#madame sharly
ikebanaka · 11 months
So apparently Madame Sharly is Arlong's half sister! I now have a pressing need to know if he was a proper big brother or if he went dude, just because my deadbeat dad came back with a new kid doesn't mean we're family
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slaughtergutz · 9 months
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Chuu being 6 years younger than everybody else doesn't mean much when they're adults but it's absolutely hilarious when you consider when they were younger. He always got the short end of the stick.
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thehexxian · 2 years
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(set before the Strawhat Pirates come to Fishman Island)
The years had not been kind to Arlong, the defeat at Arlong Park had already broken him in a way, then the marine imprisonment...That had been the final straw. He had been abused and treated like the monster he always tried to make himself seem to be. Bones broken, scars that would be impossible to cover...being mentally torn apart day by day until he had no choice but to lock himself into his own mind.
That was the only place he was safe. When the Marine Imprisonment he was in was shut down, instead of being moved to a new prison, it was clear he would be no issue anymore. It was decided that he would be released and returned to Fishman Island into the care of his younger sister Madame Sharly.
He had become mute, sitting in silence staring off into the nothingness. Sharly had tried to bring him back to his old self and even had his old crew from the Fishman district to him, nothing seemed to work.
Eventually Sharly accepted her brother was gone.
Years had passed now and the events at Arlong park seemed as if they were all but a very distant memory, but in truth, only 2 years had passed. Sharly had recently been in contact with an old crew mate of his, Hatchi. Hatchi had told Sharly of a young human girl that Arlong seemed to actually have some sort of relationship with, which Hatchi suspected was of a romantic nature, tho Arlong never would have admitted it. This new information had given Sharly the idea, contact the human girl and ask her to come to see him, perhaps she could break him out of this.
Sharly pulled all her contacts and had managed to track the girl down, it had surprised her. This girl was young, 19 years old to be exact and small. She wouldn't have pictured her brother to go for a short girl, but Arlong never was one to fit the ideas expected of him. Her letter had outlined the issue at hand, had explained that Arlong was mentally shut down, she detailed the abuse as best as she knew, but she was aware there was so much she couldn't explain. She asked her to come, to at least see him, speak to him, that maybe she would be able to get some sort of reaction.
Sharly didn't expect a reply. She half expected the girl to ignore it all together. Hatchi hadn't always had the most reliable source for information.
The last thing that was expected was a young woman showing up at the Mermaid Café, introducing herself as the one Sharly reached out to and that she had come to see Arlong. She said had she known Arlong was freed she would have been here sooner. Sharly had her taken back to Arlongs room, letting her go inside and the door shutting behind her.
There sat Arlong, his eyes were blank. She had never seen him like this. She stepped forward and said his name, he didn't even look up at her. a few more steps and she reached out touching his arm. This still gained her no reaction. The girl reached up, lifting Arlongs face up to meet her own. His eyes meeting her own. There was nothing. No sign of him in there ant more. Her eyes began to tear up. There was a small hope in her that he would see her and something would happen, but that hope had died seeing this now.
There was no point to her having come here, she resented seeing him now, cause this was now her last memory of him, She couldn't stay here. She was about to turn and leave, but something in her told her to wait, she leaned in and kissed him. He seemed to twitch slightly at this, which made her think of one last thing that may bring him back.
She got upon her knees in front of him, reaching forward and undoing the tie upon his pants and freeing his cock. She grabbed it and began to take care of him as she once had. Arlongs cock began to get hard, she was sure it was simply the stimulation but hopefully it would trigger memory soon. HIs cock was now rock hard and she worshipped it. Taking his length between her lips and using her tongue along the vein. All the things she remembered her loved. Her skillful mouth working his cock, feeling his body begin to react, his breath hitching. She looked up seeing his eyes, he was watching her now, his mouth open, slight moans escaping his lips.
HIs hand acting from memory reaching up and tangling in her hair, guiding her head and down as his hips began to roll in time with the movements. Soon he was moaning loudly, and his head was thrown back. She knew his body, knew his reactions, and knew he was about to release.
