72/10 & 74/5 Doesn't have to be pack but would be interesting to see ot8 reacting to reader saying the first half of each prompt. Like reader did something dumb (drank too much or did something dangerous while in a funk) and the guys are mixed emotions. Like some are all baby reader while at least 2 of them decided the cold facts are better.
Prompts: "I want to get better, I just don't know how...." "That's bullshit."
"How, exactly, is this my fault?" "How is it not?!"
Members: OT8, Platonic BTS Appearance
Relationship: Mafia Boss's Daughter!FemReader x Rival Mafia!OT8
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Dark Themes, Guns, Mafia Shit, Hostages, Whump, Injuries, Torture, Minor Character Death
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"Okay, no more surprises, right?" You ask into your earpiece hopefully, breathing hard, swiping some sweaty hair out of your eyes as you drag the last body into the storage closet and slam the door shut with your foot.
It's a tight fit, but you make it work.
"Yeah, right. Totally." Hoseok's voice echoes in response through the earpiece, and you hear keys clacking frantically somewhere in the background on some piece of equipment.
Something in his voice makes you take pause, and you blow out a huff of breath, leaning against the wall for a moment as you ready yourself to breach the next corner.
"Yeah, yeah. Here's the thing-" He hedges out, voice still bright, even though you're sure he's readying himself to tell you bad news. "-we accounted for all the security in our plans, right? But I'm getting some thermal imaging from the fourth floor that doesn't seem to fit."
You breathe out harshly through your nose.
The tactical gear you wear-dressed in black from head to toe-is making you sweat like a motherfucker, and the mask you wear is starting to itch.
"Fine. We'll deal with it when we get there." You bite out, creeping forward, gun held out cautiously in front of you, as you ready yourself to round the corner. "Just find us a clear path to the roof."
"Roger that."
You motion to the two men behind you to follow close on your trail, and dart around the corner, clearing the area with one discerning sweep of your gaze before you stand up straight and let out the breath you'd been holding.
"Fuck." One of the men behind you swears under his breath at the sight of the empty hallway, almost sounding disappointed. "I was really hoping there'd be more of our old friends waiting for us. I'm itching for a good brawl."
You toss him an unimpressed glance over your shoulder, and you see his eyes light with a grin behind his goggles as he shrugs easily, as if you haven't just finished demolishing almost a dozen men on your trek to this position on the second floor.
The other man elbows him hard in the side, making him yelp, even though you know he couldn't have felt it through the bulletproof vests you all wear.
Your father may be a bastard, but he'd taught you, and these men, how to prepare for a fight, you'd give him that much.
"Shut the fuck up, Tae. Only you would be disappointed we don't have a fight ahead of us."
"Park." You ignore their ribbing, and motion the other man forward to your side. He advances and listens closely as you say, "You and Kim take the north stairwell. I'll take the south. Hopefully Jeon will beat us to the rendesvouz point and back us up for whatever Jung saw on the imaging equipment."
"Got it, boss." Park intones seriously, before grabbing his buddy and dragging him down the hall to the intended stairwell.
You take a moment after they disappear, to catch your breath and quiet your thoughts.
You need to be on full firing mode for this next part.
You're about to face your father, and you can't back down. Not this time.
Not when he holds something so dear captive.
Creeping to the stairwell, you move upward, clearing the floors as you go, moving steadily toward your goal.
When you reach the door to the fourth floor, you pause, hand hovering over the doorknob.
"Yeah. I see you." You hear typing and then he says, "You're all clear from what I can see. Thermal imaging isn't picking anything up anymore."
You consider that, letting your hand drop to the door knob as you check in with the others.
"Kim. Park. You in position?"
"Roger that."
"Yes, ma'am."
You nod and take in a steadying breath, readying the gun in your free hand, ignoring the sweat that is dripping down your forehead and stinging your eyes.
"Min. You have visual of the rooftop?"
"Yeah." Your sniper comes in over the speaker, and you can hear the sneer in his voice when he says, "Bastard has everyone right where we thought he would."
That's good at least.
Your father has never been anything but predictable, and your little band of rebels, and friends, now defectors, used to be under his command, giving you the advantage in this attack.
You all know how he moves by now.
"Kim." You speak to the other hacker now, the one who has been silent all this time. "Make sure all the security feeds are looped still."
His deep, serious voice comes over your earpiece a moment later.
"Affirmative. You're good to move."
Taking that as your signal, you shove open the door to the fourth floor and go through, guns blazing.
No one is there.
"Fuck." You swear under your breath, because there should have been a small detail of your father's security here at least, if the pattern of the previous floors was to be believed, and it's suspicious that the floor is empty and silent.
Park and Kim appear from their respective stairwell at the same time as you, and you all stare each other down across the empty landing for a brief moment of frozen time.
"What the fuck-" Kim starts to say into his mic, glancing around, but is interrupted at the entrance of your fourth and final agent in the building.
"Jeon, what the fuck is going on here?" You demand, stepping toward the younger man, as he holsters his gun and slides a long knife out of a pocket on his tactical pants.
"They fucking all moved to the roof." He replies, slightly breathless, motioning with a jerk of his head to the open door behind him, leading to rooftop access. "They knew we were coming."
"Shit." Park swears vehemently, kicking his boot hard against the wall of the hallway, making a large whole in the flimsy dry wall.
"How did they find out?" Kim hisses at the youngest, who throws his arms in the air helplessly.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?! How, exactly, is this my fault?"
" How is it not?! You were advance recon!"
"Okay, okay." You cut in sharply, reaching up under your protective goggles to rub at your nose for a moment. "We go on with the plan. He was bound to be one step ahead of us, but we accounted for that, because we all know how the son of a bitch works. We're fine."
The men nod, gathering their composure, pulling out their weapons once more as you turn for the rooftop access.
"Let's go-"
Before you can motion them forward after you, a gun shot rings out and a bullet ricochets sharply against the metal doorframe above Jeon's head, making him swear and duck for cover.
The rest of you don't hesitate, scrabbling behind debris and doorways to avoid the sudden rain of gunfire.
"What the fuck-?" Kim says for the second time in as many minutes, raising his voice over the sound of gunfire, as he leans out around the doorframe and takes down one of the guards rushing from the opposite end of the hall. "We cleared that stairwell!"
"What's going on? We lost video feed!" You hear Jung say through your earpiece in a panicked sort of voice.
"They fucking ambushed us!" You shout back, leaning around your cover to take a shot at an advancing guard.
He goes down with a sharp cry and a bullet in the chest.
"Fuck." Jung swears, and you hear him scraping his chair across to another console. "I'll try to get feeds back up. Hang in there."
"Fucking bastards." Beside you, Park leans around your shoulder to shoot another guard, this time, taking him down with a well aimed shot to the head.
Kim laughs gleefully, a little unhinged, shooting another of your father's detail in the slit between their goggles and helmet, blood spraying like a fine film across the opposing wall as the man goes down.
Jeon slides across the floor to take cover on the opposite side of the hall, taking down another two guards as he does so, a knife lodged in one man's throat, a bullet through the other's skull.
You're suddenly very glad in that moment that they're all on your side.
Another guard goes down on the heap of piled bodies, and suddenly, the hallway is quiet, the ringing in your ears from gunfire pitching upward as the dying men fall silent.
You stand up carefully, gun still at attention, surveying the area, and Jeon stands up with a groan across from you.
"Fuck, you're hit." Park exclaims, and your gaze instantly whips to Jeon as the other man hurries to his side, carefully lifting his arm and expecting the gunshot wound there, blood seeping sluggishly through the dark fabric of his tactical gear.
"It's just a graze, Jiminie." Jeon says with a slight grunt and a half smile in the other man's direction. "Nothing I can't handle."
You let out the breath you've been holding and glance to the stairs that lead to the rooftop, to your father.
"Okay. Let's go."
Behind you, you hear the other three men follow you silently up the steps, then,
"Why didn't you fucking warn us about the move to the roof, hyung?" That's Kim, hissing into the mic.
"I didn't fucking find out in time." Min grates back in response, sounding furious and on edge. "They cut the lights when they cut the feeds."
"Shit." Park mutters. "Another sure sign they know we're coming."
"We're walking right into a trap." Jeon adds, though they don't stop following you up the stairs, not even hesitating as you reach the door at the top.
"I know, but what the fuck else can I do?" You snap back in response, hand already on the doorknob, gun at the ready. "I'm not letting him have this. Or them."
A heavy hand goes on your shoulder, and you glance over into Kim's dark eyes, flashing behind his goggles with determination.
"And he won't." He offers you the hint of a grim smile and motions toward the door with his chin. "Let's give him hell."
You take in a deep breath, glancing around at the other guys, who look just as determined as their brother, and nod.
"Alright. On my count."
You turn the door knob.
All your guns go up, the guys shuffling in to flank you.
You slam into the door with your shoulder and all emerge onto the rooftop.
And just like you thought, your father is standing there, surrounded by his most trusted security detail, and at their feet, with guns to all of their heads, is your eight men.
You hold your gun straight, pointed right at your father's chest as you advance, expression hard, the three men right on your heels, though their guns are aimed at members of the security guard that flank your father.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Your father sneers, smirking smugly as you come to a stop about twenty feet away.
You don't want to risk getting too close and having him shoot one of the men at his feet in retaliation.
"Let them go." You grit out, as your eyes flick quickly over your men, taking stock of them, making sure they're all still in once piece.
Everybody looks okay. Changbin's got a slowly bleeding gash over one eye, and Chan looks like he's been pummeled in the face by the butt of a gun, but they're all alive.
"Where's the fun in that?" Your father holds out his hands, stepping up between Hyunjin and Felix, leaning over to jostle the rope tying Felix's hands behind his back, even as he winces slightly at the movement. "You know that's not how these games are played, my dear daughter."
"Your games are with me and only me." You hiss back, noting the blooming bruise on the side of Jisung's face, anger welling hotly in your stomach at the sight.
Your father tsks disappointedly, and motions to the men at your back.
"You made the game bigger after you sided with those traitors." Your father spits out, spitting on the ground in front of you, and you feel Kim tense beside you, but he holds his position.
He retreats slightly, moving to stand behind Jeongin, twisting his fingers in his hair as he tugs his head back roughly and forces him to meet your gaze. There's drying blood on his lips.
"After you chose them over me."
"It's easy to chose someone, anyone, over a father who never gave a shit about you." You sneer back, smirking now, as anger flashes in the depths of your father's dark eyes.
"I grow tired of this." He remarks coolly, tugging at his expensive suit, as he falls back behind the safety of his men once more. He waves a hand in your direction. "Kill them. But save her for last." He fixes you with a dangerous glare. "I want her to watch while I kill her little boyfriends in front of her."
The guards crack their knuckles, advancing toward you, and you mutter into your earpiece, "Kim. Do it now."
Your father laughs-a cold, unhinged sort of song. "Please." His eyes flick to Kim standing beside you, a haughty look on his face. "He can't get you out of this."
The corner of your mouth tips up, as a tall, dark figure appears on the rooftop behind your father and his men.
"Wrong Kim." You remark triumphantly, watching as your father's eyes widen minutely, before a chain of explosions echo around you and send the rooftop into chaos.
You dive out of the way of some of the debris as shouts ring out, losing sight of the other men as you make your way across the destroyed rooftop toward where you last saw your men.
There is the sound of gunshots to your left, and then you hear someone go down with a scream, but it's not one you recognize, so it must have been some of your father's security.
"Min." You mutter breathlessly, ducking behind a chunk of asphalt, as you shoot and take down another guard wandering in the smoke. "Take the stragglers out."
"Got it."
You jump over a fallen electrical line, sizzling in a puddle near the stairwell door, gun at the ready, and see a familiar form through the lingering ash up ahead.
Chan's gotten loose and is in the process of untying Seungmin, who has a nasty looking black eye, as Minho picks up a fallen guard's gun and covers them from the back.
He catches sight of you at the same time you see them, and before you can stop yourself, you're dropping your guard and running to him, taking his face in your hands and inspecting him, relieved just to have him alive and warm beneath your touch.
"Fuck." You breathe out, taking in the blood trickling slowly from what seems to be a split lip.
"Yeah." Minho remarks, giving you a lopsided smirk and an arched brow, always the one to keep his cool. "Fuck."
Chan finishes up with Seungmin and pushes himself to his feet, taking your chin in his fingers and inspecting your own face behind the tactical gear you wear with worried eyes.
"Fuck, princess. Are you okay?"
You laugh, but it's sorta choked, and nod as he caresses your jaw with his fingers.
"Yeah. I'm okay."
"Thank god." He lets out a harsh breath and glances over his shoulder as the others come to join you, Hyunjin supporting Felix, who is holding his ribs.
You're just glad you're all still alive for this little reunion.
Changbin glares into the smoke, the gash above his eye still sluggishly dripping. "Where the fuck did that bastard go?"
"Hopefully killed in the blast." Jisung remarks, eyes narrowing dangerously, as he takes an offered gun from Minho and scans your immediate surroundings.
You open your mouth to respond, and an arm goes around your throat, dragging you backward from the men before you can react, knocking your weapon out of your hand.
You feel the cold steel of a gun go against your temple and then your father's voice, "Well, isn't this touching."
Chan's expression hardens as he stares your father down. "Don't do anything stupid, Reginald."
Your father laughs, and pulls you tighter against him, your breath choking in your throat, his words hissing hotly against your ear.
"We're far past stupid, aren't we, Mr. Bang? We passed stupid the moment you fucked me over in that little exchange of product and then took my daughter from me."
"We didn't take anything." Minho reasons coldly, expression unreadable, gun still in his hand. "Not the product. Not your daughter."
"Seems people-suppliers and daughters alike-have a habit of leaving you to find something better, hm, Reggie?" Changbin muses easily, though his eyes are hard and gleaming, like steel.
"Shut the fuck up." Your father snarls, wildly digging the gun into the side of your head, finger shaking over the trigger. "Don't push me or you won't like the consequences."
"And you-" He tangles his fingers into your hair roughly and yanks your head back so hard that you whimper slightly. He gives you an unhinged, dangerous grin, gun still aimed at your head. "-you are useless to me now. Soiled and ruined. The Yakuza's heir will want nothing to do with you, a common whore."
You bite down on your lip so hard you taste copper as he yanks your head back even farther, the gun digging into your skin painfully.
"All you had to fucking do was give me an heir, you little bitch, that's all I asked. Give me an heir to the family business, tie us up in the dealings with the Yakuza, but now-"
He laughs wildly, and you can tell, your father is losing control.
"-now you're nothing but their-" He waves the gun maniacally at your men, watching cautiously, not daring to make a move with your life hanging in the balance '-little slut, and I think it's time we end this whole charade."
"No, please." You gasp out, putting on your fakest, weakest, most imploring tone for him, keeping your face pleading even as he yanks on your hair once more. You force tears from the corners of your eyes. "Please don't kill me. I swear, father, I'll come back. I'll make good on my promises-"
His arm tightens around your throat and you choke on your next words, but his gun hand wavers against your temple.
Your father has always loved women who beg on their knees for him. It's his one weakness.
"Please! Please! I beg of you! I'm sorry! I'll do better. I promise! I want to get better, I just don't know how-!"
You swallow hard, trying to get air past his encroaching arm, and your father's lips pull into a sneer as he stares down at you, bold hatred brewing in his eyes.
"That's bullshit." He hisses out between his teeth, and his finger moves to the trigger once more.
You drop the act, glowering up at him.
"Yeah, it is. Get fucked, you son of a bitch."
His face contorts with rage and as his fingers pulls down on the trigger, you bash your head back into his face, his nose crunching beneath the force of your blow as he howls.
The gun goes off, but it misses, and you whirl out of his grip, taking out his legs with one sweep of your own, catching him off guard as he tries to stem the gushing blood from his broken nose.
He goes down hard, and you don't miss a beat as you pick up the dropped gun, standing over him with the barrel pointed right at the center of his head.
Your father glares up at you, hands still over his bleeding nose, and spits bloodstained spittle at your feet.
The front of his expensive suit is dampening quickly with crimson blood.
What a waste. Just like him.
You feel your men congregate at your back, and you hold your gun hand steady, staring down at the man who made your life a living hell, now nothing, groveling at your feet.
"If you beg, I might let you live." You offer in a hard tone, clicking back the hammer of the gun to cock it.
His eyes flash and he opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, blood dripping from his nose, down his lips.
"She might-" Chan steps up beside you, a hand going down on your shoulder as he stares down with unbridled hatred at the man at your feet. "-but I won't."
You cock your head, studying your father, and tsk slightly, like you're mulling something over. You crouch down, lowering the gun slightly, and stare right into his soulless rage-filled gaze.
