#maeng sang hyun
world-smitten · 9 months
Into the Ring Final Thoughts
contains spoilers
a lot of kdramas really flop w/ the 16-episode format, but when a show works, it works and suddenly 16 episodes feel like the platonic ideal for a short-form television narrative. The drama never settled into one mode for too long - like Se-ra, it felt unpredictable and new, and it had enough momentum to carry it easily and sweetly into its conclusion. Episode 16 is a near-perfect ending.
Bringing back the councilwoman who gave up her campaign for Se-ra is one of the sweetest, most satisfying bookends I've ever seen in a story. What a wonderful way to emphasise solidarity between older and younger generations; what a wonderful way to show support between women.
Jo Maeng-deok, what a prick. Wonderfully understated performance by Ahn Nae-sang, who injects each line with a combination of smug, aloof world-weariness. A sensible douchebag who seems signficantly smarter than the goons he surrounds himself with, which means that his moments of petty short-sightendness are as revealing as the moments where the narrative occassionally invites us to pity him. He loves his sons, but he also uses them against his opponents, and one weighs far heavier than the other. I love it when bad parents don't get redemption via the child's forgiveness. And when Maeng-deok is finally brought down, the story doesn't revel in his political defeat. Kong-myung should never have been put in that position - divulging private details about his family to the public, in order to "defeat" his father; a lesser drama would have been too caught up in giving its audience catharsis to really care. But Maeng-deok's fall, and the final, permanent separation between him and his surviving son, are sad eventualities, portrayed quietly. It was here that I came to not only love, but to respect this show.
At the start of the drama, there are two women in local politics. By the end of the drama, there are three women - Goo Se-ra leaves the council, but her friend - a single mom - takes her place. In Into the Ring, politics is inertia, circular. But this small change - one more woman in politics - is still potential for further change. Similarly, I was struck by Hee-soo's final scene - still grinding, still aspiring, still stuck in the same place, with little faith from her colleagues. But a child shouts out that he'll vote for her when he's old enough, and you see the way it lights her up (communicated almost soundlessly through Yoo Da-in's brilliant acting). Progress is slow, being a responsible politician is difficult and unrewarding, but it has to be done because it's always worth doing. I can't wait to see more of Moon Hyun-kyung's work in the future.
"Even if it's slow, let's go together."
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livingwithkdramas · 5 years
 Let me start with, THEIR CHEMISTRY OMG THEIR CHEMISTRY IS ON FIRE HERE!!! All those who watched the drama, let’s admit it we stayed for deok mi and ryan. Its been a while since I’ve shipped a couple so bad because I’m not really the type to ship actors together, the last i felt that was with bo young and ye jae wook in a poem a day.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way let me just talk about some negatives first. I didn’t like eungi, no offence to bo hyun, i don’t think he’s neccesarily a bad actor but the script really didn’t do him justice. It was as if the writer threw eungi in just because they needed a jealous second male lead to make the leads fall in love or something. Its actually really uneccesary, the only redeeming factor about eungi is the fact that he didn’t actually really get super angry once deok mi was like “i dont like you” and he moved on slowly but eventually and I liked the way he made friends with dain, but ultimately dain’s character felt like a plot device as well though she did seem more 3 dimensional compared to eungi even though eungi got more screentime.
Another thing I didn’t particularly like was also the ending. I didnt actually hate the angst that much especially the one with ryan’s mom i think that was well written for what it was but why is there always that stupid childhood connection thing, it could have worked if it was more mentioned in passing but i found it weird that deok mi somehow never remembered deok su for all these years in her life and she never questioned that void in her memory before as well. But she moved on abit too quickly for my liking , yes deok su has been dead for very long, but it just didnt feel right to see her move on so quickly. More specifically about the ending was NOOOOO I WANTED SIAN TO KNOW THAT DEOK MI WAS RTS that would have been so much fun to see sian most likely fanboying over her and just that would have made my inner fangirl very happy.
Last thing, while cindy was more or less just foil at the beginning that was the character that had the redemption arc or development arc of the show it just felt abit weird to me that she moved on from being a sasaeng fan so quickly like i thought that would be a thing for a while but she kind of just stopped. Which i thought could have been further explored since this is afterall a drama about FANGIRLS, it would have been niced if she was somehow tied back to it maybe appearing on accident in the PD’s documentary that got him kicked out of the house.
Now on to the good parts
Firstly PMY and KJW stylist’s deserve a payraise with their outfits like their couple outfits were so pretty, it wasn’t directly matching but they complemented each other really well. And that scene where he proposed both of them were wearing all white which was amazinggg!! and speaking of style UM SO HYE style was just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mazing in a weird funny unique yet somehow stylish way.
and also can i say how much i love seon joo and seung min like that couple is soooooooooo cute tooo, the way they fought, the way they made up felt much more real and sort of served as a grounding point to prevent the very very fluffy main couple from actually being overly fluffy plus i liked that ju hyeok got abit of a story line, i thought he was just going to be a comic character breaking cups but he actually wasn’t and isit just me or did he stop breaking cups by the end of the last episode?
The paintings are also really good someone please tell me who painted them cause i think the art style is really pretty.
All in All, i started the drama because of the fangirl but the only reason i completed the drama was because of the chemistry between the cast, the writing itself was nothing amazing, maybe average or even below average but the way music was used and the directing as well as editing especially in the earlier episodes helped to make me hold on to this drama and finish it!
If you read this far thanks for reading a rant until next time!
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kdramathots · 5 years
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Her Private Life
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
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  Deux inspecteurs de police de la brigade criminelle enquêtent sur une série de meurtres de lycéens…
    “Yuwolui ilgi” (6월의 일기), ou “Diary of June” pour la distribution internationale, est un thriller policier sud-coréen datant de 2005, dirigé par Im Kyeong-soo, à qui l’on doit également “Passion Flower” (2013). Les acteurs principaux sont Shin Eun-kyung, qu’on a pu voir dans “My Wife Is a Gangster” (2001), Yunjin Kim, qu’on a pu voir dans “Seven Days” (2008), Eric Mun, qu’on a pu voir dans “A Bittersweet Life” (2005), Yoon Joo-sang, qu’on a pu voir dans “King and the Clown” (2005), Maeng Se-chang, qu’on a pu voir dans “Ode to My Father” (2014), et Kim Kkot-bi, qu’on a pu voir dans “Kundo: Age of the Rampant” (2014). Ce métrage est paru le 1er décembre 2005.
