caicodequeiroz · 2 years
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De @Magavilhas com nossa @LilianPacce! Cabe todo mundo numa @hering_oficial. E cabe também solidariedade.
Entre os dias 30/9 e 2/10 (nas lojas) e 05/10 (no site) acontece o Dia da Básica, em que os lucros das vendas da camiseta básica World branca serão revertidos para o projeto @id_br , instituto comprometido com a aceleração da promoção da igualdade racial.
Participe! Tudo que é básico, faz bem 🙂🤎
______ 🔸#repostlilianpacce 🔸#lilianpacce  🔸#caicodequeiroz 🔸#cqdigital 🔸#cq__digital 🔸#cqempresariamentoagenciajabuticabacqdigital 🔸 #conectecqdigital 🔸#criadoresdeconteudocqdigital 🔸#Influenciadorescq 🔸 #influenciadorescqdigital 🔸 #criadores 🔸#conteudodigital 🔸#influenciadores
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jobsdacat · 4 years
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"EssaéMinhaCor" (Link) a mais nova campanha da Avon Brasil. Estrelando e criando toda essa narrativa do poder feminino negro, Larissa Luz dá a voz à esse poderoso manifesto onde podemos contar com Dani Damata apresentando novos produtos que atende à toda essa gama de tonalidades que nós negres carregamos. Para ajudar a engrandecer e sermos fiéis ao compromisso da campanha, nosso time de elenco por si só já traduz toda essa rica diversidade: Magá Moura, Cris Viana, Ana Paula Xongani e a Hutu Casting novamente somando com seus talentos representando as modelos Geovana Ribeiro, Glória Abreu, Lu Big Queen, Odara e Onika Em se tratar de retratar o poder da mulher negra, para nós da MO.O.C. é sempre algo muito especial e nesse caso em específico, poder duplar na direção (big estreia!!) foi algo bem desafiador e que me dá muito orgulho de poder agregar nessa narrativa! Que esse projeto tome sua proporção gigante que merece 👑💫 Uma produção de Damasco Filmes, criação de Wunderman Thompson e finalização de The End.Tv Novembro, 2020.
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doquenaosei · 5 years
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vinstage4u · 7 years
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badgalvick · 7 years
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blogdobrel · 7 years
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felipepilottoart · 7 years
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flaviosamelo · 4 years
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que saudaaaade dessa viagem pra #fernandodenoronha hein @magavilhas 😭😥😢😭😢😥😓😩😫😣😖😭😥😰 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MQZROs
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dreamcatchersza · 5 years
My Chat with Katt: The Afro Punk
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I remember my first encounter with Katt. I was having lunch with a few colleagues, most of them men, when I heard their indistinct chatter about someone they were seeing through the glass walls. My curiosity made me look up from the heavenly meal I was devouring and I saw her. This blue haired, mysterious lady who was now awkwardly waving at us, trying to demagnetize our fixed gazes.
 Almost a year later, after getting to know the person behind the garments, I get to feature this lady and her very interesting and beautiful relationship with fashion. This is My Chat with Katt:
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 ·         How would you describe your style to those curious?
I do not think that I have a particular style per se̒, but the word EMOTIVE comes close enough.
There are days when I wear torn, over-sided jeans with hoodies that fall just above my knees and there are days when I rock a flowery frilly frock with a pink cardigan. Then there are days that I look like a horror villain that’s stirring a witch’s brew and then the next day I look like I was sneezed out of Tim Burton’s imagination. It depends on the story, it depends on the feeling. It also depends on the lie I want to tell.
  ·         One of the biggest statement pieces I’ve seen you wear, is your hair. What draws you to changing your hair colour(s)?
In High School I was constantly told to wear my hair a certain way and colour was forbidden so all that money and hours of sitting down while someone is pulling on your roots lasted for a weekend. Sigh. So I suppose this is vengeful expression. I can be whoever I want to be every single day. It’s fun. Colour is fun. And it’s hard to have a frown on your face when you have pink and purple hair.