"You know." You muse as he glares at you, gun still pointed vaguely to the center of his chest. "I used to dream of this day. Killing you, making you beg me for mercy, just like I begged you all those nights in my bedroom."
"But." You shrug, tossing the gun easily between your hands as you consider him. "My begging fell on deaf ears, and you know what? I think you deserve to know what that feels like. Goodbye, father."
You stand, and without another word, shoot your father in the head.
His body goes limp and blood pools beneath him, staining the already reddening ground a deep burgundy, soaking his expensive Armani suit.
"It's a shame." Hyunjin remarks off handedly, as Kim, Park, and Jeon all emerge on the other side of your father's body, pulling off their tactical masks. "It was a nice suit."
274 notes · View notes
potatomountain · 9 months
"Case: It's You" Masterlist
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Pairing: Detective Reader x ot8 detective ateez
Genre: enemies to lovers, romance, eventual smut, dark themes, angst.
Synopsis: As a headstrong detective- forced to transfer to another Precinct after pushing your team, and superiors too far- your new unit is less than pleased by your presence. In fact, they are down right hostile, resulting in more time butting heads than doing your job: taking down the organized crime 'gangs' of your city. Once you finally get your foot in the door, into their circle, you realize you bit off more than you can chew- or maybe it was the perfect place for you.
Current Word Count of all chapters combined: 76,347
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten |
Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen |
♡15.5- Spinoff bonus |♡
Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty |
Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five |
Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
If you would like to be added to the taglist, you can apply with this link: form
Big shoutout to my beta readers that are currently the soul motivation for this fic and remind me to edit: @flurrys-creativity @candypop1611 and @daemour
1K notes · View notes
starillusion13 · 5 months
hii there!! hope you doing well >_<!!
can i request for poly mafia ateez x reader fic? their boss are dead for 2 years and they just found out that he has a daughter. and they began to search for her n when they found her, they swear to her that they will take care of her, but ended up falling in love with her?
thank you so much!!! ;)))
To keep you safe
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Pairing: Mafia!ot8! Ateez x f!reader
W.C: 3.3k
Genre: Fluff, Mafia, Romance
Warnings: mention of mafia deals, attempt to murder, blast, tracking device, spying on someone, tying up with rope in warehouse, unconcious, poison, feeling sorry, sad, comfort from mafias, lots of kissing, getting shot, mention of blood(not detail), confession, hidden daughter, scared idk what to add anymore
Network: @kvanity-main
A girl running in the rain, clutching her purse to her chest and heavily breathing while frantically looking in every direction. Her scared pupils and parted lips allowed the heavy and forced inhale and exhale of air, raindrops sliding into her mouth. Her heels were almost making her lose her balance, she didn't want to fall down or she would get caught.
The rainfall intensified with loud growling sounds of lightning. The only thing that was going through her mind was to run away from the two men following her. She took a sharp turn around the road and hid behind the car.
Pressing her palms over the mouth and wide eyes stared at the distant road ahead. Her house was still a few blocks away and the feeling of dizziness returned but she scooted into the darkness and suppressed her fear and the sound of her panting.
Soon, within a few minutes, the footsteps came into her vision. Two silhouettes making their way towards the alleyway and in fact, that needs to cross the car which was hiding her scared form. A series of hope and prayers rushed to her mind and fell from the lips and mentally supported herself to stay stronger.
The scared pupils followed each step they took. The moment they stopped and looked at her direction, her breath hitched and cursed under the breath when she noticed them coming towards her exact direction. But before she could shift an inch, someone pressed their palms over her ears from behind and then she could hear the sound of two faint gunshots.
"It's okay, y/n. you are safe."
The soft voice from behind you and the stranger's hands touching your skin made your eyes shoot open and you shuffled forward, keeping your distance from the person. The first instinct in you worked was to look over to the place where two men from earlier were but to your surprise, there was no one. You stood up from your place and quickly stepped out of the darkness and you screamed.
Two bodies were lying on the road. The two men who were following you while you were returning from the café were lying on their own blood pool.
"Hey, calm down."
The same voice again spoke up and you quickly looked behind to see a boy, maybe around your age, was standing with a little smile but to the contrast of his facial look, his outfit was different, oh the gun holder strap on his waist and the belt designed over his black jacket. He looked scary with an angel face.
"Who are you? Are you going to kill me? and and how do you know my name?"
He nodded to himself before taking a few steps forward but before he could walk any farther, you yelled at him to stop and the way you were scared, he instantly stopped. There were few other footsteps coming from both of your sides. One, two...three...seven figures appeared under the streetlight. The rain was still pouring but it was less intense than before as if it had also got scared by these men.
"Who are you all? What is going on?"
The boy who was standing a few feet away from you smiled again and introduced himself, "myself Yeosang. We are just here to take you back home."
"home? I don't understand what you are saying." You were pleading with him not to hurt you and a different boy from the seven figures surrounding you but keeping a safe distance from you spoke up, "there's nothing to be scared of, y/n. you are Mr. Lee's daughter and we are here to take you to his place."
They know my dad...they are here to kidnap me to know about my dad's business but......he is dead and I can't ask for help from him. I don't know anything about his mafia business.
"I don't know. I am not close to my dad. He is dead. What else do you all want now? I know nothing about him. Please, I am telling you the truth. You won't get to know anything from me about him. I really don't know."
"We know he is dead. That's why we are here to ensure your safety. We are here because your dad isn't there to protect you." The tallest one of them spoke up.
You shook your head and stepped back when the dizziness from earlier returned. It did get noticed by the oldest one of them and he caught your limp body, "y/n, it's raining. Let's go home and then we can discuss everything."
You pushed him from you and stood straight on your heels, "no, I'm not going anywhere. I can't trust you. You all are lying."
"Didn't your dad tell you about the leaders of his organization?"
" he did..."
"We are the leaders of the organization, the most trusted gang of your father, Ateez."
You stared at them because the name is familiar but why to take you to somewhere you never went before. Your life was always at risk and that's why your dad kept you hidden but maybe his death led to uncovering your identity to other mafia gangs. But if they are the leaders under your father's organization, that does mean they are on your father's side.
"you all are my dad's men?" you asked in a low voice. The drizzling rain was pinching your skin, should you trust them or not. The thought was itching your mind.
"We might be mafias but we are always loyal to our boss. Please come with us." The leader extended his hand with a smile.
And you trusted them.
Taking the leader's hand and grabbing it with a hope to be safe.
You never thought ever that this was going to change your trajectory of your whole life.
“We are here to keep you safe.”
In the bustling city, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there existed a huge, tightly-knit advertising agency called "THE GUERRILAS".  For two years, the agency had been led by a charismatic and respected boss, Mr. Lee Sohyun. His sudden demise due to a heart attack had left his men and the successive leaders reeling with shock and grief. Among them, Ateez, his loyal gang and the main future successors took the initiative to take over his place with announcing their gang leader as the new boss, who all had worked closely with him for over a decade. Every other being in the company supported the idea and welcomed the new project of the company.
As the agency mourned their loss, Ateez stumbled upon a startling revelation buried within Mr. Lee's personal documents – he had a daughter, Lee y/n, from a previous relationship. Despite his private nature, he had never mentioned the daughter to anyone at the agency. Determined to honor their late boss's memory and fulfill his unspoken wishes, Ateez embarked on a mission to find his daughter.
“I didn’t know he had a daughter.” Seonghwa stated while looking at the documents presented by his gang member, Yeosang. 
The leader, Hongjoong nodded, “He really hid her well but after his death. Many men betrayed him and leaked his personal information and the least we can do is to start with protecting his daughter.”
“Then let’s find Y/n. I hope we can bring her safely.”
Months of diligent investigation led them to a quaint town in the upstate, where you resided.
Their several initial attempts were failed missions.they certainly didn’t want to scare you but also not to give up in their enemy’s hand. So, they planned to approach you slowly and cautiously.
Unless that day when you were followed by members of an enemy gang and they saved you from danger.
And that day you accepted a new fate in your life.
Moved by Ateez's sincerity and touched by their efforts to connect with you, a wave of emotions hit your heart. Over cups of tea, you delved into heartfelt conversations with them, sharing memories and anecdotes about your father. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, you found solace in their company, united by the love for the man who had brought them together.
you listened intently to their explanation of the situation after your father's death, your emotions oscillating between disbelief and curiosity. As they shared anecdotes about your father's life and their time together at the agency, a bittersweet realization dawned on you – finally found a piece of your father's past that had long eluded.
"You don't have to be polite or formal with us. Think of us as your friends. You are our boss's daughter." The young boy smiled at you.
You chuckled, "Wooyoung, I'm trying. I think it would take time but this new place and new people and even staying with you all is such a new experience for me."
"You can come to me anytime. I am always here to accompany you and make you feel at home."he said and brushed his hair back. He glanced at you, who was smiling admiring the beauty of the garden. "Do you want to take your father's position?"
The question caught your attention and quickly turned towards him, you noticed him avoiding your gaze and gulping, "No." The answer was direct and simple.
He again questioned you, "why? Don't you think you are the actual successor of the boss?"
"I don't know a single shit about this life and also, I trust Hongjoong. You all proved your loyalty to my dad. You swear my protection and extend his hard work. So, you all are the actual successors." He nodded at your words.
"No cursing from a pretty girl." Yunho approached you two and handed over a sweater to you. You looked at him with a questionable look.
He held the sweater in front of you and urged you to put your hand inside the sleeves, "don't catch cold in the early morning while wearing just a full sleeve shirt. And Woo, can't you wear a full sleeve?"
The said man rolled his eyes at the tall one and sat on the bench with crossed legs, "I will be off to gym in half an hour. No need."
Yunho placed his hand on your shoulder, "would you mind a little walk with me?"
"Of course not. I would love to explore the neighborhood."
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and you found yourself drawn to their warmth and resilience. You admired their strength in the face of adversity and their unwavering determination to carve out their own path in life and also protect you in the process.
In your presence, they discovered a sense of belonging they had never experienced before.
As their bond deepened with you, they grappled with conflicting emotions they never thought possible. They had sworn to themselves that they would take care of you, but their feelings for you were evolving into something more profound and complicated. Torn between their loyalty to the late boss and their burgeoning love for you, they found themselves at a crossroads.
The boys in the living room turned towards the voice. You were exiting the grand space of the kitchen area with a huge cake in your hold. Carefully, placing it on the table in front of them, you placed your hand on your hips and waited for their remarks.
The leader was the first person to tune in with the surprise, "what's a cake for?"
"You all did well on your last mission and for the past few days, all of you were busy so I decided to bake a cake for you all today as I noticed none of you left the house. No work?" You expectantly looked at them.
They exchanged a few glances between them and before Wooyoung could say something, Seonghwa smiled and got up from the chair. The royalty of the grand hall of the mansion was sitting right with his rich mafia look even in just a plain black shirt and pants. He approached you and patted your head, "we don't have work today. Do you have something to say? Or to do something?"
You nodded and turned towards the rest of them, "have a taste of my most ordered cake. Before moving in with you all, I used to work at the cafe in my previous place. And people requested this cake everyday."
"Really? Then we should taste it. We are getting the privilege to have a demanding item without showing our powers." The leader said between his endearment of tasting your cake. You cut them a few pieces and waited for their reviews.
They hummed in the delicious taste of the soft cake and you got a collective of compliments.
Yunho was the first person to ask for another piece, you happily cut him one. He watched your happiness. The way you reacted to each of their compliments, the nervousness and feelings shy but still managing to keep yourself steady.
Yeosang proposed the idea that they should open a cafe near their place where you can train some workers and also be able to have some time to spend in a different atmosphere other than staying at the mansion. Jongho supported the idea.
Mingi raised the topic of your safety but San volunteered to check on you often and won't let anything happen to you.
The idea did come to light and led to action. You got work to keep yourself busy when they are not around but this definitely lured a danger.
Someone kept a watch on you. The strange feeling was creeping in your skin but you neglected it with the thought that San might be somewhere out of sight and spying on the place for a possible danger.
Once when you went to the mall with Mingi and Jongho, you got bumped into a person and got a scratch on your arm with a sharp object.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Mingi's concerned voice appeared and held your arm. "Why is it bleeding? What happened?"
"Might have scratched something. Don't worry, it will heal soon."
Well your assurance was not enough for him. The way he handled you around the mall, asking you whether you're  uncomfortable or wanted something. You wanted a chill hangout not both of them to worry about you.
But the beautiful time you all were having got disturbed when you suddenly fell unconscious. They both were shocked but reacted quickly to take you to the medical wing of their base.
You were poisoned by that scratch. But it couldn't affect much and spread properly. You were under threat and needed more protection and they made sure of it.
"San, people are assuming you as my boyfriend at this point." You groaned after pushing open the door to your cafe. He rolled his eyes behind you and glared when he noticed a young boy staring at you both entering together.
He pulled a chair and sat near the counter where you were placing the things to start the day. "I don't care about their opinions. Your safety comes first. And-"
"Hey! I guess, I'm invited inside the cafe too." Jongho entered the cafe and winked at the man sitting. You nodded, "of course you are."
He didn't have any schedule for the day so opted for hanging out in the cafe. You turned towards San and asked for him to complete what he was saying but he shook his head.
The days went normal, nothing to worry about. Everything was going as usual.
"You three are also leaving?" You pout and lean back to the table. They chuckled at your reaction and Seonghwa approached you, patting your head with an adorable smile, "we will be back soon. And Yeosang will be here to accompany you."
"Can't you stay together every time? Or like take me with you all."
"No!" The leader put aside the black leather jacket and held your shoulder, "we are not risking your life. There's always danger. We won't be able to control ourselves if something happens to you."
"Oh...but I feel scared for you all too. Just take care of yourselves. I am not strong enough to protect you all but......atleast I can pray for you." You felt so useless and a burden on them but Yunho quickly chimed into the conversation.
"Don't think of yourself lowl. You are our strength. We come back home and do our best and succeed in our missions with the hope that a beautiful soul and a precious girl is waiting for us. Your trust in us is everything we need to be strong out there."
Yunho is always the one to ensure that you are valuable and worth the effort they make to protect you. His warm embraces really make you believe that,
You are in love. You are at home.
The leader is always impressed by his words and also reminds you that their biggest possession is you.
"No other expensive material in the household or in the universe can be worth your value." Hongjoong and his exaggerated explanations.
Seonghwa is the one who would treat you like a porcelain doll, as if you are his daughter. Well let's not be weird with this thought. He is someone to ensure your wellbeing now and then.
"You are safe with us princess. No one can hurt you ever."
To his addition, San will buy you everything possible just in case you are not happy with something. Once when a worker pointed out you as a spoiled girlfriend and called you ‘gold digger’, he took matters in hand.
Grabbing his collar and glaring at him as if he could burn him alive and bury him there, "of course you don't have the courage or power to spoil her. But your dirty mouth can spoil her ears. And I don't like when some bugs are near her."
This is not the end, Jongho is not the one to show his emotions often but you have always liked his goofy nature with you but the majority of the time when you go out with him, he is the most mature and serious one as if he is doubting every individual glancing at you.
"I think he is spying on us." He murmured.
"You are looking around the restaurant in a way as if you want to order the rest of the items on the menu card. That's why he is staring at us." You started and went back to eating.
Mingi is the one who is always volunteering to go out with you because according to him, he fights well. So if someone attacks then he could fight back and take you back home safely. He is sometimes a bit controlling like Yunho but rest, you love his company.
"No, we are going back home. No more talking back. I'm your protector and the mafia member so you have to listen to me now."
The most important one to mention, Wooyoung. His professional side and the side with you are just opposites. Well this settles with all of them.
He encourages you to try new stuff, teaches you some self defense and also the one to try out pranks on others. You always grew up alone and wanted someone like him to be your friend and once you shared this feeling with him. You are now beautifully cursed with his presence.
"Do you want to know how to shoot?"
"No no please, that is the most intriguing thing to me but I'm okay with not knowing it's working."
He rolled his eyes, "don't be dramatic. It will help you."
"You all are here for me and... ...I..I love- I love how you are mafia members but have individual personalities that protects me and keeps me safe. Moreover, you all make me feel loved by a family."
"We are your family."
They all say this everyday. And today is not an exception.
Yeosang was on his laptop. You wanted to go out but he was too busy to even notice that. Not to make him mad, you scolded yourself for thinking to go out behind his back.
"Is it okay if I have a quick trip to the convenience store?......please."
He looked up from the screen, "what do you need, let me bring it for you."
"No. I just want to go out because others haven't been at home for the last three days and as you are alone I'm not allowed out of this house."
Yeosang always stays back or tries to be the member to protect you while all others are needed on a particular situation or missions.
He chuckled and got up, "let's go. We can have the trip together."
Before arriving at the store, you both didn't ever imagine the incident that was about to happen.