L’histoire proposée par “Diary of June” nous emmène dans le milieu scolaire coréen. Deux garçons du même collège sont assassinés. Dans leur estomac, on retrouve des capsules contenant des morceaux d’un journal intime qui donnent des indications sur la prochaine victime. Soupçonnant qu’il pourrait y avoir la possibilité que le tueur se trouve dans le même établissement scolaire, l’inspecteur Chu Ja-young (Shin Eun-kyung), et son partenaire Kim Dong-wook (Éric Mun), enquêtent sur place et tente d’identifier l’écriture en la comparant à des échantillons réalisés par les élèves. Quand enfin ils identifient l’auteur des fragments retrouvés dans les victimes, ils découvrent que l’étudiant en question, Jin-mo, est décédé, renversé par une voiture un mois auparavant, jetant ainsi le trouble sur leurs investigations. Les inspecteurs finissent par trouver le journal intime de Jin-mo en perquisitionnant son logement. Ils découvrent que ce dernier a été la cible du harcèlement permanent de ses camarades de classe…
Le tueur en série fait toujours recette dans le cinéma coréen. Périodiquement, ce sujet revient sur le devant de la scène. Dans bien des cas, nous avons à faire à un psychopathe. Dans “Diary of June” l’approche est différente. Dans la première partie du film, le développement s’articule comme les classiques du genre, avec la découverte d’éléments importants à travers les investigations des enquêteurs. Toutefois, la particularité du scénario concocté par Go Jeong-woon réside dans la bascule du récit, qui se transforme en une histoire de vengeance. On découvre que les victimes étaient tous les bourreaux d’un camarade de classe qui avait été élu au titre de souffre-douleur de la classe. Dépité, ce dernier va se suicider dans des circonstances dramatiques. Fatalement, avec une telle orientation, le récit prend une coloration dramatique. Les enquêteurs, qui vont beaucoup s’investir dans leur enquête, ne vont pas sortir moralement intacts de leur investigation, notamment l’inspectrice Ja-young qui sera personnellement impactée par la tournure des événements.
Le développement va essentiellement poser le focus sur le personnage d’inspectrice de police incarné par Shin Eun-kyung. Cette dernière est une jeune femme énergique, volontaire, et chose assez rare pour être soulignée, effrontée, ne se laissant en rien marcher sur les pieds, avec peu de respect pour sa hiérarchie. En sous-intrigue, on la positionne en difficulté dans sa vie personnelle, devant s’occuper de son neveu suite au décès de sa sœur. Les relations avec l’adolescent sont tumultueuses, ce dernier n’ayant que peu d’intérêt pour les études, préférant s’adonner aux graffitis urbains. L’enquêtrice va se retrouver directement impliquée dans son enquête dès lors que des connexions avec son propre passé vont venir se dévoiler. Elle forme un duo avec un jeune inspecteur interprété par Eric Mun, dont le développement est nettement moins accentué que pour sa partenaire féminine.
D’une durée de 105 minutes, “Diary of June” offre de nombreuses scènes dynamiques, notamment dans la dernière partie où le rythme s’intensifie. L’histoire se déroule sur quelques jours dans un contexte contemporain. Le film s’ouvre sur le premier meurtre, en plein jour, sur un axe de passage avec une foule prise de panique. Le métrage se termine par une série de flashbacks mettant en scène certains protagonistes de l’histoire découvrant certains aspects de l’histoire qu’ils ne connaissaient pas. Le nœud de l’histoire réside dans la connexion entre l’inspectrice Chu Ja-young et l’auteur des meurtres ainsi qu’autour des motivations de celui-ci, dans une forme qu’il n’est pas possible de décrire sans dévoiler des éléments du suspense.
Les valeurs de productions sont plutôt bonnes autour de ce métrage. La photographie proposée par Kim Cheol-ju est sympathique et rappelle sensiblement celle mise en place par Darius Khondji sur “Seven” (1995) de David Fincher, avec une grosse présence de la pluie, transformant cet élément naturel en personnage. Le cinéaste joue également avec la lumière, offrant une multitude de scènes de nuit, dans une semi-obscurité. Ahn Sang-hyeon s’occupe de gérer les effets spéciaux, corps mutilés, giclées de sang, etc. La bande musicale est bien orchestrée avec une belle présence dans les moments de tension. Enfin, l’édition réalisée par Kyung Min-ho permet d’obtenir un film captivant et dynamique.
En conclusion, “Diary of June” est un bon petit thriller policier disposant d’une histoire intéressante, d’une intrigue usuelle et d’un développement classique. Le rythme est bien équilibré entre l’action et les investigations, le récit est fluide et la narration fait appel à des flashbacks, notamment dans la dernière partie du film. La photographie offre de nombreuses séquences sous la pluie, la bande musicale est agréable et l’édition nous garde captivés durant l’intégralité du récit. La distribution offre de bonnes prestations et on se réjouira de la présence d’un personnage féminin sémillant incarné avec énergie par Shin Eun-kyung. L’ensemble se laisse regarder avec plaisir et fait son travail de divertissement. À voir …
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    DIARY OF JUNE (2005) ★★★☆☆ Deux inspecteurs de police de la brigade criminelle enquêtent sur une série de meurtres de lycéens...
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KGC, can you breathe in the guards?
Lee Woo-jung, who joined the pro league as seventh in the first round in 2017, played as a six-man for two years in the DB. He averaged 11 minutes and 55 seconds in 51 games over다파벳 우회주소 two seasons, scoring 2.5 points, 1.1 assists, 1.1 rebounds. Lee Woo-jung, who later joined the executive board, planned to rejoin DB as of January 12 this year. DB다파벳 출금 has also created a vacancy for Lee Woo-jung in the negotiations for conservative negotiations before the season. However, Lee Woo-jung was headed to Anyang, not Wonju. There was a reason. Currently, the DB is rich in guards. While Doo Kyung-min and Heo Woong are the main players, there are Kim Tae-sul, Taichi Nakamura, and Maeng Sang-hoon. 다파벳 양방Lee Yong-woo and Lee Joon-hee, who were selected from the draft, are also showing good performances, and Kim Hyun-ho, who will return from injury. Even if Lee Woo-jung joins, chances of playing were not high. Conversely, KGC 해외배팅사이트 양방needed a backup guard. Lee Jae-do and Byun Joon-hyung were there, but there was no player to support them. Both Park Hyung-chul and Woo Dong-hyun lack point guards. Coach Lee Sang-beom, who considers 라이브토토the future of the player first, and KGC wanted a backup guard, and the trade was made.
