#lyla x Petva
fumikomiyasaki · 10 months
A lover out of this world with Kumo and Melanie or Lyla and Petva, plus a reverse of Carol and James
Become as gods
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As Melanie went out for today she came across a simple field of tulips... many of them sadly didn't do well in these dry times... it made her sad cause around these days she usually would see this as her place of peace and quiet... quietly she sad down between the flowers and put her hands together.. hoping for something... just to suddenly feel a gust of wind pass her by...
It seemed like it was suddenly raining around her but not on her... many of the tulips drank up the water to the point of slightly improving as she noticed a figure standing behind her... a black haired man, dowsed in loose transperent clothing, showing a lot of skin while symbols of suns, moons and coulds covered him... his face was hidden under a hoodie but she could swear she could see a purple shimmer before the rain stopped. A small satisfied smile was seen.
"My work is done."
As the man wanted to leave the place she stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
"I know you... or maybe its I saw you.. each time I was crying on this field... are you the one who saved these flowers?"
He didn't answer... he just stayed silent.
"I already thought you p-protected me since I was young, god of w-weather...."
"Don't think on it... I only did my duty tending to the fields..."
He slowly lifted his hoodie looking at her... a bit of a blush lurked across her face... he was really beautifull to look at.
"But... I also didn't want to see you cry anymore... this was the only selfish act I did... I am not allowed to get closer to mortals but... this was the only thing I could do."
"You... "
"May I still ask your name, Mortal."
"Its Melanie... thank you for everything really... having you around always put me at ease when t-things didn't go well."
He nodded calmly but then she suddenly felt him draw closer to her cheek closing her eyes not knowing what he was about to do.
"I usually won't share my name but... I feel somewhat a connection to you and... I wanted you to know my name well.. Just so... if I am judged I won't be forgotten."
She heard him whisper before looking back at him.
"Kumo.. what do you mean by judged?"
He stayed quiet for a while pulling his hoodie back up.
"Who know how long they let me live as a god after how much I did against their will to meet you... good bye."
He placed a small kiss on her forehead to her surprise before leaving through a portal... her knees collapsed on her own...
"No... he said good bye not... farewell... I will pray and believe one day I will see him again... I..."
She didn't know even if she met him only this once officially it felt like he been with her forever... and just the thought of losing him... it pained her chest... the flowers may bloom but... without him... they might soon wilt again.
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Known as the Godess of Language many seeked Lylas teachings and her advice to find a balance between the many borders seperating them... among these common folks Lyla enjoyed to share her blessing with however she was on this day surprised by one visitor... suddenly out of the crowds someone stormed up to her only to be stopped by the guards. Before Lyla moved a hand and let them past, talking to her followers.
"Today I will bestow upon you what you need but for now I have some business to do so, continue with the transcriptures and I will return shortly."
She knew full well what happened if Petva tried to approach her like this and sighed... she was ready for another sparring session but arriving at the halls of her temple she suddenly saw them kneel before her.
"My godess, Will you marry me?"
"You... what?"
Her face was full of confusion.
"You do realize what you are proposing... we are not even dating or anything as well as my creators don't allow me to."
"They don't have to know... all I know is that I want to be yours, Lyla."
She shut their mouth with hands before dragging them to a room without guards.
"Listen you know what you would risk right.... giving up the normal human life... having to live forever as I do... just to be with me. Are you certain?"
"All I know is when a hot woman like you can get me that invested into something lame like this... i would follow you anywhere for the rest of my life... I could get those guards into better shape."
She sighed hearing them talk about this.
"If you are that stubborn about this... how about I show you the consequences if you were to go through with this and then you decide."
"So you would?"
She looked at them with a light smirk.
"I do like you but I want you to be aware of what you want."
"Heck yeah."
As she started her duty today she didn't expect the day to turn out like this.
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Since young Carol was a simple flower girl often trying to bring some color in her hometown... yet each day she ate up stories about the blessings of the God and many telling the good deeds of the God of Wind... and so she often also hoped for his help with her flower fields... One day she was just about to sell some flowers to local maidens as a group of thug looking outsiders approached them.
"Hello Miladies, would you be interested in something nice to Drink?"
"No thank you, if you were to excuse us we are having a deal here."
"What for Lousy little flowers... come on a necklace or some Gold would look better than that."
"You just dont appreciate nature that much."
One of them got tired by Carol's attitude talking back to them and grew impatient... trying to Grab her wrist but a gust of Wind suddenly dashed through the City like a warning... the men covered in a flaying blanket as Carol ran away with the other women... looking up to the mountain from an alley.
"I really need to thank the God of Wind now. He really been keeping me safe each time."
And so she accompanied a group of curious children with her flower carr upon the shrine of the God of Wind... leaving a pretty arranged Flower Bouquet as an offering... and as some of the Kids left and she was alone in the room... suddenly the doors closed... and she noticed a figure emerge from a small Tornado... she gushed upon the view...seeing this young man appear before her.
"So you are..."
"The God of Wind... I wanted to thank you personally Flower girl. "
"I knew you often were there even if I didn't pray for you... I wanted to thank you with all my heart for your protecting personally..."
