#madu speaks
eluxcastar · 2 years
The image of Shikama ruined and dishevelled is really just this recurring thought I have every couple of months because I absolutely must know how to make perfect men come apart at the seams and he is the pinnacle of that. It gave me motivation to write it but Idk yet (゚▽゚*) maybe. I thought I'd share the idea rn because I might combust if I don't
So last night it finally clicked how to achieve that, because what would Shikama fear more than the punishment of those he was willing to be imprisoned by his own abandoned creations to avoid? Someone will certainly not be allowing him to get away, and that someone so happens to have more power than either of his sons combined—not that either are particularly keen on stopping you. This is a show, why not sit back and enjoy?
He knew he couldn't control them as well as he used to with pretty words, but his own actions caught up to him. This is a hell of his own creation that you will delight in using against him to humiliate him in front of the people he tried to use. You're going to make him like the pain in time.
Something would come and if that something was you dragging a knife across his skin, staining his clothes with the blood that pools from what start as only shallow wounds then he'll have to deal with that, warm and uncomfortable sticking to his skin, but ultimately superficial. It's only the beginning, he knows that, the tinges of pain and the stings they cause when you run your fingers back over them are tolerable if not ideal. He has a brave face for that. He knows you'll feel too gratified if he gives in and lets you know what hurts.
Even when you cut the back of his ankles to keep him from straying too far within this cage of his, the most that you hear is a grunt like he swallows his cries and sucks his breath in through his teeth at the pain.
He is acutely aware though your movements are slow and meant to harm him as much as possible while he shivers in his bindings unable to use his hands to struggle against you, this is the beginning meant to warm him up for when you pull his head back by his hair and really begin.
How much will you ruin him then?
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grumpycurbur · 2 months
but i had to share this!
The Indonesian Dub of The Care Bears: Care-A-Lot Castle Show HAS BEEN FOUND!
CONTEXT: There were 2 versions of CaCS from 1988-1992, Dorney Park and Beruang Madu (Indonesia). DP's soundtrack was rediscovered about 2-3 years ago, but as of late, the Beruang Madu show has now been recovered.
i don't speak the language, but from my understanding/research is that the story is a bit different and centers more on Bedtime Bear.
the dub also only uses a selection of songs from DP: The Best Day Ever Made, We're The Care Bears, When You Have A Friend, Where Is Bedtime Bear? and | Rainbow Full Of Cheer <(which according to sources the lyrics are different from the original).
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thehillsofattica · 9 months
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You, who is loved by god
Prologue to a series of interconnected events.
Set in Ancient Greece.
Rating: 16+ (Brief description of blood and gore)
Character/s: Sika Madu
Pairing/s: Sika Madu x reader
Tag: @eluxcastar
A hundred years of undeath turns into two hundred, two turns to three, and three turns to four.
You once thought his affections for you were a joke, an inside joke meant to tease you by people who once treasured you because you were favoured. All you really wanted was to survive in this unfamiliar world you once read in a story, and so with little choice, you stuck with the strongest.
You too once thought it would be alright, that you would be brushed off as insignificant and unchosen and left to die by the hands of time like you desired— something natural. Something that was normal.
And yet, here you stand.
Four hundred years and alive and young and well but not quite a living corpse like the rest of who he deemed worthy to be chosen.
No longer a slave, and your memories of your original world being nothing more than distant lifetimes away, you were a princess now, wife to a prince, and wife to a monster that’s somewhat of a friend. You hate him and cannot hate him at the same time because you know the truth behind all the atrocities committed by his hand; you do not condone them, and yet you cannot condemn him.
“My beloved wife.” Sika warmly addresses you as you move to sit across from him for dinner. He doesn’t really quite need to eat— blood is what he needs, not human sustenance like the luxurious meal laid in front of you, something you need and one of the few things that tethered you to humanity aside from your beating heart and warm body.
“Hello, beloved.” You barely get the last word out through gritted teeth. It was a rather strange term to refer to him despite the outward nature of your relationship. Three centuries of being bound to him and multiple weddings for every lifetime you had to endure coming back to him, and still, you couldn’t really see him that way. Marriage was a strange affair no matter the time period, and in these times, even more so.
He seems to be relatively pleased with your response as he gestures to the food, he too eats from his own plate. He’s not too interested in knowing what went on with your day as you spent it idly. It’s his fault for having given you nothing to do other than the pile of scrolls and books, ink and quill, and a loom you didn’t quite use as much as the books. You eat the food and find that it’s been cooked how you liked it back when you were a servant and made meals yourself. Was this perhaps his way of a peace offering for not giving you enough activities to stall your boredom?
