#amulet variants
atinyladybug-art · 1 year
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The 963 Variants in a nutshell.
From left to right we have:
Dr Myriad by @mattastr0phic
Dr Clover McCoy by @the-land-of-dreams
Dr Jaylynn Finch by @frogsforthefrogwar
Dr Abirt Kravitz by @atinyladybug-art
Dr Robert Blank by @u-got-lynks
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jack-of-amulets · 1 year
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the transparent version
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jasper beloved blorbo in law <3
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the-land-of-dreams · 1 year
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drew my friend @fiveeeee 's 963 rewrite, Dr. Jasper Amos! magician boy is gettin pissy >:-3
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God the brain rot on the Amulet Variants are real. <- been drawing many amulet variants lately
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moved-accounts-btw · 1 year
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Gun out, Chest out, Middle finger out ---------------------------------- SCP-983 [Old Western Charm] J-████ A. Wolcott // Her/They/Him // Adult TW. Body horror, Eye horror
Physical and Characteristics:
Wolcott is a human (transgender-neutral) born on February 14, 18██.
Shares more similarities with her mother, Evelyn, than the rest of her siblings, even resembling some of her grandparents' features.
Experiences stiff joints or a loss of motor skills during the melting process, often requiring a walking cane, especially during winter.
Struggles with mental health and needs to maintain a one-foot distance from Sadie or wear a protective glove when interacting with her.
Often gets too hot to the point of needing to wear breathable clothes or wear shirts unbuttoned, especially during the summer.
Wolcott has the ability to melt into different binary genders or even a non-binary gender. This would weaken her temporarily; her joints would need time to recool and settle into their new environment, while her system needed to clean itself from any ill or unwanted items inside of her. If a pen were to get trapped in her, for example, it'd melt and give her some unknown illness similar to a fever.
Her eyes have some type of appearance, but it's not always the case. 45 percent of the time, her eyes would appear to be ripped out, and an empty socket would be in their place, or the ooze would drip from her eyes. She wears a blindfold to hide this.
Anomalous Properties:
Her amulet works the same but would keep the former's mental state or their physical form, depending on which one Wolcott picked. After a certain moment of time, her mental state will begin to decay (which is where the former's host mental state comes into play, switching her mental state with theirs), and her body will melt into a glop of molten amber.
Wolcott possesses a unique and dangerous ability: she can bend reality with her imagination and creativity.
This incredible power comes at a great cost. To control her abilities and prevent them from causing havoc, Wolcott wears a shock collar to allow her to snap out of her imagination before it goes south. The collar suppresses her reality-bending abilities but also serves as a safeguard to keep a malevolent entity, known as "It," from taking control. She usually keeps it under her bandana.
Her reality bender can also be created from her nightmares. Wolcott's nightmares are harrowing experiences. She often wakes up coughing up black sludge, a manifestation of her inner turmoil. It'll summon sludge-like creatures from her mouth and nose, even sometimes from her eyes.
Though Wolcott's eyes remain intact, she frequently envisions them ripped out. She can see, and there has been a moment of her eyes showing, but 99% of the time they're covered by bandages or 'ripped out.
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mariyekos · 6 days
alternate universe where fresh-out-of-the-shower dante hadn't put on his pants yet when arkham shows up at the beginning of dmc 3 so he goes the rest of the game dressed in nothing but his coat and strawberry print boxers-
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mcsm-confessions · 10 days
Honestly the only negative thing I have to say about block by block: the amulet is that I’m a bit disappointed that they’re using red suspenders Jesse.
I have nothing against him I just feel like we always see him everywhere (Like in let’s plays, ads for mcsm, and even fan projects)
It would have been nice to give one of the other Jesses a chance to shine (Like how Netflix used green suspenders and red clip Jesse).
Regardless, I’m still excited for it!
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wyvolf · 1 year
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Wyvern reveal !! He’s still similar appearance to my personal Bright design bc… it’s what the brain demanded and I felt if I changed too much it’ll be hell on earth for me (idk how to explain), but uuuhh! Clothes are temporary till I think of something more unique lol! Gonna call the hair extension looking bits “tassels” bc that’s a funny word and I like it- I did take them from an older OC grins. The injury is from falling off a horse similar to what happened to me, bc if I don’t imprint even a little I will explode.
