#magi hcs
sunshine-alibaba · 3 years
i like to think that Djinns and Djinn equips can have secondary elements. the first element has to be one of the eight main magic types, but the secondary can be one of the eight main magic types or it can be a more specific magic type (like Dunya’s iron sand magic). so like for example, for some reason i’ve always associated Muu’s Djinn equip with lightning magic for some reason even though its strength magic, so now i hc Muu’s Djinn/Djinn equip as having strength magic as its main magic and lightning magic as its secondary magic
Vinea's secondary is ice, Paimon's secondary is sound, Leraje's secondary is crystals (not ice), Amon's secondary is light, etc
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judarspeachtree · 3 years
What kind of person do you feel Judar would be interested in? Like his 'ideal type'
That's a very interesting question...
Well, going off what was stated in the official guidebook, Judar's 'type' was described to be 'someone with a personality opposite of his'. It can also be noted that he favors 'strong people'...
So when we mix that together...I think Judar would be attracted to someone who is strong, not just in strength, but in personality, mind, and heart. Someone who is kind-hearted and gentle, yet not in a weak way that would make them a pushover. I think personality would be a big factor here, so if he met someone with a personality he deemed interesting enough, he'd be after them. And they're strong too? That's a major bonus
Think of it as an 'opposites attract' kind of thing...since Judar is an asshole, he would work well with someone who's not an asshole. Balance and compatibility is key :)
...I did not explain this well at all sorry, ( my brain is fried cuz finals lmao) but you get what I mean?
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blacksun-judar · 3 years
random hcs #576458
out of all the ren siblings kougyoku is the one to best stomach horror movies and the only one to genuinely enjoy them.
judar loves them too so they'll either force the others into watching if they want some entertainment or have a chill night with just the two of them.
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kingdom-of-magi · 8 years
Jealous Sinbad + Generals headcanons?
Sinbad: he would suddenly get very touchy, a lot more than usual, and put a fake smile on his face. Sinbad would also puff out his chest, trying to look bigger and intimidating.
Ja’far: he would be extremelly polite in front of his s/o, but as soon as they turned or left the room, Ja’far would put his best evil glare on his face. A passive-agressive devil glare.
Masrur: he would stand still, expressionless, but anyone would be able to feel the pressure on the air. Masrur would have a “don’t you dare do that or I’ll smash you” aura. 
Sharrkan: he’d be pretty vocal about his jealousy. Sharrkan would that kind of person that goes straight to the person asking “what the fudge is going on here??”
Yamuhaira: she would be the “laughing outside but everyone knows that inside, hellfire is burning” jealous. And then, Yamuhaira would get closer to the person and say something like “get close to my s/o again and I’ll turn you into fish food”.
Hinahoho: he’d feel pretty bad about feeling jealous. Shouldn’t he trust the one he loves? But, even though, he wouldn’t be able to erase what he’s feeling inside.
Pisti: Pisti would, jokingly, say something like “wow wow wow, back off, this is Pisti’s property, you shouldn’t be touching them”, but, deep down, everyone would know that she isn’t joking.
Drakon: Drakon would be like a jealous little kid, pouting and crossing his arms, and he would, probably, ignore everyone just to keep pouting.
Spartos: he would be kinda confused, trying to end with the jealousy’s source, but at the same time, without wanting to disrespect his s/o and meddle into their life.
- adm Kouen and Sin
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blacksun-judar · 3 years
Magi characters and which pet names they'd call you
- shows his appreciation through relentless teasing
- so quite literally anything that gets a reaction out of you
- you get embarrassed by him calling you Love? he'll keep doing it in the most teasing and sarcastic tone possible
- things like shorty or stupid are a daily occurence. all in good fun though.
- now, if he's exceptionally emotional or hurt from a battle, you'll very rarely hear him call you Beautiful or Angel
- won't ever call you by your actual name unless he's really, really, REALLY pissed or on the verge of dying
- definitely the traditional type
- expect things like Love, Darling, Dearest and Beautiful
- can totally picture him using those instead of calling you by your name
- so when he does use it, it's extra special and feels even more intimate
- once you're in an established relationship however I can totally magine a switch flick during sexy times and him calling you the single most vulgar and shameless names in the book. loves your flustered expression.
