#madam ichaicha
madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 3 is now available.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 7 now available.
"What are you doing down here?" she blurted as her anxiety took over.
"Join me. Find out for yourself."
"Are you, um... naked?"
"Is there another way to bathe?"
"I'll just wait, I didn't mean to interrupt..." she trailed off, backing away slowly.
"No sense in being shy now," he smirked. "Join me."
"What if I don't feel like it?"
"You do."
"I could just leave, you know?"
"You won't."
"What makes you say that?" she huffed, irritated with his arrogant tone.
"The same thing that made you crawl into my bed last night."
"I was just cold."
"Well, it's plenty warm in here," he assured, motioning for her to join him. "Don't be scared."
"I'm not scared," she clipped, "I just..."
"Don't want me to see you naked?" he chimed in amusingly.
"Why is that so funny to you?"
"I can fuck you, but not take a bath with you? Seems funny to me."
"It's not funny, and making fun of me isn't going to help you accomplish either."
"I don't think this is about my accomplishments, now is it?"
Sakura didn't know what to say. Standing there, she continued to stare at him, lips pressed into a firm line. She might have been irritated by his tone, but his words were starting to hurt. She couldn't figure him out. After last night, she thought they had grown a little closer, but it almost felt like he was forcing some distance between them now.
"Why are you trying to push me away? Is it because you're under the impression that I have regrets about last night? It wasn't some drunken spur-of-the-moment decision. I knew exactly what I was asking for."
"Prove it," he dared, watching her intently.
Read full chapter on AO3 or FF.net
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madamichaicha · 4 years
* New Story Alert *
I will be updating and posting new chapters regularly!
Word Count: 3,645 ((Chapters 1 & 2))
Rating: M
Pairing: Madara x Sakura
“I just need some air,” the pinkette mustered, rushing through the door and into the backyard of the Hyuga mansion.
The cool spring breeze seemed to chill her flushed cheeks, but she still felt a crushing weight on her chest. She was supposed to be elated, gushing over the lovely dress she was going to wear for one of the biggest days of her life, but here she was, in the middle of a full blown panic attack. Before her mind could process any further thought, her feet moved on their own. She was running full speed through the forest, wanting to get as far away as possible.
At first she thought it was just the dress, then it was the room, then it was the whole town of Konoha that was closing in around her. It all began to suffocate her, she couldn't breathe, her heart pounding in her chest as she burned what energy she had left in her. It wasn't long before she was no longer within city limits, and slowly, she felt relief. It seemed the farther she got from Konoha, the better she felt. Hands gripped tightly into the sides of her dress, holding the garment up as she continued to run, not wanting to stop anytime soon.
Chapters 1 & 2 are available HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
Your Tuesday Taste...
Hello my lovelies,
Here is a little excerpt from the Madara x Sakura story I’ve been working on. I’m nearly halfway through and it’s almost 11k words. So hopefully this will quench your thirst... for now. 
Happy reading 💋
Despondent, she leaned back against a tree, her dress pooling around her frame, hugging her like a blanket of remembrance. Forcing her tired eyes open, Sakura watched the clouds above slowly drift by.
“How appropriate,” she scoffed, her voice cracking with emotion.
They keep moving on, while I'm stuck here. By myself.  
As the sun began to set, Sakura pulled her knees up to her chest, sniffling as she hugged them tightly. Alone in the thicket of cherry trees, she sat, the distant roar of the waterfall lulling her to sleep. She was tired of thinking, wishing for sleep to find her quickly, thus releasing her from the confines of her own mind.
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A fire's flame heated her face, its gentle warmth causing her exposed skin to tingle. Listening to the crackling of embers, Sakura felt cozy and safe, humming appreciatively as she pulled the blanket up to her chin.
When did I climb into bed?
Drowsy lids struggled to open themselves, but even through her blurry vision, Sakura could tell she was unfamiliar with her surroundings. Immediately on guard, she popped up, scanning the interior of the dark, cave-like room she found herself in. She wasn't sure how she got here, or where 'here' was, but she was positive she didn't get there by herself.
Sitting up, she swung her feet down to the floor, sitting on the edge of the cushioned sofa in front of the stone fireplace. Squinting her jade orbs, she used the dim light of the fire to get a better visual of her environment. Sloughing off the blanket that had covered her, Sakura realized she was still in her wedding kimono, swallowing at the reminder of what had initially brought her so far from the village.
A clap of thunder reverberated through the stone walls that encapsulated her, its sudden rumble causing her to flinch. Slipping a hand under her dress, she retrieved the kunai hidden on her thigh holster, gripping the handle firmly as she slowly stood, ready for action. With the fire being the only source of light, it was easy to see the sides of the dungeon-like room, but the ends were too dark to estimate its depth accurately.
“Put down your weapon,” a dark voice called out to her from the shadows.
“Why would I do that?” Sakura responded firmly, tightening her grip around the kunai as she strained to see through the pitch black cavern.
“Trust me. If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be awake right now.”
“Why should I believe you?” she answered sternly.
“There's a storm outside,” the deep voice reflected from the depths of the cave.
“Do you think I'd save a sleeping person from a storm if I had any ill will towards them?”
Sakura knew he was right, the fact that he had carried her to wherever they were now and took the time to cover her by the fire was proof enough that she was not in any immediate danger. But it didn't mean she had to trust this faceless person. He remained hidden, which made her think he had something to hide. Deciding to drop her weapon for now, she re-sheathed her kunai, her eyes never leaving the dark corner where the voice was coming from.
“So, why bring me here? What do you want?”
“Call me curious,” the man remarked cryptically.
“Curious... about?”
“About the crest you are wearing.”
“It's the Uchiha crest,” she admitted suspiciously, knowing it was one of the most famous family crests. Even civilians from other villages knew of this crest, it was no secret.
“I'm well aware,” the voice responded, intense and edged with its own suspicion. “I'm just curious as to why someone who is not an Uchiha would wear it.”
“Why would you assume I'm not an Uchiha?” Sakura clipped, wondering what this guy's deal was.
“I know you're not.”
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 5 now available.