She kneeled before him but He took her hand and helped her up.
"Please... I an just happy to help this town and it's Merchants where I can... I have to thank you... thanks to your flowers the town looks far better. "
She tugged her hair a little emberassed holding his hand still.
"It's nothing really... I just wanted to make the people smile."
Seeing him smile really got her looking at him.
"Things must be hard for you... being here alone. If you don't mind me asking questions... could I... i was always curious about your kind."
He gave a firm nod... they talked for a Long while.
"Is there a Name I can call you... something different than God of Wind."
"I... James... its James."
"I see... I am Carol... would you mind if I visit you from time to time with New flowers? I believe this place would feel nicer for a God with some colors here."
"I would be happy about it."
With a polite bow and a warm smile she left the room as he slowly faded... however she noticed something about his face before she left... was he red too?
Having this experience made her work harder to not dissapoint him and she would look forward to visit him each time she could.
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fumidreams · 3 years
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Petva x Lyla
I really took a lot of liking to this ship because its basicly the ark of Lyla getting stronger and facing her fears.... also they are just hella cute together.
Overall I think Lyla is still today one of the characters I love the most, but still barely use because the dreads are always hard to draw... XD
Petva belongs to @twsted-princess
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twsted-princess · 2 years
Let me offer ⛸Rubina Metaron , 🍻Petva and Lyla or 🛍 Mel and Tyler
Can do!!
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Rubina x Metaron
Rubina sat down by the skating ring, bundled up and waiting for Metaron. She finally got the courage to ask him if wanted to go somewhere with her and he agreed. Now she was wondering if he was busy or worse........ "Sorry bout that. Kira wanted to join but I had to tell them it was just gonna be us." Metaron came jogging over to her, Rubi let out a sigh. Thank goodness. "It's fine really!" she smiled, pulling him in for a hug. Meta hugged back and the two entered the ring. As they paid and got their skates the ice wasn't crowded, only a few people and a family were skating around. Metaron looked at Rubina almost embarrassed "I uh....should probably tell you this. I never really skated before....." She chuckled, patting his hand. "Don't worry, I know how to skate. I can help." She gave him a smile that he returned. Once the two were on the ice Metaron almost fell over before Rubi caught him. "Hold my hands, I'll keep you steady." He took her hands into his and nodded at her smiling. She then led him around the ring all the while holding his hands tightly.
Petva x Lyla
A buzz brought Lyla's concentration away from her robot as her phone went off. She placed the wrench down and turned the phone on, revealing Petva's name. "Hey Lala. Just got out of detention and was wondering if you're free later tonight." She sighed as her fingertips typed her answer. Of course they got detention again. "After I finish this project yes. Why do you ask?" Not even a minute later they respond. "How about some drinks on me? There's a pub in town, heard it was good." She smiled, wiping the sweat off her brow. "Meet me outside my dorm 😘" She texted before placing her phone down, back to work. When the robot was finished she quickly got dressed and added just a little lipstick on. She left her room, headed out of her dorm when Petva was already waiting for her. "Evening gorgeous~" They said, strutting over to her to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Evening handsome." She giggled as they took her hand and led her along into the slowly setting town. Upon reaching the pub they gentlemanly open the door for her. Inside it's not overly packed, most of the customers are watching the magishift game as they take a seat at the bar. "We'll get some sake on the rocks and an order of chips with salsa." Petva asked the bartender who took their order. Lyla smiled as the two got their drinks and clinked glasses. "To my beautiful girlfriend~" Petva says with a wink causing Lyla to blush but takes their hand to kiss it.
Tyler x Melanie
"What do you think? Too much?" Tyler asked as he turned around, showing off a bright yellow suit jacket printed with a tropical pattern. Melanie tapped her finger against her chin "A little bit, what about this?" She pulled out from the pile of clothes he picked up a teal suit jacket patterned with magenta peonies. She then watched him switch jackets and looked at himself in the mirror. "Yeah, yeah this looks better." Mel smiled as he folded the jacket placing it aside to be bought later. "You haven't gotten anything yet though." Tyler said looking at his girlfriend. He had brought her to the mall to spend some time together and buy her a few things but she had picked clothes out for him. "Me? Oh uh.....sorry." Melanie looked down, her hands fidgeting with her shirt. Tyler sighed. Of course, he knew she had an issue with people buying things for her but he wanted to treat her today. He walked over to her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Dear I wanna spoil you. I won't spend too much I promise but you deserve to have something pretty ok?" She looked at him, her lower lip tugged on for a second but she nods. "We can pick it together if that makes you comfortable." She smiles shyly as they leave the changing booth with Tyler's pile, he can sort through them later. The two walked around the women's section combing through dresses and clothes before Melanie spotted something. A soft mint green sundress, knee length and simple. "What about this? It looks nice." Tyler smiled as she picked it out and held it against her figure. "Let's try it out then." He guided her back to the changing booth and sat down as she slid the red frame closed. He waited there for a little bit while she changed and stood in front of the long mirror. Hearing she murmur to herself he slid the frame away to see her looking down, swishing the skirt and trying to see if she really looked good in this. He then wrapped his hands around her causing her to let out a little squeak as he kissed her neck. Looking at her in the mirror he smiled. "You look utterly gorgeous."
