Mass Ukrainian MGM-140 ATACMS Tactical ballistic missile launch against Russian-occupied Crimea, reportedly this evening. Four M270 MLRSs fired 8 ATACMS in a quick salvo. 23 June 2024
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blueiscoool · 2 years
By Sofia Ukraini.
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otthonzulles · 2 years
Akarok egy felfújható M270 MLRS-t
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aresdifesa · 3 months
La Francia avvia un programma per un lanciarazzi a lunga gittata In Francia, la Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), nell’ambito della Legge di Programmazione Militare 2024-2030, ha avviato le procedure che porteranno alla selezione della proposta per un nuovo sistema di artiglieria pluritubo a lungo gittata per la sostituzione degli attuali MLRS M270. L’Armée de Terre, a suo tempo alla fine degli anni Ottanta-primi anni Novanta, acquistò 48 MLRS M270 dagli Stati Uniti per armare due Reggimenti di Artiglieria Pesante con 22.000 razzi; questi numeri sono drasticamente scesi a 13 sistemi M270A1 disponibili nel 2022 ulteriormente decurtati con 4 esemplari che sono stati ceduti alla Ucraina in guerra con la Russia. Pertanto,
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tredy20122 · 11 months
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Hi there, I decided to continue with ukrainian artillery  after the recent Panzerhaubitze 2000 build. This time it is a battle worn M270 MLRS. I chose to do a british version with the smoke launchers at the front of the cabin. As far as I know M270s haven been supplied by the US, UK, Germany, France and Norway. So there is a wide variety of slightly different features in the ukrainian fleet. 
One detail that intrigues on  me on ukrainian vehicles are the homemade camo nets. These look like the british WW2 Hessian tape just with a much wider variety of colors, "tex-aid" tape so to say. In 2022 they were often the only camo material on AFVs, recently on Bradleys for example they are often mixed with Nato type camo nets of various sorts.
The MLRS body is made from aluminium, so there is no rust there. However some parts like the launcher are made out of steel and show charring and heat burn induced rusting at the front, which gets hit by the rocket flame jet. By contrast the back of the launcher shows no burn marks because it is not exposed to the flame jet of starting missiles. 
The kit is Dragon's mid 90ies offering, so I had to use the "mud solution" to hide the chevron tracks (current M270s use the big foot track).
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defensenow · 11 months
U.S. Soldiers Fire the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System in a Fiery Dis...
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Samsung SGH-X427m and X507 dumped, plus a modified SPH-M270 firmware shipping on a prepaid carrier device..?
I know posting has been slow, but rest assured phone preservation has shown no signs of slowing down!
Some new firmware dumps as of late:
Samsung SGH-X427m, version X47MUCDI3 (incomplete; 8 of 16MB)
Samsung SGH-X507, version X507UCFC2. A previously undumped model!
Samsung SPH-M270, version FA10 on Virgin Mobile. Read on for the story of the previous FA10 dump…
The previous Samsung SPH-M270 dump was done on an unsuspecting device with a Q Link Wireless sticker on it, and appeared to be based on an existing Virgin Mobile firmware, itself still having some Sprint remains. It wasn't put into question until the phone in question had much less restrictions compared to any Virgin Mobile feature phone, including a working Qualcomm Diagnostic port as well as working test dial codes (such as the ##2739# BREW code). When known BREW contributor kraze1984 picked up his own M270, he noted that none of the dial codes which worked on the Q Link device worked on his, and that it only allowed for an MTP connection when plugged into a PC. One JTAG dump later, and it was found that every single mention of Virgin Mobile was replaced with "Phone", resulting in the phrase "You may need to contact Phone" being found on the modified firmware. It is yet to be known who made the modifications to the M270 firmware for Q Link Wireless, or why they even bothered to do such…
Last but certainly not least, thank you to MC4f for the recent donations and krzbrew for dumping the stock SPH-M270! I hope to be able to share info on a very interesting reference device soon…
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arcobalengo · 1 year
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Himars: le super armi made in USA, terrore dei civili del Donbass
Un anno fa, il 4 luglio 2022, i militari ucraini iniziarono ad impiegare i razzi statunitensi ad alta precisione per i sistemi Himars ed i MLRS M270 contro la Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk.
Come riporta la JCCC di Donetsk (struttura che si occupa di monitorare i bombardamenti ucraini), a causa dell’impiego da parte di Kiev di queste armi, solo in città e nella regione sono rimasti uccisi 34 civili, mentre i feriti sono 154, tra cui 10 bambini. Questi razzi hanno danneggiato o distrutto 194 tra case e palazzine abitate da civili, 4 ospedali e 13 scuole.
Gli Himars erano stati dipinti dai nostri giornali come “l’arma della vittoria ucraina”, strumenti precisi ed efficaci che avrebbero dovuto cambiare le sorti del conflitto in poco tempo.
