#maeglin x male reader
eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Heya Lovie , hope you're doing well😁
I'm obsessed with the idea that Maeglin didn't actually love Idril romantically and it was a rumour made to villainize him to cover up the fact her husband killed him ... I did see a post on it hence why I'm obsessed with it but your thoughts on that?
Second- Maeglin request please if you don't mind 😅 but my idea is a human comes to Gondolin for..whatever reason maybe a black Smith in training? And hence forth maeglin is assigned their mentor. But just said human trying to hide their feelings because insecurity is massive thanks to them gorgeous elves and their annoyingly good looks. I am liking the idea they're a male , even more reason to hide their feelings cause humans don't really accept gay relationships , specially in those times, so safe to assume that elves don't either (but they do thanks to love binds by the soul and not the body of said soul) so just fluff and some young love panic . I completely understand if you don't want to do the whole gay thing, gender neutral is perfect aswell. Take care 💕
Love Through Souls
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featuring maeglin x male reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
warnings ooc, shitty writing. . . and what not
a/n am sorry. . .
You carefully tried to do as Maeglin had instructed you - feeling a little nervous with every move. 
You hoped you weren’t too obvious on how you continuously looked at him.
It was because you couldn’t help yourself - from gazing at the tall and dark haired ellon in front of you.
He was assigned as your mentor the moment you show interest in smith work.
It was rather kind of king Turgon to take in your poor shivering human male soul from unkind lands. 
It was common knowledge that the wise king did let almost anyone into his hidden kingdom - to say you were lucky were an understatement.
Maeglin ordered - keeping you away from the sparks that soared from the fire.
Your heart couldn’t help the involuntary leap it had done when he had put himself in between the fire and yourself - pulling you beside him as it soared.
Maeglin never ceased to mesmerize you everyday with skills and abilities as a smith.
It was rather both inspiring as well as mesmerizing - it had only made you fall deeper for him.
But sadly you knew the case - not only were you a human, but a male. . . besides the young prince had already set his sights on the princess of Gondolin.
She was rather beautiful with her long golden-like hair that seemed to sparkle and tint like of a jewel - and her eyes of deep blue could draw anyone in.
Not only herself - but every elleth and ellon present in your sights only made you question deeper about yourself.
You felt fat and frumpy in the sights of such beauty that left your eyes wide in wonder.
But out of all elves present - especially among the males of course - the only one that truly caught your attention had been Maeglin.
WIth his broody and silent nature - with sharp stares and careful gazes he managed to capture you in at once without taking too long.
You had not meant to fall for the ellon - you had known how humans alone in your village had felt about same sex couples.
Therefore - you could not even begin to think on how elves would react towards it.
So you kept it down - ignoring the hurt that caged your heart every time you spotted Maeglin’s eyes linger on Princess Idril.
But even as you did - everything he said or did, like for example now how he pulled you behind him to protect yourself from the fire - the more you fell and the harder it was for you to suppress your feelings towards him.
It was getting harder and harder day by day to be around him as he mentored you.
Therefore finally you had decided to let it go - for the sake of further humiliation and the ache of your heart you let go of your passion of smithing.
So Maeglin no longer needed to mentor you - and you no longer needed to face him every day.
Your hands delicately brushed over the small metal tag chain necklace you made - it had both your own name and Maeglin’s name carved on it.
It was something you made yourself - sure as you were still learning there were a few dents and misshapes but it was still worth it for you.
You had made it when Maeglin was away with king Turgon in his gardens and was not able to mentor you one day.
While it may never happen - at least you were free to dream about it right? 
Then suddenly your door slammed open - making you jump from the edge of the bed where you were sitting. You instantly hid the chain necklace.
If looks could kill you would be 10 feet under the ground right now - because of how Maeglin glared as he walked over to you.
He reached within milliseconds because of his long strides and you did not even have time to react.
“You could have knocked…”
You said quietly.
“I rather not have - considering how my student failed to attend his class today.”
Maeglin’s deep voice rumbled - making you shiver.
“I had informed the king I will no longer be attending smithwork.”
You said - looking at your feet.
“Yes - I’m aware you informed my ever wise uncle but you did not inform me - nor did you give him my uncle a valid reasoning - therefore I do not approve of you quitting!” 
Maeglin said.
It was the first time you had seen Maeglin react like so - usually he was quiet and reserved but this was like he was speaking before thinking like he usually does.