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
(since I had them on the brain) ​❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞ with Petva x Vanessa ​❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞ with Petva x Jin-Lou and❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞ with Petva x Lyla
The five senses
❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞
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On that day, Vanessa was mainly done with her hockey training as she noticed at least one of her fellow lap kitties waiting for her in the audience, Petva looked up at her respectfully as she leaned down to meet their eyes.
"If its isn't my favourite Orange, what brings you here, deary? <3 "
"Thought you might need some attention, beautifull."
"You are sweet... how about you follow me then?"
As she finished getting her stuff she led them back to her dorm and her room... however they noticed something about her usual laid back attitude was different somehow... different in a case of curiousity... and so as she sat down next to them and offered a simple juice they waited for what she wanted to do.
"Kitty, would you mind letting me your hand?"
"Sure I don't know why but go ahead."
With a warm smile Vanessa stroke their palm and relaxed a little.
❝ I can feel your pulse. It jumped. ❞
"Right... you have none, right?"
She showed her vampire teeth and leaned over them.
"Its why it interested me how that is supposed to feel like...thank you my dear orange."
"Its nothing just... Can't even imagine that."
"Well do you want to feel it? You know I could turn you?~ .... Just kidding I probably wouldn't."
Baring her fangs playfully she noticed them drool a little looking at her and leaned back again.
"I do need to still change... you can watch I don't mind.But I need to get out of my hockey jacket."
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❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
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On that night, Jin-Lou dragged Petva to her favourite district to get drinks, the defacto china town of the city... the smell of beefbowls and tons of cultural foods drawing them in already... as Jin layed an arm around him.
"Come on this stuff is second rate, this is the real shit I brought you here for."
She pointed to a more fancy looking bar, smirking at them cheeky... both sat down at the front table as Petva layed a hand over her hip as to mark their territory about her... however that lossened up as some of the guests greeted her like she was a buddy... she ordered them both drinks without asking them what they wanted and just told some stories.
"You know these streets used to be quite more messy, but thanks to my skills its far more bareable now... if someone bothers you, you just knock them out and things are fair game. of course outsiders who can't fight won't be attacked, its the way to handle conflicts here... oh wait you gotta try this."
She handed them the glass as if to make a toast as they both downed it... the taste first shivered a little on Petvas tongue untill they suddenly noticed Jin-Lou getting closer.
"This is... not really my taste Jin..."
❝ I’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
Pulling them down for a kiss... suddenly the sweetness of their drink combined with the bitterness of hers on their lips wasn't that bad... it was enjoyable even... keeping their lips locked with her untill they both were done.
"Told you it tasted great, right?"
"If it means I get more of these kisses, count me in."
"Bold kitty... well lets make it a challenge then, how long you can hold it out."
Later they both called Lyla to drag them back home cause they overdid it.
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❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞
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Around class time ending she was outside trying to get a breather from all the noises in the building... she already disliked all the noise she heard thanks to all the mind reading her UM did, hence she closes her ears with headphones a lot... sitting in the courtyard she however noticed a familiar face being nearby and took them off... hearing their thoughts.
'Wonder if my hot emerald is already out, I can't wait once she sees what i got her... "
Hearing Petva she sighed and got up from her place... walking up to them and tapping on their shoulder.
❝ I hear you, loud and clear. ❞
"H-huh... where did you came from?"
"You do forget my powers each time, amirite?"
"Fine... guess you found me out..."
They hold out a box to her and placed it in her hands as she opened it with a warm smile.
"Noise cancelling headphones."
"I heard yours had connection problems... Bengal told me the last time you two worked together on a song."
Lyla leaned up to place a kiss on their face and look into their eyes.
"Despite all chaoticness... you know whats important... thank you... this will cause me far less headaches from now on."
"And it will make my thoughts be less heard by you."
With a smirk she pulled them down by their collar to get close.
"Well don't be so sure about that!"
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
[DRINK] - sender sets something to drink down in front of receiver. with cheerleader Carol and James or [LIFT] - sender lifts receiver off the ground (or attempts to). with Petva and Lyla
Simple Actions (I reversed the first one cause it made more sense to me)
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"Mel... I can't do this..."
"Carol, we agreed to do this together... You look really cute as cheerleader, you can do this... you already went through that Maid day and without problem."
"This is different, I HAVE TO DO SPORTS! You know how clumsy I am."
Melanie sighed and lightly pushed her out.
"If you feel uneasy stick close to me alright."
And so they tried to do the opening dance.... Carol tried her best to keep up but her face still stayed red during... she didn't like all the attention that much...
On the other side watching the show were many different NRC and RSA students... watching their performance among them James was chatting with Fabio untill the cheerleaders got out and Fabio smiled at them.
"Look these outfits look so cute." While Fabio was excited cause he wasn't used to it, James looked already at Carol and blushed slightly... those Ponytails really gave her a cute charm... however the skirt was also awfully short... both watched them a little untill it was over. Many of the people particpating in the sports festival stretched on the sidelines and as James started his stretches, Carol walked up to him with a bottle of water in her hands.
"Here... I thought you need it for later."