Find it HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
“Falling Through the Holidays”
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Have some nice Holiday Fluff™
Chapter 1 - All Hallows Eve
Chapter 2 - Ghoulish Gala
Chapter 3 - A Stranger’s Spell
Chapter 4 - The Weeks That Follow
Chapter 5 - A Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 6 - Christmas
Read on ff.net
Read on AO3
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madamichaicha · 4 years
Stories currently in the works...
Madara x Sakura (as requested): This one is turning out rather sad, might do a second fluffy AU story as well. Don't hate me.
Kakashi x Sakura: This one is very special to me, and I've been working on it for years. It's super long and romantic, but I'm finally down to finishing the last few chapters. Endings are the worst.
Neji x Ino: This one is particularly intense and kinky, and was supposed to be a one shot, but quickly progressed into a multi chapter ordeal. Phew! May also contain bits of Shikamaru x Ino. God, this one is becoming my favorite obsession.
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**Feel free to send me your ships, ideas, or prompts you would love to see. I'm just over here in my own little world, so I'm all ears, baby 💋
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 7 now available.
Find it HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 4 now available.
Find it HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 3 now available.
Find it HERE
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madamichaicha · 4 years
Chapter 7 - “A DECADE AWAY”
**Apparently there has been a recent glitch on fanfiction.net, which resulted in this particular chapter not showing up correctly. When I go to check the content/chapters of the story it is there, and it even previews correctly, but for some reason it is not visible when clicking through the chapters as a reader. Which is SUPER inconvenient. I want to apologize for this bug, but hopefully, it is only temporary. 
Thank you for bearing with me. I love you all!
"I missed you too, Sakura."
A sad smile graced her lips as she looked upon the mismatched set of eyes that were watching her closely. She could tell Kakashi meant what he said, it was written on his face... or at least the parts of it that were exposed. In their time together on Team 7, she had gotten pretty good at discerning his micro expressions. It made conversing with someone who covered three quarters of their face a lot easier.
“Thank you,” she whispered, “No one's called me that in a long time. Never thought the sound of my own name would be so weird.”
“It's not weird to me. I've thought about it... about you... a lot over the years,” he slurred, his body swaying slightly with his words. “I'm glad I found you, Sakura-chan.”
“Kakashi, I think you might be fever drunk.”
“I'm not drunk, you're drunk.”
“Oh, I think you're loopy enough for the both of us, but thank you. I'm glad you found me, too,” she smiled, drawing close to kiss his cheek chastely.
As her lips made contact, she could feel the heat radiating off his skin and through the mask. His fever had spiked again. Every time she would bring his temperature down, it would return like wildfire. Sakura knew then, that he was definitely not well.
Now was not the time to get sentimental.
“Your fever is definitely back, Kakashi. Sorry, but these damp clothes will have to go, and you'll need to eat this soup. Your body is fighting off a nasty cold.”  
“Dr. Haruno... are you trying to get me naked?” his playful voice accused, his arms coming up to cover his chest innocently.
“I'm trying to get the wet clothes you've been in all day off so that you can eat your soup and break this fever of yours.”
“You jus' wanna see my face, don't ya?”
“Kakashi,” she pleaded flatly, “I'm trying to make you feel better. Work with me here.”
“Nope,” he added boyishly, a finger coming up to boop her nose.
Suddenly, an impish grin lifted the corner of her mouth. As much as she was enjoying this lighthearted version of Kakashi, his fever was worsening, and these clothes weren't helping. If he wanted to do things the hard way, she was game.
“Fine. If you won't do it, I will.”
Before he could object, she reached down to his waist, pulling out his shirt tail. With one swift motion, his long sleeved shirt was ripped over his head and discarded on the floor.
“S-Sakura... what are you doing?” he stammered as she crawled onto his legs and went for his belt buckle.
“You're being deliberately stubborn, and refusing doctor's orders. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Now give me these pants!”
She had hoped her brazenness was enough to pull him out of his stupor. With the shock seeping through in his voice, Sakura hoped he would just concede and give her the dank and damp clothing. She feared her bed, too, would soon begin to smell of seawater. But by the time she got his belt unbuckled and his fly unzipped, Kakashi fell back into the bed and began to squirm.
“Oh no you don't! You are starting to reek, and my bed is getting wet. Please just let me have these clothes so I can wash them.”
The wriggling actually ended up helping her shimmy the pants off his legs, so maybe he was beginning to hear her voice of reason. She couldn't really tell though, as he was rather quiet and drowsy looking.
With the pants joining the other discarded clothing on the floor, Sakura climbed back onto the bed, intentionally ignoring the sight of him splayed-out in his boxer briefs, and hoping to finally rid him of the black tank top that clung to his body and face. How anyone could breathe with a wet piece of cloth over their nose and mouth was beyond her.
Hooking her fingertips beneath the taught fabric at his waist, she stilled, feeling a rush of guilt. She didn't feel right about this, but she didn't feel wrong about it either. It was a heady mixture of guilt and pleasure. He was quite the sight, but she knew her goal was to get him dried off so he could rest comfortably.
“Alright, Kakashi. I promise I won't look, but this has to go as well.”
He whined slightly, shutting his eyes in disappointment. He hated that she was right. It's not that he was opposed to Sakura seeing his face, he just wasn't thrilled about how it had to happen. Seems he would have to think of something, and fast.
He watched on as she pushed the material up his chest, exposing his toned torso. His heart rate increasing ever so slightly as he followed her gaze, loving that it lingered on him so outright.
“I thought you said you weren't gonna look?”
“I-I'm not,” she lied, quickly averting her eyes as she felt him raise his arms.
She was seconds away from removing that damned mask of his, and she would be lying if she said part of her wasn't excited as hell. Eyes still closed, she could only feel the ripple of his shoulder muscles beneath her hands as the garment was lifted over his head. Once she felt his head clear the confines of the attached mask, she was left holding the limp article in her hands.
It was off.
Holding her eyes shut, she was now too afraid to look. She said she wouldn't, and so he had let her remove the offending material. Sakura couldn't betray his trust now. Besides, if she did open her eyes, she wasn't sure she could take the shock of seeing this man in just his underwear. That tight, black underwear that clung dangerously low on his hips. She could feel herself salivating just thinking about it. But she needed to stay focused and sharp.
