#lwts spoilers
girlslashers · 5 months
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treatcute · 5 months
on treat's relationship w her family
(& how it ties into the rest of the plot & world building [sort of. kind of. & also my personal thoughts.]...)
i find it absolutely amazing that all of treat's struggles don't stem [directly] from family issues but her own fears. as much as i adore characters who have Issues™️ with their families, we already have two main characters who have unstable connections to arguably the most reoccurring person whom they're related to (mochi & manjuu, moxie & her mother), and trick, the other main character, is literally on a journey to find their lost master (aka, closest thing to family bc he raised them) who has gone into hiding after sending trick off to join treat's pack...
[more under cut]
it's a really interesting change from "all of your families have something deeply wrong with them" (which is tied directly into the world-building and the overarching plot being alluded to irt the hierarchy in this society, in which witches are on top, animal folk fighting it out among themselves due to the food chain perpetuated by the witches, and the humans who have, largely, disconnected themselves from the rest of society & thus don't represent a problem to anyone else unless they cross paths)
treat's fear is, indescribably, not wanting to disappoint her parents with the prospect that she's polyamorous. wolves are shown to be tied to traditions that have been passed down for generations, shown in not only the moon ceremony, but the subtle implication of treat finding it comforting to talk about things that are mainly a thing in her pack -- ie. the ushankas (being linked to after mochi's cardigan is mentioned), & how happy she seemed to get when she got to talk about moving igloos, even though it was linked to the reason of "the other animals don't like it when we're around [because we're wolves]") -- and it's clear in this regard that treat values her family and pack so much that, even when nothing else points to the idea they could react to the news negatively, she fears that making them upset will change this relationship with them forever. and it's why instead of facing her fear head on, with kind, understanding people, she runs because she fears being outcasted directly. its why she reacts so negatively when the rabbits chastise her, how she doesnt want to be alone but would prefer subjecting herself to that solitude (becasue she "deserves" it) rather than being forced into it by others. but, not the point...
& it. means a lot to me that even after everything, when treat gets the courage after knowing mochi & moxie will be by her side, that her pack is shown to be incredibly understanding and they still love her. of course, there's mixed reactions -- fennel & powder are varying degrees of upset; in which fennel is distraught that she abandoned her and upon returning immediately introduces her new girlfriends, & though she uses language that suggests she's condemning treat for breaking tradition, you can clearly tell she still genuinely cares about her & shows a familiar fondness in the dinner scene later; & powder is definitely cold about the fact treat left and just came back, but struggles to explain to moxie that he's not mad because she's polyamorous, in fact, he could care less due to being aroace, etc -- candy & cotton need a bit longer to process, as they're the older members of the pack and therefore more tied to the moon ceremony, having been subject to it themselves and knowing of its importance & the feeling of being married under the moon and whatnot. nonetheless, as cotton states, they want the best for their daughter; even if they dont get it right away, they'll try, just for her.
and speaking of her parents, candy just. drives me insane. i like to think both parents had a good role in raising treat, but as of now we only know more about her mother's attempts at raising treat to be who she is. she taught her to not hunt for food, that the salmon in the river & whatever they could trade with the witches would be enough to sustain them -- even going so far as to warn her of another pack, the pack they left when she was young, that they were hunters, and should not be trusted. it also creates a distinct line between the food chain we are familiar with and this world's, which is confirmed not to be earth, and it's a detail i really enjoy. it extinguished the concern i had with the animal metaphor for racism, which is part of why i also appreciate this game so much. but anyway, candy specifically cares so much for treat, going so far as to defend her (& powder + fennel) from tundra when they fought about it... it's so good. it's so good
(&, while i don't have the spoons to elaborate as much: there's also the note of candy's acceptance of treat's departure even though she ran away without telling anyone. she loves her. treat is a full grown adult, capable of making her own decisions, which ties into her acceptance later on; treat deserves to have her own identity, she knows herself better than anyone else, and if learning who she is meant she has to leave, candy's willing to accept that rather than keep her daughter trapped because she loves her so much... & something something that tying into how she'd be no better than tundra back in glaze if she tried to chastise treat for leaving vanilla. etc etc)
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kouhsuu · 5 months
you saw the chapter 6 bad end, right..??
even though its not done yet.
watching Mochi just go absolutely insane and beat up everyone was fun. excited for the ending, wonder whats gonna happen!