It means you had struck hard to make Maeglin mad enough to behave like so.
“I apologize for not coming to you. . .” 
You offered a straight heartfelt apology - keeping the chain necklace clasped in your hands and hidden behind you.
Maeglin looked surprised - even a soft red tinge appeared suddenly on his cheeks as he blinked and cleared his throat, looking both shameful and awkward.
“. . .Why have you quit?”
He asked instead - from the sound of his tone, it was easy to tell he had wondered about it too many times and had been trying to hide it. 
But emotions had been something Maeglin always struggled with - either he wouldn’t come to terms with something, or other times he never understood what they meant.
“I do. . . - I do not have the passion for it, no more. . .”
You sighed with a gulp - your hands clasping tighter around the necklace.
“I do not believe that for a second!”
Maeglin declared - making you shocked for a moment.
You only frowned at him.
Then Maeglin tried to peek behind you.
“What is it you hold behind you?”
Your eyes widened and your clasped the necklace tighter.
“Nothing of which concerns the matter.”
You tried to put out formally - then stepped backwards as Maeglin took a step towards you.
Maeglin narrowed his eyes - staring into your eyes as if debating on something in this mind.
This seemed to be the Maeglin you knew  - the one who was careful and calculated, who needed time to formulate his thoughts into words as he stared at the person he wished to speak with. 
Others found it uncomfortable - you did too at first - but later realized it was how he was able to function.
This time however - he swiftly reached behind you.
With this elvish swiftness you didn’t even have the time to react as he quickly grabbed the chain necklace off your hands and dangled it above your head reading engraving on it.
You gasped trying to reach for it - but Maeglin kept it away from your grasp.
“What is this?”
He asked incredulously.
Your heart couldn’t but beat painfully fast.
You managed to grab it back and turned away from him - he probably felt so disgusted.
Tears had pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Let me see. . .”
Maeglin offered - feeling awkward and guilty at the sight of your tears.
“No - you should leave. . .”
You whimpered.
Maeglin gulped.
“Please. . .Y/N - I did not mean to offend you. . .It does-”
“It does not matter, please leave. . .”
You said starting to cry, your heart aching.
Maeglin fisted and unfisted his hands - before he harshly turned away slammed your door shut behind him as you cried.
— — — 
It has been a week since the incident. You had been in the gardens - randomly walking thinking of what to do with your life since you already gave up your passion for smithing.
Then sooner or later become the gossip in the hidden city.
You had thought of leaving - but you knew yourself walking outside these borders was a death sentence in a literal format.
You sat near the fountain leaning against it.
It was no use crying - you already did that a few times, no point in wasting another round of tears that can’t help anything.
You leaned back further - when you suddenly felt something odd against your head.
You turned your head to see a chain necklace hanging off the edge of the fountain.
You frowned and took it in your hands softly.
There was a centre stone - pendent necklace - and it had been your birthstone.
Your frown only deepened - then you turned it as you felt something engraved in the back of it in Sindarin. 
You couldn’t understand it - but you obviously made out your name and Maeglin’s, making your eyes widen.
“From me to you, Y/N. Yours, Maeglin. . .”
Suddenly - you heard his name, making your head snap up at him.
Your eyes were still wide and unbelieving as Maeglin awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.
“May I sit?” 
He asked - when you didn’t respond.
You gulped and nodded.
Maeglin sat down close to you - sending you a disapproving gaze and looked so much like King Turgon’s scowl as you tried to scoot away. 
You sighed staying put.
Either of you spoke for a long time - simply staring ahead.
“You know. . .it is frowned upon. . .and perhaps even wrong. . .”
You bit your lip saying it.
“What is?”
Maeglin frowned.
“Two males. . .in a relationship. . .”
You struggled to stay.
Maeglin didn’t say anything for a moment.
“I have given it thought and I do not see any wrong in us. . .”
He tried to say.
But you shook your head.
“Mae. . .It is frowned upon. They will not accept it. We will be disowned, mocked and gossip.”
You softly said.
“Why do you think they will not accept? Humans do not accept this form of relationship?”
Maeglin frowned - some bit of fury in him rising.
“No. I presume the same for elves.”
You frowned.
“Sure. . .It may not be common and I have not seen another couple such as this. . . but Gondolin will accept us. . .”