- the type to use overly cute pet names and simultaneously the only one that get's away with it
- Angel and Sunshine are his favourites
- Sweetheart, Lovely, Cutie Pie, Princess
- all of these and more
- Kouha's certainly the most creative with an endless repertoire of pet names and he'll make good use of that
- totally dependant on his mood
- he'll either be quite conservative calling you Love, Dearest etc,
- or the most sappy, embarrassing out of the bunch
- calling you things like sweet cheeks, baby cakes, babe, hot stuff
- secretly cringes it at but your embarrassed reaction is way too good to pass up
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judarspeachtree · 3 years
Can I request a head cannon? What if Judar meet a person with the same sarcastic and devilish humour as him, but is still a nice and caring person? Do you think that they would get along?
I kinda wrote the person as a s/o, if that’s okay!
Judar would be intrigued by this person--he would find it great to spend time with someone like that, as they shared the same sense of humor and love for causing havoc as he did. They’d get along quite well in that regard, and would definitely team up to torment and pull pranks on those around them (main target: Kou siblings) 
The fact that they’re also a nice and caring person would interest him even more. I think he’d be drawn to someone like that, and though he definitely wouldn’t show it, he’d appreciate their kindness and warmth and could possibly find comfort in their presence. Perhaps, they could be the ones he clings to when the nightmares become too much, or to comfort him those feelings of guilt that he’s buried for so long begin to stir. After all, it was stated that Judar is attracted to someone who has the opposite personality of him’...so who knows? He may end up falling for them
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
This may seem weird forgive me....but who of the Kou empire can you see ending up in jail? And what reasons would they end up in jail? 🤣sorry if this sounds weird
Lmaooooooo this is the most random request ever XD
Okay so:
Kouha I could definitely see going to jail, probably over attacking someone or destroying something. Or murder
Judar’s dumbass would definitely end up in jail over similar reasons as Kouha, but honestly, I don’t even know if Judar can get arrested since he’s a magi? He’ll probably just...teleport away? Or fight the guards...
I don’t know if Hakuryuu would get arrested over anything...Idk maybe he’d go to jail as an ‘accomplice’ to Judar’s shenanigans? XD
Hakuei and Kougyoku definitely ain’t going to jail. 
Koumei would probably get arrested for falling asleep somewhere inappropriate 
Kouen can’t get arrested because he would be the one breaking them out
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
In a modern au, how does Judas celebrate Halloween? I bet he’ll love the holiday
Hi I don’t know what the FUCK this shit is but I tried to make them as halloween-ish as possible bare with me :)
Judar would def love Halloween; from the horror, the aesthetic, the candy-just the overall mood Halloween brings, he’d definitely indulge in it.
He’d probably be a lover of horror movies. His favorite would be the extremely graphic violent slasher films. Others would find such movies disturbing and end up with nightmares after watching (see: Kougyoku) but not Judar. Judar would laugh at the violent murder scenes calling them ‘cheesy’ and ‘boring’ yet is still invested nonetheless
Absolutely loves pranking people. His normal pranks were somewhat ‘tame’ but Halloween gives him the opportunity to be extra. Who are his victims? The entire Ren clan (minus Hakuryuu and Kouha-The last time he tried to prank Hakuryuu he got his ass kicked and Kouha actually enjoyed them-which made them no fun) mainly poor Kougyoku. He’ll put fake bugs in Kougyoku’s room, dead pigeons in Koumei’s, somehow shave Kouen’s goatee (which the eldest Ren feared the most) and anything that will cause a good fright to those around him. May end up with him getting jumped but it’d be worth it.
He’d probably dress up as a serial killer or dead priest, or even a warlock; anything that would fit his black aesthetic (Judar would definitely be a goth in modern au change my mind) He’d go around scaring the neighborhood children and stealing the candy
He’d kidnap Hakuryuu and Kougyoku (Kouha would tag along too of course whether Judar liked it or not) and drag them to the scariest haunted house he knows. He’s not even remotely scared of the house, he just wants to amuse himself by seeing Kougyoku and Hakuryuu get scared shitless. He and Kouha would be on the side dying of laughter at their reactions and recording it on video that would end up (mysteriously) being posted on Twitter. Of course, one Judar ends up going missing after that night everyone can’t help but wonder if Hakuryuu and Kougyoku were the main culprits or if it was a ‘haunted house accident’; one may never know.
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Headcannons for Hakuryuu, and Judar (seperate) finding out that Gyokuen flirted with their s/o and was getting really handsy, almost borderline molestation, and was completely ignoring how obviously uncomfortable they were
hooooo boy
tw: non-consensual touching!
