#maine medicaid expansion
anotherpapercut · 9 months
my toxic trait is I keep spending money even tho i JUST lost my full time job bc I just think "whatever I'll get another"
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thatstormygeek · 2 months
I know we all know that the cruelty is the point and the GOP is immune to charges of hypocrisy and all that, but still occasionally legislators say something and I just stop and wonder how they got this way.
The governor said she has met with leaders in health care, child care, retail, hospitality, banking, real estate, aerospace, law enforcement and the medical community during her statewide campaign to support Medicaid expansion. House Speaker Dan Hawkins, R-Wichita, and Senate President Ty Masterson, R-Andover, responded by calling her efforts a “welfare tour.”
These smug fucksticks have made it their mission to make things as awful as possible for residents of Kansas. They sneer at Medicaid expansion even as over half the rural hospitals in the state are at risk of closing. Now, anyone who has been paying attention to US politics knows that rural areas tend to vote more conservative. That's how much this party doesn't feel the need to even pretend to care about their constituents. Definitely a real representative government we have going on there.
At the Trox Gallery, she was approached by Jean-Ellen Kegler, a former director of the city’s visitor’s bureau, who said she moved back to Kansas after being gone for 25 years because Kelly was governor. Kegler, now retired, also expressed dismay about the messaging from GOP leaders that Medicaid expansion would benefit people who are too lazy to work. “We’ve heard that ever since the New Deal: ‘People are lazy. People are trying to bilk the government.’ And I think if we’re honest with ourselves, we see who is bilking the government, and it’s not the poor,” Kegler said. “It’s those who have money. And I don’t like to use the word ‘greed,’ but in this case, we’re seeing the greedy side of capitalism.”
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A little light recommended reading from Chris Hedges, after my very long break...
“The Supreme Court is relentlessly funding and empowering Christian fascism. It not only overturned Roe v. Wade, ending a constitutional right to an abortion, but ruled on June 21 that Maine may not exclude religious schools from a state tuition program. It has ruled that a Montana state program to support private schools must include religious schools. It ruled that a 40-foot cross could remain on state property in suburban Maryland. It upheld the Trump administration regulation allowing employers to deny birth control coverage to female employees on religious grounds. It ruled that employment discrimination laws do not apply to teachers at religious schools. It ruled that a Catholic social services agency in Philadelphia could ignore city rules and refuse to screen same-sex couples applying to take in foster children. It neutered the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It watered down laws allowing workers to combat sexual and racial harassment in court. It reversed century-old campaign finance restric­tions to permit corpor­a­tions, private groups and oligarchs to spend unlim­ited funds on elec­tions, a system of legalized bribery, in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission. It permitted states to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. It undercut the ability of public sector unions to raise funds. It forced workers with legal grievances to submit their complaints to privatized arbitration boards. It ruled that states cannot restrict the right to carry concealed weapons in public. It ruled that suspects cannot sue police who neglect to read them their Miranda warnings and use their statements against them in court. Outlawing contraception, same-sex marriage and same-sex consensual relations are probably next. Only 25 percent of those polled say they have confidence in Supreme Court decisions.
I do not use the word fascist lightly. My father was a Presbyterian minister. My mother, a professor, was a seminary graduate. I received my Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School. I am an ordained Presbyterian minister. Most importantly, I spent two years reporting from megachurches, creationist seminars, right-to-life retreats, Christian broadcasting networks and conducted hundreds of hours of interviews with members and leaders of the Christian right for my book ‘American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America,’ which is banned at most ‘Christian’ schools and universities. Before the book was published, I met at length with Fritz Stern, the author of The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the German Ideology, and Robert O. Paxton, who wrote The Anatomy of Fascism, two of the country’s most eminent scholars of fascism, to make sure the word fascist was appropriate.
The book was a warning that an American fascism, wrapped in the flag and clutching the Christian cross, was organizing to extinguish our anemic democracy. This assault is very far advanced. The connecting tissue among the disparate militia groups, QAnon conspiracy theorists, anti-abortion activists, right-wing patriot organizations, Second Amendment advocates, neo-Confederates and Trump supporters that stormed the Capitol on January 6 is this frightening Christian fascism.
Fascists achieve power by creating parallel institutions – schools, universities, media platforms and paramilitary forces – and seizing the organs of internal security and the judiciary. They deform the law, including electoral law, to serve their ends. They are rarely in the majority. The Nazis never polled above 37 percent in free elections in Germany. Christian fascists constitute less than a third of the U.S. electorate, about the same percentage of those who consider abortion to be murder.
This flagrant manipulation of law was displayed in two of the most recent Supreme Court decisions, where those who support this ideology have a five to three majority, with the less extremist Chief Justice John Roberts often adding a sixth vote. In overturning Roe v. Wade, the court, in a six to three decision, argued that states have the power to decide whether abortion is legal. The same court conversely came down against ‘states’ rights,’ in striking down strict restrictions on carrying concealed firearms.
What the ideology demands is law. What the ideology opposes is a crime. Once a legal system is subservient to dogma an open society is impossible.
Blow by blow autocratic power is being solidified by this monstrous Christian fascism which is bankrolled by the most retrograde forces of corporate capitalism. It looks set to take control of the U.S. Congress in the midterm elections. If Trump, or a Trump-like clone, is elected in 2024, what is left of our democracy will likely be extinguished.
These Christians fascists are clear about the society they intend to create.
In their ideal America, our ‘secular humanist’ society based on science and reason will be destroyed. The Ten Commandments will form the basis of the legal system. Creationism or ‘Intelligent Design’ will be taught in public schools, many of which will be overtly ‘Christian.’ Those branded as social deviants, including the LGBTQ community, immigrants, secular humanists, feminists, Jews, Muslims, criminals, and those dismissed as ‘nominal Christians’—meaning Christians who do not embrace this peculiar interpretation of the Bible—will be silenced, imprisoned, or killed. The role of the federal government will be reduced to protecting property rights, ‘homeland’ security and waging war. Most government assistance programs and federal departments, including education, will be terminated. Church organizations will be funded and empowered to run social-welfare agencies and schools. The poor, condemned for sloth, indolence, and sinfulness, will be denied help. The death penalty will be expanded to include ‘moral crimes,’ including apostasy, blasphemy, sodomy, and witchcraft, as well as abortion, which will be treated as murder. Women, denied contraception, access to abortion, and equality under the law, will be subordinate to men. Those who practice other faiths will become, at best, second-class citizens. The wars waged by the American empire will be defined as religious crusades. Victims of police violence and those in prison will have no redress. There will be no separation of church and state. The only legitimate voices in public discourse and the media will be ‘Christian.’ America will be sacralized as an agent of God. Those who defy the ‘Christian’ authorities, at home and abroad, will be condemned as agents of Satan.
