#m:echo o'kean
totalswagisland · 5 months
my full name hc for her is isadora morrigan wulfwynne o'keane (only her first and last name are confirmed. izzy says those are her real middle names but her friends are skeptical, to say the least.)
i think it'd be funny if her parents were fairly normal individuals. izzy invites her friends over and they assume she was raised by wolves but it's just this pretty standard middle aged couple who love their daughter and accept her eccentricities
i also named her older brother, osbourne. which means izzys parents have two kids named ozzy and izzy. fucked up.
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spikygurl89 · 2 years
Books Read / To Be Read in 2023
Updated 1/29/23
Read in 2023 How to Write a Song That Matters - Dar Williams How Language Began: The Story of Humanity's Greatest Invention - Daniel L. Everett Currently Reading in 2023 The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within - Stephen Fry Faking It: The Quest for Authenticity in Popular Music - Hugh Barker Piranesi - Susanna Clarke The Red House Mystery - A. A. Milne To Be Read in 2023 - Non Fiction Dear Mr Andrews - Latham, Lotte Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose - Cowart, Leigh How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Foster, Thomas C. The Anatomy of Anxiety: Rethinking the Body, Mind, and Healing of Anxiety - Vora, Ellen The Lexicographer's Dilemma: The Evolution of "Proper" English, from Shakespeare to South Park - Lynch, Jack Noise: a Human History of Sound and Listening - Hendy, David Rude: Stop Being Nice and Start Being Bold - Reid, Rebecca The Art of Noise: Conversations with Great Songwriters - Rachel, Daniel Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life - Nagoski, Emily The Embodied Mind: Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, and Our Bodies - Verny, Thomas R. Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good - Brown, Adrienne Maree First Light: Switching on Stars at the Dawn of Time - Chapman, Emma Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages - Deutscher, Guy Music, Lyrics, and Life: A Field Guide for the Advancing Songwriter - Errico, Mike Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation - DuMez, Kristin Kobes A Sense of Self: Memory, the Brain, and Who We Are - O'Keane, Veronica Priestdaddy - Lockwood, Patricia Appetites: Why Women Want - Knapp, Caroline Seductress: Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love - Prioleau, Elizabeth The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You - Aron, Elaine N. You're History: The Twelve Strangest Women in Music - Chow, Lesley Burn It Down: Women Writing about Anger - Dancyger, Lilly Fear Is My Homeboy: How to Slay Doubt, Boss Up, and Succeed on Your Own Terms - Holler, Judi Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance - Tan, Siu-Lan How Music Works: The Science and Psychology of Beautiful Sounds, from Beethoven to the Beatles and Beyond - Powell, John Together: Why Social Connection Holds the Key to Better Health, Higher Performance, and Greater Happiness - Murthy, Vivek Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious - Damasio, Antonio R. Fierce Love: A Bold Path to Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World - Lewis, Jacqui The Kindness Cure: How the Science of Compassion Can Heal Your Heart and Your World - Cousineau, Tara How to Write One Song: Loving the Things We Create and How They Love Us Back - Tweedy, Jeff Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? - Smith, Julie The Sunny Nihilist: A Declaration of the Pleasure of Pointlessness - Syfret, Wendy Awake Where You Are: The Art of Embodied Awareness - Aylward, Martin The Wakeful Body: Somatic Mindfulness as a Path to Freedom - Baker, Willa I Didn't Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt to Embrace the Hidden Value in Daily Life - Dore, Madeleine A New World Begins: The History of the French Revolution - Popkin, Jeremy D. The Atoms Of Language: The Mind's Hidden Rules Of Grammar - Baker, Mark C. The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax and Other Irreverent Essays on the Study of Language - Pullum, Geoffrey K. The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos - Batalion, Judy A Molecule Away from Madness: Tales of the Hijacked Brain - Peskin, Sara Manning Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters - Monroe, Marilyn The Assertiveness Guide for Women: How to Communicate Your Needs, Set Healthy Boundaries, and Transform Your Relationships - Julie de Azevedo Hanks, PhD Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself - Gazipura, Aziz The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused -- And Start Standing Up for Yourself - Engel, Beverly Miss Leavitt's Stars: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Discovered How to Measure the Universe - Johnson, George Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman - Petersen, Anne Helen Your Brain Is a Time Machine: The Neuroscience and Physics of Time - Buonomano, Dean Music, Math, and Mind: The Physics and Neuroscience of Music - Sulzer, David Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics - Benade, Arthur H. Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts - Bell, Matt How to Write Like Tolstoy: A Journey Into the Minds of Our Greatest Writers - Cohen, Richard A. Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You - Nerenberg, Jenara Bow Down: Lessons from Dominatrixes on How to Be a Boss in Life, Love, and Work - Goldwert, Lindsay Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald - Fitzgerald, F. Scott Bodyfulness: Somatic Practices for Presence, Empowerment, and Waking Up in This Life - Caldwell, Christine Sex Outside the Lines: Authentic Sexuality in a Sexually Dysfunctional Culture - Donaghue, Chris The Art of Possibility - Zander, Rosamund Stone Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound - White, Harvey E. Music and Mantras: The Yoga of Mindful Singing for Health, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity - Girish The Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World - trevor cox Of Sound Mind: How Our Brain Constructs a Meaningful Sonic World - Kraus, Nina Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger - Traister, Rebecca The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again - Price, Catherine Big Wild Love: The Unstoppable Power of Letting Go - Murray, Jill Sherer Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World - Moorjani, Anita Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief - Kessler, David Equipment for Living: On Poetry and Pop Music - Robbins, Michael Saved by a Song: The Art and Healing Power of Songwriting - Gauthier, Mary The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader and the Imagination - Le Guin, Ursula K. How a Poem Moves: A Field Guide for Readers Afraid of Poetry - Sol, Adam The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writer's Block, and the Creative Brain - Flaherty, Alice W. Howdunit: A Masterclass in Crime Writing by Members of the Detection Club - Edwards, Martin Writing Poetry To Save Your Life: How To Find The Courage To Tell Your Stories - Gillan, Maria Mazziotti Famous Father Girl: A Memoir of Growing Up Bernstein - Bernstein, Jamie It's Too Late Now: The Autobiography of a Writer - Milne, A.A. Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships - Ryan, Christopher Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love - Levine, Amir Mating in Captivity: In Search of Erotic Intelligence - Perel, Esther You Are Your Own: A Reckoning with the Religious Trauma of Evangelical Christianity - Finch, Jamie Lee #ChurchToo: How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing - Allison, Emily Joy The Journey from Abandonment to Healing - Anderson, Susan How to Be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don't - Moore, Lane From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero's Journey to Joy - Carlson, Kristine How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love - Ury, Logan Anxiously Attached: Becoming More Secure in Life and Love - Baum, Jessica The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read - Leedom, Tim C. Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion - Winell, Marlene A Manual for Being Human - Mort, Sophie Whenever You're Ready: How to Compose the Life of Your Dreams - Kim, Jeeyoon Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive - Neff, Kristin This Is Not a Book about Benedict Cumberbatch: The Joy of Loving Something--Anything--Like Your Life Depends on It - Carvan, Tabitha Find Your True Voice: Stop Listening to Your Inner Critic, Heal Your Trauma and Live a Life Full of Joy - Brunner, Emmy Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession - Bolin, Alice No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood - Mantel, Henriette Sex and the Single Woman: 24 Writers Reimagine Helen Gurley Brown's Cult Classic - Smith, Eliza No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to HearBowler, Kate Little Weirds - Slate, Jenny The Musical Human: A History of Life on Earth - Spitzer, Michael Why Good Sex Matters: Understanding the Neuroscience of Pleasure for a Smarter, Happier, and More Purpose-Filled Life - Wise, Nan The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny - Davidson, Ian The Golden Age of Murder - Edwards, Martin Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty - Etcoff, Nancy L. Real Men Don't Sing: Crooning in American Culture - McCracken, Allison Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood - Mann, William J. Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them - Prose, Francine The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language - Bragg, Melvyn Seven Types of Ambiguity - Empson, William The Literary Mind: The Origins of Thought and Language - Turner, Mark Blood Relations: The Selected Letters of Ellery Queen 1947-1950 - Goodrich, Joseph Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language - McCulloch, Gretchen Mind – A Journey to the Heart of Being Human - Siegel, Daniel J. The Consciousness Instinct: Unraveling the Mystery of How the Brain Makes the Mind - Gazzaniga, Michael S. The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity—and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race - Lieberman, Daniel Z. The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness - Solms, Mark Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience - Graziano, Michael S.A. Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive - Brackett, Marc The Empathy Effect: Seven Neuroscience-Based Keys for Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Work, and Connect Across Differences - Riess, Helen Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion - Tolentino, Jia The Self Delusion: The New Neuroscience of How We Invent—and Reinvent—Our Identities - Berns, Gregory The Power of Agency: The 7 Principles to Conquer Obstacles, Make Effective Decisions, and Create a Life on Your Own Terms - Napper, Paul Don't Read Poetry: A Book About How to Read Poems - Burt, Stephanie Singing School: Learning to Write (and Read) Poetry by Studying with the Masters - Pinsky, Robert The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound - Perloff, Marjorie The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide - Pinsky, Robert The Poetics of American Song Lyrics - Pence, Charlotte The Poetry of Pop - Bradley, Adam Laziness Does Not Exist - Price, Devon In Awe: Rediscover Your Childlike Wonder to Unleash Inspiration, Meaning, and Joy - O'Leary, John It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle - Wolynn, Mark The Child in You: The Breakthrough Method for Bringing Out Your Authentic Self - Stahl, Stefanie The Good Girl’s Guide To Being A Dck: The art of saying what you want, asking for what you need and getting the life you deserve - Reinwarth, Alexandra The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully - Ostaseski, Frank Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger - Chemaly, Soraya Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement - Karlgaard, Rich Why You Like It: The Science and Culture of Musical Taste - Gasser, Nolan Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women - Engeln, Renee A People's History of the United States - Zinn, Howard The Future of the Brain: Essays by the World's Leading Neuroscientists - Marcus, Gary F. The Brain: The Story of You - Eagleman, David Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts - Dehaene, Stanislas How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed - Kurzweil, Ray Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom - Hanson, Rick Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain - Damasio, Antonio R. Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life - Johnson, Steven The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness - Damasio, Antonio R. Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain--and How it Changed the World - Zimmer, Carl How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain - Barrett, Lisa Feldman Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain - Eagleman, David Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space - Levin, Janna The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime - Flanders, Judith The Art of the English Murder: From Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes to Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock - Worsley, Lucy To Be Read in 2023 - Fiction The Lost Apothecary - Penner, Sarah The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Schwab, V.E. Wakenhyrst - Paver, Michelle Garden Spells (Waverley Family, #1) - Allen, Sarah Addison Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception (Books of Faerie, #1) - Stiefvater, Maggie All the Crooked Saints - Stiefvater, Maggie Heartsick (Archie Sheridan & Gretchen Lowell, #1) - Cain, Chelsea Not Even Bones (Market of Monsters, #1) - Schaeffer, Rebecca If We Were Villains - Rio, M.L. Eileen - Moshfegh, Ottessa A Certain Hunger - Summers, Chelsea G. Wild is the Witch - Griffin, Rachel The Whalebone Theatre - Quinn, Joanna The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, A Rún, Vol. 1 (The Girl from the Other Side, #1) - Nagabe Siren Queen - Vo, Nghi Poison for Breakfast - Snicket, Lemony The Essex Serpent - Perry, Sarah A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians (The Shadow Histories, #1) - Parry, H.G. We Are the Fire - Taylor, Sam Flyaway - Jennings, Kathleen Hild (The Light of the World Trilogy, #1) - Griffith, Nicola Ring Shout - Clark, P. Djèlí Anatomy: A Love Story - Schwartz, Dana Comfort Me with Apples - Valente, Catherynne M. In the Ravenous Dark - Strickland, A.M. Small Favors - Craig, Erin A. The Bone Maker - Durst, Sarah Beth The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home (Welcome to Night Vale #3) - Fink, Joseph You Feel It Just Below the Ribs - Cranor, Jeffrey Deathless - Valente, Catherynne M. Tripping Arcadia: A Gothic Novel - Mayquist, Kit Nothing But Blackened Teeth - Khaw, Cassandra Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology - Wells, Richard Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead - Tokarczuk, Olga The House in the Cerulean Sea - Klune, T.J. The Wilds - Elliott, Julia Foul Lady Fortune (Foul Lady Fortune, #1) - Gong, Chloe Spells for Forgetting: A Novel - Young, Adrienne Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution - Kuang, R.F. Nettle & Bone - Kingfisher, T. Tell the Wolves I'm Home - Brunt, Carol Rifka Villainous: An Anthology of Fairytale Retellings - Ward, L.T. The Glass Woman - Lea, Caroline For the Wolf (Wilderwood, #1) - Whitten, Hannah The Wolf and the Woodsman - Reid, Ava What We Devour - Miller, Linsey Down Comes the Night - Saft, Allison The City Beautiful - Polydoros, Aden Wake the Bones - Kilcoyne, Elizabeth The Other Girl - Major, C.D. Plain Bad Heroines - Danforth, Emily M. The Year of the Witching (Bethel, #1) - Henderson, Alexis Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb, #1) - Muir, Tamsyn Rebel Rose (The Queen's Council, #1) - Theriault, Emma Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1) - McGuire, Seanan The Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home (Fairyland, #5) - Valente, Catherynne M. The Boy Who Lost Fairyland (Fairyland, #4) - Valente, Catherynne M. Radiance - Valente, Catherynne M. The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories - Clarke, Susanna The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Shaffer, Mary Ann To Be Read in 2023 - Folklore The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales - Zipes, Jack D. Nonsense: Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore and Literature - Stewart, Susan The Mythology of Fairies: The tales and legends of fairies from all over the world - Keightley, Thomas Discovering the Inner Mother - Webster, Bethany Maiden to Mother: Unlocking Our Archetypal Journey into the Mature Feminine - Wilson, Sarah Durham Beowulf: A New Translation - Unknown, Maria Dahvana Headley Fearsome Fairies: Haunting Tales of the Fae - Dearnley, Elizabeth The Fairy Tellers - Jubber, Nicholas Folklore 101: An Accessible Introduction to Folklore Studies - Jorgensen, Jeana Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre - Zipes, Jack D. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales - Bettelheim, Bruno The Book of English Magic - Carr-Gomm, Philip On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears - Asma, Stephen T.
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whitneydaniell · 1 year
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by: Gytha Lodge Published: Aug 8, 2023 Genre: Thriller, Murder Mystery, Fiction 416 Pages, E-Book ARC Courtesy of NetGalley
GoodReads Synopsis:
Panic about the "bonfire killer" quickly spreads through the sedate, suburban area of Southampton. Women are urged not to travel alone at night, and constant vigilance is encouraged among the local residents. But single mom Aisling Cooley has a lot to distract her: two beloved teenage sons and a quest to find her long-lost father, whom she hasn't seen since she was a teenager growing up in Ireland.
After much debate she decides to upload her DNA to an ancestry website, and when she gets a match she is filled with an anxious excitement, that her questions about her father's disappearance from her life might finally be answered.
My Review:
To me, this was a difficult read and it took me wayy too long to get through it. I fell asleep reading this book many times!
A town is ripped apart by the idea of a serial killer on the loose. Meanwhile, Aisling Cooley, a single mother of two is searching for answers about her childhood and the whereabouts of her father, who left her and her mother when she was very young. In search of him, Aisling uploads her DNA to a genealogy website and what-do-ya-know, she shares DNA with the suspected killer! Expect, no one knows who he or she is.
Detectives turn over every stone and followed every lead. I appreciated reading about good police work. However, there are many characters at play in this story, enough to keep you guessing in every chapter.
A random turn of events changes the entire trajectory of the story and (to me) this is where things started to pick up.
