saltysalmonella · 1 year
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M!Shep and Garrus, set between ME1 and ME2.
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knightundead · 9 months
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No Shepard without Vakarian!!! Something something gay people
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leftenant-sinani · 4 years
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Well, I got tagged by my lovely friend, @andromeda-mistwalker, so I’ll do his bidding.
I’ve been a fan since: June of 2016. It is a while since I found Mass Effect, and I consider it to be one of the best storytelling games, I’ve ever played. I’ve played through Trilogy like six times and through Andromeda three times.
Favourite game of the series? Mass Effect 3 for sure.
Mshep or Fshep? MShep without a doubt.
Earthborn, Colonist, or Spacer? Earthborn.
Biotics or Tech? Tech. Biotics are too fancy for me.
Paragon or Renegade? Paragon, as I tend to be a good one in these kinds of games. When I saw what kinds of Renegade actions you can do in ME3, I was honestly shocked and didn’t consider to be Renegade for one second since then honestly.
Favourite Class? That has to be Soldier. All weapons, munitions and slow-motion. I don’t need anything else in my life.
Favourite Companion? That’s a tough one... As I never really had a favorite since I liked the companions all equally, but it could be Wrex, he is like your sassy uncle. :P
Least Favourite Companion? Again, tough one. However, in this, I have far more clear vision, so I can say for sure, that it would be Ashley... I liked her in ME1 but in ME2, she was there for like 5 minutes and in ME3, I just didn’t like her character overall, I can’t say why.
My Squad Selection: ME1 - Wrex & Liara. ME2 - Samara & Garrus. ME3 - Liara & Garrus.
Favourite in-game Romance: That is a question I cannot answer. I really do not have a favorite romance in Trilogy. If it would be Andromeda, then my choice would be clear as a sky, but here? No, I just cannot. The romances did not really grew to my heart to be completely honest (Unless M!ShepxGarrus would be a thing). I like the characters on their own, not their romance. And to be fair, ME romances do not feel really that fleshed out.
Other pairings I like: I mean, Joker & Edi look kinda adorable, but then again, I rather like them as characters on their own.
Favourite NPC: Anderson, since he is just likable as a character and then it would be Conrad Verner, because who wouldn’t like that crazy fan of yours.
Favourite Antagonist: Saren. Definitively Saren.
Favourite Mission: Noveria mission in ME1. I just have weakness for snowy missions, and the atmosphere of Noveria in ME1 is just briliant, or basically almost all main missions in ME1 have their amazing atmosphere.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Miranda’s loyalty mission. By level design, it’s nothing special, but I just couldn’t help but to shed a tear when I saw Miranda and her sister united, it was heart-warming.
Favourite DLC: Leviathan. I just love that dark and grim atmosphere the DLC has. It almost reminds me of something out of horror games.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Control. It’s blue, you will get to control Reapers, and you will help rebuild the civilization. That’s it. I can already hear the screams that Shepard will die, but in my opinion, heroes have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Look, I feel sorry for them too, but I think Shepard knew what they were going into from the very beginning.
Favourite Weapon: Black Widow & M-96 Mattock. I would also like to add, that the M-920 Cain was amazing to use, shame that they removed the Heavy Weapons from othe games, it was great concept.
Favourite Place: Noveria & Citadel.
Favourite Quote: I would write some, if I would remember those. It was a while since I gave Trilogy another go. But I always liked the “Hackett out.” quote. It has weight. heh
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Well... we're alive?
Garrus and Alistair pause to catch their breath after Sovereign comes down on their goddamn heads. What's going to come next? Will they ever see each other again? They don't know, but it's good to have a quiet moment. And maybe one of them is starting to realize that it might be more than just a voice kink.
Great. Just what he needed.
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