"T-thank you... your performance was... really good to look at."
Seeing him a bit nervous she was already in the mood to tease him a little.
"Oh? Do you have a thing for cheerleaders? If so I have to note that down."
"Well... maybe after the match you could show me another performance." Seeing his smirks she grew red and lightly adjusted her glasses.
"I'll think about it... but for now I will try my best to cheer you on during the match."
She got called by one of the other cheerleaders and went back... she was a bit less nervous about it now... after all she had now someone to focus on for her cheering.
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Lyla done with glasses and was just on her way to her lab to work... however she did run into Petva on her way.
"Oh hey Pet-- huh"
Without any warning or anything at all she lifted of the ground and Petva held her over their shoulder...
"W-what are you doing?"
"Emerald, babe... you spend too much time in your lab... I want attention."
Lyla sighed... not because of this action but because Petva was right... She leaned her arm on them.
"Fine but will you put me down... I can walk with you. How about it I spend my whole day with you and only do things you want to do and tomorrow, I work a bit of the night and take you out for food before?"
"Sounds good to me... let me just."
They slowly let her down so she could stand on the ground again normally.
"Well then, lets go." Lyla grabbed their hand firmly and followed them.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
“they can all just kiss my ass.” with Rubi x Meta, “kissing burns calories you know.” Lyla x Petva, “you owe me a kiss.” with Carol and James or “teach me how to kiss?” with Mel and Fabio
Kissy prompts ask
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Rubina was frustrated... she was done with the world today and just wanted to have some peace... as at least Metaron noticed her storm past him... he was worried about her and so he followed her to one part of the courtyard where she used her rapier to strike one tree in its core... swiftly blowing a hole into one... as Meta slightly tapped her shoulder... she turned around like a cornered animal...
"Ruby... are you fine?"
"Not really... I got a call from my parents... then I got forced to meet some suitors yesterday and in the end I am not one step back to freedom..."
"Did you try to talk to them?"
"They can all just kiss my ass." She suddenly yelled in frustration before covering her mouth...
Metaron pulled his arm around her and hugged her tight...
"Listen... I know it's uncomfortable but... you have to face them.... but I will promise you I will be there to support and defend you..."
"Meta... I... am so sorry for yelling before..."
"Don't be... you were just frustrated and I get that..." she lightly leaned upwards to kiss his neck in response...
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Lyla was busy doing some Yoga poses while Petva behind her boxed a bag against the wall... however Petva found themself distracted at times looking at Lyla... trying to catch her off guard as they slightly moved behind her... in the right opportunity pinning her to the ground... kissing her over her face and her neck.
"P-petva... h-hey... I just wanted to warm up."
"Kissing burns calories, you know."
Lyla chuckled at this statement... true they were right but... she couldn't resist them really like this.
"There is another way you can burn calories as well if you wanted to."
And quickly Petvas ears twitched and they got excited... carrying Lyla off quickly... faster than she could say something else.
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Packing her bag after a tutoring session with James and Fabio she found something among the stack of books... something like an emblem stuck between them... she did remember James often wearing it... and so she tried to follow after the direction he went to so she could give it back to him... she managed to stop him at the lockers.
"Carol? Did you forget something?"
"I wanted to ask you the same... I think his belongs to you."
His eyes lit up as he took the pin in his hand.
"It would be bad if I lost this... I owe you one..."
"Hmm.... You owe me a kiss. Then we are quit."
He chuckled. "If you say so... then..."
Pulling her closer her pressed his lips against her... Carol didn't really want to let go so she held her arms around him pressing her tongue a little in to tease him... as he finally did manage to get lose. Face of them both red from their display....
"I need to go to class, so..."
"Right sorry... see you then..."
They both went in opposite direction... Carol still smiling bright from the kiss. It was like a refresh of the day.
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Fabio was on the brink of nervous... he did manage to reach the hurdle to tell Melanie he liked her... however he had like no relationship experience. But still he wanted to do his best to give her what he could... so he did try to approach her about his idea...
"Um Mi-I mean... Melanie, do you have time for me. "
"Sure... I have a break right now..."
She walked with him to a more secluded place of the courtyard...
As Fabio bowed politely before her visibly tense.
"Please, Teach me how to kiss"
"Huh?!" Melanie quickly went red at his question...
"I d-dont have much experience either..."
"Then let's try it together... I thought this way we could... um..."
He sat down in the grass as she leaned to him... pressing a light soft kiss on his lips... it tasted kind of sweet for him and made his heart race quicker...
"I-i think for the first one this is fine but... we could try again next time."
In the end it was not a bad first kiss but it left both emberassed for a while..
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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A small easter themed Gift for @twsted-princess​ mainly cause the story made me brainrot (mild spice.)
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“What am I doing...” Lylas face was pretty red. Mainly she wanted to make up for what happened last time in the lab. Petva got a call and their romantic atmosphere kinda was destroyed. So Mythra had the great plan to lend her one of the bunny suits she made for a collection. However Lyla already felt kinda emberassed wearing it.
Petva came in as promised to her lab as Lyla tugged on her fake ears. Her face lit up seeing Petva...