As soon as you stepped inside the sliding glass door, he got a call and excused himself to a side and you were humming a song to yourself while searching for the items needed.
Then everyone heard a gunshot. Screams and footsteps erupted from inside and he quickly went to your direction behind the shelf where his eyes followed earlier but to his dislike, you were not there. The back door was open and he saw a black car leaving the place.
He quickly dialed Hongjoong's number to let him know about the situation and to come to the location quickly which he would send them soon. He borrowed the computer at the counter of the store and filled in the inputs with codes and required data and he followed a particular car's location from all the CCTV footage of the road of the tracking device and also his phone was tracking your ring, which has a high-tech induced chip.
Within a few moments Ateez reached the desired location, well they were not in a mood to come across the familiar place but still they had to when you are here.
Barging inside the place, an intense fight between both the mafia gangs started. San went to search for you, a bullet almost passed through his arm but fortunately he could avoid it but still he got injured slightly.
There, you were tied to a rusted metal chair and sitting unconsciously. He was quick to untie your ropes and held in his embrace while placing himself on the dirty floor. It doesn't matter, the important thing is for you to be safe.
"Y/n...you are safe."
You blinked your eyes open, first he noticed your scared pupils like he saw them on the first day but it quickly turned into soft and tears brimmed in. You were securely protected by his embrace on his lap.
The others entered the room and found you in that condition and they felt relieved that you were safe. They surrounded your figure, some praising you and some asking you if the enemies hurt you somewhere.
Even though you were denying, none was fully convinced.
No one blamed you. 
“I’m sorry…I should’ve listened to you all.” 
Hongjoong knelt in front of you and cupped your face, “it’s okay. We should protect you more. Just stay with us and don’t leave us ever. We are going to risk ourselves to protect you, the daughter of our boss.”
You held his wrist and shook your head, “Call me yours. Say you will protect me because I’m yours. Because you all don’t want to lose me.”
“Y/n…you are more precious than you think you are.” he said and pecked your forehead with adoration in his eyes.
Seonghwa knelt beside the leader and held your hand comfortingly, pressing a soft kiss on it. San shifted your body to make you feel comfortable in his hold. “Just know one thing, we love you not because you are his daughter but we are in love with you. We fell in love with an innocent girl.”
“I fell in love too……with you all.” you murmured and thought no one heard it except the three near you but you were so wrong because there was a boost feeling in the rest of them after hearing you. San kissed the crown of head and whispered, “I love you so much, y/n. It hurts whenever I see danger around you.”
Yunho was quick to sweep you off the floor and you squealed in surprise, “well, Tiny. as far as I want to show you my love for you right now. This place is making me anxious. Let’s go home.”
“To my safe place.” hearing your sweet words, he kissed the tip of your nose. Jongho smiled reassuringly at you that  even if enemies are trying to hurt you, they would rescue you but now as they know that the complicated feelings of theirs have been solved after the mutual acceptance, they won't be leaving your side ever.
When you all were about to step out of the room, a man held a gun towards Yunho, at you in his grip. He clenched his jaw but before anyone could process anything, Mingi was quick to hold his gun towards the man and stepped forward Yunho, hiding you both with his large frame and shot the man. 
He turned around and smirked, “now this is more fun to kill people because of you.”
You turned your face to the other side and could hear others laugh, “keep that shit away.”
“No cursing, tiny.” 
Mingi caressed your head before planting a kiss to the side, “you should at least know how to use it.”
Wooyoung led the way out of the warehouse and kept in check of any possible danger in their way.
Entering the car, you sat between Wooyoung and Yeosang when the youngest one of them entangled his hands with yours and you looked at him with a surprise, “hm?” he pressed a kiss on your cheek, “thanks for trusting us in your father’s place.”
“Thanks for keeping me safe like he did.”
“Even my shadow will protect you forever and my love will guide you back to home.” he put his head on your shoulder.
“ I know.”
When you turned to the other side, Yeosang was already staring at you and when he caught your eyes, he smiled, “I didn’t imagine this is how we would be confessing our feelings. But thanks for letting us know that you care for us too, like your dad.”
“I was so scared today. Because of all the lurking danger, I hated to be in this mafia life and my dad hid me from this dark side of the world but thanks to you all for saving me from the lonely world out there after his death. When I thought that today I’m going to die, the only last hope I had was one of you to save me. And you did. All of you did.”
He nodded and patted his shoulder, you obligingly leaned your head on it and he caressed your head softly, “we are always here to keep you safe and to love you forever.”
With cautious optimism, you all embarked on a journey of self-discovery and love, navigating the complexities of the newfound relationship with courage and resilience. Together, you forged a bond that transcended time and circumstance, proving that love could blossom in the most unexpected of places.
As you watched the view outside hand in hand, gazing at the stars above from the window of the car, all of you knew that love was a testament to the enduring power of connection and the infinite possibilities that awaited on the horizon. In each other's arms, you found solace, strength, and the courage to embrace the beautiful uncertainties of life's journey.
After all, you did the right thing. Accepting the extended hand of the leader and  being inside the boundary of protection and love.
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Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. If my favoritism is showing with some members then please try to understand oz they are my bias.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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minniesmutt · 7 months
♱ ━━━━━━ 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋
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♱ ━━━ OT8 X READER
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𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: ????
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ja3hwa · 9 months
♡ 𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 | 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : It's been so long since you've seen your boys. And when the youngest comes knocking on your door, the new life you had only just managed to build comes crashing down.
『Word count』 :  4.8k
-> Genre: Mafia au. Angst. Fluff.
Pairing: Mob Boss!Ot8 Ateez x Reader
[Warnings] : lots of heart ache. The reader is beside herself a lot. Blood. Gore. Death. Torture. Reader gets kidnapped. Tears. Hugging. Lots of cry. Grovelling (we stan a good grovel). And yeah, lots of angst but fluffy at the end. Kissing. Mingi got a dirty mind. Whoops.
Note: uh, so hi. Ahha It's been a while... I finally decided to actually finish the alt ending of this fic. I've had people ask for more, and I honestly forgot about it. But then i saw someone send in THIS request, and it made me want to finish this. So this can be read as a stand-alone. But if you want to read part 1 and the other ending. Go ahead, otherwise enjoyyyyy ♡
Part one | Other Ending
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You were alone. Wandering through life with nothing to hold onto. You were going underwater, and no one was around to help you above the heavy waves. You were numb. Heartbreak ridding you of happiness… Or so you thought.
Through a bottle or two... Maybe three or four. You found at the end of it. You were just as unhappy as you were before you took the first sip. You needed a change. A change of scenery. A change of personality. A completely new life. So there you were two towns over. Maybe not a whole country away from the old you, but this was just as good. A new apartment. New job. Architectural design. You enjoyed it, so dearly. It became something that kept you going. That kept you waking up. You were fighting for a glimpse of happiness in mornings that were still hard, and nights were just as restless as ever.
You were alone. Yes. But you tried.
It's been two whole years. You think you’d forgotten everything by now. But the biggest, deepest pain didn’t seem to heal as quickly as everyone says it does. Fucking Liars…
You were having a break from your long hours of sketching a new mansion floor plan, a private owner wanted it done within the week and for a heavy price and as much as it was a distraction you couldn't help but think how the design the private buyer seemed to want a floor plan that resembled something that one of your old lovers would have loved. The vintage vibe with a green and gold theme matched Mingi and Yunho perfectly. Your brain almost thought maybe they were the private buyer. But why would they go to you after what you had ‘apparently done’ to them? Before you could dwell on the idea anymore, the sound of your doorbell broke your gaze from the large sketch in front of you.
You question why someone would be visiting you at this hour, given that most of your clients would email you beforehand and your ‘friends’ would text. So, who could possibly be at your door? Your heart thumped strangely as if your body knew who was beyond the large oak before you. A ball started to form at the base of your throat. Was this anxiousness you were feeling? Gripping the silver handle, you creek the door open slowly, and when your gaze met the other person you feel your heart stop. 
You looked at the man with a dumbfounded expression, tilting your head in confusion. Hi? After all these years, hi is what he starts with. What does he take you for? A hopeless woman needing a man to catch her when she falls?
You go to shut the door without a second thought, but he catches it in his strong arms. The same arms that used to hold you. Shield you from all the danger―no stop you didn’t need them when you were completely broken and you most certainly don’t need them now.
“Please let me explain. Honey, I just…” He was scrambling to find his words, his breath catching his throat like he was running a marathon prior to this interaction. “I wanted to see you…tell you.”
“I don’t want to hear it, Jongho.” You finally spoke, silently yelling at yourself for sounding so shaky in your voice when you wanted to be mad, tone-deaf, blunt. But here you are, wanting to cry cause of the anger surging through you. Why must you always cry when you get mad. “You don’t get to come here after almost two fucking years, call me honey and tell me how much you miss me and think I’ll just fall back into your arms as if nothing happened.”
“T-that’s not what I want nor expect from you. I just want―I don’t care what you want. Now get off my porch.” You cut him off, slamming the door in his face before breaking down the minute you heard the latch click. Your legs buckle, sliding down the door before your knees hit the ground, sobbing into your hands. Your heart was breaking all over again, just like the night you left. You wanted nothing more than to run after him, beg him to hold you. But you couldn’t. They hurt you so much. How do you even begin to forgive them for what happened all those years ago?
Through the next months, you kept receiving letters, flowers, and gift boxes. Even teddy bears. Why would they give you teddy bears? You think they would have known you from being with them for so long. Throwing yet another soft plush toy on the ever-growing pile that sat in your office. You were beginning to become sick of it. You thought after you yelled at Jongho, he and the others would have gotten the hint, but you guess being dumped by eight mob bosses wasn’t as easy as you thought.
Sighing, you click your tongue, looking at the stack of letters you have yet to burn. You can’t even be bothered to open them, not wanting to even listen to anything they might have to say. But another part of you was curious. Maybe one letter couldn’t hurt, right? Reaching for the one on the top, your fingers grasp the small paper. It’s rough against your skin. Like the paper was made from a poor-quality tree. Odd? Why would your ex-lovers gift you such cheap gifts? Not that you were expecting high-priced gifts, but they had enough money to buy half the world, so you think them getting something with a heavier price tag wouldn’t matter. Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t adding up. 
But before you could think of anything else, a loud, almost anger-filled knock comes from the front door. Your body was suddenly on high alert. Goosebumps erode all over your skin as a sickening feeling clouds your head. Grabbing your letter opener―just in case―you walk slowly towards the noise. Thoughts ran through your head in time with the beats of your racing heart. You knew walking towards the suspicious noise was a bad idea, but what else could you do? Whoever was there would know you were home by the lights being on or how your car is parked in the driveway. You couldn’t just pretend you weren’t home, no matter how hard you wanted to try. 
Your fingers graze the door handle, feeling your breath hitch. You twist it slowly until you hear the creek of the door hinges swing inwards. You brace yourself for whoever it was, but what you are met with confused you. The porch was empty?
No one in sight…
But you certainly heard a loud knock. You were going crazy… were you? You huff, straightening up, feeling relief wash over you. Maybe it was some kids pranking the neighbours again, and you were their target for the day. Who knows. You click the door closed, but you lock it this time because even though you see no threat, you wanted to be sure. Entering your office again you walk over to the letters in order to continue what you were doing but when your eyes gaze over the pieces of paper you notice the one you were going to open wasn’t on the table. Where did you go? You thought, placing the letter opener on the table so you could place your hand on the edge of the oak desk so you could look under it. You looked everywhere and couldn’t seem to find it. It was like it had vanished. But…was that a flash? Something caught your eye.
Looking at the teddy bears, you see the letter sitting in the lap of one of the plushies. Tilting your head you notice a little red flash like as if there was a recor―Your eyes snap open stumbling back slightly before turning to run but your body is met with a very broad object and then before you can get any baring on what or who was in behind of you, everything went black.
It was like the world was spinning, your head pinging with an aching pain from the left side of your skull. You tried to open your eyes and look around, but you quickly figured out you were blindfolded and bound to what seemed to be a chair. Typical. Why is it that whenever someone gets kidnapped, they get tied to an old wooden chair? Why couldn’t it be a couch or one of those soft deck chairs? You could hear some scampering around you, three, maybe four people had entered the room you were in. You can smell their shitty cheap cologne that they most likely think bend women at the knees. You knew what kind of people they were before even seeing them. 
“Well well. Looks like my men have caught a pretty mouse of us to play with.” The heavy voice echoed around the room, hinting to you that you were most likely in an open area. A warehouse, maybe? “You are gonna be my ticket to freedom songbird.” 
You had to cringe at the pet name that fell from his lips. The name you were known as in the mafia world. More specifically, Ateez’s Songbird. You tried to sit still, hoping to show a fraudulent sense of confidence, but in reality, you were petrified. You no longer had the eight men you loved dearly to save you. Then again, you had no one to save you. Most of your friends lived out of town and wouldn’t even come to the rescue if you begged. You were alone with these men. Blindfolded and at their will. The man you assume was talking before lifted your blindfold off, seeing your eyes suddenly gaze upon the piercing light from the headlamp above you. You can see your suspicions were correct, four men ranging from sizable jock build to more lean ones but in the end, they were all ghastly, staring you down as if you were nothing more than a piece of meat.
“I want to know where Ateez is….” The grunt that escaped from the immoral male smelled of booze and low-quality cigars. His eyes were painted his redness, as if he hadn't slept in days, weeks even. He was boarding insanity at this rate by his expression. “Well come on, I know you know where they are, and to be blunt, I need them dead. You know business and all.” He rambles, walking around your figure while you sit there listening to his utter bullshit. His words remind you of when a villain in the story starts blabbering to the captor about how they needed to defeat the hero in order to take over the world. But in this case, both sides are just as villainous as each other, and the “world” that’s referenced is stocks… weapons, contraband, drugs, money. The list goes on and on.
“Why are you so quiet, Songbird? Protecting your lovers?” 
Now that one made you laugh, shaking your head in annoyance. Argh, what you would give to be home with a strong whiskey in hand right now. Your reaction sent a shocked expression to the disgusting man's face. He expected you to plea, beg for him to not hurt Ateez, to not hurt the loves of your life and yet here you sit, laughing right in his face like he had just said the most entertaining thing to you.
“I don’t know where they are.” You finally spoke, a sadistic smile painted your face. To never backed down from his gaze, almost trying to intimidate him with your blazed stare. “Why would I know, or care where they are? They don’t care about me.”
His paced. Fuck. He thought. Did his men really just kidnap you for no reason? He was going to shoot someone for this. He began to sweat, you were his only hope of getting the men he hates, attention. And now you were useless. His hand raked through his hair, coming down to scratch the stubble on his chin. What is he going to do with you now? Looking back at you his eyes slid down your body from head to toe, as if he was a predator sizing up his prey. You felt a sudden uneasiness. Maybe telling the man that held your life in his hand you were useless, wasn’t your greatest idea.
He moved away, whispering to one of his men before he sent him off, turning back to you straight after. He stepped one foot in front of the other in a slow and formed way, as if he had come up with the best plan in history. His devious smile brought a lump in your throat and the way he leaned down in front of you, placing both hands on the chair arms so he was face to face with you. “Well, little dove. We can find other uses for you, hmm?”
An idea popped into your head, and maybe it was your hotheadedness or your sheer stubbornness to do things out of spite. Bringing your body back slacked against the chair frame, you watched as his smirk grew, thinking he had finally managed to scare you, but before he could react, you whipped your head forward. Your forehead smashes against his nose with a sickening crack, and a blood-curtailing scream follows. The man gripped his nose with a sharp hiss. You could see blood pouring down like a waterfall from his nose, spilling all over his clothes and floor. Your blurred vision and ache in your skull doesn’t last long as you shake your head. You can see his men crowding around him to see if he is okay.
“Bitch!” He swore, standing up straight from his crouched position to stomp over to you and slap you clean in your face, making you and the chair fall over, smacking your side against the concrete. You can feel your wrist twist before popping out of place from the impact. Your elbow scraped against the harsh floor along with your arm, making you feel the sensation of your blood escaping through the broken skin. A cut on the top of your head also spilled some blood onto the floor making a headache begin to form. Maybe this wasn’t your best idea.
“Get the kit. I wanna teach this whore a lesson.” He spat out some blood that spilled into his mouth from his nose.
“whore? I thought it was bitch? Or as it little dove?” you need to shut your mouth but you choose to keep pushing his buttons. Idiot. He kicked you square in the gut making you hitch your breath before almost coughing up a lung at the pain. Your watered eyes could now barely see as you tried to blink the tears away. You spot out the corner of your eye a bag of what you could only guess, torture tools. Great, now you really fucked up.
