#m rlly gonna ruin my own life.. like i worked so hard to get here nd now im ruining it bc of something so stupid.....
#//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#me after starving myself for a solid month: :0 if i suddenly start eating everything in my sight maybe ill be able to improve my memory!wow#i need to d*e as soon as possible i cant deal w this anymore 😧😧😧#i can literally feel my body turning against me slowly but surely like... maybe im being dramatic or paranoid but.........#everyday im either barely standing or i get unbearable chest pains nd my head never stops hurting i literally started taking pills everyday#nd midterms are every week until december ends im under so much stress i rlly just want to die i cant do this i cant learn or remember#anything im gonna fail at every single test !!!!!!!!!!!!! im so stupid god.#nd still my weight is as big concern to me as passing exams... thats fucked up..#esp bc im aware of how much i already dropped and how sick and ugly i look....#m rlly gonna ruin my own life.. like i worked so hard to get here nd now im ruining it bc of something so stupid.....#all of my friends are so ahead of me n when we study together they easily soak up all the info while i struggle remembering a single page..#im so.....stupid........ im gonna fail nd let everyone down just wait !!!! nd then im gonna literally **** ****** !!!!!#jesus ok im gonna stop rambling now i hate being negative on here im so sorry i rlly hate this i hate makig anyone feel bad#if anyone reads this im so sorry im sjdhs rlly sorry :(((((#ed /#negative /
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
HQ love letters: Kunimi
Word count: 1,365
Pairing: Kunimi x reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood (in a movie context), ooc Kunimi (sowwy, I rlly tried my best >.<)
Summary: Kunimi wasn´t easy to read, but maybe he also wasn´t that difficult to understand, you just needed the chance and patience. Centered around Valentine´s Day find out how you met and how your relationship progressed
Taglist: @miyaniacs @prettyforpapiiwa my aries besites 🥺
A/N: I am so excited to be able to finally post this!!!! The collab (by lovely @luna-in-luv <333) was so much fun, I loved the concept!!!
 to @samthegirlnextdoor: I am so sorry, I am so bad at writing for Kunimi but I really tried my best (even asked my aries friends to help me characterize him hehe) and well, I am also sorry for not getting to know you better, sadly I wasn´t really in a good place mentally, but thankfully I´m doing better now. I hope you enjoy, it was so much fun writing for you and happy Valentine´s Day!!
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Kunimi always seemed lazy and uncaring. He was always the type to do the things he needed to, but not more. He always got done just at the right time, using every minute he could get, so that he didn´t need to do extra work.
People never really paid him any mind, he was just the kind of man you didn´t really get to see a lot since he was always the first one to leave just as the class was done.
People seldom saw him for what he really was: clever.
They never cared to get to know him better than the man he presented himself as.
Honestly you couldn´t blame them.
Kunimi could be quite mean sometimes, he made snarky and sassy remarks that were overall annoying and didn´t really mind if he hurt people with it.
At least it seemed that way. He seemed like a guy you didn´t want to get to know.
Sure, he was rather quiet and stayed to himself and only had a small circle of close friends, making it hard for others to see through it.
But then again, Kunimi never was one to make any efforts with people he didn´t know.
It intrigued you more than you liked to admit.
He wasn´t the type of guy you would notice immediately, but he certainly made you curious.
You two had the same classes and sat next to each other and you thought you got along quite well.
Especially when you had to do presentations and other projects together.
Kunimi wasn´t an asshole and did his part of the work. He always did.
However it was quite strange, you never met someone like him. From the outside he would seem lazy, like he didn´t care about anything.
Maybe that was true, but not in the extent you would think. Perhaps you were biased and blind though.
Kunimi and you got done with your work quickly all the time and you always started a conversation with him because you wanted to get to know him better.
You never thought that you´d get along that well with him. Kunimi was really funny and noticed things most people didn´t, he was empathetic in his own way which made him incredibly charming.
You didn´t have any other choice than to fall for him.
He always indulged you. Though that was out of politeness rather than of actual fondness. At least that´s what Kunimi told himself.
He wasn´t one to crush on people, it was pointless and a waste of time. More than anything it was such a nuisance, he didn´t want to deal with it.
So he pretended he didn´t feel anything more for you.
His plan backfired though. Apparently it was painfully obvious that he had feelings for you, so his friends told him. Though he just told them to fuck off like always.
“Hey, you got a minute?” you stopped him in his tracks one particular day after class. You were so annoying when you did that, when you wanted to talk to him and stopped him from going home. And yet he let you.
“Make it quick” he told you, but his voice was way too soft to make it sound annoyed or threatening.
“Wanna be my Valentine´s?” you grinned.
You might as well, you thought.
Kunimi was quite surprised, not really knowing how to react. Sure he liked you well enough, but love was way too complicated for him, it sounded like such a drag. But it was Valentine´s Day, he didn´t want to be the asshole that stood you up, so naturally he agreed, though not really expecting anything.
Maybe that was why he was so hyper aware of his own feelings, not knowing what to do when you smiled at him like that, asking him if he was feeling well or if you were boring him, if you just misunderstood him.
Looking back on the fact that he just ditched you then and there to rush to his friends to ask for advice, it was funny.
You could laugh about it one year later but it really wasn´t the best move on his part.
Luckily that was just the mere beginning of your relationship.
This time he would do it right.
Kunimi learned the importance of occasional romance with you, you taught him how to be open about his emotions, that it was fine, how you were feeling the same thing.
Somehow love didn´t seem so scary anymore with you. You made him feel safe and secure.
Sadly the time around Valentine´s was always stressful since it was when exams were being written.
However he used it to his advantage.