“T-today I will be your prey ok?” She joked a bit seeing them come closer to her.
It was not long that Petva picked her up, sat down and placed her on their lap.
“H-Huh.” She was pulled towards Petva.
“You can’t just do this, sweet-cheeks. You know your won’t escape here for a while.”
“I a-am prepared... don’t worry. That is why I took time and set my work aside.”
Petras smile grow cheeky as they started licking her neck, Lyla holding back.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
🆙 with anyone you'd like!
My brain had not many ideas so I went with first in instinct and Fave LylaPetva
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Lyla became a good reknowned scientist. She made up with her brother and today they hail as one of the most revolutionary inventors. Lyla made medicine that cured many. Petva usually stayed at her side, doing fighting nowadays more professional. They usually train together so Lyla while her work can still stay fit. given she works usually at home they have lots of times for cuddling and it usually happens that when Lyla takes notes Petva just cuddles up on her back and drags her to bed at times. When Lyla is away for meetings its even more happyness when they reunite. In all Lyla became much more brave thanks to Petvas influence and is much less paranoid than before.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
WAKE UP with anyone you'd like!
Wake up
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As some of the dawns sunlight caressed her face, Lyla lightly rubbed her eyes... noticing she is stuck in a tight embrace by Petva. Why was she here again?
She was working the last day in her lab on some different tonics and ideas... however one of the tonics she drank caused her to fall asleep... it seemed Petva carried her to the bed in her lab and stayed with her to watch out for her... her face was heated noticing how close they were...
As Lyla tried to get up from them... it seemed the more she wanted to push that arm away, the tighter Petva embraced her...however as the hand went to somewhere it shouldn't be Lyla slapped it away causing Petva to wake up and see her beet red and distressed face.
"Mornin... sunshine..."
"Geez your sleeping mode is hard to deal eith but... thanks for bringing me to bed. "
Petva nodded and smirked at her.
"Don't you want to cuddle a bit more... I kinda liked it."
Lyla was hesitant.... given at this point they weren't in a relationship yet.
"A hug would be okay. "
So she still returned one hug before getting up and getting ready for school. Still red from all the closeness.
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Emma was exhausted from a concert as she still forced herself onto a interschool party cause her friends were there... however after a while she passed out on one of the couches and was found by Kyosuke who for now tried to find her a bed to sleep in carrying her over his shoulder.
However as he found one he felt sleepy as well... and so he decided to stick with her and sleep next to her...
Emma woke up being kind of stuck in his big arms... however she also enjoyed it a little... this soothing smell coming from him, those arms giving her warmth... she lightly pressed her head against his chest, because it was so comfortable... just for him to wake up and grow red from her embrace.
"Thank you for watching out for me, Kyosuke ." She gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him more embarrassed and caused a light chuckle out of her.
"I-it was nothing... I can't leave you alone when some people could use your sleep for their advantage..."
"As Idol I do have to watch out more... sorry for the troubles."
"I will do my best to always be there."
His line made her happy about it... as she slowly got up to get ready.
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(Tempted to do two versions, one with the ship we talked about yesterday)
Carol was busy with tutoring till night, however given she was stuck in RSAs library instead after teaching Fabio, James found her resting her head on the desk and decided to piggyback ride her back to his room so she could sleep properly...
As morning dawned she woke up only to noticed something around her and hearing a small breathe of air... opening her eyes she was met very close with James sleeping face greeting her and got imidiatly red.... he did look cute that way... and she could hardly get out of his arms. She tried to turn around to get up but got squeezed tighter by his embrace and worse... the breathe on her neck made her even more nervous now...so she decided to give into it.
At least until he noticed her movements and got up, also a bit red seeing how close they were to each other.
Especially lightly smelling a scent of apples from her hair as he raised his head.
"S-sorry.I only wanted to give you a place to sleep but..."
"It's fine... I actually enjoyed the embrace..."
She looked at him with a smile and a blush.
"Thanks that you tried to watch out for me. How about I make you a breakfast in return?"
"Sure why not?" Despite them both calming down... for James her smell still lingered a bit on his clothes while it was the same for her... both silently enjoying the memory of this closeness.
(Featuring @rookvonhunt s Lio/Dos)
It was odd after Dos explained halfway what was going on with him and why there was slightly two versions of him... however both James and Carol accepted it after all the explanation... however the next morning felt a bit tense...
Mainly as Carol opened her eyes and wanted to get up she noticed that Lio got one of his arms clinging around her while the other was around James.... both resting this close on his exposed chest, making her feel as red as a tomato. James was still sleeping compared to her... however she tried to move out of the embrace with no avail... only getting pushed closer... in the end her mind couldn't handle this and embraced it instead laying her arm around him...
At least after a while James also woke up to realise the situation as her and she lightly took his hand both resting them on Lio... until he woke up with a light groan.
"Could you two take those arms off, they are uncomfortable..."
"O-oh right."
Both lifted their heads so Lio could wake up but he still noticed them both staring at him. At least until Carol heard some noises from Trinity waking up and quickly gave both Lio and James a kiss on the cheek.
"My bad gotta leave, maybe you guys could take care of breakfast while I look after Trinity?"