You had passed out at least two or three times, and every time, you were woken up by ice-cold water to the face. The temperature of the water stung your opened wounds and burned at your hot red flesh. Time was absent to you, not knowing how long you’d been sitting, tied to the comfortable chair. God, your limbs were gonna ache once you were able to get out. that’s if you get out. 
Maybe you will die here. The irony. Dying in a place of crime in a life of anguish when you so desperately tried to run from it. To try so hard to clean up and forget the darkness that lingered in your past. But in truth, you missed. As sicken as it sounded. You missed the violence, the thrill, the wealth and power. You missed being feared by your enemies and adored by your lovers. Call you sadistic for finding nostalgia in torture, but it was true. Even if you were the one who was currently being hurt, you couldn’t help but smile weakly.
“I found her!!” A muffled voice and sounds of gunshots echoed around you. But you were so dazed you couldn’t seem to pinpoint the noise. Your eyes were fuzzed, and blood tainted your view. Everything was happening so fast until you saw the stillness.
“Y-yuyu?” Your eyes glossed, seeing a blurred figure that resembled Yunho. But it couldn’t be him, could it? You must be dreaming, finally getting ready to leave this plane, but why would your guardian angel look like Yunho?
“I’ve got you, baby. Hold on.” You had already passed out for the final time before you would hear another word slip from your ex-lover's mouth. His rough hands gripped the rope that bounded your hands, cutting it away with his pocket knife. He snaked his arm under your legs and on your lower back, picking you up from the old wooden chair with ease. Your blood had pooled on the floor and now trailed behind Yunho as he jogged with you in his arms. His suit was now tainted red from you, but he couldn’t care less. The only thing on his mind was getting you to safety and maybe killing some assholes along the way. 
To say you couldn’t explain the pain surging through your body was correct. You had never experienced such torture before, and man, you were definitely regretting some of the stupid shit you had said to the low-life mob boss earlier. Your vision was still so blurred, and your head was ringing. You could faintly see a bedside with a clock on it. But the face was dark like it was unplugged. You know this place. You remembered the smell of vanilla and pine. You remembered the dark spruce bed frame and emerald forest green bed sheets. You weren’t thinking when you started to snuggle into the bedding, inhaling the comforting scent.
You missed his smell. You missed being in this bed. God, you didn’t realize how much you missed them. You wanted to be strong. You didn’t want them, didn’t want to forgive them. But the comfort…. tears were falling from your cheeks onto the silk pillow. You were sobbing, and your mind was beside itself. One part screaming at you, telling you to suck it up and leave. But on the other side, you were so tired. So, so…tired…. and all you wanted was your boys. 
“Sugar…” You froze, hearing the man that belonged to the bedroom. His deep voice, velvet and smooth. You could hear a crack in it like he had been in tears prior. You didn’t move, frozen with fear, because you knew if you looked at him in those beautiful brown eyes, you would be done for. “Baby, are you awake?”
He knew you were, but he didn’t want to approach you without knowing if it was okay. He knew by the way you looked at them last time you saw them that you had feared them. Something he never wanted to see in your beautiful innocent gaze. Torment that he and the others caused. He would never forgive himself, so he understood if you never did either. “I want to go home…”
You didn’t know what else to say. So god damned scared to stay cause if you did, you might not leave. And you couldn’t do that. What they put you through. You couldn’t possibly begin a relationship with them again… right? “Mingi, please take me home…” you felt so small calling for him, you didn’t want to be surrounded by his scent but at the same time, you didn’t so much as budge from the covers. You didn’t want him to be near you, but yet when he sat down on the edge of the bed, your body was screaming to be held by him. Everything was so messed up. Why did it have to end up like this? Why was this your ending with them?
Mingi couldn’t find his wording, his hand coming up to your covered shoulders, putting a firm but gentle touch on it. He wanted nothing more than to hold you, kiss you. Make love to you while repeating how sorry he was over and over while he caused you to come over and over. “I missed you…” His voice cracked. “We all have…” better now than never to explain himself, right? “After the first couple of weeks, we found out that those pictures were faked. A way to manipulate us into crumbling our empire. They thought if they could put us all at each other's throats. I guess they won…”
“How did you find they were fake?” You asked in a whisper, keeping your face covered with the bed sheet. 
“Another anonymous tip went off that San was ‘sneaking’ around with some guy. But Wooyoung was quick to debunk it cause San was with him that whole week. So we quickly found out that this was a ploy to rip us all apart… which worked.” Mingi regretted every word he spoke. They managed to find out San was innocent quicker than you. San was lucky he had an alibi, though unlike you, that was away without their knowledge, just trying to buy a gift for your anniversary... god, they were so stupid...
“It...Worked?” You were confused about that since it only caused you to leave. From your knowledge, the boys were all still together? Mingi sighed, standing up, which caused you to peek out from your hiding spot to see him pouring a whiskey from the small bar in the corner of the room. Before downing the amber-coloured liquor.
“Seonghwa and Hongjoong became obsessed with work. They’ve become biter…” He took another shot of the harsh liquor. “Cruel… The number of people they’ve put in the dungeons just from looking in their direction wrong.”
You felt sick, flashes of them yelling at you, cursing you. The image of them with that anger plus a gun. You felt sorry for any of the suckers that were unlucky enough to gaze at them wrong. You tangled your fingers into the soft sheets, playing with the velvet fabric. You note how the hand that had popped out earlier was still slightly swollen and numb, making you barely able to feel the fabric on your right fingertips. “W-What about the others…”
“Jongho spent most of his time looking for you. Spying on you. Seeing all the achievements you have made.” He sounded proud of you for a moment like he sought knowledge of your life from the youngest. “Yeosang drove himself into his computer work, taking on small tasks in the outer parts of the city. If we hadn’t said we brought you home, he would have still been hiding somewhere.” He flicked his hand in the air, scoffing slightly.
“San and Wooyoung changed the most when you left. They became lost without you, distant… different. Like the sunshine was ripped from their life, and darkness consumed them.”
He took a seat at the end of the bed again. You had sat up, crossing your legs, eyeing his figure. He has gotten bigger than the last time you’ve seen him. He’s bulked up, and from what your memory could recall, Yunho was bigger as well. The way his arms felt being around you as he carried you to safety were definitely bulkier. “And what about you? Yunho?”
He huffed, glancing up at you. His hand was so close to your covered legs. So close yet so far. “Yunho and I are…fine. We missed you.”
You knew fine meant they were both struggling just as much as the others. You shifted, moving a little closer to him. Your heart was still aching, but your body was craving to feel some warmth. and at this point, you were so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of running. Tired of anyone telling you who or how to live your life? who cares if you run back to your exes? Who cared if you decided you move back with them? It’s not like you have friends or family that would tell you otherwise. All you had was them. Eight cruel mob bosses who would do anything for you and who were scared when they thought you had betrayed them. “I missed you too.”
His wide, glossy eyes snapped to yours. Like he had just heard someone spill the secret to life itself. His mouth went dry, a lump forming in his throat. He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to spill his guts about how much he missed your smile and missed your laugh. Missed the way you would tease him for being too clingy, but yet you were just as clingy in the next breath. He missed the way your body would melt against his on cold nights, searching for warmth. Or how you would fit so perfectly around his….
“Min…You mind is wondering…” You knew his tells, and you knew he was sinking into his mind. 
“I uh…I’m just trying to find the words to say I’m sorry without it sounding like it was an excuse.”
“I believe you’re sorry, mingi. I believe you are all sorry. It doesn’t change or fix what happened. And it’s going to take time for me to trust you all again. But…” You leaned over, placing your hand on his shaking thigh. “I do forgive you.”
He broke.
“We don’t deserve your forgiveness. We don’t deserve you…” Tears were falling down his red cheeks, making you jump to wipe each one away without a second thought. You hadn’t realized how close you were until you noted the smell of the whiskey on his breath and the warmth of his body radiating to yours.
“You might not deserve me. But who is here to tell me to stay away…” he gave you a smile. You didn’t want to forgive him or the others fully per se, but you did want this push-and-pull game. This cruel twisted game of forbidden love. 
“The others are going to want to see you…” He spoke cautiously, afraid you might recoil away from him if he spoke too loudly. You just sighed, lowering your hands into your lap once again, sitting back. You could feel your wounds with every movement, but it wasn’t as painful as before. They must have given you some painkillers prior to when you were passed out. You were about to speak when a sudden thud was heard, quickly followed by a bunch of hushed whispers. You couldn’t help but smirk at the childishness, for angry mafia kings they sure know how to act like goofballs.
“They’re outside aren’t they?” You cocked your brow, giving Mingi a simple straight expression. He just rubbed the back of his neck with a small whisper of, ‘Sorry.’
You rolled your eyes, telling him to let them in. Your heart might have been racing faster than a race car, but you tried to hide the growing anxiousness with a plain expression. You were going to hear them all out. You were going to hug San and Wooyoung as they sobbed on the end of your bed with mumblers of ‘I’m sorry.’ over and over again. You were going to give Yeosang a knowing look, so he knew that his silence was accepted and that you weren’t mad. You were going to thank Yunho for saving you, and he was going to kiss your palm as you held his cheek briefly.
And you were going to cry.
Sob at how Hongjoong sat on his knees, grovelling for your forgiveness and pleading how he was so messed up for not believing you. You’d all cry seeing the leader so vulnerable. And Seonghwa. Your darling, hwa… you would see such sorrow in his eyes. But you would let him kiss your cheek, hold you for a moment. Let him have you for a moment while you get your mind into check.
This was not a redemption. This was not forgetting. But a new chance.
Not a new chapter but a new book entirely.
You were going to grow, do your own thing. Be with them while you find yourself. And maybe, just maybe. You’d take Jongho’s offer all those years ago…and finally say yes…
— ♡
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yourfatherlucifer · 1 year
Mafia Ateez reacting to you coming home hurt:
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Poly!ot8!mafia!ateez x female reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, talks of violence. Come on it’s mafia ateez lol they’re a tiny bit toxic.
Short one shot, so enjoy, don’t forget to leave feedback in comments, I like to hear if I did good, I am trying to improve my writing.
With a slam of the door, two heads shot up from the places.
I sighed and walked to the voices. It was San and Mingi.
I could see the shock and anger on their faces as soon as I came into view.
They both had ran over to me, “What happened?”
I had a busted lip, my nose had dried blood, and a few bruises littered my face.
“Nothing. Can I please just go to my room?”
Mingi towered over me, “What do you mean, nothing? Clearly something happened. Who in the hell hurt you” he grabbed me by the chin and forced me to look up at him.
I grimaced in pain, smacking his hand away, “That hurt, thank you very much.”
San slightly flared at Mingi, “Y/N, please tell us now. Do we have to hurt someone for you?”
With his hands on my waist, I wanted to lean into his touch but my body was just in too much pain.
“Fine. I was mugged and beaten, okay? Now can I please go?”
Both men shook their heads, Mingi whistled out, and the other six men came down the stairs in tow of each other.
I groaned at was about to happened, I was gonna get stormed, touched everywhere, poked, prodded, scolded, that last part especially by Hongjoong.
“Why did you do that, Mingi?” I glared at that tall mass of a man. I pulled myself away from San and backed up, just wanting to get away.
Hongjoong was the first to step my way, being the leader/captain of this mafia group, I can see why.
“Joong, don’t.” I put my hands up to block him from coming my way, I didn’t want to be touched.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he pulled me to him by my wrist, “tell me what happened, now.”
Why can’t these men just leave well enough alone? Why did I go out today? I should’ve just stayed in bed.
I sighed and tried to my wrist away, but he wouldn’t let go, “Joong, let go, you’re hurting me.” My wrist was turning blue already from earlier, but even dark from his grip.
Hongjoong looked at where his hand was placed and saw the dark bruise, “Tell me.” He released his grip.
I moved to sit down on the couch, “I was mugged when I was coming back home, I don’t know who they were. But they took everything I had on me but then beat me when I tried to fight back.” I stared at the ground.
I could feel the tense and angry stares from all eight men in the room.
“And you didn’t think to bring a guard with you when going out? We talked about this, now that you’re with us, you need to have a guard with you everywhere.”
There it was. There was the scolding. I know he wasn’t blaming me, but it still annoyed me.
“I’m sorry that I wanted one day, just one day of going somewhere by myself and not having some big man following me everywhere.”
Yeosang came to sit by me, he gently rubbed my back, “Hongjoong, don’t you think that’s enough, look at her, she needs to be looked at.” He stared at his friend and boss.
Hongjoong nodded, “Fine, Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho, go take her to the hospital.”
He moved in front of me and placed a kiss on my forehead, “I’m sorry, we all love you. I’ll see you when come back.”
I nodded and smiled at him, “I love all of you too.”
With that I left to the hospital with three of my lovers. I hope to never go through this again.
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mirisss · 11 months
Haunting Shadows
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Vampire! Mafia! Ateez OT8 x afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 1.9k
Warnings: Bullying, angst, mentions of weapons, blood, wanting to rip someone’s throat out (they’re vampires and mafia, blood and violence is unavoidable), violence, 
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! 
Please reblog!
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Third Person POV
Eight vampires stand proud in the night, looking over the land they grew up on centuries ago. These vampires are known as Ateez, the leaders of a large mafia group that controls a large chunk of this country. Ateez is, as mentioned, made up of eight members. Kim Hongjoong - the leader, or captain if you will. Park Seonghwa - the second in command, the oldest. Jeong Yunho, Song Mingi, and Choi Jongho - the enforcers. Kang Yeosang - The spy and tracker. Jung Wooyoung - The Communicator, the spokesman. And, Choi San - the weapon connoisseur. For centuries, these eight men have stayed together, bound not only by the promise they made for the group but also by the bond the moon gifted them. Throughout the years, there was a void in that bond, a missing piece. Finally, after searching for centuries they finally found it. The missing piece. It was a human girl, or woman, known as (Y/n). 
(Y/n) was warm and happy, as beautiful as a blood-red rose. She was the moon that lit up the dark night sky, enveloping the eight vampires in a warm light known as love. While (Y/n) wasn’t too happy to hear that her soulmates were the leaders of a mafia, she was still happy to be with them, albeit a little scared at first to find out they were vampires. Now, after 3 years though, (Y/n) fears almost nothing. The one thing she fears is for the safety of those who dare consider hurting her as she knows her eight soulmates will not be merciful. 
(Y/n) is studying at a prestigious university, not that she would need to considering her soulmates’ wealthy fortune the human girl however still wished to finish her education. Every morning, Wooyoung makes sure that (Y/n) eats a good breakfast and Seonghwa always prepares lunches for her - all to make sure she can focus during her lectures and while studying. Yunho drove her to university and always picked her up. Yeosang always sat with her while she studied so she didn’t feel alone. Jongho usually stands guard outside the library the boys kept in their mansion to make sure no one disturbed them. San and/or Mingi would give her a massage and a snack after she had studied - they said it would help her remember but they truly only wanted to make (Y/n) happy. And Hongjoong would buy and/or make outfits for her that truly were unique and just her style. 
Lately though, (Y/n) doesn’t seem too excited about going to school like she used to or in general. Her smiles seem fake, they don’t reach her eyes anymore. Her pheromones have changed. She doesn’t radiate light and warmth as she once did, no it’s cold and sad. She isn’t as affectionate anymore, she pulls away from the boys - she tried to say that she’s just tired or stressed over school. But the boys suspect that something else is going on. So they decide to follow her to school, without (Y/n) knowing though. 
Yunho’s POV
After dropping (Y/n) off at the entrance of the university building, I waved to her as usual before getting back in the car and driving away. Though, instead of going home I drove just around the block were I met the rest of the guys. “Her pheromones spiked with anxiety when I dropped her off, usually she sends out calmness or excitement,” Hongjoong’s eyes flashed from brown to a glowing red, a sign of his anger. Even Seonghwa’s eyes flashed, that doesn’t bode good, he and Yeosang are known as the calm ones of our gang so triggering them… Well, usually ends in bloodshed. “We should go, come on, let’s shift” After Hongjoongs order we all shifted into our shadow forms, hiding in the darkness of the shadows around us. 
Yeosang’s POV
The eight of us crept around and tried to find (Y/n). There were so many scents that it was hard to pick hers out, I led the group around using my best tracking skills when suddenly I caught her scent. “She’s close,” “Is she alone?” “I don’t know yet, hold on…” I answered Jongho before I crept a bit closer, focusing on her scent and the sound of her breathing. “No, there’s a group of about 5-6 people around her, she’s really stressed,” “Okay, let’s make a plan… Wooyoung, San, do your thing,” Wooyoung and San had both been blessed with the ability to slightly alter their looks, making it easier for them to be out and about talking with people. I was blessed with even more hightened senses and a stronger tracking ability than the others, hence making me a perfect spy and tracker. 