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای انتقام شیرین 2 Sweet Revenge بازیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای انتقام شیرین 2018 2 Sweet Revenge ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس ها تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای 2 Sweet Revenge ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای انتقام شیرین ♦ عنوان: انتقام شیرین / Sweet Revenge عنوان کره ای: 복수노트 2 ژانر: عاشقانه، فانتزی، کمدی کارگردان: Oh Seung Yul نویسنده:Han Sang Im شبکه پخش:XtvN تعداد قسمت ها:16 تاریخ شروع پخش: 13 آگوست 2018 کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  داستان سریال انتقام شیرین درباره یک دختر نوجوان به نام اوجینا (آن سو هیون) است که با دادن اسم هر شخصی به برنامه‌ی توی گوشیش میتونه ازشون انتقام بگیره. اوجینا به این شکل قصد داره از همه کسایی که توی مدرسه براش قلدری میکنند انتقام بگیره و حسابشون رو برسه… یادداشت انتقام 2 (به انگلیسی: Revenge Note 2) همچنین بیشتر شناخته شده با عنوان انتقام شیرین و یا Sweet Revenge نام یک سریال کره ای محصول سال 2018 است. این سریال با بازی آن سو هیون، ساموئل، کیم جی یونگ، پارک هه جین، جی مین هیوک و کیم سو هی در 16 قسمت 60 دقیقه ای و در ژانر جوانان، عاشقانه، فانتزی، کمدی برای شبکه کابلی XtvN کره جنوبی تهیه و تولید شده است. سریال کره ای انتقام شیرین توسط هان سانگ ایم، کیم جونگ سان و شیم می سان نویسندگی شده است و کارگردانی این سریال برعهده اوه سونگ یول و سو جه جو بوده است. ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Sweet Revenge ♦
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Ahn Seo-Hyun Kim Ji-Young Park Hee Jin Seo Yu-Ri Sung Ji-Ru Oh Ji-Na Oh Sa-Na Kim Eun-Hee Kim Sun-Hee Oh Kang-Dong
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Samuel Ji Min-Hyuk ] ] Kim So-Hee Seo Ro-Bin Seo Je-Yi mother of Ro-Bin&Je-Yi father of Ro-Bin&Je-Yi Geum Soo-Ji
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Song Soo-Hyun Park Seo-Yeon Lee Ji-Hyun Shin Joon-Hang Jo Young-Sun Bae Shin-Ae Jung Bo-Ra Ha Rok-Hee An Mi-Nam Na Na-Ri
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Koo Ji-Hye Park Shi-An ] Jo Jung-Eun Yoon Seo-Young Mo Ra-Hae Baek Joo-Ri Jo A-Ra Park Saem-Na Ko Min-Joo
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Park Ji-Hoo Lee Ho-Jin Hong Dae-Ui Lee Joon-Young Song Tae-Min Lee Ha-Yan Kim Soo-Geun Park Soo-Ro Kang Ha-Joon Han Sun-Soo
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Lee Jae-Baek Jung Young-Hyun ] ] ] Ha Ji-Man Ban Yi-Deun Im Ba-Reum Lee Myung-Tae Heo Ki-Chan
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Kim Ye-Eun ] Park Dong-Bin Jung Jung-A Hwang Tae-Gwang Maeng Sa-Rang Ko Jin-Sang Lee Dae-Ro Jung Jung-A Choi Kang
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] Soo-Ji's mother ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Sweet Revenge ♦ Part 1 01. Jude (주드) of Big Star - KISS KISS Part 2 01. Feeldog (필독) of Big Star, Samuel Kim (사무엘) - Time to Shine Part 3 01. Hwang Yerin (황예린) - Only I Don't Know (나만 모르게) 02. Ji Min Hyuk (지민혁), Kim Yoo Jung (김유정) of Laboum (라붐) - Rise Up Read the full article
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doramakjcn · 6 years
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K-POP EXTREME SURVIVAL   ........... BOM + K-POP EXTREME SURVIVAL  ...... 19\03 -01\05\2012 ELENCO Go Eun Ah como Ji Seung Yeon Park Yoo Hwan como Woo Hyun Kwak Yong Hwan como kwon Ji Wii Kevin como Kang Chang Min Song Se Hyun Como Kim Hyun Seung Song Min Ho como Park Ki Bum Maeng Se Chang como Jang Tae Kwon Jo Yoon Woo como Dong Woo Jin Hyuk como Jae Ah Hong Kyung Min como CEO Jang Hyun Suk SukPark Hyo Joo como Equipo Leader Han Han Jeon EunLee Sang Yoon como Jang Suk Ali como Profesora ParkShin Kim Eun Jung como Ri Ah / Oh In Young Kim Young Ok como Vó de Ji Woo Título Original: K-POP최강서바이벌/ K-POP Choikang Survival Também Conhecido Como: K-POP Ultimate Audition Gênero: Musical, Romance, Comédia Total De episódios:14 Canal Transmissor: Channel A Período de Transmissão: 19 de março de 2012 à 01 de maio de 2012 Companhia de Produção: Lee Kim Productions Serie no NETFLIX com uma temporada e 14 episodios .. sobte um grupo junior de k-pop ... com tradução em portuques Ji Seung Yeon (Go Eun Ah) é uma garota que apesar de sonhar em ser uma cantora de hip hop, acaba indo à Londres tentar uma vaga numa escola de música clássica para agradar aos pais. Por não ter passado na audição, Seung Yeon decide voltar à Coréia escondido dos pais dela, ficando na casa de seu melhor amigo Kwon Ji Woo (Kwak Yong Hwan). Para apoiar o amigo e também para tentar realizar seu sonho, Seung Yeon decide se passar por homem, e junto com Ji Woo participa da audição da Sunny Entertainment para concorrer a uma vaga no grupo K-pop M2. Os dois passam na audição e junto com mais 6 garotos formam o M2 Júnior.