And so she losely dressed and got up to tend to her.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Kabedon with anyone you'd like!
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Lyla was done with her lab work in the evening and was about to return to the dormitories however to her surprise she was not alone...  And as she turned the corner she was suddenly pinned against the wall, by a familiar smell. Petva looked her deep into the eyes. She turned her head to avoid contact.
“Babe I missed you. Where have you been.”
“B-Busy with work... sorry I wanted to text you.”
“You are free now right... how about you stay at my room today?”
“H-Huh... um... sure if you want that.”
Petva already picked her up and quickly sweeped her away, using the darkness of the night to not be seen.
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Carol tutored Fabio today but after she finished the lesson something odd happened. James and Fabio were talking but suddenly it seemed like James was tripping the hill down... bumping right into her causing a crash... As they woke up James had his arms beside her pinning her to the ground, she wanted to lift her head but quickly could stop herself however she accidently touched her lips with his... causing both to grow red from the emberassment... Fabio was calling after them if they are fine... James was first to look at her.
“Oh right, are you hurt Carol?”
“N-No just... um.... could you get off me?”
They both quickly got up... but it seemed like Carol hurt her Ankle lightly... however given Fabio already rushed of in panic because he thought he accidently upset both of them in the end James had to carry her to the infirmary alone... In the end Carol just half of the day couldn’t get her face to get a normal color again cause she was still thinking about what happened.
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Rubina was done from acting and went back to the school as Metaron actually waited for her seeming a bit concerned. As she greeted him he quickly held her hand and went with her to a wall behind the school putting both her arms beside her causing Rubina to grow red...
“Did Flynn go to far? I heard some of the other Polisionalle students chat about something.”
As Rubina heard that she tried to resist to chuckle about it.
“You were worried about me? You know if that idiot ever tried something I kick him myself... all he did was make another great entrance for his show and people thought he was actually flirting with me don’t worry.”
She smiled and kissed him softly.
“Besides we are together and he knows that... Don’t worry about it...”
Metaron softened up and let his grip go..
“Hey how about we get something to eat for now.”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
(Presses up against your window) Honey I'm home with anyone please and thank you.
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-Rubina with Metaron... I think where ever he wants to live she would follow him
-Although they have less time given Family, the most fun is when at night they watch the stars together
-Would take his name no questions asked cause she hated her own family, it was also why I feel they married pretty quickly
-She would be after Marriage usually to others a bit scary given her police job but towards her husband just very loving sometimes even a bit needy
-I feel like one of the children they have would adapt some of Rubys justice
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-These two as we estabished on Discord would often just visit each other at work and Carol in the morning would just often want another kiss before he leaves,
-Given she got better at cooking she often make lunchboxes for him... and in general thanks to gardening tries to plant things herself
-Her parents in the beginning often visited her when she had her kids and asked to babysit them, but she got to reconsider them that she doesn’t need al the help, they would still spoil James and Carols kids with gifts sadly
-Aunt Megan, so Carols sister is popular with the kids meanwhile
-When the kids are in the bed she usually just lays with him on the couch and has her head on his chest to calm herself from all the stuff on that day
-in general they still stick very close together
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-I feel like being with Kyosuke and marrying him, Emma actually stayed lightly longer in her career thanks to him inspiring her for songs but then she instead went to the fitness career instead
-I feel like he would be a little more there for the kids than her but her singing and care would make up that the kid or kids love her.
-Emma often comes home exhausted but its like Kyosuke knows what she needs at this point and gets her easy full of energy again
-There is some days where they have dissagreements but funny enough the kids break them up and then all is fine.
-a bit of a messy wife, she does clean things up when she is bothered by it as well
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-Suddenly she had triplets with Petva and had to deal with it but thanks to her cousin Francine and helping her with babysitting Lyla was read for the task
-Marriage was mainly something chaotic cause I imagine she had the kids before marriage and so they had to manage things somehow, at least she was thin once they had the wedding
-She is more home with her job, mainly just handing research on the computer and taking care of the kids but everytime Petva comes home, they get her full attention
-I feel like Petva came home and the children just hang from her arms and had fun.
-Despite all that they haven’t fully lost their spark, althought Lyla does say more directly now when she wants Petva to do something
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
“BEEP” with anyone you'd like!
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A late night text
“Sorry if I wake you Melanie but... by chance are you also awake at this hour? I needed to talk someone to help me with a struggle in my outfit...I want it to look good and you have keen eye for this genre and I trust you with helping me a lot... please respond or call me if you can... “
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A weird text
“Um Petva... could you maybe stop by once you can.... one of my experiments went wrong and.... audeiwirjwuierneiw oh god... its trying the grab me... that slime is trying to grab me... PLEASE COME WHEN YOU CAN!!”
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A sad text
“It was sweet of you with the flowers Metaron but.... I should have told you Roses are.... giving me bad memories...I do really appreciate the gift from you I just... wanted to note it for the future... anyway.... I think for today I want to be a bit alone...”
