#lyra’s autumn event
lyranova · 1 year
Hi! Can I request William × f!reader for the autumn event with the prompts "middle of the night" and "lonely together" please 😊 Love your writing btw💖
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Hiya anon! Of course, and thank you so much I’m glad you like my writing 🥺💕! I apologize this is so short but I really hope you still enjoy this little drabble!
Word Count: 404
Warnings: None
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William sat outside the Golden Dawn base quietly, it was the middle of the night and the Captain couldn’t sleep. He had so much on his mind lately that he was finding it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
So for the past few days William had been sneaking out of the base and going out into the garden for some cool fresh air. He suddenly turned and looked as he heard someone approach him.
“ You’re still awake Captain?” His girlfriend asked as she leaned against the wall and had a somewhat scolding look in her eyes. William chuckled a bit and nodded.
“ I am.”
“ Why? It’s the middle of the night, I thought you went to bed a while ago?” She asked as she walked over and sat down beside him on the bench.
“ I did, but I couldn’t fall asleep. So I just got back up and came out here.” He told her softly as he looked from her to the sky, his girlfriend nodded sympathetically as she had been there many times herself.
“ But aren’t you lonely? Being out here by yourself?” She asked curiously as she looked from the sky to her boyfriend.
“ Well, aren't you lonely? Always being by yourself?” He threw back at her, and he watched as her eyes widened before she began to chuckle.
He had a point, she tended to be a loner in the Golden Dawn until recently. After she grew closer to the Captain, she began to hang around the other members of the Golden Dawn as well, but there were more times where she was alone then not.
“ How about we be lonely together?” She suggested, and William turned to look at her with a small frown.
“ ‘Lonely Together’?”
“ Yep. We’re both lonely, but together, so we’re lonely together. It has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?” She asked with a small smile, and her boyfriend chuckled but nodded in agreement.
“ That it does.” He agreed, and shortly after the two just sat quietly and stared up at the moon and stars. They would talk every now and then, but otherwise they remained silent.
Suddenly William’s girlfriend felt a soft ‘thump’ against her shoulder and frowned, when she turned she noticed he had fallen asleep and was resting his head against her shoulder.
She chuckled softly before placing a gentle kiss on top of his head.
“ Goodnight William, sleep well.”
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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locym · 2 years
Autumn War 2022
Autumn War 2022 was an amazing event and one of the largest wars I’ve been in. I was also given command of the Balatha an Oir and allied forces, which was a very great honor. We had five battles in the heavy war department, and of those I managed to lead our forces to victory in four out of the five battles. Winning four in a row and loosing only the last battle which was a bridge battle. Keeping with my by name, the Keep Taker, I led our forces to victory in the fastest taking of a castle in a very long time. (I believe it might be the fastest in An Tir History thankyouverymuch) And did it again, albeit a tad slower, without the unlimited Res. 
The rest of the event was pleasant and nice. A friend came out to see me lead our forces, and I played some magic with Agmundr, his daughter Sunshine, and my niece. Lyra was with us, and she had a blast meeting all the people and other dogs except one Husky. Who. For whatever reason when the two saw each other they were ready to murder each other. Se also really loved the Cows :P 
Altogether, a great event, and this weekend is September Crown where I will once again attempt to become King. We shall see how I do :P 
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baroquehedgewitch · 2 years
✨2022 Celestial Events✨
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✦✧ Lunar Events ✧✦
🌑Jan 2nd New Moon in Capricorn at 18:35 UTC
🌕Jan 17th Full Moon in Cancer at 23:51 UTC ~ Old Moon;
🌑Feb 1st New Moon in Aquarius at 5:48am UTC
🌕Feb 16th Full Moon in Leo at 16:59 UTC ~ Snow Moon
🌑March 2nd New Moon in Pisces at 17:38 UTC
🌕March 18th Full Moon in Libra at 7:20am UTC ~ Worm Moon
🌑April 1st New Moon in Aries at 6:27am UTC
🌕April 16th Full Moon in Libra at 18:57 UTC ~ Pink Moon
🌑April 30 New Moon in Taurus at 20:30 UTC
⚪ May 16th Full Moon in Scorpio at 4:15am UTC (Sagittarius from 11:51 UTC) ~ Flower Moon ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio visible in North America, Atlantic Ocean, western Europe and western Africa
🌑May 30th New Moon in Gemini at 11:32 UTC
🌕June 14th Supermoon in Sagittarius at 11:52 UTC ~Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon
🌑June 29th New Moon in Cancer at 2:53am UTC
🌕July 13th Supermoon in Capricorn at 18:38 UTC
🌑July 28th New Moon in Leo at 17:55 UTC
🌕 Aug 12th Supermoon in Aquarius at 1:36am ~ Sturgeon Moon; final Supermoon for the year
🌑Aug 27th New Moon in Virgo at 8:17am UTC
🌕Sep 10th Full Moon in Pisces at 9:58am UTC ~ Corn Moon, Harvest Moon
🌑Sep 25th New Moon in Virgo at 21:55 UTC
🌕Oct 9th Full Moon in Aries at 20:55 UTC ~ Hunters Moon
🌑Oct 25th New Moon in Scorpio at 10:49am UTC & Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
⚪ Nov 8th Full Moon in Taurus at 11:03 UTC ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus visible in eastern Russia, Japan, Oceania, western North America
🌑Nov 23rd New Moon in Scorpio at 22:58 UTC
🌕Dec 8th Full Moon in Gemini at 4:09am UTC
🌑Dec 23rd New Moon in Capricorn at 10:17 UTC
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✦✧ Solar Events / Wheel of the Year Dates ✧✦
✨ Feb 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Imbolc; Southern Hemisphere Lammas
✨ Mar 21st Equinox at 15:24 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara; Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon
✨ April 30th Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus visible from southeast Pacific Ocean; southern South America
✨ May 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Beltane; Southern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ June 21st Solstice at 9:05am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha; Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule
✨ Aug 1st-7th Northern Hemisphere Lammas; Southern Hemisphere Imbolc
✨ Sep 23rd Equinox at 12:55am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon; Southern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara
✨ Oct 25th Partial Solar Eclipse visible over western & central Russia, Kazakhstan
✨ Nov 1st-7th Southern Hemisphere Beltane; Northern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ Dec 21st Solstice at 21:40 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule; Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha
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✦✧ Astrological Events (Mostly Retrogrades) ✧✦
💫 Dec 28th 2021 Jupiter Moves into Pisces ➛ May 10th (positive for mutable signs)
💫 Jan 14th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 3rd February
💫Jan 19th Uranus Ends Retrograde
💫Jan 29th Venus Ends Retrograde
April 3rd Mercury at superior Solar Conjunction
💫 May 10th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd June & Jupiter moves into Aries ➛ Oct 28th (positive for cardinal signs)
💫 June 5th Saturn Retrograde ➛ Oct 23rd
💫 June 28th Neptune Retrograde ➛ Dec 4th
💫 July 29th Jupiter Retrograde ➛ Nov 24th
💫August 24th Uranus Retrograde
💫 Sep 9th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd October
💫Oct 31st Mars Retrograde
💫 Dec 29th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 18th January 2023
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✦✧ Dates for Viewing Planets/Meteors ✧✦
⋆⁺。 Jan 3rd & 4th Quadrantids Meteor Shower (Above average shower; runs from Jan 1st-5th; peaking on the 3rd) Near Constellation Bootes
🔭Jan 7th - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (19.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Feb 10th Venus at greatest brightness
🔭Feb 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (26.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 April 22nd & 23rd Lyrids Meteor Shower (Average Shower; runs from April 16th-25th) Near Constellation Lyra
⋆⁺。 May 6th & 7th Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Produces more meteors over Southern Hemisphere; runs from April 19th -May 28th) Near Constellation Aquarius
🔭June 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (23.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Jul 28th & 29th Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Average shower; runs from July 12 - August 23rd) Near Constellation Aquarius
⋆⁺。 Aug 12th & 13th Perseids Meteor Shower (Runs July 17th to August 24th) Near Constellation Perseus
🔭Aug 14th Saturn at Opposition (at its brightest)
🔭Aug 27th Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (27.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible low in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Sep 16th Neptune at Opposition (most likely still invisible without telescope)
🔭Sep 26th Jupiter at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Oct 7th Draconids Meteor Shower (Minor meteor shower; runs October 6th-10th) Best viewed early evening, near constellation Draco
🔭Oct 8th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (18 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Oct 21st & 22nd Orionids Meteor Shower (Runs October 2nd to November 7th) Near Constellation Orion
⋆⁺。 Nov 4th and 5th Taurids Meteor Shower (minor meteor shower runs from September 7th - December 10th) Near Constellation Taurus
🔭Nov 9th Uranus at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Nov 17th, 18th Leonids Meteor Shower; (1st since 2001; runs November 6th-30th) Near Constellation Leo
🔭Dec 8th Mars at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Dec 13th & 14th Geminids Meteor Shower (Biggest Meteor Shower, runs December 7th-17th) Near Constellation Gemini
🔭Dec 21st Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation; visible in Western Sky after sunset
⋆⁺。 Dec 21st & 22nd Ursids Meteor Shower (Minor shower, runs December 17th-25th) Near Ursa Minor
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Edmond Monabellan, in fairy robes. For that moment you want to research a character, for proper representation, but the information isn’t there because white washing of history!
Tale 19: Meriam Craweleoth: Mage Queen of The Grand West (chapter 4.2 -  Time Stands Still: Edmond 4/10) part 4. Stories of Old
violence, murder, war
On the first day of Autumn, Meriam gave her kingdom a princess: Odette Craweleoth. In four week’s time, an army of Anglia needed to march north to aid Isfisceard, against Mage Prince Edmond of The Far North. Meriam knew he would win if she was not them. She had given her word on behalf of Anglia, in promise of peace with the two north kingdoms, to deal with the prince personally; as a stronger magic user. Meriam was being pulled into war. Furthermore, to arrive on time, the Anglian cavalry, and Meriam, would need to leave promptly. But she was still in recovery with her brand-new daughter, and was far to weak to use magic or ride long-distance and into war. Each week that passed, she made the army wait, in hopes she would recover just enough to join them. She wanted to hate Odette for holding her back, but couldn’t, because after almost a month of constant contact, Meriam had become attached to her only child. She was scared what would happen to her baby if she left for even a day. It was Meriam’s nightmare; ill from child bearing, homebound because of child she didn’t want, had the lives of hundreds of men in her hands, and being forced to use magic in battle. Meriam lay next to her husband, feeding her daughter, and humming her nephew to sleep, thinking; there had to be something she could do that would result in everyone, includer herself, winning.
Time is not to fooled with, but in Ealden Cynedom, it has a way of healing from tampering. As if everything is meant to be, and destiny is unchangeable. Meriam didn’t like using her powers to affect the minds and experiences of time on people, but she needed time. Unlike common folk, Meriam could afford to wait till the last possible minute. If she needed time, she could always make more, by stopping, reversing, or forwarding the clock. With little but a small hourglass, in a marble upon a chain, she was able to move the world around her, backwards. Two weeks after the battle she was supposed to attend, of which was likely won by Prince Edmond at the cost of many lives, Meriam made the world reverse to one week before the battle.  She reversed the event she had failed to attend, resurrecting all who had fallen, and erasing the memory of it ever taking place. It is one thing to use time on a person, a group, or a city; but Meriam was too great a mage to think so small. The whole world was within her control with enough concentration. Still weak, but able enough to use magic to compensate, she marched with the royal guard, who was unaware the Grand West was three weeks in the future compared to other lands. May her fairy robes protect her, for Meriam intended to come home and hold her daughter and husband again. She had a promise to keep, and intended only to return after Edmond Monabellan groveled for an alliance at her feet.
           At dawn, Feon woke like any other day. She put on the water to make the porridge, and her family ate breakfast while making their plans for the day. Feon was going to comb the town for daughters of the sea, her husband was going to get wood and sharpen their knives. Their daughters were doing laundry, and Lyra was sent to gather herbs and berries in the glens outside the village. By mid mourning, everyone was off to their tasks. while Feon kissed her husband at the door, the town guard came, and ripped her from his arms. Feon was dragged through the town, as she began to hear panicked yelling and horns. She struggled to get free. The men overpowered her, and dragged her to the edge of the short stone wall of the village. The lord was there, organizing soldiers into formation, and Feon’s captors pulled her head back by her hair, and yelled at her to sing. They pulled at her while the screams started, and a rally speech was given. And all Feon could think about, was where is Lyra? Feon looked around frantically as she was being yelled at to sing a protection enchantment over the town; but that would require feeling love and desire to protect, and Feon only felt fear. Then, lit arrows came, and landed in the nearby the roofs, causing a fire. There was more screaming and panic as the villagers attempted to put out the fire. The two men continued to pull Feon’s hair, and yell for her magical aid in battle. They needed to hold on until Anglia came. Then Feon looked across the field and hills. The world went silent, as directly across the field, her eyes met the yellow eyes of a black haired rough young man, in violet and gold wolf armored robes. He rode a bear, and was exuding a glow like a black hole. She could feel her heart pound against her chest, as a second wave of arrows fell, and the battalion charged to meet their enemy. The promised army of Anglia failed to arrive in time. Feon could not afford to wait for her son Lyra to return; So, she began to sing.
           Not a moment earlier, in a tent in the Algonquian camp, Edmond sat with his sister, Luthid. His painted hide tent, was lavished in furs, silver and fine fabrics. His general, who was promised lordship if he conquered the Northlands of Celticia, reminded Edmond of his uncles wishes. Algonquia did not want to kill the people of the Northlands, they just wanted access to its mild weather and greenery. The King of Algonquia did not wish to send his nephew to the imperialistic frontier; It was Edmond’s choice, as a paladin, to help his families kingdom. Even his own men feared him, after he cleared battle after battle to reach the island of Isfisceard. But after using magic for murder, and missing his home, and fearing for his sister, Edmond began to doubt his mission. The radiant green bogs, glens, hills, and song of the sea, were beautiful enough to make him cry; As he murdered its innocent people for someone else. He loved fey, and learned to use weapons as a boy groomed as an heir. The only male heir left. If his sister Luthid died as well, Algonquia would be kingless. And there would be no way for Edmond to give power to the people if the Far North was in untrustworthy hands. He wanted to go home. He wished he had suggested diplomacy sooner. But the soldiers of Algonquia crossed an entire nation, and tasted its blood and riches along the way. Edmond was too far to go back.