Maeglin promised you.
You frowned deeper.
“Because elves do not care for what body your lover is, meleth. . .we love and cherish through souls. . .that is love. . .and that is what my mother has taught me. . .”
He said quietly and softly - still having a hard time talking about his mother.
You blinked, sighing. You were scared that you will not lie about.
“Are you sure. . .they will not. . .”
You struggled to say the words.
“Trust me. . .”
Maeglin whispered and you nodded.
Then he leaned forward - pressing his lips against your lips calming the anxiety in your heart and soul. . .
Maeglin was right. . . this was love through the souls. . .
Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve @bunson-burner
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being a human and a father figure to Maeglin.
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(Here you go, a little side project. It’s a bit long because this is a full out story I couldn't get rid off. Be warned, there are some sensitive subjects here and this is with a male reader to avoid the confusion. Hope you enjoy,)
Warnings; mentions of manipulations, guilt ripping, abusive behavior on both mental and physical. Child abuse. Injuries and death. There are some fluff like trying to be a loving dad figure when Eol isn’t. 
-It was supposed to be a boring school trip, but then you wandered too far from the group and got lost in the spooky forest.
-You were mad, hungry, and unable to find your way out.
-And not only the better, but you also started hearing things, and you swore there were things watching you from the shadows.
-You were losing your goddamned mind.
-You then saw the bright light and followed it, hoping it would lead you out of the forest and back to civilization.
-Nope. It was some chick dressed in white and riding a giant horse.
-You were so freaked out that you screamed and almost fainted, thinking she was a ghost of some kind. She was pale as hell.
-You tried to run away, but you didn't get far since she was on a horse.
-After she managed to calm you down, you noticed her attire was too far from modern fashion, and her ears were round like some fairy.
-She asked if you were lost or if you knew a way out. You snapped at her because the light reflected on her white dress gave you false hope. You were lost as shit, so of course, you didn't know a way out.
-You both started snapping at each other, calling names, then she said that wasn't a way to talk to a princess of Noldor.
-You got confused because you had never even heard about this Noldor group until you asked what she was.
-You almost burst into laughter when she said she was an elf. Elves did not exist.
-She introduced herself as Aredhel. She was on a hunt and then lost her way into the forest.
-You explained your situation, but she had no idea what a school was or where your country was.
-Weird things started happening, and you got scared, so you ended up staying with her.
-Aredhel was obnoxious and mockingly promised to protect you, a little scared human boy.
-You never wanted to slap someone so badly. You didn't care if Aredhel was a princess or not.
-She did keep you safe from strange creatures and allowed you to ride behind her. You had not ridden before, and she was still a stranger to you, so you traveled weirdly by sitting behind her and keeping your hands up.
-It was difficult because your balance jumped from side to side, and Aredhel always snickered when you dumbed on her back or held on to her to avoid falling.
-Aredhel was not a fun company at first. She made fun of you and boasted about her accomplices as a huntress, speaking about pridefulness.
-You didn't talk much about yourself, but you did tell her you liked art, reading, and studying. You looked up to being a veterinarian one day because you adored animals.
-She would make fun of you again, calling them lame and unmanly because most of your kin were warriors with pride and muscle. You were more woman than her.
-At that point, you were not afraid to call her a biach and turn her name into AredHell. You swore you would steal her horse and ride to freedom when you got the chance.
-She only laughed, wishing you good luck on trying.
-You knew better than trying your luck since she was a freaking hunter. She was taller than you and had a bow and knives, so in the end, you didn't try to test her patience.
-She was nice to you on some occasions. She gave you food and water and treated your bruises when you got clumsy. She even filled out the boredom by asking for some facts about animals and how to treat them since you wanted to be an animal doctor.
-She didn't judge, so you were comfortable talking with her during those times. She even shared some knowledge about animals you didn't know.
-She helped you understand animals better, making you respect her a little. Her knowledge was better than your professors, which you didn't want to admit because she would boast it if you told her.
-During your trip through the forest, you started feeling like someone was watching you from the shadows. It wasn't a nice feeling, so you told your elven companion about it.
-She sensed it too, then surprisingly, you both dumbed on an elf named Eol. He came out of nowhere, so you felt very uncertain about him.
-He welcomed and took you both into his kingdom, where he gave you refreshments and some food.