He's just another patient.
Or at least that's what she kept telling herself as she sat there, awkwardly still holding onto the item of clothing. Clearing her throat, she inhaled a calming breath, tossing the item over her shoulder to join the growing pile on the floor.
“Sakura-chan,” Kakashi beckoned, daring her to take a peak.
When she refused to open her eyes, choosing to turn her head away from him instead, Kakashi made his move. Grabbing her at the elbow, he pulled her forward so she was on top of him. They were nose to nose, her legs straddling his thigh, and yet she still kept her eyes shut. He wondered how long her resolve would last. Surely, the little cherry blossom was still curious.
“How's the fever now?” he questioned, pressing his forehead to hers.
“I-It's... hot...” she muttered breathlessly.
She was all too aware of how close their bodies were now. She tried to focus on anything other than their newfound proximity to one another, but she found herself focusing on his breathing. His unencumbered breath was fanning out across her face, the rise and fall of his chest was pushing up against hers. She could definitely feel the fever everywhere as she lie atop his entire body.
“Are you going to make me feel better now?” Kakashi whispered, his lips barely grazing hers as he spoke.
Her pulse was drumming, her stomach was aflutter, and her mind was racing at the simplest of touches. Lips, bare lips, had just skimmed her own. Sakura didn't know how to respond... she was speechless.
What the hell is going on?
Testing the waters once again, he let his bottom lip tap against hers, in search of any opposition. When he was met with no resistance, Kakashi tilted his chin and closed the minuscule gap between their mouths, kissing her gently. She had yet to open her eyes, but this was a surefire way to distract her from seeing anything below the bridge of his nose.
It was a questionable tactic, but one he was rather enjoying as he planted another soft kiss. Her supple lips were very receptive, and he was pleasantly surprised when he felt her return each one. It was tentative, but tender nonetheless.
When he felt her hand come up to cup his jaw, a thumb smoothing softly over the slight stubble on his cheek, he knew she wanted this just as much as he did. Reassured by her actions that it was safe to proceed, he let his tongue slick over her bottom lip, choosing to deepen the kiss by hoping to gain entry.
Once she parted her delicate lips, his searching tongue began to rub and knead against her own, massaging it delicately. His hands, itching to caress her skin, began to roam her body as they continued their passionate kiss. One hand crept up to the base of her neck, cradling her head, and the other smoothed down her side to the small of her back, holding her more firmly against him.
With the late afternoon sun well on the other side of her building now, her loft was slowly being enveloped in the shadows as they, too, were consumed by the growing dark of the space around them. Throwing caution to the wind, they both allowed their needy mouths to continue their onslaught. Between the panting of their desperate breaths, their bodies began to move on their own accord, neither of them giving much thought to it.
With a rock of her hips, Sakura felt Kakashi buck up against her in return. At feeling the prodding proof of his arousal against her hip, Sakura let out a gasp. Eyes shooting wide open, she froze, unable to move as she stared directly into the needy half-lidded eyes beneath her.
Nearly jumping off the bed and to her feet, Sakura quickly turned away, slightly embarrassed by her momentary loss of control. Adjusting her dress and running a hand through her hair, she attempted to pull herself out of the fog she was trapped in moments prior, fearing only a cold shower would help her now.
“Your... um... soup is getting cold,” she offered, pointing to the bowl on her nightstand.
“Ah...” Kakashi remarked impassively, missing the heat of her body.
Propping himself  up against the headboard of the bed, he quickly covered the obvious bulge between his legs with the blanket. Reaching for the bowl of soup she had prepared, he inspected it closely with his spoon, unsure of what he was looking at.
“What kind of hodgepodge soup is this, anyway?”
“It's loaded with everything you need to feel better.”
“It tastes better than it looks, Kakashi.”
“I hope so. I've never had gray soup before.”
“That's just from the black rock mushrooms.”
“The what now?”
“They're a special kind of mushroom that grow on the neighboring island. They are packed full of bioactive compounds that have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.”
“And what is all this... other stuff?”
“Well, the base is my own blend of vegetable stock, and contains a little bit of ginger for nausea, stewed leafy greens for iron, dried ginseng for an immune boost, and a few boiled eggs for protein and strength. Now eat.”
“Thank you,” he voiced softly, staring at her now in a silent plea for her to look back at him.
Nodding at his thanks, Sakura abruptly headed for the bathroom on the opposite side of the room, leaving Kakashi to eat in peace. After what just occurred between them, she decided to retreat, her body was still tingling with desire and she wasn't sure if she could take another second of it. A cold shower was calling her name.
Shutting the door behind her, Sakura let out a sigh of relief, the palpable discomfort somewhat dispelled by the barrier.
What the hell was that?!
Licking her lips, she could still taste the remains of their heated kiss. It was all too much to process. Seeing that man for the first time in ten years had sent her through an emotional roller coaster.
At first she was terrified at being found, then she was angry he would take everything she'd built away from her, then she was worried about his health. In the process of making sure he'd feel better, she began to feel something akin to compassion. With a few kind words and a simple gesture, her defenses crumbled.
She had cried her eyes out, all because of a simple hug.
But when the fever came back, all reason went out the window. She felt like he was being particularly difficult, but seeing him so exposed and vulnerable made her feel conflicted. And after their most recent encounter, she felt...
On fire.
Looking at herself in the mirror, Sakura realized her cheeks were flushed. Her reddened lips and disheveled hair making it harder to forget about the exchange that just took place. Running the sink, she decided to splash some cold water on her face in an attempt to compose herself. She needed to get a grip before her own imagination carried her away.
Why must I overthink things?
Turning on the shower, she deliberated the frigid water that awaited her, eventually choosing the hot steam over the shivering cold. This way, she could at least melt away any uncertainty she might have. Perhaps Kakashi's fever was affecting him more than he let on. For all she knew, it could have just been an elaborate ruse to keep her from seeing his face.
Ruse or not, she had still felt it. All of it. She remembered the warmth of his forehead, his strong jaw, the slight prickle from his five o'clock shadow, his soft lips, his tongue, his erection...
