#maglor being faced at the very end of silm with his true unvarnished reflection is
imakemywings · 2 years
Maglor for the ask game? (Not you making me care for him…your power)
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It's all @meadowlarkx's fault, she made me care about Maglor first.
Sexuality Headcanon: My default for all Elves is asexual panromantic but Maglor is still the horniest Elf
Gender Headcanon: So my general feeling on Elves is that they differentiate a lot less between sexes/genders in general, so gender is not usually very important to them beyond its reproductive function...so Maglor is a man (lower case M) but not very attached to that and probably does not really consider it part of his "identity" and is certainly not opposed to swinging more female when the mood strikes
A ship I have with said character: Daemags is the only Maglor ship I've published work for and while I know it's based basically on nothing but their having a similar hobby I still think it's fun...yes my dynamic for them is wholly my own invention; yes I'm enjoying it
A BROTP I have with said character: Maglor and Maedhros, ofc. Maglor so so looks up to his big brother and always has (and that makes it very hard for him to see when Maedhros perhaps should not be leading anyone anymore...) and I think Maedhros trusts Maglor most among all the Feanorians.
A NOTP I have with said character: There's no one I really HATE seeing him with, but I'm not into the cousin ships generally
A random headcanon: I'm about to be ungenerous. Part of the reason Maglor insisted on trying to raise Elrond and Elros was a desire to perform an act he saw as redemptive, after everything else he'd done. Maedhros saw through this and was not impressed.
General Opinion over said character: Sad, pathetic war criminal who wants to blame everyone but himself for his actions until there's no one left but him. Maglor is fascinating to me as having the biggest fall from grace outside of Maedhros. Maglor is one of the most well-positioned Feanorians in Aman, being already a renowned musician which suggests he was succeeding and comfortable, and yet he still chose to take the oath and in Middle-earth gradually loses more and more (he was a prince of Tirion and then he was the lord of Maglor's Gap and then he was living with Maedhros because they lost the Gap and then they were in Amon Ereb because they lost Himring and then they weren't welcome in any of the other Elven settlements because they had turned everyone against them and then he was alone and then he lost the final Silmaril and then there was nothing but him and his voice and the wind).
Maglor is someone who could have been celebrated across the ages as the greatest musician ever produced by the Noldor, who could have been legend and glory for the Elves, but instead he's a horror story the Wood-elves whisper to each other in the dark of midwinter, a memory that still brings a shudder to the Doriathrim of the Third Age, an example of the very worst of what Elvenkind can be.
I think his regret at the end of the First Age was genuine, and I do think it's really interesting to explore AUs where he lives long enough to attempt to do better and be a better person again, but in canon, it just came too late.
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