-You stuck with Aredhel because she was the only one you knew, and you noticed that you might not be in your country anymore. Everything was different to you, so no wonder Aredhel knew nothing of your world.
-You tried to remain polite to Eol's hospitality but couldn't help but get bad vibes from him.
-You felt uncomfortable by the looks he gave toward Aredhel.
-You started noticing red flags and didn't like how he and his people saw you as an incompetent human child. You were 19 and almost finished graduation. You're more than capable of caring for yourself.
-You tried to exchange your worries with Aredhel, but she assured you everything was alright. They were from the same kind as her. You might be overreacting a little.
-You didn't feel assured, and the red flags kept showing until Eol approached you and offered to help you leave Nan Elmoth so you could go home. It happened when Aredhel wasn't around you.
-It was a huge red flag, and you became concerned for Aredhel's safety.
-You put on a false smile and rejected the offer, telling him you would leave with your friend.
-You lied on the spot that you were her servant. You couldn't leave her side.
-The lie pushed him away for a while, so you ran to Aredhel and told her what happened.
-She finally heard your concerns and started doubting Eol's hospitality and the smile he put on his face.
-You regret you didn't force her to leave with you because whatever magic lingered in Nan Elmoth, it messed with your heads.
-Eol managed to charm his way into her heart, and she decided to marry him after some time. The whole thing felt wrong, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave her, so you stayed.
-Things looked normal in the beginning, you became Aredhel's servant, and Eol didn't show any signs of possible mistreatment.
-He treated her respectfully, but you saw signs when Aredhel started changing around him.
-Eol allowed her to go on hunts since it was her passion, but she couldn't find animals and always came back empty-handed.
-Eol explained Nan Elmoth didn't have a lot of animals and suggested putting hunting to the side.
-It was the first warning you saw because you saw a lot of animals when you sometimes took walks.
-Aredhel had put hunting to the side because she couldn't find animals and tried things like embroidery or stuff wives would do.
-You helped her and tried to ensure she had stuff to do in her free time. You both shared fun with embroidery, making ridiculous designs, and sharing jokes.
-It was fun for a while, but eventually, she got bored with them and wanted to go out. She wanted to go outside Nan Elmoth because she learned the forest like the back of her hand.
-You suggested talking about it with Eol because it wouldn't hurt traveling a bit.
-She approved, and you accompanied her when she went to say she wanted to travel.
-Well. It didn't go well because Eol didn't allow it.
-At first, he said it was because he was worried something terrible would happen, but then arguments would take place when he denied the permission for several months.
-It was more obvious he was controlling Aredhel's freedom.
-You would finally see the red flags you missed when Aredhel's stubbornness and confidence started dropping.
-Eol was guilt-tripping her to stay, saying things she was ungrateful and that he felt saddened she wanted to leave him. He didn't budge even when she tried to reason with him.
-One day, Aredhel stopped, saying she didn't have the energy to argue anymore and kept going out in Nan Elmoth.
-You tried to tell her that something was wrong with her relationship. It wasn't normal or healthy.
-Even you know that a relationship should be healthy and respect should go both ways. Eol wasn't respecting her wishes at all.
-She took in what you said and considered demanding to see her family because she noticed she had never seen the borders.
-It didn't happen when you both discovered she was expecting a baby.
-Eol became controlling and pressured her to stay indoors so she wouldn't risk the unborn's health.
-She became distressed because she didn't want to stay bound to him and felt forced to stay in Nan Elmoth.
-She didn't want to risk her child's health, of course, but she started to see how bad her marriage was.
-You would try to stay as her pillar but felt hopeless because there wasn't anything you could do, and escaping would put the baby at risk, especially when she wanted to keep the child.
-You both agreed to wait until the little one was born. You stood by Aredhel's side, tending to her needs and being there for her. Though, it was Eol's duty as her husband.
-She felt better when you were there for her.
-You both exchanged stories and kept each other company. You missed the light of the sun, and she missed her family.
-After nine months, her little boy was finally born.
-He was a beautiful elven child and took a lot after his mother. You adored him on the spot.
-Aredhel gave him the name Lomion, which you thought suited him, but then Eol started showing his true colors because he prohibited using that name.
-His excuse was because it was in Aredhel's native tongue, and its use was forbidden in middle earth.
-You didn't have a problem with it since Aredhel told you her mother tongue was forbidden in middle earth, so you pestered him to give the little babe a name in his tongue.