How did the historians of Weimar Germany and Nazism, the professors of Holocaust studies, the sociologists and the religious scholars manage to miss the rise of our homegrown Christian fascism? Immersed in the writings of Hannah Arendt, Raul Hilberg, Saul Friedländer, Joachim Fest, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Theodor Adorno, they never connected the dots. Why didn’t church leaders thunder in denunciation at the grotesque perversion of the Gospel by the Christian fascists as they sacralized the get-rich-with-Jesus schemes of the prosperity gospel, imperialism, militarism, capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and other forms of bigotry? Why didn’t reporters see the flashing red lights that lit up decades ago?
Most of those tasked with reporting on and interpreting history, social movements and religious beliefs have failed us. They spoke about the past, vowing ‘Never again,’ but refused to use the lessons of the past to explain the present. It was not ignorance. It was cowardice. To confront the Christian fascists, even in universities, meant career-canceling accusations of religious bigotry and intolerance. It meant credible threats of violence from conspiracy theorists who believed they were called by God to murder abortion providers, Muslims, and ‘secular humanists.’
It was easier, as many academics did in Weimar Germany, to believe that the fascists did not mean what they said, that there were strains within the movement that could be reasoned with, that opening channels of dialogue and communication could see the fascists domesticated, that if in power the fascists would not act on their extremist and violent rhetoric. With few exceptions, German academics did not protest the Nazi assumption of power and the wholesale dismissal of their liberal, socialist, and Jewish colleagues.
Although my book was a New York Times best seller, Harvard told my publisher it was not interested in my appearing at the school. I gave a lecture on the book at Colgate University, where I had earned my undergraduate degree, organized by my mentor Coleman Brown, a professor of ethics. I held a seminar, also organized by Coleman, with the professors of philosophy and religion after the talk. These professors wanted nothing to do with the critique. When we left the room, Coleman muttered, ‘the problem is they do not believe in heretics.’
I was asked in 2006 to speak at the inauguration of the LGBT center at Princeton University when I was the Anschutz Distinguished Fellow in American Studies. To my dismay, the faculty facilitators had invited representatives from the right-wing Christian student group who see any deviation from heterosexuality as a psychological and moral abnormality. Christian fascist pastors in Texas and Idaho, who have driven countless young people struggling with their sexual identity to suicide, have called for the execution of gay people as recently as a few days ago.
‘There is no dialogue with those who deny your legitimate right to be,’ I said, looking pointedly at the LGBTQ students. ‘At that point it is a fight for survival.’
The faculty member organizing the event leapt from her chair.
‘This is a university,’ she said to me curtly. ‘Your talk is over. You can’t say those kinds of things here.’
I sat down. But I had made my point.
All those tasked in our society with interpreting the world around us forgot, as philosopher Karl Popper wrote in The Open Society and Its Enemies, that ‘unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.’
These scholars, writers, intellectuals, and journalists, like those in Weimar Germany, bear much of the blame. They preferred accommodation over confrontation. They stood by as the working class was stripped of rights and impoverished by the billionaire class, fertilizing the ground for an American fascism. Those who orchestrated the economic, political, and social assault are the major donors to the universities. They control trustee boards, grants, academic prizes, think tanks, promotion, publishing, and tenure. Academics, looking for an exit, ignored the attacks by the ruling oligarchy. They ascribed to the Christian fascists, bankrolled by huge corporations such as Tyson Foods, Purdue, Wal-Mart and Sam’s Warehouse, attributes that did not exist. They tacitly gave the Christian fascists religious legitimacy. These Christian fascists are an updated version of the so-called German Christian Church, or Deutsche Christen, which fused the iconography and symbols of the Christian religion with the Nazi party. The theologian Paul Tillich, the first non-Jewish German professor to be blacklisted from German universities by the Nazis, angrily chastised those who refused to fight ‘the paganism of the swastika’ and retreated into a myopic preoccupation with personal piety.
Victor Klemperer, stripped of his position as a professor of Romance languages at the Technical University of Dresden when the Nazis came to power in 1933 because he was Jewish, mused in his diary in 1936 what he would do in post-Nazi Germany if ‘the fate of the vanquished lay in my hands.’ He wrote that he would ‘let all the ordinary folk go and even some of the leaders…But I would have all the intellectuals strung up, and the professors three feet higher than the rest; they would be left hanging from the lamp posts for as long as was compatible with hygiene.’
Fascists promise moral renewal, a return to a lost golden age. They use campaigns of moral purity to justify state repression. Adolf Hitler, days after he took power in January 1933, imposed a ban on all homosexual organizations. He ordered raids on homosexual clubs and bars, including the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin, and the permanent exile of its director, Magnus Hirschfeld. Thousands of volumes from the institute’s library were tossed into a bonfire. This ‘moral cleansing’ was cheered on by the German public, including German churches. But the tactics, outside the law, swiftly legitimized what would soon be done to others.
I studied at Harvard with theologian James Luther Adams. Adams was a member of the underground anti-Nazi Confessing Church in Germany led by the Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller. Adams was arrested in 1936 by the Gestapo and expelled from the country. He was one of the very few to see the deadly strains of fascism in the nascent Christian right.
‘When you are my age,’ he told us (he was then 80), ‘you will all be fighting the Christian fascists.’
And here we are.
The billionaire class, while sometimes socially liberal, dispossessed working men and women through deindustrialization, austerity, a legalized tax boycott, looting the U.S. Treasury and deregulation. It triggered the widespread despair and rage that pushed many of the betrayed into the arms of these con artists and demagogues. It is more than willing to accommodate the Christian fascists, even if it means abandoning the liberal veneer of inclusiveness. It has no intention of supporting social equality, which is why it thwarted the candidacy of Bernie Sanders.
In the end, even the liberal class will choose fascism over empowering the left-wing and organized labor. The only thing the ruling oligarchy truly cares about is unfettered exploitation and profit. They, like the industrialists in Nazi Germany, will happily make an alliance with the Christian fascists, no matter how bizarre and buffoonish, and embrace the blood sacrifices of the condemned.”
— Chris Hedges, Fascists In Our Midst | 6-26-22
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mariacallous · 2 years
A popular narrative holds that social programs that are targeted by income almost invariably fare poorly politically and tend to be cut or eliminated over time, while programs that are universal—available to people at all income levels—do much better. The experience of recent decades, however, casts strong doubt on this narrative. Over the 1979-2019 period, mandatory programs (i.e., entitlements and other programs funded outside the appropriations process) that are targeted—which includes programs like Medicaid, SNAP, and the EITC—grew at an average annual rate more than 40 percent faster than the three main universal mandatory programs (Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment Insurance, or UI) did. The targeted programs increased markedly as a share of all mandatory spending; the universal programs’ share, while still considerably larger, remained unchanged. In both categories, some programs were expanded while others were cut. The variation in how programs within each of these two categories fared exceeds the variation between the two program categories.