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KBS’s “Into the Ring” is coming to an end!  “Into the Ring” stars Nana as a passionate young woman who runs for local office after failing to find a job, and Park Sung Hoon as a straight-laced civil servant who finds himself caught up in the whirlwind.  Here are some key points to look out for in the climactic finale: Spoilers The kingmaker  In episode 15, Goo Se Ra (Nana) sought out Son Eun Sil (Park Mi Hyun), who had seen promise in Goo Se Ra and helped her consolidate support when she was running for district council of Mawon-gu. Goo Se Ra sought her out to ask Son Eun Sil to run for borough chief of Mawon-gu, which Jo Maeng Duk (Ahn Nae Sang) is also running for. Why did Goo Se Ra make such a request? Can she be a successful “kingmaker” in putting her chosen candidate on the “throne”? Father and son  Seo Gong Myung (Park Sung Hoon) is the son of Jo Maeng Duk. The two became estranged after Seo Gong Myung’s younger sibling died in the fire at the Sarang Resort and Jo Maeng Duk used his child’s death for his own political gain. Seo Gong Myung even went so far as to take his mother’s surname. The two met again in the borough office, with Jo Maeng Duk trying to persuade him to return to his side, and Seo Gong Myung refusing. In the middle of this, the question of the Sarang Resort fire has come up again. It remains an open question as to whether the father and son will be able to reconcile. A happy ending?  After some tempestuous ups and downs, Goo Se Ra and Seo Gong Myung learned about each other’s feelings and a sweet romance was started. Goo Se Ra offered warm comfort to Seo Gong Myung, who was still suffering from the death of his younger sibling. Seo Gong Myung also helped Goo Se Ra in her reckless quest to help the people of Mawon-gu. Each has become necessary to the other, but will they be able to have a happy ending in the end? The Sarang Resort fire  Goo Se Ra and Seo Gong Myung had found a memorial to the victims of the Sarang Resort fire that had been abandoned in the construction site of Smart One City. The two brought it back to the Mawon-gu borough headquarters, but although their conscience couldn’t stand leaving it in the construction site, their actions were illegal. The two had to move fast in order to get rid of the memorial, but both wanted to keep and protect it. Will the memorial find its proper home?    The final episode of “Into the Ring” airs on August 2 at 9:3 p.m. KST. Check out the latest episode below! Watch Now   Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr by Korea Stars TV
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kdramaindonesia · 4 years
Drama Korea Into The Ring Subtitle Indonesia
Sinopsis Drama Into the Ring
“The Ballot” menceritakan tentang Goo Se-Ra (diperankan oleh Nana). Dia adalah seorang wanita muda miskin memutuskan untuk mencoba pekerjaannya di dinas sipil ketika dia mendengar bahwa posisi perwakilan distrik memiliki gaji tahunan sebesar 50 juta won (sekitar 15 juta per bulan) yang hanya kerja selama 90 hari dalam setahun dan masih juga mendapatkan gaji besar. Se Ra tak memiliki uang hingga pengalaman, sudah tidak punya harapan hidup lagi meyakinkan diri untuk mengadu nasibnya ke sana walaupun Ia sama sekali tak pernah melakukan magang, pekerjaan kontrak, pekerjaan paruh waktu maupun lainnya. Walaupun memiliki latar belakang buruk, Dia selalu memiliki kepribadian cerah. Ko Se-Ra terkenal saat berada di kantor lingkungan setempat dikarenakan Ia merekam keluhan sipil secara terus menerus. Di sisi lain Seo Kong-Myung (diperankan oleh Park Sung-Hoon) saat ini telah bekerja sebagai pejabat publik kelas lima, pegawai negeri sipil elit. Dia selalu melakukan pekerjaannya dengan sangat baik. Tetapi Ia memiliki kepribadian dingin, tidak ramah berbanding balik dengan Koo Se-Ra. Ia memiliki keyakinan moral teguh, tetapi kegemarannya mengkritik semua orang yang telah memasuki wilayahnya. Tetapi suatu hal menyebabkan membuat Dia diturunkan dari jabatannya sekarang. Hingga akhirnya Dia terlibat dengan Koo Se-Ra setelah jadi anggota dewan baru. Koo Se-Ra akan menghukum para politisi korup. Bagaimana akhir cerita menarik dari perjuangan Koo Se-Ra selanjutnya? Akankah dengan bersama Seo Kong-Myung Dia berhasil melakukan impiannya?
Judul: 출사표 / Into the Ring / Execution Table / Northern Expeditions / Memorial / Memorials / The Ballot / The Ring Genre: Komedi, Romantis, Politik Negara: Korea Selatan Sutradara: Hwang Seung Gi Produser: – Penulis Naskah: Moon Hyun Kyung Rumah Produksi: KBS2 Channel TV: KBS2 Jumlah Episode: 32 episode Masa Tayang: 1 Juli 2020 – 20 Agustus 2020 Jadwal Tayang: Rabu dan Kamis, 21:30 waktu Korea atau 19:30 WIB
Nana sebagai Goo Se Ra Park Sung Hoon sebagai Seo Kong Myung Yoo Da In sebagai Yoon Hee Soo Han Joon Woo sebagai Kim Min Jae Ahn Nae Sang sebagai Jo Maeng Duk PEMERAN PENDUKUNG
Ahn Kil Kang sebagai Goo Duk Man (ayah Se Ra) Jang Hye Jin sebagai Kim Sam Sook (ibu Se Ra) Kim Mi Soo sebagai Kwon Woo Young Shin Do Hyun sebagai Jang Han Bi Choi Ko sebagai Kim Ja Ryong Lee Seo Hwan sebagai Heo Duk Koo Seo Jin Won sebagai Shim Jang Yang Han Dong Kyu sebagai Jang Ha Woon Lee Chang Jik sebagai Shi Dan Kyoo Yoon Joo Sang sebagai Bong Choo San Oh Dong Min sebagai Ko Dong Chan Yoo Jung Joo sebagai Yang Nae Sung Bae Hae Sun sebagai Won So Jung Park Sung Geun sebagai Lee Dae Chul Kim Hyun Mok sebagai Jung Yong Kyoo Shin Joo Hyup sebagai Oh Byung Min Park Mi Hyun sebagai Yeo Woo Hee Jun Jin Gi
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Episode 01
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mylinhnd987 · 6 years
Phim truyền hình sắp tới của đài SBS “Wok of Love” đã phát hành hình ảnh nhân vật phụ của mình!
New Post has been published on http://www.idolkpop.com/phim-truyen-hinh-sap-toi-cua-dai-sbs-wok-of-love-da-phat-hanh-hinh-anh-nhan-vat-phu-cua-minh/
Phim truyền hình sắp tới của đài SBS “Wok of Love” đã phát hành hình ảnh nhân vật phụ của mình!
Phim truyền hình sắp tới của đài SBS “Wok of Love” đã phát hành hình ảnh nhân vật phụ của mình!
“Wok of Love” là một bộ phim hài lãng mạn theo câu chuyện của đầu bếp đáng thất vọng Seo Poong (2PM Junho), gangster-quay-restaurateur Doo Chil Sung (Jang Hyuk), và tDan Sae Woo (Jung Ryeo Won) .
Trong khi nhiều người đã mong đợi hóa học của bộ ba, “Wok of Love” hứa hẹn sẽ thêm nhiều niềm vui hơn với các nhân vật bổ sung của nó. Jo Jae Yoon, Kim Hyun Joon, Choi Ki Seop, Cha In Ha, và Choi Won Myeong sẽ đóng vai những thành viên băng đảng cũ dưới thời Jang Hyuk theo con đường của mình và trở thành đầu bếp sous.