Begin a fishman, he always came far more then an average human man, she never could swallow it all, but she always tried.
Just as she thought he shoved her head down and with a roar he came down her willing throat, She took as much as she could but some escaped the corner of her mouth. She pulled back and tried to wipe it away from her lips.
"You always did look so beautiful with my cum upon those lips of your." said Arlong.
She snapped her head up and saw him looking down at her, a familiar smile upon his lips.
He was back, her Arlong, her fishman was back.
Tears streamed down her cheeks and she jumped her up, leaping into his arms. He caught her and held her as tightly as he could.
"Im not going anywhere, I swear." he said in all but a whisper.
All she could do was hold him. She would try to fix all the damage from the last two years of his imprisonment later, but for now, she would simply hold onto him.
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551-552: "The Battle Is On! At Conchchorde Plaza!" and "A Surprising Confession! The Truth Behind the Assassination of Otohime!"
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I knew that scumbag Hordy was behind Otohime’s assassination! Oh, I only wish I’d been a fan while these chapters were being released so I could have made a bet with someone. Then again... everyone reading at that time probably knew too. I mean the flags were vast and red.
As soon as I saw the title for 552 flash up, I thought, “Yes. This is it. Hordy is gonna confess.”
Was not disappointed.
And that wasn’t all. The reveals kept coming. The circumstances of the assassination? Check. Madame Sharley’s family? Check. 30,000 hidden human slaves? Double check. Plus, I finally know what Noah is (yes, it is a “what” and not a “who”). And it is currently being controlled by Decken who has finally gone off the deep end.
Why Does Hordy Look Like He’s About to Judge Someone on a Talent Show?
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Have to say, I forgot to mention something in the last post. Neptune brought up an inconvenient truth about the Fish Roids. Those rad pills that grant you super strength? They come packed with horrendous side-effects. Namely: they take years off your life.
Maybe that’s why Hordy has snow white hair now as well as a water shoot attack that can fell buildings and destroy royal army squadrons.
Episode 551 served pretty much to build Hordy’s threat potential as a villain. And boy it was done in quick time. By the end of 551, he had strung up Neptune, decimated the royal army, the royal ministers and had defeated all three princes.
I kind of hate Hordy’s guts right now, so it was nice to see the islanders so concerned for their beloved king, shielding children’s eyes as the execution convoy flew past. Neptune’s guard tried to take a stand, but Neptune told them to run, not to die a meaningless death. See, that’s the difference between a good king and Hordy (I refuse to call him a king. He ain’t crowned yet). Neptune cares for his people and they respect and care from him in turn.
At the plaza, Hordy’s Head Goons assembled. Brave islanders climbed the walls because they wanted to rescue Neptune. They had prime seats for the upcoming show.
By the time they had scaled the fence, Hordy had cleared out the royal guard and installed himself on a giant pink beanbag throne. Neptune was trussed up to a St Andrew’s style cross. No idea if there’s any symbolism there, but Andrew was called a “fisher of men”. Maybe it’s just the whole martyrdom thing. Being willing to die for the peaceful ideals of Otohime. Or maybe Oda just thought, “Yeah.... saltire crosses. That’ll do.”
One poor soldier tried to pull off a suicide attack. If he could just take out one of the Head Goons before the princes arrived, it would aid the rescue effort. But the merciless hype machine ground its gears and the solider became fodder for Hordy’s power up. 
It was an impressive power up. Just the normal water shoot bullet but ramped up to eleven. BOOM! It blasted through walls, buildings, rock formations and only lost momentum miles away at Mermaid Cove. I thought, “This guy really is a scumbag. He’s just wreaking havoc and destroying things because, lel, this is fun and I have the power now.”
Then the princes arrived. I finally remember all of their names! Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi. Better late than never. The spectators on the wall cheered. The princes were here! King Neptune would be saved! Hurrah! The princes declared, “WE WILL SAVE YOU, FATHER!”
I felt like Madame Sharly. I could see what was coming a mile off.