Edmond ordered his general out of his tent, and asked for his sister. The general denied his request; Luthid agreed to summon fey for battle in the camp, and was in a small tent preparing. The amount of magic required to control fey, needs a mage to have magic move through them constantly, destroying their bodies. If the battle went on too long, and Edmond did not aid her in controlling their collection of wolf fey, she may die. Edmond felt terror, but did not show it. He went upon the back of his familiar, and lead the lines forward in the crisp ocean air of morning, according to battle plans. They were silent as cats, and swift as foxes.
Edmond was to slowly advance with his foot soldiers, after the arrows of stone and fire had been shot. The yells, and miscellaneous weapons of Celtician men no longer scared them. They had tasted too much victory. After the arrows, behind Edmond, would be the wolf children controlled by Luthid in the camp. Including three Aliki wolf princes they had captured. The carnivoran fey and skilled warriors, tore threw the small army of Isfisceard; and Edmond was untouched as he drew a sword of darkness, while seated high upon his powerful mount. His fairy robes made him impenetrable. And then he heard the sweet song of a woman, and a veil of gold move over the burning town; his eyes met Feon’s, as she cried in fear, attempting to put a charm on the village. It reminded him of how he wanted to cry. For his brethren, for his actions, for his sister, and from the immense pain he felt as a black arrow pierced his familiar from the sky. He became disoriented and no longer absorbing sound for his spells; for a moment, he was weak. Just as quickly as sound had resumed, it dissipated. The battle field began to slow to a stillness, and the sound of hooves approached from the south.
Meriam swooped down upon Nihten, landing in front of Edmond who was gasping his chest on his knees. She looked like Raven, clad in black raven kingdom robes, and black makeup against her pale colours. She was unflinching, like a disappointed mother that saw through their child’s lies. She lifted a silver sword, the gift from Helrem that could cut anything, and pointed the blade at his neck.
“You bitch!” Edomnd yelled, lashing forward with his sword. His intent was to knock away Meriam’s blade. But Meriam held firm; and Edmond’s shadow sword met her own sword, it was cut in half. As time resumed, and her men swept the battle field, They started devastating his troops with their horses. Edmond was shocked, and then Meriam kneed him in the face.
“You disgust me. Those wolf children, and their princes, would have trusted you once. And you make them taste the foul blood of men. You are no mage.” Meriam scolded. Nihten began to peck and pull at his cape, as Meriam tore off his tunic and gloves. Without his robes he could be killed easily. Then he noticed the fey flee form the field, and the two dead Aliki wolves, and their third brother gagging on the blood in his mouth. The fey were free, thus Luthid, his sister, was dead. Edmond dropped his head. He would not come home, and he did not want too. The yelling, and clashing began to sting like his aching heart. The year of sieges resurfacing in his mind. Meriam held her blade high to kill him, and then noticed he was crying.
“Let me at least see my sister, even if she is dead, one last time.” He cried. Then Edmond lifted his head, and yelled for his troops to retreat. Meriam lowered her sword. “I don’t want death anymore. I want my palace bed, and to drink with my uncle, and see my sister wed. I want to howl charms of good dreams into the night, and be the last king Algonquia will ever need. I will leave this land and yours alone. I do not want it anymore. These warm green fjords, come at far to high a cost.” He cried. Meriam lowered her sword. That was exactly what she wanted to hear, and it made her sad. Meriam grabbed Edmond’s collar, and dragged him to his camp. All the soldiers parting ways she walked. As if her presence demanded the men of all three armies to show respect. She gave off an aura of darkness and regality. Meriam walked through the Algonquia camp, and turned their tents to water with only a whisper; and delivered the incapacitated prince to his dead sister’s side. Then she left the way she came, moving calmly across the battle field, and through the burning village. She walked through their house fires, saving their children, and alchemized water to put out the flames. Meriam seemed so steady, its scared people that they could not read her reaction to the battle. Neither joy nor woe. Inside, she was too sad to feel.
On the beach, that was now silent and raging, Meriam found Feon crying and dishevelled upon the pale quartz stone. Feon then ran to the Lighthouse, and up the cliffs. Meriam walked slowly after her. Her stern demeanor softening to one of sorrow, as she followed her friend up the stairs to the peak of the sea wall. Feon wailed into the stormy void, and Meriam walked up, and held her.
“My children and husband died putting out the fire. And Lyra never came back from the woods by the battle field. Down there, by the rocks, an evacuation ship has fallen to a kraken, who was summoned by their song. She must have really liked it. Then the stirring waves approach, and I believe Lyra has been claimed by the sea. Why am I alive Merry? Out of everyone, why me? Why not my children?”
“You protected your village from further danger. That is why you are alive like many of them. I must admit I am so sorry; I wish I could have come sooner. But you did not tell me how long it would take for me to gather strength for this mission, after bearing a child. I also didn’t expect I would love her so much.” Meriam whispered. “I understand, why you do not want to leave them behind. I can’t imagine your loss, Feon.”
“I am happy your family is safe. I am happy the Far North retreats and bargains for forgiveness and friendship. I am happy-” Feon sniffed.
“Do not lie. Even if this battle is over, you have lost so much this day. You may cry, I will be here next to you.” Meriam sniffed. “I will cry with you.”
           After a few days of restoring the village and resting, Meriam and her men prepared to leave. The people of Isfisceard and Celticia thanked them, for not only winning a battle, but ending a war. They were willing to leave the past behind them, for the chance at another dawn. Before Her troops left, Meriam walked to the beach. There was white fog that did not block the sun, upon the pristine beach. Laughter of selkies collecting shells echoed across the empty sand. Feon stood by her rock, looking into the perfectly flat sea.
“I came to say good bye; but now I am disturbed by the silence of the sea.” Meriam said.
“Oh, goodbye my friend.” Feon said starring into the fog. “Well wishes to your family; I trust helping with the village’s babes means your daughter won’t starve when you return. Though I know a woman of your noble standing shouldn’t need to worry about such thing. Sorry; I just miss my own babies so much. You know, you were right; I think I want to stop journaling magic texts, and instead write poetry for charms.” Feon said. She was still gazing into the horizonless distance.
“No worries. But, why do you observe nothing so closely?”
“This morning I saw a man on the beach; wearing white and gold fish robes, and with ginger hair twisted into strands that are tied in an elaborate knot. And I hear the fey of the sea thank their Queen father for a song of calmness and mist. I am happy; Lyra will live on, safely around magic.” Feon smiled.
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independence1776 · 3 years
Snowflake Challenge Day 9
Challenge #9: In your own space, brag about yourself. Tell us what things you've done that you're proud of; the things that make you the wonderful person you are.
Have a list of all the fanworks I posted in 2020.
1. This is how we defend ourselves. Moodboard created for Back to Middle-earth Month. Full text on moodboard: “This is how we defend ourselves: Sword and shield, song and story, family and friends.” 2. Title page for ‘Stars, hide your fires’. This was the title page for the Tolkien fic “Stars, hide your fires” written by Fernstrike and Raiyana, which was also illustrated by Lyra. It was created as part of my team’s response to SWG’s Block Party challenge for the Team Storytelling event. 3. LotR graphic for Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday. Every autumn, I get the urge to reread LotR.
4. How long was Caleb Dume Depa Billaba’s Padawan? What it says on the tin. Fanfic 5. Cold. Maglor and the cold. No warnings; rated general, gen. 169 words. Written for Teitho’s 2019 Nov/Dec challenge, but the anonymity rules meant it was posted in early January. (Also posted on AO3.) 6. Shifting Dunes. Owen and Obi-Wan talk while Luke trains. Beru/Owen/Obi-Wan. No warnings; rated general; poly. 785 words. Written for Maythe4thbewithyou. 7. Answers Yet to Come. A month after the war ends, Cal Kestis runs into Caleb Dume on one of the not-quite-forbidden lower levels of the Jedi Temple. No warnings; rated general; canon divergent AU. 1066 words. Written for JediJune. 8. Evolving Roles. A sixteen-year-old Kanan gets stranded in Anchorhead and runs into Obi-Wan. No archive warnings; rated teens, canon divergent AU. 2835 words. Written for FandomTrumpsHate 2020. 9. Never Discussed But Silently Acknowledged. After two years on Tatooine, Ben Kenobi is generally considered well worth the effort to court due to his clear ability to take care of himself alone in the desert. Beru and Owen make their opinion clear. Beru/Owen/Obi-Wan. No warnings, rated general, poly. 1800 words. Written for Star Wars Rare Pairs. 10. Little Things. Kanan shares a bit of his past with Ezra. No warnings, rated general, gen. 683 words. Written for Rebels Secret Santa.
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museenkuss · 4 years
inbox me a 💫 for a book rec based on your blog
if you’d like, add a constellation for a more specific rec:
Draco: A volume of poetry
Sculptor: A book I read in the last 12 months
Dorado: A book I read in school and enjoyed
Lyra: A book I read because of its cover or title
Orion: A book by a non-English speaking author
Corona Borealis: A book by a non-European author
Andromeda: A book with lgbt+ content
Gemini: A book to read in spring
Leo: A book to read in summer
Libra: A book to read in autumn
Capricorn: A book to read in winter
Fornax: A book that got made into a film (+my opinion on the film)
Hydra: A book of nonfiction (philosophy, history, art..)
Lyx: A biography
Perseus: A book based on true events or people
Vela: A thriller/crime novel or generally a thrilling book 
Canis major: A horror novel or generally a book with an eerie atmosphere
Pegasus: A Sci-Fi or Fantasy novel or generally a book where fantastic or magical things happen
Cassiopeia: A book that overwhelmed or changed me
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jayne-hecate-writer · 5 years
The Secret Commonwealth: A review of sorts-ish...
So on a cold fresh autumnal morn, I closed the cover of my book, sat back and almost wept. I have waited for this book for so long, I had had it on pre-order from the despicable Amazon (notorious for tax avoidance, low pay and bad working conditions) for so very long and yet, I cannot contain my disappointment.
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This is a cold brutal book, filled with anger and sadness, as much a critique of our society as it is a fairy story. My friends, I present to you The Secret Commonwealth, the second in The Book of Dust trilogy and if you have not yet finished the book, be aware that I am about to discuss some events that could be classified as spoilers.
La Belle Savage was at times a dark book, revisiting the lives of Lyra's parents and explaining how she came to reside with in the walls of Jordan College, safely out of the hands of the Magisterium. It also contained a story of heroism as the young Malcolm Polstead struggles to maintain the safety of the infant Lyra during a catastrophic flood. Although it felt detached from the other stories given that it was in effect a prequel, it was complete and did not leave us with a bitter cliff hanger. Alas, I cannot say the same for the sequel, which is set several years after the events of both The Amber Spyglass and Lyra's Oxford.
The book opens with Lyra and Pantalaiman not speaking, during the episodes when they do speak, they communicate though angry argumentative exchanges and mutual misunderstanding. Pan resents Lyra's depression as she discovers the theories and philosophy of Nihilism, a system of thought that denies the existence of the Dǣmon and even of pleasure itself. Her adherence to the subject matter is fairly typical of every pretentious philosophy reading young adult and borders on the self denying extremes of Emo subculture, without stepping into the grotesque regions of cutting and self harm. There is throughout the book a feeling of abandonment and depression in the main character and it is linked directly to this bleak denial of light and goodness as she struggles to come to terms with her own feelings and knowledge, despite her having had first hand physical experience of the spiritual realm. This is an important part of her self denial that has led to the schism between Pan and herself, as she denies the existence of part of herself.
There is also a feeling of animosity towards the modern day society of Brytain which is clearly very similar in many ways to our own modern Britain, with self serving political posturing and power grabbing being clear goals for some of the characters. Gone is the clear evil and avarice of Mrs Coulter, replaced by the cold brutal spite and vengeance of her brother, Marcel Delamare. The main antagonists of this book are both motivated by revenge and power with the protagonists being somehow dirtied by modern life. The previously heroic Malcolm borders painfully close to the paedophilic with his obsession with a young woman who does not yet have adult status, being ten years his junior and whom he has nurtured since she was a child. In fact throughout the novel, there are many characters who it is implied may have flawed sexual relationships, starting with the loveless flirtations of Lyra herself and moving onto the strangely asexual Marcel, possibly even the Saint Simeon as he craves the touch of his boy, the shamed Princess who delved into lesbianism to satisfy the lusts of her own Dǣmon and finally the revolting actions of a group of rapist Turkish soldiers. Speaking of which, the sexual assault of Lyra is both heart breaking and brutal, it is described as a near rape, but it goes into enough detail to sicken the reader and if I am honest pulls too readily on the cliché of powerful men destroying the spirit of the young woman until she is rescued by another powerful man who berates her for daring to go out in public. This is in some ways  the commentary of a middle class academic man, who has tried to imagine what it is to be a marginalised woman and it does show. However, if you wanted to be less critical, you could see this as a brutal statement on the suffering of women not just in the middle east, but the world over as we struggle against sexism, religious persecution and the removal of our bodily self determination.
With the first trilogy, His Dark Materials, there was an innocence to the story telling, even during the vicious battles and violent murders committed by some of the most beloved characters. With this book, there is a bleak world weariness in the subtext, it is every miserable moment distilled and condensed from the twenty four hour news networks, from global war to Brexit and with the reading it does towards the end of the book grow tiring, if not actually despairing. After closing the dust cover, I am left wondering how Pullman can raise the tone of the next book and I wonder if it is even possible for him to give Lyra the sort of ending she deserves, given that she has silently saved mankind across the myriad of realities. Seeing her fall in love with Malcolm would feel somehow lazy, when given her status as the biblical Eve to Will's Adam and their eternal love.