Hình trái sang phải, Choi Ki Seop sẽ đảm nhận vai trò của Jun Lee Man, người tìm thấy chiến đấu dễ dàng hơn nấu ăn, trong khi Cha In Ha sẽ chơi Bong Chi Soo, người nhanh chóng ghi nhớ và tính toán mọi thứ.
Jo Jae Yoon là người đàn ông tay phải của Doo Chil Sung, Oh Maeng Dal, người nổi tiếng với kỹ năng dao của mình. Oh Maeng Dal đã giúp Doo Chil Sung điều hành một văn phòng cho vay tư nhân, nhưng sau Doo Chil Sung vào bếp khi anh quyết định trở thành đầu bếp của một nhà hàng Trung Quốc. Mặc dù sự xuất hiện khó khăn của mình và cách nói chuyện, Oh Maeng Dal là gì, nhưng trung thành với Doo Chil Sung.
Kim Hyun Joon sẽ đóng vai Kwang Dong Sik cao cấp, người phụ trách bột trong nhà hàng. Cuối cùng, Choi Won Myeong sẽ đóng vai Yang Kang Ho trẻ nhất, nhưng mạnh nhất. Năm diễn viên sẽ được nâng cao hơn nữa bộ phim truyền hình với diễn xuất vững chắc và tình bạn thân thiết của họ.
Những hình ảnh tiết lộ chụp hai mặt hoàn toàn khác nhau của những nhân vật này. Trong một bức ảnh, họ mặc áo vét, với những chiếc áo sơ mi màu sắc rực rỡ bên dưới. Tuy nhiên, cùng năm người được thể hiện đi bộ chăm chú trong bộ đồng phục đầu bếp phù hợp và tạp dề trong một hình ảnh khác.
“Wok of Love” sẽ ra mắt vào thứ Hai, ngày 7 tháng 5 lúc 10 giờ tối KST, và sẽ có trên Viki.
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koredizisivefazlasi · 8 years
Jang Yeong Sil / 2016
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Adı: Jang Yeong Sil / Jang Youngshil: The Greatest Scientist of Joseon
Hangul: 장영실 (蔣英實) / Jang Young Shil
Tür: Dram, Tarihi, Siyasi
Baş Yapımcı: Kim Hyung Il
Yapımcı: Kim Sang Hwi
Yönetmen: Kim Young Jo
Sahne Yazarı: Lee Myung Hee, Ma Chang-Joon
Yayıncı: KBS1
Bölüm Sayısı: 24
Yayın Tarihi: 2 Ocak - 26 Mart 2016 arası
Yayın Günleri ve Saati: Cumartesi ve Pazar 21:40
Süre: 1 saat. 2 dakika.
Dili: Korece
Ülke: Güney Kore
daum: 5.7 / 10 
mydramalist: 8.0/10
naver: 5.9 / 10 
Dizi, Jang Yeong-Sil'in hayatını anlatır: Jang Yeong-Sil Joseon döneminde yaşamış bir bilim adamı, teknisyen ve mucittir. Jang Yeong-Sil, alt sınıf tabakada doğmuştur. Kral Sejong onun yeteneklerini fark eder ve onu saraya getirir. Jang Yeong-Sil ,Astronomik aletler, demir baskı makinesi ve su saati gibi araçları üretmektedir.
Ana Karakterler
Song Il Gook - Jang Young Shil
Kim Sang Kyung - King Sejong
Kim Young Chul - King Taejong 
Park Sun Young - Prenses So Hyun
Jung Yoon Suk - Jang Young Shil’in gençliği
Hong Hyun Taek - Lee Do 
Yoon Shi Young (윤시영) - Prenses So Hyun’nun gençliği
Kraliyet ailesi
Kim Ki Hyun - King Taejo (cameo)
Lee Byung Wook - Grand Prince Yangnyeong
Go Young Bin - King Sejo
Diğer Soylular
Kim Do Hyun - Lee Chun
Son Byung Ho - Ha Yun
Jung Han Yong - Hwang Hui
Kim Byung Gi - Maeng Sa Sung
Lee Young Suk - Jo Mal Saeng
Han Ki Joong (한기중) - Heo Jo
Kim Hyo Won - Jung Cho
Kang Shin Goo (강신구) - Jung Heum Ji
Jung Ui Kap - Jung In Ji
Park Seung Kyu (박승규) - Park Eun
Hwang Yi Gun (황이건) - Kim Goo Nam
Lee Byung Hoon - Lee Soon Ji
Seo Hyun Chul - Choi Bok
Im Hyuk - Yoo Taek Sang
Kang Ji Hoo - Sung Sa Gook
Min Joon Hyun - Jun Bae Chun
Lee Hak Won (이학원) - Ji Gyung Chan
Lee Ji Hoon - Jang Hee Je
Kim Myung Soo - Jang Sung Hwi
Kim Ae Ran - Eun Wol
Son Ho Gyun - Kang Gi Bae
Kang Sung Jin - Suk Goo
Kim Dae Jong (김대종) - Kim Hak Joo
Yoon Ah Reum (윤아름) - Eul Sun
Lee Gun - Han Nae Gwan
Kim Mi Ra - Uhm Sang Goong
Kwak Min Ho (곽민호) - Go Gil Soo
Im Chul Hyung (임철형) - Yoon Bong
Jang Kwang - Jo Kwang
Ahn Shin Woo - Choi Man Ri
Park Dae Kyu
Kim Min Gyu
Cameos ve özel görüntüler
Nam Il Woo - Jang Sung Bae
Yeo Hoe Hyun - Na Ki Soon
ort. reyting: 11.6%
Son bölüm reyting:   10.2%
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای بازیکن The Player بازیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای بازیکن ۲۰۱۸ The Player ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس ها تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای The Player ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای بازیکن ♦ عنوان: The Player / بازیکن عنوان کره ای: 플레이어 ژانر: جنایی / هیجان انگیز کارگردان: Ko Jae-Hyun نویسنده: Shin Jae-Hyung شبکه پخش: OCN تعداد قسمت ها:  ۱۴ وضعیت : به اتمام رسیده تاریخ شروع پخش: ۲۹ سپتامبر  ۲۰۱۸ کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰-hardsub ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  خلاصه داستان: داستان سریال بازیکن درباره یک گروه چهار نفره، تشکیل شده از یک راننده حرفه ای، مبارز قدرتمند، یک هکر نابغه و یک دغل باز حرفه ای است تا توسط تیم خود موارد جنایی را حل کنند… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای The Player ♦
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Kim Won-Hae Ahn Se-Ho Lee Hwang-Eui Kim Jong-Tae Kwak Ja-Hyoung Jang In-Kyu Investigator Maeng Yoo Ki-Hoon that person Cheon Dong-Sub
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Heo Jun-Ho Yoo Ye-Bin Ha Soo-Ho Kim Sung-Cheol Park Eun-Woo Choi Hyun-Ki Choo Yeon-Hee tattoo man Ji Sung-Koo Byun Young-Ji
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Kim Hyung-Mook Han Ki-Joong Lee Jae-Gu Lee Chung-Mi Jung Eun-Pyo Na Won-Hak Kim Sung-Jin Choo Won-Ki Yang Hae-Joo Jin Yong-Joon