Also not on the quick ref bc I forgot but his eyes can turn to like… slits but not necessarily cat like. A secondary side affect of the amulet. There’s still a lot of things I’m trying to work out, if you have questions on wyvern don’t be hesitant to ask! Also! Unlike other rewrites/amulet wearers he isn’t a site director at all! Still a researcher!
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river-roots-17 · 2 years
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Some progress on my Amulet of the Devout. It’s coming along very slowly.
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atinyladybug-art · 1 year
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The Amulet Variants on a boat! It be boating day.
From the left to right, we have:
Jasper Amos (purple) by @fiveeeee
Jaylynn Finch (yellow space buns) by @frogsforthefrogwar
Dr Myriad (fish) by @mattastr0phic
Piper ‘Metamorphosis’ Danaus (holding Fish Myr) by @nach0
Dr Hive by @handsome-john
Dr Clover McCoy by @the-land-of-dreams
Mentioned in the helicopter: Robert Blank belongs to @u-got-lynks, Abirt Kravitz belong to @atinyladybug-art
Thang Edit under the cut:
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jack-of-amulets · 1 year
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Come join my SCP themed (though can be multifandom) server! Kin/System/Irl friendly, and overall pretty cool!
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some beloved amulet holders ! trying to draw more,,
dont think ive drawn hive before? they belong to @handsome-john
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gracefireheart · 4 months
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Got DnD on my mind, so here's Demoman as an Elf Blood Hunter, Medic as a Tiefling Cleric, and Heavy as a Half-Orc Barbarian 💃
Btw, if you haven't already, please go and sign the petition for #FixTF2 that's on this site right here: https://save.tf/
A few side notes for these three drawings:
If you're wondering what race and class (and maybe subclass) I chose for the rest of the squad, you can read the post I made right here. And since making that post, I also tried assigning backgrounds as well (that comes with the basic DnD Player's Handbook). Demoman would be (as you can obv see) a Sailor, but moreso specifically the Pirate variant. Medic meanwhile would be a Sage (that was actually pretty well respected, but then did something that got him kicked out). And I thought that Heavy would probably be a Hermit. As for what I picked out for the others; Soldier is a Soldier, Spy is a Criminal (Spy variant), Scout is a Charlatan, Sniper is an Outlander, Engineer is a Guild Artisan, and idk what to pick for Pyro between Folk hero, Urchin, and Noble.
At first, I was a bit iffy what to pick for Demoman between him being an Elf, Half-Elf, and a Minotaur. But then I said "Fuck it. I don't care if Elves are supposed to have lighter skin and straighter hair or whatever, let this handsome af man be an Elf with long, curly hair." I like it :)
I had such a struggle trying to figure out how to color Medic's outfit o(-( At first, it was going to be a lot of off-white colors with a bit of red, then some off-white along with some red and black, then darker colors with some red, so on and so forth. Ngl, it tired me out a lil' orz Oh, and his holy symbol is an amulet he has hidden away in his clothing.
The staff Medic's holding is something I tinkered around with quite a few days ago riiiight here. Idk, I just really liked how the staff looked :')
Imo, I was a bit lazy with Heavy's outfit orz Mostly 'cause I have no clue how to spice up Barbarian clothes besides "give it a bit of fur."
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windvexer · 7 months
To prepare a feeding oil for spells, for the purpose of charging spell vessels without direct energy work
In my strain of witchcraft, feeding of any spell (such as amulets or wards) is best done by applying a charmed physical substance, such as oil or incense. To use direct energy work is a stopgap solution not suitable for normal upkeep. To imagine the spell refilled with energy, without active energy work, is never a suitable solution.
Feeding of spells can be made from a chore into a breeze (*1950s commercial transition*) with the use of a small quantity of pre-charmed oil, such as olive oil, or any shelf-stable cooking oil (not E.O.). The most basic of these formulas is only a fat or oil with no other ingredients added.