Fukaboshi, because he’s going to become king someday and be fucking excellent, gave another good speech. “Why don’t you understand, Hordy Jones? You people are the weakest on this island [Hordy was triggered by this]. The other islanders were trying to ignore the history of discrimination by humans and to forgive the murder of their hero and their queen who died at the hands of a human [oh, Fukaboshi...]. They endured their pain to change their future and sign their names. Why can’t you appreciate the boldness and kindness of their decision?”
Because he’s Fishler, that’s why. You can’t reason with Fishler types. You could say, “Well, remember that chap Whitebeard? He was an alright human, wasn’t he?” and a Fishler would shriek, “NO, HE WAS JUST PRETENDING! WHITEBEARD WAS FAKE NEWS!” Or, “Have you ever been to the surface, Fishler?” and they would reply, “NO, BUT I DON’T NEED TO.” (I think Hordy has because he’s a pirate, but the attitude’s the same).
I don’t know why they talk in caps. But 
Now, the annoying thing about Hordy’s goons beating down the princes was that those boys are actually no slouches. Were it not for the Roids, they could easily have kicked ass.
But Hordy claimed they would never lose, as the had been, and I quote, “given great power from above.” From above? As in the surface? Now that’s suspicious. Who has been supplying these Fishmen with Roids? I half expect Vegapunk to be involved somehow.
At any rate, the Head Goons showed their stuff. Roided up, they were faster, stronger and crushed the princes. And they were strung up alongside their dad.
And It Gets Worse
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No, not just because of the crowd of Hordy’s followers baying for blood.
Back at the Sea Forest... the fight between Jimbei and Luffy had been off-panelled.
This, I think, is weird. We did not get to see Luffy in a mangled, defeated state. We never got to see Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Robin or Franky. All we heard was Jimbei saying, “Phew, he gave me a hard time,” before he escorted Shirahoshi back towards the palace.
Except that didn’t work out because they thought a balloon version of Neptune was the real thing and were netted and dragged off to the plaza. (I am suspicious of the lack of Luffy, so I kind of hope this is a roundabout scheme from Jimbei. Schemes wouldn’t work with Luffy but maybe Jimbei’s clever enough to steer him in the right direction and count on Luffy being Luffy to sort things out in the end).
Hordy was pleased at the special delivery of Jimbei, Shirahoshi and Megalo. Before that, he didn’t want to kill his hostages until Shirahoshi was lured to the plaza. It’s her power to call Sea Kings that he feared most and other than Neptune, she is the one he wants dead most. It was also the only reason he teamed up with Decken. (Now it makes sense! I thought Hordy only wanted a way into the palace.)
The poor audience of islanders on the walls, though... they were distraught. It was like a quadruple whammy of gut punches. First Neptune, then the princes, and now Jimbei and their beloved princess Shirahoshi. I mean, I’d wager Jimbei is almost as much of a legendary figure as Fisher Tiger nowadays. To see him brought so low must be truly shocking (still hoping it’s a ploy).
Now Hordy’s only concern is what the Strawhats will do. He guessed they’d return to the palace, free Zoro, Usopp and Brook. But he had some surprise guests waiting for them...
Yes, that’s right! 30,000 human slaves Hordy caught! Plus another 70,000 armed thugs (fodder for Strawhats). “One hundred thousand outlaws together!” he crowed. I guess this proves Hordy can perform basic addition.
I mean, there were a few female and child slaves along with the male ones, but they would be taken care of later. And I don’t think he means given a hot meal and a roof over their heads. :|
Madame Sharly Steps Up
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This is when the episode got Extra Juicy.
Madame Sharly stepped up, spoke up and got Hordy so wound up he snapped and went completely off the rails in public.
“You fools are a dishonour. Horsing around in public. You kids have no class at all. Don’t push your luck. I just wanted to say one thing to you since you’re at the height of your glory: a man will destroy Fishman Island.”
“Wasn’t it me you saw?” Hordy said, modestly.
