#made this to destress after bad kin feelings
jack-of-amulets · 9 months
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Enter Bunnix
- Nathaniel’s birthday!
- He’s 15 now as well
- Really only the other rich kids know that it’s his birthday
- Mostly because he gets a bit overwhelmed with large amounts of attention on him
- He’s shy, let him be quiet in the back where he doesn’t get in trouble
- Because tomato here has some good o’l ✨trauma and daddy issues✨
- Nathaniel has a huge crush on Mari here
Alix: Nath, you have a crush on anyone that’s nice to you that you don’t consider family
Nathaniel, immediately: That’s not true!
- It is
- Nathaniel has internalized homophobia
- Not to say he’s rude to people who are gay!
- He just won’t let himself accept that he is gay
- Because he knows he would probably be sent away by his dad
- Alix managed to get her hands on a 72 piece set of copic markers and honestly
- Nathaniel wasn’t even surprised
- Chloe nearly made her dad buy Nathaniel a fucking house for his art on his birthday since it’s his stress reliever
- And god knows how much he needs to destress
- The poor boy literally uses every excuse he can to avoid his dad and stays at the school until it’s closed
- His dad is a heavy drinker, and is a violent drunk
- He has assaulted Nathaniel before
- He doesn’t have a mom, as she divorced his dad when he was little
- His dad didn’t even really raise him, blaming him for the divorce
- Even though he was the one that was cheating
- Alim has called him out on this several times
- Nathaniel considers Alim as his father as he raised him more than his bio dad
- Nath is also a history buff because of this
- Especially when it comes to historical art pieces
- Him and Alix have been caught clinging to each other regularly because that’s just a thing with Kubdels
- They will cling to you
- Nathaniel was drawing in science class and Mrs. Mendeleiev yelled at him for it
- She called him out on failing science to literally everyone else in the class room
- And then proceeded to insult his art harshly and send him to the principals office
- Alix was sitting next to Sabrina, who was having to grab her wrist so she didn’t jump out of her seat and break her nose
Sabrina: I would love to let you go and let you go feral on her but I don’t want you getting in trouble. But trust me, it’s tempting.
- Sabrina was really tempted to let her do that though as she was pissed too
- Chloe was not being restrained by Max however, and proceeded to absolutely destroy Mendeleiev for slandering Nathaniel
- Most of the class was pretty startled about this, since they had assumed she didn’t really care about anyone after Dark Cupid
- Marinette came in late, so she didn’t see Mendeleiev yell at Nathaniel
- Nathaniel was akumatized into Evillustator, with the goal of proving how good of an artist he is
- Marinette was in the group with Chloe and Sabrina
- Alix was partnered with Max and Kim
- Alix didn’t miss Alya saying unlucky and glared at her for it
- Chloe did ask if her and Sabrina could work alone but was still denied
- Marinette was not looking forward to working with them and was miserable, expecting to have to do all the work
- Chloe and Sabrina however, offered to split the work evenly between them
- Marinette didn’t believe them but agreed to it anyway
- Chloe was a little bummed about Alix not being in their group
Chloe: I wish Ally-kins was in our group. I suck at science.
Sabrina: Alix is who we want for history, not science.
- Marinette mistakes this for them using Alix for good grades because she’s smart and she ends up disliking them even more
- She makes a mental note to try and keep Alix away from them so they can’t use her
- Sabrina has more of a personality compared to canon
- She isn’t a pushover, and doesn’t do Chloe’s homework for her
- But she is extremely smart, able to complete complex math problems in seconds
- Sabrina however is hyper and gets excited when she has a new friend
- Chloe is just snickering as she circles Marinette like a puppy
- The three of them end up working in the library for a little while
- Sabrina was muttering about how she was annoyed that she wasn’t able to give Nathaniel his present
Marinette: Present?
Sabrina: It’s his 15th birthday today! Alix already gave him some copics. I had gotten him a new tablet that came with an apple pen since he’s been wanting one.