 ·         What is the difference between fashion and style, to you?
What’s the difference between the roots of a tree and its flowers? One is not less important than the other. It is a beautiful symbiosis. Fashion offers options to one’s style but how you assemble the pieces together, is where style comes in. Though the leaves and flowers might fall over the year, the roots are still clutching onto the earth. This is how I see the two. Fashion is seasonal, how you wear that particular item of clothing, hair, accessory or shoe pertains to your identity, your roots, your style.
Fashion says, “This is cool”. Style says, “This is me”.
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·         How has your experience been, navigating your way through society with your alternative style?
It was pretty difficult, especially given the fact that during my young adulthood, I was a township girl that wore full goth garb. It was weird. I have an awkward stance with social interactions so looking kinda weird, didn’t work in my favour. But I couldn’t help it. I had to navigate through the awkward stares and convince myself that I wasn’t doing anything particularly wrong. I made the right choice because I am expressively liberated today.
 ·         How have the African people, with their different layers and textures, influenced the way you view fashion?
I do not have Afrocentric pieces in my closet but what I have taken from Sechaba saka is how Aricans take such pride in who they are. When I look at our older generation and our younger pride, I see how they have taken ownership of their heritage.  It is inspiring to see how this generation is starting to wake up and engage in the history of their identity. I am most fascinated by those that are leaning towards Afro Punk. More and more of our generation are merging old African clothing with new age grunge. It’s beautiful. It’s Evolution.
 ·         Who is your style icon?
Where is a guillotine when you need one… LOL
This is a very difficult question because I do not really have one but I do “borrow” from everyone, even the IT guy. I have been inspired by @magavilhas, Billie Eilish (she reminds me of her at her age),  I can tell you who reminds me that it is ok to still be playful at this age; it is that bad badd that “has been stealing your man since 1928”, @baddiewinkle!
I literally watch the fashion channel as if I am watching the omnibus of a captivating series. This is perhaps my way of seeking new ideas that will inspire me to evolve my style. Can a mannequin be my style icon?
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·         How has your style changed over the years?
In my pre-teens I adored Aaliyah so I copied her A LOT! Baggy, baggy, baggy. I wish I could say with hint of sexy but the word was not in my vocabulary at the time. At about 15, Rock music found me. I was scrolling through radio stations and I happened to land on 5FM. 5FM in 2002, the days of Barney Simon. I was hooked. Being a tomboy, black jeans, studded belts and chains, spikes and printed shirts with customized boots were like uniform. In my early varsity years, I explored more with goth pieces and took a darker aesthetic to my look. Plenty of leather.
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At 22, I toned down the goth and started exploring with colors. LOTS of colours. LOTS of multi-coloured clothes. I even explored the skaterboi look, DC head to toe.
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The skirts and dresses came in at 25. I was seduced by this feminine aesthetic when I discovered “Jessica Day”. It actually turned out to be a form of therapy (topic for another day). Looking and feeling lighter helped me discover my playful side. But I still kept my grungy boots.
Today I am mosaic of every piece of cloth that has ever touched my skin. It’s a mess, but it works. I think I am going through another transition. I am not quite sure where it’s going but man oh man, is this journey going to be fun!!!
(LOL to myself: I was walking down the street wearing three different hats the other day and I thought to myself, Ï should do this more often”)
 ·         As a creative living in Jozi, what would you say has been the wildest thing you’ve ever witnessed when it comes to fashion?
 What is interesting nowadays is that a lot of people are trying so hard to be different that they start looking the same. A wild fashion statement for me comes from that creative misfit that does not succumb to “trends” or what’s cool out there. Nerds are my people; let them have their revenge. I don’t go out much so Instagram is my Jozi. After the AfroPunk festival, I discovered a duo called @adhiambondomba. Now they are an African version of Steam Punk! Their metallic pieces merge Science Fiction with Tribal Art. They are a little ahead of their time.