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Heo Jae-Ho Kim Kwang-Sik Yoo Seung-Ho Hong Seok-Cheon Kim Seo-Kyung illegal cell phone seller Park Choon-Jae Lee Han-Sang (ep.1) road test supervisor (ep.1) Mike (ep.1-2)
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Bae Min-Jung Wang Ji-Hye Jo Jae-Yun Soohanna (ep.7) Ryu Hyun-Ja (ep.7-8) Reporter Shin (ep.8) ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال The Player ♦ Part 1 ۰۱. DOK2 (도끼) Feat. Jin Shil (진실) Of Mad Soul Child - Player (플레이어) ۰۲. DOK2 (도끼) - Player (플레이어) (Inst.) Part 2 ۰۱. The Vane (더 베인) - CHANGER ۰۲. The Vane (더 베인) - CHANGER (Inst.) Part 3 ۰۱. JK Kim Dong Uk (JK 김동욱) - Yesterday ۰۲. JK Kim Dong Uk (JK 김동욱) - Yesterday (Inst.) Part 4 ۰۱. LUNA (루나) - Bluffing ۰۲. LUNA (루나) - Bluffing (Inst.) Part 5 ۰۱. Hey Men (헤이맨) - Born To Be A Player ۰۲. Hey Men (헤이맨) - Born To Be A Player (Inst.) Part 6 ۰۱. Nam Tae Hyun (남태현) - Anyone ۰۲. Nam Tae Hyun (남태현) - Anyone (Inst.) Various Artists ۰۱. DOK2 (도끼) Feat. Jin Shil (진실) Of Mad Soul Child - Player (플레이어) ۰۲. The Vane (더 베인) - CHANGER ۰۳. JK Kim Dong Uk (JK 김동욱) - Yesterday ۰۴. LUNA (루나) - Bluffing ۰۵. Hey Men (헤이맨) - Born To Be A Player ۰۶. Nam Tae Hyun (남태현) - Anyone ۰۷. DOK2 (도끼) - Player (플레이어) (Inst.) ۰۸. The Vane (더 베인) - CHANGER (Inst.) ۰۹. JK Kim Dong Uk (JK 김동욱) - Yesterday (Inst.) ۱۰. LUNA (루나) - Bluffing (Inst.) ۱۱. Hey Men (헤이맨) - Born To Be A Player (Inst.) ۱۲. Nam Tae Hyun (남태현) - Anyone (Inst.) ۱۳. Lee Jong Soo (이종수) - RockBoy ۱۴. Kim Samuel (김사무엘) - Arena ۱۵. Kim Samuel (김사무엘) - Let's Begin the Party ۱۶. Yang Seong Woo (양성우) - On the edge ۱۷. Yoon Hyun Joong (윤현중) - Dusk ۱۸. Yoon Hyun Joong (윤현중) - Mild Smoke ۱۹. Yang Seong Woo (양성우) - Huntsman ۲۰. Yang Seong Woo (양성우) - Living Dangerous ۲۱. Lee Il Ho (이일호) - Route 215st ۲۲. Kim Samuel (김사무엘) - Insane ۲۳. Yoon Hyun Joong (윤현중) - Slayer ۲۴. Kim Samuel (김사무엘) - Sneaky ۲۵. Lee Il Ho (이일호) - Stardust ۲۶. Lee Jong Soo (이종수) - Big Guy ۲۷. Seo Seong Won (서성원) - Underpass ۲۸. Seo Jung Bum (서정범) - Corruption ۲۹. Yang Seong Woo (양성우) - Termination Game ۳۰. Lee Jong Soo (이종수) - Break Down ۳۱. Yoon Hyun Joong (윤현중) - Car Racer ۳۲. Lee Il Ho (이일호) - BLACK Queen ۳۳. Lee Il Ho (이일호) - One vs One ۳۴. Lee Jong Soo (이종수) - Keep moving Read the full article
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای ای دی من کانگ زیبا My ID Is Gangnam Beauty با زیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای ای دی من کانگ زیبا My ID Is Gangnam Beauty ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس ها تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای My ID Is Gangnam Beauty ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای ای دی من کانگ زیبا ♦ جایگزین:سریال کره ای طرح عنوان: ای دی من گانگ زیبا / My ID Is Gangnam Beauty عنوان کره ای: 내 아이디는 강남미인 ژانر: کمدی / عاشقانه کارگردان: Choi Sung-Bum نویسنده:Gi Maeng-Gi شبکه پخش:JTBC تعداد قسمت ها: ۱۶ وضعیت : به پایان رسیده  شروع : ۲۸ آوریل ۲۰۱۸ پایان:۱۵ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۸ بعد از این: سریال کره ای جذابیت سوم کیفیت: متوسط ۵۴۰p / عالی ۷۲۰p ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦  کانگ می ره بخاطر چهرش شخصیتی خجالتی داره و به همین خاطر در مدرسه مورد آزار اذیت واقع میشده. حالا او بعد از تحمل یک جراحی پلاستیک زیبا شده ولی هنوز خجالتی باقی مونده. در سال اول دانشگاه با دو کیونگ سونگ آشنا میشه کسی که مردم رو از روی ظاهر قضاوت نمیکنه و … ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای My ID Is Gangnam Beauty ♦
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Lim Soo-Hyang Cha Eun-Woo Jo Woo-Ri Kwak Dong-Yeon Kang Mi-Rae Do Kyung-Seok Hyun Soo-A Yeon Woo-Young
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Park Joo-Mi Park Sung-Geun Kim Ji-Min Lee Tae-Sun Jung Myung-Hoon Na Hye-Sung Do Sang-Won Do Kyung-Hee Woo-Jin Young-Mo
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Woo Hyeon Kim Sun-Hwa Min Do-Hee Park Yoo-Na Jung Seung-Hye Kang Tae-Sik Na Eun-Sim Oh Hyun-Jung Yoo-Eun Choi Jung-Boon
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Jung Hye-Rin Kim Doh-Yon Kim Eun-Soo Oh Hee-Joon Ryoo Ki-San Lee Ji-Hyo Jang Won-Ho Kim Sung-Woon Kim Chan-Woo Goo Tae-Young
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Bae Da-Bin Lee Ye-Rim Baek Soo-Min Choi Sung-Won Seo Ji-Hye Kwon Yoon-Byul Kim Tae-Hee Go Ye-Na Song Jung-Ho Min-A
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Shin Jun-Seop Lee Young-Ae Do Kyung-Seok (middle school student) Lee Young-Ae (ep.1)   ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال My ID Is Gangnam Beauty ♦ Part 1 01. Weki Meki (위키미키) - Love Diamond 02. RUNY (러니) - True 03. Weki Meki (위키미키) - Love Diamond (Inst.) 04. RUNY (러니) - True (Inst.) Part 2 01. Celine (셀린) - Perfume (향수) (You Are My...) 02. Celine (셀린) - Perfume (향수) (You Are My...) (Inst.) Part 3 01. Owol (오월) - NO NO 02. Owol (오월) - NO NO (Inst.) Part 4 01. George (죠지), Kang Hyein (강혜인) - Something 02. George (죠지), Kang Hyein (강혜인) - Something (Inst.) Part 5 01. Junggigo (정기고) - D-Day 02. Junggigo (정기고) - D-Day (Inst.) Part 6 01. Jin Min Ho (진민호) - Always You 02. Jin Min Ho (진민호) - Always You (Inst.) Part 7 01. Cha Eun