#lyra's black clover oc: ezio
acacia-may · 1 year
Welcome back Acacia, I hope you’re doing well and that life has been kind to you 🥺💕! For your ask game how about Langris and Finesse, or maybe a platonic one for Ezio and Altan please 🥰? Sending you hugs and love 🫂💕!
Aww thank you so much, Lyra! Life has been a bit rough, but I am hanging in there. Thanks for the well wishes! 💕I hope you are doing wonderfully and congratulations again on your new milestone event (very exciting!!) 🥰
Thank you so much for your ask and for playing my song + headcanon game! It's so nice to play an ask game again, and I was so thrilled to see your ask about Langris x Finesse! Have I converted you or are you just indulging me by asking about one of my favorite pairings? 😁😂 Also, the cousins too! Aww that's so sweet! 🥰
I've put this all below the cut because I ended up rambling a bit (sorry about that 😅). Thanks again for your ask, dear! Sending you lots of love & hugs as well!! 🫂💕
Langris x Finesse--dear goodness do I love them! Just thinking of them rekindles my passion for Black Clover! Criminally underrated ship, in my opinion. I have an entire Spotify playlist about them, so I will admit it was a little hard to narrow it down. In the end I've decided on a Finesse song since I feel like most of the time when I ramble about this pairing it's always very Langris-centric (i.e. his feelings and his devotion for her) so I don't talk about Finesse's side of things too much. (Sorry Finesse). The song "A Quiet Thing" really captures how I imagine Finesse's love for Langris would develop as a very slow burn and dare I say "quiet thing" over time, really building on this quiet, steadfast devotion that endeared me to this pairing in the first place. I love this song for them since it's really about how some love (like the love I imagine Langris and Finesse would have for each other) is "a quiet thing," and even if it's not the flashy, grand "fireworks" kind of love we tend to think of from epics romances, it's still really beautiful in its own way.
A Quiet Thing (Live) - YouTube
And here's where the headcanons come in:
Langris and Finesse both are very "quiet" in the way they show their love, neither one of them are going to plan the big romantic gestures or have these huge over-the-top love confessions, but they are both very devoted and steadfast people. They love spending time together, really just enjoying each other's company in these everyday moments as they have tea or tend to her garden together. Langris might not have the romanticism of someone like say Finral (those big "band" or fireworks"), but he takes care of her. He listens to her and remembers all these little details about her and her life. He pulls weeds from her garden when she mentions she's worried about it but too ill to tend her garden herself. He surprises her with a few of her favorite flowers or her favorite soup when she's feeling down. It's in these moments that Finesse sees that despite his somewhat frosty exterior, Langris really does have this soft side and cares very deeply about "his people." It's his soft steadfastness and devotion to her that really leads her to really fall in love with him. And when she does, she is a little shy about it and skirts around the topic, but ultimately, she is the one to confess first.
As for the Altan & Ezio cousin friendship part of the ask... It's so wholesome and makes me so happy that you care about my oc enough to ask about him. I like to imagine they would get along well and be good and supportive cousins and friends for each other so perhaps a bit generic (but one of my all-time favorite songs) I've chosen "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor (the Carole King version is also excellent).
You've Got a Friend (2019 Remaster) - YouTube
Related Headcanon:
As the older cousin, Ezio has always tried to look out for Altan, in a similar way to how Finral always tried to look out for Langris, but in this case, Altan has always felt comfortable coming to Ezio if he was ever in trouble or needed help. In return, Altan always tries to cheer Ezio up when he's feeling down (or heartbroken). He'll make a warm, comforting cup of tea for him (something he learned from his mother, Finesse) and is a great listener when/Ezio ever needs to talk about his troubles.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Jesse Voltia-Swing and Cynthia Enoteca
So not too long ago, I was very excited to have received this commission from @crazycookiemaniac. It features Magna, Luck, and their daughter Jesse.
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Now with this post I shall talk more in detail about Jesse as well as someone very dear to her, Cynthia.
Jesse Voltia-Swing
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Her name means "gift." Jesse is called "lil’ ember" by her fathers (despite her magic not being fire).
Age: 10
Birthday: November 30
Magic Attribute: Plasma.
Appearance: Mostly blond hair like Luck with streaks of black (got that two colored hair from Magna). As a child, it was a short bob cut and was often terribly cut because Luck or Magna did it. When she cuts it much shorter, Vanessa takes over so she looks much better. She's got blue eyes like both parents that are big and soft.
Personality: Very energetic, maybe too energetic for her own good. She always needs to be doing something as she gets bored easily. A determined girl too. She’s bubbly like Luck but underneath is a temper similar to Magna’s. It’s not often you’ll find her being quiet as she’s either shouting for joy or anger. Thankfully she can be quelled easily.