Annual expenditures for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (also targeted) grew sevenfold between 1979 and 2019, after adjusting for inflation and population growth. Growth in the EITC and SNAP was dramatic as well. To be sure, Medicaid and SNAP were cut in the early 1980s and by the 1996 welfare law. Yet policymakers subsequently expanded both programs substantially, more than compensating for the cuts in terms of the overall amount of benefits provided and program enrollment. But targeted programs that provide cash assistance to people who aren’t elderly or disabled and often aren’t employed—programs often labeled “welfare”—were cut sharply.
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Similarly, among universal programs, Social Security and Medicare grew, mainly due to the aging of the population, but UI was cut—both at the federal level, especially in the 1980s, and in a number of states, especially in recent years. From 2011 through 2019, fewer than 30 percent of the unemployed received UI benefits in an average month, significantly lower than in earlier decades. In addition, in the early 1980s, policymakers reduced Social Security retirement benefits, especially for people who would retire in future decades, and those cuts remain in effect today.
As these data suggest, multiple factors beyond whether a program is targeted or universal affect a program’s political strength. Of particular note is the spread in recent decades of what might be termed a new model of targeted program under which a program serves not only the poor but also people significantly above the poverty line and often a sizable share of the middle class. Nearly all targeted programs that expanded robustly now reflect this approach, which, among other things, may have lessened the racial imagery of these programs. Other factors that appear to have large effects on programs’ political fortunes include whether a program is tied to work; whether a program provides straight cash aid to people who aren’t employed and aren’t elderly or disabled or whether it provides benefits in-kind or through the tax code; whether a program is fully federally financed; and whether it has strong federal eligibility, benefit, and access standards or those matters are largely left to the states. (See the box.) Another relevant factor is cost: targeted-program expansions generally cost less than universal-program expansions, which likely is one reason that targeted programs have expanded more in recent decades.
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The differences among programs in “take-up rates”—the share of people eligible for a program who actually receive its benefits—also are greater among programs within the targeted category and within the universal category than between the two categories. In 2019, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program served 92 percent of the eligible children who weren’t otherwise insured. SNAP reached 83 percent of eligible households in 2018, and because people eligible for large benefits enroll at much higher rates than those eligible for small benefits, SNAP delivers an estimated 95 percent of the benefits it would provide if everyone eligible participated. The EITC delivers nearly 90 percent of the benefits that families with children would receive if all such eligible families participated. But take-up is only about 25 percent for cash aid through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Among universal programs, take-up is close to 100 percent for Social Security, but much lower—well below the levels for various key targeted programs—for UI.
The growth over recent decades in both targeted and universal programs has lowered poverty rates. In 1970, under the Supplemental Poverty Measure, government benefits and taxes kept out of poverty only 9 percent of those who would otherwise be poor. By 2017, they kept out of poverty 47 percent of those who would otherwise be poor. Social Security keeps out of poverty far more people 65 and over than all other programs combined. Targeted programs keep out of poverty twice as many people under 65, including children, as Social Security and UI combined. Targeted programs also significantly reduce racial disparities in poverty (see the graph), although those disparities remain very wide.
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nd-designs · 2 months
Exactly How Does A Texas State Medical License Benefit Medical Care Professionals?
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In the expansive field of healthcare, the significance of licensure may certainly not be actually overstated. For doctor, particularly those exercising in Texas, getting a state health care license is actually certainly not merely a legal requirement however also an essential to uncovering a myriad of specialist options and advantages. Allow's dig right into how getting a Texas MD license may dramatically profit health care experts.
Perks of Acquiring a Texas Medical Permit
1. Legal Authorization and Specialist Trustworthiness
Getting a Texas healthcare license is the leading intervene setting up lawful permission to perform medicine within the state. This licensure implies that the healthcare professional has met the state's strenuous standards of capability, ensuring the safety and welfare of patients. It likewise enhances the specialist integrity of the individual, instilling rely on and also assurance in patients, coworkers, as well as companies.
2. Development of Occupation Opportunities
With a Texas medical certificate in hand, medical care professionals gain accessibility to a huge selection of profession chances within the state. Whether they strive to function in medical facilities, private methods, facilities, or scholastic organizations, having a state certificate opens doors to a broad selection of employment leads. Additionally, it enables specialists to seek substitute tenens rankings, telemedicine chances, and even create their personal health care practices.
3. Movement and Flexibility
One of the considerable benefits of holding a Texas medical license is the mobility it gives. In a considerably linked world, health care experts might require to transfer as a result of to personal, qualified, or even familial main reasons. Along With a Texas health care license, experts may flawlessly transition their professions within the state, making certain connection of look after their patients. Additionally, physicians with a Texas license may be entitled for expedited licensure in various other states with reciprocity agreements, promoting flexibility all over different regions.
4. Involvement in Study and also Continuing Education And Learning
Texas includes a lively health care community with several opportunities for analysis, development, and also proceeding education. Health care specialists along with a Texas health care license from Texas medical board can proactively involve in groundbreaking analysis efforts, clinical trials, as well as scholarly interests. In addition, they can access a myriad of proceeding medical learning (CME) programs, associations, as well as workshops to remain abreast of the most recent developments in their corresponding fields. This devotion to lifetime knowing not simply improves expert competence however additionally increases the quality of patient care.
5. Gratification of Area Needs
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Protecting a Texas clinical certificate allows health care specialists to take care of the health care demands of diverse communities across the state. From urban facilities to country locations, Texas incorporates an extensive scope of populaces with varying health care needs. By obtaining licensure as well as performing within Texas, health care experts perform a crucial part in connecting medical care variations, boosting accessibility to quality care, and also efficiently influencing public health and wellness outcomes.
6. Financial Incentives and also Repayment Opportunities
Aside from the inherent benefits of patient care, keeping a Texas health care certificate can also result in economic benefits for medical care experts. Texas supplies affordable settlement deals, reward courses, as well as repayment possibilities for medical professionals as well as various other doctor. Furthermore, specialists may be entitled for involvement in Medicaid, Health insurance, and exclusive insurance systems, broadening their patient foundation and profits flows.
In conclusion, a Texas medical license is actually not just a regulative need yet a portal to a myriad of professional conveniences and also options for medical care professionals. From lawful authorization as well as occupation growth to flexibility and neighborhood influence, obtaining licensure in Texas equips experts to make a meaningful variation in the lifestyles of patients while accelerating their very own specialist targets. As the medical care landscape remains to evolve, the market value of a Texas medical permit stays indispensable in molding the future of medical care delivery and also technology within the state.
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cmr-insights · 9 months
Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems Market Statistics and Global Analysis Report 2030
Systems for measuring blood glucose levels in people with diabetes are called blood glucose monitoring devices. These devices offer data about blood glucose levels, which is essential for controlling diabetes. Because diabetes is becoming more commonplace throughout the world, the market for blood glucose monitoring devices is expanding quickly.