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A loving text
“Umm... this might sound a bit cheesy but... you don’t know how happy I am to be with you...Its since I am with you I feel always safe and cared for... I feel much more energetic during tutorings as well as more confident thanks to our sparring sessions... I do enjoy just leaning against you and feeling your warmth...As well as I am often drifting back into thoughts about you... so...umm.. I just wanted to tell you I love you so much <3 “
A drunk text
“Jammessss where are yaaa... I am bored in my rooom and need someone for a good time coemrje oveeeerr ... I can makeeee ya feel goood too..whatever ya wanna do..  “
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An excited text
“PLUCKY!!!! MY SINGLE REACHED NUMBER 1 AGAIN!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! Not only that but the plushy I wanted is one sale... today is my lucky day... feel yourself invited for some treats later. to celebrate. OMG I AM SO WOKE!!”
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A frustrated text
“ Its sweet you ask how I am but... things are pretty stressfull here today. An Co-idol dropped out and I have to replace her...urgh some of these girls only care about their looks and nothing else... its hard to even talk to them... sorry I might come late to our date.”
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A drunk text
“Ya need some Math help. Well the Equation of that thing is 5... and the square root of this is 7.... Ya are lucky I am drunk... cause drunk makes me smart.”
A flirty text
“Hey Babe... how about I drop by later and give ya the biggest spoiling ya can have.... on the house... I just wanna see ya again... you looked so good on ya last performance... I just want to give ya a kiss right now... can we meet soon???”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
❛ What are you, trying to give me a heart attack? ❜ or ❛ It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing? ❜ with anyone you'd like
Concerned prompts
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A sunset was shining through the window of Lylas lab... she still kept focus on the different mixtures she was working on as she didn't notice Petva opening the Door behind her. They didn't see that she was working so the first instinct was to grab Lyla by her waist and cause her to shriek up with a yelp.
"What are you, trying to give me a heart attack? These mixtures could have caused an Explosion if I did something wrong."
A low whine escaped them.
"Sorry, babe... I just didn't see it. "
Lyla sighed and signaled Petva to sit down and got close, lightly hugging them around the head.
"Next time would a note help, or something on the lab? So that when I do these dangerous things you just wait till I am done."
As she talked however she noticed Petva was already absentmindedly nuzzling against her body, causing her a sigh...
"I can't be mad at you when you are like this... I did neglect you a bit today. Fine... let me spend some time time you and I try to explain later. "
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The lamp of Henry's desk was still on, him sorting notes and tapping on his computer... however as he increased the speed of his tapping, Regina lifted her head from his bed. She was asleep till then but his tapping did cause her to lightly grow awake again.
"It's 4 o clock in the morning, what are you doing?"
"Sorry, my dear.... I had a reminder I forgot something in that report I needed to do for today... and I wanted to finish it. Guess I am done now..."
He turned of the thing as she lightly tugged his arm to come back with him into the bed, lifting her arms around him to bury herself between his arms.
"Henry... you should really rest your head more... maybe take a break.."
"I guess you are right..."
He placed a kiss on her forehead before cuddling her a little closer... just seeing her sleeping face put him a little at ease... causing him to drift into sleep too.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
👀 with anyone you'd like, go crazy go stupid
Check my muse out meme
Given you went reverse I will do for some of mine as well.
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To get some rest Carol organized a grill fest with some of the ramshackle members and some help from Fabio and his hunting skills. James of course came as well but then as he glanced at her it was hard for him to look away... the summer dress with her sunhat, in all a skirt that flew enough to show the curves to him, her cleavage a bit complimented by the cut... it was the perfect blend of cute yet a hint of allure.... as he got close to her he already smelled her usual apple perfume... she caught him staring and smiled softly placing a kiss on his lips.
"Carol, do you think we have some time between the preparations to be alone..."
"Don't worry... I figured my dress would get you... I know a place we can escape too."
With a wink she led him by his hand away from the others... just giving a small hint to Mel that she leaves...
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Osyron usually wasn't that fond of being invited to swim out side of his own personal pond but... for once he decided to try out mortal bathing with Jason in the so called pool... he did arrive in his dorm robes already... as Osyron removed it swiftly... Jason could stare at all the different star tattoos on his body and everything... it was like a constellation only hidden by his hair which he tied in a ponytail... his body muscular yet slim like its shining... however panic caught him as Osyron was about to remove his under pants as well.
"Wait... this pool is not naked swimming, Osy..."
"Are mortals truely that pathetic to hide what they got?"
"Its some of them... I lend you one of mine."
"Hmpf..." oh oh... he was already in a foul mood. Jason at least knew he should best give in his demands if he had some.
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As usual Lyla started her Yoga practise in her new outfit she got last time, the pants felt a bit tighter... but somehow she still managed to pull of the usual... as Petva came in starting to stare... oogling how the pants made her butt look even more refined... how her sports bra showed a good hint of her figure and how she bended almost effortless...
Lyla got red from the stare..
"Do you want to join me?"
As she asked hesitantly, Petva picked her up and carried her to bed..
"H-hey... I just started warm up."
"In these pants you are a meal I don't want to miss out on..."
"Oh oh..."
She knew when Petva was like this she couldn't stop them.... so she sighed... and hoped to do her workout later.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
❗❓with anyone you'd like!