Secondo la JCCC, in un anno Kiev ha lanciato 345 razzi di questo tipo sulla regione di Donetsk (il lancio di un razzo costa circa 150000$). E ciò senza contare le regioni di Lugansk, Zaporozhye e Kherson.
Non è un segreto che l’esercito di Zelensky prima di impiegare questi sistemi debba ottenere il via libera dagli ufficiali americani, i quali forniscono informazioni accurate sugli obiettivi da colpire. Eppure in numerose occasioni questi sistemi si sono dimostrati imprecisi, così come è palese che i militari USA abbiano commesso evidenti errori (sarebbe un gravissimo crimine qualora si trattasse di decisioni consapevoli) nel corso delle operazioni di ricognizione per stabilire le coordinate da fornire ai colleghi ucraini prima di aprire il fuoco.
Il 28 giugno l’esercito ucraino ha impiegato questi razzi per colpire un ponte di Donetsk, uccidendo l’autista di un autobus di linea e un altro civile. Pochi giorni prima razzi simili erano stati lanciati su Volnovakha, colpendo un centro dove vengono distribuiti aiuti umanitari. Li morirono due civili, altri 18 rimasero feriti.
Foto: Villaggio Golmovsky, palazzina distrutta dagli Himars la scorsa estate. Quattro civili rimasero uccisi
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A Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense system was destroyed in the South of Donetsk region earlier this month by a Ukrainian strike- as claimed, GMRLS (Fired from M270) were used, Ukraine, 2023. Source: Ukraine Weapons Tracker
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reportsofawartime · 11 months
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M270 MLRS firing during Desert Storm, 1991
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Royal Air Force continues to supply weapons to Ukraine
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 08/01/2023 - 18:00 in Military, War Zones
The United Kingdom continues to provide Ukraine with weapons to defend itself against the invasion of Russian forces. The supply flights began before the invasion and have not stopped since then. However, they now land in Poland, near the border with Ukraine.
To date, the United Kingdom has committed £2.3 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, with £250 million of that amount allocated to the International Fund for Ukraine. The Government has indicated its intention to overcome this financial commitment in the next fiscal year of 2023/24 and is expected to provide more details in the next Spring Declaration.
As the second largest contributor to military assistance, the United Kingdom provided weapons, such as anti-tank missiles, artillery, air defense systems, armored combat vehicles and anti-structure ammunition, including three M270 long-range multiple-launch rocket systems. In January 2023, the United Kingdom announced a substantial increase in combat support, with the supply of 14 Challenger II tanks.
In addition, the United Kingdom has contributed more than 200,000 units of “non-lethal aid”, including bulletproof vests, helmets, night vision equipment, medical supplies and winter clothing. In November 2022, the Ministry of Defense confirmed the delivery of the first of three "retired" Sea King search and rescue helicopters to Ukraine.
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Operation Interflex, the United Kingdom's long-term training program for the Ukrainian armed forces, has the potential to train up to 10,000 new Ukrainian soldiers already in service every 120 days. The program includes the participation of the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania and New Zealand, with the entry of Australia in January 2023. The United Kingdom expanded the program to include Ukrainian pilots and marines, as confirmed in February 2023.
In response to the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the destabilization of eastern Ukraine, the United Kingdom has been providing military assistance to Ukraine since October 2014. The initial support included a package of non-lethal military equipment and, in 2015, the United Kingdom launched Operation Orbital, which focused on non-lethal training and training of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Source: UKDJ
Tags: RAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air ForceUkraineWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun)is among the newspapers reporting that the US State Department on Wednesday announced approval of a possible arms sale to Finland worth an estimated 535 million dollars, or about 545 million euros.
According to the release, Finland has offered to buy a total of 400 advanced munitions and related equipment for the Finnish Defense Forces' M270 rocket launchers.
HS reports that the reason behind the purchase is said to be Finland's effort to increase its stockpile of defense equipment in order to strengthen its land and air defense capabilities.
"The increased national stock is critical to Finland’s defense and deterrence due to the deteriorated security situation in Europe," according to the US State Department release, which continued that, "It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist Finland in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability."
Not hand-in-hand?
Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is scheduled to start a visit to Turkey on Thursday and according to Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun), the topic of his discussions there will most obviously be Finland's and Sweden's Nato membership application.
Turkey is the last Nato member that has not yet announced its decision to ratify Finland's and Sweden's applications. Hungary's ratification is still in process, but that country is expected to ratify the agreement in December.
So far, Turkey has shown more sympathy for Finland's Nato application than Sweden's, notes IS.
Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in Washington, DC, told the Finnish news agency STT that it could be very likely that Turkey will ratify Finland's application before Sweden's.
"I think there is a real possibility that Turkey will give the green light to Finland before Sweden," he told STT.