-He gave the little one a name, which meant boy.
-You and Aredhel were shocked and told him to give Lomion a proper name because the boy wasn't even a name.
-He refused, and you argued with him because no one alive among elves, humans, and dwarves calls their children just a boy.
-He slandered you, saying you had no right to question his choice of a name for his son. His son will possess that name whether you or Aredhel liked it or didn't.
-At that point, you finally learn to hate him.
-Aredhel felt desperate because Eol would not allow using Lomion and didn't give a proper name, so she asked you to give her son a name.
-You felt concerned because Lomion wasn't your son, and you didn't have the right to name him, but after she pestered you a while and promised Eol would not know about it.
-She trusted you and would feel better if you were the one to give him a name.
-You weren't best at naming, so you gave her baby a nickname Milo. You remember it meant beloved or dearest in some language. She liked it, and you two used that name in secret.
-Her son grew to be a happy and bright kid. You and Aredhel called him Milo most of the time when Eol wasn't around but sometimes called him Lomion.
-You two made sure he wouldn't tell Eol about it because otherwise, Eol would get mad at you for no good reason.
-Something strange happened to you because your growing had been slow, and you reached your thirties when Lomion reached the age of 15, which was like 5 in eleven standards.
-You're supposed to be a lot older than that.
-One theory you managed to come with was whatever magic lingered in Nan Elmoth stunned your growth for a while. Eol seemed very frustrated about it.
-You grew to love the little boy like he was your son.
-Aredhel sometimes watched with a fond smile when you played with her little one. He would laugh whenever you played and told stories about warriors such as ironman, hulk, or Captain America. He would screech with happiness when you swung him around like spiderman.
-Her heart would burst when she caught you trying to teach Milo to say, Nana. A short version of naneth.
-You would have grown closer with Aredhel during that time, parenting little Milo and sharing deeper secrets.
-Aredhel sometimes wished Lomion was your son because you were there for her and more in her son's life than Eol. Eol only comes to check from time to time, but the other way was no show.
-It was hard to pretend family with Eol around.
-Eol finally decided to change the name and call Milo, Maeglin. You didn't mind it since it wasn't too bad, but you became concerned about how he decided to father Maeglin.
-Eol started training Maeglin when he was old enough to learn how to forge and hunt. It wasn't bad at first, until he went overboard with his training and punishments when Maeglin couldn't fill his expectations.
-Your heart always broke whenever the little boy came back crying, and you tried to give him the comfort he needed.
-Aredhel tried to reason with her husband to be more gentle with their son. He was still a child, and the expectations Eol put out for him were too high.
-Eol didn't budge with it and claimed there was nothing wrong with his methods. Maeglin needed to learn how to be strong. Otherwise, he would never be a leader or survive in the world. He refused to have a weak heir.
-He berated Aredhel for raising Maeglin to be soft, and that's why Maeglin needs to learn how to toughen up.
-You grew hateful and argued his methods were dead wrong and Maeglin would only learn how to be afraid of him. He might as well grow up hating him in the end.
-Eol wasn't pleased and went physical with you.
-You were weaker than him, so you couldn't do anything but take the beating.
-He considered he should toughen Aredhel and Maeglin to teach them a lesson to never go against his judgment.
-You knew what he meant and called him bastard before begging him to leave them alone and that you will bear the punishments of his frustration.
-He already mentally abused Aredhel. She can't handle physical, so you were more than willing to bear the pain.
-And that's what you did. Whenever, Eol became angry or frustrated with Maeglin's progress, he would lash out at you.
-Those wouldn't be the best time of your life, and you kept telling yourself it was for Aredhel's and Maeglin's sake. It was worth it.
-Eol pretty much tortured you. It took a toll on your mental health, but you still kept going and taking in the abuse.
-You tried to hide it, but Aredhel caught on to it quickly when you tried to avoid interacting with her and Maeglin. It was because Eol threatened you not to even look at them.
-Aredhel confronted you and tried to make you speak the truth to her about Eol's abuse.
-You tried to deny it but couldn't hold it in any longer when she told you she wouldn't be able to continue without you. And Maeglin had been asking for you.
-She knew the little boy was your weakness, so you cried and confessed everything.  
-She was angry and cried that you took so much suffering for her and Maeglin's sake. She hugged you, telling you that you were dear to her and she would figure something out for your sake.