Chloe: He wouldn’t let me get him a studio, so I just got him one of the Limited Edition Graf von Faber-Castell pencils.
Sabrina, choking: How did you get your hands on one?! Theres 10 and they cost $12, 800 each!
- Cue Marinette cursing and wondering why she didn’t know that and why the hell they spent so much money
- Chloe still gave Sabrina the hat because she had it on her
- Mendeleiev was in the courtyard when a giant Bunsen Burned started chasing her
- Alix had peaked out of the art room to see that
- She was with Max and Kim still though and couldn’t transform
- Chat Noir showed up, destroying the Bunsen Burner and looking around for the cause
-Evillustrator was on the second floor and rolled his eyes when Chat spotted him
- Chat was noticeably upset realizing it was Nathaniel who was akumatized
- Ladybug showed up soon after and both ran into a wall
- Alix was a little freaked out about the situation and super worried about him
- She had just had to sit out on fighting her brother now it’s her best friend?
- Chloe was clearly worried as well and nearly screamed when Evillustrator popped up for a moment to hug her and Sabrina
- Sabrina did actually scream
- He left before Ladybug and Chat got after them
- Ladybug was quite angry with them, assuming that Chloe was the reason that he was akumatized
Ladybug: You got another person akumatized? This is the second one!
Sabrina: Hey, Chloe didn’t do anything to Nathaniel! She defended him! Mrs. Mendeleiev is the one who hurt his feelings!
- Bunnix showed up and Chloe fangirled immediately
- She doesn’t like Ladybug as much with the false accusation and assuming
- But didn’t blame her too much as she wasn’t aware
- Ladybug just sighed and went home, detransforming in her room at the same moment Evillustrator came in
- She nearly hit him with a peel
- Marinette didn’t really know how to react about the fact he had a crush on her
- I mean, she barely knew Nathaniel
- She didn’t even know that it was his birthday
- She did agree to coming to his birthday party, feeling bad
- Then noticed that his iPad was buzzing like crazy
Marinette: Your iPad seems to be getting notifications quite a bit
Evillustrator: Huh?
You have 7 missed calls
Alix Kubdel: Nath, please where are you. You’re making me scared.
Adrien Agreste: Nathaniel? Please, answer. We’re here for you.
Sabrina Raincomprix: We’ll make sure Mendeleiev is punished for this! We all love you very much.
Chloe Bourgeois: This isn’t your fault Nath. I’ll get daddy to do something, I promise.
Jalil Kubdel: You ok little brother? You can stay with us tonight. You don’t have to deal with the scumbag. We’ll keep you safe, always. I heard you were akumatized. You’ll be ok soon, I promise.
- He actually started crying
- He didn’t realize that they cared so much
- Marinette had texted Alix that Evillustrator was in her room
- She got close to the bakery as Bunnix and then detransformed
- She had tackle hugged Evillustrator as soon as she got to the room
- Hawkmoth of course was screaming in his head to attack
- But this only made him even more irritated with Hawkmoth, Nathaniel being able to shove down his negative emotions
- This is how he managed to become the first person ever to break akumatization on his own
- Both Alix and Marinette of course were shocked
- They didn’t even know that was possible
Alix: I..Nath..
Nathaniel, coughing with a smile: Love you too sis.
- Marinette trapped the Akuma in a glass bowl so it couldn’t escape and cause a stone heart situation
- Alix was so incredibly proud of him and hugged him even tighter
- Marinette joined in on this too
- When Chat reached the scene, he was stunned
Chat Noir: Did you two break the object?
Alix: Nope..he rejected it himself.
- Alix was so freaking proud of him
- Nathaniel ended up staying with the Kubdels that night instead
- Alim had even gotten him a gift and planned a trip for his birthday
- They watched Nathaniel’s favorite movie, ignoring Nathaniel’s dad the whole night
- The class had crowded him with questions on how he broke akumatization
- Which he just answered by saying that he loved his family enough
- Chloe got her dad to fine Mendeleiev too
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
Here’s Scout’s SFW A-Z
Alignment :: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play? Neutral Good to Chaotic Good. Wants to do the right thing, and sometimes that means throwing out the whole law.
