#lyd's blurbs
burrrows · 2 years
Okay I had a thought. Joe x reader fluff with the song “Until I Found You” by Stephen Sanchez.
until i found you
ask and you shall receive... more loosely inspired than completely derived from the song?? which i hope you still like :p no warnings just a fluffy lil blurb, maybe a lil smidge of angst but that's all!
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A warm breeze whips your hair across your face and you don't notice it, but Joe is watching across the yard with a small smile on his face as you laugh lightly and pick the loose strands out of your lip gloss. You seem so in your element, surrounded by your mutual friends and his teammates, laughing at someone's lame punch line, cheeks flushed pink from the heat and maybe one too many champagne flutes.
He gets this strange feeling in his chest, in his stomach, like he could scream or cry or collapse in the best way – this feeling that he always get just looking at you. Like he loves you so much that it could take him apart from the inside out.
In moments like these he always takes himself back to the start of his rookie year, that one cold night with the biggest snowstorm of the season when he let the chill in the air turn him cold, too. When he'd taken your sweet little heart into his hands and squeezed a little too tight, cracked it a little under too much pressure. He remembers exactly what he said to you that night.
"Date nights and holidays will be here. You will be here. My career won't."
He didn't mean it. And you'd never known your Joe to be malicious, conniving, or to hurt anything or anyone intentionally. But his implication that your relationship, that you weren't important to him at the time felt purposeful, like he was truly trying to hurt you.
He had let you slip out of his fingers, the stupidest fumble he'd made in the entirety of his football career, in the entirety of his life. He'd let you go, but he'd quickly found out how impossible it was for him to even function knowing he wouldn't be coming home to texts and calls and your touch.
The following month he'd show up at your doorstep equipped with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and an extensive apology alongside a thought-through pitch for you to take him back, a request to let him love you again.
Letting you go then, to this day, was the stupidest decision he'd ever made, and he never let himself forget it. Especially now, watching the way you threw your head back with that smile on your face at something Hubbard said (and it couldn't have been that funny).
A firm hand comes down on his shoulder and startles him out of his thoughts, pulls him into attention at the rest of his surroundings again. He recognizes the hand as Ja'Marr's when he takes a glance, and he's handed a glass of his own.
"You already got the girl, brother. You gonna stand and watch over here like a creep or you gonna go enjoy what you got?"
Joe scoffs a laugh at his best friend, knocking back his champagne and handing the glass back to a cheeky Ja'Marr, who stalks back over to the team to snicker about how whipped their quarterback is.
You feel his arms around your waist before you feel his chest hit your back and his scent flood your senses. It's barely audible, but he lets out this little sigh, so chock full of content and comfort that your body melts into his on instinct.
He gets a whiff of your shampoo as you soften to his touch, and he feels so lovesick that he can't stop himself from turning you away from your friends to face him.
"Hey hotshot," you tease when your eyes meet his, toothy grin lighting up your face.
"Hello beautiful," he hums, leaning towards you to nudge the tip of your nose with his, hands firm on your waist as yours come to rest up on his broad shoulders.
He could let his eyes flutter closed and stand here with you, just like this, for the rest of his goddamn life. He could say fuck it to the team, fuck it to the NFL, to the entire sport of football to stand here with you.
But instead he feels you tip toe to press your lips to his and he feels his heart start to hammer in his chest when you pull him a little closer. His hands bunch up your cute little dress when he lets his grip tighten and he can feel his head swimming, thoughts getting lost as you move your lips with his.
He's ripped out of his state of grace when you detach your mouth from his, startled by a teammate, probably Ja'Marr, wolf whistling in the distance.
"Get a room!"
"Y'all gonna go at it right here?"
The boys won't stop hollering at the two of you, and you're laughing it off, this joyous little sound that Joe would almost be willing to let his team keep eliciting from you if it didn't mean he was missing out on kissing you silly.
He shoots them a pointed glare before shifting his gaze back to you, where your eyes meet and both of you soften to one another once again.
It's just a mumble, words spoken under his breath for only the two of you to hear, but the message rings as clear as if he was screaming it to the skyline, and blood rushes to your cheeks.
