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MARIUS in Comic Sans
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thenardierunseen · 11 years
Me for one night. 
Don't know how the wife is going to feel about that one. 
Don't know how I feel about it, either. 
So . . . I hear your family's loaded? 
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
Freckle Better Watch It!
Freckle...I see you Frisky Freckle the Funny Frog. Don't you dare break my sister's heart or I'll get Montparnasse to break your legs. I'll break your face myself. Got it? Good.
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monsieur-joly · 12 years
I hear that some of my friends are going to be going to the cafe tonight. I think I'll go, make use of the time I can still get around easily. As long as none of them are sick I should be fine, wouldn't want to get ill on top of all this.
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hereisdan · 12 years
tumblr au where Marius drives Cosette away by drinking is precious and sad and i love you guys gee. that darn hat party started all of this. youngjavert is still over there dealing with it.
you guys are great though! 10/10 for best fans doing best rps!
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
My friends have been having little fits of writing angst. I've been warning them I was gonna pay 'em back and now I am. They're not gonna be happy with me. Oh well!
    Eponine was dead.
  Marius hadn’t waited for her body to cool, much less five minutes, before asking Gavroche to run an errand. It was in poor taste, but the urchin’s thoughts were not his own; against his will his mind played an infinite loop of his sister dying in the arms of a man who seemed to quickly forget that she sacrificed herself so that he might live. The child felt as if his body wasn’t even under his control; like an automaton it moved because it needed to by its very nature, but the boy felt like he was floating in water. He no longer felt tethered by any sort of bond to this realm. Not dead. Not alive. He existed somewhere between the two planes while his soul seared inside his chest and ran rivers of fire through his veins. There was only the taste of ash in his mouth.
Running as fast as his legs could carry him the gamin did not feel the accompanying rush of joy or bounding freedom that he often associated with such journeys. Gavroche’s instinct was to put as much distance as he could between himself and his sister’s lifeless body. How could he move and breathe while she lay so unnaturally still?
  I’ll never hear her sing again.
  How often I teased her to distraction.
How often I teased her about Marius.
How often I teased her for her singing.
  All he could see was her large dark eyes and her smiling lips. All he could feel was how immeasurably vast the world seemed and how truly insignificant he was without the one person he loved above any other he ever knew. His bright star had fallen to the earth. She would be buried and his heart would follow her to the grave.
The errand was a blur. He remembered Cosette’s father giving him advice about not returning to the barricade, but by that point Gavroche was beyond listening. The ragged boy had only half listened to the well-intended advice, but he needed to return to his sister. He could not and would not abandon Eponine’s body to the ungentle mercies of the hyenas that roamed the streets; he would not see her carted off and sold as some cadaver for a rich student to rip apart. The world had finally taken everything that he valued.
  I’ll be damned if they take that too.
  There was nothing more the child wanted to do but to keen and shriek, but he wouldn’t allow himself that extravagance. There was no time. He was weary from the journey he had made and from the grief that sat in his bones. As the flood of exhaustion and pain began to gnaw at his soul he felt his own descent that night. He could not live without her, but he would not give up hope for his friends. They still needed him for a little while longer. He couldn’t rest. It wasn’t time.
  The break of dawn brought no relief as the sun burned red and streaked the sky with a rosy haze. Gavroche didn’t often enjoy beauty for its own sake, but he was captivated by such a striking sunrise. It was only fitting that Eponine would bring such an exquisite sky to look down upon them after a wretchedly endless night of misery and rain.
The peace did not last and with the break of day the war started fresh and merciless. The people had abandoned them, but this did not surprise the gamin. He didn’t expect most of the populace to be as brave and daring as those with whom he associated. Inside the inn, the Amis were taking stock of the situation and the wild child of the streets overhead their murmurs of concern. They were running out of ammunition.
 Beyond the barricade were the bodies of the fallen soldiers. Perhaps once he would have been morbidly curious about the corpses, but now they were so much meat with belongings his friends and he could use.  The boy knew what needed to be done and without asking for permission he grabbed a basket from the inn. He was willing to risk everything to save his brothers-in-arms.
 Gavroche was over the barricades before any of the students could react properly. Confident in his youth, the daring boy pulled off his cap and signaled to his friends to show that he was safe even as they urgently ushered him back to the safety of their faction. Instead of words to reassure his friends he smiled and was in that moment transcendent. He was no longer of the earth and his smile was a smile of the gloriously damned.
  Watch me now Eponine. Watch me fly.
  Battle smoke still clouded the ground and covered him. He didn’t have much time, but he didn’t need much for what he was going to do. Just as he began to creep through the bodies and recover ammunition from the fallen a round of gunfire exploded around him. Unhurt, he blinked away the fear and stood up in defiance of the guard. They would not make him run in fear. He would face them bravely with scorn upon his lips.
