waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years
In my defense, I was left unsupervised (Aurora's lab coat SR)
@sugarandmelody @mpfuro-station The platonic brainrot is real.
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Another boring Alchemy class with Mr. Crewel going around helping the poor puppies that can somehow throw in the wrong ingredients one after the other.
They're done with their potion already, and Floyd has long fallen asleep. But they aren't feeling sleepy, they're itching with energy even. Which is probably why they decide to ditch class and...sneak out for a bit.
Mr. Crewel doesn't notice them slipping out the door, too busy scolding a poor mutt that can't read labels right. They'll surely get an earful later, but Mr. Crewel has always had a soft spot for them, so they aren't that worried.
Off they skip through the hallways, through the courtyard, into the mirror room! They rush through the first mirror they see and tumble onto the dry ground of none other than Savanaclaw. They laugh to themself, earning weird and even wary looks from the nearby beastmen. They were hoping for Pomefiore or Heartslabyul, but this will do.
They hum as they stride through the dorm, peaking through every nook and cranny. A dust bunny here, a potted plant there. They quiet down when they reach a hallway of doors, no doubt the rooms of some second years, as they can read from the nameplates. They creep along with a soft giggle, staying low to the ground for whatever reason (their own amusement).
Then they stop, shuffling closer to a door. Scratching. A pen on paper. Someone's not in class~ But who are they to judge?
They don't know what compelled them to open the door without a knock or warning, but whatever it was, it's too late now.
A beastman jumps from his bed and hisses at them. "Who the fuck are you?"
Wow, so gruff!
They smirk, stepping in and eyeing his questionable choice of décor. "Who the fuck are you?"
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
The beastman's eye twitched as he let out a low growl. "You don't seem to understand... You barged into my room..." He flexed his fingers and shifted his body into a ready to launch position. "Now, either explain yourself.... Get out... Or I'll remove you myself."
They giggle again, swiping their tongue across their fangs. Wanna fight? Wanna fight?! "Come on then. Remove me."
The boy lunged, and they realized too late that he had claws out.
They're tackled out of the room and into the hallway, the boy digging his claws into their back with another growl.
Ow?! Beastmen don't have claws? Did this one file his nails?!!!
They knee his stomach, throwing him off and away. Their lab coat is stained. They grit their teeth at the thought as they drag themselves to their feet.
The boy leans on the railing, pulling himself up as well with a hand to his stomach. Again, the boy lunges first. This time, they flip him over with a flick of their wrist, and he goes crashing to the other side of the hallway.
They run.
He follows.
Through hallways, through grasslands, towards the mirror room! He catches up and sends them both tumbling through Savanaclaw's mirror, right into the mirror room and into the crowd of bustling students trying to go back to their dorms.
They can't hear what he's growling past shocked shouts and squeaking shoes, but they do notice a "-sage of the Ram!"
Something slams into them, sending the boy off them and skidding onto the floor. They roll over with a groan. Their back hurts.
"What in Great Seven's name are you both doing?!"
"Gh! Damn house pet..."
They roll over again to face Furo with a pout. "I was just exploring."
"He barged into my room!"
Furo sighs, pinching the bridge of their nose. "Aurora, I expected better from you."
"Your fault for expecting something from me," they stick their tongue out and blow a raspberry.
The boy scrambles up, presumably to leave, but Furo grabs his tail.
"Oh no, you don't," Furo sits down with a foot on his tail, taking out a first aid kit and dragging them over with a huff. "You both...This better not happen again, you hear?"
They whine when Furo pinches their cheek. Mr. Crewel steps forward from the crowd with his whip and a disapproving glare.
Oh, they're definitely doing this again.
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
Furo noooooooooo! Now I've got ideas for my own worldbuilding event. Slyvan taking the mountain lovers club to his village... Wyn bringing a select few to his family estate, where they can meet his many family members. *Holds head in hands*
I want to see his family dynamic! I want to listen to his Grandma’s stories!
I will never discourage others in expanding their creativity! I WILL BE A “BAD” INFLUENCE AND MAKE YOU WORLDBUILD!
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ee-lore-book · 3 years
The Lands of Evig Dyr
When forgotten spirits reemerge, the scars of betrayal resurface. Tears will eternally stain the floor until the light and dark bleed to create a new force that will free the world from eternal blight.
How far are you willing to go to seek justice when you’re wronged? What lengths will you go to in order to earn forgiveness? Four people caught amid a conflict going back a thousand years must learn tolerance and forgiveness or destroy what they wanted to protect.
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Welcome to Evig Dyr, the world of Eternal Entities!
My name is M.P. Furo, the author. Eternal Entities is a high fantasy novel that I’ve been working on for a while. While I am still writing, I wanted to share some of the joys I have that come from this vast magical world.
From the characters, the history, and the scenery, feel free to ask me questions as an author. You can also ask questions or interact with the characters as well! 
You can read Eternal Entities on Ao3 and Wattpad
I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Tome of Ancient Taxonomy
Journal of Companionship
Map of Evig Dyr
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
Wyn walked through the courtyard of NRC after class when a rustle in the bushes caught his attention. As he got closer, a Pomefiore student popped out with arms filled of flowers, leaves, and twigs. When Furo noticed the boy, they smiled and waved.