Yeah I have!! I'll try and not elaborate too much to avoid spoiling more but even though it was terrible to watch mochi go through this, it was SO satisfying
I know Nami intended it so that you regret your actions, but i'm a little evil and devious so i'm actually thriving
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jiminysjournal · 10 months
Matt Berry narrating Thomas the Tank Engine was something I never knew I needed.
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spice-ghouls · 10 months
mannnn I didn't drink for like three weeks and I forgot how happy I am when I'm not sober. This rules. Oh shit the steam autumn sale is on, I just got a push notification for it, time to buy Videod Games
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beatlespussy · 1 year
Girl can we talk about your trauma
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johnpork1 · 5 months
lwt bad end 1 and 3 spoilers
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mochi joins the pack
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springjjjj · 1 year
In case of out of the box theories, please spread the word THAT:
1. This is NOT a ghost/horror story
3. This is a HAPPY ENDING 100% unless— (explanation below but it is going to be a huge spoiler. Read at your own risk)
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Gif by @earthpirapat
I warned you! ⚠️
If we remember the 1st trailer, that was a huge spoiler from the whole Part 1 of the whole novel. As we can see, Jom is from the present time. He is an architect sent to Chiang Mai to modify an old house where he also had his accident. He next woke up to 1927 which was Khun Yai's era (I won't discuss which era they live, we will watch the series together) in Chiang Mai BUT after the wormhole is done with his time in 1928, instead of going home, he will be traveling to another time, Ayutthaya period (beginning of Part 2), where Khun Yai also exists but as a commander and a different person than Khun Yai in Part 1. Part 2 will also explain Khun Yai's behavior that could not be explained in Part 1.
To clarify, we have 3 eras. Present, 1927-1928 & Ayutthaya period where we (and Jom) will be witnessing the different Khun Yai's in each lifetime.
Now, this is a happy ending because after Part 2, Jom will be sent home to the present time, there will still be a little bit more things that will happen to resolve everything in the present time but once he goes back, he will be meeting another version of Khun Yai who has the heart of Part 1 & Part 2 towards Jom. So don't worry, it will not be like your Scarlet Heart, Mr. Queen or Rooftop Prince and whatever is in your mind.
What's the possibility why it won't be a happy ending?
Obviously, it will have a happy ending 100% based on the novel but the only reason why it probably won't is because there's a huge possibility that Deehup is preparing a S2 for this series.
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Analyzing P'Boss explanation, it looks like they will be ending the series only with Part 1 and will return with Part 2. Since he mentioned the older era will be an easter egg, there's a chance that they won't be covering it for this season. Besides, 12 episodes doesn't look like it's enough to cover the whole 2 parts of the story. So we might expect that the ending of the series will be a cliffhanger but that's only my analysis based off P'Boss interview, you may interpret it based on your own belief.
In my opinion, I do hope we'll get 2 seasons. Part 2's quite complicated, it will need a lot of preparation.
Among Deehup's works, I read Lovely Writer & I Feel You Linger In The Air (still reading 🥲). I would really enjoy discussing the novels (LWTS & KaoUp too). I'm also watching Step by Step, sadly there's no novel translation yet. In the future I might keep talking about IFYLITA here.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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yuzukahachimir · 1 year
Nah I can't believe Asa and Yoru would lwt rhat devil win so fast they are cooking something too.
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tagged by @littlealexhorne! <3
Three ships: only slightly changed from a few weeks ago honestly.