Neither of you really speak, aside from a question and an answer here and there, as you dine to your heart’s content. You look up at as you place food inside of your mouth and find him absentmindedly touching his throat, and you sigh.
“I’ll have Lyra purchase you a boy.” You tell him. You’re not bothered by the thought of buying slaves now, and in a distant thought, you think that back then, when you were younger, it would have disgusted you. Especially for this purpose, as if you were buying a bag of milk to feed to your husband rather than perhaps a child, barely an adult, to be drained of blood. Briefly, you wondered if you’d be the same way as him if you had accepted his offer to “godhood” back then, no longer being able to enjoy the simpler things and looking at people he’s speaking to as beasts and food rather than beings with their thoughts and feelings.
Sika Madu’s offer of “godhood” meant damnation more than a blessing to you. You shudder, and the thought gradually disappears from your head after dinner.
Like you promised, you had one of your handmaidens— Lyra, purchase your husband a boy. No one in your villa questioned your husband’s odd choices or what he does with the people he’s ordered them to obtain. No one’s bothered to bring up what they had to dispose of either, and once again, you are reminded that the morals of your time and your world do not apply to this one.
You feel bad for the child, you really do, but you don’t do anything about it as he’s washed and presented to your husband. He smiles at the child, greets him warmly and gently gestures for the new boy to come closer, pale fangs peeking from delicate pink lips and golden eyes crinkling at the edges.
It’s twisted, you think as the boy approaches him, unaware of what will come next as Sika looks at you, then down at the boy in his arms— you look away the moment he opens his mouth, and once more, you hear the gurgle, the wet sound of someone choking on their own blood and a child’s strangled, shrill scream.
No one outside of your villa, or even in the hallways, seems to hear it.
And that night too, Sika Madu proclaims his love for you in a wet, bloody kiss. The unpleasant scent and taste of iron only serves to remind you of your differences.
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nono-uwu · 2 months
I lied i do have things to post lmao (tbf inspiration only struck me after that post), anyways
Demons!! Whoa
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As always, lore utc ~
So. Ancient Greece. Dark Ages. There is this homeless orphan. Gets kidnapped and put into slave trade. None other than Sika Madu buys this kid up as they're 'special' in some way (hint: it's the blue eyes :) ). This kid hasn't known anything besides violence and cruelty, so they act out and disregard any act of kidness Sika Madu shows them. They frequently disobey him which leads to them finding out about the whole reviving angel Mikaela thing. Dies thanks to humonculus Yuu going beserk and gets turned into a vampire as a 3rd progenitor. Learns a bit more about the whole thing from Urd and Rigr and decides that this whole thing ain't fot them and they make a run for it, vowing revenge against Sika Madu somehow.
Fast forward to the middle ages. The noble Bathory family has their third child and first daughter, about two years after their second son, Ferid. Ferid does his thing and kills his parents, without the knowledge of his siblings. When Ferid is 16 and his sister around 13 or 14 he kills their older brother thanks to his new goal of stopping reincarnation (how that's supposed to help is beyond anyone atp). As he returns to his home, bloodied with his brother nowhere to be seen and said brothers sword in hand, his sister obviously freaks out and makes a run for it, piecing the incidents of her parents untimely deaths and this situation together. Throughout the chase through their home, Ferid, at first ,only gets to cut off a piece of his sister's hair. After a bit, he corners her and stabs her to near death. He drags her bleeding body all the way to a nearby forest, so she can die and become one with the plants she loved oh so much. He leaves to set off his convoluted plan(s) for the future while his sister's body rots away.
Little did he know, a certain rogue vampire that was nearby that exact day, stumbled across the girls dying body. The girl had miraculously clung onto life.
The vampire made an offer:
"Wanna keep living?"
"Well, I can make that happen but you gotta be my friend forever!"
The girl barely had any strength left to live, let alone speak another word. She could only weakly gaze up at her savior's small frame with pure desperation in her green eyes.
"I'll take that as a yes. And if no, I can just kill you right away!"
A few minutes later, the girl had woken up once again, an all consuming thrist for blood already plaguing her. The vampire handed her a bottle of red liquid which she downed in a few seconds.
"Well, Filum's the name! Nice to properly meet you my new friend!"
"...thank you for saving my life, Filum. I'm...", the girl trailed off. Was her name really worth keeping? The one her monster of a brother would gleefully call out while dragging her dying body around? No. "... I'm Liz."
"That's not your real name, is it?"