Shaking away any further thought, Sakura quickly undressed, and stepped through the curtain and into the hot spray of the shower. Thoughts quickly evaporating as the scalding cascade rendered her utterly relaxed.
As she felt her body relax under the steaming fall of water, Sakura tilted her head back, allowing the water to stream down her face as she smoothed her hands over her rose colored locks. She definitely needed a thorough cleanse before finishing her work for the day, or what was left of it. She still had to finish the medicated balm she was working on for... Shima.
With the reminder of her friend's expected visit, Sakura abruptly seized her fingers assault on her scalp mid-rinse, frozen in realization.
It was true that her whole day had been sidetracked by Kakashi's unexpected arrival, so much so, that she had completely abandoned her agenda for the day. Instantly grumbling at her own bubble-headed behavior since that floppy mop of silver walked through the door, Sakura quickly finished rinsing her hair, harshly ringing out the long ends through her fists as she thought.
She was nervous to have the two meet for some reason, fearing her two worlds colliding. To avoid any tension, she would have to keep Kakashi in her room while she entertained Shima downstairs. He was only swinging by to pick up his ointment, right? Surely he wasn’t anticipating on sticking around for too long. She’d just have to keep him out of sight and none the wiser, explaining Kakashi’s presence wasn’t something she could do so easily. Hopefully Kakashi would be asleep, and Shima would be quick.
Just thinking of the nearly nude copy nin asleep in her bed made her stomach tingle. His name, alone, was enough to cause her body to react. A new, and very peculiar side effect to the reappearance of someone whom she thought history had swallowed up long ago.
Only, it wasn’t the sound of his voice or the sight of his familiar eye crinkle that made her nauseous with nostalgia… it was his smell.
His earthy fragrance made her smile. When he had held her earlier, his shirt was salty with sweat and sea, reminding her of their missions to the Land of Water. The warmth of his skin reminded her of those lazy afternoons they spent in silence, enjoying the rays of sunlight that washed over them on the practice fields after training. And his hair… it still smelled exactly the same. The same pine scent that reminded her of a forest thicket at dawn.
Sakura had first noticed her ex-sensei’s scent the time she had head-butted him to break a stand still as their kunai were locked against each other during a sparring session. After sending him backwards, she barely had time to appreciate the subtle aromatics of his shampoo before he retaliated. It was something she thought she'd never forget.
But over the years, her senses had failed her. It had been too long since she had caught wind of his scent, and these days she struggled to recreate it. With that hug jarring her memory, she had realized just how far off she had been. Nothing could beat the real deal, after all.
It was him and his smell that reminded her of the life she had left behind. Sakura had been removed all these years, come to know and love another place she now called home. And with the brief reminder of what real home really smelled like, she fell apart. The hands that held her were hands from a different time… a different life. It seemed like an alternate dimension to her now.
But while she was busy reminiscing about the past, Sakura missed the shadow creeping up on her from behind the shower curtain, yelping as a hand quickly covered her mouth.
"Shh! It’s just me. There is someone who let themselves in, he’s coming up the stairs. Now scoot."
"Wha-? What the hell, Kakashi?! Are you out of your mind?"
"Shh! It's not my fault you didn't lock the door," he hissed as he climbed his tired body behind the curtain with her, underwear and all, hiding himself from the quickly approaching intruder.
Shit, he's right. Why didn't I lock the damn door?!
Sakura didn’t have time to object to Kakashi’s intrusive actions before she heard a knock at the bathroom door, followed by a familiar voice. Peeping her head out from behind the ivy shower curtain, Sakura nervously smiled as Shima’s eyes met her own.
"Oh, there you are Aya-chan. How very odd of you to be showering during the middle of the day. Need any company?" the dusty haired man offered mockingly, only half serious as he barely made out the impression of a pert nipple through the thin curtain clinging to the front of her body.
"Thanks, but no thanks, Shima. Maybe some other time. If you give me a minute I’ll be down to finish up that… th-that… stuff you said you needed. O-Okay?"
"Alrighty…" Shima remarked suspiciously, his eyes narrowing as he felt rushed out of the room, hurried on his way as if he was interrupting something. The spreading blush on Aya’s face was enough to send the man’s imagination into over drive as he apologized and shut the door behind him.
But the warmth that caused her face to glow vermilion was not from the hot steam or Shima's sudden appearance. It was from a certain pair of eyes she felt burning into her skin, assessing her every detail as she caught his descending gaze out of her periphery.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 4 now available.
Find it HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
* New Story Alert *
I will be updating and posting new chapters regularly!
Word Count: 6,211 ((Chapter 1 & 2))
Rating: M
Pairing: Kakashi x Sakura
Turning his attention towards Sakura now, Danzo slowly walked over to the partition she was pounding upon. Slowly scraping his blade across the glass, he smeared the fresh blood across its surface in front Sakura's trembling face. As the speakers in her room clicked on, she could her the deep rumble of his chuckle as he cleaned the blade with the sleeves of his haori and returned it to its sheath in his cane.
That was it. That was her warning. She knew she could not refuse his offer. Not after that...
Cornered by fear, Sakura became the next pawn in Danzo's army. That day he had forced her into becoming the head of his research and testing facility. Working her to the bone with almost no sleep, Sakura was held hostage. Danzo used her and her abilities to concoct new war grade poisons and tasked her with testing them, sending her prisoner after prisoner to experiment on. She worked tirelessly as his servant on his path towards destruction. When she was allowed time to sleep, it didn't find her anymore. All the faces... the countless faces... had become etched in her memory, haunting her. She wasn't a healer anymore.
She was a coward.
Both Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 are now available HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 8 now available. 
"Kakashi," Sakura huffed, "I have to go talk to him. I have to explain this misunderstanding."
"What is he to you?" Kakashi questioned with a piercing gaze.
"What's it to you, anyway?" she spat, slightly agitated by the fact that Kakashi thought he knew better than she did.
"I just wanna know why he needs to know about what goes on in your personal life. Are you guys… close?"