-The moment could have been heartwarming if you didn't know Eol was watching from the shadows.
-He came at you, accusing you of meddling with his wife. You tried to defend yourself from the accusation, then suffered the worst beating of your life.
-He showed no mercy and almost took your life if Aredhel didn't interfere.
-She snapped when she saw what Eol did to you, and a physical fight broke out between them.
-What's even worse, Maeglin was there and witnessed it all.
-You were in pain and bleeding. You had no doubt Eol had broken some of your bones, but you still tried to comfort Maeglin and keep his attention away from the fight.
-Aredhel snapped at Eol and swore she would have stopped at nothing to kill him if you died.
-You begged them to stop because Maeglin was scared and crying in your arms.
-Eol stopped but sneered at you and left, telling Aredhel she could keep her pathetic human toy.
-He prohibited anyone and every healer from helping you, so Aredhel took it upon herself to care you back to health.
-It would have been hard for anyone. Aredhel didn't leave your side because she feared Eol or someone would come to take your life for good.
-Maeglin always cried and stayed many nights with you, swearing he would protect you from harm.
-You recovered slowly but felt heartbroken whenever Aredhel returned with a new bruise. You had no doubt Eol had turned his infamous punishments on her after that stunt.
-You hated seeing her like this. Sometimes she would rest beside you and stroke your hair as you talked about your current situation.
-You mustered the energy to suggest maybe it was time to leave.
-She took it upon herself to plan out the escape. She waited that you were at least able to stand before taking you and Maeglin away when Eol had to attend a feast and leave Nan Elmoth for a while.
-You had studied that there was a spell upon Nan Elmoth and found a way to break it. You never thought you would do magic, but with Maeglin's help. You broke the spell. And you all got out.
-You all were embraced by the warmth and light of the sun. You were overwhelmed with emotions, and the sensation of freedom almost made you fly.
-You and Aredhell hugged each other with tears. You were finally free from the hell hole you called home these past years.
-Maeglin would have been excited, finally seeing what was outside his home and realizing his father was wrong about everything.
-You would soon start traveling toward Gondolin. Eol would be pissed when he finds out you all left, so you needed to bail out somewhere safe.
-You were too weak to ride by yourself, so you held on to Maeglin as he rode, following Aredhel's lead toward Gondolin, her home. It wasn't the most comfortable ride, but you sucked it up, happy to be free.
-When you got there, you were impressed by the great city but felt slightly nervous.
-It was new territory for you and Maeglin, so you couldn't stop feeling guarded.
-Arriving at the king's court to meet Aredhel's brother, the king, was nerve-racking.
-Luckily, Maeglin was there to help you stand up and hold your hand since he was also nervous.
-Aredhel's reunion with her brother was heartwarming, and she happily introduced you and Maeglin to him.
-King Turgon thanked you for helping his sister and nephew and was more than glad to offer healer's assistance since you were still recovering from your injuries.
-However, things soon turned sour when Eol arrived, demanding to have his wife and son returned to him.
-He would have been kept at a safe distance, but the things he said infuriated you with no bounds.
-Especially how he said Maeglin belonged to him and would not have anything to do with filthy Noldor. Even though; the boy was half Noldor himself.
-Maeglin was quivering, frightened by the thought. Aredhel was holding on to her son like he was going to disappear. You didn't like those looks on their faces and knew; that they should never get separated.
-Angered and protective of them, you held onto your walking stick and screamed back at Eol. You told the court everything Eol had done to Aredhel and how abusive he was with Maeglin.
-You revealed every scar he had inflicted and that he was unfit to be a father. He referred Maeglin more as his pet than his son.
-You didn't hold back on everything and even revealed you had been protecting the two from his physical abuse and that Aredhel had the right to take full custody over her son without Eol's say. Maeglin also had the right to choose if he wanted to return with his father or not.
-Eol didn't take it well, especially when Maeglin refused to return with him.
-Your outburst convinced King Turgon and the other elves, but before the guards could capture Eol, he took out a poisoned spear and threw it toward Maeglin, intending to take him down with him.
-It was a time-stopping moment.
-Aredhel came to his defense, ready to take the shot for him. However, like an instinct, and pushing your weakened form forward. You did what you always did to protect those two.
-You pushed them away and took the shot yourself.