Joker/Akechi (Persona 5). Akechi is the most confusing man on the planet but I deeply love the toxic, deeply and comedically homoerotic dynamic going on in the story at the point I'm at in the game. Aaaaand that's all I'll say bc spoilers.
Usagi/Mamoru (Sailor Moon), the forever GOAT romance ship. To the point that I want a vaguely Sailor Moon themed wedding. (I'm not even close to getting married this is not an announcement.)
Niles/Daphne (Frasier). My partner and I were watching the episode where Donny proposed to Daphne and I was very very NOT PLEASED, WHY MUST NILES SUFFER THIS WAY
1st ever ship: As I have mentioned before, James from Team Rocket/me as a nine year old
Last song: "Silent Running", Gorillaz feat. Adeleye Omotayo
Last movie: The Super Mario Brothers Movie, which was very fun if slight. I am very bad at going to the theatre these days and hadn't seen anything between this and Minions 2, I could use some movie recs.
Currently reading: The Gorillaz Almanac. I'm telling you I fell back hardcore into this shit.
Currently watching: Taskmaster S15, Frasier S7, random old episodes of The Daily Show, LWT S1 Ep 5
Currently consuming: it's honestly too early for me to eat, so nothing
Currently craving: a LaCroix
One media recommendation: I've mentioned it before but the podcast You Must Remember This' series Erotic 80s and Erotic 90s, both of which dive into erotic film from those decades and how they shaped US society... and how they were shaped by social factors, such as the Reagan administration, the MPAA's blatant hypocrisy, the AIDS crisis, and second- and third-wave feminism. Absolutely worth your time if you have any interest in modern film.
tagging @nyomkitten, @lavendercoatedangels, @tellthemeerkatsitsfine, @johnoliverstshirtcannon, @bimwi, @you-pricks-never-walk, @onett64, @archetypewriter, @rymurrsneckbeard, and @katsuobushii, feel free to ignore
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shortmania · 6 years
Now that I have the opportunity to ask, what exactly is Jaron's beef with Taro? For the longest time I've been contemplating it's either something super petty or much more deeper than what it seems.
Oh, dude, Jaron's just a bitch, that's all. It really doesn't go any deeper than that. He's a very jealous, insecure, socially anxious person and he has trouble getting along with everybody. He was a big jerk to Zack at the start of their friendship, too, and he and Kori traded a lot of jabs growing up. It's just a little worse with Taro cuz they're brothers and... Honestly, okay, I guess it does go a little deeper, if only cuz Taro is hard for him to talk to cuz their personalities and interests and experiences are so polar to each other. Like communicating with the guy is like talking to a very friendly wall. Not unlike Zack, actually, lol. Ain't that a mindfuck. Maybe if Taro was younger and Jaron didn't have to live with him, they'd be friends. Who knows?As it is, once they've both grown up and are on more even footing, they'll probably get along a lot better, but right now, Jaron just hates having Taro constantly in his business, he hates Taro teaming up with Phoebe to try to "improve" his diet and lifestyle all the time, he hates that Taro so effortlessly has so many friends and talents, he hates that Zack and him are such good friends, and he especially hates that Taro's life has been so damn charmed that he can't understand something as basic as locking yourself away in your room to read and forget for just a few hours that you're a person. He just wants to be a moody teenager in peace, okay. I'm like... trying to remember if I ever did have any grand reason for Jaron's animosity, but nothing's coming to mind. Jaron's got anxiety and Taro's abrasive. I'm pretty sure that's the gist of it? If I remember anything else, I'll let you know.
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mariocki · 4 years
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Brian Croucher, in a fleeting appearance as partygoer (and knife-wielding hardcase) Summers, breaking up the fun in Villains: Grass (1.12, LWT, 1972).
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microcosmtoxin · 3 years
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alcego · 4 years
mr. sims really just threw that “i love you” into casual conversation just to target me, a hysterical gay
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hyrulia · 6 years
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