"He's the closest thing I have to a friend, Kakashi, and he genuinely cares about me," Sakura defended, her voice soft as she spoke. "People are different out here. They're not like shinobi, most of them have never even met one, so no one has any ulterior motives. Things are simple… and easy… and..."
Leveling her gaze, her aggravated features mocked his attempt to incorrectly fill in the blanks. Rolling her eyes, Sakura huffed, throwing her hands in the air as she gave up trying to convince the stubborn copy nin otherwise.
"Ugh, you're so…"
"Incorrigible!" Sakura barked, her eyes narrowing at him just before whipping open the bathroom door, leaving in a flash.
Read full chapter HERE.
Read story HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 5 now available.
Find it HERE.
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madamichaicha · 4 years
A Lesson In Restraint - Chapter 2 (KakaSaku)
It had been ten months. Ten long, angst-filled months of tension since they had returned from their mission in Amegakure. Tsunade had needed a kunoichi to pose as a sex slave in an underground fetish trade show. Apparently a wealthy landowner from Grass Country had started forcing his residents to pay ridiculous taxes to sponsor his weekly trips and expensive taste in exotic and submissive women.
If his tenants refused to pay, he would kill them on the spot. After receiving pleas of help from escaping villagers, Tsunade informed Sakura, whose looks were bound to catch his eye, of her new mission. She would exploit his weakness, luring him in with her womanly ways, distracting him long enough for Kakashi to make his move.
Sakura remembered Tsunade's only concern was whether she could actually pull off looking and acting the part of a slave, clearly doubting the word “submissive” even existed in her vocabulary. But they both knew a certain someone who had a taste for the peculiar and perverted, and was perfect for training such a newbie. That was how their mission between them began, once again as teacher and student.
Only this time, it was different. They were both consenting adults... and the dynamics between them had drastically changed. This entire mission had changed Sakura, leaving her wanting more. But she was stuck. They swore on their way home they would never speak of this mission again, and at the time she agreed with her older teammate, knowing it was probably for the best. But over the next ten months, she couldn't get passed the road block their vow of silence had created. She needed to talk with Kakashi, but he made himself scarce and unavailable, and thus the frustrating cycle continued.
As the loud voices of the bar pulled her back into the here and now, Sakura shook her head, clearing her thoughts and memories as she eyed her silent teammate beside her, noting his nonchalant demeanor.    
"I'm sorry" Sakura sighed, finishing off her drink and ordering another one, loving the liquid courage coursing through her veins allowing her to speak honestly.                          
"Sorry for what?" Kakashi questioned hesitantly, raising his eyebrow in suspicion.                          
"Sorry for whatever I did to piss you off…that's why you're avoiding me, right?"                            
"I'm not avoiding you, I've just been… busy."                            
"Busy avoiding me. Please don't act like everything's fine between us, not after-"                            
"Sakura…we both agreed that when the mission was over, we wouldn't let anything change. You know as well as I do that what happened between us was just a natural side effect of the training I was putting you through…nothing more" Kakashi stated flatly.                            
"Is that the truth?" Sakura questioned quietly, looking at him under a curious brow, "Is there really nothing more?"                            
Kakashi averted his exposed eye, clearing his throat as he shifted in his seat once again. He wasn't sure which aspect made him more uncomfortable, the fact that drunk Sakura was being overly honest, or the fact that her honesty was making him recall thoughts he should not be entertaining…in public…with the object of his lustful desires currently rubbing her hand on his thigh.
Standing up, his panicked mind kicked into overdrive as he grabbed her by the wrist that was atop his leg, and drug her out of the bar, threading through the throngs of people effortlessly as they slipped out the entrance and into the adjacent alley.
Pushing her against the wall, and into the shadows, they stood awkwardly close, hiding from the moonlight and nosy passers-by. Before she could speak, Kakashi threw his hand up, in an attempt to silence her outburst as his other hand pinched at the bridge of his nose in frustration.
While he stood thinking of the best way to phrase his next statement, Kakashi felt Sakura grab his raised hand, her soft hands pulling his fingers up to her face. As he looked up at her, timid eyes of green stared back at him as she tenderly placed her lips upon the bandaged finger kissing it lightly, letting her healing glow of chakra flow from her pursed lips into his skin.
The cool buzz from their chakra connection sent the sharpest of shivers down the silver-haired jonin's back, causing him to stand up a little straighter at the sudden contact. Exhaling deeply, Kakashi let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding as he pulled his hand from her grasp. Remaining unfazed, Sakura slowly stepped towards him, her eyes never leaving his, pleading him to accept her. But as she made her way to him, he backed away, shaking his head in disapproval. Sighing as his eye found hers momentarily, his shoulders slumped as he felt his resolve begin to crumble.                            
"Don't follow me" Kakashi stated flatly and firmly before vanishing in a whirlwind of leaves.                            
Sighing aloud, Sakura leaned back against the brick wall behind her, swallowing the words that never left her mouth. Feeling defeated and disappointed, she lowered her head, squeezing her eyes shut tight as if to fight away the tears, but the tears didn't fall for him, they fell for her. She had long since been acquainted with the feeling of never being good enough. Even in the beginning, she knew she would never be as great of a shinobi as the others in Team 7, but the constant rejection from her ex-sensei was starting to take its toll on her.
Was she still not good enough for him?
After their mission together, things had changed between them, there was no denying that. Try as they might, every time they touched, the electricity between them was still just as powerful, even when it came to routine first-aid after each of Kakashi's missions. The only difference was that Sakura was the only one who acknowledged the fact, and was willing to act on it. And each time she did, Kakashi pushed her further away.                            
"Why?…why does he still push me away?" she mumbled under her breath, her hands coming up to bury her face as she silently cried.                            
"What the fuck was that all about?" a dark voice beckoned from the corner of the alleyway.                            
Snapping her head up, Sakura paled as she saw Sasuke step into the light. As he made his way towards her, she quickly wiped away the tears that pooled in the corners of her eyes, hoping he hadn't heard her embarrassing rejection from their former sensei. Standing in front of her now, Sakura could tell he was seething, the anger emanating from his disapproving stare. As she stood there speechless and silently trying to avoid the upcoming conversation, she shrugged, feigning ignorance as she pushed off the wall and stood on her own.                            