I think that it has also been forgotten that Lyra and Will killed the self aggrandising deity known as the Authority during the last battle in The Amber Spyglass, she knows for a fact that the fortress of heaven is ruled by tyrants, having battled them both directly and indirectly. She is also aware of the presence of the soul having witnessed it first hand escaping from the land of the dead to the plains of land of the Mulefa. Making her a nihilist in everything but name seems somehow incongruous, but maybe this is a comment on the nature of where the world stands at the moment. After all, did not Star Wars do something very similar with the failure and then redemption of Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi?
As I grew closer to the end of this novel, I knew that it would not and could not end happily. Pullman does not even give us the moment of reconciliation between Lyra and Pan, instead we are left with a cliff hanger and an obtuse poem and worst of all, the knowledge that it is going to be many more months if not years before we get the answers to our questions. Given that his book is nearly seven hundred pages long, there is a great deal in here that is drudgery, misery and depression; which frankly I found heart breaking. Lyra has been soiled by the things that she has done and which have been done to her. I only hope that for the next book she retains her autonomy, does not fall into the predatory arms of Malcolm and finds the reconciliation with Pan, because otherwise this trilogy is going to be bleak and will see the destruction of one of the most beloved characters created in the twentieth century. I also think that Pullman has sank a great deal of his own personal despair with modern society into this instalment, carefully skirting the more usual tired tropes and cliché.
Is the Secret Commonwealth a good book? I cannot answer this question because it has left me feeling unsettled and hurt. What I can say is that as the original readers of the first trilogy have aged, the tone of the second trilogy has aged with us. Where I would have no qualms about letting my ten year old niece read The Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife or The Amber Spyglass,  I would have some reservations about allowing this book to fall into her hands until she was significantly older. The tone of this book is just too dark at times and in some cases just too brutal. Do not forget that it is actually two of our beloved characters, both young women, who have been raped in this second trilogy and on each occasion they have been over powered and violated, while their struggle has been shown to be useless, there was nothing that they could do to prevent it. Yes, misogyny like this does exist, but do I want to encourage my niece to read such things or do I want to protect her from just how awful society can be?
I suppose that I shall just have to wait for two long damnable years to find out what is going to happen next to our dear Lyra, but while we wait we do have the new BBC show to look forwards to. There were moments while reading this book that I looked up from the page to discover my partner was watching the television and there before me was the young woman who had portrayed Lyra in the film of the Golden Compass. Her depiction of Lyra and all of her depth was remarkable for a child who had never acted before and it is uplifting to know that she was able to put the film behind her and continue with her career. I am bitter about that film because it feels like it was scuttled by the studio and the blame was placed at the feet of the religious bigots who had probably never ready the books. The shame of it was that much of the anti-catholic rhetoric had been removed and still the religiously indoctrinated were not satisfied until they had ruined it and stripped it of meaning and value. If anything, that just makes the making of this series even more important. I very much doubt though that should this series be a success, The Secret Commonwealth will also be filmed for this age group.
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pierrotdameron · 5 years
Seven years after readers last saw Lyra Silvertongue, sitting on a bench in Oxford’s Botanic Garden, Philip Pullman’s most beloved heroine is set to return as an adult this autumn in the second volume of his trilogy The Book of Dust.
Pullman announced on Wednesday that The Secret Commonwealth would be published in October, just ahead of BBC One’s TV adaptation of his bestselling His Dark Materials trilogy, starring Dafne Keen as the child Lyra, Ruth Wilson as the sinister Mrs Coulter and James McAvoy as Lord Asriel.
The first Book of Dust novel, La Belle Sauvage, introduces Lyra as a baby, as a huge flood hits Oxford and the 11-year-old Malcolm Polstead becomes her protector. The Secret Commonwealth is set 20 years after those events, and seven years after the end of The Amber Spyglass, the concluding volume in the His Dark Materials trilogy.
Lyra is no longer a child and life, warned Pullman, is not easy for this grownup version of a character readers first met as an 11-year-old running wild in Oxford with her daemon Pantalaimon. Now a student, she will travel across Europe and into Asia as she searches for a town said to be haunted by daemons.
“Things have been biding their time, waiting for the right moment to reveal their consequences for Lyra Silvertongue,” said the novelist. “The Secret Commonwealth tells the continuing story of the impact on Lyra’s life of the search for, and the fear of, Dust. I found it intriguing and deeply exciting to discover how great events can turn on a little moment, and how revenge can be nurtured and fed and watered till it grows beyond control.”
An early extract shows conflict between Lyra and Pan, as the daemon criticises her for being pessimistic. “You used to be optimistic. You used to think that whatever we did would turn out well. Even after we came back from the north, you used to think that. Now you’re cautious, you’re anxious,” he tells her, as the pair deliberate what to do after witnessing a murder. Lyra “knew he was right, but it wasn’t right that he should speak to her accusingly, as if it was something to blame her for. ‘I used to be young,’ was all she could find to say,” writes Pullman.
“It was enthralling for me to remember how powerfully and passionately our minds and opinions can be turned by reading a particular book at the right time. Lyra, as a student, is finding that out. She is also discovering a new and difficult aspect to her relationship with Pantalaimon, and other things about daemons that she never suspected,” said the novelist.
But, really, Pullman continued, “those things are background”. “At the heart of the book are Lyra, the young woman we saw first as a girl of 12 and then as a baby, and Malcolm, whose life as a boy became involved with hers and who now finds their lives helplessly entangled again; and how some emotions can last a lifetime, and others change beyond recognition,” he said. “It’s the story of some people we know, and others we’ll meet for the first time. Their journey is going to take them far from their homeland towards a mysterious desert in central Asia, where they hope to find, at last, the secret of Dust.”
The Secret Commonwealth will be published by David Fickling Books in association with Penguin Random House UK on 3 October. The publisher called it “a timely exploration of what it is to be human, to grow up and make sense of the world around us, from one of the UK’s greatest writers”.
“Like the original readers of His Dark Materials, Lyra has grown up. Her concerns are adult ones, and this new perspective – coupled with Philip’s unflinching look at the human condition and his extraordinary storytelling – makes for a breathtaking read,” said Penguin Random House Children’s managing director Francesca Dow.
Dow compared the book to dystopian classics The Handmaid’s Tale and Never Let Me Go, saying it “shows us a darker parallel world whose troubles echo our own”. Pullman has previously quipped that The Book of Dust should be called “His Darker Materials”.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hello, Lyra! New reader here!
So excited for your autumn event.
May I request for Julius "full moon" prompt?
Please make it super fluff. I just start working in a new environment and it's quite stressing me out. So I need mental support (and physical too ofc) from the wizard king himself ❤️❤️😘
Looking forward for your stories 😊
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Hiya there Reya 🥰! Of course you can, I hope you enjoy it! It’s not quite as fluffy as I wanted it, it’s more subtle, but there is a little kiss at the end and a “promise” hehe 👀😁! But hopefully your new work enviorment is getting better and it’s not stressing you out as much 🥺🫂💕!
Word Count: 666 (👀😈 /lh)
Warnings: None
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Y/N woke with a start as she heard a twig snap, she looked around as she grabbed her grimoire. A few of the Grey Deer were out on a mission together to investigate a report about a dungeon nearby, the group so far hadn’t been successful at finding it, but they still had a day to search for it.
Y/N looked around with a frown, someone was missing, and she looked closer she noticed it was their squad leader Julius Novachrono.
She sighed before getting up and going to search for him.
She walked and walked through the woods trying to sense Julius’s mana, but she wasn’t the best at doing that, plus with it being so dark she couldn’t see a thing.
Y/N froze as she heard something behind her, she pulled her grimoire out again before turning around to face whatever it was.
“ Wait Y/N it’s just me!” Julius whisper-shouted at her as he held his hands up, Y/N let out a sigh as she put her grimoire away.
“ You scared me! What are you doing out here?” Y/N asked as she crossed her arms, and Julius just gave her a sheepish smile.
“ Nothing, I was just taking a walk.” He told her with a laugh, but Y/N frowned suspiciously at him.
“ You were looking for the dungeon weren’t you?”
“ N-No! Maybe…okay fine I was.” He admitted with a sigh before he rubbed the back of his head. “ But I found something even better!”
“ Something better than the dungeon?” Y/N asked before Julius nodded, reached out to grab her hand, and began to lead her through the woods.
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The two walked for a while before they came out to a clearing, Y/N frowned as she looked around. There was nothing here?
As Y/N turned around to ask Julius what he was talking about she noticed he had disappeared.
“ Down here!” Julius said happily as he waved at her, she frowned as she noticed that he was laying down on the grass looking up. “ Lay down and you’ll see what I’m talking about.”
Y/N frowned but did as he asked and lied down next to him, when she did her eyes widened and a soft gasp escaped her lips.
There was a full moon shining brightly above them, it was much bigger than when they saw it in the Capital. She heard Julius chuckle beside her.
“ This is what I wanted to show you, just look at how beautiful and amazing it is!” Julius said softly as he stared up at it, Y/N nodded before she turned to look at him.
Ever since she joined the Grey Deer she had been close to Julius, he was only a couple of years older than her, and they had a lot in common, so it was inevitable that they would become fast friends. But she hadn’t expected to fall in love with him as well.
“ Yeah it is.” She muttered softly, although she wasn’t really talking about the moon. Instead she was talking about the blonde haired, purple eyed man lying next to her.
The two laid there talking and watching the stars and moon, eventually Y/N fell asleep curled up against Julius’s side.
The man chuckled before he moved her hair out of her face, he knew she was beginning to develop feelings for him, and ever since he figured it out he had been trying to put distance between them. Although now that they were lying here together, he realized it wasn’t working and instead he was growing feelings for her as well.
“ Maybe once I become Wizard King I can finally tell you how I feel and we can be together. Just wait until then okay?” He asked her softly as he placed a gentle kiss on top of her head.