San’s POV
Woo and I morphed, changing part of our facial structure and hair colors. Making sure (Y/n) wouldn’t recognize us, once finished with our disguises we stepped out of the shadows walking toward the room where our soulmate was being cornered. As we walked inside, my blood boiled. I had to fight all my insticts to keep my eyes from flashing red. (Y/n) was sitting on the floor, her back pushed into a wall, with four girls and a guy standing around her laughing. One of the girls, held a cup in her hand that I suspected was empty based on the fact that (Y/n) was dripping wet with a liquid that was most likely coffee based on its scent. (Y/n) was clearly crying. I heard Wooyoung slightly growl, I hit him on the arm to bring him back in control. “Come on,” 
Wooyoung’s POV
I wanted to rip their throats out for what they had done, but that would have to wait… I took a deep breathe to collect myself, time to find out what’s going on. San and I began talking loudly as we walked into the room, San holding a paper that we looked at and then at each other. The girls around (Y/n) instantly turned to look at us, gasping at how handsome we looked. They rand over to us, chatting loudly, how annoying. “Hey, pretty. What’s going on here?” I asked a girl, pretending to flirt with her. “Oh, nothing much, just putting an insignificant bug in her place,” I forced out a laugh, clenching my fists to keep myself from wrapping it around the girls throat and choking her. San and I managed to lure the group away from (Y/n), finding out more on why they were doing this and for how long they had been doing it. 
Yeosang’s POV
I focused my senses on Wooyoung and San, waiting for them to give me a signal. After only 2 minutes of waiting, I got the signal meaning (Y/n) was alone. “We can go in,” We crept through the shadows into the room where we found (Y/n) crying on the floor, drenched in coffee. 
Seonghwa’s POV
After we had crept into the room I made sure to close the door before coming out into the light. Luckily, I had suspected something like this could have happened and brought some new clothes for (Y/n) and a towel with me. “Darling, it’s okay, we’re here now, everything will be fine,” (Y/n) looked up at me and the others in the room, her beautiful eyes stained red from tears. “Honey, come here. Let’s get you dry and into some new clothes,” “HOW come you didn’t TELL us about this?” I turned to Hongjoong, giving him a glare for raising his voice at her to which he apologized and took a step back. “I’m sorry,” “No, don’t be darling, this isn’t your fault. Here’s some new clothes. I thought about this in a hurry so I didn’t grab your clothes but some of mine and I think Mingi’s,” (Y/n) grabbed the clothes from me and then Mingi and I held the towel up to cover her as she changed. 
Jongho’s POV
My heart broke seeing (Y/n) look so sad. I just wanted to hug her, hold her close, whisper that it would be okay, or quietly sing for her. All to make her feel better. Soon she had changed into dry clothes and she carefully took the towel from Hwa and Mingi to wrap it around her head. I saw my chance to walk over to her, opening my arms, and inviting her for a warm hug. (Y/n) instantly gave me a tiny smile before opening her own arms, wrapping them around me, to which I did the same. A quiet knock was heard on the door, it was, for us vampires, clearly San and Wooyoung who had returned so we simply said come in even though the door was locked. The two could come inside through the shadows, which they did. (Y/n) relaxed a little more into my embrace as she saw the two missing members of our group. 
Mingi’s POV
As San and Wooyoung rejoined us in the room, it was easy to sense the shift in (Y/n)’s emotions as her pheromones became just a little bit sweeter, indicating that she was feeling better. I also wanted to comfort her and myself, I was so worried I could barely control my strength on the way here - there might or might not be a few dented streetlights on one of the paths leading to this school. I walked over, gently enveloping (Y/n) from behind, sandwiching her between Jongho and myself. “I love you,” She whispered, it was for us all but I felt a bit special to hear it right after embracing her. 
Hongjoong’s POV
San and Wooyoung rejoined us and told all of us that the girls had picked on (Y/n) because they had seen ‘a hot boy driving her’ - aka, Yunho - something she apparently didn’t deserve and they wanted her to be miserable because of it. The animalistic side of me, clawed at my brain, wanting to just go out there and rip them apart but I pushed it aside. Getting (Y/n) home was my priority. “Let’s go home, we’ll take care of this later. Those girls won’t dare touch you again… They should be happy that we got here before they did anything even worse,” After getting back home to our mansion (Y/n) told us that the girls had convinced her that she didn’t deserve them and that we only kept her around because she was our mate. We comforted her and told her that the girls were wrong. We love (Y/n) for being (Y/n). 
A few days later, those girls quit the program at the university and moved away. (Y/n) knew that we had something to do with it, but not exactly what happened… we simply had a conversation with them where they accidentally saw both some of our guns and fangs and even claws. Let’s just say they ran away terrified, promising to never ever harm another being again.  
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smutracha · 1 year
Vellichor I
Mafia!SKZ Yandere!SKZ afab!reader POLY!SKZ 
tw: violence, blood, guns, knives, nicotine, drug abuse, alcohol, ptsd
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9 Vol 10 Vol 11 Vol 12 Vol 13
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Third person POV:
Y/n loved the smell of this little bookstore she visited every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the smell of coffee wafting past her as she sat under the magnificent cherry blossom tree with her new book of the week. This same tree that had sheltered her in rain and covered her in petals while she was just a student and new to the country and even now as an adult.
And when she abandons her beloved tree, he knows it is not for long. She will be back with a fresh tea and a pastry, and for him a brand new poem. So, he watches her go.
“She is heading back into the bookstore, boss. I really got to tell you I do not think there is any reason to be watching her.” “It will dawn on you all the longer you watch her.” “I’ve been watching her for 6 months, she’s beautiful but what’s with the obsession.” “Just wait.”
“Y/n you know most kids your age go out drinking and drink coffee more than anything else, and why you insist on looking after that rickety old tree I don’t understand.” “Aunty, you know I grew up reading books back home, every second I had away from school would be spent reading. I love it. It’s an escape that I need. And so, when I moved to Korea and found this place and that beautiful tree, and when I saw that you sold the rooibos we sell back home, well I fell in love. This became my escape. And that tree became my friend. The hominess of this place makes me feel almost at home, like my soul is home.”
And after she returns to the tree with a poem and tea, she sits quietly, pondering a thing or two…
“Hey, I like rooibos tea too” “You know Innie, you suck at stealth” “Where’d you two come from?” “Oh, nowhere really” “You are so dumb” “I HEARD THAT YOU DOG”
“Are you guys ok?” “We’re fine.” “Just here to enjoy the scenery.” Oh, then sure sit with me. You want my tea?” “Yes please.” “Seung, you can’t just take her tea.”
And in silence the girl read poetry to the tree while the two mysterious boys watched. And when she stopped she announced her resignation.
“We should walk you home.” “Yes, a woman should never be alone at night.”
“Say what is your command captain?” “Okay, you’re sweet. Follow me boys.”
They walked for a while, deciding outside of a convenience store that late night snacks and soju would be an amazing idea.
A little further up the road they got to a tiny but cosy loft apartment, briming with greenery and books. Simple and earthy. That is what y/n is. That is why all this fuss about her existed, they got it now. They knew now, tonight they would see the way they needed her.
She went to put her TV on. Some show about a mother and daughter who drank loads of coffee came on, she insisted that Gilmore Girls was the basics of comfort shows. They decided that she was right, because this was her and she would be right in anything she declared to them. 2 bottles of soju later and she was gone, of course Innie and Seung only had like 2 shots each. So, while Seung was getting her settled in and comfortable Innie called the boss.
“Oh yes tell that pretty boy Jisung m with her right now. She is so beautiful when she is asleep, wonder what her lips feel like… who knows? Oh well, we will be staying over here to look after her and clean up. Y’all can meet her tomorrow. But God hyung, you were right about her.”
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
MIROH | Master List
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Pairing: Assassin!Bang Chan x AFAB Reader / Mafia!OT8 x AFAB Reader
General Synopsis: Hundreds of men respected you, bowed down to you, and most importantly feared you. None other than the second in command, and in line to take over one of the most prolific gangs in all of South Korea, Miroh. You had it all, money, respect, and seven of the most loyal men by your side. So why do you feel the need to bring in one more? What’s so special about this so-called assassin, Chan?
General Warnings: violence, blood, explicit sexual content, TRAUMA SO MUCH TRAUMA, crude language, mafia au, angst, fluff, assassin chan, mafia boss reader, each chapter will be updated with warnings for each chapter. Please make sure to read them! [Any other general warnings I missed please let me know and I’ll update them!]
→ A/N: Welcome to my first ever solo published work, Miroh! I’ve had this idea in my head for such a long time and I’m so happy to finally share it! Please feel free to interact with this series. If you would like to be added to the tag list for this series please don't be shy to leave a comment♡ ~ Kitty
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➣ Chapter One: Recruit Day ➣ Chapter Two: Fair Fight ➣ Chapter Three: Peach ➣ Chapter Four: Enjoying the Show ➣ Chapter Five: Capeesh? ➣ to be continued....
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Tags @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @sinforsuccubus @hyuneyeon @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry ♡Thank you for letting me tag you♡
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This just proves it. We're all thinking it.
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potatomountain · 29 days
CIY- CH 19
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Chapter Nineteen
📍Pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader
📍Summary: "Deeper Than You Think"
📍WC: 3.4k
📍AU: detective/mafia
📍Genre: action, dark themes, poly romance
📍Warning(s): 18+ rating, suggestive, milf, slight fxf, slight exhibitionism, creeps
📍Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer , @skteezcursed and edited(usually) by the amazing: @daemour
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You knew just how dark the underbelly of the city was from your extensive research and the cases you dealt with back in SK, but this still had your stomach churning in disgust. In particular, what you knew about the Red Wolves.
The number of times for the rest of Wooyoung’s ‘tour’ that he had to warn you to stay away from anyone with red studs in their ears that looked like fangs. Red bandana’s or a choker were signs of Red Wolf property and when dusk hit, you saw a frightening amount of people with such indicators.
The idea of being trafficked by them opposed to dying by your new unit’s hands no longer had any appeal; you'd rather take your chances with the two in the car with you.
“While the wolves are the most ruthless, and open about their organization from the main three, we really haven’t made a dent against them. Arrest one member, two more pop up. Free one from their clutches, two end up dead.” Wooyoung was solemn for once, a look in his eyes that spoke of a man you weren’t familiar with. One who was much deeper than just the flirt you thought he was. Perhaps that was the detective in him? Or deeper than that, the real vulnerable man underneath.
It had you conflicted, but just as that glimpse had appeared, it was gone, replaced with his charming half smirk once more. “Anyways, ready?”
Your brows twisted together. “For what?” You looked around, the car parked and Yeosang slurping on some noodles at his desk oblivious to the conversation. You were back downtown in the Pink Boa category, in front of the club that Wooyoung had told you about earlier. Two prostitutes walked across the street and slipped between the car you were in and the one in front of you, pink gemmed chains around each of their waists: Boa’s.
The two women were immediately approached by three men who had red fang studs in their ears, the men that Wooyoung had just been talking about. The warnings of the Red wolves were ringing in your head as Wooyoung was talking about something that wasn’t registering, only because one of the creeps grabbed at the women.
No one else was batting an eye, but you were out of the car before you even realized it, anger surging through you at the look of fear on the girl’s face. “Yo! Hands off buddy!”
Vaguely you heard Wooyoung curse out behind you, but he didn’t get to stop you before you had fully situated yourself between the Boa’s and the wolves, chest to chest with the man who’s wrist was now in your grip just as he had grabbed the woman behind you.
The man certainly didn’t mind, eyes flickering down to your low cleavage and smirking in a way that made your skin crawl. “Are you offering yourself in exchange then, slut?”
You snarled your lip back, pushing him by the wrist to get him away from you. “Fuck off, they’re on my time right now.” You lied through your teeth, hands placed on your hips as you jutted out your chin a bit intimidatingly.
It did get the three men to hesitate, especially when you felt an arm wrap around each of yours. “I told you we weren’t available.” The woman on your right goaded, running her nails up your bicep. You could feel her stare on your features, but you didn’t tear your eyes from the men.
The man on the far left swallowed hard, but not with fear. “How much to watch then?”
“How much to get lost?” You countered instantly, pulling out your wallet for the cash you kept on you. You didn’t have much but you were in too deep to back out now.
Mr. Handsy sneered at your gesture. “Forget it. Come on, we can find more willing prey elsewhere.” He flicked his fingers and turned on his heel, giving you one last look over before scoffing and walking away.
As soon as they were out of ear shot the two girls started squealing. “God that was hot babes.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to stand it if some other sleaze tried to step in.” The other added on, both kissing your cheek before giving you a slight tug closer. “Want to get a room with us? So we can show our gratitude? Free of charge babes, haven’t gotten to share a pretty woman in so long.”
While you certainly appreciated their gratitude, you weren’t oblivious to the way they touched you, light but with clear intentions. It was almost purely sexual until you noticed the way they tried to coax the wallet out of your hand.
Wooyoung pulled you back against him, arm around your waist that was tighter than you expected. “Sorry girls, this one is here to see Madam.”
“Oh it’s Mito.” The first one huffed, suddenly disinterested.
“Boo, that means she’s not on the market.” The smaller, curvier one pouted as she crossed her arms to pout even cuter.
Wooyoung smiled over your shoulder and out of the corner of your eye it almost looked strained. “Yes yes, sorry. We’ll be heading in now.” He pulled you back some more than turned you so his arm was around your lower back but his grip was just as tight as before. He leaned into your ear once you were halfway across the street. “What the fuck was that?”
Oh, he was angry with you.
With a huff, you tried not to let it get to you, keeping your head high. “I couldn’t just watch-”
“Yes you fucking can and you will. This is downtown, have all my warnings gone out your fucking ears?”
You didn’t like his tone, nor the way he was gripping you so tightly, but you waited until you were across the street before pulling away and glaring at him. “I will not, Mito, just sit by and watch. Whether it was my job, no matter my career or place, I won’t. I won’t stand for it.” You snarled out, staring him down unwaveringly.
He broke first, shutting his eyes for a brief moment before smiling down at you. “We’ll talk about this later. You really have no idea how it runs, what flies down here, how to play the game-”
“Then teach me, but know that I will not follow rules I don’t like. If that includes watching a woman, no matter her affiliation or career, get harassed to the point fear is obvious, I will not.” You stepped back even more taking note his anger seemed to have passed, or at least wasn’t at the forefront.
No, he seemed almost… elated as he stepped closer and grabbed your hip, pulling you flat against him, lips close enough it would be so easy to close the distance and kiss.
“Then would you go against the rules and laws to protect someone in that sense? Someone who lives here, who works the corner, who has blood on their hands if they’re in trouble and you see it?” He whispered against your cheek, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, teasing your skin he exposed.
“Wooyoung-” Yeosang’s voice warned in both of your ears before you had a chance to reply.
With a huff he pulled away, now grabbing your hand. “Come on, you have a job interview.” He was pouty as he pulled you into the night club, past the bouncer who nodded at him. It wasn’t lost on you how you two skipped the line without a single word, like he worked here or something.
Or something was probably more accurate, every working girl smiled or giggled at him as you both passed. A dance floor to the right takes up over half the club, with booths along the wall and a large bar to your left run by three people with a dancer on a small stage on either side. You could make out kitchen doors behind one of the dancers in clubbing attire, but it was quickly pushed out of sight as you headed up secluded stairs to a second floor.
While the dancefloor was mostly exposed from this floor, due to the waist high thick railing the activities up here were much more secluded; that included the private booths that lined the walls above the floor, just out of sight. The bouncers didn’t stop Wooyoung from pulling you to the right, away from the open area and clubbing below, to a hall that had a sign hanging above reading “employees only”.
Since you missed his explanation, you could sort of hear Yeosang in your ear repeating the plan. “You’ll be meeting the madam of the club for a position as a bartender or waitress, but don’t accept anything for dancing. You should do well enough but also remember not to freak out at the customers.” The rest of his warnings fell on deaf ears as you stepped around a corner in the hall where another bouncer was, this one stopping you both by holding up his hand.
You immediately took notice of the gold chain on his wrist with three rings for a charm. A sign of the Golden circle. It made sense that at least one of the workers here would be one, considering the Pink Boas were their subgroup. But something also felt so out of place of once single Golden Circle this far from the rest of the business of the club.
Not that you had time to dwell on it.
Wooyoung didn’t speak to the bouncer, giving him only a moment to step aside before he took you forward. You passed a few doors with odd symbols, stopping in front of a door with a golden snake in a circle, the one eye of it a pink topaz that felt almost like a warning. And in a way, it was.
He had brought you right to the head of the Pink Boas.