"Oh…you know me, I get overly emotional when I drink too mu-"                            
"Cut the bullshit, Sakura. I saw him drag you out here. It offends me that you didn't even notice your own boyfriend inside the same bar as you. Seriously, what do you take me for?!" Sasuke blurted out through a tight lipped snarl.                            
Caught off guard by his abrupt anger, Sakura stared at him, scared and confused. As she digested what he had just said, her eyes roamed about his face, giving her mind time to form the words to explain their behavior.                          
"B-boyfriend? But…we aren't even dating!" she stammered before fighting the urge to burst into wild laughter.                          
"Of course we are!" Sasuke confirmed loudly as he slammed both hands on the wall behind her, trapping her between his arms.                            
His outburst was the last straw, she could no longer hold it in. Sakura threw her head back, laughing uproariously, the ridiculousness of the situation setting in. Slapping her knee as she continued to chuckle, she could hear the Uchiha growling as he watched her drunken giggle fit.                            
"What exactly are you laughing at? Do I amuse you?" Sasuke questioned tersely, his patience growing thin with the pink haired kunoichi.                            
"Pfft…Y-yes! Yes, you certainly do! 'Boyfriend' HA! Sasuke…we only had lunch together, and now you think we're dating?! If that's not funny, I don't know what is!"                            
"Don't play games with me, Sakura…I know you've been in love with me for years…I know you want me!"                            
Without warning, Sasuke crashed his lips down against hers roughly, pressing himself against her body, trapping her between him and the wall. As she immediately pushed against his shoulders, trying to stop the kiss, he grabbed her arms and forced them back against the bricks with a painful thud. Yelping in surprise as her wrists stung from the force of hitting the wall, Sasuke stole the opportunity to deepen the kiss, forcing his tongue inside her mouth with sloppy, urgent fervor.  
Refusing to let Sasuke continue to tongue rape her, Sakura fought through the discomfort and summoned enough chakra to her hands as she pushed the uncouth Uchiha off her, sending him flying into the opposite wall of the alleyway. As Sasuke hit the wall behind him and slumped down into the street, she crouched before him, a look of disgust written on her face as she eyed him with disdain.                            
"I may have been in love with you, but that was a long time ago…I'm afraid you missed your chance, little man. Actually, I'm not even sure you stood a chance. As if I would ever love someone who hated and ignored me" Sakura chimed victoriously over his crumpled form.                            
"Oh really?" Sasuke coughed, "So based on your logic, I suppose it's safe to say that you wouldn't love that old man, either… seemed like he left you high and dry."                            
With his words, her face twisted in anger, her leg winding back before it connected with his body, effectively kicking him square in the balls.                          
"Listen up you Uchiha-BAKA! He may have left me…but I certainly wasn't dry."                            
Shaking out her hair, and calming herself after her less than lady-like outburst, Sakura shook away her nerves as she turned on her heel, cracking her knuckles as she began to walk away. Satisfied with the sounds of his gasps and grunts through random expletives, Sakura marched away proudly, smile in tow.
Good riddance.
                            "Face it, Sakura…he's not into you. That man-whore will fuck anyone, hell, he's got quite the record I hear, yet he wants nothing to do with you. If he won't fuck you, I'm not sure you'll find anyone who will. Well, besides me, but I'm pretty sure you just burned that bridge, baby. After all these years, you're still the same annoying bitch."                          
The moment she heard him speak, she had stopped dead in her tracks. She told herself that listening to Sasuke would be like drinking poison, the words eating away at her and driving her mad, but she had to hear him out. And as the tears threatened to roll down her face, she knew he was right. She wasn't angry with him anymore, because he had only said aloud what she had been saying to herself all along.
She had heard the rumors about Kakashi's extensive track record. It was common gossip around the village that Hatake Kakashi was not only a man of a thousand jutsu's, but also a man of a thousand broken hearts. It was silly of her to think that things between them might be different. If it was sex he was after, he could have had her in every way possible, at least twice…but he hadn't. Throughout their entire mission, not once had he penetrated her, made love to her, or fucked her in the various ways she had imagined he could.
She had bared it all on that mission in Ame, she had done things she never thought she would do. Kakashi had opened her eyes to a slew of new feelings and experiences she was more than eager to explore, but upon their arrival back in Konoha, he had made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. Business was just that, business.
Needless to say, she was disappointed in herself and the way she had let their acting manifest real emotions within her, so much so that she could no longer tell what was real from what was fake. Her gut was telling her that their chemistry was undeniable, that the way he looked at her so hungrily was real, but her head was filling her mind with harsh truths about the ninja way and how much of a silly girl with a crush she was being.                            
Standing there, her head throbbing, her eyes bloodshot, and her heart broken, Sakura gathered the courage and strength to run. She wanted more than anything to run straight home and bury herself under the covers and sleep for days, but as she was about to take off, a familiar voice called out to her.                          
"Stop right there."                            
She knew that voice, she'd know that voice anywhere, for it was the one that haunted her day and night. It was his voice.
Kakashi's voice.
Turning slowly around to face the voice that called out to her, she swallowed as she saw Kakashi holding Sasuke by his throat up against the wall, his toes barely able to touch the ground.                            
"Apologize!" he ordered, only receiving a smug smile in return.
"APOLOGIZE TO HER. NOW."                            
"Make me, old man" Sasuke sputtered as he freed himself from Kakashi's hold administering a swift kick to his chest, pulling out a kunai to defend himself.                            
“Don't even think about it, Sasuke” Kakashi warned “You're on thin ice as it is being back in this village after what you've done. You so much as lift a finger to strike me, I'll have you thrown in jail for the rest of your life.”
Growling, Sasuke, tucked his weapon away. He hated losing to this bastard, but he damn sure didn't want to go to jail over someone like Sakura.
"Apologize for what you said, and then just admit you're using her!"
"What are you, her father?" Sasuke grumbled.
“Just do it, and you won't go to jail, smart-ass.”
“Whatever, fine. Sorry.”
"And I was using you, Sakura… just not in the way you might think."                          
Satisfied with his apology for the moment, Kakashi took his place beside the silent kunoichi.