He knew that you were studying at home and would come around when you were done. You also told him you´d text him when you would get ready.
That left him with enough time to prepare everything.
It was your anniversary after all and he was pretty sure you thought he forgot about it.
He couldn´t help but smile at that thought, he hoped you´d like the surprise.
Kunimi went out of his way to decorate his place with your favorite flowers, he even invited Kindaichi to help him cook your favorite meal.
While Kindaichi was in the kitchen, Kunimi checked everything and then rushed to the nearest convenience store to get your favorite snacks and drinks.
He had planned out everything perfectly, though of course it didn´t seem that way. Kunimi wasn´t one to seem like he planned anything, it would just ruin his lazy reputation.
Though in all honesty, he couldn´t be lazy without planning.
And for you, everything needed to be perfect, there was no other way.
It wasn´t only to make up for his stupidity in the year prior, no, he just simply couldn´t fuck up and be lazy today.
Those three words were way too important.
And so as he returned, he bid goodbye to Kindaichi who wished him luck. Something he only snorted at, who´d need luck in uttering words? It wasn´t like he would lose his voice all of a sudden, though he might as well.
As soon as you stepped through the door it was like history repeated itself.
But he wouldn´t let it this time, he wouldn´t let himself run away.
“Fuck, you´re beautiful….” he husked, almost sounding out of breath.
You closed the door behind you and couldn´t hold back a chuckle, though you were quite surprised at the prepared couch and table for a movie night.
“Um, thanks? Did you get knocked on the head, babe? I´m literally not wearing anything special” you said, looking around.
Kunimi seemed nervous for some reason, but you couldn´t quite pinpoint why.
“So what? Who says you need to wear something special to be beautiful? That´s the dumbest shit I heard all day” he smirked and sat down on the couch with you, immediately laying an arm around you and starting one of those dumb movies you only watched to make fun of the people in it.
“Oh my god, you´re so stupid, of course you´re gonna die first….” you groaned, laughing at the unrealistic scream and spurt of blood in the bad slasher movie on screen.
Meanwhile Kunimi looked at you as if you were his whole world, because you were. How did he get so lucky? To have such a work of art sitting next to him who didn´t think that much of themselves? How much of a saint was he in his last life to get to be such an asshole in this one? To get to tell you how incredible you were every day? He couldn´t comprehend it in the slightest.
And yet you were here with him, in his arms, feeling so comfortable in his presence.
He was getting way too soft and you were the sole reason.
“How can you be so perfect? Fuck I love you” he mumbled, not realizing what he just said.
“Huh? What was that, babe?” you asked, turning to face him.
“I said I love you, idiot” he repeated himself, louder this time.
Before he could regret and realize his words though, your lips were already on his.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
okay, uh- that's not too good. i come to aid with water to drink and cool cloth for the fever, if that helps.
(3/5)Water?Very good.Cool cloth?VERY good.You being here? Priceless. Please stick around, because the bed started breathing and I’m mortified. Also, there were eyes on his fingertips. Something has to make sure he isn’t becoming an eldritch nightmare on accident.Giving out an agonized groan, Henry shortly grabbed the hand that placed the cold cloth onto his forehead, keeping it in place with a surprising strength as he blinked up, trying to figure out who had the audacity to touch him. It took a moment, but he managed. “Oh. ‘s you.” Well, who else. Wasn’t like his visitors were plentiful, at least not the ones he could recognize. A few faces here and there, but they were far and in-between. Not forgotten, but… less likely. Statistically. What has he been thinking about again?His grip turned softer, only remaining laying limply on the other person’s wrist, easy to be shaken off. Too tired for this STRESS. “’m gonna freeze to death in here…” That is if he doesn’t boil in his own blood beforehand. The water was eagerly received and gone almost instantly. This has been pretty necessary too, who knows how badly dehydrated he is by now. After drinking, he fell back down, breathing a bit shallowly. It gets worse before it gets better. “’nks.” The man was TRYING his best to get out something semi-coherent. “I- rlly app- appreciate it. Fantstic.” Ah, there he goes again, being the emotional wreck he’s always been deep down apparently. I guess some people just have two states: No emotions and ALL emotions.“Y’see- if I COULD- I WOULD- abslutely. I’d stuff you. You DESERVE it. Very good- traits. Mindful. Empthtic. Clever. Actually HELPFUL, YOU HEAR ME D A V E, som’one ACTUALLY HELPS here-“ Ah yes, poor man has to do EVERYTHING in this establishment, and those ungrateful kiddens make it no easier!He continued on with the slightly unnerving ramble that he certainly wouldn’t remember once he recovered.“… would have gotten a GREAT suit too, would have made a FANTASTIC one. Nat. Bat. I would have gotten out of my way. All of ‘em got FANTASTIC ones, but then they all- all just- RUINED ‘em, dumb fuckin’ BRATS, how HARD can it be to NOT- get- bloody- urgh.” Falling down with his face in the pillow, his previously hard to understand words now became almost impossible to comprehend. Surprisingly enough, his choice of words became more coherent though, despite being all muffled now. “All my work for NOTHING! Did- so freaking MUCH. Come back, GONE. ALL OF THEM GONE. Gave ‘em IMMORTALITY. An existence with’ut PAIN. UNSTOPPABLE. ‘way from their neglectful parents, from dangrus peopl.” Hissing he kept going. “Riskd JAILTIME. They’ve could have been- great. Great life. But no. All they did ws tryin’ to murder me. Wastin’ EVERYTHING.” Finally he relaxed into the pillows, too tired. “Lucky bastards… that won’t stop me… they’ll be happy. Dumbasses.” This really brings out some of the worst parts of him, doesn’t it?Only two more asks, jesus. Can’t wait for it.
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