Part II is really where the meat and potatoes start to get some flavor. Aisling is not who we assume her to be. Ethan and Finn are hiding something from everyone. Who is Jack O'Keane and where did he come from? Could the killer be right under our noses the whole time?
My Final Thoughts: I think the language and descriptions made this difficult for me to read but, I appreciated the glossary of British policing terms! To my own account, I tend to not read books not written in American English because I spend too much time looking up the words so that I can understand the context -- which usually adds to my reading time. Again, this one picked up for me in Part II but, I struggled for 50% of the book. Would I recommend it? Sure.
One-Word Summary: Pyre
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thechemtrailsrpg · 5 years
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wardati · 7 years
💧 echo
-”rain in the early morning, so dark that there’s hardly a sunrise“
for echo there was always a home she could go back to. a place where her family lived only miles from her apartment. but the four walls she payed rent for every month wasn’t her home. it was past the old market, through a string of roads that led to farms, smaller towns, and then to no where. she couldn’t even drive her truck to it instead, it would be her the dusk and the sunset anytime she visited home. and when she decided to leave her home her country and everything else it rained so hard the sky looked as if something would poke through with all it’s crying.
and now, here it promised to do the same thing. she wasn’t home or in her town in scotland. echo sat in her car as the morning rain poured, she sat there for a while staring at nothing in particular, hypnotized by the patter of water hitting the hood of her car and everywhere else. she could swear that the water was seeping in,dampening her gloved hands and pruning her fingers.
she held on to the steering wheel to bring herself back from wherever the rain wanted to take her, she couldn’t drive now not like this. echo could sift through any street wide or narrow riddled with black ice or scattered with fire she could speed and out drive through anything. she pulled the rear view mirror towards her staring at herself through the small mirror. she wiped the blood on her cheek and let the one running from the corner of her mouth  pouring from its open wound. echo let her eyes wander to the backseat remembering the patter there too, droplets of blood still shifting down the leather seats. it matched the rhythm of the rain and as she looked closer through the small beads of water, someone came through the unending storm– heavy coated and carrying a black umbrella. she couldn’t make them out but they walked straight to her car, lifted the latch of the passenger door and sat right next to her.
“darling.” winston said, his hooded eyes seemed saddened in a way.the old man twisted himself as well and looked at the blood and the dead body still dripping in the back seat. he tisked “you can’t stay here all day.” he looked at echo and echo looked back at him.
tears gathered and spilled over her eyes, she wasn’t crying she told herself, she wasn’t crying. it was the rain it’s never ending patter seeping in through and out of her. 
winston, closed his eyes and sighed as he fished through the pocket of his petticoat, a handkerchief found its way out it was so soft she could barely feel him wiping away at her tears and blood, echo sat straight in her set watching the rain as if she was back home. she could still feel winston next to her breathing calmly as he pressed a number on his phone.
“it’s alright now… we all cry in our first kills.” 
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ahsali · 5 years
tag dump 2..
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podcastpalace · 6 years
Ep 228 Young Women & Suicide: Kitty Holland & Prof Veronica O'Keane by The Women's Podcast .... Recently, Irish Times Social Affairs Correspondent Kitty Holland wrote about the increase in the number of young women taking their own lives in some of the poorest parts of Dublin. On today's podcast, she speaks to Kathy Sheridan about this story. Also on the show, Professor Veronica O'Keane, consultant psychiatrist at Tallaght Hospital, speaks about her initial shock at the figures and the factors that contribute to feelings of despair and loneliness among these women.
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peach-salinger · 6 years
✧・*゚scottish surnames
→ link to my scottish female name masterlist → link to my scottish male name masterlist
under the cut are 733 scottish surnames. this masterlist was created for all in one breath rp at the request of lovely el, but feel free to link on your own sites! names are listed in alphabetical order. ❝mac❞, ❝mc❞ and ❝m❞ are split into three sections because i mean... look at them. please like♡ or reblog if you found this useful.