Beverage :: What do they most like to drink, and why? Infused water. He's especially fond of cucumber/mint/lime.
Co-Habitate :: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in? Lives in the manor, when the gang isn't traveling. He has a lot of energy and expects everyone to keep their shit fairly tidy. Don't let you messes spill into common spaces, it's rude. You can keep your space however you like as long as it doesn't stink.
Decor :: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details? He leans towards calm soothing colors. Soft textures. Clean lines, but comfortable. He doesn't like his home to feel sterile.
Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it? He explores a lot, and loves climbing things. He has a tendency to climb the nearest, tallest thing and jump off. It's not even an elegant dive, he just kinda hops, feet first. He uses gravity magic to slow, then stop his descent, but Piper still hates when he does it.
Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them into emotional goo?Pluckiness. The “won't give up” attitude will win him over pretty quick.
Grudge :: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long? He doesn't usually care. If someone is rude he tends to ignore them. When he was younger he'd get indignant and lecture people, but now its usually an awkward silence followed by a “OH. DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?” With people close to him, he takes it very personally, and tends to respond with hurt over anger.  He does hold grudges, but never over things done to him, but rather the people he cares about.
Hobby :: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising? Cartography. He enjoys making maps of the places he explores. Even just little maps of the different layouts and locations for their campsite.
Insomnia :: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper? He sleeps deeply, but restlessly. He's been known to roll off the bed. He snores if he's on his back, but its a cute little “mweh heh heh” like his laugh.
Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard? He believes, but is a little more realistic than some. He knows it takes work and communication. Good news, he's good at both of those things. Now to find a partner also good at those things.
Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family? He alternates between “physical embodiment of the concept of chaos” and “one of the only responsible adults around here”. It depends on mood and context. He can wrangle people pretty well, but isn't nearly as diplomatic as Lief.
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it? He'll follow most laws easily enough, as long as they don't get in the way of doing the “right” thing.
Magic :: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock? Human magic would be surprising, and exciting, and a little scary. His curiosity would probably win out, but there'd be a touch of caution lingering as well.
Network :: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others? Scout is friendly and likable. He makes friends easily. He doesn't quite have the talent of Lief, he's not quite as diplomatic, but he's still fairly quick to get “in” in any particularly location.
Offspring :: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple? Scout would be a pretty good parent. Definitely the kind to keep his kids on a schedule and in several extracurriculars. Encouraging, and firm, but fun. He'd be happy with one or two, probably no more than four. He wants to make sure he can dedicate enough time and energy to each kid.  
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence? Scouts not a fan of violence, but also tends not to take it to seriously. His coping mechanism it to make it fun. He has decent aim, but he weilds his warhammer with a grace that would seem impossible given the things proportions.
Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about? He has pretty good self confidence, but he has the occasional bad day. He's pretty good at picking himself back up though. He hates being seen as a child. Its one thing to be a little “childish” but he's is not a kid. He's an adult, hell, his actual childhood was cut short and he stepped up to raise his brother. He's not a kid, and he resents any implication otherwise.
Reminder :: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks? Scout has a schedule and he keeps it. He tends to all of his needs on a pretty strict routine. It's flexible enough to account for random events, but he made specifically to be manageable even on the go.
Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head? Scout loves to sing. He's not the best at it, but he can carry a tune. However what he lacks in skill he makes up in energy and fun.
Touch :: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big? What's a personal bubble? Scout is a very tactile person, and has a tendency to get into other people spaces. Make it clear you need room and he'll back off, but his default tends to ignore that people like to have some buffer.
Upcoming :: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans? He has ideas, for what he would eventually like, but not really planned time lines. He lives in the day, and as opportunities arise, he'll take them.
Vice :: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of? He's reckless and doesn't always think things through. He gets an idea and just, does it. Things often end up blown up. Scout has no shame.