He let out a soft sigh before he stood, picked her up bridal style, and carried her back to camp.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Title: MILF Author: knwho Rating: T Genre(s): Family, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,833 Summary: When Scorpius Malfoy is sent to the Headmistress’ Office for defending his mother’s honor, after someone called her a certain word he has to face judge and jury in McGonagall and his parents.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: January 4, 2014 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Lyra, Cassiopeia, Scorpius] Draco: Business Man Hermione: Hogwarts Professor [Transfiguration] Locations: Hogwarts Characters: Minerva McGonagall
Title: Mimi’s Black Rose Author: xxSammySabotagexx Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Tragedy Chapters: 18 Word Count: 51,023 Summary: Hermione sat beneath her tree, eyes pointed towards the sky. Tears were running down her face, as she slowly whispered, “I’m going to die.” Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Published: February 24, 2010 Completed: October 23, 2010 Relationship: Getting Together Themes: Illness [Hermione], Flying, Secrets, First Kiss, Rain, Grief/Mourning Draco: Broody Hermione: Compassionate, Weak/Vulnerable Locations: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, St. Mungo’s, The Grangers’ House Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: The Grangers, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Poppy Pomfrey, Minerva McGonagall, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Narcissa Malfoy, Percy Weasley Character Deaths: Hermione 
Title: Mine Author: HufflepuffMommy Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 20 Word Count: 53,004 Summary: Hermione Granger is a single mother. The last thing she needed was to get involved with anyone, especially Draco Malfoy. Love however, has other plans. Rated M for mature themes later on. (Hermione/Draco) (Harry/Ginny) Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: November 5, 2015 Completed: November 20, 2015 Relationship: Getting Together Pregnancy/Children: Children [Scorpius] Themes: Single Parent [Hermione has a daughter], News and Gossip, Apologies [Draco], Draco kisses Hermione to shut her up, Pets, Kidnapping and Imprisonment, Events and Celebrations [Banquet] Draco: Alchemist, Snarky, Broody, Redeemed Hermione: Stubborn, Ministry Worker, Feisty Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Draco & Blaise, Characters: Rose Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Character Deaths: Ron Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius Additional Notes: Characters are OOC, Fast Romance, Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: Minimal Risk  Author: galfoy  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8,198  Summary: This was not how she had imagined her year would end.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War   Published: January 11, 2016  Completed: January 11, 2016  Themes: Events and Celebrations [Balls], First Kiss, Friendship, Secret Feelings    Draco: Ministry Employee, Draco’s Feelings  Hermione: Ministry Employee, Hermione’s Feelings  Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron  Friendships: Draco & Pansy  Characters: Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson  Character Point of View/POV: Hermione  Featured Holidays: New Year’s 
Title: Minister Author: dormiensa Rating: T  Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,502 Summary: Hermione is fed up and has been convinced to apply for the position of Minister for Magic … by Draco Malfoy?! Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: June 3, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Friendship Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Beltran], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco]Teaching/Tutoring [Draco tutors Hermione] Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Minister for Magic Locations: Malfoy Manorr, Ministry of Magic, The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Susan Bones
Title: Mirror mirror on the wall Author: Padfoot the Marauder Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 8 Word Count: 16,400 Summary: When Hermione becomes Head Girl she accidentally discovers that the mirrors of her private dorm provide a clear outlook into the Head Boy’s quarters. A view of three generations of Head Girls dealing with this unusual phenomenon Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Published: March 22, 2004  Completed: April 5, 2004 Relationship: Getting together Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Magical Items [Enchanted Mirrors] Locations: Heads’ common room Side Pairings: Lily/James, Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Bellatrix Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, James Potter, Lily Evans, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy Warnings: Sexual Situations, Flashbacks
Title: Mirror of Maybe Author: jayabear Rating: PG  Genre(s): Angst, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,466 Summary: “Suddenly, she could see a likely future in its entirety, and Hermione ripped her hand away from it.” Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: October 5, 2008 Themes: Magical Items [Mirror] Locations: Hogwarts
Title: Mirrored Desires Author: kalee60 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Adventure Chapters: 9 Word Count: 59,066 Summary: A Magic Mirror with intriguing side effects, a secretive mission with little or no chance of success and a plot to change the Wizarding world forever, can Hermione and Draco survive being very reluctant partners? Only if they don’t kill each other first… Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: AFF Published: June 10, 2012  Completed: July 8, 2012 Themes: Camping, Driving [Hermione], Events/Celebrations [Gala], Forced Parntership/Together, Injuries [Hermione], Magical Items [Mirror] Draco: Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Feisty Characters: Original Characters
Title: Misery Loves Company Author: SilverOrbs13   Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,771 Summary: Hermione doesn’t have such a miserable Christmas after all Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 25, 2013 Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Characters: Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley
Title: Misguided Sympathy Author: Vashka Rating: T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: 7,498 Summary: An earth-shattering conversation with Draco Malfoy makes Hermione see the errors of her ways. Will the Slytherins and Gryffindors survive Hermione’s kindness intact? Or will the spirit of Interhouse Cooperation  triumph? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: May 20, 2005 Completed: May 20, 2005 Draco: Manipulative, Prefect, Redeemed, Snarky, Snob Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Feisty, Head Girl, Know-It-All Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Pansy Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Millicent Bulstrode, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Vincent Crabbe Warnings: Mild Profanity
Title: Miss Me Always  Author: SomethingBlue42 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst, Tragedy    Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,905  Summary: “What’s the matter Granger?” Malfoy asked… “Miss me?” “Always,” she replied, smiling sardonically.   Status: Complete Timeline: War  Published: July 24, 2008  Completed: July 24, 2008 Relationship: Secret Relationship  Themes: Spying, Secret Meetings  Draco: Death Eater, Spy  Hermione: Order Member  Locations: Grimmauld Place  Character Deaths: Hermione  Additional Notes: Not a Dramione ending. Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Main Character Death 
Title: Missed Connections Author: UnseenLibrarian Rating: T Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8,060 Summary: After a pleasant autumnal trip to Diagon Alley with her friends, a Missed Connection describing Hermione appears in the Daily Prophet’s Personals column. Who could have left it? Hermione’s mad with curiosity, but the identity of the sender remains a mystery. (Harry knows, but wild hippogriffs couldn’t drag it out of him.) Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Treasured Tropes (Hawthorn & Vine) Published: September 24, 2012 Themes: Apologies [Draco apologizes], Coffee & Tea, Co-Workers/Office/Partners, Flirting Draco: Auror, Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Auror, Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Diagon Alley, Ministry of Magic, Other Bars/Clubs/Pubs Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Susan Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Susan Bones Character Birthdays: Hermione  Character Point of View/POVs: Harry Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity
Title: Mission Dispel Author: LadyBlack3 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Adventure, Action Chapters: 18 Word Count: 56,114 Summary: It is the year 2008 and trouble is brewing in Europe. Now part of an elite secret service team, Hermione and Draco come across an old foe who leads them to discover a threat to their world greater than Voldemort himself. Once again they undertake a mission together, but will this one prove fateful? Dramione Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: January 20, 2019 Completed: December 26, 2019 Relationship: Fake Relationship, Secret Feelings Themes: Working Undercover, Spying, Co Workers Office Partners, Sharing a Bed, News and Gossip, Roommates, Travel, Bonding, Kidnapping and Imprisonment [Hermione], Magical Items [Jewellery], Mythology, Injuries [Draco], Abuse and Assault [Hermione],   Draco: Divorced, Emotional, Unspeakable Hermione: Unspeakable, Compassionate Side Pairings: Blaise/OC Friendships: Hermione & Blaise, Draco & Blaise Characters: Blaise Zabini, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Original Characters, Harry Potter Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: Mistakes of a Drunken Night Author: ForeverHP07 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama  Chapters: 20 Word Count: 52,721  Summary: On the night of their graduation Hermione and Draco get drunk…and married. After a year and a half of marriage- a time filled with arguments and mixed emotions, they are told that they have to have a child on the way by their second anniversary. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: July 18, 2012  Completed: August 7, 2014  Relationship: Already Married, Accidental Marriage Pregnancy/Children: Children [Caelum Xavier, Ara Kaylee, Draco Lucius, Lyra Jean] Themes: Alcohol, Flashbacks, Curses and Spells, Courtship, Dates, Babysitting, Meeting the Parents, Dueling, Injuries [Hermione], Death Eaters, Secrets and Lies, Flirting, Banter, Arguments, Travel Draco: Ministry Worker, Romantic Hermione: Ministry Worker , Feisty Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Lucius/Narcissa Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Teddy Lupin, Grangers, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley  Character Point of View/POV: Hermione, Draco, Harry, Ron Anti-Characters: Anti-Ron 
Title: Mistletoe Author: ashleywritesx3 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,198 Summary: Hermione and Draco meet under the mistletoe on Christmas.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 5, 2009 Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Matchmaking/Blind Dates [Matchmaker: Dumbledore], Mistletoe Characters: Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil, Ron Weasley
Title: Mistletoe and Holly Author: RZZMG Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,665 Summary: Who says romance ends at 40? For an older, more mature Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, the best is yet to come… It’s never too late to fall back in love - with a little help from some meddling friends and some mistletoe (although holly IS prettier)! Dramione/Draco x Hermione. Post-Hogwarts. Romance, Fluff, HEA. Features Hannah, Neville, Ginny, too. One-shot - COMPLETE! Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Epilogue Compliant, Mature Dramione Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: January 20, 2014 Relationship: Friendship, Secretly Love/Like/Crush On Each Other Themes: Alcohol, Matchmaking/Blind Dates [Ginny and Hannah], Mistletoe Draco: Divorced, Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed Hermione: Hermione’s Feelings, Widow Locations: The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Neville/Hannah Friendships: Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Neville Longbottom Character Deaths: Ron Weasley
Title: Mistletoe Confessions Author: Dramione13 Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 2 Word Count: 2,738 Summary: Draco and Hermione are heads and about to finish their rounds when some mistletoe decides to spring about mischief.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 20, 2011  Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Mistletoe Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Redeemed
Title: Mistletoe Kisses Author: cleotheo Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,713 Summary: A piece of specially enchanted mistletoe brings the Head Boy and Head Girl together over the festive season. Fluffy One Shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 19, 2013 Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Mistletoe Locations: Heads’ Common Room, Hogsmeade Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: Mistletoe Mischief Author: cleotheo Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,871 Summary: Blaise and Theo are on a Christmas mission, they’re going to unite the Head Students using enchanted mistletoe. However catching Draco and Hermione under the mistletoe proves harder to do than they first thought. Light hearted seasonal One Shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 18, 2014 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Head Boy/Head Girl, Matchmaking/Blind Dates [Matchmakers: Blaise & Theo], Mistletoe Draco: Redeemed Locations: Great Hall, Heads’ Common Room, Potions Class Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Theo, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott Title: Misunderstood Author: cleotheo Rating: M/R Genre(s): Humor, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,917 Summary: Eavesdropping isn’t the most reliable of ways to discover what’s going on in your friend’s life, as Harry and Ron discover while paying a visit to the head dorms. Fun, light-hearted One Shot. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Published: January 5, 2015 Draco: Redeemed Locations: Black Lake, Great Hall, Heads’ Common Room Side Pairings: Blaise/Daphne, Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Title: Muster Author: dormiensa Rating: M15/M16/MT Genre(s): Fluff, Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,949 Summary: Lucius Malfoy needs Hermione’s help, so, naturally, he sends Draco to do the asking. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: December 20, 2014 Themes: Magical Creatures Side Pairings: Harry/Pansy Characters: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson Warnings: Mild Profanity, Mild Violence
Title: Mistletoes and Missed Kisses  Author: LoveBugOC Rating: K Genre(s): Romance, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,373 Summary: Three missed mistletoe kisses and the one that wasn’t. [Draco tries three times to trap a certain witch under the mistletoe with him - and fails. And then there’s that one time he doesn’t.]  Status: Complete Timeline: Hogwarts Years Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 29, 2012 Themes: Mistletoe Locations: Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Draco visits Gryffindor table] Characters: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott
Title: Misunderstanding Author: MereWhispers Rating: T Genre(s): Drama, Fluff, General, Romance, Humour Chapters: 31 Word Count: 4,737  Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have had a severe misunderstanding due his to owls that she hasn’t answered. Hermione attempts to rectify things, once she has gone through the letters. But - that’s it, you see. ‘Going through’ them is a lengthy job. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE? Published: May 12, 2016 Completed: July 28, 2016 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Co Workers Office Partners, Misunderstanding [Draco], Secrets, Travel, Unrequited Love [Draco] Draco: Auror, Broody, Heartbroken, Helpless, Snarky Hermione: Auror, Bossy, Guilty Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Malfoy Manor, Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Astoria/Draco, Blaise/Daphne, Harry/Ginny, Pansy/Theo, Ron/Hermione Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Daphne, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Harry, Draco & Hermione, Draco & Pansy, Draco & Theo, Hermione & George, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Ron Weasley Character Point of View/POV: Draco Anti-Characters: Anti-Astoria, Anti-Molly, Anti-Narcissa, Anti-Ron  Pro-Characters: Pro-Blaise, Pro-George, Pro-Ginny, Pro-Harry, Pro-Lucius 
Title: Misunderstandings Author: hathorx Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,368 Summary: As their relationship starts going downhill, Draco and Hermione each seek advice from their friends instead of settling things between them. Complications ensue…  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Pot-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: December 28, 2009 Relationship: Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pregnancy/Children: Accidental Pregnancy, Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Misunderstandings Draco: Auror, Redeemed Hermione: Emotional Locations: Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks Side Pairings: Blaise/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley
Title: Modern Romance Author: olivieblake Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 15 Word Count: 227,210 Summary: Witch Weekly’s ‘Modern Romance’ series asks anonymous witches and wizards to record a week in their sex lives—with comic, tragic, provocative, and patently revealing results. Each week, a new episode unfolds in the lives of the Wizarding World’s elite. Multiple pairings, post-war, EWE. COMPLETE. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Alternate Links: AO3 Published: July 19, 2017 Completed: May 11, 2018 Themes: News and Gossip Side Pairings: Harry/Theo, Hermione/Ron, Ron/Pansy, Lucius/Pansy, Lucius/Narcissa, Percy/Pansy, Percy/Fleur, Bill/Fleur, Andromeda/Ted, George/Andromeda,  Theo/Narcissa, Blaise Zabini/Ginny, Neville/Blaise,  Marcus/Oliver, Marcus/Cormac, Marcus/Daphne, Ginny/Parvati, Ron/Padma, Cormac/Ginny, Bill/Daphne, Charlie/Tonks, Charlie/Luna, Theo/Daphne Bill/Narcissa Characters: Theo Nott, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Fleur Delacour, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Ginny Weasley, Andromeda Tonks, George Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, Marcus Flint, Oliver Wood, Cormac McLaggen Additional Notes: Multiple Pairings, Not dramione-centric Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: Molly, a mother Author: reetinkerbell Rating: PG Genre(s): Family, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,330 Summary: Molly talks some sense into her two youngest children.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War AU Alternate Links: LJ Published: May 24, 2010 Relationship: Engaged, Negative Reactions Themes: Wedding Draco: Fiancee Hermione: Fiancee Locations: The Burrow Main Pairing: None - Gen Side Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, past Ron/Hermione Friendships: Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley Character Point of View/POVs: Molly