"It is now."
"Alright then Liz, lemme introduce you to your new life as a vampire and my forever friend!"
Liz would spend the next few years catching up with knowledge she was not permitted to access earlier and enganging in general shenanigans with Filum.
She had a dying desire, which stuck with her even as a vampire: to figure out the reason for her brothers actions and to stop him. But simply going to kill him on sight wasn't the style of a cunning Bathory. She knew he had something planned and by the time she got around to realising her goal, Ferid was a vampire himself. So she hatched her own big plan: Take Ferid down at his highest, when his plans are just about to scceed, just like how he destroyed everything just when things started to look up for their family.
Buncha stuff happens but uhhhh muh brain broken lmao
A long, long time later Liz decides that in order for her plans to work (and being aware of the nature of Ferids plan), she has to become a demon. Filum, bored out of their mind, decides that they should also become a demon and find a fitting vessel to one day take down Sika Madu (now Shikama Doji). They both use a technique to retain their memories as demons (like the one Mahiru used iirc) and possess their current weapons as vessels. Filum makes their own weird little contraption for strings while Liz picks a gun (she claims they're an efficient weapon but also she just thinks they're neat).
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Hey Maria! For the ask game: 17, 25 and 28 😊
Heeeey booboo!
7 - what scares you the most and why?
There's a lot of things that scares the shit out of me, you know. If I could choose one it would be fail… in life. I don't just speak professionally, but in general I'm afraid of not living the experiences like traveling, loving, etc. This is pretty paranoid because I'm still quite young, so maybe I'm also afraid of capitalism (it gives us these feelings 😬)
25 - fave season and why?
Spring. Gimme. I want hot days, rainy days, clean sky at night so I can see the stars. As I mentioned, it's when we're transitioning from Winter to Summer down here so I love it.
27 - any nicknames?
GREAT QUESTION. I have a composite name and it's Maria Eduarda (very common between 00' babies here), so I always had a few of nicknames.
Duda/Mari/Ma/Madu/Dudinha (this last one is like 'little Duda' but not everyone uses it because I'm not... small. Or petite. Anyway.)
Thank u so much for sending me these! I adore you, Laura! ❤
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maddsventuregabs · 3 months
Presenting myself
Hello people of the world, I'm the other... "poster?' Well anyways, my name is Maria Eduarda, but you can simply call me madds. It's a nickname the other one *cough, cough* (Gabs) *cough, cough* gave to me, because it's the blending of Maria Eduarda in portuguese (Maddu) and Maddiness. Because you know, I'm crazy.
That resulted in MAria + eDUarda = Madu + maDDineS = Madds.
Does that make sense? To me it does!
Okay, let's stop the blabbering to start more blabbering!
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As i suppose you guys know by now. I'm a being that came to the world together with another being... I guess you're eathers would call that a Tweyn? Tween? Oh! Ah, Twin! got it.
We were born in January 1st of 2000, Which makes me 24 years old now. Just please don't say I "venho de quatro" (Brazilians I'm watching you) I'm tired of that joke.
For those who don't know it's a brazilian joke, don't want to explain here, because is too long, and uh... obscene for me to translate.
Well since my sister gave some curiosities about her here, I guess Imma do the same.
1-My birthday is 29/01/2000 as said previously here.
2-I'm a Stall-Hat on hogwarts according to my friends between slytherin and ravenclaw, so I'm a Slytherclaw. Some say I'm mostly slytherin, But I have chosen Ravenclaw, because my friends said I'd be the only Ravenclaw in our grade, So I wanted the power.
3-My temperament is Sanguine also, but I'm more the wind type. Or Sanguine-Choleric if you use MBTI Database system.
4-My MBTI type, Imma type it then never look this post ever again (I have some problems with the MBTI Database community, nothing too personal, but it made me existential once, so...) I'm an ENFP.
5- My Zodiac sign is aquarius, please don't come to me talking about Zodiac too. I can't take it. It's better to talk to me about the MBTI, than Zodiac. I truly, really don't believe in it
6-My sister is the younger twin by 2 minutes. That makes me 2 minutes more loved HAHA, Oh yeah and respect your elders Gabs :p
7-I am also a Christian, and we and Gabs went to the same schools
8-I am right handed, nothing new.
9-My life's motto is: "Live it, because life's too short to make it through her timidly." Or "Life's a movie, so let's make the story cool to rewatch it."
10-I'm very charismatic too, but I'm more to the Incredible type. You know Tony Stark way of Charisma. At least from the video I saw.