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abbot(son), abercrombie, abernethy, adam(son), agnew, aikenhead, aitken, akins, allan(nach/son), anderson, (mac)andie, (mac)andrew, angus, annand, archbold/archibald, ard, aris, (mac)arthur
(mac)bain/bayne, baird, baker, balfour, bannatyne, bannerman, barron, baxter, beaton, beith, bell, bethune, beveridge, birse, bisset, bishop, black(ie), blain/blane, blair, blue, blyth, borthwick, bowie, boyd, boyle, braden, bradley, braithnoch, (mac)bratney, breck, bretnoch, brewster, (mac)bridan/brydan/bryden, brodie, brolochan, broun/brown, bruce, buchanan, budge, buglass, buie, buist, burnie, butter/buttar
caie, (mac)caig, (mac)cail, caird, cairnie, (mac)callan(ach), calbraith, (mac)callum, calvin, cambridge, cameron, campbell, canch, (mac)candlish, carberry, carmichael, carrocher, carter, cassie, (mac)caskie, catach, catto, cattenach, causland, chambers, chandlish, charleson, charteris, chisholm, christie, (mac)chrystal, (mac)clanachan/clenachan, clark/clerk, (mac)clean, cleland, clerie, (mac)clinton, cloud, cochrane, cockburn, coles, colinson, colquhoun, comish, comiskey, comyn, conn(an), cook, corbett, corkhill, (mac)cormack, coull, coulthard, (mac)cowan, cowley, crabbie, craig, crane, cranna, crawford/crawfurd, crerar, cretney, crockett, crosby, cruikshank, (mac)crum, cubbin, cullen, cumming, cunningham, currie, cuthbertson
dallas, dalglish, dalziel, darach/darroch, davidson, davie, day, deason, de lundin, dewar, dickin, dickson, docherty, dockter, doig, dollar, (mac)donald(son), donelson, donn, douglas, dorward, (mac)dow(all), dowell, (macil)downie, drain, drummond, (mc)duff(ie)/duff(y), duguid, dunnet, dunbar, duncan, dunn, durward, duthie
E, F
eggo, elphinstone, erskine, faed, (mac)farquhar(son), fee, fergus(on), (mac)ferries, fettes, fiddes, findlay, finn, finlayson, fisher, fishwick, fitzgerald, flanagan, fleming, fletcher, forbes, forrest, foulis/fowlis, fraser, fullarton, fulton, furgeson
gall(ie), galbraith, gammie, gardyne, (mac)garvie, gatt, gault, geddes, gellion, gibb(son), gilbert, gilbride, (mac)gilchrist, gilfillan, (mac)gill(ivray/ony), gillanders, gillespie, gillies, gilliland, gilmartin, gilmichael, gilmore, gilroy, gilzean, (mac)glashan, glass, gloag, glover, godfrey, gollach, gordon, (mac)gorrie, gourlay, gow, graeme/graham, grant, grassick, grassie, gray, gregg, (mac)gregor(y), greer, greig, grierson, grieve, grimmond, (mac)gruer, gunn, guthrie
hall, hamill, (mac)hardie/hardy, harper, harvie, hassan, hatton, hay, henderson, hendry, henry, hepburn, herron, hood, hosier, howie, hugston, huie, hume, humphrey, hunter, (mac)hutcheon, hutcheson
I, J, K
(mac)innes, irving, iverach, ivory, jamieson, jarvie, jeffrey(s), johnson, johnston, jorie, (mac)kay, (mac)kean, keenan, keillor, keir, keith, kelly, kelso, keogh, kemp, kennedy, (mac)kerr(acher), kesson, king, kynoch
laing, laird, (mac)laine/lane, lamond, lamont, landsborough, landsburgh, lang/laing, larnach, laurie/lawrie, lees, lennie, lennox, leslie, lindsay, little(son), lithgow, livingston(e), lobban, logan, lorne, lothian, lovat, love, loynachan, luke, luther
mac ruaidhrí, mac somhairle, mac suibhne, macadam, macadie, macaffer, macainsh, macalasdair, macallister, macalonie, macalpine, macanroy, macara, macarthy, macaskill, macaskin, macaughtrie, macaulay, macauslan, macbean, macbeath, macbeth(ock), macbey, macbriden, macbryde, maccabe, maccadie, maccaffer, maccaffey/maccaffie, maccalman, maccambridge, maccann, maccance, maccartney, maccavity, maccaw, macdowell, maccheyne, maccodrum, maccomb(ie), maccorkindale, maccormick, maccoll, macconie, macconnachie, macconnell, maccoshin, maccoskrie, maccorquodale, macclaren, maccleary, macclew, maccloy, macclumpha, macclung, macclure, macclurg, maccraig, maccrain, maccreadie, maccrimmon, maccrindle, maccririe, maccrone, maccrosson, maccuaig, maccuidh, maccuish, macculloch, maccurley, macdermid/macdiarmid, macdougall, macdui, macduthy, maceachainn, maceachen, macelfrish, macewan/macewen, macfadyen, macfadzean, macfall, macfarlane/macpharlane, macfater/macphater, macfeat, macfee, macfigan, macgarrie, macgarva, macgeachen/macgeechan, macgeorge, macghie, macgibbon, macgillonie, macgiven, macglip, macgriogair, macgruther, macguire, macgurk, machaffie, macheth, machugh, macichan, macinnally, macindeoir, macindoe, macinesker, macinlay, macinroy, macintosh, macintyre, macisaac, maciver/macivor, macilherran, macilroy, macjarrow, mackail, mackeegan, mackeggie, mackellar, mackelvie, mackendrick, mackenna, mackenzie, mackerlich, mackerral, mackerron, mackerrow, mackessock, mackettrick, mackichan, mackie, mackilligan, mackillop, mackim(mie), mackinven, mackirdy/mackirdie, mackrycul, maclafferty, maclagan, maclarty, maclatchie/letchie, maclaverty, maclearnan, macleay, maclehose, macleish, maclellan(d), macleman, macleod, macleòid, maclintock, macllwraith, maclucas, macluckie, maclugash, macmann(us), macmaster, macmeeken, macmichael, macmillan, macminn, macmorrow, macmurchie, macmurdo, macmurray, macnab, macnair, macnally, macnaught(on), macnee, macneish/macnish, macnicol, macninder, macnucator, macpartland, macphail, macphatrick, macphee, macphedran, macpherson, macquarrie, macqueen, macquien, macquilken, macrae/machray, macraild, macrob(bie/bert), macrory, macrostie, macshane, macsherry, macsorley, macsporran, macsween, mactavish, mactear, macturk, macusbaig, macvannan, macvarish, macvaxter, macvean, macveigh/macvey, macvicar, macvitie, macvurich, macwalter, macwattie, macwhannell, macwhillan, macwhinnie