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Lyla was tinkering around with some things as Petva came to visit. Lylas room was pretty chaotic from all the cables which she usually hated but she couldn’t help it with all the machines she used. However as Petva came in and Lyla wanted to stop them she tripped over one of the cables and fell on Petva, her lips pressing against theres.
“I a-am sorry.... if I would have cleaned up I...”
Petva had more of a smirk on their face.
“You taste pretty good...”
Lyla was even redder as they said this.
“Hey stop teasing me.” And then she realized that she sit on their lap and just... got up and hid behind the corner emberassed.
“Hey Ly, you don’t have to be shy about it.”
“Please just let me clean everything up and we forget about it.”
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Peko was practising a new song in the courtyard of the school as Pluck heard her from a mile away, it was soothing and calming, a bit more melodic than her usual style. However as she heard him approach she stopped.
“Hey Plucky wanna list-”
As she talked and ran up to him in exictement she accidently triped and fell crashing her lips against his. Which led Pluck to instantly grow red.
“Oop didn’t expect that rock... sorry..”
As peko wanted to talk to him she noticed he fell unconcious.
“Plucky wake up.”
She quickly tried to get help worried about it but instead it was more that to him its like a dream come true what just happened... and so his soul accended to heaven...
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Rubina was taking a break from practise and got some things at Sols shop however as she exited the shop she saw Nanoya and Metaron who were done from their Kendo training as she walked down the stairs..... however it got her so distracted she tumbled over one step and Metraon reacted right to catch her fall however it ended with her falling on his lips by accident.
Both of them grew as red as a tomato and turned away from each other.
Nanoya was the first to talk. “Are you two okay?” He didn’t see what happened given the pillar was in the way but from their faces he knew something was up.Rubina answered.
“I-It was nothing but thank you.. for the save Metaron... I probably would have gotten hurt without you.”
“I would have done it any day... next time be more carefull.”
Rubina still held her lips cause she could still feel it a little which caused her to flush even more...
“I h-have to go back to the d-dorm.”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Mine with any ship you'd like!
Get ready for a lot.
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-Carol was actually just trying to get some Donuts for her and James as Leroy offered her a tray he was making, not knowning Leroy actually spread these as pranks for fun
-She visited him at RSA and offered them after training, but first wanted to try one to see if they are fine
-she became pretty red and looked at him in awe during training
-As he returned from sword fighting she had a light smile on her face and it was pretty red.
“Sorry you had to wait, we got a bit invested into sparring.”
“Not at all, I am just glad to see you.”
-As he sat next to her she put the donuts to the side and wrapped her arms around him and started to kiss his neck, which caught him pretty of guard...
“You don’t like it? I wanted to show how much I love you....”
-He grew pretty red as she became a bit more playfull, resting her hand on his leg and getting pretty close to nearly kiss him... they weren’t even dating and for her to be that bold was odd...
-He brought her to the infirmary to get her checked up and see if she had something
-After returning to normal she hid her face in emberassment for a while and apoligized around 10 times... while he just was red and silent.
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-She was doing experiments and tried one of the bottles not knowing which effect it had on her
-Petva came in to see how she was doing and as they found her, Lyla was pulling of her coat and saying it was pretty hot in the room
“Hey Petva, would you mind coming a bit closer?”
“Um sure why not.”
-She held her hand to their arm and gave them a kiss on the cheek...
“I don’t know what happened, but... I feel so badly in love with you right now.”
-Petva was actually enjoying that untill seeing what might have caused this, still having Lyla so close and feeling her press against them made them confused what to do, so they sat down and enjoyed what was happening
-As Mel called after them and noticed them sadly the fun was over and they dragged her to the infirmary to fix her...
-Lyla only noticed the lipstick stain she left on Petva and was lightly shy about it
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-Tyler was busy as Melanie brought some cakes from the cafeteria cause she wanted to try them, however Tyler ate one without thinking while he was occupied with his work
-As Mel came back from getting fabrics ready he asked if she could sit with him, which caught her off, especially cause he layed his work to his side.
“Listen... my dear princess... my muse... I cherish nothing more than you beign here with me.” As he said that he layed his arms around her.
-Of course Mel knew something was wrong but as he placed a kiss on her hand she couldn’t help but turn lightly red
-Still she asked for some dorm members help to get him to Beatrice...
-In the end he barely remembered anything and acted like nothign happened, while Mel was red to the toes
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-Ruby imidiatly saw Metaron leave some sweets at her room cause they wanted to study together and was quick to eat them
-however she noticed that she felt odd after the strawberry cake... as Metaron came in it hit her... that she just wanted to kiss him
“Are you fine Ruby?”
“I....Umm... would you mind... coming here.”
-She sat down on her bed and he didn’t know why but he did as she told him and so she got up and wrapped her arms around him to kiss him, which made him look nearly dumbfounded..... and super red
“I couldn’t resist... since I ate that cake... my desire is to just shower you in kisses.”
-He took a bit untill he snapped out of it, realizing what she said and knowing it might be the cause... of course he had to grab the wrong cakes today...
-He tried to get her out but sh kinda pulled him in a hug in her bed for a while untill he could get up
-As she was back to normal... she did so many apoligize gifts and tried to forget it a lot.
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