Bad news, Hordy. “No. The man who will destroy it is Strawhat Luffy. I can’t tell what he’ll do specifically. But it is not you. The one who will determine the fate of Fishman Island is not you, Hordy Jones.”
Let’s just say this news was not received positively.
As Madame Sharly is another legendary figure in Fishman Island, her not backing Hordy’s rise to power was disastrous PR. Even the goons were freaking out. “Omg, that means Hordy will never gain control of Fishman Island. Her predictions are accurate!”
The Hordy stepped up and slapped the crap out of Madame Sharly.
Forget what I said last post about not wanting Luffy to come and sort shit out.
Get down here now because this guy needs taken down a peg.
I was so enraged by Hordy’s obvious threatened response to Madame Sharly that when he revealed she was ARLONG’S SISTER (WTF??) I barely heard it and had to rewind and watch it again. He also bare face admitted to her he was only using the Arlong Pirates name to unite people under his banner. 
Properly triggered by Sharly’s lack of support, he went on a mad, Roid-Rant, yelling that HE was the ONLY ONE who could take over Fishman Island. His scheme is ten years in the making! He had the power to do it. ONLY HIM. OH, AND BY THE WAY, YOU KNOW THAT QUEEN YOU ALL LOVED SO MUCH?
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I think this is Hordy’s biggest mistake. Some of you guys in the comments for the last post talked about Luffy sorting out Fishman issues not being a problem because would Hordy really have many supporters to resent Luffy?
After this, I am convinced he won’t have any. Because those islanders on the wall? They were enraged.
While Hordy had his villainous, “YES, IT WAS ME!” moment, a flashback revealed he did pay a human to be involved in the assassination. At first, I thought Hordy just paid the human pirate to shoot her. Was shocked but no surprised to learn that he hated Otohime so much that he wanted to pull the trigger himself. The human accessory only set fire to the petitions.
Hordy has gone so far off the deep end with the lack of Sharly support that he forgot that triggering Shirahoshi has geological scale consequences.
“Don’t you think she was annoying?” he said straight to Shirahoshi’s face. “She begged everyone not to seek revenge against humans but to be friends with them instead. She was bugging me because she’d almost accomplished her goal. I wasn’t satisfied with just killing her. [No of course you weren’t...] To me, your mother was someone who deserved death. I came up with the idea to make the best of her death, that would allow me to stoke the fire of hatred towards humans, that Fishmen citizens once had, and destroy the islanders’ stupid dream once and for all! I’d frame a human for killing her. You were all fooled exactly as I hoped. She was worth killing, right, Shirahoshi? She wasn’t killed by a human. She was killed by me. I, a kinsman, did it.”
I thought the earthquakes would start and the Sea Kings would begin, slowly, to stretch it out over several episodes, to swim towards Fishman Island. 
But no.
The twist was even better!
Shirahoshi turned to Hordy and said, “I already knew.”
Honestly, I was as shocked as Jimbei. Even Hordy was dumbfounded. 
I cannot wait to find out how Shirahoshi knew. I mean, if she knew and didn’t tell anyone, that’s a pretty big ball to drop, you know?
Oh, and I forgot to mention this guy...
Decken: King of the Incels
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This is some next-level creepy madness, let me tell you. Especially when the news only a couple days ago reported that some incel just shot up a yoga studio because “women”.
I mean, Decken has a neckbeard and is even wearing a Fedora. It’s like Oda had a vision of the future and turned it into a pirate because the reality was just too weird.
Anyway, Decken has also gone off the deep end, and has adopted a: “If I Cannot Have Her, Everyone Will Die” mindset. To achieve this, he has brought to life an ship called Noah built by Fishmen “a while ago” (hmm.... seems older than that, but I’ll run with it.
I’m half thinking Noah could it be one of those Pluton-like weapons because the ship is half the size of Fishman Island, apparently. Great for ramming into a protective bubble and killing everyone in it, eh? Woo hoo! What a great guy!
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*whistles innocently*
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dragal20 · 4 years
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And I thought Madame Sharly was a decent size...