Hakuryuu would lose his shit; If he didn’t already hate that woman’s guts enough before, he most definitely hated her now and wanted nothing more than to go and rip her head off and throw her headless, bleeding corpse into a furnace--then feed the remains to her household monsters. 
Bloodlust filling his veins, Hakuryuu would try to keep calm as he listens to what his beloved tells him about the assault--but on the inside, he’s raging. How dare that woman lay a hand on the person he loved most in the world? She had taken everything from him-his father, his brothers, his innocence-now she sunk her wicked claws into the one person who brought him happiness? It was all some twisted game for her, seeing him suffer. But that would all change soon. He was quickly gaining power, and once his training was finished, he would make that witch pay once and for all.
Because of this incident, Hakuryuu would retort to some serious measures in order to keep his s.o far from Gyokuen’s grasp. He’ll try to stick by their side whenever he can, or better yet, keep them by his side. Or times when he’s not around them, he’ll even order them to stay within his wing of the palace at all times, where he knows they will be safe and far from Gyouken’s sight--he’ll have guards posted around every corner to ensure that nobody would go in or out without his permission. It may become isolating for his s/o, but Hakuryuu assures them that he’s doing it for their own good and safety--and for his sanity.
Judar is livid. He nearly goes ballistic the moment he hears of Gyokuen’s actions and is seconds away from storming the place and slaughtering the bitch on sight, as his reckless anger takes over him. It takes his s/o to calm him down but even then he still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that she had the audacity to lay a hand on what belonged to him, let alone in the manner she did it.
It’s no secret that Judar was quite a possessive person; he didn’t like anyone near his s/o, only so if he allowed it. Any fool who came at them the wrong way was instantly met a painful, torturous consequence. Because he was protective as he was possessive. So the thought of Gyokuen touching them, running her disgusting fingers over their bodies just drove him insane. It drove him insane because he knew that he hadn’t been able to do anything about it.
Judar noticeably sticks by their side more, almost never letting his s/o out of his sight. He’ll shrug off any question as to why he’s always around them now, claiming he was only ‘bored’ and wanted their ‘entertaining’ presence around, but deep down he knows it’s not the truth. It was far more than that. He’s sticking around because if that woman ever dared to try to come near his s/o again, there will be hell to pay. And it wouldn’t be his blood that would be spilled.
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Zinnia, Erica, Peony for our baby hakuryuu!
yesssssssss hakubaby <3
❁ Zinnia — How they are in bed?
Hakuryuu is a gentleman first and foremost--so his partner’s pleasure would always come first. He’d be mostly gentle and loving while making love to his s/o, always making sure that they enjoy what he does to them, that it feels good, etc. Hearing them moan out his name along with their cries of pleasure is music to his ears, and the taste of them is utterly divine. However, if he’s in a ‘mood’, he can be a little on the rough and needy side--not to where he’ll purposely cause his s/o pain, but to where they may be a bit sore the next day and may have light bruises in the aftermath. (He’ll immediately apologize when he notices of course)
❁ Erica — How will they propose?
This boy is a romantic sap, so best believe he will have every single detail of what he’ll do, how he does it, what he’ll say. He’ll want to make it a special day first before he finally pops the question. His s/o would wake up to a lovely breakfast made by him of course, followed by a nice day spent in the city--he’ll take them out shopping, getting them whatever clothing or items they wanted, buy them their favorite sweets, maybe even take them on a carriage ride. Once that’s done he’ll lead them to Kou’s gardens where a candlelit dinner awaited them. After eating, he’ll ease into the conversation slowly and carefully--as he wanted this to be special for his s/o--then eventually, he’ll drop to his knees and present the ring to them with wide, hopeful eyes, asking them if they would do the honor of spending the rest of their lives with him.
❁ Peony — How is their ideal partner?
Hakuryuu has suffered so much loss that’s tainted his worldview and caused much trauma--so this boy would want, no, he deserves, someone loving and who would cuddle and hold him when he needs to be reminded that he’s loved whenever he’s feeling low. He’d probably be attracted to someone kind and optimistic--to keep his spirits high and give him hope, or a boost of confidence whenever he needs it. 
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Sunflower and Wisteria for kouha please? love your writing so much
Sure thing! Thank you so much, I’m glad you do!
❁ Wisteria — Would they get jealous easily?
