catonator · 1 year
Musing about media (also of the social kind)
Well then.
I'm back here, many, many years after I initially left to pursue greener pastures. Ironically a few years later tumblr itself became one, but I digress. I've decided to try to keep a (at least) monthly blog to force myself to write a little more. I don't have a plan, or really any idea about what I want to write about yet, but many things in life are little like being a forgetful skydiving tailor; jumping first, and then having to build the parachute on the way down.
So firstly I wanted to expand on something I wrote about a week back on Twitter. The new frontiers in social media. It seems like the 2010s are coming to a close, with many of the foundations of that decade suffering some shakedowns and shuffles.
The new 10's were a strange decade, and obviously we're not really far removed enough to say what did and didn't make the decade what it was, but I have a few pointers. I'd say there's at least one notable characterization: the celebration of corporatization.
Fittingly for tumblr, I'd say the decade really got its flame from the geek culture early on in the decade on this very platform. From my formative years here, I pretty strongly remember the fandoms, and especially the mixed media fandoms like "superwholock". Obviously big balls of nonsense fangirling isn't exactly anything new but the thing I remember distinctly is mainly how different the approach to media appreciation was, it was little less "hey I like this and I was inspired by it to do my own thing" and more just "I FUCKING LOVE BEING A FAN OF INSERT THING HERE BOY I WILL CONSTRUCT MY ENTIRE PERSONA AROUND BEING A FAN". A little self-indulgent, to be blunt.
You can probably pretty easily draw a feeble and tortured mental line from that to the later big IP fests later on, where big companies would just grab metaphorical action figures out of their massive vaultlike toy chests and mash them together, for massive profits!
So uh, what the fuck am I on about and how does this relate to social media? Well, I think the early tumblr years ended up colouring the internet far more than you'd expect. After most of the users jumped over to the bigger sandboxes like Twitter later in the decade, I think the internet in general started to transform a little, away from the small communities of fun people to users just living in their comfort zone.
I'm a little worried about the future of the internet, but also hopeful. I think the one big thing of the 2010s we should leave behind is living in some nebulous cloud of likeminded stuff masquerading as a community and instead learn to appreciate the smaller groups of people around you, for what they are. It's what I truly hope to see out of the new frontiers.
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redpandarascal · 1 month
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people with macroblogs make me so embarrassed of our platform here…
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hanayanaa · 2 years
why is tumblr called a microblogging website anyway. What the hell is macroblogging then
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d-nobile · 2 years
MICROblogging? HA! Pitiful. I’ve returned to Tumblr after over HALF A DECADE. I’m fuckin MACROblogging now, baby! 240 characters? Fuck that shit. I have as many characters as I want, now! I don’t need to be concerned with getting my thoughts and ideas across in a clear and concise manner. I can say what I want, how I want, as long-windedly as I want. I am unshackled. I have broken my chains. I have been UNLEASHED.
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Das Fediverse verändert sich derzeit nachhaltiger, als es vielleicht zu vermuten ist.
Mit Ghost und NodeBB kommen zwei Player zum Zug, die dabei sind das ActivitiyPub Protokolle zu integrieren. NodeBB scheint mit diesem Anliegen schon recht weit gekommen zu sein. Immerhin kann man deren Boards inzwischen folgen und mit ihnen Interagieren, so als wären sie Gruppen im vorhandenen Fediverse Ökosystem. Ghost arbeitet hart daran technische Herausforderungen zu lösen, die unabdingbar sind, um Teil des Netzwerks zu werden. Die Fortschritte über die Zeit sind bemerkenswert
Vor wenigen Tagen waren hier nur die Grundgerüste zu sehen. Inzwischen scheinen sie Fortschritte zu machen.
Was aber viel wichtiger ist. Mit Ghost und NodeBB kommen wieder mehr Macroblog Beiträge und thematische Gruppen zu tragen, in denen eine inhaltlich tiefe Auseinandersetzung zu allerlei Fragenstellungen ermöglicht wird.
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Die bisher dominierenden kurzen Beiträge werden damit vermutlich stark zurück gedrängt werden. Strukturierte Inhalte und längeren Ausführungen werden zunehmen. Diskussionen werden sich stärker in kleinere Gruppen verteilen und sind über threadartige Strukturen gut nachvollziehbar.