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missbingu · 3 years
I like that Madam Sharly’s mermaid tale looks like an Orcas.
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The Big Day
(Part 2)
•Their Reactions•
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(Kiefer told him during a party at the Slytherin dorms)
Kiefer: *Nervous* So...what do you think, B?
Barnaby: *Slurring due to being a bit tipsy* I hoooonnestly think that iiiit’s a grreat ideA! Youuu desherve to do it. Sharlie’s goooonnnaaa get ten galleonsh though.... I’m b-blaming youuu.
Kiefer: *Pats his back* Thanks big guy. Try not to drink yourself to oblivion okay?
Barnaby: *Absentmindedly nodding* Mhmkay!
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(She approached him after their class on CoMC and Charlie grinned widely when he saw her coming)
Charlie: *Pats Kiefer on the head* I’ve kind of been expecting this since Monday when Barnaby gave me the money.
Kiefer: *Eyes widening* He told you?!
Charlie: *Smirks* Nah, we betted on when you’d gather your arse to tell us. Thanks for the money.
Kiefer: *Grumbles*
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(She opened up when they were at the RoR, binge reading muggle comics that Ben brought them)
Tulip: *Throws popcorn at Kiefer*
Kiefer: Watch it, Karasu!
Tulip: *Continues throwing popcorn at her*
Kiefer: Haven’t your mother ever taught you not to waste food?
Tulip: Haven’t yours taught you not to waste time?!
Kiefer: *Flinches* I-I wanted to make sure....?
Tulip: *Pelts her friend with popcorn all throughout their stay in the room*
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(She cornered him at the library and told him of her plan and that he’s going to be needed after everything)
Ben: *Yelps*
Madam Pince: *Hisses* Quiet!
Kiefer: Sorry Ben but yeah, I’m going to need you. All of the gang, in fact.
Ben: *Stammers* What if I mess up my part?!
Pince: Quiet, Mr. Copper!
Kiefer: No, you’re not gonna mess it up because I trust you and I know you can do it!
Pince: Ms. Ledrick, this is a library!
Ben: *Sighs* It’s not going to be for months and months right? Good, I have time to prepare myself.
Pince: Mr. Copper, I’ll throw you out if I hear—
Kiefer:*Cheers in delight* Years even and thank you!
Pince: *Banishes both of them from the library*
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(Kiefer mentioned it through their letters and she was surprised when he demanded her to meet him on their next Hogsmeade Weekend)
Bill: *Tears up* Is this what all proud fathers feel when their daughter is leaving the nest?
Kiefer: *warrily* Bill, don’t you dare.
Bill: *Cries loudly* You and Charlie are graduating and I’m so proud of you!
Kiefer: *Embarrassed* William Weasley! Behave or I’m going to start owling your mother!
Bill: *Pouts* You’re no fun to tease anymore, Ledrick.
Kiefer: *Smirks* Blame the twins. They taught me that owling Molly is the best threat to a Weasley.
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(Kiefer told her while they were hanging out at her room)
Kiefer: So...what do you think?
Rowan: You’ve got a plan on how to do it?
Kiefer: *Rubs her neck* Honestly no, that’s why I wanted to ask you for help.
Rowan: *Grins* What took you so long to ask? C’mon Ledrick, let’s plan!
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(She went to him after Transfiguration Class)
Andre: Can I plan everything?
Kiefer: *Confused* Rowan and I already have a plan...? Weren’t you listening?
Andre: *Snickers* No no! I meant the robes! The dresses! The decorations for the whole place!
Kiefer: *Laughs* Of course! You were going to be my first choice for that anyway. But let me receive an okay first, alright? I don’t want to dash your hopes.
Andre: *Stares in disbelief* How are you even the top student in our year?
Back to present with Jacob
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Jacob: Wow... So who had the best reaction when you told them your plan?
Kiefer: *Snickers* Believe it or not it was....
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(This was after dinner and Kiefer dragged her away to tell her the plan. Rowan amusedly followed them)
Kiefer: ...And that’s my plan.