The guardsmen met the traitor with another explosive volley, but Gavroche was unperturbed and began to sing his disdain.
“They’re ugly a Nanterre,
It’s the fault of Voltaire;
And stupid at Palaiseau,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.”
  He’d lost count of the shots fired at him, but his song seemed to draw more ire as another bullet sped his way and narrowly missed him. This stroke of luck caused him to become very cocky. He was fast, he was brilliant and he felt vibrant.
The mockery kept on and he reveled in the moment. The intoxication of simultaneous fear and exuberance buoyed him and brought new verses to his lips.
  “I’m no lawyer, I declare,
It’s the fault of Voltaire.
I’m nothing but a sparrow,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.”
  How long this went on he wasn’t sure. Gavroche rode each wave like an ecstatic given some fresh insight. He could feel his sister beside him as he taunted and teased. He could feel the anxiety from his brothers and would now and then wave to them in jubilation to raise their spirits. If only they could see the world the way he did this moment of his life. The sharp colors that shown so intense that his eyes ached from the beauty. He felt each of his steps and every exhale of breath with sudden new clarity.
  “Joy is my character,
It’s the fault of Voltaire;
Misery is my trousseau,
It’s the fault of Rousseau.”
  Just as a bird learning to take flight can be cut down by a cat so too can a gamin fall and plunge to the earth. The game was drawing to its inevitable conclusion.
 A well placed bullet finally caught the lad and he felt himself fall. It was a unique sensation this burning and stinging. Somewhere behind him he could hear the men on the barricade cry with one voice and it saddened him that he could not make them happier. He had failed them. He had failed his sister. But he would not fall meekly to the side or crawl back for safety. Not Gavroche. The urchin struggled to sit upright and that’s when he felt the wet covering his face. Vaguely he wondered if what he felt was merely more rain or if Eponine’s tears were washing down upon him.
  I’m coming home ‘ponine.
  The worst is over.
I will never go away.
And we will be together every day.
  Those soldiers who saw him were met not with anger or bitterness but a silvery peal of laughter. The child who loved his liberty more than his life remained his own creature to the end. He had chosen this end and it was fitting that he should go away now. Even then, at his last, the final echoes of his song filled the vacated street.
  “I have fallen, I swear
It’s the fault of Voltaire,
Or else this hard blow
Has been dealt by . . .”
  A second bullet found its way home and the boy fell backward with a smile on his lips.
  One bullet for ‘ponine and another for me.
 Darkness overtook him and he stirred no more.
  Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.
  Gavroche woke with a start and drenched in cold sweat. Ever since the movie he’d been plagued by such nightmares. Instead of seeking out any of his friends for solace he sang, as he did in his dream, and eventually sleep retook the lonely boy.
  ((I don’t read or speak French. The translations of the song from the book I’ve used from several sources but they are not mine and I do not claim ownership of them.))
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
A Meeting of Friends (Cafe RP)
((Note: This is going to happen after the Hat scenario whenever that gets finished. Right now it’s on pause until I can finish with either JvJ or Cosette. Totally no pressure guys. Really. Yeah.))
Gavroche hadn’t spent much time with any of the Amis lately aside from Grantaire and Marius. The child’s life has been full of strangeness the last while between the now infamous hat party, Cosette and Marius falling out only to get back together, and that strange blindfold that happened to just get itself wound around Cosette’s eyes. It was nice to get back to some semblance of normal life.
When he ran into Courfeyrac he couldn’t believe his good fortune and after some exchange of words he found himself invited by his friend to the Café for lunch. It was an offer that under most circumstances and from most people he’d be wary of accepting, but this being one of his best friends he was willing for once to swallow his pride.
Smiling cheerfully, he chattered on to Courfeyrac about nothing in particular as they approached their usual haunt. Sometimes he would be so bold as to walk backward, but that never lasted for long. And at least once he bounded up and tried to catch the young man by the arm and just hang on as if he were a smaller child than he honestly was. He felt safe for the first time in awhile and his relaxed nature revealed his vibrant spirit.
“And let me tell you about the hat party!” But they were already at their destination.
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
I've gotta do some stuff around here, but I'll be heading off to the cafe with Courfeyrac pretty soon. Hopefully we'll run into Marius and R while we're there. I'd say Joly but he's stuck in bed because he's got some sort of illness again.
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
Giving The Inspector Hell
Eponine, Marius, Cosette, and R this is for you: Inspector Javert just referred to himself as Javvie. Challenge: Go call him Javvie.
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
AIM Conversation
He doesn't want your dad around. XD
Marius Pontmercy
And he can't marry my dad!
What oh god my chat is so lagging it's insannnnne
Marius Pontmercy
Marius Pontmercy
I thought marry T because like the person he's married to right now sure doesn't seem very committed so thats a good sign for me
But you're gonna marry Cosette!