Wardrobe :: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces? Everything he wears has tons of pockets. He likes canvas fabrics for outerwear, and softer cottons for anything that actually touches him. Greys and blues primarily, but he'll do earthy colors to blend in if he needs to be more stealthy.
X-Ray :: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves? Scout is obsessive about his health. He takes very good care of himself.
Yack :: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about? Explosives. That one bird he saw. That one (and only) time Piper actually did a chore. He bounces topics a lot, and can chatter about nearly anything.
Zodiac :: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? He's a Capricorn. Hard-working, stubborn, and relentless are all traits that fit him well. Pessimistic and responsible are hit and miss. Same for sensitive, up-tight and and practical. In some ways he is, and in others very much not.
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etastra · 4 years
wanted dynamics !
under the cut are some dynamics i’d like for each of the 13 ! some are romantic, some antagonistic, some platonic, some a combo, some can turn platonic/romantic, etc.
someone that is his go to for destressing - and no, not through sex, but through massages & a regular self-care day/night. jiwon often ignores his cosmicness til it feels like his skin is fit to burst, and he always remembers his humanity through something grounding like that.
first love !! jiwon’s first love was in middle school, a year or so after he reached awareness, and they were the first person who he told All about the stars and about his super cool memories/powers. it’s childish and sweet and innocent, and it could be the same, could be completely new, could be nothing more than fond childhood memories
follower ? brother ? neither ? give jiwon someone who actually knows what he is. not who but what, as in someone who still worships the 13 like the old gods they are, or who grew up hearing stories about the 13. give jiwon someone who Knows, and someone he can be himself around, someone he can ask for help in finding his kin
artist rivals !! youngsoo is the epitome of snobby art student, who can quite proudly boast his work pieces have been displayed in local exhibitions and scrutinized/praised by critics. give him someone to challenge him artistically, someone he appreciates because of the challenge, someone he can’t help but respect as a result
if not artist rivals, give youngsoo a critic ! someone so harsh and unforgiving that youngsoo is determined to prove them wrong, to show that his artwork is more than the elementary vivid array of colors it’s always called, that he is more than the harsh words thrown at him.
good/bad influence ! junseo is an alcoholic, which means this could go either way - someone helps junseo open up about the source of his issue and is another beneficiary & positive influence, or they’re his go to for partying, for drinking, for binging til he blacks out
trainees/idols that knew his sister - his sister that died in a car crash which gave him his stutter, that was close to debut, whose death is the reason he drinks so much and he basically ran away from a home full of incomplete memories. maybe they asked his parents for his info to catch up, to find closure of their own in junseo. this could be anything !
hobby buddies !! aoyun, as much as he is in utter love with the stars, is also fascinated by the humanity in hobbies. the utter care & focus people give to one hobby, to developing a craft. and so when he’s not stargazing, when he’s not working, when he’s filled to the brim with a wonder and fascination befitting of the stars, he’s picking up every hobby out there. and fortunately, or unforunately for your muse, they’re dragged along
fwb & unrequited love (?). hojin has never been able to distinguish between platonic and romantic love, sharing affection so freely that people have given him looks with how shameless & giving he is of it. so give him one of his friends he’s fallen into bed with one night, who have a thing together, who don’t put labels because, as hojin always says, ‘who needs labels for fun’
fan and content creator interactions ! hojin regularly puts out animated shorts & clips, of what-ifs from movies & shows & books & games. and maybe your muse has been following him for some time, and finally reaches out. and hojin knows his animations are enjoyed but to this extent ? he’s so starstruck himself that he’s going to eagerly keep reaching out !
apartment neighbor plots ! literally anything but romantic/sexual plots ! give me kyungmin constantly saying hello by leaving a plate of freshly baked cookies, or a container of still warm soup on your muse’s doorstep without ever saying hello. give me kyungmin slipping notes under their door because he speaks slow & soft & quiet and would rather write than speak. give me eventually meeting & becoming friends ! literally anything and everything
pen pals !!! hosung has always had trouble making friends, ever since he was sent to public school and was shunned for his parents’ deep pockets. so he took to the internet, took to coding, to hacking, to pass the school years by. and along the way, he’s made a friend, one who is probably across the world, one who knows he suffers from chronic night terrors and is a walking corpse half the time. but oh, would ya look at that, they live in the same country, the same city!