YES. Very jealous. Kouha can be rather possessive with his s/o, not liking anyone who he may deem a threat to their relationship near them. Should he see someone acting a certain way with them, being flirty and overly-friendly, he’ll storm over to where they are and pull his s/o into his arms, pulling them into a rather deep, intimate kiss right in front of the supposed suitor, for the purpose of both making them uncomfortable and sending the message that s/o is off-limits. Pulling away from the kiss, hell turn to the person, rudely asking if they had somewhere else to be.
❁ Sunflower — How they kiss?
Kouha’s kisses can range from short and sweet to passionate, if not lustful. He’s extremely affectionate with his s/o, and kissing is his favorite way to show them how much he loves them-among other various ‘ways’. There’s nothing he enjoys more than cuddling on the bed with them in his arms, sharing sweet kisses that may lead into something more, knowing him. 
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Loved those parental hcs! Can I request the same, but for the Haku bros :)
yesssss hakubaess
Hakuyuu Ren
Similar to Kouen, Hakuyuu would be a strict father. He’s extremely dedicated to making sure his kids have good education and training–waking them up at the crack of dawn to train until afternoon where then it’d be time for lessons; he wants to install a good work ethic in them at a young age, so he’d push them a bit hard–but not that hard to where it’s too much for them. He wants them to be the best they can possibly be and bring greatness to the Kou Empire, but not at the expense of their health, physical and mental.
He’d probably end up being a little distant, due to the duties of being first prince keeping him quite busy, but he’d always try to make time for his little ones, as he loved them dearly and would want to be a prominent figure in their lives. He’d always make sure to spend time with them leisurely–having them sit on his lap in the library as he’d read to them, spending time in the gardens, having nice family lunches and dinners, etc.
Hakuyuu would want a son most likely; he’d want to raise him in his image and teach him everything he knew, from being a righteous, fair ruler and also a strong, good man that will bring peace and prosperity to the Kou Empire.
Hakuren Ren
Hakuren is the fun, easy-going dad; the go-to parent whenever the kids want something. He’s the type of father who’d sneak and let his kids eat sweets before dinner time and keep it a secret so they won’t get scolded by his s/o. The type who lets his kids stay up past their bedtime and read all different types of stories to them, even though the previous one he told was supposed to be the last one–needles to say, Hakuren would shamelessly be wrapped around his kid’s fingers, willing to give in to their wants always and would need his s/o to prevent him from giving them just about everything.
His kids would be his entire world–so he’d want to spend every waking moment with them, and because of that, he’s very reliable. He’ll take time off from his royal duties and enjoys quality time with them, playing all types of games with them or he’d take them out for a picnic on a nice sunny day by the lake, then go for a swim afterward. When they reach the right age, he’s eager to start their training himself–he’s a straightforward teacher, but he also enjoys making lessons enjoyable.
Hakuren would be happy with whatever gender his kid is–if it’s a boy, he’s happy to have a ‘mini-me’ running around and would be eager to show him all sorts of stuff. If it’s a girl he’d be extremely protective of her; he’d scare away all the boys who came her way, have tea parties with her, play dress-up with her; She’d definitely be a daddy’s girl.
Hakuryuu Ren
Hakuryuu is an extremely devoted and protective father and can be borderline overbearing. He has a habit of getting a bit paranoid over the smallest things–the moment he hears a simple sniffle or a cough, he’s wrapping them up in blankets and preparing a warm meal for them. They trip and get a little scratch from playing outside? He’ll try to forbid them from being outside by themselves without his or his s/o’s supervision (of course his s/o would have to soothe his nerves to calm him). He also has a habit of getting up at random hours during the night to check on his slumbering children to make sure they’re okay, due to his anxiety that anything could happen. It takes his s/o to calm him down and bring him back to sleep.
The last thing Hakuryuu wants is for his children to suffer any kind of pain like he did, so he does his absolute best to give his children a loving, happy childhood and raise them to be good people with the best of his abilities. He’s always there for them no matter what–he makes them delicious, nutritious meals, he’ll stay up with them if they’re sick, read them bedtime stories, etc. He has a hard time saying ‘no’ to what they want, so his children may end up with a room full of all types of toys and perhaps a pet or two, but he’d also try to be more grounded and put his foot down; while he wants his kids to be happy, he doesn’t want them to end up spoiled.