Jesse is in fact biologically related to both Magna and Luck! More on that later.
Jesse’s got surprisingly poor magic control compared to her parents. Thankfully she’s eager to learn!
Jesse’s closest friends are Naru, Alfred, Aimee, and Cynthia. She's training buddies with Naru and Alfred. Aimee helps her dispel her magic when it gets out of control. And Cynthia is the closest thing she has to a sister though she actually refers to Cynthia as "cousin." Jesse is friendly with Merel and Leoray as they all struggle with magic control and they all hype each other up. She loves Vanessa, even calling her “auntie,” and is close to people like Asta and Noelle too.
To distinguish her fathers, she calls Luck “Daddy/Dad” and Magna “Papa/Pops.”
Originally, she wanted to grow out her hair because of Vanessa and Cynthia but gave up on it because she hated all the brushing long hair involved.
When she turns 15, her magic control has greatly improved and she confidently joins the Crimson Lion Kings.
The scar on her cheek was a result of fighting Ferro Silva.
Cynthia Enoteca
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The exact meaning of her name is Greek for "woman from Cynthus." However, Cynthia is also a former subgenus of the Vanessa genus of butterfly (it's no longer a valid taxon but I'm not here to give a lecture on taxonomy). Her mom and friends call her “Cynth.”
Age: 15
Birthday: March 3
Magic Attribute: Fabric. It’s an evolved form of Vanessa’s Thread Magic. She mostly uses her magic to alter her clothes. Eventually, she develops a spell called Fabric of Reality which lets her move between different universes.
Appearance: She mostly looks like her mom with her purple eyes and wavy hair. But the color of her hair isn’t simply pink. It’s a shiny rose gold hue, meaning her father’s golden blond hair had a bit of influence.
Personality: Charismatic and vivacious are the main words to describe Cynthia. She approaches life with great enthusiasm, knowing that’s what her parents want for her. Likely as a result of her magic attribute, Cynthia does her best to be creative. She’s curious too. As a result, she’s tried her hand at multiple arts/crafts such as sketching and wood carving but her favorite so far is leather working. She’s rarely seen not doing anything with her hands. Her playful spirit means it’s hardly ever dull with her. She teases her friends too but sometimes, she can get carried away which she does feel bad about when it’s pointed out.
Cynthia’s parents aren’t officially together. Vanessa and Selen both wanted kids but had no romantic partner. They’re friendly enough with each other that they agreed to have their child together (also doesn’t help that Vanessa finds Selen to be a hunk and Selen thinks well of Vanessa’s friendliness and thoughtful nature). They have joint custody of Cynthia.
Despite her odd family situation, Cynthia knows she’s loved and understands that her parents are happy with the way things are.
Cynthia's closest friends are Ann, Jesse, Fleuriana, and Elana. She's close with Saki through Ann. Soleil's inventiveness and Dawn's determination are inspirations to Cynthia. She's also close with her half-brother (from another reality) Ezio (@lyranova's oc).
She doesn't become a Magic Knight and instead plans to be art teacher. She does go on little adventures to keep the multi-verse stable though.
Were Cynthia to meet children from other universes, she would like some such as Josslyn (@crazyclownthanos' oc) and Hikari (@eme-eleff's oc). But she finds herself somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of her friends being "replaced" by other children.
So the story behind Jesse's birth is as follows...
Magna and Luck got married and after lots of talking, they realized that they both wanted a kid. Magna had fun playing with their friends' kids but also felt fulfilled when he can help them out with life problems. Luck wanted more liveliness in the household and was admittedly a little jealous of his friends having their own families.
However, orphanages weren't willing to adopt out to men of their reputation and both felt weird if their kid was only one of theirs biologically. it was a real blow since they had both changed and learned to control their worst habits at that point.
Luck then remembered Vanessa mentioning that all witches are the Witch Queen's daughters, which meant the WQ knew how to make children without a man. This led them to breaking into the forest and asked the Witch Queen if she could help them get a child. And the Witch Queen... surprisingly agreed! She had one condition though: they had to bring her granddaughter Cynthia (who was 4-5 at the time) in for a visit because Vanessa had neglected to do so yet.
Magna and Luck managed to bring Cynthia without getting killed by Vanessa or Selen. When Cynthia was finally in front of the Witch Queen, she quietly said, "Hi Grandma." Moments after, Vanessa and Selen entered the room and explained the situation. Turns out Vanessa was going to bring Cynthia herself but was trying to explain her history to Cynthia first. Cynthia was scared of the Witch Queen but wanted to meet her still.