"You know, even if we had met twenty years later, I wouldn't haven fallen in love until I met you."
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
hi!! first of all, congrats on 2k!! that's super amazing & you totally deserve it!! also, for the 2k followers blurb event, could you maybe write an allison x lydia x reader platonic-best-friends-type-thing? if not that's totally okay. congrats again!! :)
thankyou sm hun!!!! This is the first blurb that I’ve gotten and I’m so excited, here ya go hun, please enjoy xxxx
Car Ride
Pairings | bestfriend!Lydia x reader, bestfriend!Allisonxreader, bestfriend!Lydia x Allison
Warnings | mentions of sex, mentions of allison x scott breakup, mentions of death, tiny smudge of angst
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Seated in the back of Lydia’s Toyota, you fiddled with your phone, as Allison took shotgun, and the owner of the car herself was behind the wheel, gripping it firmly with her manicured hands. Her fingertips tapped against the wheel, as she waited at the stoplight.
“Are you sure that I can’t like, I don’t know, jump out of this car, and avoid this triple date that has the possibility of turning into a teenage orgy, and like hang out with Isaac or something? He told me he has this new trick in lacrosse and I want to watch.”
Lydia tutted at you from the front, shaking her strawberry blonde head at your naivety. “Honey, he is not wanting to show you his lacrosse skills. I’d be worried if the moves he was hinting at happened on that field, more so if the rest of the team were around. Now that would be an orgy.”
“Ew.” Allison laughed. It felt strange, a good strange, to have the hunter back after summer break. After her mother died, she had left, breaking up with Scott, which now gave Lydia the perfect opportunity to set the brunette up with a random guy from school. Of course, she had to drag you into it too though. “No orgies thank you.” She wrinkled her nose adorably, making you lightly laugh at her.
“Isaac was not hitting on me Lyds, everyone like him has a thing for Erica, or had. I don’t know where she is now, but I’m sure she has a whole flock of werewolves chasing her blonde tail.” Crossing your arms, you allowed your cellular device to drop on your lap, as you leant back in the seat.
“Pack.” Lydia corrected you, making the girl in the seat beside her quirk a brow at her correction. “A mass of werewolves is called a pack. I even read that sometimes, werewolves try to be discreet to their flirting, other times, in Isaac’s case, not so much.”
“Well that wasn’t a page from the library.” You rolled your eyes at her, turning your face to glance out the window, fumbling back as you saw a sight that made you jump. Stiles was waving, unexpectedly in your sights as you gulped, trying to ignore him.
“Hey.” A yell hollered out of the Jeep’s window, as he began to bark profusely towards the three of you. Scott tried to calm him down, but instead, Lydia put her foot on the gas, avoiding them simply by driving off.
“Back to topic, I don’t need a damned book to tell me what’s obvious. Like it’s blatantly obvious that neither one of you want to go on this date, but me, being the good friend that I am, are forcing the pair of you to venture out of your comfort zones.”
“Good and forcing don’t really work that well in a sentence.” You bit politely back, watching as she huffed back at you, sending you a sly wink through the rear view mirror.
“Technically it was a reflection of how, in the past, have made me fight a werewolf, and my ex who ended up being a snake, literally.” She shrugged, pouting as Allison changed the station on the radio.
The road grew dark, the only thing briefly illuminating the road being the head lights of the car. There was a feeling of dread churning in your stomach, as your eyes nervously flickered back and forth ahead. You weren’t sure why but- holy cow.
No, that was the wrong noun. Holy deer! It’s antlers splintered through the wind screen, evoking shrill noises out of each of you, and hurriedly, you escaped the confines of the car. “Are you alright?” Scott and Stiles appeared, revealing that they had been purposely travelling down the same road as you all.
But that didn’t matter, not as you were revelled in shock. Not just by the occurrence, but by the deluding sense of feeling prior. Things were overall weird, and.. supernatural, how did you know that you weren’t the same?
“It just came out of nowhere- I.” Allison stumbled over her words to Scott. And stiles was practically all over Lydia, gushing about her safety, leaving you to hold your arms to enclose yourself in some kind of contact.