You are an idiot boy!
Poor Cosette.
First Marius wants to kill her dad and then marry mine.
Marius Pontmercy
oh yeah
I'm very flattered but I do love my wife, Marius
Inspector Javert
wait what's happened
Marius Pontmercy
oh sorry i didnt kno
Inspector Javert
i'm lost
Marius got a question.
Inspector Javert
what it is
And he said Kill Valjean and Marry my dad.
But you're always welcome to play ;)
Inspector Javert
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
A Plan for Marius? Maybe.
It isn’t his way really be a victim for anybody, but Gavroche has decided to try acting at it tonight. Roughing himself up with some discarded ash and practicing his cough he trots around the streets trying to perfect a limp. Holding one hand to his side he tries to imagine getting hit and given his past situation isn’t that difficult. It’s a trick of his father’s trade and he remembers playing at being the pathetic little child so as to earn some coin for his parents. It really wasn’t that long ago that he had to play that game and it’s one he thought he had sworn off for good, but this was a different reason and for a different cause. He wasn’t going to really hurt himself, but for Marius he’d do just about anything. And so it wasn’t too long later before he was knocking at the young man’s door. “Marius! Marius! Open the damn door!” He tried to give a few pained cries, but whether he was successful or not was to be seen.
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
The Day After the Night Before
Just woke up from a very long night of things and finally had time to really think about what was going on. I’m good at thinking. It doesn’t cost anything and it’s a good way to spend one’s time.
At first everything was really kind of funny and awkward. It was hilarious watching everyone drink and say things they shouldn’t and act inappropriate without being awful. But then Marius got this idea of having a party game and that was not a good idea at all. At. All. By then he was skunk drunk and not a very nice or funny one. He kept forgetting Cosette’s name and calling her by something else. I can’t believe her father even put up with that or let them, I dunno, go into a closet alone together for seven whole minutes. That’s like something my dad would be okay with. I didn’t expect someone with sense to actually allow his daughter to do that. Monsieur Valjean wasn’t even drinking! I dunno. Not my kid and not my business how he raises her. I just hope it turns out okay given everything that happened.
I wound up falling asleep at Marius’ place for a little while but apparently Cosette was left there with both R and a very drunk Marius. I dunno what happened between them and I don’t want to know. I just know I woke up to Marius screaming something about having sex with someone. R, I’m guessing from his reaction, but I didn’t ask. I wound up sleeping in a back alley because I was too tired to get back to the elephant. At least I found somewhere warm and it wasn’t all that bad for me. I’m just glad I didn’t wind up having to go into the closet with my dad. Could you imagine? I bet that he’d just wind up screaming at me and I’d kick him in the shins again.
I really feel completely awful for everyone other than my dad and Marius. Don’t care none about dad because nothing happened to him and I wouldn’t care if it did anyway. I’m not upset for Marius because I’m mad at him. His behavior wasn’t funny and I don’t like how he was treating Cosette. Sure she’s some little bourgeois thing, but that ain’t her fault and it really ain’t okay for him to be treating her like that. Is he doing this because he thinks that we people who live on the street act like that? Just ‘cause we don’t have money don’t mean we are bad people. Sure, some of us are just look at my parents but we ain’t all like that. I need to find out what he was thinking because the only other thing that I can come up with ain’t very nice either. If it’s because he comes from money and he thinks he can act that way he’s got another thing coming. I gotta have a real sit down with that brat and smack him around. R is funny when he’s drunk but he also doesn’t have a girlfriend he’s gotta treat appropriately.
Then there’s the whole Inspector Javert and Monsieur Valjean fiasco. I dunno what even happened there. I heard rumors that Javert  the Inspector was told wrong information about how that bad party game was played. It doesn’t seem like he'd lie about arresting Monsieur Valjean with how much he talks about him, but I don't know. And if I have to wind up helping out Cosette's dad to make sure that the Inspector don't arrest him I will. She's Marius' girlfriend and that practically makes her family.
Looks like I have a lot of people to chat up and spy on today to figure out just what is going on with those two men. And I gotta have my little one on one with Marius before he finds himself without a girlfriend due to an angry Monsieur Valjean.
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gavrochethegamin · 12 years
At Least I Got A Franc
I guess I kind of earned though. Although I do wish I’d seen my dad’s group out and about so I could have warned Cosette’s dad about them. Instead, I was stupid and went right back to that god forsaken hell-hole wonderful, lovely, cozy home and asked him directly. Stupid me. I’ll be more careful next time. I wish I could tell Javert where Cosette lived, but that’d be like betraying Marius and I can’t do that. Wish I could come up with some better ideas but after running around helter-skelter tonight I just need some rest. Or maybe a drink and some conversation. I should buy Marius a decent meal now that I have some money. And look! The Inspector would be so happy that I didn’t have to steal err borrow it!
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