11-Me and Gabs are MO-MO Twins, which means we have the same face and yet she's "The cute one".
12-I have free space for this one... Wait a min I have more curiosities about me, lemme choose one. Oh Got it! 1st I have an text on my computer, with all little facts and curiosities about me typed in. I think is very fun to do that, and 2nd I know I said life's too short to go through her timidly, but I'm actually very shy, making me shake, blush and speak too fast or cut people in their phrases. I even shake with my parents, kins and relatives. But I try my best to always overcome it at the end of the day
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That's pretty much everything. Well... not really, my list of curiosities go over a hundred. But I don't think you guys should know that much about me . At least yet.
Overtime, maybe I let you know all of those. One tight hug and a "cheiro" from this very weird, crazy and fun brazilian. See ya anytime soon. Good evening everyone!
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wushigod · 5 months
The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd.) and its Joint Venture partner in the Awoba Unit Field, Newcross Exploration and Production Ltd., have resumed production crude oil in Awoba Field, River State, for the first time since 2021. Olufemi Soneye, the spokesperson for the NNPC, made this disclosure in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja. The statement noted that the Awoba field last produced oil for the Bonny Terminal in 2021 and was ultimately shut down in February 2022 due to problems with evacuation and crude oil theft. Soneye mentioned that since the reactivation of the Awoba field by NNPC Ltd and its partners on April 13, 2024, the field’s production has averaged 8,000 barrels per day. Moreover, he said that the field is anticipated to reach a steady output of 12,000 barrels per day once fully ramped up within 30 days. According to Soneye, Awoba is also expected to significantly boost gas supply to the power sector and other gas-based industries. “Keen on optimising production from the nation’s hydrocarbon assets to boost revenues and meet the nation’s OPEC production quota, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd.) and its Joint Venture partner in the Awoba Unit Field, Newcross Exploration and Production Ltd., have restarted production from the Awoba field which last contributed production to the Bonny Terminal in 2021 and was finally shut down in February 2022 due to evacuation issues and crude oil theft. “Since the restart of the Awoba field by NNPC Ltd and it partners on April 13, 2024; production from the field has averaged 8,000 barrels per day and is expected to plateau at 12,000 per day at full ramp up within 30 days. “Awoba is also expected to significantly boost gas supply to the power sector and other gas-based industries. “The Awoba Unit which straddles OMLs 18 and 24 is located in the mangrove swamp south of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Both OML 18 and OML 24 assets are under the management of the NNPC Upstream Investment Management Services (NUIMS),” Soneye said. Speaking further, NNPC noted that the firm has been recording a string of production successes from the JV portfolio which have significantly lifted overall national production. The oil company revealed that in addition to the recent initiation of production at the Madu Field by the NNPC Ltd/First E&P JV, it has successfully resumed production at OMLs 29 and OML 18 in late 2023, which have consistently added an average of 60,000 barrels per day to the national production output since their restart. “NNPC Ltd. Has been recording a string of production successes from the JV portfolio which have significantly lifted overall national production. “Besides the recent start of production at the Madu Field by the NNPC Ltd/First E&P JV, the company has achieved the restart of production at OMLs 29 and OML 18 in late 2023 which have steadily contributed an average of 60,000bpd to the nation’s production output since their restart. Speaking on the development, the Group Chief Executive Officer of NNPC Ltd., Mallam Mele Kyari, ascribed the achievement to the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration’s success in providing enabling operating environment for businesses to thrive,” the statement read. What you should know Nigeria’s crude oil production for March dropped to 23 million bpd according to OPEC’s monthly oil market report. The figure makes it the third consecutive month the country’s average oil production will fall below the budget benchmark of 1.78 million bpd. In January, Nigeria’s average daily oil production stood at 1.427 million bpd while that of February was lower at 32 million bpd. The dismal oil production for March led to Nigeria’s dethronement by Libya as Africa’s biggest oil producer. Speaking on the issue, the Minister of state for Petroleum Resources, Sen. Heineken Lokpobiri attributed the low crude oil production in the first quarter of the year to issues with the Trans-Niger pipeline and maintenance activities by some oil companies. The Ministe...
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rev3rb · 10 months
Omgggg I totally spaced on ONS this month sorry! I got super distracted taking care of some end-of-term projects 😬
This definitely seemed like a transitional chapter. Tbh the only thing that really stood out to me was the mention of the angel that beat the 1st. Even though Mika and Yuu specifically mentioned ignoring him, I feel like him being brought up at all in the convo means that he will have some significance as his own character. No clue what that’ll end up being yet. With God existing as some unseen figure, I can imagine that they wouldn’t have to face him directly. In contrast, I can’t even fathom how our main characters would handle the power gap between them and this new angel if there is a real interaction. Don’t you just love finally getting important questions answered just for new problems to pop-up 🙃
That's ok! December has been a busy month for me too, as shown by me not responding to this for a day or two.