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The Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems Market is anticipated to reach US$ 4,416.5 million by the end of 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 10.3% from 2023 to 2030 (forecast period).
A lancet or needle, a blood glucose metre, and test strips are the main elements of a blood glucose monitoring system. A little quantity of blood is drawn from the skin using a lancet, which is then applied to the test strip. The blood glucose metre receives the test strip and displays the blood glucose level.
Self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) and continuous glucose monitoring are the two primary categories of blood glucose monitoring technologies (CGM). SMBG requires the user to manually check their blood sugar levels often throughout the day, usually before meals and before going to bed. Wearing a sensor for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) allows for real-time monitoring of glucose levels and trends throughout the day and night.
Abbott Laboratories, Roche Diagnostics, and Medtronic are just a few of the established companies that compete fiercely in the market for blood glucose monitoring devices. The market is anticipated to expand as long as diabetes incidence is on the increase and blood glucose monitoring systems’ accuracy and usability are enhanced by technological advancements.
Factors Boosting the Market for Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems:
There are a number of reasons why the market for blood glucose monitoring devices is expanding quickly, including:
Increased Incidence of Diabetes: The need for blood glucose monitoring devices is being driven by the rising prevalence of diabetes globally. Around 463 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2019, and by 2045, the International Diabetes Federation projects the figure to reach 700 million.
Technological Developments: The market expansion is being driven by the creation of novel and sophisticated blood glucose monitoring devices. These systems are gaining popularity among patients because they are more convenient, accurate, and simple to use than previous systems.
Demand For Self-Monitoring Is Rising: Diabetes patients are increasingly using self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG). With the help of SMBG, patients may check their blood sugar levels at home and modify their diet and medicine, as necessary. This is increasing the need for reliable blood glucose monitoring solutions that are simple to use.
Increasing Diabetes Awareness: Increased screening and diagnosis of the condition are being driven by an increase in public awareness of diabetes and its effects. As a result, patients are increasingly conscious of the necessity to monitor their blood glucose levels, which is boosting the need for blood glucose monitoring devices.
Governmental Programmes: The market for blood glucose monitoring devices is being driven by government initiatives: Governments and healthcare organisations are taking steps to enhance diabetes management. For instance, the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States covers blood glucose monitoring devices for diabetic patients.
In conclusion, some of the important factors influencing the growth of the blood glucose monitoring systems market are the rising incidence of diabetes, technical improvements, rising demand for self-monitoring, increasing awareness of diabetes, and government efforts.
Factors Driving the Growth of Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems Market in Asia-Pacific Region:
Asia-Pacific is one developing market for blood glucose monitoring devices. The following are some factors influencing the market’s expansion in this region:
Diabetes incidence is rising: With an expected 114 million cases worldwide in 2020, the Asia-Pacific region has the greatest prevalence of the disease. By 2045, this number is projected to rise to 184 million due to a variety of causes, including urbanisation, ageing populations, bad diets, and sedentary lifestyles. The rising incidence of diabetes in the region is fuelling a need for blood glucose monitoring devices.
Urbanization and expanding populations: The Asia-Pacific region has a sizable and expanding population, with a sizable part residing in cities. Urbanization is related with changes in lifestyle, including decreased physical activity and increasing intake of poor foods, which raises the chance of acquiring diabetes. As a result, there is a stronger requirement for diabetes management in metropolitan regions, where there is a higher need for blood glucose monitoring equipment.
Expanding access to basic care, enhancing health insurance coverage, and boosting investment in medical technologies are just a few of the ways that many Asia-Pacific nations are making investments to improve their healthcare infrastructure. The need for blood glucose monitoring devices is being driven by the increasing screening and diagnosis of diabetes as a result of these advancements.
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An increase in diabetes awareness has been seen throughout the Asia-Pacific region, thanks in part to media attention, education programmes, and advocacy organisations. Due to earlier diabetes diagnosis and increased screening rates, there is a greater demand for blood glucose monitoring devices.
Government initiatives: The Asia-Pacific region’s governments are making efforts to better manage diabetes, including putting in place regulations to limit the consumption of unhealthy foods, encourage physical exercise, and increase access to healthcare services. For instance, the National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) was introduced by the Indian government and includes steps to improve diabetes management, such as educating healthcare professionals and giving patients free blood glucose monitoring devices.
Overall, factors such as an increase in the incidence of diabetes, urbanisation, a better healthcare system, rising diabetes awareness, and government efforts are fuelling the growth of the Asia-Pacific blood glucose monitoring systems market.
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The Importance of Health Insurance: Life or Death- Critical Review of insurance affects on health
Woolhandler, Steffie, and David U. Himmelstein. 2017. “The Relationship of Health Insurance and Mortality: Is Lack of Insurance Deadly?” Annals of Internal Medicine 167(6) 
This article assesses the relationship between health insurance and mortality. It does this by reviewing articles recently published that measure the effects of health insurance on mortality and other medical factors, then the article summarizes the key findings. The main theory used by authors of the article was that health insurance improves health. The authors used this theory based on a report given by the Institute of Medicine in 2002 which analyzed over 130 studies and concluded that people without health insurance had worse health outcomes, including earlier deaths, than those with health insurance.  
The methods used by the authors were to search Google Scholar and PubMed for articles related to the topic by using search terms such as uninsured, health insurance, uninsurance, insurance, mortality, life expectancy, death rates. The article focused on studies from the United States, quasi-experimental studies of insurance expansions in other wealthy nations, and recent cross-national studies. The article excluded observational studies that compared people without health insurance to those who get their health insurance through a government program like Medicaid or The Department of Veterans affairs because many qualify for those programs because of a preexisting illness or a disability. So, a comparison between the two will be compromised because on average people who get their insurance through the government have poorer health than the rest of the country. Children were also excluded from the study because this article is studying mortality and mortality is rare among children that further research is needed. The article also focused primarily on non-elderly adults “because most studies have been limited to this group, and this group is likely to experience large gains or losses of coverage from health reforms.” The program of Medicare has also made it so nearly all elderly Americans are insured; therefore, the largest group of uninsured Americans are non-elderly adults. 
The question this article is trying to answer is, how does health insurance affect an individual’s health? Does coverage decrease mortality? Does health insurance improve overall health outcomes? Are the uninsured more likely to not seek preventive care for illnesses because of a lack of insurance, and how does this affect their health later in life? What is the quality of the care the uninsured receive, how does it compare to those with insurance? Another question asked by the authors is how does America’s private health insurance system affect the mortality of the nation as a whole? The authors then compare America to other countries with single-payer healthcare systems and analyze how universal coverage affects the mortality of the nation and health outcomes of its citizens? 