Like Hakuren, Hakuryuu would fine with either–if his child is a boy, he’s eager to train them to be strong warriors so they can defend themselves, and do his best to raise them with honor. A girl, he’d probably be twice as protective of her honestly. Would never wanna let his ‘precious little girl’ out of his sight and would definitely cry the day of her wedding. Though regardless of gender, he’d have a problem with ‘letting go’ and letting them grow up.
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Relationship head canons for kouha? :)))
Be prepared to be absolutely spoiled by this prince--because Kouha has no problem with giving his s/o whatever their heart desires, and many more with that. If he sees them looking at some clothes in a shop? He’ll buy out the whole place. If they really enjoyed that cake made by the palace chefs? He’ll have a supply of them made specifically for his s/o, as in his eyes, they deserved the world and more.
He’s extremely affectionate and loving--he loves peppering his s/o’s face with kisses, holding their hand, playing with their hair, pulling them into his lap and just cuddling with them and refusing to let go--it can be a bit smothering sometimes, but the prince simply can’t help it--he always wants his s/o to know how much he loves them.
He’s also fond of wearing matching outfits--not just because it’s a cute coupley thing to do and he loves clothing, but the possessive side of him loves showing them off, how good they look in his clothes and how their utterly his. Others can look if they want to (however not too much) but if they try and touch...all that can be said is there will be hell to pay and blood to spill.
Very, very protective of them. Violently protective. He’ll want to keep them by his side at all times, and if his s/o happens to be in his household and a battle gets too rough, he’ll adamantly refuse to let them near the battlefield no amount of pleading will change that. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in their abilities--he’s witnessed their strength many times before, and absolutely loves the sight of them fighting-- but the thought of them getting injured or even killed is enough to get even Kouha afraid. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing them.
On his days off from his princely duties, he likes taking his s/o on a nice little carriage ride around Rakushou, where all the pretty sights of scenery are. It’s a bit too simple for his tastes, but his s/o loves it which is why he does it. To him, it doesn’t matter what it is, just as long as his beloved is happy and is with him, he’ll do just about anything with them.
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Hello! Nice to see a Kou empire blog, they're so underrated! Can I get some Kou bro as dads hcs? Like what type of dads would they be, how would they parent, would they want a son or daughter?
Hello! Sorry this came so late, I hope you enjoy!
Kouen Ren
Kouen would be a bit of a strict father--he makes sure his kids get the proper education, training, and all sorts of lessons as he did as a kid, and will even train them himself. He would be pretty much on their backs to make sure they learned properly. Kouen would maybe be a bit hard on them at times, at least if they’re not taking it seriously, but he’d love his kids and would go to the ends of the earth for them nonetheless. They bring out his softer side, and he wouldn’t be afraid to show it to them.
He’d also be pretty hands-on as a father--wouldn’t want to be an absentee, unworthy figure in their lives like his own father was--in fact, he wouldn’t want to be like his father whatsoever so he tries hard to avoid that. He makes sure to spend lots of time with them and is there for them when they need him, whether they’re sick or injured, or just need some fatherly advice, he will be there for them every step of the way.
Kouen would be fine with whatever gender, though I think he would definitely want a son- to teach and pass onto him everything he knew so that he could bring glory to the Kou Empire; would definitely name his son after Hakuyuu.
Koumei Ren
Koumei would be a rather laid-back father. Like Kouen, he’d make sure his kids get educated of course, but if his child(ren) wanted to pursue something other than what was expected of them--if they would rather have a career in politics, or be a strategist like him instead of being a general on the battlefield--he would be fine with that. Though he’d probably prefer that they choose something that benefits the empire, he wouldn’t force them into doing anything they didn’t want to do.
He may rely a bit on the help of maids or servants or leave his s/o to deal with the kids at times, being so busy with his work and everything, but he’d still make sure to be present in his child(ren)’s lives; he doesn’t mind changing diapers, feeding them, reading them to sleep, or laying with them when they have nightmares or (preferably) take a nap-he may not be able to be with them all the time, but he still wants his kids to know they are loved by him.
Like Kouen, he’d be fine with any gender as long as they are healthy and won’t cause too much trouble. He wouldn’t mind a boy however, as girls may be a bit too ‘troublesome’ for him.
Kouha Ren
Kouha would be, no doubt about it, a very loving father. He’d be absolutely obsessed with his child(ren) the moment they’re born and would want to spoil them rotten. He’d give them have the finest clothes, the nicest toys, even stuff they wouldn’t even need, he’d give to them. Wouldn’t hesitate to get them what their heart desired.  