Title: Moments Author: leopion Rating: T Genre(s): Angst, Fluff, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,557 Summary: Life is more than just a journey with a start and an end; it is a collection of moments. Status: Complete Timeline: War [Deathly Hallows AU] Fest/Exchange: dhr_advent  Published: December 12, 2013 December 20, 2013 Themes: Cooking/Baking [Draco cooks], Horcrux Hunting/On the Run, Sweets Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Featured Holidays: Christmas/New Year’s
Title: Moments Author: waterflower_20 Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,000 Summary: “He tried to suffocate you in your sleep, remember?” “Nonsense! He was just cuddling –“ “On your face.” Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramionelove Adopt-A-Prompt  Published: May 20, 2015 Alternate Links: ff.net  Relationship: Friendship Themes: Jealousy [Draco & Hermione], Roommates/Housemates/Neighbors [Neighbors], Secret Crush/Secret Feelings Draco: Determined, Redeemed, Sly/Cunning Hermione: Feisty, Hermione’s Feelings, In Love, Melancholy, Shy  Side Pairings: Draco/Other, Hermione/Other, Lucius/Narcissa Characters: Crookshanks, Narcissa Malfoy  Warnings: Fluff, fluff, and more fluff, language
Title: Moments of Sanity Author: SiriuslyPadfoot’sGal  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 25 Word Count: 90,878 Summary: Hermione Granger becomes a healer and her first assignment is a longterm patient in the permanent ward. What happens when she discovers her first patient is none other than the Draco Malfoy and he’s… insane?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: November 27, 2004  Completed: August 3, 2008 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Curses/Spells, Healer & Patient [Healer; Hermione, Patient; Draco], Memory Modification [Draco], Psychological Trauma/Disorder, Travel [Berlin, Germany] Hermione: Emotional, Healer Locations: Hermione Flat/House, Malfoy Manor, St. Mungo’s, The Burrow Side Pairings: Ron/Luna Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley Character Point of View/POVs: Draco, Hermione  Note: The nickname ‘Herms’ is used once or twice
Title: Moments to Build On Author: JDPhoenix Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,214 Summary: Unseen moments, good and bad, between Draco and Hermione during and after their years at Hogwarts. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6,  Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: June 28, 2011 Themes: Forced Partnership/Together Draco: Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Hogwarts Library Side Pairings: Hermione/Viktor Characters: Severus Snape, Viktor Krum
Title: Monochrome Kids Author: derryere Rating: R Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 3 Word Count: ~30,000 Summary: Hermione’s writing letters to her future boyfriend.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: October 16, 2008  Draco: Divorced Side Pairings: Harry/Ron Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Original Characters, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan Character Deaths: Neville Longbottom Character Point of View/POVs: Hermione
Title: Monster at Malfoy Manor Author: frostykitten Rating: T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,153 Summary: Hermione glanced at Malfoy, who looked shaken but not all that surprised with what they’d just witnessed. “Why do I get the feeling you know more about what just happened than you’re letting on?” she asked. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Holiday: Halloween Published: October 27, 2011 Themes: Curses/Spells, Trapped Together Draco: Snarky Hermione: Auror Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter
Title: More Reasons Than Not Author: permiable-cell-walls Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 22 Word Count: 41,637 Summary: It has been nineteen years since the end of Voldemort, but not everyone is happy with their lives, even if they don’t have to fear for them daily. Hermione Weasley encounters a man from her past and togethery they discover the meanings of adventure Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, Epilogue Compliant Published: September 23, 2008  Completed: September 23, 2008 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Friendship Pregnancy/Children: Accidental Pregnancy, Children Names [Delilah], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Adultery [Draco and Hermione cheat with each other; Draco was cheated on], Alcohol, Apologies [Draco], Cooking/Baking [Draco and Hermione], Veela [Draco] Draco: Redeemed, Veela Hermione: Emotional, Lawyer Locations: Cafe, Diagon Alley, Draco’s Flat/House, Hogwarts, Hotel Side Pairings: Draco/Pansy, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Grangers [Mrs. Granger; Mr. Granger deceased], Hugo Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Character Deaths: Mr. Granger Other: Pansy is Scorpius’ mother instead of Astoria
Title: More Than a Feeling Author: NJ Coffee Queen Rating: T Genre(s): Family, Romance Chapters: 20 Word Count: 25,095 Summary: New friendships and old are set in motion on Scorpius Malfoy’s first day of school. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 25, 2012  Completed: January 2, 2013 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point), Past Romance Pregnancy/Children: Adoption [Hermione adopts Scorpius], Children Names [Ava, Rose], Draco-Doesn’t-Know, Single Parents [Draco has a son (Scorpius), Hermione has a daughter (Rose)] Themes: Cooking/Baking [Draco and Hermione cook], Scars [Hermione’s Mudblood scar] Draco: Business Man, Divorced, Redeemed, Single Father, Witty Hermione: Single Mother, Teacher, Witty Side Pairings: Blaise/Astoria Friendships: Hermione & Pansy Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Scorpius Malfoy
Title: More to Life than Trying to Survive Author: ariel  Rating: M/R Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,289 Summary: “We have to survive,” Draco said angrily. “and we can’t do that if we  are foolish.”Hermione stared at Draco a long time.“There has to be more to life than surviving,” she said. Timeline: Year 7 Fest/Exchange: qo_ficexchange Published: January 3, 2005 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Locations: Hogwarts Library Characters: Harry Potter Featured Holidays: Christmas/New Year’s
Title: More Wandless Magic with Malfoy Author: jenniferes Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 39 Word Count: 140,951 Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy attend the Wizarding University of Paris the year after they graduate from Hogwarts. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: June 9, 2011  Completed: June 6, 2012 Relationship: Anniversary, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Revealing Their Relationship Themes: Affection, Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Baths/Showers, Betrayal/Deception, Dancing, Driving [Hermione], Events/Celebrations [Parties], Ghosts/Spirits, Jealousy [Draco and Hermione], Jewellery, Muffliato Charm, Muggle Life, Polyjuice [Hermione], Portkey [Hermione], Presents/Gift Giving [Draco and Hermione exchange gifts], Quidditch/Flying, Scars [Draco’s Dark Mark], Sharing a Bed, Summer, Swimming, Travel [Menorca, Spain; Paris, France; Lohr a.Main, Germany], University, Wandless/Non-verbal Magic [Draco] Draco: Quidditch Player [Seeker], Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Emotional, Feisty, Know-It-All Locations: Grangers’ House, Malfoy Manor, Other Bars/Clubs/Pubs, Other Library, Other Restaurant, The Burrow, The Leaky Cauldron Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Friendships: Draco & Ginny, Draco & Goyle, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Original Character, Hermione & Viktor Characters: Antonin Dolohov, Blaise Zabini, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Grangers, Gregory Goyle, Hannah Abbott, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Original Characters, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Thorfinn Rowle, Viktor Krum Character Birthdays: Hermione  Featured Holidays: Halloween, Christmas/New Year’s Part 1: The Dragon Does the Tickling - M, 30 chapters - After the war, Hermione returns to Hogwarts to complete her seventh year of studies as Head Girl, only to find Draco Malfoy has been appointed Head Boy. Her life is further complicated by the fact that Headmistress McGonagall is strongly encouraging Malfoy and her to attend one of the three wizarding universities in Europe after they graduate from Hogwarts. The story starts HG/RW, but the focus is on the development of HG/DM.  Part 3: Sophomore Spells at the Wizarding University of Paris - M, WIP - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy attend their sophomore year at the Wizarding University of Paris.  This is a sequel to both the Dragon Does the Tickling, where Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy complete their seventh year at Hogwarts after the war and fall in love and More Wandless Magic with Malfoy, where they complete their freshman year at WUP. I strongly recommend reading both those stories first.
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locym · 2 years
SCA Update
So.  It’s been awhile. I’ve had some tough times personally that I won’t go into, but my life was changed and the person who changed it didn’t go about handling it in the best methods. The result of this was depression, and suicidal thoughts. I’m not over the hump. People keep asking if I’m doing better. I won’t be for a long time, but I’ve made the choice to BE better. My apologies to all of my friends who have been wondering if I disappeared, and or was hit by a bus for no saying anything. I literally just .... Couldn’t.  But now for the purpose of this blog. SCA Shenanigans. As any of you know I am in service to his Lordship Agmundr Glumson, the Murder Giant. The Lord Defender of Blatha an Oir. He bade me to participate in Embers and Ambrosia to fight for the Shield of The Barony, the other Champion position in the Barony. I did so, and after a tough series of battles, I proved victorious and became the Shield of the Barony.  We then went to Baroness War and let me tell you all, it was a great event. The war was fun as hell and I found my stride. Normally the Lord Defender commands the Baronial Forces, but in the field battle, his Lordship named me General. I led our forces against FOUR other armies, as the other baronies all came against us at the behest of the King. We held them off for a time, but sheer numbers saw us whittled down and eventually defeated. Though we caused a great number of casualties amongst our foes. 
During the next battle I fought in the shield wall in the King’s Armies. We defended a keep from Three Baronial Forces. It was tough, a slog, but despite the numbers we held the gate and stopped the invaders. When the rolls swapped we fought hard. Slamming again and again into the enemy’s gates. I broke through and captured the flag, winning the scenario. We then moved to the last field battle.  Once again standing beside the King and his forces we lined up. This one being two sides instead of each Barony fighting o prove triumphant. We pushed the foemen, and the shield walls crashed. In the end, we proved victorious, driving our foes from the field.  Next. We went to May Crown. A Tournament to battle for the Crown of An Tir. I did okay. I’m definitely more of War fighter than a Tournament Fighter, but I made a good accounting of myself. I even participated in my first Squire’s Tournament, where as the last to introduce myself I went full Knight’s Tale Jeffery Chaucer and made an epic introduction and made my Inspiration (a good friend whom I fought to earn her a crown lol) blush a shade of red I hadn’t seen in a long time lol I lost, but I accomplished the Quest given me by His Excellency to be his squire for a day.  Next was June Fair. Where Blatha an Oir did make war against Dragon’s Laire. Once again his Lordship granted me command of the Baronial Armies, this time for the entirety of the war. This time, given free reign, I went full tilt and engaged our foes with every ounce of skill I knew of ancient warfare. There were many battles, and thanks to the skill and tenacity of our great barony’s fighters, we proved victorious over Dragon’s Laire and forced them into peace between our two great Baronies. His Lordship was very pleased and grilled me a steak for being a fine General. I did blush, and I did enjoy the hell out of the Steak.  Finally we had July Coronation. It was pleasant and it was my dog’s, Lyra’s, first event. She had fun meeting new people and new doggos. We did many walks and had a great time together. Once again I took part in the Squire’s Tournament and this time made it to the Sweet 16. Though I was knocked out right away in these semi finals, it was an honor to make it that far in my second Squire’s Tournament.   The next event is Autumn War, where the Lord Defender has once again placed me as General of our Armies. We raise the banners and the Rabbit Banner, my personal banner, shall be flown over the field in combat as the combined might of Blatha an Oir, Glym Myr, Dragon’s Laire and our allies match up against Stromgard and her allies. I will be going against non other than Sir Edward, An Tir’s Warlord for the last 30 Years. I will show him what I am capable of.  The Lands of the Golden Blossom will be victorious. The Banners have been called. The war horn blows. Raise the Rabbit Banner and drive the foes from the field! TO WAR! 
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Name: Nacre Hallis
Role: Perspective
They catch the updraft off the windward side of their Lighthouse, rising into the sky. A constant battle against gravity, an inevitable fall. They ride from wave crest to wave crest, just a little more.
Nacre is a Gull of Selkie’s Rock. Every day they leave the lighthouse either by glider or on their nimble one-person sailboat to watch for storms and incoming ships. Nacre spent their 20’s roving from lighthouse to lighthouse before returning to Selkie’s Rock and was both comforted and disappointed to find it much the same, the same families and the same problems but new coats of paint. They stirred the lighthouse up a bit when they first got back but nothing really came of it and they eventually settled into their job as a Gull. They’re a little bitter and a little tired.
Wish/Fear: "May winds stay fair”
Issue: Torn between their loyalty to Selkie’s Rock and their desire to chase the horizon and never look back
《Bond: Old Man Zim: Facinated by Zim’s monster stories, Nacre was inspired and encouraged to go beyond Selkie’s Rock. They often meet up for drinks. Nacre goes to him for seafaring advice.
》Bond: Maeve Conmara: Nacre sees Maeve as dangerous, that she’s always looking down instead of up, looking back instead of forward.
Locations: The Bluff, The Docks
 Nacre is just finishing filling out their side of the papers for the incoming vessel when they hear Cormac approach. They raise a hand in greeting, snorting at his question.“Well it certainly could be better, you’re right about that. Fair weather the whole week but the number of ships are down.”
“That Slimer’s really gone and done it this time. Who gave that idiot control of a ship? Oh right. His dearest family.” Nacre sighs but then pauses looking thoughtful, “But it can’t just be that. News wouldn’t have reached the Dallion Alliance yet, or the lighthouses farther out. And I can’t see them opening their hearts and caring all of a sudden...It might be the sea beasties, been seeing more of them. Saw one of those greater spined morays just this morning, you know, the ones with the giant head spines. “
Statement that no family rules selkies rock. Precedent
People will go hungry this winter
Conmaras will try to get away with more in the future.
 Nacre watches the *Azure Arrow* approach, her sails taunt from the wind, "Well, we’re going to be hurting for the loss of commerce. Then we’re going to hurt when all that oil affects the harvests. If the Conmaras don’t pay it’s the regular folk that will."
 Their eyes turn up to the gathering clouds, “Making ol’ Slimer pay sets the precedent. No family rules Selkie’s Rock. Not the Conmaras, not the LirBorns, you mess up, you pay for it.”
 Nacre looks back at Cormac, clasps him on the shoulder and walks over to greet Old Man Zim.
 “Well the council didn’t seem pleased with the proposal, but when I delivered this letter, the man immediately ran off, didn’t even close him front door. Wonder what that was about.”
 “How’s your morning been?”
 Nacre turns the bit of cloth in their hands. Rionna? or was this more Scrap’s doing? Part of Nacre was glad to see the foundations of the lighthouse shifting. Just, anything. Rionna, Cormac, Slider, Scrap, Maeve... yes. But also the crew cleaning up the spill, this whole leaning tower built on the families. Letting Slider slip out meant the burden would fall on those already hard hit by the poor harvest. Someone would starve regardless of how Rionna planned to use it as kindling. Disciplining the Conmaras would keep the other families in line, set a standard…
 Tear down the tower or brace it, either way a storm was brewing.
 Zarc Talkeen’s been a seaman for a few years now, practically jumped at the opportunity to crew The Mother of Pearls and follow in his mother’s footsteps out to sea. But then the rope snaps and tangles his legs and he is dragged along with it. Under the water, dashed against something he doesn’t have time to process, and under again; the shouts of Maeve and the workers are distant and interrupted, Zarc’s thoughts only on freeing himself, it’s the only thought his brain can process in the chaos.
 And then steel cable strikes steel and there’s a spark. Zarc’s last memory is of fire on the water.
 The moon hangs low on the sky closer to sunrise than sunset, its light mingling with that of the lighthouse’s. Nacre stands on the edge of the Bluff, watching the sheen of residual oil on the waves. They are exhausted, drained and numb after the events of the day. From seeing their friend go down to a blow to the head, unmoving, to holding a cloth to his head to stop the bleeding, to stepping back so Old Zim could speak, so awkwardly hovering besides their friend all the way home, Nacre had not stopped moving. Now everything was still, everything except the endless churning on the waves.
 All things pass, both foul and fair. The roar of the mob… they weren’t wrong, and with that a bitterness wells up to fill the emptiness. Always a step ahead or a step behind, never in the right place at the right time. Nacre had cried out of the Rock’s crumbling foundations, the corruption of nepotism and the turf wars between the families, but their voice hadn’t reached anyone. Like an invisible wall cutting them off from the rest of the Lighthouse, no matter how loud they had shouted, no one had turned their head.  Would the council try to sweep this too under the rug?
Location: at sea
 A Gull must be able to read the wind, it’s the wind after all the decides how long and how far you can go in a day, go too far or stay too late and you’ll be stuck in the middle of the sea. Nacre remembers watching the others take off from the Lighthouse, still stuck on the ground as the flight instructor explains they aren’t quite ready.
