#made it into almost every fukin photo
pink-slutress · 5 years
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I was gonna airbrush the shit out of my skin but then i realized that if i ever get famous and my fans look through this shit i want them to know acnes cool and its okay to have a funny looking face like me because just like me one day all my little ugly ducklings will be hot as shit
Hnnnggggh #1 is hot as shit
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lmolm · 6 years
pls post ur thoughts on that youngk + flower crown photo i promise i'll read all of it, i have so many thoughts n feelings abt it
oof.,,,. he’s so so so cute in that picture? i know I say it about every single picture of him but this one? extra cute. he has such delicate face features and his eyes…… oh god his eyes. look at them. even when closed. so pretty. so beautiful. his beautiful nose. god i love his nose so so much. the little nose tip is so fucking cute and kissable. wanna give 100 thousands smooches. and he has prettiest lips ever. they look so soft. god i’m jus 🤯🤯🤯 with thoughts right now like this picture. it really made my brain meat work. god. and look at his hair. he looks so beautiful with longer hair…… it almost shaped a heart on his forehead jfdghffhb aaaaaaaaa :,)))(((((()))))) anf that flower crown?????????? Looks like a halo. young k is a fukin angel #confirmed :(((((((((
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bloodbending · 7 years
spiderman has always been my favorite superhero ever since the first movies w/ toby mcguire came out, so i rlly liked all the attention and work they put into this new rehash of the character. like his characterization is BEAUTIFUL. tom holland did SUCH a good job portraying him that i was seriously torn between thinking he was cute and wanting to protect him with my LIFE
side note, tom holland is definitely the type of actor who is only cute in action.. like he doesn’t look that cute in photos but u fall in love with him on screen
like.. down to the inflection of his voice to his body movements and facial expressions--everything was full of the anxiety, energy and ambition of this brilliant but inexperienced high schooler who wants to be a great hero? like no overwrought grittiness or darkness... he just purely wants to be a good honest superhero... i LOVED every second of it
and yes i was kind of mad that MJ had next to no narrative and barely affected the plot but damn.. zendaya got the best fuckin lines. like... the best fukin lines. the theater died laughing. her character was phenomenal even if she had little impact on the plot, and it made me very, VERY excited for her development in the next movie and the development between peter and her. like.. it’s almost like a slow burn yall WSDJFKJSDNGKJDG
the only thing i wanted to see was more memorable action sequences? like the elevator one was fantastic and i liked the boat scene but something about them just wasn’t like.. unique enough i guess? idk something about them didn’t make me as excited and pumped as say, wonder woman’s action sequences
also the twist.....during actual homecoming... boi now THAT was a mf SCENE!! I WAS SHITTING MY PANTS FROM THE TENSION LOL
anyway i love spidey and i loved this iteration and i want the sequel to be even better
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