#mainly made this for the fact I’ve been daydreaming about murdoc hehehe-
decentgarbage · 1 year
To the people who have f/o’s that sing/play an instrument.
Singer: If your f/o is a singer, imagine your f/o singing to you when you’re stressed, or can’t sleep. They’re voice is so southing to you, and would immediately make you calm, or sometimes it cause you to sleep of top of them. If you fell asleep, they’d gently put a blanket over your body, and kissed you while you two cuddled.
if your f/o played with an instrument, you’d sometimes come home to your f/o playing with their favorite instrument. Sometimes when you work, your f/o would sometimes pull out an instrument, and start jamming as you get your work done. They’d basically jam anywhere at anytime, especially around you, because they feel comfortable and find it enjoyable around you.
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