lyricsthatresonate · 1 year
Right face, wrong time.
Wish you'd be mine.
Losing my mind.
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theblovel · 5 years
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#LyricsThatResonate #quote #quotes @vastaire2090 is one of my favorite emcees ever!!!!! Knowing your worth is powerful. Here, he expresses his worth of being more than a friend to a woman that only sees him as such and isn’t willing to take that leap with him. Fearlessness is an admirable quality especially when it’s combined with vision. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Wjvt9hxad/?igshid=15m6ykajk8645
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hellosugarblog · 10 years
The Short
Presently, I’m living as an expat in Norway. Why I ended up here, I’ll get to later. Rather, I want to discuss how I’m not going completely insane while waiting for my residency and work permit.
I've been reading numerous blogs from fellow expats in search of solace and support. I soon realized that I wasn’t alone in my frustration and feeling of failure. That didn’t exactly bring me comfort though. I’m familiar with the saying, “misery loves company,” but I’m not one to enjoy negativity. I’m an idealist, optimist, and hopeful-romantic! Therefore, instead of leeching off their misery, I decided to do some self-reflection.
After 5 years of relentlessly developing my self-awareness, confidence, and identifying my sources of happiness, I thought my road to self-love was finally in the clear of negativity. What I didn’t realize was that I needed to create an impenetrable defensive strategy. Sure I have evaluated my core beliefs, identified my strengths, and accepted my weaknesses. But all of that hard work was vulnerable and unprotected without a plan of attack to those unwelcomed negative thoughts. They were telling me, “You aren’t contributing. You don’t add value. You are wasting time. You’ll never get the job you want. You’re a burden.” These ugly buggers targeted and brutally waged war on my carefully nurtured self-truths.
Why in the world does my mind project such cruel and false thoughts? Where do they come from?
Sometimes these thought battles are a surprise attack triggered by social comparison. Other times they hatch from one negative thought and then explode into differentiating lies, flooding my mind until I break.
  The Sweet
Previously, I would ride out the process with a good cry and reluctantly accept these impractical thoughts. Then something would distract me and I would continue on with the day as if nothing happened. Now, I realized I have a surprise counter attack! My incredibly wise and centered fiancé! He didn’t let me cry and sulk in a corner. Instead, he held my hand, gave me tissues, and patiently waited for me to release everything my brain was giving me.
When these negative thoughts invaded again, and they would, I was to ask myself if they were TRUE. Where was the evidence?
So this time when I heard, “You aren’t contributing,” I responded with, “Yes, I am. I contribute love and positivity to our relationship. I am a motivating partner who expresses my love and appreciation daily.” When they shot back, “You don’t add value,” I fired off, “monetary value isn’t the only way to measure self-worth!”
When they could no longer attack our relationship, they targeted my creativity and yelled, “You’ll never get the career you want under these circumstances. There are too many obstacles!�� With stronger confidence I calmly responded, “Never? I highly doubt that. Yes, it will take me months, maybe even years to learn Norwegian, but fortunately I have the time, love, support, and resources I need. I just need to STAY FOCUSED and be PROACTIVE. Since I can’t even work without a job permit, I’m wasting valuable time on these negative thoughts. I should instead use my time towards learning Norwegian and acquiring all the skills I need to get the career I want! Rome wasn’t built in one day.”
Stunned and bewildered by evidential truths, the negative thought buggers surrendered and vowed their loyalty towards only spreading thoughts of love and positivity.
  The Point
Viking Beard helped me realize that I am my worst enemy and harshest critic. BUT, even enemies can become allies if both have the courage to allow love, honesty, and truth replace unconstructive criticism.
I listen in agreement to Roo Panes’ eloquent lyrics, “Every moment is a chance to define what you want to become. You’re not a slave to the things you’ve done. Be brave and be bold."
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lyricsthatresonate · 2 years
How much time can I waste
Constantly feeling the same thing?
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standin' in the place of you and me
Tryin' to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
You're driving me away, give me a reason to stay I want to be lost in you, but not in this way
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
Stranger, who knows all my secrets
Can pull me apart and break my heart
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
Now that I'm over that hill You wanna say how you feel Crazy to think that You still call me psycho
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lyricsthatresonate · 4 years
I wanna believe in religion
But nobody reminds me of God
I wanna believe in what I hear and what I read
But it mostly reminds me I'm lost
I wanna believe that when I fuck it's romantic
But no lovers remind me of love
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
If I could see the future
I never would believe her
Falling in and out of love and falling in again
We were never any good at being friends
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lyricsthatresonate · 4 years
I think it's time for me to leave but I'll never leave you
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
And while you're outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me
'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
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lyricsthatresonate · 4 years
She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before
She said that I don't look like me no more no more
I said I'm just tired
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
I gave you ride or die and you gave me games
I know I'm crying 'cause you just won't change
I gave it all and you gave me shit
I wish I could do exactly what you did
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
Things I'm longing for Someday, I'll be bored of It's so weird That we care so much until we don't
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lyricsthatresonate · 3 years
Wish I had no expectations
But I expect, you expect, we expect
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