'i’m no one, i didn’t do this !’ uh-oh, hosung takes a job that he doesn’t think twice about, that is just a paycheck to feed his cat and keep the lights on at home. but the person who asks him to hack & deliver classified files ( whether it’s your muse or an NPC ) turns on him and suddenly hosung is on the run. or he’s trying to prove his innocence. this poor, sleep-deprived boy just wants to get through his life simply, and yet he’s thrown headfirst into the dark underbelly of the world
childhood friends !!! whether his best friend from elementary school or one of his close friends from before, who can recognize how wildly different he is now, who only remembers him as a happy go lucky kid. so who the hell is this uncaring, mask-wearing guy ? what happened to daeho ?
partner in crime ! daeho doesn’t partner up often, if at all, but he’s a greedy thing and can never say no to a guarantee score. maybe your muse is just the perfect partner, one of the only ones daeho will seek out again for another crime, something bigger & bolder & grander ( bonus points this turns bonnie & clyde esque uwu )
occasional collabers ! minjun is a busker, most time, and can only earn so much money with just his soft crooning vocals and his adequate guitar playing. so give him another busker, one who dances while he sings, one who plays other instruments. hell, give him a crew of buskers that he joins or forms until they become their own thing
odd time job friends ! busking only provides so much, so minjun takes up odd jobs everywhere they’re available. maybe they met while doing the graveyard shift at some tiny mart that doesn’t even need one night guard, let alone 2. or maybe they met when the pizza place sent out 2 delivery people. or maybe they always take the same shifts
someone in the idol life ! a scouter, a CEO, a trainee, an idol, a manager, anyone ! give me someone who saw minjun sing, who knew he’d be good for stardom, who is having the damnedest time trying to scout minjun because minjun doesn’t want to be famous like that. he doesn’t want to be an idol, he refuses
looking for: model ! chunyu’s muse, chunyu’s inspiration, chunyu’s subject. give him a close friend who models for him, who he helps reach fame and grander connections all thanks to his camerawork, his mind
looking for: hiking/exploration partner ! chunyu’s muse comes from beyond people, from beyond humanity, stemming from nature and its beauty and its intricate idiosyncrasies. he gets so lost in exploring that he winds up bruised easily, so please save this photographing loser from bruising himself further
looking for: best friend :( his go to, the one he always turns to when parents are asking if he’d change his mind and decided to join their organization, the one he always takes to charity galas when his boyfriend isn’t free, the one who knows how much he wants to be a good son and not the sure disappointment he must be to parents who wanted him to be a philanthropist like they
carefree to kwangsu’s stressed - kwangsu rarely lets his hair down, so to speak, too stressed about law school, about becoming a lawyer as soon as he can, about his studies. so give him a close friend who can coax him to relax, who takes him out to carnivals and amusement parks just to see him laugh genuinely. and maybe his stress & studious habits rub off a bit
choi kwangsu, that name is awfully familiar.... give me someone who recognizes his name from old newspapers, from that one case of a corrupt lawyer whose shady dealings lead to his only son being kidnapped. maybe your muse is the kid of one of those shady people, maybe your muse is the kid of the officer who rescued kwangsu, maybe your muse is just a fan of old crime cases
streaming buddies ! hyunjun’s a growing twitch streamer and always features friends in his streams. maybe your muse is a friend he coaxed into joining one, or maybe your muse is another streamer that fans asked for a collab, or maybe your muse and hyunjun has started up a playful rivalry
frat bros ! frat bros for life, frat bros ride or die together. honestly, hyunjun is super close with his big and grand big in the frat house, and he’d be utterly lost in college if not for them taking him under his wing. give him his big, his grand big, give him one of his other frat bros
opposites attract, sorta ? hyunjun is the chillest frat bro you will ever meet, and a major social butterfly to boot ! he has friends in what feels like every major, every grade, hell even in the other frats and sororities. so give me a muse who is the opposite of frat bro, someone that hyunjun goes to for help with anything not video game development related, or who always study together, or who became friends b/c hyunjun was drunk that one time and tried making pizza rolls and set off the fire alarm
a regular - insu never takes regular customers, enjoying the change of pace, enjoying the presence of different hands on his body, enjoying the comfort and security and sick fun in dropping someone whose time and money isn’t worth it anymore. but maybe your muse has thick pockets that insu is only too eager to dip his fingers into. or maybe your muse has his most recent of addictions in easy access, both easy encouragements to sticking around.