A small smile made its way onto your face as you watched Lydia lightly shove Stiles away, and walked towards you, embracing you. Soon Allison joined, calming and soothing your nerves, as you half clung to them.
“I guess we’re not going to be going on that date?” You asked hopefully, amusing the pair of them as Lydia brushed your hair back, relaxing you. Allison removed her jacket, hanging it over your arms, watching contently as you held it tighter around yourself.
Without them, your life would be ordinary... maybe. Without them, you’d have no safe guard nor feeling of acceptance. The dead deer laid upon the hood of Toyota, you could practice feel it staring holes into you, despite its eyes being directed away from you.
“I’m gonna have to call a tow.” Lydia annoyedly mumbled against your head, bringing her phone out, the screen lighting up to reveal nothing more than a picture of you three. You were wrapped in each other’s arms, grand smiles upon all your faces, taken before the summer.
During the holiday, it was clear something had been missing, and here she was, beside you. You tugged the brunette closer, not missing how she tried to secretly glance at her ex, not that you minded. There was history there, but there was to one day be history with you three two, and a future, if you all remained alive...
But for now, this moment would last, forever in your mind. It would be one thing that got you through everything else that had yet to come, even if you were freezing cold, with your legs shaking from wearing that dress that Lydia had persuaded her into.
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unsaidholland · 4 years
hi! omg i just discovered you and wow! ❤ can i have a blurb with any of the boys (whoever you feel like writing)? I'm lonely and i just want to be married so badly that the other day i found myself attracted to my bros life long friend... whoops! anyway! any blurb thats just super domestic ♡♡ congrats love! -lyds
hey lyd! i decided to do domestic dad!harry because i am in a mood™️ thank you for the love babe💘
sorry this is kind of short!
🦦- blurb request!
rainy day cuddles | h. holland
you were a young mother and a young wife. after dating harry for six years, he proposed at the age of 21 and you guys were married by 22. before your 23rd birthday, you had given birth to a beautiful baby boy named ryan dominic holland. at just under two years old, ryan was the biggest cuddler. as hyper as he already was, he still loved to cuddle. he loved laying on your or harry’s chest and listening to your heartbeat.
it was a rainy day, nothing out of the ordinary. you were playing with ryan while harry was putting a load into the washer. he came out of the laundry room to see you sitting on the ground, back against the couch as ryan sat on your lap, giving you a big hug.
“what’s this?” harry asked. ryan’s face lit up upon seeing him. he had your eyes, which harry admired. as much as harry hated it, ryan was a mini you who had inherited his hair, but he was grateful for a healthy baby boy, that’s all that mattered.
“cuddles,” ryan said. ryan didn’t say much and was a quiet boy, granted, he didn’t know many words. harry smiled when ryan responded. learning how to speak was a big milestone for the boy, though he was still young, harry couldn’t wait for ryan to have big conversations with him. he couldn’t wait to talk to ryan the way he talks to his father.
“come join us!” you said, taking one arm off ryan and inviting harry in to join the hug.
“don’t mind if i do.” harry sat down beside you and placed an arm around your shoulders as your arm rested around his waist. ryan, still sitting on your lap, moved so that he was hugging the both of you.
you swore that this was the best way to spend a rainy day. as harry placed a soft, tender kiss on your temple, you smiled and never felt more at home.
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Triangle Cult (fanfic)
Remember when I gave you guys options to vote on for what fanfic I write next? Yeah so anyway I found a really funny text post by @sidras-tak and with their permission, I wrote this little short blurb. I apologize for the lack of angst and sadness that usually accompany my fanfictions lol
Fourth-period math was perhaps the worst hour of the day for Lydia. It was right before she had lunch, and right after her European history class where the lessons were so dull that she would often struggle to stay awake. She slumped into her desk, fiddling with the collar of her uniform shirt and wishing she had opted to wear pants that day instead of a skirt. She hadn’t expected winter to come quite as quickly as it had, she was no stranger to the cold having grown up in New York, but her old school didn’t require uniforms. Glancing around at her desk mates she noticed that had all gotten the memo, one kid was slouched back with his hands shoved in his pocket in a futile attempt to keep them warm.