Woo (차은우) of ASTRO - Rainbow Falling 02. Cha Eun Woo (차은우) of ASTRO - Rainbow Falling (Inst.) Part 8 01. A-YEON , ChaHee (차희) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - LET`S GO 02. A-YEON , ChaHee (차희) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - LET`S GO (Inst.) Part 9 01. Yeo Eun (여은) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - Holiday 02. Yeo Eun (여은) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - Holiday (Inst.) Various Artists 01. Weki Meki (위키미키) - Love Diamond 02. RUNY (러니) - True 03. Celine (셀린) - Perfume (향수) (You Are My...) 04. Owol (오월) - NO NO 05. George (죠지), Kang Hyein (강혜인) - Something 06. Junggigo (정기고) - D-Day 07. Jin Min Ho (진민호) - Always You 08. Cha Eun Woo (차은우) of ASTRO - Rainbow Falling 09. A-YEON , ChaHee (차희) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - LET`S GO 10. Yeo Eun (여은) of Melody Day (멜로디데이) - Holiday 11. Kang Hyein (강혜인) - Something In Your Eyes (Love Theme) 12. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - My ID Mother Theme 13. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - Love Letter I 14. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - First Love Waltz Vocal Version 15. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - The Moment I Fell In Love 16. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - Rainy Day Date 17. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - My ID Title 18. Kim Ji Hye (김지혜) - The Way To Her Heart 19. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - First Love Waltz 20. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - Too Lost 21. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - My ID Doo Bee Doo Bee Blues 22. Ryu Young Min (류영민) - Witch Comic Slow Version 23. Kim Ji Hye (김지혜) - Amazing! Read the full article
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kdramaindonesia · 4 years
Sinopsis Drama Korea Memorials
Goo Se Ra (Nana) berasal dari latar belakang keluarga yang kurang mampu, tetapi ia punya kepribadian yang ceria. Dia menghidupi dirinya sendiri dengan bekerja paruh waktu. Goo Se Ra terkenal di lingkungan kantor setempat, karena terus-menerus merekam keluhan warga sipil.
Sementara itu, Seo Kong Myung (Park Sung Hoon) bekerja sebagai pejabat publik tingkat lima. Dia berpegang teguh pada prinsip-prinsipnya tanpa peduli apa pun, dan dia melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik. Orang lain tidak menyukainya karena kepribadiannya yang tidak ramah. Ia pun terlibat hubungan dengan Goo Se Ra. Bagaimana kisah cinta ini dapat terjalin antara orang yang suka mengadukan keluhan layanan publik dengan seorang pejabat publik?
Details Drama Korea Memorials
Title: 출사표 (出師表) / Chulsapyo Also known as: The Ballot / Into the Ring Genre: Drama, office, political, romance, comedy Episodes: 32 Broadcast network: KBS2, Viu (international), Kocowa (international) Broadcast period: 2020-Jul-01 to 2020-Aug-20 Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:30 (2 episodes back-to-back) Original Soundtrack: Memorials OST
Daftar Pemain Drama Memorials
Main Cast
Nana as Goo Se Ra Park Sung Hoon as Seo Kong Myung Yoo Da In as Yoon Hee Soo Han Joon Woo as Kim Min Jae Ahn Nae Sang as Jo Maeng Duk
Se Ra’s family
Ahn Kil Kang as Goo Duk Man (Se Ra’s father) Jang Hye Jin as Kim Sam Sook (Se Ra’s mother)
Se Ra’s friends
Kim Mi Soo as Kwon Woo Young Shin Do Hyun as Jang Han Bi Choi Ko (최고) as Kim Ja Ryong
Mawon-gu council members
Lee Seo Hwan (이서환) as Heo Duk Koo Seo Jin Won as Shim Jang Yang Han Dong Kyu (한동규) as Jang Ha Woon Lee Chang Jik (이창직) as Shi Dan Kyoo Yoon Joo Sang as Bong Choo San Oh Dong Min as Ko Dong Chan Yoo Jung Joo (유성주) as Yang Nae Sung
Mawon-gu public officials
Bae Hae Sun as Won So Jung Park Sung Geun as Lee Dae Chul Kim Hyun Mok (김현목) as Jung Yong Kyoo
Election candidates
Shin Joo Hyup (신주협) as Oh Byung Min Park Mi Hyun (박미현) as Yeo Woo Hee
Jun Jin Gi
Production Credits Production Companies: Celltrion Entertainment, Frame Media (프레임미디어) Director: Hwang Seung Ki Screenwriter: Moon Hyun Kyung
Download Drama Korea Memorials / The Ballot / Into the Ring
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Catatan: Sebelum bertanya, budayakan membaca. 1. Jadwal tayang setiap hari RABU & KAMIS Malam di Korea. Untuk Video RAW (Tanpa Subtitle) versi 540p di update di blog ini besoknya, setiap hari SABTU & MINGGU sekitar jam 5/6 pagi. 2. Tidak menerima Request. Silahkan bisa cari di situs lain, jika di blog ini tidak ada (berarti memang tidak di Update). Jadi bisa Gunakan Google untuk Browsing/Searching. 3. Subtitle English & Indonesia bisa mengecek langsung di Situs Subtitle, Subscene. 4. Hanya menyediakan Harsubs Indo versi 360p saja, tidak menerima request ukuran resolusi lain. (Untuk Video versi Harsubs Indo (360p) di Update di blog ini setiap hari KAMIS & JUMAT, untuk jamnya tidak menentu, tergantung Subtitle Indonesia -nya, bisa Pagi, kadang Siang, Sore atau malem, jadi di tunggu sajanya. 5. Hanya menyediakan RAW/TANPA SUB Versi 540p saja, tidak menerima request ukuran resolusi lain. Subtitle Download terpisah di Subscene.