 This day has been clear with the strong winds that come in Autumn. Ardan and Nacre have been out several hours to the far reaches of the Gull’s range, leaving the ship registration to others for the day. Soon they will enter the danger zone for returning. Nacre is about to give the signal for the two of them to use the next gust to pivot and start heading back to Selkie’s Rock when movement catches their eye. Looking attentively, they see its not the movement of waves but a large fin sinking back into the water. Nacre and Ardan circle watch as another fin breaches the surface. The King Fishers are finally here along their annual circumpolar migration, a little late but here. Ardan lets out a whoop as the two head back.
 Nacre watches with amusement as Ardan bounces around. They then survey the rebuilding of the Docks, mycelium composite beams being hauled in to replace charred wood, “We need that oil”. The hand on their glider tightens.
 They back to Ardan, “Don’t get too excited now, if you wanted action you should have become a monster hunter instead of a Gull, our job’s just about done. Just some more scouting and maybe running a distraction during the hunt, but that won’t be you or me, probably Andre or Crisol or Haley, they all have excellent control. Its dangerous work, you know how every year someone comes back injured, or worse”
 Ardan deflates a little and seeing that Nacre exhales, takes a breath and says, “Look, just means you have room to grow. You do it, and you slowly get better at it. Look at us. A few years ago, neither of us could fly, and in a few more years who knows how far you’ll go.”
 Nacre lightly slaps Ardan on the back and starts walking towards the Lighthouse. They smile as they walk, “You know, Old Man Zim used to tell me stories of the old King Fisher hunts, the water teeming with so many of the scaly beasts that you could walk a mile on top of their backs without ever getting your toes wet. Always thought he was exaggerating that bit, certainly never seen anywhere near that many in my years as a Gull. But my gran said the same thing, that our boats would come back sitting low and fat in the water and we’d have extra for the entire next year and to sell.”
 All around them word of the arrival of the King Fishers is spreading, excitement grows as people look forward to a good harvest, a little more food on the table, the security that the light won’t go out.
 “Makes me wonder, where did they all go?”.
 As two pairs of feet make their way up the Lighthouse. Nacre turns over the question in their head some more and rubs the back of their neck, “I might just be rambling here—I mean who here really knows—all we’ve gots are the old tales of sailors to go off of and the recent unrest has thrown off my compass so to speak but I don’t know maybe they went somewhere else I mean they’re always going somewhere aren’t they just passing by or maybe there really aren’t many left things are always changing maybe it’s us I haven’t thought this one through—Actually you know who might have a clearer picture here. Ol’ Selsei . A right old seadog she is, been watching over the fisheries ever since she retired from monster hunting. Perhaps accessing the archives or asking Diana would be a good idea as well.”.
 “Just in time for the afternoon meeting.” Nacre nods at Ardan,  “Ardan, they don’t need two of us there. Go ahead and write the report and leave it on my desk, I’ll read over it and file it later. When I get back you can come with to go see Selsei is you are still curious”
 As Nacre nears the meeting room, they hear the rumble of conversation through the door. They knock and open the door to Lyra Conmara glaring at the Council of Selkie’s Rock. Lyra looks glances at the door before standing, setting her jaw and fiercely articulating “I dearly hope the Council remembers who are truly the foundation on Selkie’s Rock”. Nacre watched Lyra leaves the room, her heavy footsteps retreating down the hallway.
 “I am here to report on the patrol of today the 23 of the 10th month, a formal report will be available on file shortly. Today a group of approximately 16 King Fishers was spotted along the eastern boundary. The hunting companies have been notified. Taking into account yesterday’s finding, it is recommended that they embark soon,”
 “Rionna Lirborn hmm?”, Nacre turns their head to Rionna, face neutral.
“We all have a place here at Selkie’s Rock, but as our Lighthouse crumbles, you will find those places easily shift and fall away.”
“The council would do well to make an informed decision.”
Diana was a bit past her flying years but no one had a sharper memory or knew the archives better than her. And every afternoon she took tea with her old friend and diametric opposite Selsei. Today, Selsei and Diana sat in an alcove lit by lanterns, heads bent together, makeshift table cluttered with papers and mugs of redfan tea. At the approach of Nacre with Ardan trailing behind, Diana lifts a hand to greet her coworkers while Selsei tilts her head and chuffs at the new arrivals before taking a deep draught from her mug.
 “Excuse us”, Nacre nods to the two of them, “I’m sure the buzz of the King Fishers arriving has reached you two—Me and Ardan were out there this morning actually—and I had a thought. Wasn’t there more in the past? Diana you know the recorded sightings from past years, could I take a look? And Selsei you were out there on the water, Old Man Zim told me there used to be droves of them.”
 Diana lowers her eyes and takes a sip from her mug before folding her hands in her lap, mind sorting though all the reports she’d read. Selsel though leans forward, elbow on the table and says, “Nacre eh, ohhh the one always hanging onto Zim’s sleeves. Yeah, crewed a few of those with Zim and just as many on a competitor, heh, taught him a good few tricks I did. And well you’re not the only ones who’ve noticed, I may be retired but I keep up with what happens out on the sea. Them hunter still bring back a fair amount, but each year the big ones are harder to find. It used to be about testing yourself, reaching the summit of what us humans can do, taking down a god. Now its just business, feed the light, profit off other lighthouses. And the King Fishers the bring in keep getting smaller, haven’t seen a real big one in years. Oh what’d I do to hunt one again.”
 Diana speaks as Selsei falls quiet, eyes on her friend. “Yes, I do believe the reports match up. Well, the early records are all a mess, I never spent much time with those, full of strange words. But ever since we’ve been keeping track of the number of King Fisher sighted and caught, yes the trend has been downward. Let me write down the ones I remember.”
 Nacre frowns, “I can look up the remaining years, but would either of you two have an idea of why? I hesitate to jump to conclusions and say its us, but has anything else changed? Maybe their food or the water itself?”
 “Its those damn Lirborns muscling in and trying to squeeze us dry, all for what, a lil more cash”, Selsei scoffs, “They forget about the Hunt, and what it means to kill one who fishes for kings.”
 Diana glances at Selsei but looks to Nacre and responds, “Its hard to say for certain, the sightings and catch are what we have most consistently recorded, but everything else either falls outside of our jurisdiction, or its at the whims of the council. What is determined to be important enough to record cycles with who sits in the Council.”
 Diana sighs, “I tried appealing for a long term plan, but we need funding for that. Securing funding for the decades that have not come, it was difficult. But data like this is no use to anyone in fragments. I can’t track any pattern.”
 Nacre nods, “I guess we’ll just have to work with incomplete data. Maybe it really is us. If we killed all the big ones that’d explain when we don’t see none anymore. And the steady catch would be because every year we try harder. If that’s true then one day soon there won’t be any more King Fishers.”
 So there in the belly of the archive, four huddle over a small table as they try to piece together a puzzle missing half of its pieces, but elsewhere in the Lighthouse hunters prepare their harpoons while the council argues on. Along street and houses lanterns and paper fish are being hung up to welcome the arrival of the Kingfishers, children run along the street, King Fisher kites streaming behind them. The waters are calm, no back breaks the surface.
Y1: extinction of kingfishers (maybe not immediately but eventually)
N1: public moral plummets and discontent spreads
N2: resources shortages (food, oil), so winter rationing starts or something
 N1: king fishers dont go extinct
Y1: public moral increases
Y2: we make it through the winter
0 notes
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Book: The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage
Author: Philip Pullman
Rating: 5*
Eleven-year-old Malcolm Polstead and his dæmon, Asta, live with his parents at the Trout Inn near Oxford. Across the River Thames (which Malcolm navigates often using his beloved canoe, a boat by the name of La Belle Sauvage) is the Godstow Priory where the nuns live. Malcolm learns they have a guest with them, a baby by the name of Lyra Belacqua
The long-awaited prequel to the His Dark Materials trilogy is finally here! I was lucky enough to be sent a copy free by Penguin as a reward for some work I did for them. They sent me the gorgeous hardcover that has a lovely dust jacket but is (in my opinion) even more lovely with just the naked hardcover.
It's been a long time since I read the original trilogy but I will be revisiting them soon after this. I don't remember much of my original reading experience as I was quite young except to say I liked the books but found the third book pretty dense at parts. 
As a result I feel like I actually enjoyed reading this book more, probably for mostly nostalgic reasons as it brought me simultaneously back to the golden age of reading children's fantasy books for the first time in childhood and to the halcyon days spent later in life in Oxford.
My decision to study at Exeter College (the inspiration for the fictional Jordan of the books) was partly informed by its rich literary tradition that I was (and am) burning to bolster. When I arrived in Oxford in the Autumn of 2013, shivering with fear and excitement and fatigue on the threshold of college I guess was searching for the kind of scholastic sanctuary that features in this book. 
Somewhere in those first few days someone related the urban legend among Oxford students of the intrepid undergrads that stole a boat and punted all the way to London. It's a silly story and one with dozens of variations, but it's something that came to mind when I was reading this book and I wondered if Pullman had heard the same story and it had made the same impression on him. Anyway, the whole book made me very nostalgic for the Oxford I love and the childhood I left behind.
As for the book itself it is pretty incredible. You can tell it was written by a master story-craftsman as it is just the right amount of tense and humorous. The comic levity interspersed throughout the book is brilliantly timed and often I laughed out loud. Pullman also has a gift for capturing the psychology and behaviours of children which I found was really enjoyable to read. The characters in this book are fantastic and complex and they have to be because so much of the action happens in La Belle Sauvage which is a small boat. This is the same kind of thought that struck me when I read Yann Martel's Life of Pi, that only a master storyteller could fit so much tension and wonder into such a small narrative space. It's what made people praise Terry Pratchett for his book The Carpet People because only a genius can fit a whole world into a rug.
So yes, within the book we return to the Oxford full of daemons and anbaric lamps and we experience a breathtaking river pursuit during a flood of diluvian proportions. 
As I was reading the similarities between this and CS Lewis's work danced in my memory, particularly the almost dreamscape writing of much of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This was particularly interesting to me because although both men were Oxford educated and wrote fantasy, their ideas in many ways were polar opposites, particularly regarding organised religion. I'd like to look at that in more detail someday. The world-building and the detail in the book is incredible. The settings are so highly coloured it's like being there, and the catastrophic events that follow are so expertly written that the reading experience is a rollercoaster of emotion, taking you from the warm hearth of the Polsteads pub, to the bookish fireside of Dr Relf, to the cold and misery of the flood, to the terrifying darkness of a graveyard. In short, the characters are fantastic, the adventure is epic, the comedy is wry and often laugh out loud funny, and the writing is masterful. If you've read it too I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
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lyranova · 1 year
Can I request some sibling moment with Nozel and Noelle for your event, please? Preferably with "Daydreams" and "Scars".
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Hiya anon! Of course, and I apologize this took so long as I’ve been working on a bunch of other things recently as well as the holidays. But I hope you enjoy this 🥰!
Word Count: 476
Warnings: None
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“ Noelle, can we talk for a moment?” Nozel, who appeared to be much older than he was now, asked as he walked up to his little sister Noelle.
Noelle, who also appeared much older than she was currently, turned around to look at Nozel and nodded slowly.
“ What’s going on? Is everything okay?” She asked, she watched a strange look cross her brother's face as he rubbed the back of his face. She watched as he sighed before looking her dead in the eye.
“ I’m sorry…for everything I had done to you up until now. I should have treated you better, and as your eldest brother, protected you from harm instead of being the one to inflict it. I don’t know how I can make it up to you, or how I can help heal your scars, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
Noelle stood there in shock, Nozel was apologizing to her? Now? After so many years? She swallowed a lump in her throat. She had been waiting to hear those words from him for so long, so now that she finally was, she almost couldn’t believe it.
Was there really anything he could do to help? As she thought about it, she and the Black Bulls had already healed her scars. The Black Bulls had shown her what a family truly was, and that helped heal her.
“ I think…an apology is all you can do…” Noelle said hesitantly, when Nozel had a look of confusion on his face the silver haired woman smiled softly. “ My scars…the ones you all gave me…they’ve all healed thanks to my squad and my friends. So there isn’t anything else for you to do.”
Noelle suddenly walked up to Nozel and hugged him, she felt her brother stand up straight at the sudden contact. But he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her as well.
“ But thank you…for finally apologizing to me, and I forgive you.”
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“ Noelle.”
The young silver haired girl was suddenly pulled out of her daydream by her eldest brother's voice. She looked up and saw that same cold look in his eye that he always had.
“ It’s time for my lesson, so you need to leave.” Nozel told her coldly, and as the young girl looked at the clock on the wall she gasped, she had been daydreaming for at least two hours!
“ R-Right…Sorry Nozel.” She said softly before getting up and leaving the library.
She shut the door softly behind her and sighed sadly. It had all been a dream, of course her eldest brother wouldn’t apologize for the things he had said and the scars he had caused. She quickly turned and walked down the hall to go back to her room.
Maybe one day he would apologize and ask her to forgive him, but Noelle doubted it would be anytime soon.
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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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dramioneficindex · 6 years
Title: Once Upon a Dream Author: UnseenLibrarian/unseen1969 Rating: MA/NC-17 Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,000 Summary: Hermione is exhausted and desperate for a good night’s sleep. A slightly tipsy Draco Malfoy and a long line at the apothecary are only the start of her evening’s adventures.  Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: November 14, 2014  Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Dancing, Potions  Draco: Flirtatious, Redeemed  Locations: Flourish and Blotts, The Leaky Cauldron  Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Goyle, Draco & Theo, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Luna  Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott  Warnings: References to alcohol and intoxication. Some profanity. And, of course, lemony smut!