Looking at her now, Kakashi knew it was all worth it, her tear stained cheeks had already begun to dry.                            
"Wait. What does that mean?" Sakura questioned, confused by Sasuke's phrasing.                            
"Well, not that it's any of your business, I was just using you to find out a few things about myself. It's been weird ever since I returned to the village, and being with Naruto all the time has started making me doubt…certain things. So I figured I would try dating, and I knew you liked me, so it made sense at the time" Sasuke explained as he steadied himself on his feet.                            
"What? What are you even talking ab- Oh! Oooooooh my god…don't tell me" Sakura beamed with sudden realization.                            
"DON'T say it!" Sasuke cut in heatedly. "I was only experimenting…to be sure!"                           "And…?" Sakura prodded as she waited impatiently for his answer.                            
"You totally love Naru-"                            
"Shut it!" Sasuke exclaimed as he began to blush.                            
Sensing it was time to go, Sasuke made both of them swear to uphold his secret so he could tell the dobe himself. And as he jumped up to the rooftops, vanishing quickly, Sakura was made aware of the tense atmosphere between her and Kakashi in his absence. Wishing to fill the silence, Sakura looked upon Kakashi with a lifted and curious brow as she stepped towards him.                          
"Thank you for standing up for me…but why did you come back?" she questioned, cracking a slight smile.                            
"No thanks needed, he was way out of line, that brat. And I….uh…"                            
"I came back…for you" Kakashi confessed tentatively.
"When I had made it home, I realized something. I have been on edge and irritable these last few months. For a while I thought it was just me being cranky and overworked, but that's when I realized I haven't exactly been with anyone in a while."                            
"Oh, great! So you just came back because you were horny? Honestly, you could hav-"                          
Before Sakura could finish her sentence, Kakashi had slid his mask down and grabbed her behind the neck, pulling her into him as he kissed her heatedly with want and all the built up tension they had stored between them. Melting into his body, Sakura returned the kiss with equal fervor, gasping as she felt the light flick of his tongue as it glided across her bottom lip. Opening up for him, Sakura allowed him entry, welcoming his warm muscle as it danced with hers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him against her as she hummed in appreciation, feeling his hands caress the sides of her neck, his thumb grazing along her jawline. Breaking the kiss for air, they looked each other over with an added sense of understanding as their desire still lingered in the air between them. Sakura openly gawking at the sight of his face for the first time, her eyes fixed on his perfect skin and debonair smile. She knew he had to be good looking, she just wasn't prepared for downright handsome. Chuckling at her blatant staring, a warm smile spread across his face, a smile that made her knees weak.
"I came back because I was tired of denying myself the only thing I have wanted for the last year. What can I say? You drive a hard bargain. It was damn near impossible for me to say no to you one more time" Kakashi admitted as his fingers caressed her cheek lovingly.
"Ever since that first lesson, I have thought of you…and only you. Trust me, I have tried to get you out of my head, but I'm afraid you left a far bigger impression on me than I intended…and I just had to be sure that what you felt was genuine, and not a side effect of the mission."                          
Giving him the answer he was looking for, Sakura kissed him again, her hands fisting in his hair as if to pull him closer against her. His own hands smoothing down her sides and around to the the small of her back, where they made the signs for his teleportation jutsu. As she broke the kiss, Sakura looked around, noting the newly changed surroundings as they stumbled into the dark foyer of Kakashi's apartment.
Without warning, Kakashi yanked her tiny black skirt down, allowing him to lift the unsuspecting kunoichi up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Pushing her up against the wall, they were once again a flurry of tongues and teeth as they all but consumed each other, hungry for more. After slipping his headband off, Sakura hurriedly unzipped his flak jacket before pulling it down over his shoulders as he shirked it off, throwing it somewhere into the dark room. As he kissed down her neck, Kakashi grabbed the zipper of her black crop top between his teeth as he freed her breasts from their confines. Taking in the sight of her, his mouth was upon her once again, leaving a wet trail of kisses down the valley between her perky breasts. Taking a pink bud between his lips, his tongue flicked over the nipple teasingly before closing around it completely, sucking gently at her flesh.                            
He groaned against her chest, loving the soft mewls and moans that filled his ear. A hand coming up to pinch the neglected nipple between his fingers, Kakashi worked Sakura into a frenzy as she squirmed against his body, gasping as she felt his arousal rub against her bundle of nerves through the thin layer of cloth her panties offered. Caught in a landslide of sensations, Sakura found herself rocking her hips against his, her body once again responding on its own.
Lost was she, as she cooed and whimpered, Kakashi's tongue working her over, his teeth scraping across her skin as he nibbled on her breasts, feeding her flames.                            
"God Sakura, I want you so bad” Kakashi whispered against her ear, his head nuzzling into the crook of her neck, “You have no idea how difficult it was for me on that mission… not being able to give you what I think we both wanted the entire time"                              
"Difficult for you?" Sakura chuckled, her arms wrapping around his neck, "I'm the one who was actually being tortured."                            
"Yes, but I couldn't stand doing that to you now… I can't wait any longer" Kakashi growled, pushing off the wall and walking back into the bedroom.                            
Yelping as they fell backwards onto the bed, Sakura pulled Kakashi's face down, kissing him again as her hands hurriedly removed her shirt and began ripping at the buttons on his. Sloughing off his shirt, Kakashi sat up and took in the view. Sakura was sprawled out beneath him, that same look on her face he recognized from the mirror that day. Lips parted, eyes hazy... oh how many times that reflection haunted him over the months since their return.
Slowly, he bent down, his fingers hooking the waistline of her panties, peeling them off of her. In her shyness, Sakura found herself needlessly trying to hide her most intimate of areas, Kakashi gripping onto her knees, parting them as he settled between her legs.                            
"Oh no you don't. There is no need to be coy now…" the silver-haired jonin remarked lewdly, as his head dipped down, kissing her inner thighs lightly.
"I've already seen you, and now… I want to taste you."                            