You swallowed hard, trying not to let the sudden onslaught of nerves show. This was not the head of one of the six, but a subgroup, one that was all female and probably the least intimidating group to come face to face with.
Wooyoung smiled over at you, brushing your hand with his own. “Don’t worry Goddess, you’ll do fine. When in doubt, do what I do or Yeosang says.”
You rolled your eyes. “Because that’s going to get me the job.” You laid the sarcasm on heavy, getting a dry chuckle out of him before he knocked in an odd rhythm. Three times, pause, then once, another pause, then two more times.
The door opened almost instantly, an older woman with a stone expression standing on the other side. You had a moment to admire the perfection of her makeup, the subtle extravagance of her outfit, and the way she carried herself all before she was turning her back to you both and stepping further inside.
Wooyoung motioned for you to go first, stepping in behind you and letting the door shut behind him. The cool demeanor of the woman shifted immediately as she swirled on her heel and was now beaming at you, hands clasped in front of her. “Oh I’m so happy to finally meet you!”
You were shell-shocked before you were pulled into a hug, the flowery scent of her perfume an undertone to something more earthy, but not unpleasant. Almost homey which was an odd thing to think of a woman who ran a sub-mafia family. But not as odd as the fact she was hugging you so tightly.
Glancing at Wooyoung in a panic, he laughed and gently pried each other apart. “Easy easy, I told you not to do that!”
“But you would not stop talking about her! I was really excited alright?” The woman pouted as she smoothed out your clothes, a twinkle in her eye. “We’ll have to get you into something less gaudy for your job here. Wooyo tells me you have bar experience?”
“Wooyoung, how much did you tell her?” Yeosang sounded exasperated in your ear, but you were still lost.
Wooyoung shrunk away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. “I can’t help it, Sang- not when it’s…” He trailed off but you weren’t going to wait for him to clarify.
“I’m sorry but can someone fill me in? You’re the head of the Boa’s right? The symbol was a dead give away. I thought this was a job interview.”
The woman laughed, pushing some of your hair behind your ear before and noticing the ear piece. “You can call me Haru, and this is a job interview. Wooyo already filled me in, and I promise you will come to no harm here.”
Your brow furrowed in even more confusion before it fully hit. “Oh- I see. That… is not what I expected. Are you really?” You chose your words carefully, hoping she would catch on.
“Whatever you are thinking, yes. He can explain later I’m sure. He referred to you as Goddess but I don’t think that will be a good cover here. How about Dalnim? You’ll be referred to as Dal by the other workers.” She explained before sitting against the edge of her desk. “I don’t care what you see here and what you tell him, but the one thing I do care about is that if it’s concerning my girls you inform me first. Understand?”
“I- hold up. Hold the fuck up.” You had to put your hands up, turning on your heel to start pacing, nibbling on your thumb. “Explain.” You spoke to Yeosang in your ear, but Wooyoung opened his mouth to do so. You pointed a finger at him, a stern glare on your features. “You shut up, I’ll deal with you later.”
Yeosang was silent for a moment, you could tell from the fact you heard no sound what-so-ever he probably had himself muted. You heard a click a moment later, and it wasn’t Yeosang’s voice that spoke.
“Sorry about this Firecracker, are you going to back out?” Hongjoong’s voice rumbled in your ear and you stiffened in your spot, breath hitching a bit.
“Captain- are we really going to-” Yeosang was pleading in the background, and someone else was there.
You glanced at Wooyoung for a moment, his eyes on the floor. Where did his confidence go? He looked nervous, and not just from a scolding from his Captain. Haru was staring you down with a look of curiosity that seemed familiar, but it was when she grinned that you realized something else.
She resembled Wooyoung quite a bit, like a softer, more mature version. She laughed when she saw it click on your features, a nod giving you the confirmation.
This was, by far, so much deeper than you ever thought. But your earlier suspicion had also been confirmed: She knew you were a detective, she knew Wooyoung was, and she was setting you up and giving you permission to use this position as a way to gather information.
Wooyoung was providing you the perfect undercover, with someone he clearly trusted with his life.
“No, I’m not backing out.” The words escaped you the moment you made up your mind, announcing to those present and those not. “So this position, I’m just bartending right? Starting simple? I can do that.” You straightened your shoulders, regaining your confidence.
Haru smiled wider, clapping her hands together. “Oh Wooyoung was right, you are such a smart woman. Capable too. Yes, that is the case. I can give you more details on your first day, but first… I need to make sure you leave here safely.”
She waved at Wooyoung dismissively, pointing towards the door as she stepped over to you. The way she moved was captivating, her whole demeanor becoming seductive, predatory even, like a snake coiling back to attack it’s prey. Her tongue even ran over her vibrant pink lips as if to taste the air.
Her hand was on your neck the second the door was shut. “Now that I have you alone, almost, let me give you the real welcome.” She pulled the earpiece out of your ear and slipped it into your pocket while she swiveled you towards the desk.
While you knew, logically, that you should be afraid, intimidated even, you were not. It didn’t matter her relation to Wooyoung, or how you felt about the unit- which was in dire need of being questioned- she was the head of the Pink Boas. A very capable woman who had risen in the Golden Circle enough to establish this sub group and make it her own. A woman capable of running the downtown underbelly, successful businesses, and navigating it all with such ease you hadn’t even know she had a son.
You couldn’t be intimidated, instead admiring her too much to feel any real threat from her. Because if you had been, you were sure you wouldn’t have made it here, right now. Though when she leaned in, lips brushing against your ear, your breath hitched in anticipation.
Your real name cascading from her lips in a low, sultry tone might be enough to make any woman gay for her. “Listen very carefully now. I”m going to tell you something, but I need you to act for me so he doesn’t hear. So no one does.” She bit down on the shell of your ear, chuckling when your breath hitched in an almost moan.
“Yes ma’am.”
She laughed a bit, hands pushing your shirt and touching you everywhere almost as if feeling you up, but it seemed more strategic than that. You let out a loud moan for her, remembering how you had faked it for the two neighbors not that long ago. This felt easier, since the little touches were turning you on just a bit.
“That’s it, such a good girl. You’ll treat him right won’t you?” She whispered as moans and whimpers fell from your lips. “I know you’re still so new, that you don’t know much of anything really, but I want you to. Do you want to? Do you want to be a part of what he and his little friends have going on?”
“Y-yes Mommy. I do-” You whined out, purposely adding that just to fuck with Wooyoung.
Haru laughed breathlessly, a hand now in your hair messing it up as she tugged it back. “I want you to learn everything about them, and I’ll help you baby girl, but you have to promise me something. And if you ever- ever - break that promise…” He teeth scraped your neck before she sucked a hickey there, making you moan out for real. Oh this woman knew just what she was doing.
“Well, you’re a smart girl, I think you know just what would happen if you did, yeah?”
“Yes yes-”
“Good good. Now that promise is that no matter what you learn, you never hold it against them. Especially not my little boy. Because if you hurt him, pretty girl, you’ll suffer worse. And you know you will, with how fucking prettily you melted in my arms like this.” Almost as if she couldn’t help herself, she cupped your mound between your legs and squeezed in a way that stimulated your clit.
“Fuck-” You whined out, for a split second forgetting what you were supposed to say. “Y-yes I promise Mommy. Promise. C-can I come now?” You whined, playing your part perfectly.
She gave your mound a little pat before stepping back, laughing under her breath as she nodded. “I almost feel bad for playing with you knowing his intentions.” She muttered to herself as you cried out, faking an orgasm for the listening ears, but you didn’t miss what she said.
Haru let you leave after that, making sure your clothes were still a mess and the hickey on display. You couldn’t meet Wooyoung’s gaze when you did, nor could you put the earpiece back in.
But as you passed the Golden circle bouncer, you noticed how intently he looked you over, eyes lingering on the forming hickey on your neck, a scowl forming. That’s how it clicked, that bouncer wasn’t there to guard Haru, but watch her.
You just got yourself into some really deep shit.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse
| @philijack | @lelaleleb | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames
| @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630
| @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @iwishiwasrichasfuck
| @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe | @alextheweeb7 | @ddaeing
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
195 notes · View notes
rules & main masterlist
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⏳ loren, 25, she/her
i post both sfw and nsfw fics - mdni with nsfw content please. i do not take requests, but soft thoughts are always open. hard thoughts will only be answered if they are NOT on anon blank blogs without a profile picture, banner or some form of blog description (and in some instances no posts or reblogs) will be blocked taglist [now open]
⏳ sideblogs @lorensonebraincell @jeffreysleftdimple
⏳ sidekick @sorryimananti-romantic
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[#loren writes - scenarios]
📜 ateez as mafia members who fall for you (ot8 x reader)
hyung & maknae line . part two bonus (mingi x reader, wooyoung x reader) mafia boyfriends (christmas special)
📜 ateez as royals who fall for you (ot8 x reader)
hyung line . maknae line
📜 ateez as pirates who fall for you (ot8 x reader)
hyung line . maknae line
[#loren writes - oneshots]
📜 the essence of youth is summers with you (poly!ot8 x reader)
teaser . full fic
📜 our leaves must fall before our flowers can bloom (poly!ot8 x reader)
teaser . full fic [latest release]
[#loren writes - smaus]
📜 rating bff!ateez as - twitter thread series (platonic!ot8 x reader)
alarm clocks . beds . fridges . presentations . amusement park rides . computer apps . kinks (kinktober special) . pumpkin carvings (halloween special) . sea animals (seonghwa bonus)
📜 boyfriend!ateez - fake texts (ot8 x reader)
when you call them 'bro' when you call them by their government name when they discover you write smut when you ask them to draw you a flower when you tell them you're constipated when you rizz them up when you ask them to buy you pads
[#loren writes - headcanons]
📜 dogboy!yuyu (yunho x reader)
📜 loren collabs with yumi ♡
ateez as dads (ot8 x reader) ateez as brothers (ot8 x reader) ateez as boyfriends (explicit ver.) (ot8 x reader)
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[#loren answers]
📦 ask prompts that are a shame to lose to the tumblr void
mafia!ateez . ceo's son!mingi . prince!jongho . baguette!yunho . spiderman!yunho . michelin chef!yeosang . fallen angels!ateez . soft mafia!ateez . friends2lovers!san . gru!seonghwa . hamster!hongjoong . texting bf!atz a pussy lineup . kisses with wooyoung . bf!ateez with shy!gf
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[#loren's fic recs]
🗂️ an ongoing record of fics that tickle my one braincell (rec reblogs here)
001 . ot8 x reader | multi x reader 002 . member x reader | hyung line 003 . member x reader | maknae line 004 . scenarios | reactions | headcanons 005 . social media au | fake texts 006 . ao3 | member x reader | member x member
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©eightmakesonebraincell. please do not repost or translate any of my works
last updated 24 sep 2024
1K notes · View notes
appynonna · 2 months
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Our Universe
Pairing: Poly!OT8xoriginal chararters
Rating: 18+
Current Word Count: 28,453 Words
Warning: pet names, anger, fighting, drugs, Sexual Suggestiveness, trauma, PTS, Name calling, Dreamscape domestic violence, Slut shaming, Violence with Cigarettes, Hitting, Blood, Panic attacks, Forced hair cut, Hitting,
This is a work of fiction. By no means is meant to be taken seriously and does not reflect on the people used within the story.
Arthur notes:
Hello, Deary
This is getting longer than I ever thought it would.
So to try to help keep track I have created a master list. I am planning to do a few side shorts in here as well with just random things from the story. For the most part, I do have it fully planned out and I know where it will go, I'm just having fun getting it there.
Maybe the story will never take off, That is fine. I'm doing this more to see if I can do it than anything.
I truly do hope that you are getting some enjoyment from reading this so far. I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you.
Chapter 01: The Goat - Here
Word count - 1,019
Chapter 02: Exit 1117 - Here
Word count - 1,019
Chapter 03: Thunder - Here
Word count - 1,741
Chapter 04: New Friends? - Here
Word count - 1,736
Chapter 05: A New Friend! - Here
Word count - 2,794
Chapter 06: 20 Questions. - Here
Word count - 2,938
Chapter 07: 3rd Person's View - Here
Word count - 3,159
Chapter 08: Crazy Form - Here
Word count - 2,134
Chapter 09: A long night. - Here
Word count - 3,215
Chapter 10: DreamScape - Here
Word count - 2,974
Chapter 11: Angel Baby - Here
Word count - 2,387
Chapter 12: Level of Concern - Here
Word count - 3,337
20 notes · View notes
minniesmutt · 7 months
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♱ ━━━ CONTENT: ORAL [F. REC] FINGERING, MULTIPLE ORGASMS, OVERSTIM, PET NAMES, UNPROTECTED SEX, NIPPLE PLAY, CUM SHOT, CUM EATING/SHARING, AFTERCARE ♱ ━━━ WC: 1.9K ♱ ━━━ PAIRING: HAN X READER ♱ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog ♱ ━━━ a repost from my old blog
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     After a short nap, Y/n took to unpacking the things she had brought. It was mostly clothing and a few photos but nothing else. Maybe if she asked, one of them would take her shopping. 
     She heard the elevator ding and peeked her head out of the bedroom. Chan walked out, hands in the pockets of his slacks. Y/n stepped out of the room and met him in the hallway 
     “How are you settling it?” Chan asked as he wrapped an arm around her
     “Fine, the place is a bit bare though,” Y/n told him.
     “I’ll have one of the guys take you out shopping tomorrow. I just came by to see how you were settling in and to go over something with you.”
     “Come on,” Chan pulled her into the kitchen. Sitting down at the table he had put in for her and pulling out a stack of paper
     “What’s this?” Y/n asked skimming through the words
     “Contract. Jist of it says what you’ll be doing as a front and you will be paid for the work you help us with,” Chan stated
     “You guys are paying me but you’re also basically paying everything for me?”
     “Think of it as fallback money. If something happens to us for any reason or another, for any amount of time, you’re not left with nothing to fall back on, financially that is.”
     “How considerate.” Y/n smiled, “I’m assuming there’s another part that talks about sex.”
     “Yeah. Every one of us has our own version of this contract. But you're welcome to update anything in it to your comfort level. Most of it goes over what we are into and that every single one of us is clean.” Chan explained
     “Well, so am I, guess there really is no point in condoms,” Y/n smiled
     “Only to prevent a pregnancy.”
     “I’m on birth control. Don't worry about that.”
     Chan explained a couple more things; everyone was made aware of using the traffic light system as a safeword— tapping them twice if she was able to talk for whatever reason as a fallback—, aftercare being important to all of them no matter what, promising her safety from anyone outside of them, etc. Y/n read through the papers as she listened to him, making a few adjustments here and there, but mostly agreeing with what everyone wanted. She signed her name where needed and turned the paper back to him. Chan checked everything and made a quick message about changes to the rest of the guys. 
     “We don’t expect you to memorize anything either. And it doesn't have to be one way, you can ask us for sex too.”
     “Thanks, Chan,” Y/n smiled at him
     “No need to thank me,” Chan smiled back
     “Is there anything else I should know now that I live here?”
     “Say goodbye to your privacy,” Chan chuckled
     The two laughed for a moment before Chan got called away. Y/n saw him off before going into her living room. They had been kind enough to furnish the apartment for her so that was one thing she didn't have to worry about. She figured she’d do a little online shopping for a bit. Adding things she just thought were pretty to her cart, even if she didn't need them. She’ll find a use for them.
     She heard the elevator again and ignored it after looking up for a second, one of the guys came in to see her, something she was quickly getting used to. 
     “Whatcha doing,” Jisung asked as he joined her on the couch, laying on top of her as she was laid back against the armrest
     “Shopping,” Y/n answered as she peered down at him. 
     “For what?” He asked
     “House decorations, clothes, random shit.”
     “Doesn’t sound like fun.”
     “Well, I was bored and that’s why I started. If you have better ideas, I’m all ears.” Y/n dropped her phone on her chest and looked down at him
     “Just keep shopping,” Jisung smirked
     Y/n shrugged and picked her phone back up. Scrolling through the website she was on. Jisung pushed her shirt up a bit then pulled her leggings off her legs. Y/n lifted her hips a bit to help him as he adjusted her legs to lay over his shoulders as he came face to face with her clothed cunt. 
     Y/n peeked down at him before he started kissing down and licking the cloth of her panties. Y/n let out a small moan as he continued teasing her over the fabric. Nonetheless, she kept shopping. 
     Eventually, he removed the fabric and softly kissed her clit, licking the bud to her entrance. Y/n smiled as she peered down at him. One hand removed itself from her phone and ran her fingers through his hair, gazing back at her screen. Jisung picked up his pace after a few moments until he was eating her like a starved man. 
     It wasn’t long till the phone and shopping were forgotten. Her hands tangled in his soft locks and her legs threatened to close around his head. 