-The spear pierced your chest, and you fell limb on the floor. The poison caused you great pain, but you were happy because Aredhel and Maeglin were left untouched.
-The guards finally restrained the bastard, and he cursed at you, screaming how you ruined everything.
-You just said at least you did what a true father would have done for the one he loved and for the sake of his child.
-Eol was taken away to be executed for his crimes, while Aredhel picked you up and ran with Maeglin to the halls of healing, praying there was still time to save you.
-The healers did everything they could, but the poison had already taken effect, and the weapon had punctured one of your lungs.
-All they could do for you was to give a painless death.
-Aredhel was devastated, and Maeglin was begging for you to survive.
-You had accepted your fate and told them you were happy they were finally safe from Eol's awful clutches. You could rest without regrets.
-You tried to convince Aredhel to smile at you. Not the one Eol forced her to have, but the annoying smirk of an asshat princess you met in those woods and loved.
-You missed the real her more than anything, so she managed to muster that familiar smile you remembered.
-You pulled Maeglin into one last hug, telling him how much you loved him and that you would always be proud of him. You knew Eol would have never, so you poured all your love into that hug.
-You asked him to look after his nana and called him Milo one last time before closing your eyes and falling asleep, knowing you will never wake up from it.
-Maeglin and Aredhel would hug your limb body, not letting you go until it was time for your funeral.
-Aredhel dressed you in white, remembering you once said her dress reflected light, giving you hope. She also put a piece of hair from her former horse into your hands. There was no meaning to it; except to bring closure that you stole her horse and rode to freedom like you said all those years ago.
-Aredhel and Maeglin watched as the flames encased your body and the wind blew your ashes toward the sea.
-Aredhel cried, knowing she would never see you again because your fate wasn't like one with the Eldar. She would not see you again even in the undying lands. She thanked you for everything and hoped your fea would hear her last words.
-Turgon supported her and Maeglin throughout their grief and gave condolences for their loss.
-Eol finally paid the consequences of his actions, but the two didn't care about his fate.
-Maeglin was most devastated by your death.
-You were always there for him and were his best friend in the darkest times. It was a slap to the face because you loved him more than his father.
-He knew humans were supposed to die eventually, but your death was too soon, and he would even beg Eru himself to feel the warmth of your hug for one last time.
-He treated your last words like an oath and looked after his mother. Your death took a toll on them, but they slowly recovered from the damages Eol had caused.
-Maeglin learned everything with his mother's guidance and gained a healthy friendship with his cousin, Idril.
-He went with his name and sometimes was referred to as Lomion, but if anyone called him Milo. He would fall silent.
-He was alright when his mother called him that, but it didn't feel the same without you.
-Maeglin was hesitant to add Eol's name to the papers but found the courage to remove him and write your name instead.
-Maeglin, Lomion, Milo. Son of Aredhel Ar-Feiniel and (Name) (Lastname)
-You might have been a human and not related by blood, but you were more of a father to him than Eol ever was.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Ayo I have another banger for a Maeglin request.
Reembodied Maeglin in the third age fluff, with the reader who works as King Thranduil's Crowd shield????
Reader protects Maeglin from a grumpy Thranduil's wrath cuz of how Maeglin betrayed his kin in Gondolin, and comforts him afterwards.
Oh and Reader may punch Thranduil in the face in anger.
I just want to see a fic were Thranduil get's punched.
Also Male Reader this time???
featuring maeglin x male reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n sorry I took so long hun- I hope you like it!
warnings thranduil is being a dick- protective reader
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You quietly sat on the steps and watched Maeglin hammer the hot metals.
Subconsciously, you already had run your thumb over your bottom lip many times- his muscles were definitely a sight for sore eyes.
“Are you just going to sit there- and I do all the work, Y/N?”
He suddenly- you jumped a little.
“You seemed to be doing fine!- Am only supervising!”
“Why?- Are you afraid like your brother?- That I might make all of Mirkwood’s weaponry to galvorn?”
He said- with a dry humorless chuckle.
Thranduil and yourself weren’t exactly brothers-but you were, but not blood related- you were the son of one of Oropher’s trusted advisors and minstrels- but the late king had somewhat adopted you into the royal family after the death of your father and mother during an attack- so you grew up with Thranduil since you were little elflings!
“You know- how to make it?”