The report points out that the situation is difficult not only for Sweden, but also for Finland as well, because this country's leadership has clearly stated that Finland would like to join Nato hand-in-hand with Sweden. The reason for this is, among other things, defense cooperation planning by the two neighbours, the fact that they submitted applications together, and have also been accepted together by other Nato member countries.
Subsidies for electric cars
The business and economic news daily Kauppalehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun)reports that the automotive sector is pushing subsidies of up to 5,000 euros for consumers buying new fully electric cars.
According to the automotive industry's estimate, in the worst case, fuel pump prices for petrol may jump another average 25–55 cents per litre.
Kauppalehti writes that next government will have to deal with this fuel "price bomb" at the beginning of its term, following elections at the beginning of April.
Among the proposals of the automotive industry sector to deal with price pressures is the introduction of a four-year support program for all-electric cars in the form of a purchase subsidy. 
It is suggesting that the subsidy the first year would be 5,000 euros per car, falling by 1,000 euros a year, so that in the final year it would be 2,000 euros. 
According to Tero Kallio, CEO of Association of Automobile Industry in Finland, the more electric cars there are on the road, the less fuel will be needed, which will in turn slow down inflation and the general rise in prices.
Getting ready to ski
Aamulehti asks (siirryt toiseen palveluun) when it will be possible to start skiing this season in the Tampere region, and comes up with the answer, "soon".
It reports that most municipalities have made preparations to set up public ski tracks using artificial snow just as soon as temperatures fall to below freezing.
As one of several examples, Aamulehti points to Lempäälä where the municipality's sports manager Sari Juuti says that the goal is to get a ski track ready by the end of November. Lempäälä has enough snow in storage from last winter for about 1.4 kilometers of track. All that is needed are a few frosty days so that the surface of the ground has time to freeze.
Finland's biggest spruce tree
Keskisuomalainen treats its readers to a feature (siirryt toiseen palveluun)presenting Finland's biggest spruce tree.
Located in Äänekoski in the Central Finland region, the paper describes the tree as being as tall as a 10-story building, having the volume of 15 normal full-grown spruce, and so thick that two long-armed people are needed to hug it.
The exact location of the tree, estimated to be at least 150 years old, is being kept under wraps. 
For now, it holds the title, but the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Dendrological Society are collecting data on exceptionally large trees, a few of which have yet to be measured. 
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nato-ua-alen · 2 years
Італійці передали нам 25 САУ M109L
Це вже п'ятий пакет допомоги, до цього вони передавали бронетранспортери M113, САУ PzH 2000 та MLRS M270
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darkmaga-retard · 16 hours
The Russian military has conducted numerous long-range precision strikes at NATO personnel in Ukraine. Earlier this month, military facilities in Poltava and Lvov were struck by Moscow’s hypersonic missiles, resulting in hundreds of casualties. Back in early August, at least 400 (mostly French) personnel were killed or wounded in a precision strike. The “Iskander-M” missile system is commonly used for such strikes, while NATO-sourced missiles and other weapons (particularly the HIMARS/M270 and ATACMS) are regular targets for the Russian military. There have even been attempts to portray NATO personnel as “advisers”, a futile, last-ditch effort to save them from the Kremlin’s wrath. From time to time, Moscow also sends very clear messages regarding the world’s most vile racketeering cartel’s direct involvement in Ukraine, including in the westernmost parts of the unfortunate NATO-occupied country.
However, instead of finally leaving the country, foreign personnel keep coming, foolishly thinking that fighting the Russian military is akin to playing Call of Duty or some other FPS video game. All of them then learn the lesson the hard way after coming to Ukraine with unrealistic expectations of what actual warfare is. They usually end up maimed for life or (if they’re really lucky) they might escape with no major physical injuries, but still end up with severe cases of PTSD. The Kremlin will certainly give no quarter to such people, as they’re only contributing to the protraction of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. The Russian military is increasingly using top-notch systems to strike the latest Western-made weapons. The French are particularly affected by this. Namely, on September 4, a precision strike was launched at the positions of NATO personnel in the city of Krivoy Rog.
According to various reports, upwards of 250 soldiers were neutralized. Such high-precision strikes are a regular occurrence. Obviously, the Neo-Nazi junta and the mainstream propaganda machine tried hiding this with claims that the Arena Hotel in the city was “packed with civilians” and that “the attack damaged a civilian facility, injuring 5 people, including one child”. However, local sources reported that the area was “immediately cordoned off and the rubble was cleared”. It soon turned out that the bodies of “civilians” who were recovered from under the rubble were not those of hotel employees and tourists, but of military personnel, including numerous Europeans, mainly the French, Romanians and Poles. Around 250 bodies were transported to the morgue in five refrigerated trucks, an “unfortunate” end of yet another “Ukrainian war safari” for NATO occupation forces and soldiers of fortune.
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