Lydia’s geometry teacher thought that the way traditional classrooms were set up stifled student’s ability to maximize their brainpower, so instead of lined up rows they were in four circles of five desks so that their energies could bounce off each other and better solve the problems. Lydia’s first reaction was that Ms. Glick would love Delia, but her second reaction was dread, fearing she wouldn’t get along with anyone that she was going to be partnered with. She lucked out as thankfully the other four people were either indifferent to Lydia completely or were even friendly to her. However, they all bonded over their mutual distaste for how Ms. Glick taught geometry. To them, it was all just a bunch of numbers but to the teacher it was art. Lydia felt bad teasing the teacher in her new friend group because she felt the same way about chemistry that Ms. Glick felt about math, but the minute Ms. Glick went on a fifteen-minute rant about how triangles aren’t physical things but rather a concept and a set standard and evidence of humans capability to comprehend things that don’t exist she lost any restraint. Within fifteen minutes there was a group chat named Triangle Cult and the five of them became fast friends. 
Today’s lesson was particularly excruciating, they were going over algebraic postulates, something they had already learned the previous year in algebra I, and every other sentence out of her mouth was either “Interesting right?” or “Bet ya didn’t know that!”. Lydia could feel years being taken off of her life every time those phrases passed the teacher’s lips but she impressively made it about seventeen minutes into the lesson before she felt like she was going to implode. She nudged classmate on the shoulder and muttered, “If she says ‘Interesting right?’ one more time I’m going to summon a demon and throw her to the sandworms.”
Unfortunately, her fellow student was hardly paying attention, having already lost his sanity and desire to pay attention a mere forty seconds before Lydia had. Half listening her waved his hand, “Yeah yeah sounds good. You should do it.”
That was all the assurance Lydia needed. She pulled her phone out of her skirt pocket and sent a brief but cryptic text to her favorite demon. It simply stated, “Bout to summon you, I’m thinking triangles.” 
She liked to keep it mysterious, left room for spontaneity which was where BJ often did his best work. It was less than five seconds later when her phone vibrated with the demons affirmation. Lydia took in a deep breath, trying to hide the smirk growing behind her hand as she whispered, “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.”
If someone had a stopwatch it took approximately seventeen seconds for all hell to break loose, and while Lydia explicitly forbade the sandworms having only been half-kidding when she lamented to her friend, Beetlejuice still found many creative ways to wreck havoc in the classroom. Lydia was extremely impressed with his interpretation of the triangle theme, however, her teacher was none too thrilled when all the papers in the classroom were turned to paper airplanes flying uncontrollably around the room. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Lydia had something to do with what was happening, maybe it was the fact that she was nearly purple in the face from laughter while everyone else was either terrified or confused or maybe it was the fact that the green-haired demon in the room started the whole ordeal by shouting, “Check this out Lydia!”
In the middle of all the fun, Ms.Glick walked over to Lydia’s desk and stared at her sternly. 
“Looks like you’re in trouble Lyds.” Beetlejuice teased, Lydia tried to retort but he vanished before she could respond, leaving the room in shambles. 
Explaining the whole situation to the principal was quite the experience, nobody quite understood how the quite honor student somehow managed to summon a demon into her geometry classroom, but after promising to help clean up the mess that was made and given a three-day detention, she was sent back to class. The rest of the school day was amazing in her opinion, word spread pretty quickly about what happened and while Lydia was far from popular she was a hero in school that day, even a group of seniors high-fived her. She had such a great day that she forgot what she was going to be walking into when she went home. 
She walked home from school like she normally did but when she got to the door in dawned on her that for sure everybody in the house knew what happened. She clutched the yellow detention slip tightly in her hands and sheepishly walked in through the door. She was greeted by a fuming Barbara who was tapping her foot impatiently, “You pull a stunt like that again and YOU’LL be the one to never leave this house again, got it?”
Lydia nodded remorsefully and marched up the stairs to her bedroom where she was supposed to spend the rest of the night writing an apology letter to Ms. Glick for summoning a demon to her classroom and causing a disruption in the lesson. She was about two paragraphs into her semi-sarcastic apology when Beetlejuice appeared in her room leaning back on the air in a relaxed position, “Do you regret it, Scarecrow?” 
