primalvessel · 1 year
❛  how long do we still have?  ❜
"Not long enough, I fear," the feline replied softly, sadly. His ears were low, his tail near motionless behind him before he stepped closer, peered up at the Hyur. Warm hands rose to cup the man's cheeks and Maru leaned in to press a delicate kiss to Meteor's lips.
"Go. I'll buy you more time."
And before he could be stopped, he was gone.
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tsckcyomi-archived · 2 years
@macrocosmic-star​​ :  "Did you ever learn how to dance?"
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“ ― Don’t be ridiculous.” Her tone is sharp as Yotsuyu directs her gaze away from Meteor, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She remembers well how some of the other higher ranking courtesans in the brothel were taught how to dance so they may entertain their guests. She had been among the ones that were taught how to play the Koto instead, something that she finds rather… enjoyable. 
What an odd question to ask her, though. Clicking her tongue in annoyance softly, Yotsuyu shifts to watch the other again for a few seconds. Piercing, wary, and curious all the same.
“I was taught how to play an instrument, but how to dance… no,” she adds after a few more seconds, her voice just a tad more mellow than before. “Why do you ask?”
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badassbarmaid · 2 years
"Do you have any best friends? And do you suppose I could join your crew of friends, too?"
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Tifa thought on the question, imagining the Scions for a moment before responding. "I have close friends, I suppose. I've never had someone ask to become part of my friend group, before, I have to admit."
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maskedmuses · 4 years
@macrocosmic-star  replied:
Meteor: YES, HI, HELLO! IT'S YOUR LOCAL KNIGHT IN SHINNING ARMOR auditioning for the position of... Chosen Knight in Shinning Armor!
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“I-I, f-fuckin’ hell, Meteor! I’m not some damn princess needin’ rescue!” Is that a blush? Perhaps. “Wh-whatever, the armor looks...I guess looks alright on you. At least you actually have some fuckin’ good protection now and don’t look like you jumped in a tar pit.”
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echopulse-archive · 4 years
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harry potter meme. | @macrocosmic-star​
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            unique crimson eyes scan the table of a merchant’s fine goods, necklaces, bracelets, earrings && all the tiniest little knick knacks you could ever wish for. window shopping to pass the time, whilst the Warrior of Light did his browsing of the markets, mentioning to her that he needed to get something important, but not bothering indulging her on what it was. after a moment, or two idling by a local merchant’s stall, a call beckons to her, none other than the Eikon-slayer, arms filled with differently colored socks... dark brow arches quizzically to his odd spending methods.
             “ ...I can comprehend that.. however..did you buy out the entire stock? “ a sigh, slender arms crossing loosely over her chest. “ well, I am not wont to tell others how they should spend their gil, that’s more of Tataru’s job. “ the slight pursing of shell pink lips, formed into a sly smile. “ just don’t get them mixed up with Thancred’s sock collection. “ a jest, of course.
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primalvessel · 1 year
“Where’s your hand going!?” 👀
"On your ass?" he replied with a small cant of his head, ears back. He licked his lips of the kiss and searched the brunet's face for an indication to stop.
"Do you... not... want me to grope you? 'Cause I can keep my hands to myself if you'd rather..."
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primalvessel · 2 years
@macrocosmic-star liked for a smol thing! <3
Tired he may be, the vessel would always have time for Meteor and so the Miqo’te carefully made his way out to greet the returning adventurer, managing to bump into only three things on his blind side along the way and he brightened immediately on laying eyes on his companion.
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primalvessel · 1 year
The quiet of the space was broken by a long-suffering sigh and the blond dropped his head back to stare at the clouds floating lazily overhead.
"Whose idea was this again?" he asked no-one in particular before letting out another in a long line of long-suffering sighs. "Oh right, it was mine..."
He wasn't a stranger to concept creation and given his adventures he had a wealth of (admittedly often unorthodox) ideas for the improvement of the star through its inhabitants but sometimes he found himself absolutely crippled by the wealth of options he could choose from.
"Cute, or functional. Or can I do both?" he mused aloud. "Needs to be sturdy - load-bearing... docile enough to be tamed but also be able to defend itself..."
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primalvessel · 1 year
❛ you’re avoiding the subject and you know it. what are you hiding from me? ❜
The callout made the feline's ears flatten back into his hair and he looked away, feeling his stomach twisting. No avoiding it now, he supposed.
"I have to leave," he admitted at last, sounding worn-down and tired, as though he'd been fighting a battle Meteor hadn't even been aware of. "I'm becoming a danger to everyone and until I can get this under control, I have to go. I have to be far away from here so that if I can't get it under control, I won't be able to hurt anyone."
He hesitated then too, took a deep breath and forced himself to meet the brunet's eyes.
"If I can't come back from this, then you can live up to your reputation as Primal Slayer."
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primalvessel · 2 years
@macrocosmic-star continued from here: xx
There was true anguish in the Hyur’s voice and it pained the feline greatly to hear it. What was worse, was that there was literally nothing he could do to help.
When the pages were proffered towards him, Maru raised his hands in front of himself to decline them, ears laid flat. He shook his head.
“You know I can barely read, right?” he lamented in a small voice. “If you can’t read it, I’m definitely not going to be able to.” Granted his understanding of common had improved a great deal from next to nothing as it had been when he’d left his tribe but still...