mccabe, mccain, mcclelland, mcclintock, mcconell, mccracken, mccune, mccurdy, mcdiarmid, mcelshender, mceuen, mcewing, mcfadden, mcgeachie/mcgeachy, mcgowan, mcilroy, mcinnis, mcivor, mckechnie, mckeown, mclarty, mclennan, mcneill(age/ie), mcowen, mcphee, mcpherson, mcwhirter
maduthy, magruder, mahaffie, main(s), mair, major, malcolm(son), malloch, manson, marr, marno(ch), (mac)martin, marquis, massie, matheson, mathewson, maver/mavor, maxwell, may, mearns, meechan, meiklejohn, meldrum, mellis(h), menzies, mercer, micklewain, milfrederick, millar/miller, milligan, milliken, milne, milroy, milvain, milwain, moannach, moat, moffat, mollinson, moncrief, monk, montgomery, moore, moray, morgan, (mac)morran, morrison, morrow, morton, mossman, mucklehose, muir(head), mulloy, munn, munro, (mac)murchie/murchy, murchison, murdoch, murphy
N, O, P, Q
nairn, naughton, navin, neeve, neil, neish, nelson, ness, nevin, nicalasdair, niceachainn, (mac)nichol(son), nicleòid, (mac)niven, noble, ochiltree, ogg, ogilvy, o'kean, oliver, omay/omey, orchard(son), orr, osborne, park, paterson, patrick, patten, peacock, peat, peters, philp, polson, power, purcell, purser, qualtrough, quayle, quillan, quiller, quinn, quirk
R, S
(mac)ranald(son), randall, rankin, reid, reoch, revie, riach, (mac)ritchie, roberts(on), rose, ross, rothes, roy, ryrie, salmon(d), scott, selkirk, sellar, shannon, sharpe, shaw, sheen, shiach, sillars, sim(son/pson), sinclair, skene, skinner, sloan, smith, somerville, soutar/souter, stein, stenhouse, stewart/stuart, strachan, stronach, sutherland, (mac)swan(son/ston), swinton
T, U, V, W, Y
taggart, tallach, tawse, taylor, thom(son), todd, tolmie, tosh, tough, tulloch, turner, tyre, ulrick, urquhart, vass, wallace, walker, walsh, warnock, warren, ward, watt, watson, wayne, weir, welsh, whiston, whyte, wilkins(on), (mac)william(son), wilson, winning, wright, young
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ogwnostalgia · 3 years
Recap #87 - Lights Out by Bernard O'Keane
Continuing our "babysitters in peril" month, I recapped Lights Out by Bernard O'Keane, part of the Baby-Sitter's Nightmares series! It's a genetically enhanced killer dog story that the author definitely didn't copy from Man's Best Friend, nope!
Title: Lights Out Author: Bernard O’Keane (aka Bernard Yee) Series: Baby-Sitter’s Nightmares Published: August 1995 Tagline: It only comes out at night . . . [Well, that’s a lie . . .] Description: A thirst for blood. Something is coming for Moira. Something hungry. Something evil. Something that can’t be stopped . . . Nostalgia Time! Well, guys, it’s time for the second recap of Babysitters In…
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totalswagisland · 4 months
may I get some izzy regarding this post sir
i gotcha 👍
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olaizola · 8 years
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O'Kean & co great spot to visit in Seville (Spain) #okeanandco #dapper #style #gentleman #sevilla #tailormade #artisan (en Seville, Spain)
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17072162-blog · 4 years
This case study will be about how an individual like a celebrity uses social media to communicate to their audiences. Mine will be about Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, Space X, a billionaire and a very big presence in today’s culture. I examine how he uses social media to interact with his audience and how he uses it to his advantage.  
The social media Elon typically uses is Twitter, he has had an Instagram account but has expressed on the Joe Rogan Podcast how he doesn’t like Instagram and how "people look like they have a much better life than they really do" (PowerfulJRE, 2018, 38:47-38:52). So, the main form of social media Elon uses is Twitter with his followers being over 33 million. He's is also featured on YouTube a lot whether it be in forms of interviews like on the Joe Rogan Podcast or the founder of Twitter himself asking Elon how to make Twitter better with every video typical getting millions of views.  
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Figure 1 and 2 screenshot of Elon Musk's Twitter profile as of April 15th, 2020 and figure 2 of his presence on YouTube.
The main uses Elon uses his Twitter for is to let people know about how his companies are doing and answering people's questions they have about his companies. Tesla and Space X both have their own Twitters, but Elon has made it clear he doesn’t run them. So, by him doing that he's promoting both of his companies whilst also posting pictures of Memes he finds funny with his most recent one getting over 300,000 likes.  
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Figure 3: Examples of screenshots of the most recent memes Elon has posted getting over 300,000 likes.
After observing his Twitter, it became clear what his actual purpose was for his Twitter which is a free marketing tactic. When Elon has an announcement like a new car from Telsa, he can tweet that out and it be seen by all of his 33 million followers and more from them simply liking the tweet or retweeting it showing their followers it. A simple meme he posts gets over 300,000 likes so when he tweets out exciting news for his followers it gets seen by even more people and would cost him nothing. Also, after observing Tesla's marketing tactics you can see that Tesla doesn’t advertise in the normal sense paying for TV advert slots or on the radio, instead they use Elons and Tesla's own Twitter.
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Figure 4 shows screenshot of a Elon Musk tweet replying to a Twitter account saying they don’t pay for adverts.