This study found that “health insurance reduces mortality.” To begin, the article analyzed a randomized controlled trial from 2008 conducted in Oregon. Where slots were made available for the state Medicaid program for “poor, able-bodied, uninsured adults aged 19 to 64 years”. Those already on the Medicaid program waitlist were given a lottery and if they won, they got the opportunity to apply for the available slots. The experiment was called the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment (OHIE) and had close to 75,000 participants. The randomized controlled trial found that coverage under Medicaid reduced mortality by 0.13 percentage points. The study analyzed other older randomized controlled trials such as the RAND Health Insurance Experiment which found that health insurance significantly reduced blood pressure and hypertension. The article also analyzed studies which gathered data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), who sources their data from physical examinations and lab experiments on participants. One study looked at data from the NHANES between 1971 to 1975 and had a mortality follow-up in 1985. The study found that “by 1987, 9.6% of insured persons and 18.4% of uninsured persons had died. The study had also determined, in relation to mortality, the “hazard ratio for uninsurance was 1.25” Another study which looked at data from the NHANES between 1988-94 and had a mortality follow up in 2000, found a hazard ratio of 1.40 for the uninsured. The article also looked at studies from the early 2000’s where a comparison was made between states that expanded their Medicaid program, such as New York or Maine, to neighboring states whose Medicaid programs remained the same. It found that mortality rates for adults declined faster in states that expanded than those who remained by “a relative reduction of 6.1%, or 19.6 deaths per 100 000.” The article also compared insurance models between countries and analyzed how that affected individuals' health outcomes. For example, the article compared the health outcomes of patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis from America to those in Canada, a country with universal healthcare. It found that “patients live, on average, 10 years longer in Canada than in the United States.” It also found that the un-insured lived shorter lives compared to other patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. 
A major limitation of the article is that there were only a few randomized controlled trials, the ideal datasets to make comparisons, available to study therefore the quality of the analysis was diminished. The reason for this is that in many cases it could be unethical to pursue randomization in the context of giving access to healthcare, for example the 2006 social security administration study mentioned above gave immediate coverage to cancer patients, which makes the results less compelling. Another major limitation is that the large disparity between the self-reported of insured and uninsured patients could be a result of bias thus creating inaccurate statistics. This is because the uninsured may underestimate their own health status because of the anxiety and lack of assurance that the uninsured have about minor symptoms since they do not regularly visit their physicians or plan to do so in the future. Another major limitation is that people switch between being insured and uninsured which makes it difficult to measure the effects of insurance on health. 
Opportunities for future research would be to conduct more randomized controlled trials since there are only a few existing currently. Another opportunity for future research is to create larger studies with longer follow-ups, since death is rare, and insurance has shown to slow down health decline over time studies with longer follow-ups are needed to see the long-term effect of healthcare coverage. Other opportunities for future research would be to see how uninsurance affects children, especially considering children not having yearly visits to their physician during childhood may have adverse effects later in life.  
This article is related to my topic “The History of Healthcare in America” because it highlights the importance of healthcare both at an individual and societal level. This article shows how coverage decreases mortality rates at the national level, which is important when considering political issues such as the fight for single payer healthcare which advocates for universal coverage. This article also highlights how access to health insurance can improve health outcomes at the individual level, especially considering hypertension which proliferates among the uninsured. This article truly details how important my topic is and what is at stake which is the lives of millions of Americans. 
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1stproviderchoice · 1 year
Useful Considerations To Invest In EMR Software For Urgent Care
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After the development of the COVID epidemic in 2020, EMR software has become critical to the operation of Urgent Care healthcare practices. To deal with the influx of patients, healthcare providers have implemented Electronic Health Records (EHR) software with best-in-class billing systems, appointment scheduling, and data management. In the United States alone, the market for Urgent Care Centres is expected to rise by 4.6% by 2022, totaling more than $40 billion. Hospital emergency rooms have grown extremely busy and are frequently overcrowded. Because of this fast expansion, implementing appropriate EMR software for urgent care has become critical to a practice's success. In a profession where even little errors may have a significant impact, Urgent Care software from 1st Providers Choice both speeds up the diagnosis process and eliminates the majority of human errors.
What Exactly is Urgent Care?
Urgent care pain management software focuses on urgent medical issues, which are not classified emergencies but nevertheless need treatment within 24 hours. Because these institutions must deal with large numbers of patients in short periods of time, they require robust Electronic Health Records (EHR) software that can keep up. The program streamlines workflow and makes the billing, appointment scheduling, and data management processes extremely efficient.
Broken bones, eye redness, and breathing difficulties are instances of urgent treatment, whereas heart attacks, convulsions, and serious bleeding are examples of emergencies.
5 Essential Characteristics of Urgent Care EHR Software
1. Simple navigation and user interface
2. Interfacing/interoperability
3. Technical assistance and training
4. Patient-centered functionality
5. Concentration
6. Partnership
7. Effective reporting
Additional Considerations for Urgent Care EMR Solutions
The best EMR software for urgent care from 1st Providers Choice will include the following main features:
• Medical Equipment Interface: These include radiology and x-ray machine specialized displays. The best podiatry electronic medical records software will interface with medical equipment more efficiently.
• E&M Billing- Medical billing should be supported by an EMR software built for an urgent care clinic. This covers billing to various payers, billing to employers for services (physicals, drug testing, etc.), worker's compensation claims, group health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and self-pay.
• Bubble Sheet Intake Forms- They will expedite patient check-ins by resembling standardized test forms. An picture is captured of these forms, which are immediately saved on EHR software that supports bubble sheets.
• e-Prescription- Via an electronic interface, urgent care EMR software should be able to issue prescriptions directly to pharmacies. This minimizes administrative and stationery costs while also lowering the risk of mistake associated with hand-written prescriptions.
• Real-Time Dashboard- The best urgent care EHR software should include a real-time dashboard that allows physicians to monitor patient records, profiles, billing processes, scheduling, and other information in one location.
The dashboard also saves time spent accessing several tabs, which improves practice efficiency.
These are typically recognized as some of the most comprehensive EHR software options available. These are cloud-based EMR software and Practice Management (PM) software options for Urgent Care specialty. EMR software for urgent care software that is most suited to their individual needs should be chosen by healthcare practices. For more info, visit us at 1st Providers Choice!
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Odd Fellows' Home for Orphans, Indigent and Aged
404 E. McCreight Ave.
Springfield, OH
Odd Fellows' Home for Orphans, Indigent and Aged, also known as I.O.O.F. Home for the Aged, in Springfield, Ohio, was built in 1898. The architecture is Renaissance and Chateauesque. It was designed by Columbus architects Joseph W. Yost and Frank Packard's firm of Yost and Packard. The building has two octagonal spires.
In 1896, formal action was taken toward establishing the home at Springfield, Ohio. During the Grand Lodge session in May at Lima, Ohio, $45,000 was allotted for erection of the home. In August the contract for construction was let with R.J. Evans and Son of Zanesville, Ohio at a cost of $57,187 (including alterations to the original cost and plains.) The official name was the"Odd Fellows Home of Ohio" and it was financed through assessments on all Ohio Lodges for construction and maintenance. By the time of its completion in May, 1898, it had been decided that the home would admit aged Odd Fellows, their widows, and orphans.
