#magnus ducatus
panvolkkaraczewski · 6 months
While everybody is on a mission to become popular influencers reposting same new Sora’s videos let’s bring some joie de vivre. I’ve got new episode of Magnus Ducatus Pulp Phonktion edition for you.
What can be cooler than watching pure art-chaos cinema generated with AI? It’s like watching La soupe aux choux with some vintage 21 century sounds that grandmas will play in their cars talking that AI’s back in the days were so much cooler.
Cinema is a language. Language of symbols. It can be flat or it can be pure brain food with abstract meaning. You’ve found food for your brain. Each shot has abstract meaning.
So what do you have here? It is another quick 1 hour generation music show. How quick? 11 days, 12-14 hours per day, non-stop. A few thousand of generations. Yeah it’s during coffee breaks. Art is easy.
Meanwhile here is a soul food. We often hear that cinema should teach good things. Usually that comes from people who tries to replace education with entertainment. Good for having uneducated crowd bad for your intellectual level.
Cinema can be whatever a creator wants. This idea runs into another misconception. We like to think that we are in free society. And that’s why we control speech. We say freedom and we cut this thing in half like there is bad and good freedom.
No wonder some people became pro-anarchy and have some tiny sparkle of hope that AGI can help to break this dystopia we’re living in.
Well, here is my liberum veto. Stay politically, morally incorrect to celebrate liberty and individuality. Sisto activitatem. It’s Rebellion of Digital Anarchy.
Pulp Phonktion | Magnus Ducatus VI
Made with @pikalabs
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zawissius · 4 years
Battle of Grunwald - Jan Matejko (3D).
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kalafioras-lt · 3 years
Lietuva turėtų džaugtis dėl to,
Lietuva turėtų džaugtis dėl to,
kad jos rinką (daugiausia statybose) patenkina darbo jėga iš Ukrainos ir Baltarusijos. O ne (pagal mūsų supratimą) daug didesnį kultūrinį barjerą turinčiomis islamiškomis šalimis. Žmonės iš Ukrainos ir Baltarusijos, kurių proproseneliai buvę Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės (rusėn. Великое князство Литовское, lot. Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae, lenk. Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie) piliečiai. XV a. tai…
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panvolkkaraczewski · 7 months
Magnus Ducatus Episode V | Download and Copy.
Love the vibe inside the video.
Made with @Pika_Labs @Leonardo AI
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panvolkkaraczewski · 8 months
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