In the end, the Witch Queen got to meet Cynthia. The Witch Queen knew she wouldn't really be a part of her granddaughter's life but still wanted to see her once. She told Cynthia to be good to her parents but, if they act foolishly, to get them to stop. Just as Vanessa had defeated the Witch Queen years before. It was a weird but touching moment as it showed Vanessa that the Witch Queen had accepted how wrong she was and was letting go of the past.
With the request completed, the Witch Queen used her magic to take a sample of Magna and Luck's blood/DNA to bring a child into the world. Magna was excited to have a son but the Witch Queen explicitly told him that she refused to create a male child with her magic and thus the boys would have a daughter. Luck was unaffected, excited that he'd have a kid at all. Magna was mildly disappointed until Jesse was actually born and he changed his mind in an instant.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hi there! Your stories are always just full of the best warm & fuzzies!! 🥰 I’ve never requested anything from anyone before, but I love your writing and was wondering if for your Autumn event, you would please consider writing Vanessa and Finral for the “You’re My Home” prompt? I saw they weren’t on the list, but I hope it’s still okay since they do have a son in COTF. You can put him in too, if you want. Never going to say no to more Ezio (especially a little bitty one) if that’s the direction you want to take the prompt. 😊 Totally up to you though—I have no doubt whatever you come up with will be marvelous! Thanks for writing! 💖
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Hiya Acacia 🥰! Of course you can ask for Finral x Vanessa (i think this is only the 2nd fic I’ve written for them 🤔). I included Ezio because I don’t get to use him much and it’s so much fun to imagine Finessa being parents with him 😭💕, and he is also itty bitty in this one because just cuteness 🥺! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 476
Warnings: None
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Vanessa watched as Finral tried to teach their young son, Ezio, how to make a Spatial portal. The little boy had just begun to show signs of his magic and it appeared to be just like Finral’s, which in a way was fair considering he looked nearly identical to Vanessa.
She smiled fondly as the boy tried and tried to make a portal like his papa, but sadly he hadn’t succeeded yet. But Finral was trying his best to console the boy and encourage him to keep trying.
For a long time, Vanessa had been confused whenever someone had called another person their ‘home’. She had always assumed that a home was, well, a place. Because how could it be another person?
It wasn’t until she had started to develop feelings for Finral that she had realized what they meant.
There were many times where Finral had provided her warmth, comfort, and safety, just like a home would. He made her smile and laugh, sometimes the two would argue and disagree, but they very rarely made each other cry.
Her home wasn’t the Hideout, it was Finral.
Suddenly Vanessa was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Ezio and Finral shout in delight, when she looked she noticed their son had made a small tiny portal in front of him, she smiled brightly as she stood up.
“ Mama, Mama! Look I did it, I did it!” Ezio shouted gleefully as he ran over to her, Vanessa quickly scooped him up into her arms and hugged him.
“ I saw it! I’m so proud of you Ezio.” Vanessa said as she squeezed him tightly, making the young child giggle.
“ I can’t believe he actually did it.” Finral said with a sheepish laugh, Ezio turned around in his mothers arms to look at his father.
“ You didn’t think I could?!”
“ W-Well, it’s not that I didn’t think you could but more like-.” Finral tried to explain but Ezio suddenly began to cry loudly as he turned to face his mother.
“ Mama, Papa’s mean! He didn’t think I could do it!” Ezio shouted as he cried into Vanessa’s shoulder, she did her best to suppress a laugh, especially when she saw Finral’s face.
“ That’s not what I meant! Vanessa, please back me up!” Finral said as he looked at the pink haired woman.
“ You’re right Ezio, your papa really is mean.” Vanessa agreed with her son, which made Finral’s eyes widen.
“ V-Vanessa?!” He shouted in disbelief as the woman began to giggle, she was just wanting to give her husband a hard time.
She quickly mouthed that she would explain everything to Ezio later after he had calmed down, Finral let out a sigh of relief. The three stayed outside together for a little longer, each one practicing their magic, having fun, and enjoying their quality family time together.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Ooooo for the ship ask game (just take your time answering, I couldn’t decide between two ships 😆!)! 3, 13, 15, and 50 for Dawn x Caelum and Ezio x Kai please 🥺💕?
The answers to your questions have finally arrived!
Going to put the answers under a "read more" since there's a lot. Whoops!
Caelum x Dawn (or the StarLight ship as I like to call them)
3. What was their first impression of each other?
First off, the two were practically raised together. While House Faust and House Roulacase aren't next door neighbors, since the parents (Josele, Nacht, Finral, and Mallory, another friend's oc) are all very friendly with each other, there would certainly be plenty of play dates growing up. So they both have this understanding that the other has just always been there.