Tonks: *Stunned*
Kiefer: Tonks...? Nymphado—
Tonks: *Snaps out of it and demanded to Rowan* How could you let her?!
Kiefer and Rowan: *Confused and stared at each other*
Rowan: Huh..?
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Kiefer and Rowan: ....
Kiefer: Right..I forgot how much of an anti you can be when it comes to marriage. And I’m just going to propose! Not marry her on the spot!
Tonks: *Whines* Why can’t you guys just live together? That’s like the same.
Kiefer: And is akin to temporary. I want Penny and I to be permanent, thanks.
Tonks: It’s just a piece of paper!
Kiefer: And that paper shows that I only belong to her.
Tonks: *Grumbles*
Kiefer: *Sighs sadly* So I take it that if Pen and I are going to be wed, you won’t attend? Pity, because Penny would have to choose a different Maid of Honor then.
Tonks: *Gasps* Hold your horses! I’m going to attend that blasted thing but that does not mean I’m accepting the idea of marriage!
Kiefer: *Grins* And that’s all I’m asking. You shouldn’t be so adverse to it though because who knows what can happen in the future.
Tonks: *Shudders* I’m never going to get married. Ever!
Rowan: *Hums* Never say never...
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🎬 Nico Robin from One Piece? or perhaps someone like Reiju or Madame Sharly?
I’ve seen like 3 or 4 episodes of One Piece, couldn’t really hold my focus sufficiently for me to watch much more, so likelihood of anyone from that is... really, really low.
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slaughtergutz · 9 months
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I'll build you a ferris wheel That you can ride whenever you want So you can see the Moon And feel the Sun on your skin You'll never have to be afraid again.
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slaughtergutz · 10 months
Draw Shraley or I walk /j
(Preferably with Arlong)
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missbingu · 3 years
Madam Sharly looks cool.
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529-530: "The Fish-Man Island Will Be Annihilated?! Sharley's Prophecy!" and "The King of the Fish-Man Island! Neptune, the God of the Sea!"
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A rare image of Hordy Jones stepping on a lego.
Only had time for two episodes tonight. Luckily, there was enough in them to write about: including the reveal of a villain (always exciting!)
His name is Hordy Jones. He is angry, he is a Fishman, he looks oddly like the guy from ACDC and he has... a dog slung round his neck?
Not to mention the prophecies, designer boutiques, royal invitations and awkward questions.
Dreams Do Come True in Fishman Island
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The episode opened with Luffy, Usopp and Chopper rushing around the harbour town, looking for a human - any human - who could donate Sanji’s blood type.
Luckily, a pair of nice okama stepped up and saved Sanji’s life. Of course, when Sanji regained consciousness, he freaked out. Usopp and Chopper both had to remind him to thank the okama. Come on, Sanji. Not cool. They saved your life in a place where donating blood is an act of great political significance. Show a little gratitude, eh?
While taking a break from Sanji’s fool antics, Chopper examined a strange mark on Luffy’s arm. Turns out it was poison! Luffy took a hit from Hyouzou (how did I miss that?) Chopper declared it very potent and wondered how the hell Luffy survived it. He asked if Luffy had ever been poisoned before.
Oh boy, Chopper. Does Luffy have a story for you. It can be told in one word: Magellan.
(Seriously, though, did Luffy not tell the Strawhats what happened to him while they were sailing, or was it all so next level that being poisoned to near death was not one of the major highlights?)
Camie, who had come to see how Sanji was doing, took Luffy and Usopp back to the Mermaid Cafe dorms. On the way, they called in to see Madame Sharly: a beautiful shark mermaid with premises at the back of Mermaid Cafe. (I think she might own the cafe because she gave Camie the day off to show the Strawhats round Fishman Island?)