The grand dedication of the Odd Fellows Home at Springfield was held on October 27, 1898, following a parade through the city and in arch to the home then on the northern edge of the town. The site was on a hill overlooking Springfield and consisted of approximately 73 acres, most of which was used eventually for farming and activities associated with providing the home with fresh produce, dairy products and meat. Over the years, the Odd Fellows Home has continued its goal of aiding needy citizens. The success of this mission brought about the need for expansion and included two large housing wings (now part of the Intermediate Care Facility and the Ladies Rest Home) in 1907, a hospital in 1916, and a nursery (now the Grand Lodge of Ohio office) in c. 1925, and additions to connect the hospital and nursery to the main building in the 1950's.
In 1962, state regulations forced the home to close its orphanage facilities and to accept only elderly residents. The home has operated as a nursing home and intermediate care facility since that time. Residents now need not be associated with the Odd Fellows or Rebekah Organizations to qualify for acceptance. The odd Fellows Home is licensed by the State and Medicare/Medicaide approved by the Federal Government and accepts both those requiring nursing care and well elderly men and women. The building was listed with the National Register of Historic Places on April 16, 1980.
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rpnewspaperblog · 1 year
NC politics podcast Under the Dome: Medicaid expansion
Each week, join Dawn Vaughan for The News & Observer and NC Insider’s Under the Dome podcast, an in-depth analysis of topics in state government and politics for North Carolina. A breakthrough deal on Medicaid expansion is the main topic of The News & Observer’s state politics podcast, Under the Dome, for the week of March 6, 2023. Capitol bureau chief Dawn Vaughan and politics reporter Luciana…
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rohit890 · 1 year
Esoteric Testing Market Share Analysis And Research Report By 2031
Market Overview
The global esoteric testing market was valued at USD 21.4 billion in 2021 and it is anticipated to grow further up to USD 62.9 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 11.4% during the forecast period.
Esoteric testing involves the laboratory examination of uncommon molecules and substances that is not often done in a clinical laboratory. These tests are carried out when a doctor needs more comprehensive information regarding the patient’s health. To assess the outcome, a sophisticated device, materials, and specialist are needed.
 View Detailed Report Description: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/esoteric-testing-market/
Market Dynamics
The growing geriatric population coupled with the increasing prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases and advancing esoteric DNA sequencing technologies in precision medicine, early diagnosis of cancer, and precision medicine are boosting the growth of the market. Globally, chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are on the rise. Infectious disease prevalence is also rising at an alarming rate and includes diseases like Dengue, Hepatitis B, C, HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and others. The knowledge of esoteric testing for the quick and accurate detection of certain disorders is growing. Esoteric tests’ improving technology is providing quicker results with improved sensitivity, detection limits, and efficacy. The market is expanding as a result of the rising use of esoteric DNA sequencing, NGS technologies, and whole genome sequencing in the early diagnosis of cancer, precision medicine, and personalized medicine.
The inadequate reimbursement of the esoteric tests is likely to hinder the growth of the market. One of the main factors limiting the expansion of the esoteric testing business is inadequate reimbursement. Medicare’s coverage of personalized and precision medicine is quite limited. The amount of testing has been significantly influenced in recent years by a decrease in the reimbursement for diagnostic tests. This came about as a result of Medicare, Medicaid, and other third-party payers, notably managed care organizations (MCOs), tightening their controls over the use of laboratory services.
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The key players in the global esoteric testing market are Labcorp (US), Quest Diagnostics (US), OPKO Health (US), H.U. Group Holdings, Inc. (Japan), Healius Limited (Australia), Sonic Healthcare (Australia), Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER, US), Eurofins Scientific (Luxembourg), Stanford Clinical Pathology (US), Foundation Medicine (US), Kindstar Global (Beijing) Technology, Inc. (China), ARUP Laboratories (US), Georgia Esoteric & Molecular Laboratory, LLC (US), Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. (India), ACM Global Laboratories(US), BioAgilytix Labs (US), National Medical Services Inc. (NMS) (US), Baylor Esoteric and Molecular Laboratory (US), Cerba Xpert (Belgium), HealthQuest Esoterics (US), BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corp (BDC, US), BP Diagnostic Centre SDN BHD (Malaysia), Flow Health (US), and Leo Labs, Inc. (India).
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Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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meditech-insights · 2 years
Global Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market was valued at US$ 3.9 billion in 2021 and is likely to grow at a CAGR of ~5-6% by 2026
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Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are long-lasting artificial lenses that can replace the eye's natural lens to restore both near distant vision. They are often made of silicone, acrylic, or other plastic components.
The Global Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market was valued at US$ 3.9 billion in 2021 and is set to witness a growth rate of ~5-6% in the next 5 years. Some of the main factors driving the global IOLs market are the increase in cataract procedures due to an ageing population, the switch from monofocal IOLs to premium IOLs/advanced technology IOLs, the steady growth of monofocal IOLs in line with the procedural market, and favorable reimbursement scenarios in certain key markets.
However, some of the key elements that are expected to hamper market expansion are comparatively higher pricing and limited/partial coverage of premium/advanced technology IOLs.
Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market Likely to Stay Largely Resilient Through Recession, Though the Value Mix is Expected to be Adversely Impacted
The Russia-Ukraine war has amplified the impact of COVID-19 and the global economic slowdown, which might result in extended periods of limited growth and high inflation. The situation is likely to lead to supply-chain disruptions and the risk of stagflation which might further curtail global economic growth.
Due to the impending recession, patients are anticipated to delay elective surgical procedures including cataract surgeries until the future of the broader economy looks more promising. In key markets such as the U.S., cataract surgeries involving monofocal IOLs are generally fully covered by medical insurance providers or government reimbursement programs whereas implantation of premium or advanced technology IOLs may only be partially covered, with the individual paying out-of-pocket for the non-covered-component. Considering the present economic and financial conditions, patients are expected to be less willing to incur the costs of these private pays or discretionary procedures and may choose to forgo such procedures or products and might consider trading down to more affordable options.
Furthermore, in the U.S., the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) confirms a ~4.5% cut to surgeons and anesthesiologists, harming patient access to needed surgical care. Proposed reimbursement cuts are likely to adversely impact millions of beneficiaries who depend on Medicare to access sight-saving and sight-restoring procedures. However, healthcare insulation in key markets such as the U.S is likely to offset the anticipated adverse impact of the recession as most Americans now have health insurance. Payors are also expected to continue to inject capital into the healthcare economy.