Info: Drama Memorials / Into the Ring, di luar Korea (international) tayang di Situs Resmi VIU (viu.com) / Aplikasi Resmi, Viu – Drama Korea & Asia Terbaru, Sub Indo.
The post Memorials Episode 1-2 Subtitle Indonesia appeared first on DramaKoreaIndo.
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kdramaindonesia · 5 years
Drama Korea Black Dog Subtitle Indonesia
SINOPSIS Drama Black Dog :
“Black Dog” akan menceritakan kisah remaja dan hal-hal yang terjadi di sekolah. Go Ha Neul yang diperankan oleh Seo Hyun Jin adalah seorang guru sekolah yang tidak berpengalaman dan Dia mendapat tugas untuk mengajar di sekolah menengah swasta di lingkungan Daechi, sebuah daerah mahal yang dikenal untuk standar pendidikan obsesifnya. Disana Ia dikontrak sebagai guru honorer.
Park Sung Soon diperankan oleh Ra Mi Ran merupakan seorang guru tetap dan juga berada di sekolah swasta yang sama bersama Go Ha Neul. Dia menjabat sebagai kepala departemen bimbingan karir.
Detail K-Drama Black Dog:
Judul : Black Dog Judul Lainnya : Beullaegdog / 블랙독 Genre : Drama, School Episodes : 16 (to be confirm) Sutradara : Hwang Joon-Hyeok Penulis Naskah : Park Joo-Yun Stasiun Channel : tvN Jadwal Tayang : 16 Desember 2019, setiap hari Senin dan Selasa pukul 21.30 KST
Daftar Pemain Black Dog :
Main Cast
Seo Hyun Jin as Go Ha Neul Ra Mi Ran as Park Sung Soon Ha Joon as Do Yeon Woo
People around Go Ha Neul
Tae In Ho as Kim Young Ha Lee Hang Na as Song Young Suk Kim Jung Young as Moon Soo Nyeo Maeng Sang Hun as Go Seung Chul
Lee Chang Hoon as Bae Myung Soo Jung Hae Kyun as Moon Soo Ho Park Ji Hwan as Song Young Tae Yoo Min Kyu as Ji Hae Won Jo Sun Joo as Kim Yi Boon Heo Tae Hee as Ha Soo Hyun Ye Soo Jung as Yoon Yeo Hwa Kwon So Hyun as Song Ji Sun
Kim Hong Fa as Byun Sung Joo Lee Yoon Hee as Lee Seung Taek Kim Seung Hoon Im Hyu Sung
Download Drama Korea Black Dog Sub Indo
Episode 1
360p : Mega | Letsupload | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files| Solidfiles| Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror 540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror Sub Indo | Eng Sub
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kdramaindonesia · 5 years
Drama Korea Her Private Life Subtitle Indonesia
Drama Korea Her Private Life Subtitle Indonesia
SINOPSIS Her Private Life :
Sung Deok-Mi yang diperankan oleh Park Min-Young bekerja sebagai kurator di sebuah galeri seni. Dia adalah penggemar berat anggota grup idola Shi-An dan diam-diam menjalankan situs penggemar tentangnya. Karena kecintaannya pada Shi-An, dia telah mengalami beberapa perpisahan pribadi.
Sung Deok-Mi sekarang hanya memfokuskan pekerjaannya dan melakukan kegiatan sebagai penggemar Shi-An dalam kehidupan pribadinya. Suatu hari, Ryan diperankan oleh Kim Jae-Wook mulai bekerja sebagai direktur baru galeri seni di mana Sung Deok-Mi.
Dia pernah menjadi pelukis terkenal, tetapi dia tidak melukis lagi. Ryan tidak memiliki minat banyak pada orang lain, tetapi ia kebetulan mengetahui bahwa Sung Deok-Mi adalah penggemar Shi-An dan mengelola situs web penggemarnya. Ryan tertarik pada Sung Deok-Mi.
Detail K-Drama Her Private Life :
Judul : Her Private Life Judul Lainnya : Geunyeoui Sasaenghwal / 그녀 의 사생활 Genre : Comedy, Romance Episodes : 16 Sutradara : Hong Jong-Chan Penulis Naskah : Kim Sung-Yeon (novel) Stasiun Channel : tvN Di tayangkan pada : 10 April 2019, setiap hari Rabu dan Kamis pukul 21.30
Daftar Pemain Her Private Life :
Main Cast:
Park Min Young as Sung Duk Mi Kim Jae Wook as Ryan Gold Ahn Bo Hyun as Nam Eun Ki
People around Duk Mi:
Maeng Sang Hoon as Sung Geun Ho (Duk Mi’s father) Kim Mi Kyung as Ko Young Sook (Duk Mi’s mother) Park Jin Joo as Lee Seon Joo (Duk Mi’s best friend)
People around Eun Ki:
Park Myung Shin as Nam Se Yun (Eun Ki’s mother)
Kim Bo Ra as Cindy One as Cha Si Ahn Hong Seo Young as Choi Da In Im Ji Kyu as Kang Seung Min Kim Sun Young as Uhm So Hye Lee Il Hwa as Kong Eun Young Jung Won Chang as Kim Yoo Sub
Download Drama Korea Her Private Life Sub Indo
Episode 1
360p : Mega| Clicknupload| Openload| Solidfiles| Zippyshare| GDrive| Mirror 480p : Mega| Zippyshare| Uptobox| Openload| Clicknupload| SF| GDrive| Mirror 540p : Mega| Zippyshare| Uptobox| Openload| Clicknupload| SF| GDrive| Mirror Sub Indo| Eng Sub
Episode 2
360p : Mega| Clicknupload| Openload| Solidfiles| Zippyshare| GDrive| Mirror 480p : Mega| Zippyshare| Uptobox| Openload| Clicknupload| SF| GDrive| Mirror 540p : Mega| Zippyshare| Uptobox| Openload| Clicknupload| SF| GDrive| Mirror Sub Indo| Eng Sub
The post Drama Korea Her Private Life Subtitle Indonesia appeared first on kshowsubindo.org.
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