Transitional chapter is a good way to put it. I do think there are a couple more interesting things to say about it though! I'll get to that in a bit. First, what you said.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a return of that angel, but I don't think he'll be too important of a character? Kinda just one of God's soldiers so to speak? Who knows though. As you say God is an unseen figure whose role is a bit undefined at the moment so far as his direct role in the story. Entirely possible God will sorta stay that way and we'll have someone stand in as a rep for God's forces, in which case that angel would be a prime candidate. Either way, you're right that there's a massive power gap. If I had to guess, I think it would have to do with Yu's Seraph form. It's not really been touched on in AGES, the power of the angels when it comes to Yu and the other Seraphs, but it's been shown to be quite powerful. More powerful even than black demons possibly.
Now watch it be something else entirely lol.
As for what I thought was interesting this chapter? Well, while we got a glimpse of it last time, we finally know what Mika and Yu are aiming to do, so there's that, but more importantly, we get insight about where the vampires stand at the moment. After that last scene with the vampires where we saw Rigr/Saito learning the truth, I thought for sure that they'd decide to help the First. After all, iirc, the way Rigr phrased it was that Sika Madu was "fighting for us all" or something like that. That DOES seem to imply that he finds Sika Madu's goal at least somewhat noble and maybe commendable? Favorable at least. There's this feeling of being... idk, represented? Protected? Regardless, I again thought this would lead to supporting the First and obviously Yu and Mika did too. Was really interesting to see that this does not appear to be the case. It makes me really wonder what Rigr and the rest of the vampires are going to do then. Have they decided that they will, regardless of the past, still carry on their mission of preserving order and stopping the First? Who will Mika and Yu side with? This leads me into your last point here.
Important questions being answered only to be left with more questions? It feels like this is all this series is at this point LOL! I'm still thinking about that Guren and Ferid flashback we started to see but have had no continuation of.
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Police reacts to alleged N10million levy inposssed in Community by cult groups The Rivers State Police Command has denied being aware of any levy imposed on any community in Ahoada West Local Government Area of the state by suspected cultists. As reported by The PUNCH, spokesperson for the state Police Command, Grace Iringe-Koko, said this after a stakeholder in Ahoada West raised the alarm that suspected cultists were demanding N10m security levy in some communities in the area. Iringe-Koko, a Superintendent of Police, however called on stakeholders in the affected communities to make a formal complaint to the police about the incident. She stated, “For now, the Command is not aware of any levy imposed on any community in Ahoada or any other community in Rivers State. “If there is such situation, we expect the people or stakeholders in the area to make an official report in the Ahoada Division. “They can even come to the command headquarters and report the situation because if they don’t report, how will the police know what they claim is happening?” She said the police were working round the clock to rid communities in the state of criminal elements and ensure that suspected criminal were apprehended. A stakeholder, while speaking anonymously on Nigeria Info, a Port Harcourt-based radio station monitored by our correspondent, alleged that some communities in the local government area were already contributing N100,000 per household to make up the N10m levy which they termed “survival money”. The stakeholder said on Friday that the very day the Divisional Police Officer of Ahoada, Bako Angbashim, was killed, cult gangs in Ahoada West LGA sent messages to various communities to pay the said sum or be ready for their actions. “The very day that they killed the DPO, the gang (of cultists) in Ahoada West started sending messages across to various communities to pay N10m before the end of the month, else they would come and set the entire community ablaze. “They (communities) are now paying N100,000 for survival, and it is not good. There is even a report that Gift David they are chasing has left Ahoada East and is now in Ahoada West. “Palliatives that were brought to us were moved and sent to these boys in their various hideouts. When we say we want to fight insecurity the government should be sincere about it.” He also called on the state government and security agencies to take the fight against insecurity to Ahoada West, where he said the prime suspect may be hiding. The stakeholder said, “The State Government, Nigeria Police and other relevant security agencies should come to Ahoada West and comb the area. Gift Okpara is in Ahoada West. So, they should stop looking afar, when the man is close. “He (Gift Okpara) is in Ahoada West; he is no longer in Ahoada East. They should focus their searchlight on Ahoada West and help us. There was a time the late Bako Angbashim came to Ahoada West and raided some communities.” When contacted, the Supervisor for Information, Media, and Communication, Ahoada West LGA, Madu Madueke, said the allegation that cultists imposed N10m on some community in Ahoada West was false. He stated: “The local government is not a ward or village where you will say the whole communities in Ahoada West are contributing money to a group of people. The story is not correct.” However, efforts to reach, Mr Boniface Onyedi, media aide to the state governor, proved abortive as he did not answer several calls put across to him. Onyedi also had yet to respond to text and WhatsApp messages sent to him as of the time of filing this report on Sunday evening.