By him doing this, it’s very cost effective for both him and his companies as they don’t have to spend any money on advertisement but instead all he does an unveil video and tweets about it and its been shown to be very successful. Elon's usual tactic is to host an event with a new car being unveiled and let everybody record it and share it around social media, with it typically becoming a Twitter moment as so many people talk about it on Twitter.  
After continuing to observe his Twitter and presence on YouTube it came to my attention that sometimes Elon can mess up his perfect marketable Twitter by sometimes tweeting his own views on the real world and sometimes being wrong. An example of this is when he tweeted that the panic about the Coronavirus was dumb, this got a lot of coverage and people didn’t like what he said eventually becoming a Twitter moment. His tweet got over 1.7 million likes as people trusted what he said, and the tweet was made on the 6th of March 2020 before it become a global pandemic so after it was announced many came back to the tweet to point out actually it isn’t dumb and its very real.  
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Figure 5, screenshot of tweet Elon musk made saying how the coronavirus panic is dumb  
After this tweet he also tweeted false information about the Coronavirus and news articles picked up on it including an article on The Verge "Musk has repeatedly underplayed the coronavirus pandemic throughout the month of March. After saying the panic over the virus was “dumb,” he compared the lethality of COVID-19 to that of car crashes — which do not spread virally and are not contagious — in an email to employees at SpaceX." (O'keane, 2020). Elon since then still hasn’t deleted his false statement tweets which is addressed in the article and others which doesn’t make any sense as when I observed other major influences if they tweet something they often delete it so no one can screenshot the tweet but Musk seems to be sticking to his guns, he might see it as any publicity is good publicity and knows this won’t damage his reputation.
This is one downside to running your own Twitter as Musk can tweet anything he likes without a team behind him making sure he doesn’t say a certain thing and instead says what he wants. Most of the time his followers seem to like what he says but sometimes he can say the wrong thing.  
Looking at Musk’s Twitter statistics is shows that his Twitter profile keeps gaining more followers and he will continue to grow his free marketing tool even with some controversial tweets.  
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Figure 6, screen shot of Elon Musk’s Twitter followers recorded by Social Bakers Website. Retrieved 15th April 2020 from https://www.socialbakers.com/statistics/twitter/profiles/detail/44196397-elonmusk
Observing the last 6 months Elon Musk’s followers have jumped from 29 million to over 33 million which is a substantial growth on Twitter.  
The key themes I noticed was that he takes his Twitter seriously when he needs to but also tries to enjoy himself and entertain his following by as spoken about posting memes and replying to tweets he finds funny. Another key theme I found is the way he responds to tweets as if he's responding to a friend. This is a key theme throughout his Twitter and he makes it seem yore both following each other and doesn’t come across as someone you can’t talk too because he doesn’t have the time of day for you because he's a celebrity.  
So, the main take away I got from observing Elon Musk and the way he uses social media is that he doesn’t take his social too seriously and tries to have fun with his followers making him loved all over the internet. When watching the Joe Rogan Podcast he was on as stated in the blog he smokes weed Joe gives him and from that someone screenshot it and it became a meme which he liked, so after tweeting memes he became one himself which everyone has liked, which was risky because you’re not allowed to promote using or even doing drugs to people viewing around the world but he just took a risk and it paid off because no company or sponsor or anything like that pulled out hurting Musk they just let him off with a warning and the upside was he became a famous meme getting more publicity and doing what his viewers/followers would have wanted.
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Figure 7, screen shot from the Joe Rogan Podcast showing Elon smoking weed which went viral. Retrieved 15th April 2020 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycPr5-27vSI&t=2328s&pbjreload=10
This podcast seen from above and many other tweets and claims he's made is why he's so popular and so successful which is why it doesn’t make sense why more celebrities acted this way instead of them having a team behind every social media post. Elon's Twitter seems very real and what he posts he actually wants to post and isn’t seen by his team before tweeting, it’s the raw him which his followers admire and get behind whatever he does which is why it’s so sustainable and cost effective. This is the reason I chose to blog about Elon because out of the Celebrity personalities he’s one of the best to do it. Even with his customers who are also followers he talks to as a friend and tries to help, he often replies to customers of Tesla when they have a problem and he tries to fix it or answer their query.
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Figure 8, screenshot of Elon replying to a customer query on Twitter
As seen from above he replies to anything he knows like Tesla and tries to help his customers out in the best way possible instead of letting Tesla themselves reply.  
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wpdesignshop-blog · 5 years
Wordpress Design In O'Kean AR
Wordpress Design In O'Kean AR
Looking for the best wordpress design in ? We offer local -based companies a full range of business solutions for every aspect of wordpress design and web development.
WordPress Website Design
We specialize in WordPress website design, but we also have worked on virtually every platform available.
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When we work with clients, we strive to determine what your primary business goal is for your site and then we work to create a site that will be easy to manage and operate.
We have worked with start-ups, entrepreneurs, non-profits, private companies and industry giants.
We bring our strategic business mindset to create websites for businesses that look as great as they work.
Website Design for Your Bottom Line
For us, the bottom line is your bottom line. Our wordpress design and each WordPress website we create is:
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Offers strategic wordpress design geared toward helping you access more clients
Mobile-friendly with wordpress design that is “responsive” — designed to display nicely on whatever device your visitor is using to access your website, whether that is a cell phone, iPad, tablet, laptop or desktop
Delivered based on a fixed-cost estimate. No hidden fees or extra costs.