Inhaling sharply as she felt his feather light kisses along the inside of her legs, Sakura twitched, her mind reeling as she felt his heat between her thighs, his warm breath fanning over her sex. As soon as she felt his tongue slick over her lips, her legs widened willingly, her hips rolling as she urged him to continue. His fingers opening her up, Kakashi's tongue circled around her sensitive nerve bundle slowly before sucking on the bud, teasing her beyond her limits.                            
With out responding, the Hatake released her clit as he lapped at her core, tongue slipping inside her hot cavern which had already flooded, coating his mouth and chin with her liquid arousal. She had tasted better than he had imagined, her scent filling his nose with delight as he delved his tongue deeper inside her, his face nuzzling against her now as he pleasured her senselessly.                            
"Ka…kasha…I…I can't-"                            
Knowing she was close to release, Kakashi's hand came up, pressing down on her pelvis as he held her squirming body firmly down to the bed, keeping her still as he continued licking at her core. Then, he slid a single finger inside, his mouth now closed over her nerve bundle, his tongue tapping at it over and over. Feeling her inner muscles constricting, sucking his finger deeper within, Kakashi added another finger as he pumped them into her at a deep, and steady pace. While her body twitched, he began to rotate his hand, his fingers now digging deeper into her, groaning out as he felt the muscles clamp down on his fingers as they contracted around the intruders.                            
"That's it Sakura, come for me. I want to hear you."                            
At his words, Sakura gripped onto his unruly head of hair, pulling at the roots as her thighs closed around his face, her eyes shut tight as she threw her head back and came hard and fast. The burning heat had driven her into a frenzy, and falling over the edge with the copy nin's face buried between her legs wracked her body as her orgasm washed over her in violent waves.                            
"AHH…Oh, f-fuuuuck! Ka-kashi!" Sakura screamed as every muscle in her body went taught, her toes curling as Kakashi ripped her orgasm from her.                          
Feeling her body grow limp, Sakura melted back into the sheets, a satisfied calmness resumed in her as she opened her eyes. Swallowing harshly as her breath began to dry her mouth, she could feel her heart beating harshly against her chest, the heady sensations making her vision blur. Even through her haze, she could see Kakashi wiping his glistening mouth, now sitting up on his knees, smiling down at her.
She tried to contain herself as she watched Kakashi unfasten his buckle and pants, kicking them off to the side as he crawled back up to her, settling between her legs again. As he kissed his way up to her neck, he nibbled on her earlobe, his breath hitching as he nudged against her with his throbbing need, as if asking permission.
“I want you” was all Sakura could muster, she wanted him badly. Wanted to feel him, feel him inside of her in hopes they would be complete together. He made her ache for it.
Aligning himself with her scorching entrance, he exhaled slowly, slipping through her lips and into the warm depths that quickly enveloped his entire length. Groaning, he thrust his hips, diving deeper into her still.
"That's it baby, you can take it…" the Hatake growled against her as he tried to catch his breath, the delicious tightness of her body was distracting him from breathing.                            
As Kakashi made deep, rhythmic thrusts, his pace was slow as he kissed the kunoichi deeply. Her lips returning his enthusiasm easily as she moaned and whimpered with each thrust, the feeling of him filling her repeatedly quickly driving her closer to the edge once again. With each kiss, her face began to blush as she could only taste the remains of her last orgasm on his tongue and lips. It was a tangy, yet sweet taste, and she had to admit it, the thought of tasting herself was turning her on even more.
This man was very torturous, indeed.
As Kakashi tried to break the kiss, Sakura bit down on his bottom lip, sucking on it lightly before letting go, smiling at him deviously as he sat up, gripping onto her legs throwing them over his shoulders. Driving into her vigorously now, Kakashi's head fell back as he groaned, his hips thrusting deeper into her than before as he felt the familiar warmth pooling in his lower abdomen.                            
"Oh shit! Fuck, I'm close..." Kakashi gasped as he found release deep inside her, coating her inner walls with his arousal.                            
Collapsing into a tangled heap on the bed, their panting breath filled the empty apartment air as they rode out the wave of ecstasy together. They remained in each other's arms, neither of them wanting to move for what felt like hours, both enjoying the bodily comfort the other provided. They didn't need words in this moment. They could feel how much they meant to each other, there was no denying it now.
Laying silently in the moonlight, they enjoyed the cool summer breeze wafting over their dewy skin from the cracked window beside the bed, the chorus of distant tree frogs quickly lulling them to sleep.
As the early morning sun began to trickle in, Sakura became strangely aware of the warmth beneath her. Glancing up through sleepy eyes, she saw the handsome face of the man she loved, clear as day. Still sprawled out upon his taught chest, she stared at his exposed face, counting herself lucky to be one of the few that had ever been gifted the opportunity to witness it in all its glory. She would never tire of this view. Last night had seemed like another one of her dreams, the memories all flooding back at once, but all Sakura could do was smile as she felt such a relief that it was reality. It had been a long time coming, but it had finally happened.
Kissing the chest beneath her gently, Sakura slipped out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom. After relieving herself and cleaning up a bit, she splashed some cold water on her face and helped herself to some toothpaste, not wanting to scare Kakashi off with her morning breath.
Tip-toeing down the hall back to the bedroom, she spotted two lone picture frames along the wall by the door. The first she spotted was their old Team 7 photo, she was fond of that photo as well, and was happy he had kept it all these years. The second photo was from the day Tsunade promoted her to head medic at the hospital, Kakashi giving her bunny ears in the background. She hadn't remembered taking that photo, but it brought her great pleasure knowing that he cared enough to frame it and hang it in his home.
Perhaps she was closer to Kakashi than she had known, after all.
Leaning against the doorway to the bedroom, she watch his soundly sleeping form, the pooled sheets barely leaving anything to the imagination. He was stunning. She couldn't keep from staring, it was just  an amazing sight to behold.
“Alright you creeper, stop staring at me and come back to bed” he mumbled groggily with a smile, patting the empty space beside him.
More than happy to obey, Sakura joined him under the sheets, only now, a mischievous smirk graced her features as she thought of a little payback. Grabbing his abandoned forehead protector, she tied it around his eyes, blindfolding him as she rolled over, straddling him.
"I do believe it's my turn to torture you now…"
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