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hardynwa · 1 year
Orlu Zone APC stakeholders endorse Uzodimma’s re-election
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The re-election bid of Governor Hope Uzodimma in the forthcoming governorship election got a boost as the All Progressives Congress (APC) Stakeholders from the 12 Local Government Areas of Orlu senatorial Zone unanimously agreed to work together to realize the ambition come November 11, 2023. The resolution was reached over the weekend at the well attended stakeholders meeting of the zone which was held at the Multi purpose Hall of Orlu Local Government Council headquarters. The stage for the resolution was set when Hon. Eze Ernest Okechukwu, member representing Ideato South State Constituency moved a motion endorsing Uzodimma for second term which was unanimously supported by all the stakeholders in attendance. The motion was anchored on Governor Uzodimma’s achievements in infrastructure, youth development and more importantly, the way he has handled security situation in the State. The stakeholders reaffirmed implicit support for the second tenure bid of the Governor as well as aligning themselves with the implementation of the Imo State Charter of Equity as recently proposed by members of the State Council of Elders. Speaking at the meeting, the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Barr. Nnamdi Anyaehie said that they gathered to affirm their “unflinching support for the re-election of the Governor, Senator Hope Uzodimma come November 11 2023, in addition to upholding the Charter of Equity as adopted by Imo elders. Anyaehie said that the 12 LGAs of Orlu are united and ready for the project, noting that “the orchestrated insecurity will in no way be an impediment.” He said that the issue of insecurity is not peculiar to Imo State alone, noting, “moreso His Excellency, the Governor has reduced the threats of insecurity to the barest minimum.” Anyaehie added that “Governor Uzodimma has capacity and what it takes to take Imo State to the next level,” adding that “he has come to rewrite the history of Imo State for good.” He advised other contestants or pretenders in the governorship election of November 11 2023 to have a rethink and wait for the charter of equity. The Deputy Speaker Imo State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Amara Chyna Iwuanyanwu said that “come November 11 election, Orlu will deliver 100 percent to return the Governor because he has performed.” The Member representing Ohaji/Egbema; Oguta and Oru-East Federal Constituency, Hon Eugene Dibiagwu in his remarks said “it is only a wicked man that will not vote Hope Uzodimma in the forthcoming election because he has performed well,” hinting that soon they will launch the Orlu Progressive Movement to power the reelection. The Orlu APC zonal Chairman, Barr Kelvin Ugwu, the Imo State commissioner for Transport, Chief Rex Anunobi and Member representing Orlu in the State House of Assembly, Hon Ikenna Ihezuo, all spoke in affirmation with Ihezuo describing the Governor as “dynamic and reliable.” According to them, “Hope was God sent to Orlu people because if Hope did not come to power it would have been concluded that Orlu people do not know anything about administration and can’t lead well.” Regardless, the APC State Secretary, Engr Greg Madu had a piece of advice for the Orlu Zone stakeholders, warning that they should not in any way under rate the opposition. The meeting which was well attended served as an opportunity for the formal welcome to the APC fold, the immediate past Deputy Chairman of the PDP, Barr Martin Ejiogu and his colleagues as well as the presentation of the face-cap of the Orlu Zonal Youth Mobilization group. Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has yet to answer direct questions about a growing scandal of her alleged interference with the justice system deputy premier has responded to the media about the issue.
Deputy Premier Kaycee Madu, Alberta's minister of skilled trades and professions, spoke at a media conference at an Edmonton-area sporting goods store on Thursday.
When asked about a recent story involving an online video recording of a phone call between Smith and Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski – a man charged with incitement in connection with the Coutts border blockade Madu said he stands behind the premier "100 percent?"
"I know the media has always been interested in lies about this particular issue," he said. "I think what you saw happening was a media outlet is continuing their defamatory act against the premier of Alberta."
Madu says he's seen the video and insists it is "consistent with" Smith's feelings of concern for Albertans. During the YouTube clip, which was recorded on Jan. 26 but has since been made private by the channel's owner, Smith that she spoke with Crown prosecutors "almost weekly" about court cases involving COVID-related charges.