Kouha would always want to be around his child no matter what--would refuse any help from any servants, as he would rather do everything for them himself--though diaper changing, he may let the servants deal with that. Even if he may come off a bit smothering at times, Kouha will be sure to shower his child(ren) with love and adoration--as he suffered a childhood where he was neglected and ignored by the man he was supposed to call ‘father’, so the last thing he would want is for his child to feel the way he did.
Kouha would absolutely love to have a daughter. He’d relish in dressing his little girl up in the fanciest of clothes and he’d help her grow her hair long so he could do it in the prettiest styles--his daughter would be a daddy’s girl for sure, and if a boy ever dared break her heart...he better pray Solomon to have mercy on him because Kouha certainly won’t. 
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Headcannons on Judar's opinion of his real name? (You don't even have to say what your speculation on what the name is if you don't have one, just put it as something that embarrasses him. Considering his reaction to Hakuryuu wanting to tell...)
Yet another question Ohtaka has left unanswered 😔
If I had to guess Judar’s real name may be something perhaps Chinese-based I think? If I’m correct, Judar’s home village isn’t too far from Kou, which is heavily inspired by China, I’m assuming his name would be a name of that specific culture?
We know Judar is rather prideful and full of himself, so if he was scared of Hakuryuu telling everyone else what his real name was, it clearly must have been something really embarrassing or even a ‘weak’  name for someone like him. In his eyes, it may be a boring, basic name that’s not suited for someone of his status, a great and powerful magi, so he wouldn’t claim it.
He has a good amount of trust in Hakuryuu being that he’s the only person who he’s really close to, so he’s comfortable knowing his true name, but best believe if he does something to piss off Hakuryuu, the prince will definitely use his real name as a way blackmail and threaten to tell everyone
Honestly, I hc that his name is something simple and ‘cute’ like…Taozi (Peach) Kaihua (Blossom) 
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judarspeachtree · 4 years
Can I request a head cannon for Judar if he woke up with no hair?
Judar got scalped LMAO I love this 😭
Though there are many things the magi takes great pride in, his hair is the top one. His hair, having groomed it nice and well since he was a child, was the source of many people’s envy (especially women)-with the long, luxurious silken black locks falling past his waist in his elegant braid-yes, he had amazing hair and he knew it. And it was a source of power, being as long as it was after all. So imagine his shock and utter horror when he woke up to find his glorious mane of black missing.
At first, it doesn’t settle in quite yet. Though he is confused by the the cool air against his head, he doesn’t pay much mind to it as he stirs from his sleep, stretching his long limbs out of the numbness. When he moves to brush the ‘would-be’ hair out his face only for his hand to rub against bare skin, it still doesn’t reach him since he was still so tired from his sleep. Then it hits him-why did his head feel so naked, why did it feel lighter, why did something feel as if it were missing? He reaches to touch his head once more, this time more alert–what he discovers, shocks him.
His scream echoes throughout the palace of Kou, through all of Rakushou. It stirs people from their sleep, it frightens bird out of trees, it nearly shakes the very earth itself as Judar realized one his most dreaded fears had come true–his hair was gone-he was bald.
Needless to say, He freaks the fuck out; With tears forming in his eyes, he stares at himself in the mirror wondering if this were some prank or some nightmare he had yet to wake from, because this couldn’t be real, he could not be bald, the hairless man he saw as he looked in the mirror was not be, it couldn’t be.
He avoids everyone that day; he dodges maids, servants, shooing them away with a subtle threat not to mess with him, because he did not want anyone seeing his disgraceful appearance. It wasn’t as if he cared what the servants thought–if they dared laugh at him, he would easily kill them, kick their asses, etc. but the last thing he needed was for someone to see him, the Great and Powerful Magi bald. He had a plan-to sneak into the library without notice so he could search up some spell to fix his issue, he could figure it out, he was a magi after all. It would all go back to normal soon!
His plans were thwarted by Hakuryuu who had chosen at that moment to come to summon him for supper, and the moment the scarred male laid eyes on his magi he can’t keep his laughter from bubbling from his lips at the sight at the flustered horrified magi–he can’t help but feel amusement  from Judar’s predicament–in a way it was some form of karma for him, for all the trouble he liked to cause. But eventually after calming down, he agrees to help the distraught magi gain his his hair again, though he wasn’t all to fazed by the threats the magi made against him if he didn’t. If Hakuryuu ever let Judar live this moment down, one may never know.
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