Charming about an ounce or 30ml of oil will last months or more, even if you use it often.
The preparation is best performed on a Monday or full moon, or from the turning from midnight to the new day. Re-enchant the oil as often as desired, especially if it couldn't be initially enchanted under ideal conditions.
Put the entire quantity of oil you want to use in a clean, sealable container. Take the oil to a place free-flowing with magical power, such as under the full moon, in the presence of your allied gods, or within a cast circle teeming with elemental power.
Enter magical headspace through trance or any technique you prefer.
Using a clean stirring stick, or with a very clean finger, stir the oil clockwise while petitioning the powers in your presence. Call to the full moon, gods, elementals, and so forth, and ask them to bless the oil for the purpose of feeding, so that when spells consume it, the spell is revitalized and made fat with power. Speak plainly or plan a rhyme ahead of time. Work over the oil with constant stirring for several minutes, or until every petition is made, or until you have said everything that needs to be said.
When intuition advises, or when there's nothing left to be done, perform a sealing charm ("so mote it be" or variants) over the oil.
Thank all present powers and, if your tradition recommends it, provide payment as necessary.
If any energy is left raised, ground all of it into the oil.
Seal and set aside. Close the ritual as you normally do.
To feed a spell as you are casting it, or after it has been cast, dab a bit of the oil onto a tissue or Q-tip and wipe it on the spell vessel. Avoid sticking fingers into the jar as bacteria helps oils go rancid.
Re-enchant the oil in the same method as often as you like. To top off the oil, add more oil and re-enchant.
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moved-accounts-btw · 1 year
TW: Body horror/ Body gore/ Insect. [The Image below will contain dislocating of parts. The Text contain concept of Bug horror]
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Changed my concept of the Amulet, instead of her being a reality bender. She's a parasitical being that claims and reusing bodies. The detail behind the new rewrite.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The inspiration of the infection came from the locust infestation and Yellow fever, and one of my ocs. The infection initiates upon contact with the amulet, whether through physical touch or by opening the compass, which pierces the person's finger akin to a mosquito bite. A distinctive copper-hued mark resembling a compass rose manifests in the center of the hand, accompanied by an excruciating, unending itch and intense searing pain. This mark progressively expands, leaving sporadic spots on the limbs until it encroaches upon the torso. Remarkably, this phase is completed within a mere two weeks before transitioning to the next stage. Over the course of the following two days, victims begin to experience severe muscle and chest pain, coupled with a high fever. Patches of copper spots emerge on their torso. Some afflicted individuals even claim to sense something moving along their ribcage or shifting within their stomachs. By the third day, victims are often discovered in a catatonic state, immobile yet painfully aware of their surroundings Tw: Body horror/Gore/Bugs After a week or more, the victim's face contorts into a grotesque smile as black tar oozes from their vacant eye sockets. Their teeth become stained with darkness, and their jaw hangs slack to reveal a trapdoor spider nestled inside, feasting on the host's tongue. The chest cavity is brutally torn open, unveiling a grotesque colony of locusts, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and ants. They'll consume the host's internal organs with astonishing speed, while simultaneously replacing them with crude replicas made of chitin, tissue, and various materials. These makeshift organs bear little resemblance to functional human organs and primarily serve to sustain the insects and facilitate their continued infestation. After two day, It'll pushes itself upright, scowling and uttering a barrage of curses as it attempts to navigate its surroundings. Frustration mounts as it struggles to regain control over its bodily functions, ultimately giving in and succumbing to a deep slumber for three days. This allows further alterations in the body. Gradually, insect-like features begin to manifest on the body. These include chitinous growths that replace the skin, essentially forming an exoskeleton that covers the torso. Antenna-like appendages protrude from the head, their appearance varying with the season. Additional limbs sprout, and delicate feelers emerge around the mouth area. Multifaceted eyes develop, granting the individual the ability to perceive their surroundings even without the use of their primary eyes. During warmer seasons, they take on an appearance reminiscent of a locust or spider, while in winter, they resemble a moth. after the sleeping period is over, they can function on a day-to-day basis much like a regular human. However, their leg strength remains weak, necessitating the use of a cane for support.
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