Lydia wrinkled her nose in a laugh, “Oh absolutely not. Next time I’m thinking-”
“THERE WILL BE NO NEXT TIME YOUNG LADY!” Barbara shouted from the attic
Lydia rolled her eyes and lowered her voice, “Anyway so next time I’m thinking that….”
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eldrxtch · 5 years
hello! just came here to say i loved ur BJ human!au (would you call it that? anyway i loved that he's an stopmotion animator ) and yesss I too was a fan since childhood and recently got to see the musical and AM IN LOVE WITH IT. Bye ps. Also ur art is preety cool dude, hope u having a nice day :)
Thank you so much!!! My husband and I actually built our Reverse AU together, although we’re hardly the first people to do it haha! He has yet to draw his Ghost Lyds to go w/ it yet though! The reasoning behind him being a stop-motion animator was to pay homage to Tim Burton and his various stop motion works! 
My husband @leviathx​ is actually the one that drew that lydia with the blurb about liking the series since he was a kid, though! I’m actually a newcomer from liking the musical haha! But it’s sucked me into Beetlejuice hell and now this is my life I guess
Thank you and I hope you have a good day too!!!!
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lydsfm · 5 years
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funny how i’ve had this bitch for a good year or so, began using her in january, Stopped, and have absolutely no recollection of the bg i made up for her since it’s likely in a dm i’ve lost track of SFSGFLDK so we’re starting over !! i’m gonna make this short and sweet bc dealing with three kids under the age of ten when i could’ve been wrapping this up a few hours ago took me O U T, not to mention i’m watching masterchef as i type this, but i’m kat, about to become an old hag come sunday bc i turn 22 and.. idk, i could use a glass of moscato right about now sdfjlkgdf enough about me bc you’ll see me bitching about something soon enough, so with that i’ll introduce you all to miss lydia hyunh ! stats will be up later hopefully, plots..... we’re going off the cuff with them until i cave and make one up so until then —
╰   * ✶ . ever notice lydia hyunh kinda looks like hillary trinh ? they’ve got 4.8m followers on instagram, but that’s no surprise. their instagram bio says they identify as cis female and go by she/her. they just turned twenty-one, right? word around la is they’re kinda vainglorious and nonchalant, but you couldn’t tell online. does it matter when your family’s net worth is $270m? ❪ kat, she/her, gmt-2:30 ❫
she comes from a new money family at the helm of a hong kong-based real estate development firm, but her geographical background is a tad more complex than that sijfg
not to mention her mother being a miss universe contestant-turned-supermodel who still walked the occasional runway after two kids à la the iconic 2010s victoria’s secret models, but anyways —
her dad’s a british national ( and started off as a financier, then switched to real estate, tHEN became a cfo of his own firm fdgsdklfdgfl ) as are she and her brother, so while he and his family were busy building up their company with many trips abroad, lydia, her brother and her mom hung back in london for the most part — though some of her summers were spent in hong kong or along the beaches of the mediterranean when she wasn’t embracing the countryside of her home country during term breaks
however, at age 10, she and the family moved to edinburgh so she could attend a more prestigious private school — and so they could be a bit closer to her brother who was spending time at the renowned st. andrew’s university 
.. basically, i need a sister in arms when it comes to bastardized accents, so have this british bitch with a scottish twinge FDSGJSHDGFSLK
speaking of her brother, they clearly have a sizeable age gap, so while they do love each other and all that, they aren’t necessarily close. he’s primed to be something of an heir and he’s more than cool with that, while lyds is more keen on taking her time to figure out what she wants to do with her life and her parents encourage it..... not to say he was ever pressured but, y’know
all the while, mama hyunh was busy appearing on.. idk, something like america’s next top model and project runway when she could — maybe even masterchef ?? GJSFGF — trying to work her schedule around lydia by taking her with her on sick days or during the summer months
so lydia had a taste of hollywood during her early teens with these trips, absolutely enamoured, fucking gobsmacked that her mom was in the industry bc with the way they lived back home it was as if she was merely privileged as hell
connection idea right there folks !