     Han hummed against her clit as she gave him a particularly harsh tug. His eyes cast up her body as flicked the little bud. “Fuck Ji,” Y/n moaned
     Jisung didn’t dare let up. Playing with her clit and entrance with his tongue. Enjoying the taste of her juices on his lips and dripping down his chin. He just gave a bit more pressure when he sucked on her clit which seemed to do it for her. Hips rutted against his mouth as he licked her clean from her orgasm. 
     “So fucking good,” He wasn’t letting up. He continued making out with her sensitive clit. Y/n closed her legs around his head as much as she could. Jisung groaned against her cunt, eyes rolling into the back of his head, just from her thighs suffocating him slightly. 
     He pushed her thighs up after a minute. Putting them to her chest as he kept going. 
     “Close,” Y/n whimpered as she grabbed the cushions. 
     “Give me ‘nother,” Ji mumbled against her clit. He pushed one leg over the back of the couch to free up a hand. 
     Soon he was pushing two fingers into her and matching his pace to the rate he was eating her out
     “Fuck!” Y/n cried as her second orgasm hit her. 
     Ji kept going through her high. Fingers pumping in and out of her as he pulled his hips from her clit and sat up on his knees. “One more doll. Give one more and I’ll give you whatever you want,” Jisung begged as he pulled her other leg over his shoulder and kissed her ankle 
     “Need your cock,” Y/n whined, legs slightly shaking
     “One more baby and I'll give it to ya’.” a third finger pushed into her
     “Too much,” Y/n whined as she grabbed his wrist 
     “Green!” Y/n called as his fingers curled into just the right spot 
     “You can take it, doll,” Ji smiled 
     He pushed forward till he had her coming on his fingers. Her body convulsed under him as he pulled his fingers out, watching her juices flow out of her and soak the cushions. 
     “Good job doll,” Jisung smiled as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. 
     He gave her a moment to come down and rest. He took off his belt, setting it on the coffee table. 
     “Where the fuck did you learn to eat pussy that good?” Y/n asked after her mind out of its haze a bit more
     “Now why would I tell you?” He smirked as he leaned over her.
     “Secrets are hot. You know what's hotter?”
     “Your dick in me.”
     Jisung didn’t waste another second pulling ever fully down onto the couch and unbuttoning his pants and pulling his hard dick out, far too eager to actually take his pants off. Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at his eagerness and worked on unbuttoning his top and pushing it off him as he pumped his cock. He took his hand off his cock to take the white shirt off his body. Her hand replaced his on his cock, pumping him and lining the tip up at her entrance.
     Jisung tossed the fabric to the ground before grabbing her hips and pushing into her. Both moaned as they got quickly used to the feeling. Jisung pushed his pants and boxers down more as he let her adjust to him. 
     “Fuck, move Ji,” Y/n whined 
     Jisung pushed her t-shirt up over her breast and moved her legs around his waist. He laid his hand on the armrest above her head. He pulled out slowly and thrusted back in quickly. His eyes glanced back and forth from her tits bouncing with his thrusts to her cunt swallowing him. 
     Y/n was a mess of moans and whines from him going down on her and making her come three times. Her walls were already clenching around him. 
     “Fucking warm,” Jisung groaned as his hips snapped into her. 
     Y/n tightened her legs around his waist. One of his hands fell from the armrest to lay next to her body. He lowered himself a bit to kiss between her breasts then sucked on the skin. Y/n ran her hands through his hair as his lips latched onto her nipple. Y/n gripped his hair tighter, clenching it around him. 
     “Keep clenching around me doll and I’m gonna blow,” his words were muffled against her boob, shifting his ministrations over to the other nipple and giving it the same treatment he gave the other
     “Give…me, please.” Y/n whined. Her legs hiked up higher on his waist as she got closer to her next high.
     “Got you all dumb on my cock,” Jisung couldn’t help but chuckle at her.
     His tip hit right up against her g-spot. She pulled at his hair as her orgasm hit her again. The man above her pulled away from her nipples and gave himself a few more thrusts before pulling out; coming on her lower stomach. 
     Jisung rested his head on her chest as they both caught their breath. It took a few minutes before Jisung lowered himself down and then looked up at her. Y/n caught his gaze as he licked his cum from her skin. Y/N shivered under the touch of his tongue before he pulled away, bringing his lips back up to hers. His tongue immediately darted into her mouth. Y/n melted as his cum transferred from his tongue to hers.
     Ji pulled away after another moment of enjoying her lips. “You could’ve come inside,” Y/n told him
     “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.” Jisung smiled.
     He stood up from the couch and fully took his pants off. He scooped her up in his arms making her squeak in surprise. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he made his way to her bathroom. 
     Jisung sat her down before giving her a forehead kiss. He started a warm bath for the both of them before walking out of the room and grabbing their clothes. Y/n took care of herself by the time he came back and checked the water. 
     “How are you feeling,” Jisung asked as he helped her into the water after he got in.
     “Tired,” Y/n sighed, leaning back against him.
     Jisung wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her shoulder, “Go to sleep, I’ll take care of you.” 
     “Thank you, Ji.”
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Take Turns | Ot8 Ateez
「Synopsis」 : Part 2 of Whose First. Where you finally get to see who you picked to have first...
「Word count」 :  5.4k
-> Genre: Smut, Mafia Au, Poly Au
Paring: Ot8 Ateez x Fem!Reader
[Warnings] : Wall sex, mentions of blood, lots of pet names. Penetrated sex, unprotected sex [Don't do this!] Daddy kink. Multiple orgasms, heavy subspace. Some trauma issues. The reader is secretly a simp for the boys. Soft Dom Hongjoong. Rough Seonghwa. Monster cock, Mingi and Yunho. Sir Kink. Double penetration. Anal A lot of dirty talk. [Mingi and Yunho got a real filthy mouth] squirting. Cumming inside [don't do that] Aftercare. Wooyoung is a cheeky thing. Oral [M Receiving]. Wooyoung might be slightly high but who's asking. [HEHE] Spanking, cum eating, jerking off. Threesomes [Obviously] description of cum and bodily fluids. Spit play [Sorry not sorry]. Reader calls sex playtime. Dom and Sub dynamic. Squirting, shower sex, nipple play, fingering, hickeys, Some MxM, choking [I'm not even sorry for that] name calling [Slut, oop] lazy make out, cock warming cause I'm a sucker for it. And if I missed something let me know, other than that enjoy my Darlings!! 
Notes: IT'S FINALLY HERE! Weeks working on this and I can finally say I'm ready. I worked super hard on this to try and make all the suggestions I got fit! This is the most filthiest thing I've ever written so god look away. Enjoy! ♡ ALSO ITS 3AM AND I HAVEN'T PROF READ IT SO IF THERE IS ANY MISTAKES IGNORE THEM! Thank you...
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Tears stained your red hot cheeks. Your nails digging into the back of your lover as yours was pressed against one of the cold walls in the meeting room. His cock so deep inside you, you couldn't hear anything else other then the slapping sounds of skin and his groans ringing in your ears.
"Seong!!" You moaned his name, drawing blood from your nails. His thrusts getting sloppy as he chased his high. Your head was so fuzzy and light, it left like you floating.
"Come on Bunny make a mess on my cock." He bites your earlobe making you squeal, tightening around him before coming undone. He removed you from the wall, still inside of you as he walked over to the large, long table. Placing you down on the cold wood, he thrusted in an inhuman speed finally finishing himself off inside you. The others watching intensely as Seonghwa's cum leaked out of you, dripping onto the floor. You layed panting with half lids.
"Our turn." You faintly hear a deep voice come closer towards you before another higher pitch on chuckling. "Don't break her before we get our turn."
You knew it was Wooyoung whining and as a large hand rubbed your calf's with so much care you knew the deep voice had to belong to Mingi. His hands moved up your body before holding the back of your neck, lifting your frame up.
"Hey Little one." He kissed your forehead nuzzling his nose in your hair, holding you close for a moment. "Colour." He always asks this, even if you could be having the time of your life in these situations. He seems to need to know the colour more than you.
"Green Sir. Green" You whisper, wrapping your hands around his bare waist, hugging him. You suddenly felt another pair of hands snake their way on your thighs from behind Mingi. You look up to see beautiful eyes that belonged to Yunho.
"Who you want in the front this time Tiny." And just like Mingi always asking about a colour, Yunho also seemed to ask this question, well after all it's their favourite position to do with you. You were unsure who to pick, mind still hazy. All you wanted was them, not caring about the details.
"I-I don't know...I want both of you." You small whimpers caught Hongjoong's attention. Normally in a group activity you are very much aware of yourself and what's around you. But for some reason tonight you fell into your sub space. Something you never do. The only time you are in sub space is with Seonghwa and Hongjoong. None of the others ever having that effect on you.
"Hey Angel. Where are we?" Hongjoong tugged Yunho by his dress shirt slightly, making both of the boys move out of the was for him. It's not that the others didn't know about your subbiness towards the two eldest but this was a new experience for all of you, so Hongjoong wanted to make sure you were absolutely okay first.
"We are..I...I don't know." What Hongjoong feared was happening. You were definitely not use to being in your space while outside the bedroom. He briefly explained to the others you can become like this in the past but seeing it happen, it was a new experience. "You are in Daddy's meeting room and you are going to play with your Sir's. Are you okay with that angel?"
"Yes... Please." You gave him the biggest doe eye your could muster tugging on his shirt with desperation. Hongjoong just giggled at your expression, moving away for the two giants to sandwich your body between them.
"Looks like I'll be in front tonight little one. Now hold on tight." Yunho and Mingi took it upon themselves to decide what the position was going to be. Yunho gripping the under of your thighs to hold you up in the air from behind while Mingi slotted himself in between your open legs. Your hands tangled in Mingi hair, pulling his body closer to yours. Your whimper echoed in the room as your tummy tingled in anticipation. You felt Yunho and Mingi's cocks slide along your lower half, making you moan out a strangled 'P-Please' over and over. A cold sensation lapped around your ass, making your shiver before some of it cold liquid slipped inside. You whimpered at the uncomfortable feeling but as time goes on the slight pain turned into pleasure.
"You are good for us Tiny. So beautiful, so―" Yunho slipped in your tight ass, feeling you squeeze him immediately. Mingi sank deep inside your pussy almost straight after, making your brain short circuit at the overwhelming feeling. They took a moment for you to get use to them but when your hips started to rut, they got the non-verbal response to go.
"Fuck you're so tight. Such a good baby for letting your Sir's stuff you full." Mingi growls holding your hips while Yunho keeps his strong grip on your under-thighs, making you completely rely on them keeping you up in the air.
"You like being fucked in front of everyone? Hmm? Want everyone to see how to take us so well?" Yunho's words making you choke out a wet whimper. You couldn't form any response with than cries and moans for them do not stop, which they were definitely not going to do. The tingle grew, and a tightness rumbled in your chest. You wanted, no, needed to cum and the pleading hooded eyes you gave Mingi and the way you squeezed them made then both know you were close. The two pick up the pace, chasing their own highs as well.
"S-Sir...So f-full aargh." You cry, leaning back into Yunho's chest, leaning on his shoulder so your mouth could latch onto his hot skin, biting a harsh mark on his neck. "Oh, mmy f-f―" your whimpers pool out through your clamped teeth. With one hard thrust from both males, you feel the knot in you stomach unwind and break, liquid rushing out of you. The boys both came along side you, slowing their thrusts until the high slowed down.
You cringed slightly at the feeling of them pulling out. Your body becoming overwhelmed with sensations and your mind still hazed with glossed over eyes. You felt Yunho's hands let go of your inner thighs as Mingi's hand that held your hip, moved to hold you up but your legs still dangle. He slowly lets your feet touch the cold floor, making you hum at the cooling sensation. You try to stand but your legs have become the same texture of jello, wobbling as you fell towards Mingi's broad chest. He just chuckled, slowly helping you walk toward your devilish boyfriend that sits with his legs spread on one of the big meeting chairs.
"Come here Princess. Rest for a little on my lap." San's words made you feel warm and fuzzy. Taking perch on his lap, draping your legs on either side of his. San's hand traced random shapes in your back as you breath slowly through your mouth. One thing you obsesses over when it comes to your lovers is San's ability to always give such soothing comfort and aftercare. Even if he wasn't the one to have sex with you, he would always cuddle and make sure you were okay. It wasn't that the others didn't provide aftercare, don't get them wrong, they love the idea of cuddles and check ups. But San likes to hog the affection.
"Here, drink this baby." He hands you a bottle of water that Seonghwa had went and fetched. Mingi and Yunho are now no where to be scene, most likely gone upstairs to shower and have some more fun with one another since those two are known for being able to go longer than one round. You swear they have the stamina of super soldiers. As you drank the water you finally took in your surroundings, noting you were in the meeting room. Your gloss and haze fading, feeling the cool air create goosebumps on your bare skin. You see Wooyoung sitting on the table next to you and San with a sly smirk on his lips. Yeosang and Jongho are across the room, looking at something front of them, most likely paper work while they wait for their turn. Hongjoong and Seonghwa were also next to them, fully dressed as if Hwa wasn't pounding you moments ago.
"Sannie, Woo." You felt you brain finally clear, breathing fresh air for the first time for the night.
"Hey there, Princess. Welcome to the party." His smirk paints his face perfectly, making the tingle in your tummy erupt again. "Wanna play?" He asks you softly, even if he and Woo are desperate to feel you and became hot from the show Mingi and Yunho put on. They would never do something you didn't want to do. You nodded in response making Wooyoung jump off the table in excitement.
"This calls for the carpet." Wooyoung walked over to the large door that connected the meeting room to a small room, lounging area. The room was originally Hongjoong's office but it's now just sits empty, with left over furniture and filing cabinets. And a soft fluffy black carpet that sits in the middle of the room. San carried you in his arms as you watch Wooyoung strip his jacket, tie and blouse while he walked. The others caught notice of what the two had planned, Yeosang whispering something to Hongjoong with a smirk but you were unable to hear it.
"Come on Doll, let's fun some fun." Wooyoung giggled falling onto the soft carpet, rubbing it through his fingers, his sensitivity enjoying the texture. San places you down next to Wooyoung before starting to strip himself. Wooyoung took this time to grab your waist, pulling you on top of him so he could lock his lips on yours. You straddle his bare hips, grinding down on his cock while his tongue slips inside your mouth. He has to gasp within the kiss as he speaks, "Have I ever told you, you taste like fresh strawberries, like all the time."
His words made you giggle, not knowing about this little detail about yourself in Wooyoung's point of you. Before you could even think about responding though, two hands snake around your waist, pulling the top half of your body up to a sitting position as another pair of lips slot on you.
"Awee Come one Sannie, don't hog." Wooyoung bucks his hips up, grinding up against your core making you gasp through San's hot and heavy kiss. Wooyoung let his tip slip against your hole, trying his best to sink inside but unless you sat up it was useless. So he whined, high pitched and needy.
"Come on Princess, ride Wooyoung's cock would you. He seems so eager to feel you." You give San one more peak before you rotated around so you sat backwards on Wooyoung and your back was on display for him. His finger tips glide along your spine before landing a smack on your ass. You lean forward towards San that now sat himself in front of you and Wooyoung. Your position finally gave Wooyoung what he needs. Finally feeling you around him. God he swears if he wasn't mentally wanting to see what you would do, he would of came right the moment he felt your soft velvet walls around his cock.
"Fuck." He swears, letting his hands fall back to the carpet, clinging to it as he watches you with half open eye lids, sink up and down on him. Your pace made him squirm, moving his hips along with your own. You couldn't help but moan leaning on your hands to keep yourself up. San tucks a piece of hair behind your ear watching you with amusement. Your mouth hung opened, staring at him with glossed eyes. He could tell you were waiting for him to give you the word, the green light to help him, but man did he enjoy watching you look desperate for him. Desperate to please.
"Well go ahead Princess. Takes what's yours." He spread his legs wider for you, letting his cock lean against his abs. You took a hold of his shaft in seconds, mouth meeting with his tip. He had to fight the urge to thrust into your mouth, instead he grabbed a fist full of your hair to make a makeshift ponytail. You breathed heavily through your nose, trying to concentrate on riding Wooyoung but being so full from both ends made it near impossible.
"Fuck, argh. Fuck. Please I'm aargh." Wooyoung become a whimpering mess, getting closer and closer to his release. San lent his head back, gasping for air, starting to thrust into your mouth making your gag. Spit drooling, eyes watering, and heavy panting. All three of you drew closer to your highs, pace picking up harsher and faster. Wooyoung was the first to cum, spilling into your tight hole, while you came with him. Your release mixing together. San pulled out of your mouth jerking himself off in front of you getting ready with your beautiful tongue as you flatten it out for him to cum in your mouth. Some spilling on your chin and chest. Your legs and arms gave out, falling flat on the plush carpet, feeling your body begin to shut down. You have lost count on how many orgasms you've experienced but your thoughts did wonder if all your lovers have mentally decided to go for a new record or not.