Spannend wird für mich die Frage sein, wie Micro- und Macroblog in dieser heterogenen Welt miteinander harmonisieren werden. Anders als bei WordPress, werden die beiden neuen Projekte als eigenständige Dienste auftreten und als solche Akzeptiert werden. Dadurch entfallen hoffentlich die eher peinlichen Beiträge nach dem Muster: "Ich habe dazu mal was auf WordPress verfasst. Hier der Links".
Auf Funktional wird sich einiges Verändern. So wird das erneute Teilen von Beiträgen mit einen Zitat in einer Macroblog Welt eine ganz andere Bedeutung haben, als in einem Twitter dominierten Ökosystem. Foren oder Gruppen sind Aggregatoren für Themenbereiche und das gezielte Ansprechen nur dieser Gruppen eine Voraussetzung, um genau pass genau adressieren zu können. Die Reglementierung der Bildanzahl wird fallen müssen, um weiterhin am Diskurs teilnehmen zu können. Alles Andere wäre eine Verfälschung der Information, die unweigerlich dazu führen wird, dass eine Diskussion in falsche Bahnen gelenkt werden.
Mit der Einführung dieser Dienste wird es zu Konflikten kommen. Noch immer ist die Meinung vorherrschend, dass ActivityPub ein bloßer Ersatz für einen Twitter ähnlichen Dienst ist (vergleichbar mit ATP, auf dem Bluesky aufsetzt). Das ist nicht der Fall und es war auch nie die Absicht, als das Protokoll konzipiert wurde. Die Macher haben immer schon die Koexistenz von Micro- und Makroblog Diensten vorgesehen. Es sollte keinen Unterschied machen, welche Blog Art man persönlich vorzieht. Beide sind zulässig, sinnvoll und sollten nebeneinander bestehen können. Jeder so, wie es ihm genehm ist.
Es bleibt also spannend im Fedi-Land.
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gaast · 3 months
I've had enough. I am developing a macroblogging platform. Every post must be at least 50,000 characters. I will implement technology that checks for repetition. Pasting text will be disallowed. Plagiarism will be checked for. Every single post will be an original. Every single post will have the fattest nuts.
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riseandinspire · 11 months
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crab-withaknife · 1 year
ive been cutting paper and watching movies for like almost 3 hours so i have to blog all the thoughts i had during that time now in a condensed form. i call this macroblogging
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. @AtlantaFed: 49% of job switchers had positive real wage growth in 2022, compared to 42% of people who stayed in their jobs
https://www.atlantafed.org/blogs/macroblog/2023/02/14/real-wage-growth--view-from-wage-growth-tracker #meded #health #hospital #inequality #patientcare #corpgov #empathy #BetterTogether
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samusmaximus · 2 years
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I posted 1,806 times in 2022
That's 1,736 more posts than 2021!
20 posts created (1%)
1,786 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 549 of my posts in 2022
#fav - 62 posts
#awesome - 12 posts
#transformers - 11 posts
#gundam - 10 posts
#samusmaximus.posts - 8 posts
#same - 7 posts
#me - 7 posts
#yeah - 7 posts
#epic - 7 posts
#guilty gear - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#flipping th big switch that says microblogging to macroblogging while looking back at the userbase for approval like a game show contestant
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thesis: Disco Elysium is a visual novel
Anthesis: Disco Elysium is a role-playing game
Synthesis: RPGs and VNs are the same genre and the games industry has been playing us for fools for years
9 notes - Posted December 23, 2022
So the English version of G-Witch's OP The Blessing/Shukufuku was released and like I haven't seen anyone mentioning it
it's pretty great
21 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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I'm sure someone's already done this but eh
60 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
official information on how her hair works btw if you even care
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402 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I don't think I've seen anyone repost this tweet on here yet so enjoy this wonderful Brisket information
722 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tim-official · 3 years
microblogging implies the existence of macroblogging
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I need to macroblog that reaction image of that guy gripping that other guy’s shoulders rn
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johnnycrass · 2 years
im macroblogging
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ledians · 3 years
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ihavegaysex42069 · 3 years
when men do it its microblogging. when women do it its macroblogging. #feminism
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chiiquititamoved · 3 years
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