She also admitted that she had done so "ever since (she) got started" as premier. However, while Smith said she was "sorry" about Pawlowski's predicament, she also admitted that there "isn't a mechanism" for her, as U.S. leaders have, to influence prosecutors to drop the cases.
Madu said the premier has the right to speak with the minister of justice and her justice ministry about court proceedings but dodged questions about her direct inquiries with Crown prosecutors.
"So far, it is clear that all of justice. "That – for anyone who wants to look objectively at this particular issue – is the only conclusion you can come to."
Anyone who believes Smith spoke with prosecutors needs to pay more attention to some fundamentals of how Alberta's justice system works, Madu said. "Many of you in the media are aware of how our system is designed to work, but you are ignoring how the system is structured to work and are focusing on the word the premier referenced – 'prosecutors' and 'prosecution.'"
Madu previously held the post of justice minister before his interference with an Edmonton traffic ticket resulted in former premier Jason Kenney removing him.
While serving in that cabinet position, he was responsible for much of the legislation used against those who violated Alberta's public health rules during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the same violations Pawlowski is charged with.
When asked if he did his job correctly, Madu said he didn't want to "get involved in a debate" about pandemic restrictions. "Our province has returned to normalcy – our priority right now is to continue to make sure that we take care of our people (and) make sure our economy is growing.
"Our province has returned to normalcy – our priority right now is to continue to make sure that we take care of our people (and) make sure our economy is growing.
"The premier, in her COVID policies, was divisive for the people of Alberta. I see us past that particular era and focus on the people's priorities."
He said Smith's conversations were limited to her ministers "and anyone she chooses to speak with" and wants the media to drop the issue. "I think the time has come for us to move past this particular issue," he said.
Smith released a statement on Wednesday about the allegations but has not publicly appeared in front of the media to respond to questions. Rachel Notley, the leader of Alberta's NDP, is scheduled to speak about the issue on Thursday afternoon.
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jinie · 5 years
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exlimix1a · 2 years
hey exli i got to ask what pokemon team sundrop and moondrop look like?
Courtesy of my friend @ashimadu !!
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June 14, 2021
Mr. Madu: Mr. Speaker, has anyone in this Assembly heard the NDP stand here for once to ask the federal government why they delayed the vaccines, why they did not get the vaccines to Albertans on time to prevent the third wave? Not once. I have not read anywhere on social media. They like to spend their entire time on criticizing this government. They have not said a single word about the failures of the federal government to get Alberta and indeed the provinces the vaccines that they needed to prevent a third wave. The members opposite sit here and they spew all this nonsense.
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choisjongho · 4 years
agust d d-2 😭😭😭
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ichika27 · 2 years
OnS Chapter 116
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Yay! A Tepes sibling chapter! I’ve been waiting for something like this.
Okay, so I actually forgot the new chapter came out haha. I was too distracted by other things recently so it slipped my mind. I’m so glad I remembered before it was too late though.
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Yuu asks Asuramaru for more power. Asuramaru says he can't give him that cause Yuu already has Mika which stops Asuramaru from reaching Yuu's heart. Mika doesn't want this as well and Asuramaru thinks Yuu doesn't actually want this either. Yuu seems to not be himself as he keeps demanding that Asuramaru give him what he wants.
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Asuramaru sees his sister outside. He asks aloud what he should be doing, hoping the First Progenitor would hear him and answer. Asuramaru asks what choice he has to make in order for the First Progenitor to fulfil his promise to save his sister.
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A memory from ancient Greece. Ashera, now a vampire, hunts for the slave trader who took his sister. After threatening the life of the slave trader so he could get information, Ashera quickly goes to where he was told his sister would be at.
He's told the lady who bought Krul would use her and other slaves for a ritual to gain eternal youth and beauty and Ashera must hurry up to save her.
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When he finally gets inside, he sees several children already bloodied. He worriedly looked for his sister and when he does find her, her blood is already, slowly being drained. He kills the woman who did this and frees Krul.
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Ashera panics as Krul is already dying from the injuries and blood loss. Shika Madu flies down and tells him that Krul can still be saved but it would mean Krul will become immortal and immortality can be a far worse suffering. Shika Madu points out that Krul is dying in peace (as she's with her brother now) and asks if Ashera is willing to takw this away from her.
Ashera, of course, agrees as he wants to be with his sister again. The First Progenitor gives Krul some of his blood which turned Krul into a vampire which healed her wounds.
