists of multiple tubes that should be flushed with sufficient turbulent flow in each tube. As a thumb rule, for every 1” of the tube, 100 LPM of oil flow is required.
If you would like to have a technical discussion with our expert - click > Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd
What Minimac did:
1. A detailed root cause analysis was run and then it was suggested to flush all the heat exchangers, connecting lines and compressors once again separately, as there were multiple possibilities of particle ingression into the lube oil stream.
2. As a very large flow rate of 4000 LPM was required to flush the heat exchangers properly. Due to project timelines, 14 compressors were to be executed within a short duration, and hence 4-5 Flushing Skids of 4000 LPM (Picture 3) was set up in parallel.
3. Flushing was undertaken in 3 major stages where ACHE tubes, compressor lube oil system, interconnecting pipes were flushed individually. All sophisticated components like inline filters, bearings were by-passed using temporary loops.
4. A mesh screen inspection (as per API 614 Acceptance Criteria given in Table 1) on the return line from the client’s system was performed every 24 hours to monitor the debris on the entire flushing fluid stream. Flushing was continued for each stage until the mesh screen showed an acceptable level of debris as per API 614. (Picture 4)
5. An ISO 4406 test using a laser particle counter was also performed on the final sample of oil to ensure an ISO 15/13 cleanliness level.
Result: All 14 compressors & Heat Exchangers were flushed efficiently and an ISO 15/13 cleanliness level was maintained.
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Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nas-5-lube-oil-cleanliness-achieved-through-high-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver.
Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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