Explore Premium Report on Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/intraocular-lens-market/
Under-penetrated Premium/Advanced Technology IOLs (AT-IOLs) Offers Ample Growth Opportunities in Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market
The intraocular lens market is shifting from monofocal IOLs to premium IOLs/advanced technology IOLs. There lies a huge untapped potential market in the premium IOLs/advanced technology IOLs segment as current penetration stands at 7% outside the U.S. and 14% in the U.S. The comparatively higher pricing of premium IOLs/advanced technology IOLs is anticipated to drive the IOLs market value in the coming years.
Technological Advancements in Intraocular Lens (IOLs) is Driving the Growth of Global Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market
Technological developments are expected to boost the intraocular lens (IOLs) market.
For instance,
In September 2022, Alcon introduced Clareon Toric IOL at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) 2022 annual meeting in Chicago, U.S., and completed the Clareon Collection. Clareon Toric is a glistening-free toric intraocular lens with exceptional clarity and unrivaled stability. It was rolled out across select practices in the U.S.
“Approximately 2.2 billion people globally suffer from impaired vision, and nearly 20% (200 million) people worldwide suffer vision impairment or blindness caused by cataract or uncorrected refractive error. There is a pressing need to increase manufacturing operations related to IOLs in order to cater to growing eye health needs.” - Operations Director, Leading IOL Manufacturer, U.S.
Organic and Inorganic Growth Strategies Adopted by Players to Establish Their Foothold in Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market
The players operating in the IOLs market accepted both organic and inorganic growth strategies such as new product launches, expansion, investments, acquisitions, partnerships to gather market share.
For instance,
In September 2022, Johnson & Johnson Vision announced the availability of presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (PC-IOL) powered by InteliLight technology, TECNIS Symfony OptiBlue IOL. The extended-depth-of-focus (EDOF) lens expands presbyopia correction to more patients and joins TECNIS Synergy IOL, a high-performance hybrid lens designed for spectacle independence, in the InteliLight portfolio
The outlook for the intraocular lens market looks promising due to the ageing population and increasing incidences of cataract, technical developments in IOLs, improved access to care, continuous investments by IOL manufacturers worldwide in promotion and education, a growing number of eye care professionals and dedicated eye hospitals, improving technology access and better patient awareness, and increasing government initiatives and awareness initiatives to control and treat blindness.
Competitive Landscape Analysis of Intraocular Lens (IOLs) Market
The global intraocular lens (IOLs) market is marked by the presence of prominent players such as Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Bausch + Lomb, and Zeiss. Other players operating in the market are HOYA Surgical Optics, BVI (Subsidiary - PhysIOL), Rayner Intraocular Lenses, SAV-IOL, SIFI S.p.A,  Ophtec, STAAR Surgical Company, among others.
For More Detailed Insights, Contact Us @ https://meditechinsights.com/contact-us/
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Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.
Ruta Halde
Associate, Medi-Tech Insights
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hakesbros · 2 years
Las Cruces, Nm Homes For Sale Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices
ASPEN is the acronym for the Automated System Program and Eligibility Network that was rolled out in January of 2014. The system tracks customer’s eligibility and benefits for companies like Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families , and in addition handles MCO enrollment for the Medicaid Centennial Care 2.0 program. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Wednesday introduced her plan to boost sure Medicaid provider rates by $60 million efficient July 1. Project Background For greater than a decade, the Navajo Nation has passionately pursued the implementation of a Navajo Nation administered Medicaid program for its folks new homes las cruces. A collection of state and federal policies through the years have supplied prime foundation for this opportunity, particularly in New Mexico. In 2009, Congress passed the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act that amended Medicaid legal guidelines to permit for Indian Managed Care Entities which are controlled by tribes and tribal entities.
Among kids who reside with two working parents, 18 percent have a mother who works a nonstandard schedule and a dad who works standard hours. Almost 1 in 4 have a father who works a nonstandard schedule . Another 18 p.c live with two mother and father who both work nonstandard schedules. Thirty p.c of children living with solely their mother and 37 percent of children residing with solely their father have a mother or father working a nonstandard schedule. This knowledge comes from the 2014 Survey of Income and Program Participation, which collects detailed details about U.S. families’ financial well-being. For more information about families with a mother or father working nonstandard hours, see this Census Bureau working paper on the same matter.
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butlercastilloblog · 2 years
Health Reform Through Prevention Creates Retaliation
For years, America’s healthcare system has been under siege. From politicians pushing for repeal andreplace of the Affordable Care Act to companies trying to find ways to avoid paying for healthcare, it seems like there’s never a moment that’s peaceful for the industry. But amidst all the chaos and fighting, some important progress has been made. One of the most important pieces of health reform is prevention. And as we all know, prevention is key to keeping our health in check. Unfortunately, this progress is constantly at risk when big companies and politicians get pulled into the healthcare fight. In this blog post, we will explore how Beauty Store Near Me reform through prevention creates retaliation against clinics and doctors.
The History of Health Reform
The history of health reform is a long and tangled one, with many different approaches and implementations. What began as an effort to improve public health has evolved over the years into a complex system of government regulation and financing. Health reform has always been controversial, with opponents arguing that it will lead to premature death, higher medical costs, and less choice. In recent decades, however, health reform has become increasingly popular, as more and more people realize the importance of taking preventive measures to keep their health healthy.
The origins of modern health reform can be traced back to the early 1900s. At the time, most Americans did not have access to good medical care, and diseases such as tuberculosis were rampant. public-health advocates called for action to improve the country's overall health situation. One of the first steps taken was the creation of state tuberculosis sanatoria, which helped reduce the number of cases in America by 50%.
In 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which authorized military personnel to forcibly relocate Japanese Americans from their homes on American soil. The order was based on unfounded fears that Japanese Americans might be involved in sabotage activities in America. The relocation resulted in numerous cases of ill-health among Japanese American citizens who were forced to live in inadequate facilities without proper food or water supplies. This experience showed Roosevelt that government interference in peoples' lives could have tragic consequences –something that would later play a major role in his efforts to create healthcare reform legislation.
The Basics of the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a landmark healthcare reform bill that was signed into law by President Obama in March 2010. The ACA provides coverage for millions of Americans who lack health insurance, and makes key changes to the US healthcare system.
The ACA has three main components:
1. The individual mandate – This requirement states that every American must have health coverage or pay a fine. This is usually referred to as Obamacare’s “penalty” provision.
2. Medicaid expansion – The ACA allows states to expand their Medicaid programs, which provides health coverage to low-income people. As of November 1, 2017, 29 states and the District of Columbia have expanded their Medicaid programs under the ACA.
3. Private insurance reforms – The ACA requires all private insurance plans offered on state exchanges to include essential health benefits (EHBs), such as mental health and prescription drug coverage. It also limits how much insurers can charge consumers for out-of-pocket expenses, including co-pays and deductibles.
What is the ACA and How Does it Work?
The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as the ACA, is a federal law that requires all Americans to have health insurance or face tax penalty. The law was passed in 2010 and signed into law by President Barack Obama. The ACA is a comprehensive legislation that sets out to improve the quality and affordability of health care for all Americans.