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·         Being an up and coming director, how would you describe your directorial style?
I am still peeling the layers so I am exploring different mediums and different ways of storytelling. What I will not waver from is telling an honest narrative that relays the human condition. When I was in film school, the worst film I directed was when I was trying to be “too cool” and show off with the medium. Worst mistake and most imperative lesson learned. I like to keep it simple and tell a clear, concise story that translates the hidden truths of mankind. I especially love subject matters that nobody wants to touch. Breaking Bad and Shameless are the best examples when it comes to the human conditions that I would like to confront.
 ·         Which actor do you dream of working with and why?
Another guillotine moment…
Locally – Craig Palm. I have not seen him in a while. He played a character named Angel on a South African drama series called YIZO YIZO.
Even though she is based in England now, I would like to work with Sade Giliberti. She is a muse for most of the kind of females I would like to write for and about.
Internationally – Michael Fassbender, I have plans for his teeth. His many, many teeth.
Ben Whishaw – He had my heart at Perfume : The story of a murderer. There are so many nuances that have worked for the dexterity of his facial muscles. He understand the power of countenance.
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·         If you could speak one thing into existence right now, what would it be?
My own house in a quiet place, with more garden than brick.
 @Katlego.Mojela on Instagram  
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jobsdacat · 4 years
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"EssaéMinhaCor" (Link) a mais nova campanha da Avon Brasil. Estrelando e criando toda essa narrativa do poder feminino negro, Larissa Luz dá a voz à esse poderoso manifesto onde podemos contar com Dani Damata apresentando novos produtos que atende à toda essa gama de tonalidades que nós negres carregamos. Para ajudar a engrandecer e sermos fiéis ao compromisso da campanha, nosso time de elenco por si só já traduz toda essa rica diversidade: Magá Moura, Cris Viana, Ana Paula Xongani e a Hutu Casting novamente somando com seus talentos representando as modelos Geovana Ribeiro, Glória Abreu, Lu Big Queen, Odara e Onika Em se tratar de retratar o poder da mulher negra, para nós da MO.O.C. é sempre algo muito especial e nesse caso em específico, poder duplar na direção (big estreia!!) foi algo bem desafiador e que me dá muito orgulho de poder agregar nessa narrativa! Que esse projeto tome sua proporção gigante que merece 👑💫 Uma produção de Damasco Filmes, criação de Wunderman Thompson e finalização de The End.Tv Novembro, 2020.
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vinstage4u · 7 years
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badgalvick · 7 years
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blogdobrel · 7 years
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mother-earth-tings · 6 years
#Afropunk means so much more to us than we can ever explain ✨@Afropunk 2017 with @mariette_immaculate @magavilhas @karolconka 😸✨ #HOMECOMINGFILM ✨ Want to collaborate with Catface over festival season? 💛✨ [email protected] It's time to start planning #festivals and travel routes cats✨ #AFROPUNK2017 #magavilhas #marietteimmaculate #Karolconka #AFROPUNK #brooklyn #Newyork #CATFACEHAIR #CATFACETRAVELS (at Brooklyn, New York)
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anderline · 6 years
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Encontro com resoluções! #amor #coisinhas #amicizia #caiobraz #magavilhas #sp #brasil (em Void General Store SP)
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onlinequadros · 7 years
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Olha que legal !! O Quadro presente @onlinequadros que foi dado no reality @entubadoscanalsony para a linda @magavilhas está Decorando seu quarto! Esta é sua linda amiga @domenica_black beijos @magavilhas não esqueça de continuar decorando todos seus ambientes com mais Quadros. Use seu presente ou Entre em contato coma gente! 😘 #magavilha #magavilhas #quadrosdecorativos #quadrospersonalizados #onlinequadros #arte www.onlinequadros.com.br (em Online Quadros)
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