"God you are always so messy San." You hear a faint deep voice, feeling a cool hand run up your back making your shiver. "You think you'd at least clean up." He chuckles, squatting down to lift some of your hair out of your face. Your hazy eyes pull open to look up at your lover, Jongho. His smirk was wide and sadistic."Or you could just aim properly." You knew he was referencing the way San was messy with his orgasm, dripping it down your chin and chest. Jongho's fingers ran along your face, picking up some of the cum, before pressing them against your lips. "Suck." His deep velvet voice makes you clench around nothing, placing your lips around his thick fingers. You could taste San mixing on your tongue making your whimper for more, even though some may ways you've had more than enough. But then again you could never be satisfied, always needing one of them. To hold you, kiss you, touch you. Fuck you.
"God she just keeps going." Yeosang chuckled taking a seat down on the couch next to San, in front of where you now sat on your knees for Jongho. Your stare at Yeosang with doe eyes, wanting to know what they might have planned for you. Jongho pulled his fingers out, your saliva still connected from tip to tongue. He couldn't help but groan watching the saliva drip down your face, gripping your chin with enough strength that he could pull your face right up to his.
"Open up Honey. Let me have my fun." He dark voice sent tingles down your spine. Opening your mouth wide, flattening your tongue out for him. He chuckles spitting straight into your mouth making your shiver with a whine. He tilted his head licking his lips. He knew you were waiting for his command, for his word. But he needed to watch you wiggle in anticipation first. "Swallow." And so you did, closing your mouth.
"See San, you can still have fun without having to be so messy."
"Yeah, Yeah, you've proven your point." San groaned finally standing up to button his pants. "But..." He pulled your body up, so you are standing on your wobbly legs. "I know our baby likes it messy sometimes." He gave your one last peck before carefully throwing you onto Yeosang, legs falling on each side of his thighs.
"Well Hello there Darling." Yeosang kisses your cheek, rubbing your back softly. "Care to take me for a spin?" You gave him a small nod, kissing his neck while grinding yourself on his covered crotch. He hands gripped your hips, helping your small movements. The others around you watched carefully as they see how desperate you are with Yeosang. Hongjoong had to chuckle thinking about how this might be the first time you'll be able to take all of them in one night without resting. Normally in events that one of the boys are horny, they would either have one of their lovers to help or tease you into having some imitate time with them. You've tried to take them all in one night before, having gone over rules about safe words and even though you never had to use the said safe word. You have asked to stop 'play time' given it has gotten a little too much. But tonight you seemed determined.
"Y-Yeo." You choked humping his covered leg. Yeosang brushed over the thought of teasing you, but given you've been so good tonight he unbuckled his pants swiftly.
"You are such a good baby. My Darling. My love." He pulled his cock out tugging himself while staring deep into our eyes. He held your hips up, so he could angle himself at your entrance. He didn't even get to ask if you were ready before you sank down on him hard. His air escaped out of his lungs, moaning your name aloud. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you flushed against his chest. The fabric of suit scratched against your skin making a burning sensation erupt on the surface. But you couldn't care less at the uncomfortable feeling, sensing your body going into over drive at Yeosang's cock pumping in and out at an monstrous pace.
"YEOSANG!!!" You couldn't help my claw at his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. He was hitting the right stops at the right time.
"Come on Darling, be a good baby and cum. Put a show on for all of us." And it was like Yeosang's word were exactly what you needed as you high snapped, making you cry out. But something was different this time.
"Fuck well look at that." You could hear Jongho's voice faintly through the fuzzy buzzing in your ears. "She fucking squirted."
"Good Job Darling." Yeosang whispers in your ears, kissing along your temple. Your juices soaked Yeosang's work suit but he couldn't care less, he is more impressed that he was the one to get you to squirt tonight. Since it was usually Yunho or Seonghwa that had that magic touch on you.
"I think Hwa and Yun have some competition." Hongjoong chuckles, picking up a stray hair that fell in front of your face before tucking it behind your ear. You smiled weakly at him, content with just laying on Yeosang for a moment. But that moment fell short as Jongho comes to snake his arms around your waist pulling you up to stand on your almost useless legs. They wobble as you tried your best to stand, but without Jongho's board shoulder you would most certainly fall.
"Come on let's go upstairs. I think a hot shower will make you feel better." His voice was soft unlike how he spoke prior.
"But wh-what about you..." You look at him with doe eyes before looking over at Hongjoong "or you?" You felt guilt bubble inside, you were determined to have all of them but they are the ones now saying no? Did you do something wrong? Before your mind could begin to over think Joong stepped forward rubbing his palm on your cheek.
"Oh don't worry Angel, we have something special planned."
And just like that, you were being carried upstairs in Jongho's arms. He placed you so carefully on the bathroom counter as he gave you one last lingering but passionate kiss before walking for the door. You called for him to ask why he was going to leave, but all you got in return was a small smile with a wink before he retreats outside. The sound of the shower caught your attention, making you look over to see Hongjoong running his hands under the water, testing the temperature.
"You ready to hop in my love?" His voice was barely under a whisper, only just being able to hear him over the shower. You nodded grabbing his hand so you could carefully get off the counter. He leads you into the shower, letting your back hit the warm water. His eyes never left yours, watching you slowly relax, the knots in your body finally unwind. He had no intention in doing anything mischievous, well not right now anyways. He wanted to just be with you, hold you. Wash the day away and make sure you were safe. Their lives were filled with brutality and violence, so coming home to see you so ready to please them, and love them even if they had so much blood on their hands. All the boys loved you so much, and wanted nothing but to worship the ground you walked on. All they wanted to do was―
"What are you thinking about my love?" You voice woke him from his trance, his hand suddenly stopping from brushing your soft skin. The soap running down your flesh, washing off to the drain. He looked down to you, seeing you smile. Your eyes sparkling. God, he was so in love. Hongjoong didn't answer you straight away, instead he kissed you, softly, slowly first.
"I was thinking about how beautiful you are. How you did amazing tonight." He gave you another small kiss, "How you are always trying to look after us when we should be the ones to look after you." and another quick kiss. "How, no matter how bad any of our days get, you are always there to make us feel better."
He finally gave you a long, deep, passionate kiss. Pulling your body flush against his own as his hands snaked to grip your bare ass. You moan into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. You had to try not slip and luckily Hongjoong caught onto your worry, grabbing a hold of your waist and slowly moving you towards the shower wall. He trails his mouth down your wet neck, brushing some of your hair away so he could lap over the past wounds his other lovers had inflicted on you. He sucked over the purple mark, making them a harsher redish colour.
"You did so well today Angel. But I got one last surprise for you, if you are up for it." His voice tickles your ear lob as his hand ran down your tummy until it lays right above where you want him.
"Yes Joongie. Please. I want it." You plea made him chuckle, whistling a quick tune, suddenly making you confused. But then you heard the lock of the door click, it made you aware you were no longer alone with Hongjoong.
"Is there room for one more?" Seonghwa's mellow voice cooed above the sound of the shower making your heart rate pick up. Even though you have been naked in front of Seong before, his stare always made you feel so exposed every time he looked at you. His smirk painted his face beautifully as he entered the large shower behind Hongjoong. He gave his lover a peck on the shoulder, neck, jaw and finally his lips. You grew hot watching your lovers kiss each other, rubbing your thighs together. Seonghwa took notice, chuckling in the kiss making Hongjoong breakaway.
"I think our baby wants to join in." Hongjoong laughed staring you up and down.
"Bunny just wants what hers." He switched places with Hongjoong, retching for your waist, to situate himself next to you. His charming gaze could make anyone weak in the knees and as he kept his eyes locked on yours, you swore your legs would buckle at any moment. He ran his finger along your clit, making you gasp. You didn't even notice Seonghwa's hands, being too focused on his eyes instead. He placed slow pressure on your bud making you gulp with light pants. You rolled your hips against his hand, quickly losing yourself in pleasure.
"That's it Bunny, So good for Daddy." He replaced his fingers with the tip of his dick, rubbing along your slit, you closed your eyes leaving your mouth agape. You whimpered please over and over, again and again. But he wouldn't let you have what you needed.
"Oh as much as I would love to feel this pussy again. I think Joongie needs a taste." He pulled you off the wall, rotating you around so you are in between him and Hongjoong. Your back hit Seong's bare chest, his breath pooling on your neck. "Wouldn't you agree Bunny? You want daddy to fill you up with his cock?" You stare at Hongjoong with pleading eyes, nodding before whimpering;
"Yes, please. Please." Seonghwa's hands snaked down your waist, and hips, moving slowly towards your thighs. He taps the flesh making you understand the silent command. First lifting up your left leg, then pushing up to place the other in Seonghwa's tight hold, he held them spread in the air for Hongjoong to have the best view of you.
"Fuck look what we have here." Hongjoong's chuckle makes your skin crawl in the best way possible, you lean against Hwa's shoulder, your breath tickling his neck. His fingers dig into the soft fat of your thigh, letting Hongjoong slip between them. Joong, wasted no time to line himself up with your entrance, thrusting into you with one deep, swift movement.
"D-daddy." You moan at the sensation, biting Seonghwa's neck to stop yourself from making so much noise as the bathroom tends to echo the sound of your voice. Hongjoong's hand landed on the wall, either side of you and Hwa, sinking inside of your dripping mess with such speed it almost winded you.
Hwa just relaxed himself, enjoying the show he was witnessing. Dropping one your legs, Hongjoong takes it from him without worry, continuing his assault with no thought of stopping. Seong's hand glided up your body, stopping at your chest to play with your nipples for a little bit before he placed his palm securely around your throat.
"You're so good for us baby. Such a slut for us." He squeezes, drawing your breathing short. The fuzziness went straight to your brain as you felt like you were on cloud nine. Hongjoong's hips snapped, buckling slightly. You both knew he was close, and Hwa was determined to get you to come before his other lover.
"Baby, be a dear and hold our Bunny's other leg for me." Hongjoong listened instantly, switching the wall for your thigh. Seonghwa had now both free hands, keeping his left hand on your throat he drew his right to your clit, moving in fast circular motions making you scream what little air you had in your lungs left.
You came so hard that you felt like you could have fallen from your mini spasm if it wasn't for the two men holding you still. You left Hongjoong's load, painting your insides, spilling out while he pulled away. Your mind was so hazy you could barely hear the two praise you, knowing they were from their soft kissing. You all washed off, Seonghwa helping you out of the shower onto the soft bathmat. He dressed you into some underwear, and a large shirt. But the cologne on the shirt wasn't Hongjoong or Seonghwa's, it was—
"Come of bunny, let's get you to bed." You gave Hongjoong one last kiss to Joong before Seonghwa walked you to a bedroom. Not your bedroom though, it was Jongho's room to be exact.
"Good night my love." Seonghwa pecks your cheek, leaving you in front of the cracked open door. You opened the door fully seeing a sleepy-looking Jongho in only boxers. His smile was still painted on his face even though his eyes showed exhaustion.
"Hey, honey."
"Bear..." You didn't even say hello to him, instead, you closed the door and walked over to the bed, falling on top of of the soft comforter. He hummed at your actions sensing the ache of sleep taking over your body. So, he gripped at the covers pulling them down so you both can get under. You faced him, watching him with stalker-ish eyes, as he switched off all the lights and lamps, except for one that resided on your bedside table. He knew you didn't like the dark, and always requested to leave at least one lamp on which he would gladly do every time.
"You comfy there baby?" He had to chuckle lightly, seeing you so soft and comfortable. You wiggled into the plush black and sage green blankets, making his point proven. He joined you laying down so his face was inches from yours―your nose just touching one another―.
"You didn't join in tonight..." You didn't mean for your words to come out so blunt, but you became curious why he hasn't asked to have his turn yet. His expression didn't change from your words though, instead, he lent closer to you, pecking your cheek, pouring his passion out with a single kiss.
"Who says I wasn't going to join in?" Your ears perked at his deep sensual voice, while his fingers rested on your hips now hooked under your underwear straps. He snaps the band sending a small amount of pleasurable pain up your spine. His lips latch on your neck, licking a strip with his hot tongue. He lifted your―well his shirt―off your body, keeping you on your side. You watch him while still under the covers, slip his boxers down his legs, letting them fall out of the bed on the nearby floor. His lips catch yours, tongue slipping inside your mouth. You couldn't help but moan into the kiss, shuffling closer to him so you're both layed chest to chest.
"Keep me warm honey. Can you do that?" His hot breath tickled your lips as he went back to kissing you without an answer. Your whimpers were enough for him to know you were more than happy to comply. Giving you one last peck on the lips and then a small kiss on your nose, you rotated to put your back against his chest. You pulled your panties off a little too eagerly but who was caring at this point? His cock hit your hot pussy, and he groaned, having to remember he couldn't just fuck you into the sheets the minute he was inside. He needed patients but it was slowly warring thin.
"You are so good. I don't deserve you. None of us do." He whispers in your ear while he slips inside, his ball hitting you as he bottoms out. "I'm going to keep you nice and stuffed while you rest my love. And then I will wake you up the best way possible." he gives your neck a few kisses before groaning out;
"I'll fuck you awake so good that you'll be begging me to stop."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" You simply giggled, eyes already heavy as your breathing slowed. The feeling of fullness sends a fuzzy and warm feeling to your gut, making you feel loved and safe next to Jongho.
"It's a promise." He whispered.
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @violetwinters @kpopmademygradesgodown @lmhmh01 @strangertides @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @glossyeon @yesv01 @minkiflwr @seonghwarizon @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @seungkwan-s   @mysticfire0435 @yeosan8 @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @zi-ever @fl0r4f4wn @candypop1611
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yourfatherlucifer · 1 year
Mafia Ateez Reacts to You Coming Home Hurt (Pt 2)
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Mafia!Poly!Ot8!Ateez x afab!reader
Summary: this is a continuation of the first part, Ateez members comfort you at home, after your hospital visit.
Warnings: fluff, crack, bad fanfic, I think that’s all.
Honestly don’t know where I was going with this. Trying to include the members I didn’t have in the last one.
Part 1
“Sooooo, we found the people who mugged you-“
“WHY! Didn’t I say not to bother with it! Ugh, you guys never listen!”
“Y/N..come on, we’re just trying to protect you.”
“Yeah well, I’m getting tired of it, Jongho.” I groaned and crossed my arms.
Yeosang was staring at the floor like a sad puppy who had just been scolded. I kind of felt bad, but at the same time I didn’t. These boys never listen to my wishes.
I mean, I should’ve known getting into a relationship with 8 mafia men would include this.
Seonghwa pushed open my bedroom door, I couldn’t read his emotions, “Stop yelling at them, love. We love you. We care about you too.”
As he sat next to me on my bed, he pulled me into his arms.
“You’re our little utopia, Y/N, we can’t allow anything to happen to you, nor let anyone get away with harming you.”
I sighed, this overprotective aura from them was suffocating. Maybe if I just slip away to Yunho’s room.
I ran into the tallest males room, “Yunho, save me!”
Yunho looked away from his computer, setting down his controller, “huh?”
I could hear two pairs of footsteps running down the hall, so I jumped into his arms, “They’re being suffocating!”
His chair rolled back harshly from the sudden action.
“What is going on?” Yunho had wrapped his arms around me as I straddled his lap.
The door burst open just as he asked that.
“Yunho! Give her up!” Jongho shouted while pointing at me.
“No! I’m not going back to my room! You guys are doing too much!” I buried my face into Yunho’s neck.
Seonghwa sighed, “Alright. That’s it. I’m getting Hongjoong.”
I tensed up at the mention of his name. “You wouldn’t dare.”
Seonghwa smirked at me before opening his mouth, “HON-“
I scrambled over to him to shut his mouth, clamping a hand over it.
“Okay okay! I’ll go back to my room! You’re such a jerk, Hwa.”
I sat on my bed pouting with my arms crossed, Jongho and Yeosang staring at me.
“Why do I have to even be in my room?”
“Because, soon the rest of us have to roll out to get the people who hurt you. We need you to stay here and not leave the room, we know the whole mansion is safe. But we don’t need you distracting the others as they get ready.”
“What about Wooyoung? I haven’t seen him?”
“Wooyoung is busy, hon. I’m sorry. Remember he’s visiting his family?” Jongho mentioned.
“Uh- well I see you guys clearly had fun torturing them.”
All seven men stopped in their tracks, frozen in place.
Each one of them at least had a little blood on them.
“Didn’t I say to stay in your roo-“
“Shut up, Jjong.”
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