The ACA provides financial assistance to individuals and families who need to buy health insurance. This assistance includes making sure that everyone has access to coverage through Medicaid, providing tax credits that help people with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) purchase coverage, and creating marketplaces where people can shop for coverage.
The ACA has been criticized for its numerous provisions, but it has also been praised for increasing the number of Americans who are insured; decreasing the number of uninsured Americans by more than 20 million; improving benefits for children, adults, and seniors; and speeding up the process of bringing down healthcare costs.
The Impact of Repealing and Replacing the ACA
Repealing and replacing the ACA could have a significant impact on the health of millions of Americans. The ACA is a landmark healthcare reform legislation that has provided coverage to more than 20 million Americans, including millions of people with pre-existing conditions. Repealing and replacing the ACA would mean that these people would lose their healthcare coverage, and many would be unable to afford new coverage.
Repealing and replacing the ACA could also lead to increased premiums for health insurance premiums, as well as higher out-of-pocket costs for consumers. Repealing and replacing the ACA would also potentially reduce access to affordable healthcare, increase wait times for medical services, and worsen the quality of care available to Medicare beneficiaries.
The repeal and replacement of the ACA could also have significant impacts on employment in the health sector. The repeal and replacement of the ACA would result in an overall reduction in jobs in the health sector, as well as an increase in joblessness among people who are currently employed in the health sector. This could lead to a decline in wages for workers in the health sector, as well as reductions in benefits such as sick leave and retirement plans.
What this Means for You
As the national health reform debate rages on, many Americans are looking to see how their individual policies will change. However, one less talked about aspect of reform is the prevention-focused provisions that aim to reduce costs and improve healthcare quality. These provisions are aimed at addressing the root causes of problems such as obesity, heart disease, and cancer.
These goals may be a tough sell for some who worry that higher taxes or government regulation will lead to a diminished standard of living. But in reality, preventive measures can actually save people money in the long term. For example, if you prevent heart disease by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you won't need costly hospitalizations or surgery down the line. In fact, studies have shown that preventative care can actually be cheaper than treating medical conditions after they occur.
So what does this mean for you? It's important to remember that Health reform isn't just about overhauling our current system; it's also about implementing new ways of thinking that can make life healthier for everyone. Preventive care is one key way we can achieve these goals – and it's something you should definitely consider if you're looking to stay healthy and save money in the process.
As the healthcare reform debate rages on, it's important to remember that prevention is key to maintaining good health. Too often, policy decisions are made without taking into consideration the long-term consequences of their actions. This can have harmful implications for not just individual citizens but also businesses and industries. As we see with the recent rise in retaliatory measures against employers who offer affordable coverage, policymakers must be aware of the potential consequences of their proposed policies before they take them forward.
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thomasthompsonblog · 2 years
Health Care Reform Made Simple
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as “Obamacare,” is a health care reform law that was passed in 2010. The law’s main goal is to make Beauty Supplier care affordable for everyone, through a variety of measures such as subsidies, Medicaid expansion, and the individual mandate. In this blog post, we will explore the key provisions of the PPACA and how they will affect you and your family. We will also dispel some of the myths surrounding the law, so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you.
The Problem with the American Health Care System
There are many problems with the American health care system. One problem is that it is very expensive. The cost of health care in the United States is much higher than in other developed countries. This is because there is a lot of waste in the system, and because pharmaceutical companies charge high prices for their drugs.
Another problem with the American health care system is that it does not provide universal coverage. This means that many people do not have access to quality health care. This is a serious problem, because it means that people who cannot afford to pay for health care are at a disadvantage.
Finally, the American health care system often fails to provide adequate care. This is because there is a lack of coordination between different providers, and because patients often do not receive the preventive care they need. As a result, many people suffer from preventable illnesses or injuries, and their conditions often worsen before they finally get the treatment they need.
The Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, is a United States federal statute enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The ACA's stated purpose was to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government.
The ACA provides subsidies in the form of tax credits to help people with low and moderate incomes afford health insurance. The subsidies are staggered so that those with higher incomes receive less assistance. The ACA also requires all insurers to accept all applicants, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions or current health status. Furthermore, the ACA imposes a fee on individuals who do not obtain health insurance, as well as on certain employers who do not offer health insurance to their employees.
The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the individual mandate penalty in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (2012). In King v. Burwell (2015), the Court ruled that subsidies paid through federal exchanges are permissible. As of 2016, 32 million Americans were covered through ACA marketplace plans, with about 11 million
Pros and Cons of the ACA
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been one of the most controversial pieces of legislation in recent memory. Its supporters say that it has helped to improve access to quality health care for millions of Americans. Its detractors say that it has caused premiums and out-of-pocket costs to skyrocket, while also leading to fewer choices and poorer quality care.
So, what are the pros and cons of the ACA? Let’s take a look:
1. The ACA has helped to increase the number of Americans with health insurance. Prior to the ACA, there were approximately 48 million Americans who did not have health insurance. As of 2016, that number had fallen to 28 million.
2. The ACA has also helped to improve the quality of health insurance plans. For example, all plans must now cover preventive services like vaccinations and screenings at no cost to the patient. Additionally, insurers can no longer deny coverage or charge higher rates to people with pre-existing conditions.
3. The ACA has expanded access to Medicaid, which provides health coverage for low-income Americans. As of 2016, Medicaid expansion had resulted in 11 million more people having coverage than would have otherwise been the case.
Other Health Care Reform Plans
In addition to the Affordable Care Act, there are a number of other health care reform plans that have been proposed. These include single-payer systems, such as Medicare for all, as well as various models of a public option.
Single-payer systems would provide universal coverage through a government-run program, with private insurers playing a limited role. The advantage of this approach is that it would simplify the health care system and make it more efficient. The downside is that it would require substantial new taxes to fund the program.
The public option is another approach that has been proposed. Under this plan, the government would create a new insurance plan that would compete with private plans. The advantage of this approach is that it would increase competition and help to keep costs down. The downside is that some people believe that the government should not be involved in the health care system at all.
Ultimately, the decision about which Health care reform plan to support is a matter of personal preferences and values. What is most important to you?
Health care reform is a complex and divisive issue, but it doesn't have to be. By understanding the basics of how our health care system works and where it needs improvement, we can start to make informed decisions about the best way to move forward. We hope this article has helped you understand some of the key issues at stake in the debate over health care reform and empowered you to make your voice heard on this important topic.
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reportwire · 2 years
Hospital system says it's hurt by lack of Medicaid expansion
Hospital system says it’s hurt by lack of Medicaid expansion
A county-owned Mississippi hospital system that wants to put itself up for sale says one of its main financial challenges is the decision by the state’s elected officials not to extend Medicaid to provide insurance coverage for the working poor. “Mississippi is one of 12 states that did not adopt a Medicaid expansion, which means the amount of income that would have gone to health systems in our…
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