Not Unless You Play the Lottery
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Oh, and she is also a dab hand at crystal ball fortune-telling and has been since she was little. She has correctly predicted a few cataclysmic events, including the war in Marineford and Whitebeard’s death. Recently, she’s stopped using the crystal ball because she can’t stand knowing bad things will happen. I suppose Whitebeard is the kind of guy that would go to war no matter what. I can’t see anyone convincing him otherwise, even if it was someone like Sharly, who knew he’d be killed in battle.
I wonder if she’s been burned before by using the crystal ball? She was all dramatic and stared off into the middle distance when she said, “It’s better not to know the future.” Something has clearly gone wrong in her life that she has that attitude to such a strong power.
Luffy, who seems to be living on another planet at the moment, said, “All very well and good but do you know how mermaids poop?”
That’s right, Luffy. Always asking those important questions!
It was round about then that Camie realised she’d forgot to deliver the clams to Pappagu! So they hurried off to find him at another, fancier cafe up in Fishverly Hills (lol), where they found Brook, aka Soul King, living it up with Pappagu and a couple of mermaid fans. (I love how famous Brook is in his own right and not just as a member of the Strawhats.)
There was a lot of good world-building here. Courtesy of Pappagu, who tried so hard to be a Good Exposition Starfish (why won’t anyone listen to him?), I now know that Merpeople don’t eat meat and fish (but Fishmen do). That King Neptune runs the Island. That, if a Merperson and Fishman marry and have kids, any children they have will either be a Merperson or a Fishman, not a harmonious amalgamation of both. 
And the good news is that the Flying Dutchman/Captain Vander Decken stuff was not a random encounter character to be used once and disposed of! Not sure what his role will be yet, but Oda seems to have something planned, as he has been given backstory. Turns out Brook was right about the original Flying Dutchman crew being several hundred years old, but the original Captain Vander Decken reached Fishman Island and died there. The one manning the Flying Dutchman now is Vander Decken IX, his descendant. Apparently, the guy has a bounty and the whole island’s been looking for him for ages because he started sending unwanted love letters, packages and threatening marriage proposals that scared the princess to the point a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Looks like someone can’t take no for an answer, eh?
But the most interesting thing was this.
Big Momma’s House
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Luffy noticed the sign on a candy factory. Pappagu explained that when Whitebeard had shuffled off his mortal coil, the role of Fishman Island Protector became vacant.
The position was filled by Charlotte Linlin (or Big Mom, to the rest of us): one of the four (now three) Yonkou. She hasn’t been mentioned since Thriller Bark, so I was excited for that miniscule teaser Oda gave. 
Big Mom demands loads of candies as a fee for her protection. This confused Luffy. “But she’s protecting this land after old man Whitebeard died? Isn’t she a good person?”
Pappagu shrugged, as only starfish can. “Whitebeard didn’t demand anything, but maybe Big Mom sees protection more as a business.”
Interesting... she’s definitely a different kind of Yonkou.
But I didn’t have time to think about it for long because the action switched to Sharley, who had burst out onto the street, freaking out about Luffy, begging everyone she could  grab hold of to “find Strawhat Luffy and throw him out of this country!”
Wait, what...? Wasn’t she happy to see them ten minutes ago? Why? What had caused the change of heart?
Apparently, she saw a vision of Luffy in her crystal ball: an image of him surrounded by fire. “At Strawhat’s hands, Fishman Island will be destroyed!”
Eh? Surely not. There has got to be some mistake here. There is no way Luffy would sink Fishman Island. Or at least not on purpose. That is the only way I could believe Sharley’s vision would ever come true.
This Guy Is So Hard, He Puts Sharks in Sweaters
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Cliffhanger over, I steamed straight onto episode 530. After a dark and mysterious opening (more on that later), the action cut back to the Strawhats. Pappagu was explaining his job. Turns out he’s not just an adorable starfish on land: in Fishman Island, he is a Super Influencer: a rich designer and president of the Criminal Brand clothing company - a famous fashion line.
As they approached one of his shops, the Strawhats heard some serious, weapons-grade haggling within. 
Of course it was Nami! 
The harassed shopkeeper was pleased to see Pappagu. This lasted until his boss told the Strawhats they could have as much free clothing as they liked in return for saving his ass at Sabaody.