You asked- cautious because you didn’t want to see Maeglin mad at himself.
Every one of us had made mistakes- but we deserve another chance that is why you firmly believed Maeglin was reembodied!- He deserved another chance- you believed he has a good heart- he just needed to be lead the right away.
You weren’t afraid to admit to yourself anymore- you had fallen for the ellon in front of you.
Every one saw him as a traitor and avoided him at all costs- Maeglin became an outsider again- but you made sure to visit him whenever he locked himself away in the forges.
He had thought you a few things.
You still remember the heavy warmth on your cheeks when Maeglin stood behind and wrapped his hand around your hand and hammered the metal down.
It was and still is very hard for you to focus because of the feeling of his body pressed against you from behind.
When Maeglin sighed and gritted his teeth- shutting his eyes closed- you regretted asking the question.
“I worked with Eol and the dwarves- I do remember. . .”
“I know you have no intention-” “If you do know how to make it-then my brother and I have every right to be concerned!”
You groaned- almost slapping your hand over your face as Thranduil elegantly strode down the stairs- his crown on his head.
Maeglin stopped hammering and placed his tool aside- then stepped away from the anvil to greet the king.
You stayed put- but still acknowledged your brother- though you were mad at him for speaking like that with Maeglin- you told so many times before to stop it.
“How am I supposed to know you will not bring that poison to my kingdom?- And betrayal us like you betrayed your kin!”
You hissed when Maeglin kept his head down and listened- now he was taking all the blame- living through the insults.
You feared Maeglin might harm himself with the continuous self-blame.
He was forgiven and given another chance- but the king of the elves clearly didn’t see it that way.
You tried to warn Thranduil too many times already to stop- telling him your thoughts on the matter- but Thranduil that the habit of in one ear and out the other.
The high mighty king thought only he mattered.
“The fall of the great hidden of Gondolin was truly your fault- was it not?”
“Yes- my king. . .”
Maeglin replied submissively- it broke your heart.
Your hand itched to shut him up for good.
“Am stating the truth- dear little brother”
He smiled down at you.
“And all for what?- What did you receive in the end, Maeglin?”
“Thranduil!- That’s enough!”
You balled your hand into fists- trying to suppress your rising anger.
“You killed the people your mother desperately try to escape from your father’s torture!”
Your heart ached when you saw Maeglin suddenly shutting his eyes closed again- you had not missed the pain that flashed in his eyes.
“You killed the last bit of her precious family. . .”
You shouted- in the blindness of your anger- you raised your fist and punched him square in the face.
He shouted after stumbling a few steps back- he held his nose.
“That was long overdue”
You said with venom in your voice- yes, you suddenly grew protective of Maeglin.
You glanced over at him- he was too stunned to speak- eyes wide and mouth slightly open in shock.
You really punched the king- didn’t you?
When Thranduil dropped his hand- he smirked at you.
“It has been a long time since you last dared to punch me brother- and if remember correctly it was over something you deeply cared for. . .”
He chuckled- the color quickly rushed to your face- you probably looked like a bright tomato.
This time- you didn’t dare to sneak a glance at Maeglin.
Thranduil laughed as he climbed the stairs- satisfied with himself.
“My, oh my, brother- you always go for the bad ones- don’t you?”
He said when he exited.
His voice echoed through the forge- you couldn’t face Maeglin.
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know?- He wasn’t wrong!”
Maeglin finally said.
You snapped your eyes up.
“Just because that idiot’s king- does not mean he’s always right, Mae!”
You even used the nickname you gave him not even 2 weeks after he joined.
“You were given another chance- you deserve this! You can do right!”
You stressed.
Maeglin strode his way to you- almost menacingly.
You gulped- took a step back but the walls of the forge stopped you.
The ellon stood in front of you.
“You believe that?”
You said- immediately with confidence!
“So you believe the king’s wrong?”
You said again.
“And you like the bad ones?”
Your eyes widened.
“No! . . . - what did you ask me?”
Maeglin chuckled- he smirked and leaned in closer.
He ran a hand over your jaw.
“Well- good thing I always go for the good ones then!”
He smirked and kissed you- hard and feverish- and you didn’t waste a moment to kiss back. . .
After all- you had dreamed about this for far too long.
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tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @aeonianarchives @spidergirla5
silm x reader: @doodle-pops
Maeglin x reader: @i-did-not-mean-to
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