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t-zeitel · 7 years
A-Z. All of them. Ever.
 .... you asked for it. :P Behind cut for WALL OF TEXT.
Alignment :: What wouldbe their D&D alignment? How might it come into play?Chaotic Neutral for the most part. She will follow her own ideals andthe law vaguely, but the needs of her and her own come first and foremost.
Beverage :: What do they most like to drink, and why?Coffee made into syrup by liberal application of sugar. Which she’s hadto lay off of for the past few months cause is it turns her stomach with thekiddos. She’s gone to mostly water and she’s started appreciating Sokh’s teasmore.
Co-Habitate :: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need toknow” before moving in?With her lovely hubby and with her sister and her brother in lawcoming and going as their work allows. What you need to know? She’s going tomake you the best breakfasts of your life – pancakes so light they could floatif given proper motivation, herb infused syrups, fruit cut into fun shapes. She’sgoing to ruin every other breakfast for you. You have been warned.
Decor :: What kind of home do they keep? Are there anydefining details? Nothing extravagant. She likes comfortable places tosit with others or read or just relax. She doesn’t like too much clutter butisn’t going to obsessively pick it up. Her home looks lived in but neat. Andthere are always flowers around somewhere that she’ll end up changing out nowand then.
Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it?Usually go out and blow up something or convince Sokh to spar with her.Since she can’t really do either at the moment, she’s taken up attempting tosew, which, honestly was a horrible idea. She’s lit more than one piece offabric on fire in frustration.
Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them intoemotional goo?Goofy happy Sokh smiles. She’s done. Just scoop the goo that T’zeibecomes into a little bucket and be done with it.
Grudge :: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold agrudge long?She holds a grudge like a miser holds a damn coin.She’ll act like she let it go but she WILL NEVER let it go, forget it orforgive it.
Hobby :: What’s something they do for fun that might besurprising?When no one’s home, when she’s sure she’s alone, she attempting to learnhow to play music. She’s horrible at it. But she’s trying.
               Insomnia :: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer?Sound sleeper?She sleeps fairly soundly and regularly normally. When something is awryor as it currently is (husband’s aether all squirrely and her sister burningcandles at every end), she sleeps lighter and is prone to getting up and doinga ‘patrol’ around the house to check on everyone at random times during thenight.
Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal?What’s their standard?To a point? There will always be troubles and interesting times, shefigures, as long as she’s with Sokh (which is the rest of her life). She ishappy. The ever after isn’t important.
Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do theyconsider others family?She’s the one that will mother hen you and comfort you while asking you ‘whodo I have to go murder, sweetheart?’ in a voice that leaves no question thatshe would willingly and often do it. She tends to be very protective of thepeople she considers her family, both blood and not, and time or distance doesnot change that. If someone she hadn’t seen in years asked for her help and shehad at one point considered them family, she would be putting on some armor,grabbing a weapon and going to bash some heads.
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are theyselective about it?While laws aren’t meant to be followed to the tee, nor are they meant tobe broken willy nilly. If she does something to break a law or bend a law, it’sfor a good reason. That said, she’s likely not going to go out and murderpeople on a daily basis. No matter how much she wants to.
