#m also gonna tey to get some real strong painkillers from my doctor heheheheh
medusozoic · 1 year
So in december I fell of my bike drunk and then I was like owie my wrist hurts and after a week when I realised I couldn't really move my wrist I went to my doctor and he was like 'eh prob not broken would hurt more but I'll get u a scan' and then I went to the hospital and they were like ye it's broken go to ic and we'll get it into a cast right away so I did that and then I had a stupid month including Christmas in a stupid cast and then I got out of the cast and I was like woo and then after a month I was like ok it still hurts quite a bit so I went back to my doctor ans he was like naaaaaa that's normal!!!! Dw baby!!! So I went along with my life skip to like 4 months later pain is getting a lot worse and I called the doctor again and had an appointment bc I wanted another scan and then she was like 'o you didn't need to go to me for that!!! You're still registered at the hospital you can just tell them!! Oh maybe I should've told you that on the phone' and then I was like :/ and I called the hospital and they said NOPEY you can't do that you need a referral!! And then I send an email to the hospital and they said 'no the pain is not bc of when you broke it hehe' so I called my doctor again who then called the hospital who then called me and they said oopsie sorry yeah we'll get you an appointment you actually were allowed to do that!!! So then like a week before my appointment I went to play some baseball (first time actually physically using my wrist again) and then it hurt really bad and I was like eh it'll probably go away in a few days (it didn't it got worse) so anyways 6 months after getting the cast off I go to the hospital get another picture and the doctor is like 'oh haha I haven't seen you in a while why have you not had any check ins!!!' and I'm like : l and he's like 'oh I see the problem it's still broken the exact same way!!' so now I'm getting surgery in 2-3 months to actually get it fixed and then I'll need a cast AGAIN for a month and 4 months recovery time.
Long story short I biked drunk and am being punished for a whole goddamn year
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