should note bc it feels weird to glaze over it even if it disrupts the flow, but lydia ?? LOVES her mom. so much. she’s a family girl in general, but she really does look up to her mom and appreciates the little things she does to help or impress her
we’re all about wholesome family relationships here, js SLKFDGJSLFD but anyways
she keeps up this lifestyle of studying in edinburgh, travelling wherever the fuck her parents wish to take her and getting ( almost ) whatever she wants
bc if there’s one thing either of her parents put to her, it was to know her limits and to at least recognize her privilege, even if they knew she was a little too spoiled in her own way to be thoroughly humbled. sounds fake but i always thought of them as traditional hard workers who want their kids to be the same, so 😔
and with that, upon graduating and attending uni in glasgow the following fall, lydia kinda.. separated herself from some aspects of her wealth, wanting to be a normal student with some obvious luxuries bc. she can’t help herself fsdgljgdfs
especially when you have a damn model for a mom and you’re Kinda known to be her kid
and yknow what, it worked out for the most part. ofc she couldn’t hide her roots so people knew this annoying brat came from money, but they weren’t complaining bc at least it meant they had some GREAT parties bc of some loans she’d give out for the sake of having a good time herself
long story short, she loved uni, still does, but she loves the breaks even more as she’s been consistently visiting hollywood since she was 18. mama hyunh became more involved in being a tv personality now that both kids were out of the nest and her husband kept himself occupied with work ( when he couldn’t see her, which ofc is routine as he recently moved up to be ceo ), so she spends much of her time in beverly hills 
so much so that lyds’ summers were spent reconnecting with her mom, and having a wild time on the side too gfsdkjgfd
this year, however, her dad decided to open an office in l.a. to be more present with his wife. and to capitalize on the market
and after hearing that.. something in lydia Snapped. ksldfgjkldf like she v quickly decided to take a break from school and stay here for a bit
which some would find weird bc really ? NOW ? when your parents are around ?? but eh....... using the excuse of “ family bonding ” to really take advantage of whatever ounce of star power she has here is fine by her LFSKDGJSDFG
probably lives with her two cousins to save her ass from being dragged
according to my little blurb on my p much Dead indie: “ ( upper middle class-turned ) trust fund baby who tries to downplay her privilege but usually fails; adventurous and charming, she's a soft player who likes being pursued so long as she calls the shots ”
so uh.. that hasn’t changed much GFLKSDFL
i love the ( closet ) sad little rich girl and all those classic tropes as much as the next person, but lydia happens to be one of the most unbothered chicks you’ll probably ever meet FGJKSDG
vulnerability ?? don’t know her ! she’s just here for a good time and doesn’t know anything But !
laidback af, not to mention i never saw her as particularly defensive of her status and such, and i’m sure her uni life reflected that all by itself
the fact that she’s had it relatively easy in the sense of no real trauma or family issues helps, who knows fdsjglk
doesn't mean she won't lay into you if the time calls for it, especially if you have a god complex or something. she’s of the mindset, “ you do you and i’ll do me, but act like a fool and i’ll happily remind you of it for the rest of your days, ” so it's safe to say that someone could bring out the bitch that lurks beneath if they're not careful SGFJDKLGF
can she be selfish and indulgent ?? .. yes, but does she carry herself as such ? ………. also yes, bUT not by much, which makes a difference ! 
LKSFDGLF jk, but she is restrained in how she displays these tendencies ( for the most part ) or else she probably would’ve gotten her ass handed to her back in uni. thank god she’s well-mannered enough
wild child ! gets around ! don’t think i need to elaborate aside from the fact that she’d rather NOT get an sti or wind up in the er over dumb shit, so there’s a sense of caution with it all
basically, she can be materialistic as hell and takes advantage of the shit she has while she has it, but she’s practical enough to know her limits or to just. know better
idfk, i feel like this makes zero sense bc i’m so drained, that this seems like it could be the setup for a m*ry s*e which..... ew, and that i’m missing a lot of extras but i’m DEAD so we’ll leave it there fdklgjsg
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