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Krul screams as she continues to transform. Asuramaru says that it was the moment when he put a curse on his sister.
(I’m gonna keep switching names and use “Asuramaru” and “Ashera” both depending on the context of the scenes cause it just feels appropriate. Hopefully it doesn’t get too confusing.)
They give us this chapter while the current story deals with Yuu wanting Mika to keep living. Yuu and Asuramaru really are similar in a way.
Before that, I just wanna say I’m surprised. I thought Asuramaru would be an enemy now that he’s shown to be on the First Progenitor’s side but it seems not exactly. He still in a way seem to care about Yuu as he seems concerned about what Yuu was asking for. He knows Yuu doesn’t actually want this and can also tell that Mika is against all this too and that’s why he’s not actively trying to help Yuu.
Asuramaru is right though, Yuu wouldn’t have wanted this if he hadn’t been desperate. Yuu cares about people he considers family and that’s everyone in the room with him (the dead orphans, too) so he wouldn’t have wanted to fight them if he had a choice but sadly, at the moment, he doesn’t have any. All he wanted was to escape with Mika but the others are hindering him and so he has to take this seriously. If they weren’t, he’d have probably left while doing as minimal damage as possible. He’s shaking as he kept asking for power and Asuramaru notices that. Yuu isn’t okay right now and Asuramaru doesn’t seem like he’d take the opportunity to get Yuu (I mean, not like he could at the moment but he’s not even trying).
Asuramaru is looking at his sister Krul and it’s revealed that Asuramaru is doing all this for her. I wonder why? What exactly did Shika Madu promise for Asuramaru’s cooperation? I mean in the flashback, the First Progenitor already brought her back to life so I wonder what else is there that made Asuramaru willing to leave Krul.
Speaking of flashback, we finally see how the two were reunited back in ancient Greece. Ashera had been actively searching for his sister using his vampire abilities. When he finally found here, however, she was already in the verge of dying.
Then flies down Shika Madu from the sky like some kind of angel. In any other series this would be some kind of miraculous scenario but here, we all know it’s not exactly one. It’s just funny how it looks like so though.
Ashera is desperate as he wanted to save his sister and surprisingly, as Shika Madu offers him immortality, he was also given a warning. Immortality doesn’t exactly promise eternal happiness and it might even cause eternal despair with no end as it won’t be easy to kill them once they have already turned (and as we saw the vampires currently who just wanted to die, it seems this’d always be the case) so Shika Madu asks Ashera if Ashera is willing to put Krul through such a life.
I’m surprised as Shika Madu actually asked and told him straight up that it may not be such a good idea. Here I thought he’d be happy to get another child that could be a test subject or something.
Anyways, mirroring Yuu’s current predicament, Ashera sys “yes” and has his sister turned into a vampire. Krul herself says she’s happy to die at the moment since she’s finally with her brother and Shika Madu pointed out that she’d die peacefully but Ashera didn’t want that. Ashera wanted to be with his sister and wanted her to live.
Just like Yuu currently is - Mika already said it’s fine if he dies but Yuu doesn’t want that. Yuu wants to continue living with Mika even if it’d go against Mika’s wishes. It’s interesting how similar both Yuu and Asuramaru are.
In the end, Krul gets turned which Asuramaru says was like putting a curse on her. I wonder if he regret it? I wonder if he’d changed his mind and just wished he’d let Krul die happily? Also, I wonder if it’s the reason Asuramaru isn’t budging on helping Yuu out right now and is thinking Yuu and Mika would go through whatever he and his sister went through if Yuu gets what he wanted.
This also makes me wonder about Krul. She’s been trying all these years to get her brother back so they could be together again but it’s also recently revealed that she’s one of those helping Guren because the ritual would finally end their lives. What was her plan then? To get Ashera back and die with him in the end?
It seems many of the vampire progenitors just wanted to die but they’re not letting themselves die in battle against cursed gear users. Do they have other goals they have to finish and want a specific way to die? Cause if they just wanted death, I’m sure the human military will be more than willing to kill them.
*sigh* Here I thought questions would finally be answered and yet I’m now filled with many more questions. It’s interesting though and I do hope that the author also fleshes out the backstory of the other demons, especially those that reside in the Shinoa Squad’s weapons. If that happens, he also shouldn’t forget Mitsuba cause she really needs not just a screentime but also significance. Come on! She’s part of Yuu’s family, too!
Well, this chapter was kinda short. Not in pages but there wasn’t much that happened. I’m excited for the next chapter and I hope it continues on from the story in this chapter.
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