Pappag, that was a rookie mistake. Never tell pirates they can take as much free stuff as they want. THEY ARE PIRATES! xD
But that was not the only drama going down in Fishverly Hills. Outside, there was a commotion. The Strawhats, Camie and Pappagu went to check why everyone was shrieking.
King Neptune had arrived. The big, bearded, booming-voiced ruler of Ryugu Kingdom and Fishman Island. Golden rays of light bathed the spectators. I wondered why he kept mispronouncing the word “ham” in Spanish.
It was the first time Camie had ever seen him. The King only descended from the Upper World if there was trouble. He hadn’t brought guards. Very strange! Ryugu Palace is a sacred place for Fishmen. A celestial place where ordinary people aren’t allowed to go. Where the princes and princess live.
The King turned and said, “Oi, Megalo. Are you sure these are the guys?” When the cute, sweater-wearing shark popped out of nowhere and confirmed (I love that it has a name), King Neptune invited the Strawhats to Ryugu Palace.
“Is there good food there?” Luffy asked. Priorities, amirite?
“Of course. We’re planning a banquet,” Neptune answered.
Luffy couldn’t have accepted any quicker. He piled onto Neptune’s fishboat with Usopp, Nami and Brook, then looked back. “Aren’t you coming?” Camie and Pappagu were frozen in awe.
“We don’t deserve to go to Ryugu...”
That was the Wrong Answer. Rank and status does not impress or intimidate Luffy (and that’s one of the reasons I like him so much). He told them to stop being dumb and get on. 
It’s funny how the rest of the Fishmen and Merpeople are so awed of Neptune, yet he was completely unbothered when Luffy invited some commoners to his house. Neptune is either more chilled than he seems, or he is up to something.
But not everyone is as enamored with King Neptune...
This Guy Is Not A Fan
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This is the Fishman behind the New Fishman Pirates: Hordy Jones. 
Now, I can’t help but compare this guy to Arlong. He’s a shark fishman and he has similar views to Arlong.  
Hell, Arlong was the first real villain I took to in One Piece. The first real threat. He did horrific things. I’ll never forget that black and white scene when he shot Bellemere in the head. When Nami broke down and Luffy laid his straw hat on her head. Then there was the walk to Arlong Park. All those iconic moments.
Hordy Jones has big shoes to fill. It’s early yet, so I’ll wait until I’m further in to make any judgments. When I first watched Thriller Bark, I was kinda bemused by Moria, then he ended up one of my favourites. 
This guy has got a hold of some Fishman Roids and likes necking a ton to gain super strength. Apparently, the Roids shorten lifespan but Hordy does not care. When a bunch of escapee human pirates were reported for desertion (they must have met Hammond and enlisted. Now I think I know why there haven’t been many visitors to Fishman Island lately!) Hordy ate a meaty fistful of those Fish Roids like they were candies someone had packaged up for Big Mom.
Then he swam off and deliberately crushed the deserters while handcuffed to show how strong he was. It was cool the way he punched through the ship like a cannonball. He also let the hapeless crew live because: “Humans killed Fisher Tiger and shattered Arlong’s dreams. The dark and tragic history of Fishmen Island will end with us, the New Fishmen Pirates. You humans, survive with cuts and bruises to show the people on earth what happened to you in the sea, and who you met. Tell them how horrendous it was. We’ll capture the centre of the world, Fishman Island, from the gutless god of the sea, Neptune, and drag you humans down to the dark sea bed. You’ll all learn that the Fishmen are the superior race.”
I can tell he’s ambitious, is this Hordy Jones.
Unfortunately, the very same humans who crushed Arlong’s dreams have just landed on Fishman island. And he knows it. I wonder what he’ll say to Luffy when he meets him. That should be an interesting conversation.
Oh yeah, and Caribou has escaped the barrel because some mermaids opened it. No idea what he’s up to now, but it won’t be anything good.
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Say yes to drugs on Fishman Island!
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