He did eventually take the papers though but it was only in order to set them aside in a neat pile before he took Meteor’s hands in his own and began to lead the man away from the work he’d been doing.
“I know I’m a bad influence, distracting you from your work and all but I really think in this instance you should really take a break,” he insisted gently, ears rising just slightly out of his hair. “Come take a walk with me? I promise I’ll look at your papers later if you’re still having trouble then.” For all the good he’d be able to do.
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primalvessel · 2 years
"Are you the dancing queen?"
The question was slightly unexpected and Maru sputtered a moment before he burst out laughing, the tip of his tail curling and the corners of his eyes crinkling as his lips curved in a smile.
"I don't know about being the dancing queen but I definitely can dance," he replied when the laughter had subsided enough for him to speak. His ears flicked in his amusement too and he swayed his hips without seeming to really think about it.
"Maybe I'll give you a show sometime," he continued with a twinkle in his eye.
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primalvessel · 2 years
❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜
There was a pause as it took the feline a moment to realise that Meteor was talking to him and one ear turned in the man's direction before both fuzzy ears lowered towards his hair. Maru's body language changed then too, from slightly tense to straight and the gentle, slightly awkward laugh sounded a little forced as he turned towards the Hyur.
"Ah, yeah," he answered honestly, not even trying to lie about it. The way he didn't turn all the way towards Meteor was suspicious though and there were subtle tells to the strain the feline was under if one knew where to look.
"Don't worry, it's nothing I've not dealt with before," he assured the male with a dismissive little wave and he continued walking away though he had one hand pressed to his side to stem the flow of blood that Meteor had noticed.
"Go help the others. I'll be alright."
And he would be, he wasn't lying about that. Nevertheless, he seemed intent on continuing to put on a brave face.
There were other people about. He had to be strong.
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maskedmuses · 4 years
Continued from here with @macrocosmic-star​​ !
Despite everything Koya said, Meteor was right. The wound was worse than most of the lacerations to her skin, the beast had been of a high rank, heavily sought after by the guards of the nearby city, and for good reason. She had found it a boon to accept the request with the man, his skills nothing to scoff at, and now that the enemy was felled, it had struck her with a large tusk at the very last moment, piercing her side.
If she had not been endowed with her power, training, and the blessing of Hydaelyn, death would be soon upon her.
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Koya’s hand pressed to the side of her broken armor, trying to hold in the crimson that threatened to leak past her fingers. “It’s nothin’, really, just a bleeder, that’s all—“ Her voice cut off with a cough, the pain radiating through her abdomen. He was nearly whispering his begs, and the fight Koya had was slipping away.
As was her ability to stand.
Collapsing to her knees, Koya reached up with her free hand, unhinging her armor to allow the breastplate to unfasten, allowing him to be able to get at the wound without any interference. “Fine!” She breathed out heavily, her lids closing some. “Go ahead, it’ll be better than lettin’ it off without any treatment, I suppose.” Truthfully, she was barely clinging onto consciousness. “Let me know if you need me to move my hand or my armor, I’ll…do it.”
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maskedmuses · 4 years
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I forgot I put this in my queue when I was feeling low|| Accepting
@macrocosmic-star​​ asked:  Blush, azure, mint
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Honestly thank you for sending this?? It’s super sweet and I really want to do so much more with you (I added you on Discord but I am a shy bean) because I really want to see how Koya and Meteor can grow together (as a team, as more? Who knows!) And being able to write with you makes me happy. 
So, thank you again for reminding me you’re here.
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echopulse-archive · 4 years
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things that are hard to hear. | @macrocosmic-star​
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             joining the scions since she was a teenager, everything she has done for them was out of sheer goodwill, && her duty as a protector of the realm. such as master louisoix instructed && aspired within them all. she did not find it necessary to gain credit, or brag about her endeavors as an archon, because, just like the rest of the scions, they do not wish for any sort of praise, nor immense popularity amongst the masses. meteor, on the other hand, the proclaimed eikon-slayer, && the esteemed garlean-nuisance, deserves more credit than any of them. the warrior of light whom puts himself in danger time && time again, subduing primals && slaughtering ascians, his efforts definitely do not go without any praise.
                a simple shrug of her shoulders, partial response to his words, “ only when it is due. I am not really one to search for any sort of adulation, or glory in my efforts, I’m only but a simple healer, or doctor, whatever you may want to call me. you, on the other hand, definitely deserve more credit in your painstaking endeavors. “ 
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primalvessel · 2 years
❛ do you think i’m a good person? ❜
"I don't think, I know," Maru replied almost immediately, ruby eyes unwaveringly holding Meteor's gaze for a moment before he shifted a little and glanced down at his mug to make sure he raised it carefully. Lacking depth perception was a difficulty he was still learning to contend with and more than once he'd bumped his mouth trying to do something as simple as drinking. He didn't want to do it again and ruin the sincerity of his words.
"There's no doubt in my mind about it. You're a good person Meteor and I won't let anyone make you think otherwise."
His words were firm, resolute and without an ilm of room for doubt.
He smiled then, ducking his head so that his bangs covered his blind eye properly before he took a sip of his drink and then leaned back in his chair.
"And if you doubt me, then I'll be sad."
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