Title: Once Upon a Nightmare  Author: Sapphire1031  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 19 Word Count: 94,923 Summary: Its Hermione Granger’s 7th year. Voldermort is dead, she is Head Girl, and she is about to start a real relationship with Ron. Everything is perfect, or so she thinks. When everything goes wrong and the unthinkable happens, who will help her survive. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, AU Published: May 21, 2010 Completed: May 28, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Abuse/Assault/Hurt Emotionally [Hermione is raped], Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Baths/Showers, Cruciatus Curse [Hermione is tortured], Events/Celebration [Ball], Hermione sits in Draco’s lap, Head Boy/Head Girl, Inter-house Unity, Jealousy, Nightmares [Hermione], Presents/Gift Giving [Draco & Hermione exchange gifts], Promises Draco: Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Emotional, Feisty Locations: Great Hall, Heads’ Common Room, Hogsmeade, Shrieking Shack, The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Neville/Luna, Ron/Lavender, Blaise/Daphne, Astoria/Tracey, Seamus/Lavender, Dean/Ginny, Harry/Pansy Friendships: Draco & Astoria, Draco & Blaise Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Andromeda Tonks, Antonin Dolohov, Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Ginny Weasley, Grangers, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott Featured Holidays: Halloween, Christmas
Title: Once Upon A Rainy Day Author: tomfeltonisdeadsexy  Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Romance, Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,668 Summary: When Hermione Granger-Weasley comes into work distraut and unstable, her co-worker, Draco Malfoy, takes an interest in it. Refusing to admit  her problem, Draco goes to desperate measures to figure out the mystery. In doing so, the two of them embark in an afternoon of finding out what really lies beneath the surface and come to terms with their most secretive thoughts.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published: September 20, 2008 Themes: Adultery/Cheating [Ron cheats; Hermione cheats with Draco], Apologies [Draco], Co-workers/Office/Partners, Rain, Songfic Hermione: Emotional Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron
Title: Once Upon A Snowflake Author: strawberrykait Rating: G Genre(s): Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,201 Summary: Days before her wedding, Hermione receives two of the biggest shocks of her young life. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Fest/Exchange: dhr_advent Published: November 23, 2012 December 7, 2012  Draco: Redeemed Locations: Ministry of Magic Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron [breakup], Ron/Harry
Title: One Author: Hesaluti  Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 35 Word Count: 69,394 Summary: A spell that will end all magic can only be stopped by the birth of a special child, The One. The parents of this child need to be a perfect match. Hermione and Draco are paired so can overcome their hatred to have a child who can save the magical world? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 20, 2011 Completed: December 17, 2011 Relationship: Marriage Law Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Amorette], Pregnancy/Child Birth Themes: Apologies [Draco & Hermione], Cooking/Baking [Hermione], Illness/Sick [Draco], Massages [Draco massages Hermione] Draco: Redeemed Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Hogwarts, Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Neville/Hannah, Blaise/Ginny Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Original Characters, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron Weasley Themes: Kidnapping/Imprisonment [Hermione], Wand Sharing [Hermione uses Draco’s wand] Draco: Death Eater Hermione: Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor Characters: Fenrir Greyback, Fleur Delacour, Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, Secondary Character Death, Torture
Title: One and One Is Eleven Author: RZZMG Rating: MA Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 4 Word Count: 10,788 Summary: On a bet, Draco Malfoy jacks a car, but can’t drive it. Hermione Granger, a witch who knows nothing of her heritage, offers to help him. Love & adventure await them both. Hot shag/romance. Based on “Pretty Woman” movie. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-war, Alternate Universe Fest/Exchange: dramione_remix Alternate Links: ff.net | LJ Published: September 30, 2011 Completed: September 30, 2011 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point) Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy/Child Birth Draco: Broody, Sex God Hermione: Blushing Virgin, Bossy, Feisty, Makeover Themes: Alternate Universe, Bets/Contest/Contract/Deal/Dare/Auctions/Games [Bets], Endearments Locations: The Leaky Cauldron Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Theo Characters: Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, OOC
Title: One Day Author: DceptiveNocence Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,588 Summary: Can one day change everything? Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: June 24, 2006 Relationship: Past Relationship Pregnancy/Children: Pregnancy Difficulties [Miscarriage] Locations: Malfoy Manor Character Point of View/POVs: Hermione
Title: One Day in Autumn Author: zpplnchick Rating: T Genre(s): Fluff, Romance Chapters: 2 Word Count: 11,724 Summary: After the war, Hermione takes a much needed holiday and escapes to one of the greatest and most populated cities in the world. It’s only natural then, as fate would have it, that she run into the person she least expected. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: March 30, 2012 Completed: April 16, 2012 Relationship: Engaged/Married (At Some Point) Themes: Apologies [Draco], Autumn, Coffee/Tea, Dancing, Endearments/Pet Names, Flowers, Muggle Life, Music [Draco plays the piano], Travel [New York, United States]  Draco: Draco’s Feelings, Healer [In training], Redeemed, Snarky Hermione: Feisty Locations: Malfoy Manor Side Pairings: Ron/Luna Character Birthdays: Hermione
Title: One Eighty by Summer Author: cmcferreal Rating: M Genre(s): Romance/Drama Chapters: 46 Word Count: 89,123 Summary: Four years after the War, Hermione has a successful career and a violent ex-boyfriend. After a confrontation at the Ministry she also has something else: a magical bond that runs blood deep. M rating is only a precaution Status: Complete Timeline: Post Hogwarts/Post War, EWE Published: October 23, 2012 Completed: March 7, 2013 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point), Lucius Approves/Is Nice, Narcissa Approves/Is Nice Pregnancy/Children: Children’s Names [Remus,Orion, Lyra] Themes: Magical Creatures [Veela], Secret Feelings, Bonding, Magical Items [Amulet], Affection, Cuddling/Spooning, Sharing a bed, Events/Celebration, Travel [America],Endearments/Pet Names, Injuries [Hermione], Dancing, Nightmares [Hermione], Royalty, Presents/Gift Giving, Quidditch/Flying, Substance Use or Abuse, Unbreakable Vow, Bets/Wagers, Curses/Spells, Potions, Apologies [Draco], Grief/Mourning,  Protection Draco: Veela, Business Man, Redeemed, Powerful, Protective/Possessive, Witty, Virgin Hermione: Ministry employee, Powerful, Compassionate, Emotional, Blushing Virgin Locations: The Burrow, Ministry of Magic, Malfoy Manor, Hogwarts, Draco’s Flat/House, Hermione’s Flat/House, Grimmauld Place, The Leaky Cauldron, St Mungo’s, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs Side Pairings: Harry/Katie, Ginny/OC, Blaise/Daphne, Bill/Fleur Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ginny, Hermione & Astoria, Hermione & Daphne, Draco & Harry, Draco & Astoria, Draco & Ginny, Draco & Blaise, Draco & Arthur Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Original Characters, Blaise Zabini, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, The Grangers, Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Anthony Goldstien, Astoria Greengrass, KIngsley Shacklebolt, Katie Bell, Millicent Bullstrode, Lavender Brown, Minerva McGonagall Character Deaths: Ron Weasley Anti-Characters: Anti-Pansy, Anti-Millicent  Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Violence, Substance Use or Abuse, Sensitive Topic/Issue/Theme
Title: One Golden Ring Author: Meltha Rating: K Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,989 Summary: Draco searches for the perfect engagement ring as a Christmas gift for Hermione. Unfortunately, there are just a few minor problems… Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: AO3 Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: January 31, 2009 Relationship: Engagement Characters: Fleur Delacour, Narcissa Malfoy
Title: One Happy Christmas Author: Amethyst18 Rating: K Genre(s): Drama, Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,290 Summary: Draco gives Hermione a very special Christmas gift. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dramione_advent Alternate Links: LJ Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 24, 2009 Relationship: Already Married Themes: Endearments/pet Names Draco: Redeemed
Title: One hot afternoon Author: lyimee_lisa Rating: T Genre(s): Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,544 Summary: A hot afternoon in the Heads’ common room. The heat is unbearable. But one of the portraits witnesses an amusing interaction between the two Heads. Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7 Fest/Exchange: Dramionelove’s Spring-Summer Fest Published: August 7, 2013 Themes: Conflict/Bickering, Head Boy/Head Girl, Summer Draco: Snarky, Witty Hermione: Feisty, Know-It-All, Witty Locations: Heads’ Common Room Characters: Hogwarts Portraits [Original Character]
Title: One in the Oven Author: inell Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,568 Summary: Hermione and Draco share a moment Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Published: January 1, 2005 Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Children Names [Damien, Lucissa], Pregnancy/Childbirth Draco: Redeemed
Title: One Kiss, Two Kiss, Slow Kiss, Hot Kiss Author: UnseenLibrarian Rating: T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,400 Summary: Malfoy likes Granger. He invites her to dine. Things keep going wrong. Will it all turn out fine? Status: Complete Timeline: Year 8 Holiday: Valentine’s Fest/Exchange: dramionelove Valentine’s Fic and Art Fest  Alternate Links: AO3 | ff.net  Published: February 13, 2013 Themes: Apologies [Draco], Dates Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Feisty Locations: The Three Broomsticks Characters: Harry Potter, Madam Rosmerta, Ron Weasley
Title: One Last Drop Author: Megaera_1 Rating: PG Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,227 Summary: A rather earth-shattering day leaves Hermione with nothing left to drink and when she goes out to buy some more, she returns home with more than she bargained for. And no, it’s not an over-priced bottle of red.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, AU Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: October 18, 2004 Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Autumn Draco: Bar Owner, Redeemed Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs
Title: One Night in Australia Author: luvscharlie  Rating: MA Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,704 Summary: Six months after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione goes back to Australia to reclaim her parents and gets more than she bargained for.  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Alternate Links: AO3 | ff.net Published: July 14, 2009 Themes: Travel [Australia] Draco: Manipulative, Snarky Hermione: Know-It-All Locations: Other Bars/Pubs/Clubs
Title: One Night In Bangkok Author: spikespetslayer Rating: PG Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,927 Summary: After being hunted for so long, Draco and Hermione take matters into their own hands. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: September 8, 2009 Relationship: Established Relationship, Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship Themes: Endearments/Pet Names, Horcrux Hunting/On the Run [On the Run], Magical Items, Travel [Bangkok, Thailand] Characters: Harry Potter, Original Character Warnings: Coarse Language, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: One Of The Guys Author: OogieBoogie Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 3 Word Count: 8,011 Summary: Hermione Granger is sick of being treated like ‘one of the guys’ by every single male she has ever met. She turns to Draco Malfoy for help. Call it lessons to ‘woman up’, if you may. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: November 15, 2012  Completed: February 18, 2013 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Emotional, Makover Locations: The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Lavender Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley
Title: One of the Monsters Author: galfoy Rating: M/R Genre(s): Angst, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 9 Word Count: 32,306 Summary: Doubt was a funny thing. It was like a tick; harmless on the surface,  but when it burrowed in deep, extremely dangerous. For Draco Malfoy, successful Death Eater, ruthless soldier and proud Pureblood, it may just be his downfall. Status: Complete Timeline: War  Alternate Links: ff.net Published: September 15, 2014  Completed: September 29, 2014  Themes: Apologies [Draco], Cruciatus Curse [Draco is tortured], Curses/Spells, Forced Partnership/Together, Injuries [Draco],  Prophecies, Sharing a Bed Draco: Broody, Death Eater, Snarky Hermione: Animagus [Sparrow], Feisty, Order Member Locations: Malfoy Manor, Muggle London Friendships: Draco & Luna, Hermione & Luna Characters: Blaise Zabini, Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Poppy Pomfrey Character Deaths: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley
Title: One Of Us Is Gonna Die Young Author: reetinkerbell Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,328 Summary: The changing relationship between Draco and Hermione throughout the war, as told in four moments of time.  Status: Complete Timeline: War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: May 23, 2005 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Friendship Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Cuddling/Spooning, Sharing a Bed Draco: Order Member, Redeemed Hermione: Order Member Locations: Grimmauld Place, Other Bar/Pub Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: One or More Author: MiHnn Rating: MA Genre(s): Drama, Fluff, Humor, Mystery, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5,884 Summary: Draco’s birthday wasn’t supposed to be a memorable one, but it was. Now all he had to do was to get the witch he spent it with to admit that it was memorable too. Easy, right?  Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: October 30, 2011 Themes: Co-Workers/Office/Partners Draco: Broody, Redeemed, Snarky, Snob Hermione: Bossy, Campaigner, Feisty, Know-It-All, Manipulative Locations: Ministry of Magic Character Birthdays: Draco  Warnings: Implicit Sexual Situations, Mild Profanity, Unresolved Sexual Tension
Title: One Pleasant Memory Author: Musyc Rating: MA Genre(s): Drama, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,650 Summary: The memory of one stolen, forbidden night is all that they share, and Hermione remembers it all as she waits to be identified. Status: Complete Timeline: War, Year 6 Fest/Exchange: deflower_draco Alternate Links: AO3 | LJ Published: August 29, 2011 Themes: Injuries [Draco is injured] Draco: Virgin Locations: Malfoy Manor Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations
Title: One Small Office Author: Blackfirm Rating: M/R Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,445 Summary: Only Ginny knows that Hermione is in a relationship, and who she is in a relationship with. However, one drunken night changes that, and forces Hermione and Draco to decide where and when they should let everyone else know that they’re a couple. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Otter and Ferret  Published: April 13, 2014 Relationship: Forbidden Love/Secret Relationship, Revealing Their Relationship Themes: Co-workers/Office/Partners Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Ministry of Magic, The Burrow Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny Friendships: Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron, Hermione & Ginny Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Title: One Step at a Time Author: thebigdisaster Rating: PG-13/T Genre(s): Humor, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,209 Summary: First she assigns him to sensitivity training, then she kicks him where it hurts, and at the end…well I’ll let you see for yourself. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Fest/Exchange: dramione_duet Published: October 18, 2009 Themes: Baths/Showers, Dreams