"Hello there! Sorry if I startled you," Furo then shuffled into their mini hoard and pulled out a pinecone. "Would you like a pinecone?"
"Oh. Thank you!" Wyn took the acorn and dusted it off before putting it in his pocket. He's not sure what he'll do it with, but he'd never turn down such a cute gift!
He then looked back at the Pomefiore student and their pile of assorted...things. "Ah! Do you need help with that? I could carry some." He hoped he was successfully coming off as friendly. It'd be awkward if the other just found him weird.
"Are you heading to your dorm after this? I could walk you there!" He then offered with his best grin.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years
♬ = singing to them .
Furo to Slyvan and Violet please? I realized that Violet was in the same club and now I want to have fun with new club members!
“Lala~, lala~ doo di doo. Brew, brew, brewing tea~. Poisonous or sweet, which will it be~” Furo hummed as they waited for the water to boil.
Violet looked at Furo weirdly, eyeing the teapot they were holding warily. "You don't actually plan to serve us poisoned tea, do you?"
"Of course not," Furo turned to Violet, bringing the ready made tea over. "Why would I ever poison a sweet pea like you?"
"I'm not a sweet pea," Violet wrinkled her nose at the affectionate nickname. "Don't call me that."
Slyvan sighed to himself, scrubbing dirt and moss off the rocks Furo always insisted on bringing back from hiking trips. "Your singing is so nice, Furo. Why do you sound like a dying cat most of the time?"
Furo slid his cup towards him, giggling slightly to themself. "That's a secret."
"Ey~?" he whined softly, looking up at Furo. "Tell me. Please?"
Furo put a finger to their chin. "...I'll think about it."
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
What do you think Mahira and Furo's dynamic would be as dormmates?
Well for starters, he won't exactly be jumping away in disgust (like a certain other purple cat ahem) upon being met with a Furo with leaves and twigs in their hair because...! He cannot see how disheveled they look. ^^ (He can smell them though)
He'd like to hear their info dumping about any topic! He's a good listener. A very good listener.
They could be mom friends together! Also, if Furo befriends Mahira, they'll find Wyn hanging around them as well. (Mahira and Wyn are a package deal.)
Speaking of mom friends, Mahira absolutely would lecture Furo whenever they get a little too chaotic. He lectures so calmly too, almost everyone feels bad when they're being lectured by him. I wonder if Furo would fall into that category as well?
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waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years
❤ with Aurora and Furo please?
❤ = kissing them .
"Hah?!" Aurora jumps when Furo plants a kiss on his cheek. He doesn't blush, he never does, but he scrambles away with his hands covering his face. "Why would you do that?!!"
Doesn't anyone understand that fae don't give out affection so casually? A kiss on the cheek is for...married couples...
He grits his teeth at the thought, tugging at his hair. "Di- You can't just do that..."
It's not that he didn't like it. But...
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
Furo would probably feel bad if they got lectured by Mahira. They won't be able to say anything back.
Furo would try to share their more textured finds with Mahira. Ones that they picked more so for how they feel than how they look. Dont worry, Furo will still say what it is before asking if Mahira wants to touch it.
Furo wouldn't mind Wyn. They'd also take care of him, but I want to know more about him.
Oh no! Poor Furo. Then again, they must have done something to make Mahira lecture them.
Ooh~ He'd like that! Bumpy textures are his favourite, they're kinda like braille. Now I can just imagine Mahira and Furo sitting for an hour, touching pebbles and ribbons. 💀❤️
You wanna know more about Wyn? Feeling free to ask questions or interact with him! Please do. I love talking about my ocs.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 3 years
✦ = being well-dressed for Mahira and Slyvan with Furo please?
The thing is, Mahira can't see you and Slyvan doesn't care about material things so- 💀 Anyway, I'll be using this as the look!
Mahira Carlisle
"Furo-san? Is that you?" Mahira turned around to face Furo, ears twitching and his head tilting slightly.
"Yep, that's me!" Furo chirped. "How'd you know?"
"I recognized the sound of your footsteps," Mahira smiled, as if recognizing the sound of different peoples' footsteps wasn't a weird thing. "But you smell different, so I wasn't sure if it was you."
"Ah yes, I'm wearing some perfume," Furo nodded. "I was bribed with marbles to dress up for a photoshoot, so here I am."
"I'm sure you look marvelous," Mahira bowed his head. "It's such a shame I cannot see you for myself."
Slyvan Marwood
"Wahh," Slyvan fawned over Furo's collar, reaching out to poke at the pointy fangs. "It suits you!"
"It sure does," Furo agreed, running a finger along the collar. "Reminds me of the necklaces I would make back at home."
"You make them with fangs?"
"Sometimes," Furo smiled. "They were quite scratchy though."
"How do you manage to poke a hole through?" Slyvan mused. "I tried making a necklace with gems once, but I kept chipping them."
"There's a method to it Come, I'll show you!" With an excited laugh, Furo pulled Slyvan along to do some crafting!
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