Custom Web Development 
Very few websites require customized web development. We have worked across many industries — healthcare, financial, legal, retail, e-commerce, media and more — throughout the TX area, nationally, and internationally. We have seen virtually every need and solution in wordpress design. As a result, we are able to use our breadth and depth of knowledge to save you time and offer innovative solutions when you do need custom web development.
WordPress Design in for Your Size, Style, and Budget
Your wordpress design should be as unique as your company is. There’s no other business exactly like yours. Our goal is to create a website that reflects who you are so that your best clients can find you.
A long time ago, we discovered that we served clients best by beginning where they are. This means starting with the exact budget a customer has to spend and then later adding to the wordpress design in phases as more money comes available. It’s a source of pride for us to deliver the very best website and wordpress design for the amount a customer can afford. We will take your budget and put everything we can into your WordPress site.
We have worked with many business owners to identify and determine the very best wordpress design for them. Our consultants focus on you, and serving your website design needs – this is not about selling you something. So it doesn’t matter to us if you are just starting out and need a quick one-page site to get going or you have been in business for 50 years and want a wordpress design that will interface with multiple clients. We serve each and every client the same way. We want you to have exactly the wordpress design you want.
When you purchase wordpress design, we’ll ask all the questions that can help you determine exactly the website design or web development plan that is ideal for you.
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We estimate that nearly 62% of our business comes from business owners who purchased a WordPress website or wordpress design from another web development company that, for whatever reason, could not deliver a satisfactory finished product. We have heard so many stories and seen so many examples of why a website isn’t delivered. If you are in this situation and are worried about what’s next, rest assured, we will deliver your wordpress design – on budget and on time.
Protect Your WordPress Design Investment
Our wordpress design experts also have helped clients determine a strategy to:
Recoup their original investment
Utilize whatever wordpress design and development that is currently available
Transition smoothly and seamlessly from their previous wordpress design company
Minimize the spend on your new wordpress design
Our goal is to reduce the stress associated with a bad wordpress design experience and move your toward your goal – completing the project. We offer patient, kind service and help destress your wordpress design decision making.
Buying WordPress Design in – What to Look For 
Buying a new WordPress website, a new wordpress design or web development is difficult. Most business owners present their project to a company, the company says they can do it, and the business owner plunks down a deposit and hopes for the best. Because business owners believe they don’t understand wordpress design, they tend to look at wordpress design as a difficult purchase decision and assume they need a company to tell them what they need.
In fact, this purchase is like every other purchase in your business.
You are looking for the best wordpress design agency or website development team you can get for the budget you can afford.
You are buying a relationship with a company you can trust.
It’s almost impossible to know ahead of time what kind of experience you will have with a company, so we suggest using this checklist when you are interviewing a local wordpress design agency. While this is not a hard and fast list, these are questions we suggest you ask. Unfortunately, the clients who did not ask these are the ones we often see on their second, third or even fourth attempt to develop their WordPress website or create a new wordpress design.
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a WordPress Design Company
How long have you been in business? What brought you to wordpress design? How long have you been designing websites?
What is your business focus/expertise? What makes you an expert?
Is wordpress design the focus of your business?
How many websites do you design and develop each year? (this helps you see how up-to-date they are on current technology)
What is your background? Do you have experience in my industry?
Have you developed sites in my industry? If so, may I see them?
Have you ever missed a wordpress design deadline? If so, why?
Have you ever lost a client? If so, why?
Beyond WordPress Design in — Additional Services
Website Design
Logo Design
Slider Templates
Image Icons
Video Editing and Starter Images
Audio Editing and Play Icons
Landing Page Design
Facebook Pages
Twitter Themes
WordPress Site Designs
Graphical Research
Image Buying Facilitation
Product Images
If you are ready for exceptional wordpress design service in email or call us today for a free quote.
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#Arkansas, #Randolph
#Arkansas, #local
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Now He's Getting Married
Merlilah's Family
Molly Kathleen Ringwald-O'Kean Merrick Thomas O’Kean|49|Molly is an actress and Merrick is an author, and director.Adelynn Grace Lawson|27|She is married with a five year old son. She followed in...
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muebleriabonanza · 7 years
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🛋️La maravillosa sala O'Kean Galaxy presume un moderno diseño y gran comodidad. Le invitamos a conocerla en #MuebleríaBonanza : 📍Sucursal Río: (664)634 3488 📍Sucursal Monarca: (664)669 1408 📍Sucursal Ensenada: (646)177 6180 🚛www.muebleriabonanza.com (en Muebleria Bonanza)
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podcastpalace · 4 years
Ep 477 Making memories - with Professor Veronica O'Keane by The Irish Times Women's Podcast .... Have you ever wondered why you remember some things and not others? Or why, even though you might share an experience with someone, their memory of it differs to yours? Psychiatrist Veronica O'Keane has spent 38 years working in neuroscience and psychiatry with patients whose ability to make sense of the world is impaired. In her book, The Rag and Bone Shop: How We Make Memories and Memories Make Us, she draws on that experience to explain why the way we memorise some things and forget others, is driven by our emotions. On today's podcast Róisín speaks to professor O’Keane about how we make memories and how they shape what we know and how we feel. She also talks about the importance of collective memory of the past and why she believes the deletion of the audio recordings of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes is a devastating loss for that reason.
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