But the pair's proper introduction to each other was then they were around five. Caelum awkwardly tried to be a gentleman, bowing and almost kissing her hand. He chickened out of the kiss because he felt shy that day. He was sweet and friendly but also a little shy in a cute way. Also, Cal was just a cute boy. Dawn was smitten from that day onward.
As for Caelum, he immediately took note of how bright Dawn was. She eagerly introduced herself, didn't shy away from talking with adults, and was just so energetic. Dawn was charming to Caelum though he wasn't immediately crushing. He was simply... drawn to her.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
If they're ever apart, it's letter and communication devices for them.
Dawn actually prefers letters because then she can keep the messages that Caelum has sent her. She can reread all the kind and encouraging words he's give her.
Caelum likes making calls more because aaahhhhh! He loves the sound of Dawn's voice so so much! She sounds like a singing angel to him! And he wants to make her laugh and hear her laugh and kajhdgiaushrt!
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
"Torisetsu" (translated at "instruction manual") by Kana Nishino.
It's a song about a girl explaining to her new partner how to treat her once they're in a relationship. There's a lot of "instructions" for the relationship in the song and it's a bit cheeky too.
This song reminds me of Dawn and Caelum because I imagine it being a sort of conversation once they get together. This is because of how they were prior to getting together. Caelum was basically afraid of romance and didn't even flirt. And so Dawn is asking Cal to be super doting and romantic with her once they're a couple. Of course she'll be equally devoted but she's taking Cal aside and telling him to please, please be so romantic.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
I mean once Dawn and Caelum hold hands for the first time as an official couple, they are practically glued to each other. Dawn and Caelum have known each other their whole lives, have seen the best and worst of each other through those times. Thankfully, they've never hurt each other intentionally and in any cases where they did each other wrong unintentionally, they apologized and forgave each other.
For Dawn, she's loved Caelum from the very start and after loving him for her whole life, she cannot really bring herself to stop loving him or let him go after finally getting together with him.
For Caelum, he always liked and admired Dawn but realized his feelings way later. And after spending so long in the dark about his own feelings, he wants to hold onto Dawn for the rest of his life.
They just... don't want to be apart after getting together... Babies...
Kai'ichi x Ezio
3. What was their first impression of each other?
Most likely, Ezio's first impression of Kai'ichi would be that Kai is loud and reckless, much like his uncle Sukehiro. And well, that's what Kai is like. But when Ezio looks a little closer, he'll find that Kai has no sense of social decorum and might even take pity on how poorly Kai manages himself.
Kai'ichi, meanwhile, at first sees Ezio as an ordinary, fun-loving guy but not much else. He didn't expect much from a person who chatted aimlessly and flirted with multiple people. He didn't expect Ezio to be so brave on the battlefield and encouraging to those who struggle to socialize.
I'm sure they both would surprise each other with their unexpected sides.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
If they're forced apart and Ezio can't simply teleport to Kai'ichi, they'd likely keep contact through communication devices. Kai'ichi likes to do the real-time conversations and chat about their daily lives or vent things. He wants to know things as soon as they happen but it comes with a downside that is Ezio complains, Kai'ichi can only get angry that he can't be there to help Ezio.
But if they can't even communicate via devices, Kai'ichi will wait it out, distracting himself from longing by intensely training. Thinking about things he can't do a thing about tends to frustrate Kai. Poor boy.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
"Accidentally in Love" by Counting Crows. Because, quite honestly, we stumbled upon making this ship. It was purely by accident that the two of us went "actually wait, there's potential with these two..."
But also, once Ezio is in love, he's deep in it. And Kai'ichi would be just as into it because he doesn't do anything halfheartedly. Kai's thoughts are "I didn't mean to fall in love but I'm not some coward who will run away from these feelings!"
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
I could see a scenario where Kai'ichi and Ezio would break up, mostly over Kai's desire to stay in Hino to become a member of the Ryuzen Seven and eventually the shogun. If Ezio is determined to stay in Clover and they decided not to try a long distance relationship, then they'd split up.
And honestly, Kai'ichi might take it a little better. But not by much...
Ezio would definitely cry a lot more than Kai'ichi would. He'd need his parents and friends to wipe his tears and bring his mood back up. And he might try to bury his heartbreak by flirting around afterwards.
Kai'ichi hides his sorrow better but he'd be in a funk with training and fighting because he'd struggle to figure out how something he put so much passion into could just fail... He'd cry less only because he's so lost about how things fell apart...
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