Title: One Way to Frustration Author: daphne_minor Rating: R/NC-17 Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7,379 Summary: The frustration of being unappreciated and ignored takes a toll on Hermione, who is the sole person researching the location of the horcruxes. Status: Complete Timeline: War Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: June 28, 2006 Themes: Adultery/Cheating [Hermione cheats with Draco], Horcrux Hunting/On the Run,Travel [Tucson, Arizona] Draco: Snarky Hermione: Feisty, Know-it-All Locations: Grimmauld Place Side Pairings: Hermione/Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley Warnings: smut & angst
Title: One Year by Moonlight Author: cryptaknight Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 15,292 Summary: When Hermione is bitten by a vampire, she finds an unlikely ally in Draco Malfoy. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: smutty_claus Holiday: Christmas/New Year’s Published: December 5, 2012 Relationship: Friendship Themes: Art [Draco draws], Magical Creatures, Travel [Cadiz, Spain; Paris, France], Vampires, Working Undercover Draco: Librarian, Redeemed Hermione: Vampire, Wizengamot Member Locations: Other Library, The Leaky Cauldron Friendships: Draco & Sanguini Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Sanguini Featured Holidays: Valentine’s, Halloween
Title: one year without light  Author: operatingroom Rating: K+/PG/PT Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,653 Summary: No Summary Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: dmhgficexchange Published: January 30, 2008 Themes: Co-workers/Office/Parnters [Hogwarts Professors], Stargazing Draco: Hogwarts Professor [Potions] Hermione: Hogwarts Professor [Transfiguration] Character Point of View/POVs: Draco [Second Person]
Title: One Year, One Life Author: Wingardium Leviosa 11 Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 26 Word Count: 87,093 Summary: When Draco is forced to live with Hermione Granger for one year as part of a “reintroduction” program after the war, both of their lives get turned upside down. It’s up to Hermione to convince the Wizarding World that Draco is not a menace to society… but it’s up to Draco to first convince her. Can these two former enemies become friends? Or possibly even more? T, might turn M Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Published: May 27, 2013  Completed: July 13, 2014 Relationship: Engaged/Married (at some point) Themes: Cuddling/Spooning, Roommates/Housemates/Neighbors, Quidditch/Flying, Forced Partnership, Muggle Life Draco: Redeemed Hermione: Ministry Employee Locations: Hermione’s Flat/House, Ministry of Magic, The Burrow Characters: Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lavender Brown, Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Michael Corner, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Oliver Wood, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom Featured Holidays: Valentine’s Day
Title: One-time enemy, one-time lover Author: Audrey414 Rating: NC-17 Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,940 Summary: At the Second Celebration of Voldemort’s defeat, Hermione finds some alone time to remember the past. Status: Complete Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War, EWE Fest/Exchange: Malfoy Manor Fic War Published: July 14, 2012 Themes: Events/Celebrations Draco: Redeemed
Title: One’s Definition of Self  Author: CherryWolf-chan Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,060  Summary: You know, most blokes go to Paris, or Milan, or Prague, or Venice, or even bloody Knockturn Alley for their honeymoon! But me? Oh no. I had to go and marry the brains of the Golden Trio! Hermione Granger, who sees nothing wrong with ruining a man’s honeymoon by dragging him off to spy on Death Eaters! She’s either certifiably insane, or the kinkiest witch I’ve ever met! Status: Complete Timeline: War Published: June 24, 2013  Completed: June 24, 2013  Relationship: Already Married Pregnancy/Children: Pregnant Themes: Spying, Working Undercover, Interrogations, Dark Mark, Death Eaters, Potions [Veritaserum], Slytherin Friendship Draco: Order Member Hermione: Order Member Locations: Malfoy Manor, Grimmauld Place Friendships: Draco & Theo, Draco & Blaise, Draco & Marcus, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Ron Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Theo Nott, Blaise Zabini, Marcus Flint, Nymphadora Tonks, Charlie Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Remus Lupin 
Title: Only a Pretense Author: WickedlyAwesomeMe Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 42 Word Count: 256,474 Summary: In order to save her parents, Hermione Granger had to give up everything, even her identity… and femininity.  Status: Complete Timeline: Year 7, War Published: October 27, 2010  Completed: September 4, 2011 Relationship: Friendship, Narcissa Approves/Is Nice, Progressive Themes: Alcohol/Drinking, Apologies [Draco and Hermione], Cruciatus Curse [Hermione], Events/Celebrations [Common Room Party], Gender Switch [Hermione is disguised], Illness/Sick [Hermione], Magical Creatures [Hags], Magical Items, Presents/Gift Giving [Draco and Hermione exchange gifts], Quidditch/Flying Draco: Death Eater, Draco’s Feelings, Emotional, Order Member [Spy], Protective/Possessive, Quidditch Player [Captain; Seeker], Redeemed Hermione: Death Eater, Emotional, Feisty, Healer [becomes one], Order Member, Slytherin, Spy [for the Order] Locations: Black Lake, Diagon Alley, Great Hall, Headmaster’s Office, Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Kitchen, Hogwarts Library, Honeydukes, Knockturn Alley, Malfoy Manor, Muggle London, Quidditch Pitch, Potions Class, Room of Requirement, Slytherin Dungeons, St. Mungo’s, Visiting Opposite Hogwarts House [Hermione visits Slytherin Dungeons/Table] Friendships: Draco & Blaise, Draco & Theo, Hermione & Harry, Hermione & Blaise, Hermione & Theo Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Bellatrix Lestrange, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Grangers, Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Malfoy, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott Anti-Characters: Anti-Lucius Pro-Characters: Pro-Narcissa Character Deaths: Theo 
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shazyloren · 6 years
The Room: Chapter 19 - Discovering the Room
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12710496/chapters/30031317
"And we commit her body to the ground, soul and spirit" The pastor spoke as the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. While they were a wizarding family, Daenerys respected her mother's wish of having a normal muggle funeral to show that they were a normal family. It was a beautiful day for it, birds chirped and sang a solemn song.
She just wished the occasion wasn't so sad, it should be a celebration of the things her mother did accomplish in life. Not that the list is long, but up until recent years, she had been the greatest mother in existence. It was only the setback of her father leaving in which she had become neglectful.
Daenerys was dressed in all black, sunglasses on her face as her hair was in the most intricate braid Missandei had ever done yet. She had not cried, she did not weep. She held it all in. Not that there was much left for Daenerys to hold in. Daenerys had done her crying, she was just saying goodbye as her mother parted this life into the next great adventure now. She'll see her again one day, she believed that. She just didn't know when it would be she'd see her.
After everything that's happened, it could well be within the next year.
Daenerys had a ministry escort to the funeral of her mother. Wallace who had been working on getting Daenerys memories authenticated was with her as well as a new auror Qhono. She'd felt very safe with them stood by her side and was thankful the ministry was allowing them to keep her safe from Viserys.
Viserys was here at this funeral, but he had not even said a word to her, as he shouldn't. Her ministry escort was enough to ward him off, she knew this. What would he try and say to her? He'd no doubt try and rape her, tell her it was her fault perhaps. But she wasn't weak anymore, she was as strong as she'd ever been. And he did not scare her anymore, she was going to take the floor from right out under him.
Daenerys had black leather gloves on to stop the autumn chill reaching her bones. It may have been bright sunshine, but there was still a lingering chill in the air, almost as if Dementors were around them. Daenerys knew this to be folly, the only dementors here were those in her mind, slowly draining her hope and will from her as life threw more and more shit at her than she could handle.
She was a tough girl, she had to be to survive what she had, but there was only so much she could take before feeling nothing anymore. And as she buried her mother, she felt the numbing pain curl at her edges of her flesh.
Yet Jon's words never escaped her, those we love never truly leave us, she spoke in her head. And now, as her mother's body was placed in the ground, she was to make her speech and try an emulate these very words he'd uttered too her. He'd offered such comfort and had frightened her so much at the same time. He did not know of the pain he put her in when he hugged her, or when he plants that intimate kiss on her cheek.
She knows he wants the opposite effect, that he was wishes to offer comfort where no one else has. But the thought of someone touching her... it gave her chills, no matter how tender it had been. And Jon was no exception to this, even as sweet as he had been to her. he'd really been the best ally she could've asked for in her head girl duties. He didn't ask questions or rush her on things, with everything that's happened, he just let her be, yet he was there when she needed him.
Stop thinking of Jon, you're burying your mother. You have a speech to make.
The pastor spoke of this. "As we celebrate the life of Rhaella Tarygaryen, I'd like to invite her daughter, Daenerys, to speak"
Daenerys stood up to the small crowd. It was a small crowd. Rhaegar had turned up with the Martell family in which his wife belonged too and some close family friends and neighbours had turned up. But there was only about twenty five of them altogether. Her father was not here. Daenerys didn't have a speech to read off of parchment, she felt it was too robotic to do so from paper. She wanted it to come from the heart yet she did not know where to begin.
Taking in a deep breath, she let the words flow from her naturally.
"A friend told me recently, that the ones who love us never truly leave us. That those who have been intertwined with us on our long journeys of life never really stop being there for us. My mother, will always be apart of me. She will always be there to comfort me when I fail, when I'm hurt. She always was before, and she still will be in the future. This summer had been hard on her, and she felt she had nothing else to live for"
She saw her brother Rhaegar, tears in his eyes. She was angry at him for abandoning the family, but she wasn't angry at him for wanting to start a life of his own out of the shadow of the Targaryen name. She's always loved him more than Viserys, and recent events had only made it more concrete in her opinions. If her mother knew what Viserys did to her body, Rhaegar would be her favourite child and she would had left everything to him instead.
But unfortunately, Rhaegar hadn't been in contact with the family for nearly two years.
"It's a sad truth, you lay awake at night wondering if there was something you could've done to prevent it, to get through to her and tell her that you are there for her even if she thinks you're not. But no one is to blame, depression is one of life's mysteries. I just hope she's happier now, that she can be with her parents, that she can feel free of the torment that wracked her while she lived. Because depression is not a joke, and today, as I celebrate her life, I invite you to think on your own inner demons. Talk to someone, offer comfort to others. Do it all so others don't suffer the same fate she did, thank you"
There was a small smattering of applause, it was all Daenerys could off up in words. She wasn't a poet, but she felt she had done an okay job.
The ceremony finished and sooner than Daenerys suspected she was being told her portkey back to Hogsmeade would be leaving in ten minutes. She looked at her brother, Rhaegar, who sent her a sorrowful glance. Feeling uptight about his neglect of the family she turned away and ignored him. Even if she was happy he came, she couldn't forgive him for neglecting his family.
She left with the two ministry officials to the locations point, five minute walk south from the chapel and when they saw the old hairbrush on top of a dustbin they all grabbed it and the whirling sensation took hold. Dany was never very good with portkeys, she felt sick after them, and she always would land on her back. And when the portkey ended, sure enough she was sprawled on the floor.
She got up off of the grassy field behind Hogsmeade town and she and her two ministry escorts began the walk back up to the castle. There were many shoppers about, they all looked at Daenerys and bowed their heads in respect. Rhaella was loved in Hogsmeade, she used to spend hours at a time going through the shops, wondering what good she'd by that day, making conversations. Madam Puddifoot's owner, Lyra Puddifoot, was a huge fan of her mother and she'd always say she was her favourite patron.
Daenerys did not cry, she just smiled as the shone shined down. She was sure she would cry later but for now, she held it in. They got through the town and the winding steps up to the entrance courtyard appeared. Daenerys felt a bead of sweat fall on her face by the time she'd climbed up it all. When they reached the courtyard, she was free to walk around the school by herself. They were within the enchantments and Viserys, even if he followed her, would not be able to try anything.
"Thank you both, for escorting me" Daenerys spoke politely at Wallace and Qhono. "I felt so much better knowing you were there"
"Just doing our job, Miss. Targaryen" Wallace assured her. "It was a beautiful service"
"It was" Daenerys agreed. The only downside was that her father did not show up, but if thirty plus years of marriage means nothing to him then she did not want him there. "I feel like I did her proud - she always spoke of having a normal muggle funeral. I hope she liked it anyways"
"I'm sure she did" Qhono comforted her as his foreign accent purred. "Now we must leave you. Professor Lannister has asked we report in to him, let him know we had no hiccups on our travels today"
They bowed their head to her in respect and left her to her own devices. Everyone else would be in lessons, or just finishing them at least. Daenerys had been given all of the homework ahead of time to catch up by the time she had the next lessons which she'd done that morning before leaving for the funeral. She wasn't ready to go back to the Slytherin common room, besides the Sand twins everyone one else had said it was a good riddance that her mother had gone, that it was the will of the wizarding gods that she was punished for her unnatural behaviour.
So she walked the castle, corridor after corridor, staircase after staircase before it had been an hour and she hadn't even realised  where she was. She was on the seventh floor corridor near the divination tower, nowhere near where she expected to be. But her sorrow had brought her here for some reason. As she walked down another corridor, she saw the tapestry of Barnabas the barmy. She'd never fully inspected it, and now seemed like as good an idea as any.
he sorrows became full fruitful thoughts as she stared at the tapestry. Even when she'd had the ministry escort today - there were moments when she was scared that something would happen and she'd be alone with Viserys and he'd rape her again. But it did not happen and she'd felt safe and secure. But now, without that security blanket, she felt less safe inside hogwarts, inside the very walls of the place where she belonged the most.
Missandei would never harm her, she knew this. She was her good friend, her best friend, her only friend. But then there was Jon, he was a... friend of sorts now too, and she knew he would never intentionally harm her. When hat attacker had targeted them both she'd felt safe knowing he'd gotten her back.
But that was it, there was no one else she felt secure with in school expect the teachers, and this scared her.
She wished there was somewhere she could hide...
She wished there was somewhere she could be alone...
She wished there was somewhere she felt safe...
Daenerys whipped her head around as she heard a creeking sound behind her. Her eyes widened as a door appeared to her, just small enough for her to squeeze in. It was brown with iron floral decoration and heavy bolts. It creaked open a little, enough for Daenerys to push open. Curiosity got the better of Daenerys as she walked towards the door. She heard the distant noise of students filing out of lessons.
She pushed the door open and gasped.
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