Magic :: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or iseach instance a shock?She makes fire with her hands and her mind and her heart. Magic is aneveryday occurrence in her house hold used for even mundane things.
Network :: Are they connected to the people? How much do theyreach out to others?Honestly she tends to keep to herself, more afraid of what other peoplewould think of her than for lack of social graces. She likes talking to peopleand helping people but she’s awkward about approaching people or making thefirst move. She’s more likely to force herself through her problems then askfor people’s help.
Offspring :: What kind of parent would they be? Would theyprefer one, or multiple?She’s terrified that she’s going to be a horrible mother but she’lllikely be a great mother. Although she’ll likely be the one that the kids won’tbe able to get away with giving the puppy eyes and getting away with things.The stern but loving momma bear. Woe be unto anyone that tries to harm herchildren. They likely won’t see the next day.
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’stheir opinion of violence?She’s skilled with fire and at least passable with a rapier. Violencefor violence sake is horrible but for defense and protection of her and herloved ones it’s a hundred percent allowed and encouraged.
Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics arethey defensive about?Daily? In different levels. She feels awkward about things and doubtsher skills are worth anything. She doubts why people would want to be herfriend but she keeps this all under lock and key. She’s very defensive (and maystart pulling out fire and sharp implements) should anyone say anythingsideways about her husband or her family.
Reminder :: How are they at remembering daily needs? Whatfalls through the cracks?She’s pretty good at daily lists, both for herself, her job and hergeneral tasks. Things that fall through the cracks usually end up being mildlyunimportant – little things that she had to do, little cleaning tasks that canwait. She doesn’t let the important things slip up.
Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listenoften/sing/hum/play songs in their head?She loves music – a hold over from her days as a dancer. She’ll move unconsciouslyto any music around her and will often hum and dance while she’s cooking. Sheloves catching Sokh humming or mouthing words to a song. She has no voice forsinging (alas, vulture, not songbird). She’s trying to learn some musicalinstrument just to keep up.
Touch :: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubblebig?With people not in her family, she has A HUGE DAMN personal bubble. Donot touch the cat lady. Do not poke the ears or tail. Do not. Those that sheconsiders family? Sure, touch. Not anything super personal but she’s not goingto claw someone if they give her a hug or a little arm pat.
Upcoming :: How much do they think of the future? Do theymake long-term plans?She tends to take things at a cautions ‘one day at a time’ pace. She hasvague plans but she honestly never thought that she’d survive life this long,as bad as that sounds. Life before now had been a ton of battles and potentialfor death and injury. Now that she’s almost peacefully living and atradeswoman, she’s trying to come to terms with the fact that she could happilylive til she’s old and grey.
Vice :: What bad habits do they have? Is there something theywould be ashamed of?Not really? She’s horribly boring when it comes to vices.
Wardrobe :: What’s their fashion style? Do they have anystaple pieces?ALL THE COMFORTABLE THINGS. She’s recently discovered ponchos and lovesthem so damn much – it’s a blanket you can wear! Do you realize how amazingthat is!? She also has a soft spot for insanely tall boots.
X-Ray :: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they takecare of themselves?She’s in very good health – mostly because she has to keep herselfhealthy to make sure everyone else is taken care of, or at least that’s whatshe tells herself. She isn’t prone to getting sick and tends to bounce backfrom injuries quickly enough. Granted, that’s more because she’s too stubbornto sit around for too long.
Yack :: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What dothey go on about?She could go on for days about plants and baked goods and dancing andmagic. She tries not to because she just imagines people’s eyes glossing overafter a little while. But get her drunk and ask about any of them and she willtalk to you for hours and you will be her best friend.
Zodiac :: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? What wouldyou pick, if it’s unknown?Capricorn. A lot of it fits really well for her. “…they are ambitious,conservative, determined, practical and helpful. …sometimes their negativequalities – suspicious, resentful, inhibited, pessimistic and stubborn – are clearlyseen, but deep inside the Goat is a humbled heart.
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